大学英语4翻译课文及课后答案,期末考试复习题完形填空15选10翻译十五选十选词填空Unit 6

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第一篇:大学英语4翻译课文及课后答案,期末考试复习题完形填空15选10翻译十五选十选词填空Unit 6

Unit 6

“Don't ever mark in a book!” Thousands of teachers, librarians and parents have so advised.But Mortimer Adler disagrees.He thinks so long as you own the book and needn't preserve its physical appearance, marking it properly will grant you the ownership of the book in the true sense of the word and make it a part of yourself.HOW TO MARK A BOOK

Mortimer J.Adler

You know you have to read “between the lines” to get the most out of anything.I want to persuade you to do something equally important in the course of your reading.I want to persuade you to “write between the lines.” Unless you do, you are not likely to do the most efficient kind of reading.You shouldn't mark up a book which isn't yours.Librarians(or your friends)who lend you books expect you to keep them clean, and you should.If you decide that I am right about the usefulness of marking books, you will have to buy them.There are two ways in which one can own a book.The first is the property right you establish by paying for it, just as you pay for clothes and furniture.But this act of purchase is only the prelude to possession.Full ownership comes only when you have made it a part of yourself, and the best way to make yourself a part of it is by writing in it.An illustration may make the point clear.You buy a beefsteak and transfer it from the butcher's icebox to your own.But you do not own the beefsteak in the most important sense until you consume it and get it into your bloodstream.I am arguing that books, too, must be absorbed in your bloodstream to do you any good.There are three kinds of book owners.The first has all the standard sets and best-sellers--unread, untouched.(This individual owns wood-pulp and ink, not books.)The second has a great many books--a few of them read through, most of them dipped into, but all of them as clean and shiny as the day they were bought.(This person would probably like to make books his own, but is restrained by a false respect for their physical appearance.)The third has a few books or many--every one of them dog-eared and dilapidated, shaken and loosened by continual use, marked and scribbled in from front to back.(This man owns books.)

Is it false respect, you may ask, to preserve intact a beautifully printed book, an elegantly bound edition? Of course not.I'd no more scribble all over a first edition of “Paradise Lost” than I'd give my baby a set of crayons and an original Rembrandt!I wouldn't mark up a painting or a statue.Its soul, so to speak, is inseparable from its body.And the beauty of a rare edition or of a richly manufactured volume is like that of painting or a statue.If your respect for magnificent binding or printing gets in the way, buy yourself a cheap edition and pay your respects to the author.Why is marking up a book indispensable to reading? First, it keeps you awake.(And I don't mean merely conscious;I mean wide awake.)In the second place, reading, if it is active, is thinking, and thinking tends to express itself in words, spoken or written.The marked book is usually the thought-through book.Finally, writing helps you remember the thoughts you had,or the thoughts the author expressed.Let me develop these three points.If reading is to accomplish anything more than passing time, it must be active.you can't let your eyes glide across the lines of a book and come up with an understanding of what you have read.Now an ordinary piece of light fiction, like, say, “Gone with the Wind,” doesn't require the most active kind of reading.The books you read for pleasure can be read in a state of relaxation, and nothing is lost.But a great book, rich in ideas and beauty, a book that raises and tries to answer great fundamental questions, demands the most active reading of which you are capable.You don't absorb the ideas of John Dewey the way you absorb the crooning of Mr.Vallee.You have to reach for them.That you cannot do while you're asleep.If, when you've finished reading a book, the pages are filled with your notes, you know that you read actively.The most famous active reader of great books I know is President Hutchins, of the University of Chicago.He also has the hardest schedule of business activities of any man I know.He invariably read with pencil, and sometimes, when he picks up a book and pencil in the evening, he finds himself, instead of making intelligent notes, drawing what he calls “ caviar factories” on the margins.When that happens, he puts the book down.He knows he's too tired to read, and he's just wasting time.But, you may ask, why is writing necessary? Well, the physical act of writing, with your own hand, brings words and sentences more sharply before your mind and preserves them better in your memory.To set down your reaction to important words and sentences you have read, and the questions they have raised in your mind, is to preserve those reactions and sharpen those questions.You can pick up the book the following week or year, and there are all your points of agreement, disagreement, doubt and inquiry.It's like resuming an interrupted conversation with the advantage of being able to pick up where you left off.And that is exactly what reading a book should be: a conversation between you and the author.Presumably he knows more about the subject than you do;naturally you'll have the proper humility as you approach him.But don't let anybody tell you that a reader is supposed to be solely on the receiving end.Understanding is a two-way operation;learning doesn't consist in being an empty receptacle.The learner has to question himself and question the teacher.He even has to argue with the teacher, once he understands what the teacher is saying.And marking a book is literally an expression of your differences, or agreements of opinion, with the author.There are all kinds of devices for marking a book intelligently and fruitfully.Here's the way I do it:

