学术研究价值,这在同时代的墓中规模是较大的。现在请大家看一看椁(guo)室模型,它是根据1:10的比例制作的,其中,整个墓室分为兵室、礼室、和乐室三大厅,下面就请大家随我一起参观。前面我们说过,曾侯乙墓共出土文物一万余件,要想在有限的空间全部展出是不可能的,这里展出的是其中最具代表性的一部分,大家请看,这件鹿角立鹤是这个古墓中造型艺术和铸造工艺都比较高的一件杰作,它由鹿的角,鹤的身子、鸟的翅膀组合而成,当然自然界中是不存在这种动物的,它是人们想象出的一种仙鸟,放在墓穴中主要有两个作用,一是守护死者灵魂,防止鬼怪侵袭,再就是护送死者灵魂升天。另外值得一提的是他的铸造工艺也是比较讲究的,这反映了当时的青铜铸造已经达到了一定的水平。在礼器展厅中,共展出了礼器用品38种134件,是我国历年出土青铜器数量最多,种类较全的一次,所以,大家在余下的时间里可以慢慢的欣赏,领略我国悠远的古文化。现在请大家和我一起到楼上继续参观。这里展出的是曾侯乙墓出土的兵器,春秋战国时代战争频繁,所以许多新颖的作战武器脱颖而出,此墓出土的兵器,数量多,质量精,正是当时社会大变动,技术大革新的反映。看完兵器部分,大家是否可以勾勒出古代战争的大致轮廓和想象出他们使用兵器的类型呢?最后大家将要看到的便是世界闻名的曾侯乙编钟,编钟源于我国原始社会,乐宫中最为显赫的属编钟,巨大的钟架为铜木结构,呈曲尺形,全套编钟总重为2500 公斤,它至今保留着优美迷人的音色,有深沉浑厚的低音、铿锵圆润的中音、清脆响亮的高音,整套编钟铸造十分复杂,要经过设计、制模、合金、浇铸、铸后加工等多道工序,编钟的装配、布局从力学、美学、实际操作上都处理得十分恰当。这套编钟以其造型美观、铸造精美、保存完好、配备齐全、音域宽广、音色优美、音频准确而成为我国古代编钟之最。现在经过考古学家们的共同努力,曾侯乙墓的全套乐器已经全部复制出来,面对这些上古时代的杰作,真叫人叹为观止,称它是“世界第八大奇迹”大概也不为过吧?为了满足各种中外游人的需要,湖北省博物馆在每天都要安排大型编钟演奏,让您徜徉于那悠悠的历史长河之畔,聆听这人间仙乐,所以,此行绝对会给您留下深刻的印象。那么,现在就请大家随我一起去聆听这个时间长廊传来的音乐、好了各位朋友,关于湖北省博物馆我就给大家介绍到这里,希望我的讲解能给大家留下一点印象,不详尽的地方也请大家多多海涵。
省博U型建筑体量围合成了相对私密的公共空间即休闲广场,展厅,门厅,视听室,商店为公共空间,厕所,办公室,藏品库为私密空间。建筑主体为西北朝向,采用一主两翼、中轴对称式布局.反映出传统宫殿类古建的严谨秩序。但是我们可以从实景图片中看出,对于亲近太众的博物馆建筑而言,过于严肃,作为弘扬大楚文化的文化建筑,我们认为这样的造型设置欠缺一定的亲民性。主体建筑背临东湖 坐拥美景,但没有考虑自然水景元素,仅在广场内部人工设置水景,可谓舍本逐末。采用严正布局、拒水、朝西北做法处理代表楚文化的博物馆建筑,有些与楚文化自身 浪漫、自由、勇于创新的特点背道而驰。
Good morning, Ladies and gentlemen.Today we are going to visit the treasure house of ancient calligraphy and stone carving art of China, the Museum of Forest of Stone Tablets, which is located at the site of Confucian temple in SanXue Street, Xi’an.This museum was set up in 1087 and it collected more than 3000 stone tablets from the Han dynasty through the Qing dynasty.The whole area consists of 3 parts: Confucian temple, exhibition of stone tablets and stone carvings.//总述
Here we can see this museum is very beautiful because it used the tradition Chinese courtyard style.So compared with other places, this museum is always quite peaceful and very silence.Now I’d like to take this temple as an example to talk a little bit about Confucian, the great philosopher, educationist, politician in feudal society.And he was highly respected by Chinese.In order to show the respect for him, all the Confucian temple have no gate facing south, as this one showing only the gate open to the east and west what we called the gate of righteousness and courtesy respectively.//简介孔子
Ok, now this way please.Inside this museum, we can see a wooden Memorial arch standing here;its Chinese name is “PaiLou”.It is set up to honor or commemorate a distinguished person;as we continue our walking, now we are on the bridge over pond in half circle which is special structure of Confucian temple, in the ancient time only those students who passed state examination would be allowed to pass here.//太和元气坊,畔池
Now let’s go through the stone gate in the middle which was only for high ranks in the past.Here we can see two national treasures.On the west side there is a stone horse which was one of few relics of DaXia short period.The Da xia period is a very short period in Chinese history, and there are lots of wars at that time.It’s difficult to find relics of this time, so it’s very precious.In the east pavilion there is the JingYun Bell which was cast in 711AD and was moved here from JingLong Taoist temple.This Bell is unique in 3 aspects: first: it has exquisitely carving with phoenix and dragons.Second, it has beautiful sound which was recorded by CCTV and was played on New Years’ eve to welcome the New Year’s coming.Third, it has unique epigraph.//大夏石马,景云钟
