
时间:2019-05-15 14:40:38下载本文作者:会员上传


The Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum is Sun Yat-sen's tomb.Sun Yat-sen is China's great statesman.It is located in the south of Nanjing xiaomao mountain east of China's Jiangsu Province.As a famous

March 12, 1925, Dr.Sun Yat-sen died in Beijing, in accordance to his wishes in his lifetime, he was buried in Zhongshan.His coffin was suspended on Biyunsi in xiangshan, beijing.People decided to build his tomb in Nanjing Zhongshan.It spent about three years to build from 1926 to 1929.The Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum sits north to south, covering an area of 800 million square meters, of which the Great Hall of the festival palace-building simulation, have three arches.Doorway has a banner inscribed with “nation, civil rights, and the people's”.Dr.Sun Yat-sen wall engraved with the text of a handwritten “principles for national reconstruction”.Its main buildings are : the arch, coins, Mausoleum doors Pavilion, and the tomb of the Great Hall and other ceremonies.Seeing from the sky, The Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum is like a supine “freedom bell” in the Green delivered acrylic blankets and the statue is like a steeple with a semilunar roof arcs.At the top of the tomb there is a hemispherical dome roof, just like a round slipping bell.The tripod at the southern square(now the images of Dr.Sun Yat-sen)is the centre of the clock bell.“Ding” is the symbol of power in ancient times, the clock therefore has the meaning of “to arouse the people to build the Republic of China(1912-1949)”.Sun’s heroic vitality, as well as his gesture seem to delivere a speech that related to the destiny of the country.During the 30 years, Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum is constantly renovated, now the entire garden area has more than 3,000 hectares.Around the graveyard is full of dynamism and attractiveness.Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum is a Dr.Sun

Yat-sen's tomb who is our great revolutionary forerunner, located in the south of Nanjing Zijinshan Maoshan China.People who pay a visit to Nanjing, will not miss their chances to look at Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum with reverence.Although Dr.Sun Yat-sen died, his noble spirit will never perish, which is instead admired by the world people.






孙中山,姓孙名文,字逸仙,1866年11月12日生于广东省香山县翠亨村(现已改为中山市),在他带领下,推翻了 2000多年的中国封建帝制,这就是中国近代史上影响深刻、意义深远的一次伟大革命——辛亥革命。他是中国辛亥革命的领袖。



中山陵。于1926年1月15日动工,历时三年多,孙先生的遗体是 1929年6月1日从北京运抵这里的。整个陵区的面积达83600多平方米,主要建筑由牌坊、墓道、陵门、碑亭、祭台和墓室等组成。根据设计,整个陵区平面呈警钟形,给人以警钟长鸣、发人深醒的启迪。孙中山先生在临终遗嘱中说,他致力于国民革命四十年,深知欲达到此目的,必须唤起民众。



广场南面那座钢筋混凝土结构的八角形石台上的紫铜宝鼎,高4.25米,腹径1.21米,重约5000公斤,是中山陵纪念性建筑之一。这尊鼎铸于 1933年秋,是广州中山大学师生和校长戴季陶捐赠的、鼎的一面铸有“智、仁、勇”三个字,是中山大学的校训。鼎内还刻有戴母黄氏手书《孝经》全文,所以叫孝经鼎。


各位游客:由广场拾级而上就是墓道。在墓道的人口处,大家请看:这座冲天而立的花岗岩牌坊,高12米,宽17.3米,牌坊上端正中的横帽上刻着 “博爱”二字,因此又称为“博爱坊”。这座牌坊建于1930年,采用花岗岩仿木结构,建筑格局为四揽三闭门冲天式。牌坊,在我国古代通常建在帝王陵寝的人口处,用来歌功颂德,至此朝拜者必须下马步行。我们眼前的这座牌坊上所镌刻的“博爱”两字是中山先生的手迹,也是他生前的座右铭,据说孙先生生前最爱题这两字送人。


走完墓道,我们便来到了陵墓的正门。陵门坐北朝南,有三个拱门,每个拱门都装有一扇对开的楼花铜门。陵门平面为长方形,高16.5米,宽27 米,进深8.8米,全部用福建花岗岩建成。屋檐为单层歇山式(歇山式建筑是我国古代第二等级的建筑屋顶式样)。门楣上有孙中山先生亲笔所书“天下为公”四个大字。这四个大字表达了孙先生毕生的奋斗目标和所追求的理想。