1.Underlining: of major points, of important or forceful statements.2.Vertical lines at the margin: to emphasize a statement already underlined.3.Star, asterisk, or other doo-dad at the margin: to be used sparingly, to emphasize the ten or twenty most important statements in the book.4.Numbers in the margin: to indicate the sequence of points the author makes in developing a single argument.5.Number of other pages in the margin: to indicate where else in the book the author made points relevant to the point marked;to tie up the ideas in a book, which, though they may be separated by many pages, belong together.6.Circling of key words or phrases.7.Writing in the margin, or at the top or bottom of the page, for the sake of: recording questions(and perhaps answers)which a passage raise in your mind;reducing a complicated discussion to a simple statement;recording the sequence of major points right through the book.I use the end-papers at the back of the book to make a personal index of the author's points in the order of their appearance.The front end-papers are, to me, the most important.Some people reserve them for a fancy bookplate, I reserve them for fancy thinking.After I have finished reading the book and making my personal index on the back end-papers, I turn to the front and try to outline the book, not page by page, or point by point(I've already done that at the back), but as an integrated structure, with a basic unity and an order of parts.This outline is, to me, the measure of my understanding of the work.




We were informed that the Minister of Finance was to give us an audience /receive us the next day.2)我觉得很奇怪,他似乎不记得自己的生日。

I thought it odd that he didn't seem to remember his own birthday.3)学期论文最迟应在下星期二交来,可是至今大部分学生却几无进展。

Next Tuesday is the deadline for handing in the term papers, but most students have hardly made a dent in the work so far.4)看到学生人数不断减少,校长心里很难受。(pain)It pained the headmaster to find the number of students shrinking.5)在那个国家一般用现金付账,但支票变得普遍起来了,不久会代替现金作为人们结账的一种方式。

Cash is commonly used in paying bills in that country, but checks are becoming more popular and will, in a short while, replace cash as a way for people to settle their accounts.6)该公司声称,这条河流的污染不是它造成的。

The company claims that it is not responsible for the pollution in the river.Unit2翻译

1)比尔已是个成熟的小伙子,不再依赖父母替他做主。Bill is a mature young man who is no longer dependent on his parents for decisions.2)这个地区有大量肉类供应,但新鲜果蔬奇缺。There are abundant supplies of meat in this region, but fresh fruit and vegetables are scarce.3)工程师们依靠工人们的智慧发明了一种新的生产方法,使生产率得以提高。

Drawing on the wisdom of the workers, the engineers invented a new production method that led to increased productivity.4)他花了许多时间准备数学考试,因此当他获知自己只得了个B时感到有点失望。

He spent a lot of time preparing for his math exam.Hence he was somewhat disappointed to learn that he got only a B.5)我们有充裕的时间从从容容吃顿午饭。

We have ample time for a leisurely lunch.6)地方政府不得不动用储备粮并采取其他紧急措施,以渡过粮食危机。

The local government had to draw on its grain reserves and take other emergency measures so as to pull through the food crisis.Unit3翻译


In the preface to one of his plays, Bernard Shaw advances the idea that people are more superstitious today than they were in the Middle Ages.2)丈夫死后,她只好独自挑起抚养五个孩子的经济重担。After her husband died, she had to bear the severe financial burden of raising five children by herself.3)证明或驳斥某个论点的最好办法之一是从亲身经历中举出例子。

One of the best ways to prove or refute a point is to cite examples from your own experience.4)亨特说贝蒂老是夸大他的缺点,这话很可能会引起一场争吵。

Hunt's statement that Betty always exaggerates his faults may well lead to a quarrel.5)我当时对她绝对信任,无论她告诉我什么,我都会相信。I trusted her so much that I would have swallowed any story she told me.6)一家人聚拢来讨论经济问题时,父亲一开头就说,每月存点钱是绝对必要的,遇到紧急情况,我们可以依靠积蓄。When the family gathered to discuss matters of finance, Father started off by saying that it was absolutely necessary to set aside some money each month, for in an emergency we could fall back on our savings.Unit4翻译

