乐优教育(大厂校区)KID’S BOX教材—“美文朗诵&精品翻译”材料DATE:TEACHER: NAME:
Hello, I’m Wang Bing.Welcome to my birthday party.Can you see the girl with long hair? She’s my sister.Her name is Wang Ling.She’s seven.She’s a student.She likes drawing pictures.The woman in the red dress is my aunt.The woman beside(在„„旁边)her is my mother.She is in a yellow blouse and a blue skirt.Look, the man with a big nose is my uncle.Where’s my father? He’s sitting on the sofa, the one in the orange shirt.译文:
Story 4Look for a Friend
Sam is a little fish.He lives in the sea.He is very lonely.He wants to have a friend.The friend looks like him.Sam sees an ink fish.The ink fish has eight legs.He doesn’t look like Sam.So Sam goes away.Sam meets a shark.He wants to say hello to the shark.The shark opens his big mouth.Sam runs away quickly.Sam is tired and hungry.He wants to have a rest.Then he sees a round fish.She says to him.“Hello!Would you like to be my friend?”Sam answers: “Of course!But you are round.I am flat.” The round fish days: “But we are both fishes.”
Sam thinks and says, “You are right.Let’s be friends.” They become good friends.故事四: 找朋友
乐优教育(大厂校区)KID’S BOX教材—“美文朗诵&精品翻译”材料DATE:TEACHER:NAME:Tom: Hello, Ben.Ben: Hi, Tom, Welcome to my home!Come in, please.Tom: Thank you, Ben.Is this your family photo?Ben: Yes, it’s my new photo.Tom: Who’s this man with brown hair? Is he your father?
Ben: No, he isn’t.He is my uncle.He is a Chinese teacher.Tom: Who is the woman in the blue dress?
Ben: She is my mother.She is a good doctor.Tom: Really? My father is a doctor, too.The girl with big eyes is so lovely!
Ben: Yes, she is.She is my young sister.She is only five.only['əunli] 只有
Story 3Spring in the Green Season
Spring is coming.Spring is the first season of the year.In China, spring comes in February.It is still cold, but it is getting warmer and warmer.The days get longer and longer.The leaves on the trees begin to turn green.Then they come up green leaves in the spring wind on the ground.Spring is also sowing time season.故事三
乐优教育(大厂校区)KID’S BOX教材—“美文朗诵&精品翻译”材料DATE:TEACHER:NAME:Tom: Hello, Ben.Ben: Hi, Tom, Welcome to my home!Come in, please.Tom: Thank you, Ben.Is this your family photo?Ben: Yes, it’s my new photo.Tom: Who’s this man with brown hair? Is he your father?
Ben: No, he isn’t.He is my uncle.He is a Chinese teacher.Tom: Who is the woman in the blue dress?
