第一篇:雅思高分 发展类 扩建空地
Some people think it is important for all cities and towns to have big outdoor space for public use,such as parks and squares.Do you agree or disagree?
Currently, the issue of whether huge outdoor space is essential and necessary has caused public concern and makes masses of people find themselves in a dilemma as they are confronting it.As for me, I tend to agree with it.Physically, since big outdoor space, such as parks and squares, can definitely provide plentiful sites of activity with city-dwellers, overall health condition will be promoted in a vast scale through hardening the body, which is one of the most concerned matters remaining to be solved.Without an iron constitution, people, especially youngsters, would feel untoward or tough in aspects of improvement of education and blessedness.In terms of employment, large amounts of labors such as dustmen, security man, administrators and horticulturists seem a necessity in the newly-built public areas, not only can it fully develop their potential and make the best use of their competence, but also greatly reduce the rate of unemployment, which has laid a heavy burden to government and is a major source of criminals mainly because unemployment may cause penniless, homeless even hopeless.More importantly, stable life and earnings will doubtlessly enhance the reputation of government and reinforce citizens reliance to government.When it comes to urban construction, outdoor space with fashional and attractive architectural style will do bring beautification to city and acceleration of modernization.Clearly, the function of these sites is pretty much synonymous with skycrapers and subway stations, which could boost underdeveloped or medium-sized city to evolve into metropolis
Nevertheless, it does mean that enlargement of public space is always productive.Removing and rebuilding will surely generate crowded traffic and inconvenient travel, which may make daily life inefficient and ineffective.To make the matter worse, it is necessary for authority to invest heavily in this program, which may disarrange comprehensive plan to some degree.To sum up, open-air space is apparently beneficial to public.In spite of it, government has to balance budgets and spending and maintain a normal life of citizens in the process of construction.
第二篇:雅思高分 发展类 改变工作和住址
2014.4.5 真题发展类
An increasing number of people change career and living place.It positive effect more than the negative?
change of career and living place plays a positive role.change involves different situations which bring fresh perspectives to individuals.feel more energetic, they can also deepen the thoughts and evaluate the world objectively.job-hoppers with more opportunies To use a Chinese saying, this is ‘trees die from frequent migrations, but not for people.’,illustrates the significance of change.via house moving.The extensiveness of acquaintances will broaden their horizons, but also bring vast chances, which is surely beneficial to personal occupation and salary will gradually increase after employees get a promotionthe closest attention to.troublesomelong period to adjust to their roles in new work.Sudden changes such as getting fired or deducting salary may even leave people penniless or homeless.accommodate themselves to new circumstances.whether change of career and living place different people and
1.NO invention has received more praises and abuses than cars… Now there is a growing awareness over traffic safety.2.Although some people acclaim that… I am still prone to go along with the other side based on the following sound reasons.:
3.To embark on it, it comes as the first problem that...:
4.Should it remain unable to unfold my perspectives, it'll come as reinforcement that…
5.It is indisputable that nowhere in history has...been more visible.As far as I am
1.Recently the...has been brought into focus...Nowhere in history has the issue been more visible.In this essay, I aim to explore this complicated phenomenon from diverse perspectives, identify the relevant contributing factors and bring up some effective measures.2.As far as I am concerned, an array of integrated factors contributes to the...The first role that should be blamed is...Another equally important factor lies in… Last but not least...:
3.As a matter of fact,...gives rise to a host of problems, such as...Confronted with such a thorny issue, people come up with a variety of constructive countermeasures.Personally, the following are worth recommendation...:
4.When everyone is fully aware of the severity and take feasible measures, I firmly believe...以上雅思写作高分模板都是以句子为单位进行列举的,这样的话也便于考生们自由的组合,通顺的表达雅思文章的主题思想。
The increase of food production owns much to fertilizers and better machinery, but some people say it has a negative impact on human health and community.To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Write at least 250 words.It it evidentially true that advanced machinery and fertilizers, to a large degree, optimize food production.However, by giving it all negative comments, I believe it unreasonable and irrational since it merely represents only one single step rather than the entire processing procedure.It cannot be repudiated that side-effects fertilizers and machinerybring about are somehow obvious.For instance, the chemical substances detrimental to health seep into crops and vegetables along withfertilizers.Sometimes, overdose of any chemical may directly result in certain degrading of body organs.More seriously, the universal application of machinery may replace human labor force as a more efficient substitute, which may lead to the rise of unemployment.Besides, the waste gas generated by all those units will definitely contribute to local air quality or perhaps global warming.Nevertheless, is it true that we, as human beings, should leave all these inventions behind and pretend they have never made a great difference?
On the other side, it is a logical error to take one certain step as the whole process.Currently, along with scientific advancement, people rarely take raw food as in the past.Thanks to the perfection of food processing industry, there are more procedures, such as filtering, degerming, or low-temperature evaporating, to guarantee food quality harmless to human bodies.In addition, many trace elements and other nutrient vitamins are, through advanced operation, compoundedin the food in order to improve the nutrient composition of the food itself.Therefore, it is fairly assertive and parochial to claim fertilizers and machinery have a negative impact.And more ironically, if human beings did not apply them in food production today,there would be no way to feed growing world population.As was previously stated and well discussed, the role and function of fertilizers and machinery in food production is overgeneralized and misinterpreted.Personally, they both serve well in food production, and their flaws are avoidable most of time.