有时,倒霉的事儿似乎会到处跟随着你。就举不久前我所遭遇到的事为例吧。一天我开车去附近一座城市出差,在一个十字路口,见到红灯亮起我便将车停了下来。可是,突然一辆黑色的别克车从后面向我的车子撞过来。我受了点伤。万分忿怒之下我咒骂着下了车,可却发现那车的女驾驶员像是被撞得不省人事了,她那坐在车后的小孩也受伤了。我只好在口袋中摸找手机报了警。几分钟后一辆警车开来,急忙将女士和小孩送往医院。而我却被告知要待在原处。事实上,尽管我对这事毫无责任,我在两小时后方得以离开现场。回到家,精神力气好像一点儿都没有了。至于出差的事么,我只好取消了。为此,我的工作也受到很大损失。至今,我仍搞不明白这车祸到底是怎么回事。Sometimes bad luck seems to follow you everywhere.Take, for instance, what happened to me not long ago.One day I drove to a nearby city on business.At a junction I pulled the car to a halt as the red light was on;however, a black Buick suddenly collided into my car from behind.I was slightly injured.Wild with anger I cursed and got out only to find that the woman driver of the other car appeared to have been knocked unconscious and her young child, who was sitting in the rear of the car, was hurt, too.I had to fumble in my pockets for my mobile phone and call the police.In a few minutes a police car came and rushed the lady and her child to hospital.I was, however, asked to stay where I was.In fact, I didn't leave the scene until two hours later although I was not to blame at all.By the time I got home all my energy seemed to have deserted me.As to the business trip, I had to cancel it.As a result, my work suffered enormously.Up to now, I still can't make sense of the accident.Unit5翻译


I am convinced that, contrary to expectations, the so-called informed decision will bring very grave consequences.2)诚然,他曾欺骗你,但他已经承认自己做错了,并道了歉。所以你不应该老是以怀疑的态度对待他。

It's true he once deceived you, but he has admitted he has done wrong and apologized.So you shouldn't always treat him with suspicion.3)他在这个问题公开进行辩论之前就已表明了自己的立场。He had taken a stand on the issue before it was openly debated.4)在调查过程中,他们发现了种种形式的政治腐败,并揭露了许多贪官污吏(corrupt officials)。

In the course of their investigation, they discovered various forms of political corruption and exposed a number of corrupt officials.5)玛丽的两难处境是:把真相告诉老板从而失信于她的同事,还是让老板蒙在鼓里从而辜负他的信任。Mary's dilemma was whether to betray her colleagues by telling her boss the truth or to betray his trust by keeping him in the dark about it.6)首先,是什么使你认为这项规划会促进改革?其次,你怎么知道这些改革会让全县得到好处? Now, in the first place, what has made you think(led you to think)this program will promote reforms, and in the second, how do you know these reforms will benefit the whole county?



The vice minister of health has emphasized time and again how important it is to integrate traditional Chinese medicine with western medicine.2)热天很难保藏食品,使之保持新鲜与食用安全。很自然,许多人觉得在夏季还是不上饭店为好。

In hot weather it is rather difficult to preserve food and keep it fresh and safe to eat.Naturally, many people prefer not to eat in restaurants during the summer months.

After days of inquiry the police finally tied up the murder with the case of the recent escape from prison.5)我想劝说他们采纳我们的计划,首先因为这一计划所需资金较少,其次,不会造成环境污染。

I want to persuade them to adopt our plan, because, in the first place, it calls for less funds and, in the second place, it will not cause environmental pollution.6)父亲用绳子把芹菜(celery)扎在一起,放在河里浸了浸,然后拿到菜场去卖。

Father bound the celery together with a rope and dipped it in the stream for a while before he took it to the market for sale.Unit7翻译

1)法庭的判决引起史密斯先生的朋友们的气愤,他们相信他是无辜的。The court's judgment aroused anger among Mr.Smith's friends, who believed that he was innocent.2)当我们经过那家价格昂贵的餐馆时,父亲催我们快走,他说在这样高档的(fancy)地方用餐是大大超过我们的经济能力的。

As we passed the expensive restaurant, father hurried us along saying that it was well beyond our means to have dinner at such a fancy place.3)老师在评价一篇文章并给它打分(grade vt.)时,可能是根据总的印象而不是根据仔细的分析(analysis)。A teacher may evaluate and grade an essay on the basis of his general impression rather than on a detailed analysis.4)小狗(puppy)将我的一张画搞坏了,我真想对它发火,可它那十分可爱(cute)的样子使我不禁笑着把它从地上抱了起来。(be inclined to, ruin)I was inclined to get angry at the puppy for ruining my painting but he was so cute that I could not help but laugh and pick him up.5)爱德华(Edward)常常喜爱在那间可以眺望大海的房间里朗诵诗歌。

Edward was in the habit of reciting poems in the room overlooking the sea.6)安东尼(Anthony)彻夜未眠,因为他对于是否得插手此事举棋不定。

Anthony stayed up all night because he just could not make up his mind whether or not to take a hand in the matter.Unit8翻译 1)有朝一日人们不需要离开城市去寻求宁静。当我们撤到地下居所时,现在由城市占据的地面便可让位于公园和荒野,供人们休闲娱乐。

Someday people need not get away from the city to find peace and quiet.When we withdraw into underground dwellings, the surface ground now occupied by cities can be turned over to park and to wilderness for recreation.2)请你注意并非所有的学生都愿意出席毕业典礼(graduation ceremony),所以学校才要求凡是想领取毕业证书(diploma)的毕业生(graduating students)都得出席。