各位游客:现在我们终于登上了第十层平台,这是陵墓的最高处,海拔158米。让我们环顾一下平台四周,这座平台东西宽162米,南北进深38 米,祭堂就位于平台的正中。到了这里,我想问一下,哪位游客能说出刚才我们一共走过了几级石阶?对了,从广场到祭堂总共有392级石阶。设计者为避免单调,将这392级石阶分为十段,每段一个平台,总计有大小十个平台。朝下看,不见台阶,只见平台。如果从下往上看,那么就只见到台阶,不见平台了。或许有的游客要问:这392级台阶的数字是否巧合?不是!而是暗喻了当时中国的三亿九千两百万同胞。


请各位跟我进人祭堂。祭堂内部以云南产白黑色大理石铺地。堂内四周还可以看到12根黑色石柱,直径有0.8米,四隐八现,12代表的是一年中的 12个月,4代表的是一年中的4个季节。大西两侧的护壁上还刻有孙中山手书《建国大纲》全文。祭堂正中是一尊石雕孙中山全身坐像,像高4.6米,底座宽 2.1米,用意大利白色大理石雕刻而成。只见中山先生身穿长袍马褂,膝上放着一本展开的文卷,双目凝视前方,显示出一位伟大思想家的深沉和睿智。坐像是由法籍波兰雕刻家保罗·郎特斯基雕琢而成的,它于1930年雕成后从治国巴黎运到中山陵,总造价150万法郎。坐像底座四侧的六幅浮雕,再现了孙中山从事革命活动的生动画面。正面一幅为“如抱赤子”,画面上孙中山先生正在精心地为一个患病的幼儿治病。东面两幅是“出国宣传”和“商讨革命”,表现了孙中山先生早年奔走革命和创建同盟会的情形。背面一幅为“国会授印”,再现了辛亥革命后,议会向孙中山授大总统印的场面。西面两幅浮雕,一幅是“振聋发聩”,表现了孙中山为唤起民众,正向群众宣传革命道理;另一幅是“讨袁护国”,内容是孙中山发表演说,号召人民讨伐倒行逆施的袁世凯。