Now we are going to visit 7 major stone tablet exhibition rooms.In front of the first exhibition room, we can see the stone-base Classic of Filial piety which is the largest and earliest one in this museum.It stands about 6 meters high and was made up of 35 pieces of blue stones.It was engraved in 745AD and annotated by LiLongJi(the 7th emperor of Tang dynasty).He wrote the preface to show his wish to manage the country by advocating the principles of Filial piety.//石台孝经
In the first room, let’s see the most completed and heaviest books in the world “The KaiCheng stone Classics” which was the doctrine of the Confucius and “must readings” for all the intellectuals in feudal society.In the past, copying was the popular way for students who study the doctrines.To prevent copying errors, emperor Tang Wenzong employed many sculptors to carve the 12 classics on stone tablets for the students to get the rubbings from them.With another classic “Mencius” carved in Qing dynasty together we call “13 classics”.//开成石经
In the second room, we can see many stone tablets of calligraphy in Tang dynasty.And the most famous one is the Nestorian Tablet.This tablet is also a national treasure, as it was the first one in Syrian characters that recorded Nestorians(one sect of Christianity)was introduced into China from Roman Empire in 635AD.It describes its essence, ceremony, and activities in China.//大秦景教流行中国碑 In the third room, various style of Chinese calligraphy can be seen on stone tablets such as the seal script, the official script, regular script, running hand and cursive hand.Let me give you very brief introduction of the development of Chinese characters.The seal scripts were only popular in Qin dynasty, and it was difficult for us to reading and writing.Based on that, new forms were created: they are the official and regular scripts.This was easy to remember because today we are still using it and it is popular to everybody.Running and cursive hand were also boldly used by some calligraphers at that time, it is quite different to control.//中国文字字体发展简史 The rest exhibition rooms house calligraphy and paintings, literatures and poems from different dynasties, And in the court yard you can see many stone stakes with animals or figures carved on the top.In the past, they are for tying horses as well as for decoration.Ok, this way please.We are going to see the stone carving gallery.The stone carvings here are the masterpiece of stone arts from Han and Tang dynasty that arranged in chronological order.It can be divided into two parts: those are found from tombs and those are related to religions.Here, I’d like to introduce the six famous steeds for you.They are so beautiful and vivid, also, they were the best friends of Tang emperor Tai zong(the second emperor of Tang dynasty), because they kept their master in safe each time when they wounded with arrows on battle.In memory of his horses, Tang emperor Tai zong had them carved in relief to company his tomb.However, it’s very pity that two of the pieces were missing;now they are kept in the museum of university of Pennsylvania.//石刻艺术室(昭陵六骏)Ok, everyone, so much for this today.We still have some free time.So next, you may look around and take some pictures.We’ll leave at 11o’clock, so please don’t be late.You know I will miss you.And I’ll stay here, if you have any question, please ask me.By the way, watch your step please!So next, it’s your turn.Enjoy yourself and thank you for listening.//结束