
时间:2019-05-13 01:13:29下载本文作者:会员上传

































1.”争分夺秒“:每个单词0.5分,共30个单词(共15分)2.”你划我猜“:每个单词0.5分,共30个单词(共15分)3.对“音”入座:每词一分,共15个单词(共15分)4.“中西合璧”: 每词一分,共15个单词(共15分)总分100分(2)团体评分标准 1.反应速度(1分)2.理解能力(1分)3.音标掌握(1分)4.回答评委问题(1分)5.团队配合(1分)













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negotiations,delegate,delegation,summit峰会 charter n.特许状, 执照, 宪章

pledge n.诺言, 保证, 誓言, 抵押, 信物, 保人, 祝愿 vt.许诺, 保证, 使发誓, 抵押, 典当, 举杯祝...健康 vt.特许, 发给特许执照 promote peace促进和平

boost economic co-op加强经济合作 make concession/compromise作出妥协 pass a resolution通过决议

sanction n.核准, 制裁, 处罚, 约束力 vt.制定制裁规则, 认可, 核准, 同意 default n.违约, 不履行责任, 缺席, 默认值 vt.疏怠职责, 缺席, 拖欠, 默认 vi.疏怠职责, 缺席, 拖欠, 默认 veto a bill否决议案

break the deadlock打破僵局 a scientific breakthrough科学突破 an unexpected outcome出乎意料的结果

sign/ratify an accord/deal/treaty/pact/agreement签署协议 diplomatically isolated country在外交上被孤立的国家 diplomatic solutions外交解决方案 hot spot热点

take hostilities toward..对..采取敌对态度 ethnic cleansing种族排斥 refugee,illegal aliens非法移民 mediator调解员

national convention国民大会 fight corruption反腐败 corrupted election腐败的选举 peace process和平进程 give a boost to...促进

booming economy促进经济发展 mutual benefits/interests双赢

Defense Minister,evacuate,flee from Pentagon五角大楼 impose/break a deadline规定/打破最后期限 retaliate报复

banking reform金融改革 commissioner代表 go bankrupt破产

file for bankruptcy提出破产 deputy代表

external forces外部力量

speculate,disarmament agreement裁军协议 mandate,to lift a boycott取消禁令

withdraw,embargo,impose sanctions against...实施制裁 dismantle销毁

the implementation of an accord执行决议

to ease the ban on ivory trade缓解对象牙贸易的禁令 to harbor sb.保护

animal conservation动物保护

threatened/endangered species濒危物种 illegal poaching非法捕猎 face extinction濒临灭亡

Gallup/opinion/exit poll,survey民意调查

provocation挑衅 stand trial受审 put....on trial审判某人 sue,file suit against...状告 radioactive放射性 radiation辐射

uranium enrichment program铀浓缩计划 nuke nonproliferation核部扩散

suspect,arrest,detain,in custody被囚禁 on human rights abuse charges反人权罪名 HIV positive HIV阳性

malaria,diabetes,hypertension,lung cancer,breast cancer

fight poverty/starvation/hunger/disease/virus,stop the spread of...crack down on...严打

illegal drug trafficking毒品贩运 piracy,pirated products盗版产品 fake goods假货 notorious臭名昭著 bloody tyrant血腥独裁者

execute/execution处决,death penalty死刑

seminar,forum,peace conference,national convention,his counterpart同等级别的人

my predecessor/successor我的前任/后任


military option军事解决途径(动用武力)escalating tension逐步升级的局势 military coupe军事政变

forced from office被赶下台 step down/aside下台

on the brink of war处于战争边缘

rebels,wounded,killed,injury,death,casualties伤亡 heavy fighting激战 genocide种族灭绝 relief effort救济工作

humanitarian aid人道主义援助

broker/mediate a ceasefire/truce促成停火 end the bloodshed结束流血事件 special envoy特使

peace-keeping forces维和部队 guerrilla war游击战争 border dispute边境争端 armed conflict武装冲突 reconciliation调解 civil war内战

cruise missile 巡航导弹 come to a conclusion达成一致 coalition forces联合军队 on high alert 处于高级戒备状态 rebellion叛乱 rebel forces叛军

sensitive,hostage,kidnapped French nationals被绑架的法国人 rescue,release invade,US-led invasion美国领导的入侵 right-wing extremists右翼极端分子 warring factions交战各方 topple the government推翻政府

suicide bombing自杀性袭击事件

dispute,crisis,conflict,holy war圣战

administration,regime,claim responsibility for...声称负责 suspend停止 resume继续

coalition party联合政党

post-war reconstruction战后重建 pre-war intelligence战前情报 radar, espionage谍报 spying activity间谍行为 electronic warfare电子战争

chemical/biological/nuclear warfare化学/生物/核战争 三.地震类:

新闻发布会: press conference 汶川地震:Wenchuan Earthquake 大地震:the massive earthquake

8.0级地震:the 8.0-magnitude earthquake 地震灾区:quake-hit area/ quake-stricken area 重灾区:the worst-hit area 震中:epicenter 余震:aftershock 地震灾民:quake victim