Ben: She is my mother.She is a good doctor.Tom: Really? My father is a doctor, too.The girl with big eyes is so lovely!
Ben: Yes, she is.She is my young sister.She is only five.only['əunli] 只有
Story 3Spring in the Green Season
Spring is coming.Spring is the first season of the year.In China, spring comes in February.It is still cold, but it is getting warmer and warmer.The days get longer and longer.The leaves on the trees begin to turn green.Then they come up green leaves in the spring wind on the ground.Spring is also sowing time season.故事三
2、《青海高原一株柳》P91 这株柳树没有抱怨命运,也没有畏怯生存之危险和艰难,而是聚合全部身心之力与生存环境抗争,以超乎想象的毅力和韧劲生存下来,终于造成了高原上的一方壮丽的风景。命运给予它的几乎是九十九条死亡之路,它却在一线希望之中成就了一片绿阴。3《姥姥的剪纸》P72 我上学了,小学、中学、大学——越走越远了。但我还是不断收到姥姥寄来的剪纸,其中有一幅是这样的:一头老牛定定地站着,出神地望着一只欢蹦着远去的小兔子,联结它们的是一片开阔的草地。我知道,这是姥姥对我的期待。事实上,我不管走多远、走多久,梦中总不时映现家乡的窗花和村路两侧的四季田野。无论何时,无论何地,只要忆及那清清爽爽的剪纸声,我的心境与梦境就立刻变得有声有色。
4、《草原》P93 在天底下,一碧千里,而并不茫茫。四面都有小丘,平地是绿的,小丘也是绿的。羊群一会儿上了小丘,一会儿又下来,走在哪里都像给无边的绿毯绣上了白色的大花。那些小丘的线条是那么柔美,就像只用绿色渲染,不用墨线勾勒的中国画那样,到处翠色欲流,轻轻流入云际
1《闻官军收河南河北》P16 剑外忽传收蓟北,初闻涕泪满衣裳。却看妻子愁何在,漫卷诗书喜欲狂。
愈捶愈烈!痛苦和欢乐,现实和梦幻,摆脱和追求,都在这舞姿和鼓点中,交织!旋转!凝聚!升华!人,成了茫茫一片;声,成了茫茫一片…… 当它戛然而止的时候,世界出奇的寂静,以致使人感到对她十分陌生了。简直像来到另一个星球。耳畔是一声渺远的鸡啼。
3、《船长》p37 船长哈尔威屹立在舰桥上,一个手势也没有做,一句话也没有说,随着轮船一起沉入了深渊。人们透过阴森可怖的薄雾,凝视着这尊黑色的雕像徐徐沉入大海。
4、《钱学森》p111 1955年10月1日清晨,广阔无垠的太平洋上,一艘巨轮正劈波斩浪驶往香港。一位四十来岁的中年人,迈着稳健的步伐踏上甲板。阵阵海风不时掠过他宽大的前额。眺望着水天一色的远方,他屈指一算,已经在海上航行15天了。想到前方就是自己魂牵梦绕的祖国,他多么希望脚下不是轮船的甲板,而是火箭的舱壁啊!他,就是世界著名的科学家钱学森。
5、《日有所诵》p6《天净沙 秋思》 枯藤老树昏鸦,小桥流水人家,古道西风瘦马。夕阳西下,断肠人在天涯。
许多话藏在心里 好多次都差一点说给你听 快满出来了 快承受不起了
真的差一点就要你分担我肩上的疼 直到
看见你的颊上有泪 我才知道
原来你也撑着瘀伤的肩 用泪洗过的心事 晾干了吗
7、《日有所诵》p83《岸》 陪伴着现在和以往
岸,举着一根高高的芦苇 四下眺望 是你
守护着迷人的泡沫和星星 当呜咽的月亮 吹起古老的船歌 多么忧伤 我是岸 我是渔港 我伸展着手臂
等待着穷孩子的小船 载回一盏盏灯光
8、《日有所诵》p90《当你苦着脸 》
鲜花就垂下了花瓣; 当你苦着脸,秋天就不再飞荡; 当你苦着脸,青草就长刺,会咬人、、、、、、我的小家伙,晴朗的天空万里无云,而你却苦着一张脸,瞧 春天也布满阴云,瞧 连大树,也垂头丧气走出了花园,小树们
也跟着大树走了,全部走完、、、、、、怎样才能让他们都回来呢? 小家伙,你对他们笑笑吧,!!你一笑,所有的花儿又会鲜艳,草儿又会变得柔软,走了的大树也都会跟着回到花园,秋千又会重新飞荡起来,荡着 荡着 荡上蓝天!!
乐优教育(大厂校区)KID’S BOX教材—“美文朗诵&精品翻译”材料DATE:TEACHER: NAME:
HeSusan is my good friend.She’s a Chinese girl.She’s eleven.She has long hair and a small mouth.Her brother, Jim, is twelve.He has two big eyes and he’s not tall.They like storybooks and puzzles very much.Every morning, they have breakfast together.Susan likes a carton of milk and some biscuits for breakfast.But Jim likes eggs and some orange juice in the morning.Today Susan can’t find her milk.Look!Their cat, Mimi, is drinking it near the table.Perhaps she wants to have a nice breakfast, too!