Not all of the students, mind you, are willing to attend the graduation ceremony so the school has to require that all graduating students attend the ceremony if they want to receive a diploma.3)对于妇女在社会中的地位问题,我们的许多看法来自封建时代(feudal times),与今天的社会是格格不入的(not relevant)。

Many of the ideas we have about the role of women in society are derived from feudal times and are not relevant in today's society.4)如今人们的流动性比以往任何时候都大,这也许就是为什么移动电话十分普及的原因。

People today are more mobile than ever before;perhaps this is why mobile phones have become so common.5)几乎每个孩子都曾梦想去太空旅游,体会一下在失重(gravity-free)环境下生活是什么样子。(virtually)Virtually every child has dreamed of traveling in space and experiencing what it would be like to live in a gravity-free environment.6)我们学校鼓励学生独立思考(do independent thinking),不要受老师观点的束缚。(restrict)Students of our school are encouraged to do independent thinking and not to be restricted by the teacher's points of view.Unit9翻译

几年前我父母把我带到美国时,那里的一切对我来说都十分陌生。进入一所美国中学后不久,我就感到极其孤独寂寞,因为我英语能力(competence)的欠缺造成了我与新同学之间的隔阂。父母亲弄清楚我为什么情绪那么低落后,他们鼓励我提高自己的英语水平,鼓励我通过广泛阅读丰富自己的词汇。此后我花了许多时间阅读英语书籍与杂志。好的推理作品总会使我着迷,但最吸引我的是关于杰出的科学家的故事。我记得阿伯特·爱因斯坦给我留下了很深的印象,他的思想深刻地改变了人类关于空间、时间、物质和能量的基本概念。亚里士多德(Aristotle)写了四百本左右关于各种学科的著作,这真使我大为惊异。斯蒂芬· 霍金身体伤残而且不能说话,但他对科学却作出了杰出贡献。这真是奇迹啊!伟大的科学家的光辉业绩促使我下决心把一生献给科学事业。

When my parents took me to America several years ago, everything there felt very alien to me.Soon after I attended an American high school, I felt desperately lonely because my lack of competence in English formed a barrier separating my new schoolmates and myself.When my parents found out why I was in such low spirits, they encouraged me to improve myself in English and enrich my vocabulary by reading extensively.From then on I spent many hours reading English books and magazines.I was always intrigued by good mysteries, but what fascinated me most was stories of outstanding scientists.I remember I was greatly impressed by Albert Einstein whose ideas profoundly changed mankind's basic concepts of space, time, matter and energy.And I found it amazing that Aristotle had written about 400 books on a variety of subjects.Stephen Hawking is physically disabled and unable to speak;nevertheless, he has made a notable contribution to science.What a miracle!Brilliant deeds of the great scientists led / prompted me to make up my mind to dedicate my life to the pursuit of science.Unit10翻译

1)关键证人的缺席有可能削弱对被告的指控力度|(weaken the case against)。

The absence of the crucial witness was likely to weaken the case against the defendant.2)为了帮我们准备好参加辩论,教练要我们经常注意与我们自己的论点相悖的论点。(reverse)To prepare us for the debate, the coach wanted us to be always aware of arguments that are quite the reverse of ours.3)尤其是, 人们指望你表现出能激励和领导一班人的潜力。Above all you are expected to demonstrate a potential to motivate and lead the team.4)医生往往为自己能够医治好病人罕见的疾病而自豪。A doctor often prides himself on the ability to cure his patient of a rare disease.5)如果不按时将书归还图书馆或到期前不续借,就得按规定罚款。

If books are not returned to the library on time or not renewed before they are due, a fine must be paid in accordance with the regulations.6)总的来说,很少有人不抱怨自己的工作的,然而一旦他们没有机会工作了又会不高兴。

On the whole, few people do not complain about their jobs.On the other hand, they would be very unhappy if they got no chance to work.

第三篇:大学英语4翻译课文及课后答案,期末考试复习题完形填空15选10翻译十五选十选词填空Unit 10(模版)

Unit 10


Do you view work as a burden or an opportunity? Are you the kind of person who looks for ways to save your energy or the kind that finds spending your energy satisfying? Why do people like to complain about work? Find the answers to question like these in the following essay.WHY PEOPLE WORK