【雅思高分经验】2010.3.18首考8.5 分 转的 用于激励自己 来源: 曲宣羽的日志
备考一个月 3.18首考8.5 分
阅读9 听力9 写作7.5 口语7.5先介绍下自己的情况,我是大二在校生,英语基础自认为还算可以,四级六级都是裸考的,628,569;复习时间是一个寒假2.1-3.1(这一个月几乎每天去图书馆复习8个小时以上)再加上开学的两周。没有上培训课,觉得资料在网上都有,只是需要花时间去找。我的所有资料都是在3G和其他雅思相关网站上找到的,很多方法也是借鉴以前的旧帖,在这里,也非常感谢3G上面的各位XDJM慷慨无私的分享:)
所用的书: 剑4-7,十天作文和口语,雅思8分万能作文,雅思词汇(词根词缀记忆法)(俞洪敏)简评一下几本书:
心态: 首先要端正心态。由于上学期绩点太差,让我的自信心倍受打击。说来有点好笑,我很希望通过这次雅思考试重新树立信心,所以准备得非常认真。我一开始的目标就定的很高,尤其规定自己听力阅读必须8.5分以上,因为我一没有口语PARTNER,二没有老师批改作文,这两项的分数就太难把握了。想要总体拿好分,就要保住自己能够把握的阅读和听力。这种很强烈的决心必然在潜移默化中对复习产生了一定的作用。
词汇: 我原本的词汇量大概是3500左右吧。词汇书一共反复背了4遍。这本书除了一些医学专用词汇不背,其他都要背,在3.18号关于猩猩的一篇阅读中就涉及了很多我以为背了白背的词--。例句感觉有些错误,又因为时间紧,就没有看。背单词是体力和耐力活。第一遍每天4-5个list,第二、三遍一起过,每天8个第二遍,8个第三遍,第四遍是开学后用课余时间背的,还是一天8个list。这样,基本上能全背出来,阅读绝对可以读懂。注意无论你背几遍,期间绝对不能有间断,必须每天坚持,否则前功尽弃。
听力: 剑4-7做一遍。做剑4和剑5时,我只是做完一整套,对答案,然后分析错误,但是始终在错10多个,让我非常崩溃。后来看到3G上有人用7步法(大家可以去搜一下),这个方法花时间太长了,我简化为了5步,即1 正常做完一整套 2 不对答案,再听一遍更正第一遍答案 3 对照听力原文,再听一遍,这遍听的时候有些繁琐,以一句为单位,先抬头不看原文听,听到听不出的地方回放再听,实在听不出低头看原文,并注明听不出的原因是有新词?连读?爆破?还是其他原因?同时,也把一些场景词汇积累一下。4 听完回顾,把答案想通 5 按第一遍的答案计分,并总结错题。这样5步听完一套题是2个小时。剑6的4套题我都按照这样的方法进行,果然剑7的时候就渐入佳境,听出了人生中第一个8分。另外,如果有特别薄弱的地方就特殊处理。如我的数字听力非常差,就找了新东方论坛口译资料区里的英汉数字练习,每天练,自己觉得还是有所进步。另外,平时
阅读: 3G上有位学姐的经验分享中写到,阅读就是找到自己合适的方法。这句话看似平淡,实则是真理。一开始我就运用跳读啊,略读啊,之类的技巧做题,不仅错误率高,而且还来不及。之后我就只用平行阅读法,规规矩矩地读完一段,做相应的题目,直到全文读完,反而又快又准。基本上做到剑6的时候就保持在8分以上了。我个人觉得,雅思阅读关键就是读懂,它不会下什么陷阱的,只要读懂,无论哪道题都没有问题。另外,强烈推荐3G上阅读版置顶的长句练习。这篇文章很难,但一旦读完了,再做雅思阅读的时候就会自觉自发地分析句子结构了。
写作: 还是在3G上,一位仁兄的经验说到,根本不用很炫的单词,由于时间很紧,他最后是想到什么写什么,反而成绩不错。我也是这么觉得。大家看剑桥系列里的考官范文就知道了。而范文正是重点研究的对象,备考期间我就把几篇范文背了背,背完马上练,大作文一共练习了5篇左右。大作文关键是逻辑关联必须要清晰,词汇运用不要难词大词,但要丰富尽量不重复。尤其重要的是,词汇的运用必须准确,不要再参考书上看到的就用,最好到英英词典上查清楚了再用。我的重点反而在小作文。觉得小作文真的很难。按照几种小作文类型,8分作文的每一篇文章的好句式、写法我都整理出来,背出来,马上运用到自己的作文里,小作文倒是练了10多篇。口语: 口语是我唯一去上课的。上的是新东方雅思外教口语课,一位哈佛毕业的山姆大叔上的,一共5节,10个小时,个人觉得非常有用。他会告诉你他们的思路,以及一些中国学生的常有错误。中国学生由于应试多了,思路都比较僵化和中国化,听听老外的思路对以后的英语学习道路也很有纠正作用。同时,也能消除对老外的恐惧(如果有的话)。考试前我打印了3G上两位牛人的自己编写的话题,看了看其中的例子。考试的时候还是以交流为主,PART3的部分每个问题我都只说了几句话,也不用长篇大论,否则背诵的痕迹可能比较明显。