第一篇:the Count of Monte Cristo读后感
Title: The Count of Monte Cristo
Publication Details: Aviation Industry Press, Beijing, 2008
The Penguin Group, England, 1996
The Genre of the Book: novel
The Number of Pages of the Book:adapted edition, 260; original edition, 1276
The Count of Monte Cristo is a novel, by a French writer, Alexandre Dumas.The story, set in France in the period of Napoleon’s exile, is based on a true story.As soon as it published, it was translated into many languages.There is no doubt that The Count of Monte Cristo has become the eternal and famous book in the history of world literature.The main character of the novel, Edmond Dantes, took care of Captain Leclere, the captain of the grand Pharaon on the return journey.Before the Captain’s death, he entrust Dantes to deliver a letter to Napoleon.When they arrived their destination, Marseille, Dantes asked M.Morrel for a leave to make preparation for his marriage with Mercedes, and then accomplished Captain’ last wish.Because of Captain’s death, it was time for M.Morrel to appoint a new person as the captain of Pharaon.Luckily, Dantes gained the honor.Then a turn in the story began, Dantes was arrested and set into prison for treason during the wedding ceremony.In fact, it was a conspiracy, plotted by his friends-Fernand, Danglars, and Caspard Caderousse.They were jealous of Dantes’s good luck.Danglars was out of his ambition-to be the captain.Fernand was from love-he wished to marry Mercedes, while she loved Dantes.For both of them, only when Dantes was put into prison or died, could they fulfill their own goals.As for Caderousse, he gained no benefits from this conspiracy.He was still worse off.The reason could be that he merely envied his neighbor’s prosperous.Apart from these people, the prosecutor, Villefort, abused his power under the ground that the letter was sent to Noirtier, Villefort’s father and the supporter of Napoleon.From Villefort’s perspective, although he knew that Dantes was innocent, if Dantes had not be sentenced and sent to the miserable Chateau d’If, it would have a negative impact on his political road as the result that his father, Noirtier, was the supporter of Napoleon.Dantes spent fourteen years in prison.At first, he felt that the gloomy settled upon him.He even set up his mind to die.After encountering with the old priest, Faria, he abandoned his thought of death and determined to live on.He carefully analyzed the elements that he reduced to such an awful position.With the instruction of the old priest, Dantes got hang of several languages, which laid foundation for his revenge.The old priest told him that a great deal of treasure wais buried in the island of Monte Cristo.They arranged to break prison, explored the treasure and averaged them.While, in the last process, the old priest died of disease.Dantes places himself in the old priest’s shroud and laid himself in the coffin.He would take the old priest’s place in the ceremony, and then dig his way to freedom.Suffering from a large number of difficulties, he survived and found the treasure.When he gained treasure, he attempt to get in touch with his love and father, only to find that the old Dantes died and Mercedes had married Fernand.Disguised as a