人民解放军:People's Liberation Army soldier 武警:armed police 消防官兵:fire-fighter 医务工作者:medical worker 救援者:rescuer 救援队:rescue team

伤者:the injured 失踪者:the missing 废墟:debris/ruin 卫生:sanitationhygiene 黄金72小时:golden 72 hours 温总理:Premier Wen

联合国秘书长:UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon 红十字会:the Red Cross 医疗队:medical team

资金和物资:funds and material 可移动医院:mobile hospital 死亡人数:death toll

与时间赛跑:race against time 生命线:lifeline

民政部:the Ministry of Civil Affairs

国务院信息办:the Information Office of the State Counsil 中央台记者:CCTV correspondent 沙特阿拉伯:Saudi Arabia 中国大使馆:Chinese Embassy 外交使节:envoy

降半旗:Flags are to be kept at half-mast.默哀:mourn 哀悼:condolence

人道主义援助:humanitarian aid 救济工作:relief work 捐赠:donate

咨询热线:consultation hotline 疏散:evacuate

堰塞湖:barrier lake/quake lake 重建:rebuild

震后重建:post-quake reconstruction

尽快进行重建工作:carry out reconstruction as soon as possible 复原:rehabilitation

帐篷小学:camp primary school 复课:resume classes

建立DNA数据库:build DNA database 火葬:cremate

阻止疫情:prevent epidemic 文化遗产:culture heritage 大熊猫:giant panda 四.奥运类:

国际奥林匹克委员会 International Olympic Committee 中国奥委会 Chinese Olympic Committee the Olympic flame奥运圣火 奥运会选拔赛Olympic Trial 奥运会会歌Olympic Anthem 奥运火炬Olympic Torch

奥运会代表团Olympic Delegation 奥运村Olympic Village

组委会organization committee 开幕式opening ceremony 闭幕式closing ceremony 吉祥物mascot 颁奖台podium

a crown of olive branches 橄榄枝编成的头冠 a record-holder记录保持者

a team gold medal 一枚团体金牌 an Olympic medal奥运金牌

Olympics opening ceremonies奥运会开幕式 event比赛项目

prance with the national flag挥舞着国旗而雀跃 spectator观众

a team bus 运动员专车

the gold / silver/ bronze medalist金/ 银/ 铜牌获得者 Aquatics(水上运动)Archery(射箭)

Individual events 个人赛 Team events 团体赛 Athletics(田径)Track 径赛 Cycling(自行车)gymnastics 击剑:Fencing 射击: shooting 五.经济类:

financial crisis金融危机 Federal Reserve 美联储 real estate 房地产 share 股票

inflation deflation stock market 股市 shareholder 股东

macroeconomic 宏观经济 go underbankrupt 破产 pension fund 养老基金

government bond 政府债券 budget 预算

deficit 赤字 surplus intellectual property 知识产权

opportunistic practice 投机行为 entrepreneur 企业家 cook the book 做假帐 fluctuate 波动 merger 并购

pickup in price 物价上涨 CPI monetary policy 货币政策 foreign exchange 外汇 quote 报价 contract 合同

floating rate 浮动利率

venture capital 风险资本(VC)global corporation 跨国公司 consolidation 兼并 take over 收购

on the hook 被套住 六.常见新闻缩写词:


1、组织机构等专有名称,如上述例句中的cppcc(全国政协)和plo(巴解组织)。又如: UNESCO=United Nations Educational, Scientific And Cultural Organization(联合国教科文组织)

IMF=International Monetary Fund(国际货币基金组织)

ASEAN=Association Of Southeast Asian Nations(东南亚国家联盟;“东盟”)GATT=General Agreement On Tariffs And Trade(关贸总协定)WTO=World Trade Organization(世界贸易组织)

OPE=Organization Of Petroleum Exporting Countries(石油输出国组织;“欧佩克”)

PLO=Palestine Liberation Organization(巴勒斯坦解放组织;“巴解”)IOC=International Olympic Committee(国际奥林匹克委员会)

NASA=National Aeronautics And Space Administration[(美国)国家宇航局] WHO=World Health Organization(世界卫生组织)OAU=Organization Of African Unity(非洲统一组织)

NASA= National Aeronautics and Space Administration 美国国家航空航天局

2、常见事物的名称,如上述例句中的aids(艾滋病)。又如: UFO=Unidentified Flying Object(不明飞行物;“飞碟”)DJI=Dow-Jones Index(道·琼斯指数)PC=Personal Computer(个人电脑)ABM=Anti-Ballistic Missile(反弹道导弹)PT=Public Relations(公共关系)

SALT=Strategic Arms Limitation Talks(限制战略武器会谈)SDI=Strategic Defence Initiative(战略防御措施)GMT=Greenwich Mean Time(格林威治标准时间)