Leonard R.Sayles

Jobs and work do much more than most of us realize to provide happiness and contentment.We're all used to thinking that work provides the material things of life--the goods and services that make possible our modern civilization.But we are much less conscious of the extent to which work provides the more intangible, but more crucial, psychological well-being that can make the difference between a full and an empty life.Historically, work has been associated with slavery and sin and punishment.And in our own day we are used to hearing the traditional complaints: “I can't wait for my vacation,” “I wish I could stay home today,” “My boss treats me poorly,” “I've got too much work to do and not enough time to do it.” Against this background, it may well come as a surprise to learn that not only psychologists but other behavioral scientists have come to accept the positive contribution of work to the individual's happiness and sense of personal achievement.Work is more than a necessity for most human beings;it is the focus of their lives, the source of their identity and creativity.Rather than a punishment or a burden, work is the opportunity to realize one's potential.Many psychiatrists heading mental health clinics have observed its healing effect.A good many patients who feel depressed in clinics gain renewed self-confidence when gainfully employed and lose some, if not all, of their most acute symptoms.Increasingly, institutions dealing with mental health problems are establishing workshops wherein those too sick to get a job in “outside” industry can work, while every effort is exerted to arrange “real” jobs for those well enough to work outside.And the reverse is true, too.For large numbers of people, the absence of work is harmful to their health.Retirement often brings many problems surrounding the “What do I do with myself?” question, even though there may be no financial cares.Large numbers of people regularly get headaches and other illnesses on weekends when they don't have their jobs to go to, and must fend for themselves.It has been observed that unemployment, quite aside from exerting financial pressures, brings enormous psychological troubles and that many individuals deteriorate rapidly when jobless.But why? Why should work be such a significant source of human satisfaction? A good share of the answer rests in the kind of pride that is stimulated by the job, by the activity of accomplishing.Pride in Accomplishment

The human being longs for a sense of being accomplished, of being able to do things, with his hand, with his mind, with his will.Each of us wants to feel he or she has the ability to do something that is meaningful and that serves as a tribute to our inherent abilities.It is easiest to see this in the craftsman who lovingly shapes some cheap material into an object that may be either useful or beautiful or both.You can see the carpenter or bricklayer stand aside and admire the product of his personal skill.But even where there is no obvious end product that is solely attributable to one person's skill, researchers have found that employees find pride in accomplishment.Our own research in hospitals suggests that even the houskeeping and laundry staffs take pride in the fact that in their own ways they are helping to cure sick people--and thus accomplishing good deal.We're often misled by the complaints surrounding difficult work;deep down most people regard their won capacity to conquer the tough job as the mark of their own unique personality.Complaining is just part of working.After all, how else do you know who you are, except as you can demonstrate the ability of your mind to control you limbs ad hands and words? You are, in significant measure, what you can do.Some are deceived into thinking that people like to store up energy, to rest and save themselves as much as possible.Just the opposite.It is energy expenditure that is satisfying.Just watch an employee who must deal with countless other people because his or her job is at some central point in a communications network: a salesman at a busy counter, a stock broker on the phone, a customer representative.They will tell you how much skill and experience it takes to answer countless questions and handle various kinds of personalities every hour of the day.Not everyone can interact with such persistence and over long hours, but those who do, pride themselves on a distinctive ability that contributes mightily to the running of the organization.But work is more than accomplishment and pride in being able to command the job, because except for a few craftsmen and artists most work takes place “out in the world,” with an through other people.Esprit de corps

Perhasps an example will make the point:

I remember viewing a half dozen me in a chair factory whose job it was to bend several pieces of steel and attach them so that a folding chair would result.While there were ten or twelve of these “teams” that worked together, one in particular was known for its perfect coordination and lightning-like efforts.The men knew they were good.They would work spurts for twenty or thirty minutes before taking a break--to show themselves, bystanders and other groups what it was to be superbly skilled and self-controlled, to be the best in the factory.When I talked with them, each expressed enormous pride in being a part of the fastest, best team.And this sense of belonging to an accomplished work group is one of the distinctive satisfactions of the world of work.One further word about work group satisfactions.Unlike many other aspects of life, relationships among people at work tend to be simpler, less complicated, somewhat less emotional.This is not to say there aren't arguments and jealousies, but, on the whole, behavioral research discloses that human relations at work are just easier, perhaps because they are more regular and predictable and thus simpler to adjust to than the sporadic, the more intense and less regular relationships in the community.And the work group also gently pressures its members to learn how to adjust to one another so that the “rough edges” are worked off because people know they must do certain things with and through one another each day.Beyond the team and the work group, there is the organization, whether it be company or hospital or university.The same pride in being part of a well-coordinated, successful unit is derived from being part of a larger collectivity.Working for a company that is thought of as being part of the best in the community can provide employees with both status and self-confidence.They assume, usually with good reason, that others regard them more highly, even envy them, and that they are more competent than the average because of this association with a “winner,” a prestigious institution.We in truth bask in the reflected glory of the institution, and we seek ways of asserting our membership so that others will know and can recognize our good fortune.New Words



课内阅读参考译文及课后习题答案(Book 4)Unit 1 享受幽默—什么东西令人开怀?

