
时间:2019-05-15 14:32:16下载本文作者:会员上传


How to make profits

Chairman: Good afternoon, everybody.Shall we get start?(yes)

This meeting, we are going to talk over how to increase our company’s profit in five years.First , I’d like to introduce our firm’s situation at present.As the reports by market manager show, we are not the only company soling this kind of products.So we may face a quite challenging market in the future.Second, as a foreign company, we may have no confidence in catching the consumption habits of American.So, in order to increase the profits, have you got any ideas?

I think we should identify our market strategy first.A: In my opinion , we should cut out our price by 10%.At the beginning, we might only makes a small profit or even lose money.When customers accept our products, then we could raise our price gradually.In other words, our marketing strategy should be to make small profits but quick returns.B: I do not agree with you there, I do not think it is a good idea to reduce our price by 10%, and yes, I admit, in the short term we might hold a large market share at this price, but it is not good for devolvement of this product in the long term.In order to open the international market, it is more important to improve our product quality and create brand than to reduce price.On the contrary, I think we should raise the price with the improvement of quality and brand..Chairman: Could we have your comments?

C: First of all, I think we should launch a new advertising and let more people know about our products, for example, we can invite famous people as our spoken man.Besides, we must improve after-sales services and we can also opening more our own shops in some big cities.That is means we must raise our product price.D: To improve the quality, we should promote some parts.First of all, the choose of material must be serious.Then, we should be attention to the train of staff technology.And the last is bringing in the latest product lines.C: I take your point, on the other hand, In order to get more profit.We should reduce the internal costs.Such as,reducing spending in each department.and cutting off staffs.Anyway , we can also set new green rules in offices.Chairman: considering all of your points, we should hold the high-end market.First, we need to improve our products’ quality.Second, it’s necessary to do further advertising and promotion.Third, we should raise the price properly.And it’s a good idea to open our stores in some big cities.Besides, we should try to reduce the company internal cost.Are we all agreed?(yes)

Ok, Next meeting we’re going to talk about these items in detail.Would you please draft a proposal based on the minutes of this meeting and give it to me next day.


assembly 大会

convention 会议

party 晚会, 社交性宴会

at-home party 家庭宴会

tea party 茶会

dinner party 晚餐会

garden party 游园会

dance(party), ball, fandango 舞会

reading party 读书会

fishing party 钓鱼会

sketching party 观剧会

birthday party 生日宴会

Christmas party 圣诞晚会

luncheon party 午餐会

fancy ball 化妆舞会

commemorative party 纪念宴会

wedding dinner, a wedding reception 结婚宴会

banquet 酒宴

cocktail party 鸡尾酒会

welcome meeting 欢迎会

farewell party 惜别会

pink tea 公式茶会

new years' banquet 新年会

year-end dinner party 忘年餐会

box supper 慈善餐会

fancy fair 义卖场

general meeting, general assembly 会员大会

congress 代表大会

board of directors 董事会

executive council, executive board 执行委员会

standing body 常设机构

committee, commission 委员会

subcommittee 附属委员会,小组委员会

general committee, general officers, general bureau 总务委员会 secretariat 秘书处

budget committee 预算委员会

drafting committee 起草委员会

committee of experts 专家委员会

advisory committee, consultative committee 顾问委员会,咨询委员会 symposium 讨论会

study group 学习研讨会

seminar 讲习会,学习讨论会

meeting in camera 秘密会议(美作:executive session)

opening sitting 开幕会

final sitting 闭幕会

formal sitting 隆重开会

plenary meeting 全会

sitting, meeting 开会(美作:session)

session 会期,会议期间(美作:meeting)

working party 工作小组

seat, headquarters 席位

governing body 主管团体

round table 圆桌

to sit a meeting, to meet a meeting, to hold a meeting 召开会议--------------------

hall 大会

R>rostrum 讲台

public gallery 旁听席

notice board 布告牌

to convene, to convoke 召开

convocation 会议

standing orders, by-laws 议事程序

rules of procedure 议事规则

constitution, statutes 章程

procedure 程序

agenda 议程

timetable, schedule 日程表,时刻表

item on the agenda 议程项目

other business 其他事项

to place on the agenda 列入议程

working paper 工作文件

opening 开幕

the sitting is open 会议开幕

appointment 任命

to appoint 任命,委派

speaker 报告人

to make a speech, to deliver a speech 做报告

to ask for the floor 要求发言

to give the floor to 同意...发言(美作:to recognize)

to take the floor, to address the meeting 发言

declaration, statement 声明

Am I in order? 我这样做符合议程规定吗?