※puzzle['pʌzl]※ biscuit['biskit] 饼干
Story 5The Hippo and I
A hippo lives in the zoo.I like him very much.I often go to see him.He often thinks of me, too.Today is Sunday.It is fine day.I go to see him again.After I leave the zoo, he follows me to my house.I give him lettuce, cabbages, bananas, apples and other food.He eats them up.When I sing songs, he stays in the pool.He is as quite as a rabbit.In the evening, he jumps onto my bed with me.My mum tells him to go home.He has to pack his bag and go back to the zoo.My mum lets me see him every week.故事5 我与河马
i.由于词汇方面的原因而引起的加词现象:1.加动词由于英语是一门“静止”的语言,在所有的词汇当中,用名词的居多;而相比较而言,汉语则无此限制,不管有多少动词都可以并排使用。因此,许多英语的名词翻译成汉语时都要加上一些动词,否则,意思则很不完整,例如:a.but by 1981 he had to have further surgery on his hand.and a month later, he suffered as stroke.(到了1981年,他的手不得不又做了一次手术。一个月以后,他又中风了。)
b.his speech in at the meeting turned out exert an stimulating effect on the mind of the people present that day.(他那天在会上所做的报告使所有在场的人深受鼓舞。)
c.he maintain that only hard work and unswerving perseverance can lead to improved performance.(他坚持认为,只有通过勤奋工作加上不懈的努力才会取得好的成绩。)
d.the lives claimed by shoddy construction projects should be enough to put governments at all levels on the alert.(伪劣建筑夺取了很多人的生命,这一点足以使我们的各级部门提高警惕。)
e.efforts must be made to improve service for more than 1 million domestic and overseas tourists.(为了一百万的国内外旅客的利益,我们一定为改善服务质量而进行努力。)
f.you ought to know better than to go swimming straight after a meal.(你不应该一吃过饭,马上就去游泳,这是很不明智的。)
b.it was two hours before the old couple mustered up enough courage to get up and called the police and they explained that they‘d done that after much deliberation.(直到两个小时以后,那对老夫妻才有勇气敢从床上爬起来给警察打电话,并解释说那也是经过仔细考虑才敢作的。)
(the operation is believed to be the work of a well-organized organized group.)
(i came here in the spirit of friendship and learning.)
有时形容词前面也可以加上名词:e.his wife thinks that this furniture is too expensive and , moreover looks very ugly.(他妻子认为,这件家具价格昂贵而且外表难看。)
f.i thus appeared to them to be quite familiar with this sort of situation and it confirmed them in their belief that i was a thoroughly disreputable character.(然后,我继续装着对这种事情很内行的样子,结果更使他们认定我是一个名声很坏的人。)
有时,一些名词或者数量词的复数形式翻译成汉语后前面也要加词表示重叠:g.thousands of students from the city‘s colleges and universities jammed the railway station awaiting the arrival of their football team.(成千上万的高校学生一起涌到火车站欢迎他们的足球队凯旋。
h.these she bought the medical supplies with the large sums of money given to her by many friends to help her in the crimea(她用朋友们给她的一笔笔钱购买医疗设备。)
i.to look after the hordes of sick men there were only a few old doctor who were helpless before such scene of suffering and misery.(只有这些老医生来照看一群群的伤员,他们在如此的痛苦、悲伤面前,显得无可奈何。
3.加代词:这里的代词主要是指作动词宾语的代词,因为英语中的所有及物动词都必须带有宾语,所以汉语翻译成英语时也需要增补: a.if you like this novel , i can lend it to you.(如果你喜欢这本小说,我可以借给你。)
b.i think she‘d appreciate it if we all helped out a bit more.(我觉得如果我们能帮她一把,她回很感激的。)
c.would you please look for the key once more? i remembered clearly putting it in the drawer last time.(能不能再找一遍钥匙?我记得上次放在抽屉里了。)
4.加连词和介词:汉语可以通过上下文来连接句与句之间的逻辑关系,而英语则靠一些连接词来完成:a.if you want to go, i would give you my advice that you take an umbrella.(你要去,我建议你别忘了带把伞。)
b.since its opening five years ago , the shop has attracted a lot of customers.(这家商店五年前开业以来,吸引了大批顾客。)d.his friends asked him to write them as soon as he got there.(他的朋友要他到了那儿就给他们写信。)
e.he went so far as to cheat openly on test.(他居然敢公开作弊。)
f.the factory has decided to mass-produce the equipment at a low cost.(这家工厂已经决定低成本、大批量的生产这种仪器。)
g.why was he absent from school yesterday?