听了一个有趣的故事会发笑、很开心,古今中外都一样。这一现象或许同语言本身一样悠久。那么,到底是什么东西会使一个故事或笑话让人感到滑稽可笑的呢? 2









著名的中国漫画家和幽默家丁聪便是一位俏皮话大师。在他的一幅幽默漫画中,一位老师说:“你为什么一字不改地抄别人的作业?”那位年轻的学生回答道:“我没有一字不改地抄。我把作业上的名字改成自己的了。”在丁聪的另一幅经典漫画里,一位生气的父亲问道:“告诉我,1加2等于几?”儿子说:“我不知道。”这位不耐烦的父亲接着说道:“比方说,你、你妈妈和我,我们加起来一共是几个,傻瓜?”儿子得意地回答道:“是三个傻瓜。” 这些故事无论是漫画还是笑话,是由演滑稽剧的喜剧演员说还是由搭档的相声演员讲,都为各地人们所喜爱。人们喜爱这些有趣的故事,因为它们贴近现实生活,而且里面那些出人意料的妙语十分有趣。


DOUBLE ENTENDRES(法语中的“一语双关”)是双关语的特殊形式, 其中的词或短语有双重意思。两个意思往往很不相同,一个比较恰当,另一个往往比较粗俗—但并不总是这样。我喜欢那个关于一位中学教师和校长因看见学生在学校操场上接吻而感到担心的故事。故事并不过火。那位教师对学生们说;“我和校长已经决定停止在学校操场上接吻。”听到笑声,她意识到她没有把意思表达清楚,于是补充说:“我的意思是不能再在我们的鼻子下面发生接吻这样的事了。”当然,这个解释并没有纠正她的第一句话,反而使这个笑话的双重含义变得更加好笑。



















D.analysis 6)A.valuable












2.1)a sense of responsibility

2)a sense of safety/security

3)a sense of inferiority

4)a sense of superiority

5)a sense of rhythm

6)a sense of justice

7)a sense of shame

8)a sense of helplessness

9)a sense of direction

10)a sense of urgency

3.1)Lively behavior is normal 2)Fast cars appeal to

3)diverse arguments

4)I asked my boss for clarification

5)sensitive to light

6)Mutual encouragement

7)made fun of him

8)persists in his opinion/viewpoint 9)to be the focus/center of attention

10)we buy our tickets in advance 4.1)certain/sure





6)agreed 7)individually








15)trouble Unit 2 便笺的力量









那些通常做作的公司高层经理们,其领导作风只能被形容为强硬、冷漠、脱离群众。甚至这些人也开始学习写便笺去鼓舞人心,且从中获益匪浅。唐纳德?彼得森,福特公司的前主席,把每天写便笺鼓励同事当作一件日常工作。该公司在80年代时走出低谷取得成功主要是他的功劳。“我只不过匆匆地在备忘录或信的角上写一些鼓舞人心的话,然后传递出去,”他说道。“每天最重要的一段时间,就是鼓舞那些为你工作的人的那10分钟。” 10

“太多的时候,”他发表自己的看法说,“那些我们真正喜欢的人并不知道我们是怎么看待他们的。太多的时候,我们会以为,我并没有说过什么批评的话,为什么非得去说好话呢?我们忘了,人类需要正面的肯定或鼓励——事实上,我们靠这个取得进步,获得成功!” 11

怎样才能写出振奋精神、温暖人心的信呢?只要我们怀有要表示感激之情的心愿。写这种便笺的高手都具有我所谓的 “4S”技巧。12



3)具体(specific)。赞扬一位业务伙伴 “演讲精彩”太笼统含糊;告诉他“关于沃伦?巴菲特的投资策略讲得很精彩”才是一语中的。





今天,我收到了以前的老板和精神导师诺曼?文森特?皮尔的一封温暖的赞扬信。这张小小的便笺上满是鼓舞人心的词句,这促使我坐到了打字机前来完成几封我早就该写的信。我不知道这些信会不会使别人的一天别有意义,但是,对我自己确实如此。正如我的朋友堂?沃尔夫所说的:使别人充满信心,也就使我自己感觉很好。Vocabulary 1.Creating Compound Words