call to order 要求遵守秩序

to raise a point of order 提出关于议程的问题

general debate 长时间的讨论

stand 立场,主张

consensus 意见

advisory opinion 顾问意见

proposal 建议

to table a proposal 提出建议

clarification 澄清

comment 评论

to second, to support 赞成to adopt 通过

to oppose 反对

to raise an objection 提出异议

to move an amendment 提出修正案

to amend 修正

second reading(法案、议案的)二读

substantive motion 实质性的动议

decision 决定

ruling 裁决

to reject 拒绝,驳回

resolution 决议

draft resolution 决议草案,提案

first draft, preliminary draft 草案初稿

whereas 正式文件的开场白,前言

motivations 表明动机

operative part 生效部分

report 报告

factual report 事实报告

minutes, record 记录

summary record 摘要纪录

verbatim record 逐字纪录

memorandum 备忘录

to postpone, to adjourn, to put off 推迟,延期

closure 闭幕

closing speech 闭幕词

to adjourn the meeting, to close the meeting 散会


member 成员

membership 成员资格

member as of right 法定代表

life member 终身成员

full-fledged member 全权代表

head of delegation 代表团团长

permanent delegate 常驻代表

representative 代表

alternate, substitute 副代表

observer 观察员

technical adviser 技术顾问

auditor 审计员

office 职务

holder of an office 职称

honorary president 名誉主席

chairman 主席

presidency, chairmanship, chair 主席团

interim chairman 临时主席

vice-president, vice-chairman 副主席

former chairman 前主席(美作:past chairman)

director general 局长,处长

deputy director general 副局长,副处长

secretary general 秘书长

executive secretary 执行秘书

treasurer 司库

officials 官员

consultant 顾问

full powers 全权

to chair 主持

terms of reference 职权范围

with a right to vote 有表决权

ushers 招待

to sit a meeting, to meet a meeting, to hold a meeting 召开会议

The following phrases are used to conduct a meeting.These phrases are useful if you are called on to conduct a meeting.1、Opening 宣布会议开始

Good morning/afternoon everyone.If we are all here let’s get started / start the meeting / start.2、Welcoming and Introducing 欢迎和介绍出席人员

Please join me in welcoming(name of participant)

We’re pleased to welcome(name of participant)

I’d like to extend a warm welcome to(name of participant)

It’s a pleasure to welcome(name of participant)

I’d like to introduce(name of participant)

3、Stating the Principal Objectives 阐明会议主要议题

We’re here today to.I’d like to make sure that we.Our main aim today is to.I’ve called this meeting in order to.4、Giving Apologies for Someone Who is Absent 对缺席者表示遗憾

I’m afraid(name of participant)can’t be with us today.She is in.Unfortunately(name of participant).will not be with us to day because he.I have received apologies for absence from(name of participant)who is in(place).5、Reading the Minutes(notes)of the Last Meeting 宣读上次会议记要

To begin with I’d like to quickly go through the minutes of our last meeting.First let’s go over the report from the last meeting which was held on(date)

Here are the minutes from our last meeting which was on(date)

6、Dealing with Recent Developments 询问近期动态

Jack can you tell us how the XYZ project is progressing

Jack how is the XYZ project coming along

John have you completed the report on the new accounting package

Has everyone received a copy of the Tate Foundation report on current marketing trends7、Moving Forward 转向下一个议题

So if there is nothing else we need to discuss let’s move on to today’s agenda.Shall we get down to business

Is there Any Other Business

If there are no further developments I’d like to move on to today’s topic.8、Introducing the Agenda 介绍议程


There are X items on the agenda.First.second.third.lastly.Shall we take the points in this order

If you don’t mind I’d like to go in order today.skip item 1 and move on to item 3

