
时间:2019-05-15 14:20:02下载本文作者:会员上传


I Fashion Co.Ltd.2 1 – 1 2 #Student’sApartment

Business College of Shanxi University

Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province

ChinaMay 2011


Sales Manager

Empire Typewriters

190C Happy Street

New York


Dear Mr.Rabbit

Order No.62132-82-12

Thank you for your samples and price list of May 8.We find both quality and price satisfactory and are delighted to give you an order for the following items:Ton Redwoods @ RMB ¥2,000,000 eaRMB¥20,000,000 10 Ton Pines @ RMB ¥1,000,000 eaRMB¥10,000,000 5 Ton Pear-woods @ RMB¥1,000,000 eaRMB¥5,000,000 5 Ton Black-woods @ RMB¥2,000,000 eaRMB¥10,000,000 5 Ton Walnuts @ RMB¥1,000,000 eaRMB¥5,000,000


We shall greatly appreciate your confirmation of our order by return.As soon as you confirm the above-mentioned order, we will send the relative irrevocable L/C without delay.We look forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely


Miss Cassandra



I Fashion Co.Ltd.2 1 – 1 2 #Student’sApartment

Business College of Shanxi University

Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province

ChinaMay 2011


Sales Manager

Empire Typewriters

190C Happy Street

New York


Dear Mr.Rabbit

Re: Office Furniture Details

Thank you for your letter of May 8.We are grateful to you for your interest in our office furniture.In reply to your inquiry in your last letter, we hereby send you our illustrated catalogue and price list with details as follows.Solid Wood Desks @ RMB¥1,000RMB¥20,000 20 Office Swivel Chairs @ RMB¥300RMB¥6,000 20 Solid Wood Bookcases @ RMB¥1,500RMB¥30,000RMB¥56,000 Less 15℅ discount for payment within 30daysRMB¥8,400TOTALRMB¥47,600 The above quoted price includes transportation and insurance.Please note that this quotation is subject to acceptance within three weeks, we can guarantee delivery five days of receipt of a firm order.We look forward to your order and long-term cooperation with you.Yours sincerely


Miss Cassandra Manager

第三篇:商务英语写作之complaint letter

1.under our Order No.234我方第234号订单项下

2.take delivery提货

3.Thank you for bringing the matter to our attention.感谢贵方提出有关事项使我们注意。

4.the soonest possible尽早

5.assure you that…向你方保证……

6.draw your attention to 提请贵方注意

7.look into this matter调查此事

8.await your favorable reply静候佳音

9.pressing us for a timely delivery敦促我方及时交货

10.caused us a great deal of inconvenience给我方带来极大不便

11.In view of our friendly relationship鉴于我们的友谊

12.provided that倘若、假如

13.in good condition完好无损

14.be acceptable to you可以被你方所接受

4)Pick out the functional sentences from the sample complaints

1.On checking the machine, we discovered that it did not function.经检查,我们发现机器不能正常运转。

2.We regret to tell you that on inspection we found a number of defects in your products.我方很遗憾地通知你方,在检查中我们发现贵公司的产品有许多缺陷。

3.On opening the outer packing we learned that some of the goods were missing.开启外包装时,我们发现有一些货物缺失。

4.We have received two hundred sets of dinner wares instead of two hundred tea sets.我方收到的是二百套餐具而不是二百个茶具。

5.The foods we received on May 15 were found not to match our order.我方发现3月15日收到的货物与我们的订单不符。

6.We have still not received the goods which we ordered on January 1.我方1月1日订购的货物,至今仍未收到。

7.We must complain about the quality of the goods that you recently sent us.对于贵方最近发送的货物的质量问题,我们不得不向您提出投诉。

8.We regret to say that the quality of your soybeans is far low the standard stipulated in the contract.我方很抱歉地说,贵方这批大豆质量低于合同中规定的标准。

9.We already have many advanced orders which we shall now have to postpone because of your inefficiency.我们已收到许多订单,但由于贵方效率欠佳,不得不延期执行。

10.We should be obliged if you would replace the goods with the correct ones.如果贵方能更换发错的货物,我方不胜感激。

11.We should appreciate it if you would look into this matter and arrange for delivery as soon as possible.如贵方能对此进行调查,并尽快安排发货,我方将不胜感激。