Column A

Column B

The compound words created through


throughout up


upbeat, uplift draw


drawback teen


teenage hand


handout, handwritten birth


birthday, birthstone chair


chairman rag


rag-eared ever


ever-ready over


overdue, overage



long-distance, long-eared self


self-conscious mile


mileage, milestone type


typewriter, typewritten well


well-wishing, well-written











10)rag-eared 11)birthday








n.the act or practice of secretly planning to harm someone or make them lose their position of power


v.try very hard to do something using all your physical or mental strength


n.a force that stretches, pulls or puts pressure on something




v.enjoy the taste or flavor of;enjoy as much as you can


v.treat something as being very special, important, or valuable


n.a store of gold, silver, jewels, etc.5)A.credited

v.consider … as having achieved something or being the reason for it B.credit

n.trust;faith 6)A.boost

n.an encouraging act of cheering somebody up


v.make someone feel more confident and less worried 7)A.note

n.a short, usually informal, letter


v.notice or pay careful attention to something 8)A.signed

v.write your signature on a letter or document to show that you wrote it, agreed with it


n.gesture used to express one’s meaning, idea, etc.9)A.totaled

v.come to a certain amount


n.the whole amount


v.fill something with a substance


n.substance or material


n.the number that is reached when something is being counted


v.be important


v.manage to remain in the same situation


n.the remaining part of something


v.express praise or admiration of somebody


n.an expression of praise, admiration, approval, etc.14)A.flood

n.a large number or amount


v.arrive in large numbers


n.communication with a person, organization, country, etc.B.contact

v.reach(someone)by message, telephone, etc.3.1)thrives








9)follow up

10)characterized 11)lingered


4.column: 1)D




tough: 1)D





6)A 5.1)A.complementary


C.complimentary complimentary: 1)expressing admiration, praise, etc.2)given free of charge complementary: making something complete or perfect;supplying what is lacking or needed for completion 2)A.stationery


C.stationary stationary: not moving, or not changing stationery: writing materials(e.g.paper, envelopes, etc.)3)A.typist


C.typist typewriter: a machine with a keyboard that you use for typing words directly onto a sheet of paper typist: a person who types, especially one employed to do so 4)A.vulgar


C.vague vague: 1)not clearly expressed, known, described or decided 2)not clear in shape;not clearly seen vulgar: not having or showing good taste or good manners;not educated 5)A.pad


C.pad pad: 1)several sheets of paper fastened together, used for writing, drawing, etc.2)a piece of soft thick cloth or rubber which is used to protect a part of the body, give shape to something or clean something




D.owned owe: 1)have to pay, for something already done or given

2)feel grateful own: 1)a.belonging to oneself and to no one else 2)v.possess(something), especially by lawful right 6.1)searched











12)replaced 13)appreciation




Unit 3 从文化角度看性别角色

在过去的几十年里,已经无数次地证实了这样一个事实:构成男子阳刚之气和女子阴柔之气的各种不同类型的行为、情感、和兴趣都既是遗传又是文化熏陶的结果。在成长的过程中,每个孩子学会了细微的行为举止,数量之多数以百计,这一切都带有文化的烙印,成了他们性别特征的一部分。有些行为举止是直接学到的。也就是说,别人教孩子如何恰如其分地行事, 男有男的规矩, 女有女的标准。另一些跟性别有关的具体举止是无意识地或间接地学会的,因为文化为女孩子和男孩子提供的形象、向往的目标以及成人的榜样各不相同。2















2.conscious – unconscious

positive – negative

encourage – discourage

superior – inferior

directly – indirectly

biased – fair

sexist –


limited – unlimited

dependent – independent

appropriately – inappropriately








8)B 4.1)turn out

2)carry over

3)calling on

4)put away

5)fallen behind

6)take over Unit 4 关于创造力的培养——鼓励孩子思考

教育界和商业界的专家们说, 具有创造性是通向光明前程的关键。本文将介绍一下学校和家长如何才能鼓励孩子发展这一至关重要的能力。











1.1)confused, confusion

2)intelligence, intelligent

3)humorous, humor

4)strategy, strategic

5)motivated, motivation

6)combination, combined

7)creation, creative

8)pursuit, pursuing

9)multiplication, multiply

10)employ, employment










10)value 3.1)dismiss












5)Imagination 6)aware









15)Apply Unit 6 风险与你



风险几乎总是一个可能性的问题而无确定性可言。你也许会问:“我该不该系安全带?”如果你坐的车要与其它车正面相撞,那当然该系安全带。倘若你的车侧面被撞,结果你被困在车里,又因安全带装置遭破坏而无法挣脱,那怎么办呢?这是否意味着你该再花些钱在车内安一个保险气袋呢?同样,在正面相撞的情况下,保险气袋完全可以救你一命。但是,万一正当你在高速公路上开车时,保险气袋突然意外充气膨胀,从而导致了本来绝不会发生的事故,那又该如何是好? 4



在我们尚不知所涉及的风险程度之前,我们还无法回答这些问题。那么,我们该如何去衡量风险程度呢?有些人似乎认为答案只不过是一个简单的数字。例如,我们知道每年大约有25,000 人死于车祸。相比之下,每年只有大约300人死于矿山事故和灾难。这难道就意味着乘坐汽车要比采矿危险得多吗?未必。事实是,在美国每年大约有两亿人经常性地以车代步;而大概只有70万人从事采矿作业。我们评估一种风险时,所需要的有关数字是一个比率或分数。该分数的分子告诉我们在某个特定时期由于从事某种特定活动而丧生或受伤的人数;其分母告诉我们在这一时期从事这种活动的总人数。这样,所有的风险程度都是由比率或分数表示,其大小介于0(无风险)到1(完全风险)之间。7