educated and wealthy count, he returned to his native land, Marseille and commerce on setting them back.He took revenge for people who framed him as well as reward people who did something good for him.Having reached the summit of his vengeance by a long path, Dantes disclosed his true identity instead of Monte Cristo.However, he deeply felt nervous for the harm and unfortunate to the innocent people due to his vengeance.At the end of the story, Valentine survived and married Maximillian with the secret protect.And Monte Cristo and Haidee revealed adore to each other, form then on, they stayed together.The novel provides readers with a vivid picture of exotic life, especially Paris, Italy, Greece of the 19th century.The description is so detailed that readers have access to know and set themselves in those situations even though the social structure is distanced from ours.To some extent, I quite appreciate Dantes’s way of getting along with others.He was straightforward, generous, indignant, and persistent.He loved the one loving him.He hated the one hating him.He treated people how they dealt with him.These are not only fair but also equal.No one likes to be ignored or mistreated.What Dumas wrote is a mirror of our true feelings and the situation of the society.At the same time, I find that money was nearly the almighty God.The position of money was higher than anything.I admit that money plays a significant role in our daily life, without which, I will be trapped in a dilemma.My quality of life will descend and I will not afford to meet my basic needs.What’ worse, my life will be in a mess.Nevertheless, it is tragedy that money presides over people’ sense and sensibility.Moreover, it is the first time that in have found lesbianism in a novel.Among the women in the novel, especially Eugenie and Valentine, both led a different life.They were heiresses to a large fortunes and born rich.They are presented with the alternatives of subjecting themselves to their father’s will or marrying to men they do not love or being confined to convent(just like Mercedes).But for Eugenie, her lesbianism is a trait of personality, which makes her out of others.I can find a similar example in the book A Dream in Red Mansions.There are so many dazzlingly beautiful young girls, but they strike me as a variety of characters because of the impression of their behavior.I wonder that in 19th century, what Eugenie did represented an expression of women’s desire for independence.I have read the adapted edition twice and now I set on reading the original one.I strongly recommend this book because it creates my thirst for reading and every time I read, I can catch something fresh and something new.Class: English 10jiaName: Qiu XiaoxiaoNo.: 1091510119
走进巴金散文 品味经典美文
巴金是我国现代著名的小说家,也是一位勤奋多产、文质兼美的 杰出的散文家.我最近看了’他的散文 之鸟的天堂涉,文章真挚亲切,以恪动人,以赤子之寞写赤子之爱。从中感受到了 ”愿化泥土” 的巴
G鸟的天堂梦 主要记叙他和朋友在南国乡村游览的一段小小的经历,也是他记录的一个生活片'断。他通过对大榕树和鸟的描写,把傍晚的宁静和早上群鸟飞翔的一幅“鸟的天堂“图,生动优美地展 现在人们的眼前。
枝叶繁茂时节,这棵榕树好像在把它的全部生命力展览给我们看。一 簇堆在另一簇上面,不留一·点缝隙,翠绿的颜色明亮地在我眼前闪耀,似乎每一片树叶上都有一个新的生命在颤动。写出了大榕树的勃勃生 机。作者接下去写了第二天早上再经过“鸟的天堂“时发现了百鸟争 鸣,应接不暇的热闹场面,生动描写了百鸟在我身边快乐、自由地飞 翔蓍,歌唱着。.。.,散文诗意不浓烈,把飞抑的马群偏写成“鸟影”让
现实接近遐想,在自然中流荡着作家自强、自信、自豪的丰富情感。也表达了作者对生命的热爱。G乌的天堂万 既是作者对过去生活的总
结,又是对未来生活的期盼,我看了这篇散文仿佛使自己置身于这鸟的天堂,把自己变成一 只小小鸟在天空中快乐、自由地飞翔着。。,酉递的网读后
书是美国最杰出的随笔作家——E B.怀特写的,我刚看了一篇,就被深深的吸引住了。
它们俩之间的故事。夏洛和威尔伯听到了一个坏消息: 圣诞节的 时候威尔伯要被杀掉,变成熏肉火锅。威尔伯急了在那边哭喊: ”我不要死呀!我不要死呀!’’但是夏洛没有听天由命——让威 尔伯死,它决定帮助威尔伯,然后夏洛终于想到了一个办法。第 二天,夏洛叫威尔伯站在它的大网下,夏洛在网上织了三个字”王 牌猪”,然后又织了”光彩照入、谦卑”几个字,威尔伯得救了。后来,夏洛去世了,威尔伯也挽救了夏洛的孩子,并把它们带回
通过这个故事,我懂的了很多道理,夏洛只是一只蜘蛛,它的力量很弱小,但是它全心全意地帮助它的朋友,使我懂得了友 情的珍贵,我也要向它们学习,学会感恩,珍惜友情。
(夏洛的网挣是一本童话小说,是来自美国的E,B 怀特写的。里 面描述了动物们善良的心和他们之问的真实友谊.里面动物们非常可
爱,如: 小猪——威尔伯,蜘蛛一一夏洛,老鼠——漭普尔顿.,.,.,书的主要内容是:在朱克曼家的谷仓里生活着一群快乐的动物,其中 小猪威尔伯和蜘蛛夏洛成了最要好的朋友。然而,一十可怕的消息打 披了谷场的平静: 威尔伯未来的命运竟然是熏火腿!但是看似非常小的夏洛却说: “让我来救你吧1”于是在这生死攸关之际,夏洛用自己的丝在猪栏上织出了被人们视为迹网上文字(王牌猪、了不起、光彩 照人),巡转了威尔你的命运,终于让它在集市大赛中赢得了胜利。但是这时候蜘蛛的生命却要停止。一只蜘蛛为了挽救朋友的生命牺牲 了自己的生命.我非常敬佩小猪的厚道、蜘蛛的友爱、老鼠的灵活,弗恩的爱心,但我更敬佩故事中动物们中的友惝和友爱。
这本书每次读都会让我身临其境,就这样看着他遇险,在滔天大浪中死里逃 生
生,每一次他脱险,我都会为他常常舒了一口气。当 我看到他发现了野人的大脚印时,我的心都快嗓子眼了。到了嗓子醍了.我仿佛看到轮船甲板上站着一位,放弃了富裕而又舒适的生活,从而开始一次与死神决斗的探险家,航海家鲁滨逊,种种不幸与困难没有压倒他,反而使他更加坚强。
鲁滨逊想造船回乡, 他花费了数年的时间,用了无数的心血,但由于事先没有考虑周全,船做好了,但是离海边太远,船没办法下水,这,下多年的心血白花了,一切希望破灭了,直到野人星期五的出现,这个希望才重新又油然升起。
我的人生也随着这本书而起肮,这本书教会我只有坚持才能胜利, 只有实干才能让我们摆脱困境,我要向书中的主人公一样,在人生的肮海中,勇往直前,永不放弃。