Dr.Sun Yatsen’s Mausoleum


Dr.Sun Yatsen’s Mausoleum, located at the southern slope of the Purple Mountain, is the tomb of Dr.Sun Yatsen who is the great forerunner(pioneer)of the Chinese democratic revolution.It is the 5A class scenic spot.On November 12, 1866, Dr.Sun Yatsen was born of a farmer’s family in Xiangshan County, Guangdong Province.In 1905, Dr.Sun set up the Chinese United League(同盟会), which was officially set up in Tokyo, Japan.Dr.Sun was elected to be the Prime Minister.He put forward the famous guiding principle-“driving the invaders out, restoring the sovereignty of China, establishing a republic and equalizing the land ownership” and the Three People's Principles-“Nationalism, Democracy and the People's Livelihood.” Unfortunately, he broke down from constant overwork and passed away on March 12, 1925.The location of the Mausoleum was chosen by Mr.Sun himself.Here is exactly a good place to build a mausoleum.You may wonder: Mr.Sun was born in Guangdong but died in Beijing.For his whole life he traveled throughout China for the revolution.Why did he choose Nanjing as the venue of his tomb? Fundamentally speaking, the reason he chose Zijing Mountain as his permanent resting-place is to commemorate the revolution of 1911 and to encourage the revolutionaries.Among all the contribution, young architect Lu Yanzhi's design, a design in the shape of a bell, was highly praised and gained the first prize.Because his design of the mausoleum in a shape of a kind of bell(木铎形平面设计)may best accord with the principle of the ancient Chinese architecture.This kind of bell was often used to issue decrees(颁布政权法令)in ancient times.Here at the mausoleum the design in such a style symbolizes Dr.Sun’s spirit as the sounding of a bell that it may reach everywhere of the country and better arouse people of the Chinese nation.The construction of the mausoleum started in January 1926, just on the occasion of the first anniversary of Dr.Sun’s death.The grand funeral ceremony held in large procession on June 1, 1929.Mr.Sun's remains was transported from Beijing to Nanjing, it has been placed here since then.2陵前部分2’(孝经鼎的重量、高度和鼎腹的刻字及内置六角铜牌内容, 博爱坊建筑特色,高度、宽度及正中匾额的“博爱”题字及出处墓道的长度宽度及特点)Please look to the south of the square.On the top level of the platform stands a treasured tripod made of bronze.The copper “ding” with two ears and three feet weighs 5000 kg.It is 4.25 meters high and its diameter is 1.23 meters.The tripod was donated by Mr.Dai Jitao and all the students and faculties of Sun Yatsen University.Cast in the surface of the tripod are three Chinese characters: “ wisdom, benevolence and courage”(智,仁,勇).In the interior of the tripod is placed a hexagonal copper plate, engraved on which is the full text of the Classic of Filial Piety(孝经全文)written in Mr.Dai’s mother own hand.Now we can see a gateway(牌坊)made of granite in an imitation of an ancient wood archway(仿古木结构牌楼).The gateway is three-arched and three-eaved one with the doorposts towering above the gate(三间三檐冲天式牌坊).It was built between 1931 and 1933, 12meters high and 17.3 meters in width.Between the two eaves above the lintel sets a horizontal stone plaque, on which two Chinese characters in Dr.Sun’s brush writings(孙中山手书“博爱”两个镏金阴文)are cut in intaglio and gilded by gold, meaning “universal fraternity”.These two words are quoted from “On the Origin of the Way”(原道)written by Han Yu..Dr.Sun consistently acted on the spirit of universal fraternity and fought all his life for independence and freedom of the nation(孙中山先生始终秉承博爱精神,为民族独立自由奋斗不息).Further from the Fraternity Archway, there is a road leading to the mausoleum.The road is 480 meters long and dozens of meters wide.The pines, cypresses, ginkgoes and maples on the both sides of the road represent.The whole design of the mausoleum gives prominence to Chinese traditional style, grand, solemn and specific.3陵门、碑亭2’30(广场简介,陵门的建筑特点,“天下为公”匾额题字及出处)At the end of the tomb avenue stands a magnificent entrance tower, it is the gate of the mausoleum.In front of it is an open cement platform 70 meters in width flanked by lawns(草地).The gate of the mausoleum is single-eaved and gable-roofed(单檐歇山顶)with blue-glazed tiles.Under the front eave of the gate we can find another four Chinese characters also in Dr.Sun’s brush writings, meaning “The world belongs to the public”.The words are quoted from “The Analects of Confucius”(论语).Behind the gate of the mausoleum(陵门)is a square pavilion, side length 12 meters, about 17 meters high.all built by granite.The pavilion has a double-eaved and nine-ridged roof of blue-glazed tiles.Erected in the middle of the pavilion is an eight meters high monument:,Monument engraved with the front of the KMT veteran Tan Yankai(the former chief of the Administrative Bureau(原行政院长)hand-written “buried Premier Sun here the Chinese Kuomintang, the Republic of China June 1949 a day” 24-run gold characters.From the Tablet Pavilion to the Memorial Hall(祭堂)there are eight flights of 290 steps with each having a large platform in between.The three flights on the top part imply(寓意)the meaning of “The Three People’s Principles ”(Nationalism, Democracy

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and the People’s Livelihood)and the five flights on the lower represent “The Five-Power Constitution”,(the Bureau of Legislation 立法院,the Bureau of Justice 司法院,the Bureau of Supervision监察院, the Bureau of Administration 行政院and the Bureau of Personnel Evaluations考试院).Counting from “the Fraternity Gateway” to the Memorial Hall there are altogether 392 steps.Such a design intends to remind climbers of Dr.Sun’s last words :“The revolution has not yet been achieved and my comrades should make their further efforts”.Now we have come to the fifth floor platform, where a pair of enormous purple tripod, inscribed “Bong An Dadian” four seal script characters, this was the Shanghai Municipal Government to commemorate Sun Yat-sen's funeral and presented them.Please carefully read the west side of the bird tripod, leaving two bullet holes in the wall, is said to be in December 1937 when the Japanese attack on Nanking shells breakdown.Now we are coming the top platform.Left and right sides of a pair of antique bronze tripod, which was donated by Mr Sun’s son Sun Ke's family.4祭堂、墓室3’