我们一旦明白了风险是永远无法从任何情况中完全去除的,因而就没有绝对安全的事,我们也就会明白问题的关键不是要彻底避免风险,而是要理智地管理风险。风险管理需要两大要素:常识以及与我们可能要承担的风险的性质和程度相关的信息。Vocabulary Practice 1.1)sensible sensible: having or showing good sense;reasonable sensitive: easily hurt, upset, or offended by things that people say 2)relative relevant: directly connected with the subject or problem being discussed or considered relative: considered in relation or proportion to somebody/something else;comparative 3)mechanism machine: 机器

mechanism: a structure of working parts functioning together to produce an effect 4)requires require: need something request: ask for something politely or formally 5)eliminate reduce: make something smaller in size, number, degree, price, etc.eliminate: completely get rid of something that is unnecessary or unwanted 6)crash crash: a breaking to pieces especially by or as if by collision collision: an accident in which two or more people or vehicles hit each other while moving in different directions 2.1)character

2)end up




6)all manner of



9)definitively 3.1)On the strength of

2)all manner of

3)feed on


5)end up

6)associated with

7)focus on

8)turned to

9)participate in

10)involved in

第五篇:21世纪大学实用英语综合教程(第二册)课文翻译及课后习题答案unit 1

21世纪大学实用英语综合教程(第二册)课文翻译及课后习题答案unit 1.txt男人应该感谢20多岁陪在自己身边的女人。因为20岁是男人人生的最低谷,没钱,没事业;而20岁,却是女人一生中最灿烂的季节。只要锄头舞得好,哪有墙角挖不到?Unit 1







一天早晨,一位生活在美国的韩国妇女到上班地点时,她的老板问她:“你拿到盘子了吗?” “没有„„”她回答说,心里却在纳闷,不知道他到底是什么意思。她在办公室工作。老板为什么问她盘子的事呢?一整天她都对老板的怪问题感到纳闷,但又不好意思开口问他。到了5点,当她准备回家时,她的老板说:“明天请准时上班。你今天早晨迟到了15分钟” “对不起,”她说。“我的车发动不起来,而且„„” 突然她停止了讲话并开始微笑起来。她这时才明白老板并没有问她“你拿到盘子了吗?”他问的是“你是不是起来晚了?”

Auckland 和Oakland。“一个盘子”和“起晚”。当发音相似的单词引起误会时,也许最好的处理方式就是一笑了之并从错误中吸取教训。当然,有时候很难笑得出来。那个没到Oakland却去了Auckland的人是不会想笑的。但即使是那场误会,最终的结局也还不错。那家航空公司支付了那人在新西兰的旅馆住房和用餐的费用,还支付了他飞回加利福尼亚的费用。“ 哦,还好,”那人后来说,“我一直就想要看看新西兰的。”




6.traffic7.misunderstandings 8.embarrassed9.flights



1.got on2.head for3.tapped on the shoulder

4.pull over5.resulted in6.feel like7.By the time

8.turn out all right 9.in the end10.instead of

1.By the time I got home, I was too tired to do anything active.2.The two girls look too similar for people outside the family to tell them apart from each other.3.What in the world does mm stand for? The abbreviations that people use on the BBS are too confusing for me to understand.4.Because of TV, most people have become too lazy to make the effort to go to the cinema.5.Anne made a serious mistake yesterday because the test gave her too little time to decide on the correct choice.8

1.until I have really learnt the basics of the language.2.until the end of the book

3.until they have finished their speeches

4.until my teacher explained them in class with several examples

5.until I saw Sam Ward leave the building

6.until he got on a city bus

1.Because of the heavy snow, the passengers had to wait at the airport until midnight when the snow stopped.2.Twenty minutes after the train started, the two boys found that they had got on a train heading for Hangzhou instead of their hometown, Suzhoul.3.Similar-sounding English words often result in misunderstandings among English-speaking people.4.The driver heard an unusual sound from the car engine, so he pulled over immediately to check, but it turned out all right in the end.5.Mr.Lee felt very embarrassed when he realized that he had made a very common mistake among speakers of English as a second language.6.Mary felt like learning English and hoped she could learn it quickly, but soon found it was too difficult for her to learn in a short period of time.10

1.giving us heat and light

2.ranging in age from 4 to 16

3.Being invited to speak here

4.your encouraging words

5.sitting between Mary and Tom

6.leaving today’s work for Tomorrow

7.playing in the playground

8.taking a break

9.leaving me alone

10.taking mechanical things apart


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