I suggest we take item 2 last.9、Allocating Roles(secretary participants)分配秘书和出席者的会议角色

(name of participant)has agreed to take the minutes.(name of participant)would you mind taking the minutes

(name of participant)has kindly agreed to give us a report on.(name of participant)will lead point 1(name of participant)point 2 and(name of participant)poin(name of participant)would you mind taking notes today

Agreeing on the Ground Rules for the Meeting(contributions timing decision-making etc.)就会议程序(发言,时间,决策)达成一致

We will first hear a short report on each point first followed by a discussion of.I suggest we go round the table first.Let’s make sure we finish by.I’d suggest we.There will be five minutes for each item.We’ll have to keep each item to 15 minutes.Otherwise we’ll never get through.11、Introducing the First Item on the Agenda 介绍第一项议题

So let’s start with.I’d suggest we start with.Why don’t we start with.So the first item on the agenda is

Pete would you like to kick off

Shall we start with.(name of participant)would you like to introduce this item

12、Closing an Item 结束一个议题

I think that takes care of the first item.Shall we leave that item

Why don’t we move on to.If nobody has anything else to add lets.13、Next Item 开始下一个议题

Let’s move onto the next item

Now that we’ve discussed X let’s now.The next item on today’s agenda is.Now we come to the question of.14、Giving Control to the Next Participant 请下一位出席者发言

I’d like to hand over to(name of participant)who is going to lead the next point.&nbs p

Next(name of participant)is going to take us through.Now I’d like to introduce(name of participant)who is going to.15、Summarizing 总结

Before we close today’s meeting let me just summarize the main points.Let me quickly go over today’s main points.To sum up

OK why don’t we quickly summarize what we’ve done today.In brief.Shall I go over the main points

16、Finishing Up 结束今日议题

Right it looks as though we’ve covered the main items.If there are no other comments I’d like to wrap this meeting up.Let’s bring this to a close for today.Is there Any Other Business

17、Suggesting and Agreeing on Time Date and Place for the Next Meeting 建议和征询下一次会议时间,日期和地点

Can we set the date for the next meeting please

So the next meeting will be on.(day)the...(date)of.(month)at.Let’s next meet on.(day)the...(date)of.(month)at.What about the following Wednesday How is that

18、Thanking Participants for Attending 感谢出席人员

I’d like to thank Marianne and Jeremy for coming over from London.Thank you all for attending.Thanks for your participation.19、Closing the Meeting 宣布散会

The meeting is finished we’ll see each other next.The meeting is closed.The meeting closed.




 Let me introduce you to Mr.Li, general manager of our company.让我介绍你认识,这是我们的总经理,李先生。

 How do I pronounce your name?


 How do I address you?



 Shall we get started?


 Now that everyone is here, let’s get down to business.现在大家都在这里,让我们开始吧。

 We are going to discuss three problems this morning.今天上午,我们要讨论三个问题。


 Shall we move on to the next item on the agenda?


 Let’s turn to the second problem.让我们谈谈第二个问题。

 How about proceeding to the next question?



 First, I’d like Mr.Li to briefly introduce the situation.首先,请李先生简略介绍有关情况。

 Could you elaborate on that?


 Would you take the minutes of the meeting?


 Would you wind up? We’re running out of time.你能结束吗?我们的时间要到了。


 I think we are getting side-tracked.我认为我们跑题了。

 Shall we get back to the main point?


 I’m afraid we’re getting a bit off the point.恐怕我们有点越来越跑题。

 I see your point, but could we please stick to the main problem here?我明白你的意思,但我们应该谈主要的问题,对吧?


 Are we all agreed?


 Do I have your support on this?


 Are we all for this plan?


 Are we all in favor of this decision?


 Has anyone got any objection to this proposal?


 Those in favor/ against, please put up your hand.表示赞成/反对的,请举手。


 I think…我觉得… …

In my opinion, …在我认为,… …

Personally,…个人认为,… …

As far as I’m concerned,…据我担心,… …

As I see it,…在我看来,… …

Wouldn’t it be possible to…有可能…

Could I make an additional recommendation?我可以提另一个建议吗?