12.We regret to say that unless you can arrange for delivery in three days, we shall be obliged to cancel the order..如果贵方在三天后不能发货,我方只能遗憾地取消订单。

13.We appreciate your bringing the matter to our attention.感谢贵方提出此事使我们注意。

14.Thank you very much for informing us of this matter.非常感谢贵方告知我方这一事件。

15.We are making every effort to find the cause of the shortage.我方正尽一切努力查找短缺原因。

16.We are investigating the incident and we will report back to you the result as soon as possible.我们正在调查这一事件,并会尽快将调查结果反馈给贵方。

17.The delay was owing to the heavy weather.延误是由于恶劣天气造成的。

18.We apologize for the inconvenience which has been caused by our carelessness.由于我方的疏忽给贵方造成不便,对此我方深表歉意。

19.Our records indicate that the goods left here in perfect condition.我方记录表明货物离开我地时一切完好。

20.We regret to inform you that we are not responsible for the damage which takes place at sea.我方很遗憾,货物在海上受损,对此我方不承担任何责任。

21.We shall endeavor to make sure this does not happen again.我们竭力确保此类事情不再发生。

22.In order to compensate you for the inconvenience, we are prepared to offer a discount of 20% on your next order.为了补偿给贵方带去的麻烦,我方准备在贵方下次订货时给予20%的折扣。

23.We will send you the replacement within the next three days.我方将在三天之内发去替换产品。


Dear Sirs,This is to introduce ourselves as the largest down Apparel Company in China.Our company--Bosideng International Holdings Limited—was established in 1976, locating in Bosideng industrial zone, Changshu City, Jiangsu province.We have been specialized in developing and producing all kinds of down apparel.Bosideng International Holdings Limited has been researching and producing many kinds of down apparel for 30 years.There are six brands of the our company including “Bosideng”, “Snow Flying”, “Combo”, “Bengen”, “Slim” and “shangyu”.Through these brands, we offer a wide range of down apparel products.The customer can order our products both in our website and through the phone, and then ,we would like to give them satisifying in one week.“Bosideng” was the leading down apparel brand in China for 17 consecutive years from 1995 to 2011.As a leader in China down apparel industry, for 16 consecutive years, the latest fashionable FallWinter apparel trends to the world on behalf of China at the “China International Clothing and Accessories Fair”

We would be pleased to receive your any kinds of down apparel.If you have any questions, please contact us.Our telephone number is 86-512-52532888.We look forward to your positive reply.Very truly yours.18100619 陆浩杰18100634蔡耀


A: You must be Ms.Lee from the United States?

B: That’s right.I’ m Lee Junru.You are...?

A: My name is Zhang Guiyang.I’m from the Sunshine Corporation.I’m pleased to meet you.Welcome to Fuzhou.B: Nice to meet you, too.Thanks for coming to the airport to meet me.A: That’s my pleasure.My manager, Mr.Wang has sent me to meet you here.He felt sorry he could’t come himself.He is at a meet right now.B: It’s OK.Thank you very much.Where are we heading now?

A: We’ re going to accompany you to the Fuzhou Friendship Hotel.Is the luggage all here, Ms.Lee? The car is just out there in the parking lot.B: Oh, thank you.Well I can handle this handbag myself.A: OK, this way, please.A: Here is our car.Let me put the luggage into the trunk.B: Thanks.A: Please get on, Ms.Lee.B: Thanks.A: Off we go.How’s your flight, Ms.Lee?

B: Fine, I got on the plane at New York, and it took about 1 hours to get here.But is was a smooth flight.A: That was really kind of long in the airplane.Wasn’t it? I hope you’ll feel rested after a right of good sleep.B: Thank you.What is the weather like here, today?

A: Fair and sunny today with gentle breeze.As I know, Ms.Lee, you’ re been to Fuzhou for a couple of times.B: It’s true.I travel so much and visit Fuzhou once a year?

A:How do you like it here.B:well, I like it a lot.Fuzhou is really a fantastics place.There are many interested places to visit.I hope I can visit once again.A:I hope you can enjoy your stay here.It’s nice to have a look around.B:Yes that must be very interesting.Hope we will have the time.A:I think you must be tired, why don’t you take a break.I wake you up in to the hotel.B:Than’s great.Thank you.



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