hello ladies and gentlemen.welcome here today.i hope you enjoy my speech.learn from failure.learn from every mistake.learn how to be a good loser.that's what i'll be talking about today.that's our lesson to learn.let me tell you why.first,realize losing is a part of life.it is unavoidable.it is something we all must face.don't be embarrassed to lose.don't be ashamed of losing.losing doesn't mean you're a loser.everybody loses sometimes.every great person knows this truth.never let losing become permanent.second,just accept it.losing is beneficial.losing can be helpful to you.view losing as positive.view it as a learningexperience.make “lemonade out of lemons.”
losing can be a valuable lesson.losing is an excellent chance to learn.you can learn how to try again and improve.third,practice makes perfect.practice losing to get tough.enter contests you know you can't win.create challenges for yourself.create a fearless mindset.never be afraid of failure.lose as much as you can.losing only makes you better.that is a great secret of success.fourth,force yourself to be gracious.just grin and bear it.just take it with a smile.offer congrats to the winner.offer a handshakeorsome praise.say,“you did a better job today.”
share in hisorher happiness.share sincerely and your disappointment will fade.that's the magic of future winners.in conclusion,remember this.always be a good loser.always be gracious in defeat.it might be painful at first.it gets easier as you go along.the benefits of being a good loser are many.you'll be respected and admired.you'll feel so fortunate to learn so much.it is in losing well that we really become winners in life.
hello ladies and gentlemen.welcome here today.i hope you enjoy my speech.learn from failure.learn from every mistake.learn how to be a good loser.that's what i'll be talking about today.that's our lesson to learn.let me tell you why.first,realize losing is a part of life.it is unavoidable(不可避免的).it is something we all must face(面对).don't be embarrassed(尴尬).don't be ashamed of losing(不要以失败为耻辱).losing doesn't mean you're a loser.everybody loses sometimes.every great person knows this truth.never let losing become permanent(永久的).second,just accept it.losing is beneficial(有益的).losing can be helpful to you.view losing as positive.view it as a learning experience.losing can be a valuable lesson.losing is an excellent chance to learn.you can learn how to try again and improve.third,practice makes perfect.enter contests you know you can't win.create challenges for yourself.never be afraid of failure.lose as much as you can.losing only makes you better.that is a great secret of success.fourth,force yourself to be gracious.just take it with a smile.offer congrats to the winner.offer a handshake or some praise.say,“you did a better job today.”
share in his or her happiness.share sincerely(真诚的)and your disappointment will fade(消失).that's the magic of future winners.in conclusion(总之),remember this.always be a good loser.it might be painful at first.it gets easier as you go along.the benefits of being a good loser are many.you'll be respected(尊敬)and admired(钦佩).you'll feel so fortunate(幸运)to learn so much.it is in losing well that we really become winners in life.
第三篇:How to Be a Good Loser 如何成为输得起的人
Hello ladies and gentlemen.Welcome here today.I hope you enjoy my speech.Learn from failure.Learn from every mistake.Learn how to be a good loser.That's what I'll be talking about today.That's our lesson to learn.Let me tell you why.First,realize losing is a part of life.It is unavoidable.It is something we all must face.Don't be embarrassed to lose.Don't be ashamed of losing.Losing doesn't mean you're a loser.Everybody loses sometimes.Every great person knows this truth.Never let losing become permanent.Second,just accept it.Losing is beneficial.Losing can be helpful to you.View losing as positive.View it as a learningexperience.Make “lemonade out of lemons.”
Losing can be a valuable lesson.Losing is an excellent chance to learn.You can learn how to try again and improve.Third,practice makes perfect.practice losing to get tough.Enter contests you know you can't win.Create challenges for yourself.Create a fearless mindset.Never be afraid of failure.Lose as much as you can.Losing only makes you better.That is a great secret of success.Fourth,force yourself to be gracious.Just grin and bear it.Just take it with a smile.Offer congrats to the winner.Offer a handshake or some praise.Say,“you did a better job today.”
Share in his or her happiness.Share sincerely and your disappointment will fade.That's the magic of future winners.In conclusion,remember this.Always be a good loser.Always be gracious in defeat.It might be painful at first.It gets easier as you go along.The benefits of being a good loser are many.You'll be respected and admired.You'll feel so fortunate to learn so much.It is in losing well that we really become winners in life.
Hello ladies and gentlemen.Welcome here today.I hope you enjoy my speech.Learn from failure.Learn from every mistake.Learn how to be a good loser.That's what I'll be talking about today.That's our lesson to learn.Let me tell you why.First,realize losing is a part of life.It is unavoidable.It is something we all must face.Don't be embarrassed to lose.Don't be ashamed of losing.Losing doesn't mean you're a loser.Everybody loses sometimes.Every great person knows this truth.Never let losing become permanent.Second,just accept it.Losing is beneficial.Losing can be helpful to you.View losing as positive.View it as a learningexperience.Make “lemonade out of lemons.”
Losing can be a valuable lesson.Losing is an excellent chance to learn.You can learn how to try again and improve.Third,practice makes perfect.Practice losing to get tough.Enter contests you know you can't win.Create challenges for yourself.Create a fearless mindset.Never be afraid of failure.Lose as much as you can.Losing only makes you better.That is a great secret of success.Fourth,force yourself to be gracious.Just grin and bear it.Just take it with a smile.Offer congrats to the winner.Offer a handshake or some praise.Say,“you did a better job today.”
Share in his or her happiness.Share sincerely and your disappointment will fade.That's the magic of future winners.In conclusion,remember this.Always be a good loser.Always be gracious in defeat.It might be painful at first.It gets easier as you go along.The benefits of being a good loser are many.You'll be respected and admired.You'll feel so fortunate to learn so much.It is in losing well that we really become winners in life.
短短12年过去了,喜和泪一直伴随着我,我闯出了勇者的不悔,赢过输过。每一次成功我都为自己的拼搏而庆幸,每一次失败,也将在我的心头狠狠的划上一刀。虽然我知道,一次失败不代表人生的全部,但情感的波线让我无法正视失败。失败时,没有鲜花,没有掌声,没有荣耀,只有孤独,只有落泪,只有彷徨。好像我被这个世界抛弃在荒草连天的大草原上,伤心、疲惫。小时候,写作文总是写自己不畏摔跤,不畏失败,但当被它们伤到时,却总是默默地躲到一边。独自心伤。儿时的豪言壮志,长大后才发现是那么的不符合实际。“有志者,事竞成。破釜沉舟,百三秦关终归楚;苦心人,天不负。卧薪尝胆,三千越甲可吞吴。”突然想起同学的赠言,好吧!学勾践来个卧薪尝胆,积聚力量,来它个一鸣惊人,对得起自己的那句“在鸟终为凤,为鱼须化馄”。人生路上,我学会了输得起!学会输得起 的延伸阅读——作文写作技巧慧眼传神的标题要在考场中取悦阅卷老师,先用传神的标题去构建作文的佳境,尝言:标题是眼睛。好作文就要有一双迷人的慧眼。现在我们训练了大量的话题作文,大量同学却把标题拟得老气横秋,或者干脆用话题作为文章的标题,让人一看就不愿给高分。所以作为考生的你要充分意识到阅卷老师的疲惫,用尽量新、雅、美的标题去引起老师的注意,标题拟好