Now we are in front of the Memorial Hall.Let us look around the platform around this platform, 162 meters from east to west, north and south into the deep 38 m.The Memorial Hall is a Chinese and Western architectural style in one of the palace-style building, 30 meters long, 25 meters wide, high 29 meters, surrounded by a small fortress-like building.The Memorial Hall roof ridge to eaves nine, overlying blue glazed tiles.the Memorial Hall on the marriage of the three arches were carved from east to west, “Nationalism, Democracy and the People’s Livelihood”.6 gold-gilded Chinese characters carved in relief(阳刻镏金字), the KMT veteran Zhang Jingjiang handwritten.Center of the “people” upper lintels, as well as Sun Yat-sen the book “ The healthy tendency is bound to prevail over the world ”(天地正气).Halls in Yunnan white house black marble floor.Halls to four weeks you can see 12 black stone pillars,.On both sides of the Atlantic Wall is also engraved with the handwritten Sun Yat-sen ” The Outline National Reconstruction:(建国大纲)。The whole The Festival Hall in black and white blue tone, are traditional Chinese filial piety color.Festival Hall is the center of a stone statue of Sun Yat-sen body, such as 4.6 meters high, the base width of 2.1 meters, with Italian white marble carved.Seated in Poland by French sculptor Paul Lang Tesi Ji carved, carved it in 1930 after Sun Yat-sen arrived in Paris from the country, the total cost of 1.5 million francs.Seated side of the six base four relief, depicts the Sun Yat-sen's revolutionary activities in the vivid picture.A newborn baby held in its mother’s arms(如抱赤子)symbolizing the new republic is supported by the whole nation;Going abroad for promotion(出国宣传)and holding discussions about the revolution(商讨革命);Rousing the deaf and awakening the unhearing 振聋发聩sending a punitive expedition against the warlord Yuan Shikai讨袁护国, and the state power authorized by the Congress(国会授印).Within the top of festival hall is KMT party emblem

Entrance of the tomb is divided into two, the first U.S.production of copper is two insurers doors, wedding engraved with “spirit lives forever,” banners, Sun Yat-sen autograph the book.Bronze doors for the second single fan, carved Zhang Jingjiang written “Sun Yat-sen's tomb,” 7 seal.Doors open, the seven characters are invisible, and only when the entrance of the tomb is closed, the door to see the words.Closed the tomb is a domed building, was a Western-style dome-shaped roof.Indoor circular diameter of about 18 meters, 11 meters high, with walls the color of artificial stone veneer Princess.Central is the burial tomb of Sun Yat-sen Spirit brown marble mine, a diameter of about 4.3 m, 1.6 m deep quarry, surrounded by exquisite white marble railings around.Middle of the rectangular tomb protection are placed on the grave of Dr.Sun Yat-like white marble lying, lying like wearing a tunic, an air of quiet, kind face, like sleep during his lifetime, as awe-inspiring.This is a high concentration by Czech sculptor Sun created the image of the body.5附属纪念建筑 1’

there are many other attractions beside it ,for example:Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall.Music platform, light Huating光华亭, revolves pavilion, 行健亭pavilion flow emblem流徽榭, Zhongshan Botanical Garden(former Prime Minister cemetery Botanical Garden), Liao Zhongkai and He Xiangning tomb, Tan Yankai tomb and so on.that’s all.Thank you.(As a research center on central and northern subtropical floras of China, the garden has a living collection of about 3,000 species belonging to 913 genera of 188 families.Liao Zhongkai(1877—1925 AD)was a good assistant of Dr.Sun Yat-sen.After the death of Dr.Sun Yat-sen, he continued to adhere to the three policies of “alliance with Russia and Chinese Communist Party and support for workers and farmers”, and was murdered by the Kuomintang in 1925.In 1935, his tomb was moved to Dr.Sun Yat-sen’s Mausoleum in Nanjing.As the wife of Liao Zhongkai, He Xiangning once served as vice-chairman of National Political Consultative Conference and vice-chairman of the National People’s Congress.After she died in 1972, her remains were buried here together with Liao Zhongkai according to her wish.)

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第五篇:十一 中山陵










陵门之后就是碑亭,高17米,宽12米,为重檐歇山式建筑,上覆蓝色琉璃瓦顶,亭身用花岗岩砌成,亭中间立有一块用整块花岗岩刻成的石碑,碑文8.1米,碑身上刻着“中国国民党葬 总理孙先生于此 中华民国十八年六月一日”二十四个颜体楷书大字。字为原国民政府主席、行政院院长谭延闿所写,碑额上有阴刻的国民党党徽图案。这块碑的重要特点便是突出了“党葬”。




沿祭堂外广场西侧后壁有一边门,通向后花园。中为墓室宝顶,呈半球形。后墙设有“中山陵建设史料展”,近200幅珍贵历史资料展现了中山陵的建设和中山先生的遗体奉安全过程。除了陵墓主体建筑外,中山陵周围还有一些纪念性建筑设施,孙中山纪念馆及中山植物园,还有音乐台、光华亭、行健亭、流徽榭等等。它们大多是 1929年奉安大典后,各界人士和海外侨胞友人捐款修建而成。




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