h.the older leader gave us the suggestion that we be free from arrogance and rashness.(老领导告戒我们要戒骄戒躁。)
i.this , he said, deprived him of his civil rights , and he asked for $150,000 in damages.(他说,这等于是剥夺了他的公民权力,因此申请$150,000 的赔偿。)j.his marriage suffered and ended in divorce.(他的婚姻也受到影响,最后还是离了婚。)
k.after a few rounds of talks, both sides regarded the territory dispute as settled.(几轮会谈以后,双方认为边界问题可以解决了。)
l.as her year as chief resident drew to a close, mrs.white decided to specialize in children ‘s diseases.(在她作住院总医师要结束时,怀特太太决定专攻病理。)
5.下面的一些句子则是为了修辞目的而加词:a.he was sentenced as much as six months in jail for drunk driving.(他因酗酒驾驶而被判入狱半年。)
b.as many as twenty people were killed in the accident yesterday.(二十个人在昨天的事故当中丧生。)
c.i came here as early as eight o‘clock this morning.(我今天八点钟就来了。)6.在某些作定语的不定式结构中,介词有时需要加上:a.‘id like to find someone to play with(我想找人玩。)
b.would you please pass me a piece of paper to write on.(你能否递张纸给我,我想写点东西。)
c.totally alone in the room, her mother wanted to find someone to talk to(她妈妈觉得一个人在房间里太孤单了,想找个人说说话。)
7.某些独立结构中:with a book in his hand , the teacher came into the class.(老师走了进来,手里拿本书。)
8.加副词a.they started up into the sky until the noise of the rocket died away.(他猛地抬头往天空看,直到火箭发射的声音渐渐远去。)
b.he stole a glance at the pretty girl walking alongside with him.(他偷偷地瞥了他一眼。)
b.a situation in which such a large number of students cheat openly on the exam and escape punishment is very dangerous and cannot last long(如此多的学生作弊,居然没人管,是很危险的,也不可能持久。)
c.so he began to study the children‘s responses in situation where no milk was provided(所以,他开始研究小孩子得不到牛奶时的反应是什么样的。)
以上的几句虽然没有“局面”、“情况”等词,但其意思却已经包含在了里面。如果不加上“policy”,“business”,“situation ”等词,意思就不是很清楚,句子也不通顺。
1.由上下文的逻辑关系而引起的加词现象:句子结构方面:a.in most cases, this action will produce results.however , if it does not , there are various means the consumer may use to gain satisfaction.(在大多数情况下,这样做有一定效果。如果还不行,顾客可以采取许多措施直至满意为止。)
b.they illustrate, for one thing, the underlying american faith that our future rests on the way our children turn out, and that a basic way to affect children‘s development is through their education.(有一点,他们表明了美国人内心深处的一个信念,那就是,我们的孩子如何成长将决定我们的未来,而影响他们发展的一个基本途径就是通过e a piece of paper to write on.(你能否递张纸给我,我想写点东西。)
c.totally alone in the room, her mother wanted to find someone to talk to(她妈妈觉得一个人在房间里太孤单了,想找个人说说话。)
7.某些独立结构中:with a book in his hand , the teacher came into the class.(老师走了进来,手里拿本书。)
8.加副词a.they started up into the sky until the noise of the rocket died away.(他猛地抬头往天空看,直到火箭发射的声音渐渐远去。)b.he stole a glance at the pretty girl walking alongside with him.(他偷偷地瞥了他一眼。)
b.a situation in which such a large number of students cheat openly on the exam and escape punishment is very dangerous and cannot last long(如此多的学生作弊,居然没人管,是很危险的,也不可能持久。)
c.so he began to study the children‘s responses in situation where no milk was provided(所以,他开始研究小孩子得不到牛奶时的反应是什么样的。)
以上的几句虽然没有“局面”、“情况”等词,但其意思却已经包含在了里面。如果不加上“policy”,“business”,“situation ”等词,意思就不是很清楚,句子也不通顺。
1.由上下文的逻辑关系而引起的加词现象:句子结构方面:a.in most cases, this action will produce results.however , if it does not , there are various means the consumer may use to gain satisfaction.(在大多数情况下,这样做有一定效果。如果还不行,顾客可以采取许多措施直至满意为止。)
b.they illustrate, for one thing, the underlying american faith that our future rests on the way our children turn out, and that a basic way to affect children‘s development is through their education.(有一点,他们表明了美国人内心深处的一个信念,那就是,我们的孩子如何成长将决定我们的未来,而影响他们发展的一个基本途径就是通过