I’d like to make one more point.我想多说一点。


 I don't quite follow you.我不太明白你的意思。

 I'm afraid I don't quite understand what you are getting at.我不太明白你的看法。

 I don't see what you mean.Could we have some more details, please?



 Let me spell it out...让我解释一下……

 Let me put this another way...让我换种方式说明……

 I'd just like to repeat that...我愿意重申一下……


 Let me take a minute to sum up the main points of this discussion.请允许我概括本次讨论要点。

 If nobody wants to add anything, we can draw the meeting to a close/an end.如果没有人要补充,我们可以结束会议了。

 That wraps up/concludes the last item on the agenda.最后一项议题结束了。


 I'm afraid our time is up.Let's call it a day.时间到了。我们今天到此为止。

 We have to close today's discussion now.今天讨论到此结束。

 Let's stop here.We'll go on with the talk this afternoon.我们到此结束。下午再接着讨论。

 Let's discuss it in detail tomorrow.我们明天再详细讨论。

Thank you for your participation.



The first item on agenda was how to cut down cost in manufacturing.I would like to give a special welcome to our guests today.I think we’d better look into the market of our products in the first place.我想我们最好先调查一下我们的产品市场

The goods of last year are still on sales now.All of the participants are on the list.


Language Used to Participate in Meetings 出席会议常用语

1、Getting the Chairperson’s Attention 引起会议主席的注意(Mister/Madam)chairman.May I have a word?

If I may, I think...Excuse me for interrupting.May I come in here?

2、Giving Opinions 表达意见

I’m positive that...I(really)feel that...In my opinion...The way I see things...If you ask me,...I tend to think that...3、Asking for Opinions 询问意见

Are you positive that...Do you(really)think that...(name of participant)can we get your input?

How do you feel about...? Commenting 做出评论

That’s interesting.I never thought about it that way before.Good point!

I get your point.I see what you mean.4、Agreeing 表示同意

I totally agree with you.Exactly!

That’s(exactly)the way I feel.I have to agree with(name of participant).5、Disagreeing 表示异议

Unfortunately, I see it differently.Up to a point I agree with you, but...(I’m afraid)I can’t agree Advising and Suggesting 提出建议

Let’s...We should...Why don’t you....How/What about...I suggest/recommend that...6、Clarifying 澄清

Let me spell out...Have I made that clear?

Do you see what I’m getting at?

Let me put this another way...I’d just like to repeat that...7、Requesting Information 请求信息

Please, could you...I’d like you to...Would you mind...I wonder if you could...8、Asking for Repetition 请求重复

I’m afraid I didn’t understand that.Could you repeat what you just said?I didn’t catch that.Could you repeat that, please?

I missed that.Could you say it again, please?

Could you run that by me one more time?

9、Asking for Clarification 要求澄清

I don’t quite follow you.What exactly do you mean?

I’m afraid I don’t quite understand what your are getting at.Could you explain to me how that is going to work?

I don’t see what you mean.Could we have some more details, please?10、Asking for Verification 请求确认

You did say next week, didn’t you?(’did’ is stressed)

Do you mean that...?

Is it true that...?

11、Asking for Spelling 请求拼写

Could you spell that, please?

Would you mind spelling that for me, please?

12、Asking for Contributions 请求赐教

We haven’t heard from you yet,(name of participant).What do you think about this proposal?

Would you like to add anything,(name of participant)?

Has anyone else got anything to contribute?

Are there any more comments?

13、Correcting Information 更正

Sorry, I think you misunderstood what I said.Sorry, that’s not quite right.I’m afraid you don’t understand what I’m saying.That’s not quite what I had in mind.That’s not what I meant.14、Keeping the Meeting On Target(time, relevance, decisions)转入正题

We’re running short of time.Well, that seems to be all the time we have today.Please be brief.I’m afraid we’ve run out of time.I’m afraid that’s outside the scope of this meeting.Let’s get back on track, why don’t we?

That’s not really why we’re here today.Why don’t we return to the main focus of today’s meeting.We’ll have to leave that to another time.We’re beginning to lose sight of the main point.Keep to the point, please.I think we’d better leave that for another meeting.Are we ready to make a decision?



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