
时间:2019-05-15 14:32:43下载本文作者:会员上传


Good morning ladies and gentleman,contestants and adjudicators,i feel extremely honored to have the debate with the affirmative side ,now please let me represent the negative side to make the conclusion statement.To start with, i will state our arguments furthermore.we never neglect the importance of the economic development but we firmly hold the view that when we faced with the economic development and environmental protection,we must put the environmental protection first.because at the beginning ,our first debater had stated that environmental protection is the essential requirements of economic development and environmental protection is the requirements of the strategy of sustainable development.furthermore, in respect of our life ,Environmental protection is the requirements of the natural law.In the process of economic development, if the serious damage to the natural environment, then we will be punished by the nature.Grievous floods is the result of the damage of the environment.in the free debate,our debaters have used plenty of examples and arguments,for example:the severe nuclear pollution and the polluted water.All the examples and opinions tell us an obvious truth that environmental protection is far more important than the economic development.therefore when faced with the problem of economic development and environmental protection ,we must give the priority to the Environmental protection to keep a healthy life.Throughout the whole debate,i incidentally found 7 problems in their arguments,but given the time limit,i will list the 4 severer problems.Firstly: the other side mistook the definition of the economic development and the Environmental protection and they just tink of the economic development as itself,they don’t combine other factors.Secondly: the other side changed the concept in their debate.what we talk today is not which one should be continued but when faced with the two problems,which sone should be put in the first place.Thirdly:One swallow does not make a summer,the other side just say one part as a whole.Last but not the least:the other side avoid answering some vital question posed by us, i think it is not good.Economic development is just like the stomach of people’s body.Stomach is always running and digesting.Even though very slight un comfort can we solve it quickly.But the environmental protection is different.It just like the human’s liver.The problems of human’s liver will counted.It will be too late when it breaks out.and finally our group prepare the Michael Jackson’s song“heal the word”for all the audience.


The past development road is a management-after-pollution pattern, the result is the environment problems standing out, and some areas even reach the extent which threat survival.Furthermore, management-after-pollution pattern not only costs higher, but also is inefficient, sometimes in a passive position.However economic development is just like the stomach of people’s body.Stomach is always running and digesting.Even though very slight uncomfort can we solve it quickly.But the environmental protection is different.It just like the human’s liver.The problems of human’s liver will counted.It will be too late when it breaks out.for one thing ,Environmental protection is the essential requirements of economic development.The purpose of economic development is to improve people's living standards, but the damage to the environment during the development deeply affect people's lives, and it’s also contrary to the original intent of economic development.for another thing,Environmental protection is the requirements of the strategy of sustainable development.Our future generations have to live in the environment where we live in now.We destroy the environment because of the economic development, and some damage is irreparable, which means crime to the future generations in a way.last but not the least,Environmental protection is the requirements of the natural law.In the process of economic development, if the serious damage to the natural environment, then we will be punished by the nature.Grievous floods is the result of the damage of the environment.Based on those points, we must start to prevent pollution from the source that is to consider the possible influence on the environment during the development process.And the economic development can not take precedence over the environmental protection.Only in this way, can we expect to solve environment problems in the future.

第三篇:怀念不如见面 辩论赛一辩稿
























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