3、表示人们的职业、职务或职称的名词,如 Mp(议员)。又如: PM=Prime Minister(总理;首相)GM=General Manager(总经理)

VIP=Very Important Person(贵宾;要人)TP=Traffic Policeman(交通警察)

PA=Personal Assistant(私人助理)


accredited journalist n.特派记者 advance n.预发消息;预写消息 affair n.桃色新闻;绯闻 anecdote n.趣闻轶事 assignment n.采写任务 attribution n.消息出处,消息来源

back alley news n.小道消息 backgrounding n.新闻背景 Bad news travels quickly.坏事传千里。banner n.通栏标题 beat n.采写范围 body n.新闻正文 boil vt.压缩(篇幅)box n.花边新闻 brief n.简讯 bulletin n.新闻简报 byline n.署名文章

caption n.图片说明 caricature n.漫画 carry vt.刊登 cartoon n.漫画 censor vt.审查(新闻稿件),新闻审查 chart n.每周流行音乐排行版 clipping n.剪报 column n.专栏;栏目 columnist n.专栏作家 continued story 连载故事;连载小说 contributing editor 特约编辑 contribution n.(投给报刊的)稿件;投稿 contributor n.投稿人 copy desk n.新闻编辑部 copy editor n.文字编辑 correction n.更正(启事)correspondence column读者来信专栏 correspondent n.驻外记者;常驻外埠记者 cover vt.采访;采写 cover girl n.封面女郎 covert coverage 隐性采访;秘密采访 crop vt.剪辑(图片)crusade n.宣传攻势 cut n.插图 vt.删减(字数)cut line n.插图说明

daily n.日报 dateline n.新闻电头 deadline n.截稿时间 dig vt.深入采访;追踪(新闻线索):“挖”(新

闻)digest n.文摘

editorial n.社论 editorial office 编辑部 editor's notes 编者按 exclusive n.独家新闻 expose n.揭丑新闻;新闻曝光 extra n.号外 eye-account n.目击记;记者见闻

faxed photo 传真照片 feature n.特写;专稿 feedback n.信息反馈 file n.发送消息;发稿 filler n.补白 First Amendment(美国宪法)第一修正案(内容有关新闻、出版自由等)five “W's” of news 新闻五要素 flag n.报头;报名 folo(=follow-up)n.连续报道 Fourth Estate 第四等级(新闻界的别称)freedom of the Press 新闻自由 free-lancer n.自由撰稿人 full position 醒目位置

Good news comes on crutches.好事不出门。grapevine n.小道消息 gutter n.中缝

hard news 硬新闻;纯消息 headline n.新闻标题;内容提要 hearsay n.小道消息 highlights n.要闻 hot news 热点新闻 human interest 人情味

in-depth reporting 深度报道 insert n.& vt.插补段落;插稿 interpretative reporting 解释性报道 invasion of privacy 侵犯隐私(权)inverted pyramid 倒金字塔(写作结构)investigative reporting 调查性报道

journalism n.新闻业;新闻学 Journalism is literature in a hurry 新闻是急就文学.journalist n.新闻记者

kill vt.退弃(稿件);枪毙(稿件)

layout n.版面编排;版面设计 lead n.导语 libel n.诽谤(罪)

makeup n.版面设计 man of the year 新闻人物,风云人物 mass communication 大众传播(学)mass media 大众传播媒介 master head n.报头;报名 media n.媒介,媒体 Mere report is not enough to go upon.仅是传闻不足为凭.morgue n.报刊资料室

news agency 通讯社 news clue 新闻线索 news peg 新闻线索,新闻电头 newsprint n.新闻纸 news value 新闻价值 No news is good news.没有消息就是好消息;不闻凶讯便是吉。nose for news 新闻敏感

obituary n.讣告 objectivity n.客观性 off the record 不宜公开报道 opinion poll 民意浏验

periodical n.期刊 pipeline n.匿名消息来源 popular paper 大众化报纸;通俗报纸 press n.报界;新闻界 press conference 新闻发布会;记者招待台 press law 新闻法 press release 新闻公告;新闻简报 PR man 公关先生 profile n.人物专访;人物特写 proofreader n.校对员 pseudo event 假新闻

quality paper 高级报纸;严肃报纸 quarterly n.季刊

readability n.可读性 reader's interest 读者兴越 reject vt.退弃(稿件)remuneration n.稿费;稿

酬 reporter n.记者 rewrite vt.改写(稿件),改稿 round-up n.综合消息

scandal n.丑闻 scoop vt.“抢”(新闻)n.独家新闻 sensational a.耸人听闻的;具有轰动效应的 sex scandal 桃色新闻 sidebar n.花絮新闻 slant n.主观报道;片面报道 slink ink “爬格子” soft news 软新闻 source n.新闻来源;消息灵通人士 spike vt.退弃(稿件):“枪毙”(稿件)stone vt.拼版 story n.消息;稿件;文章 stringer n.特约记者;通讯员 subhead n.小标题;副标题 supplement n.号外;副刊;增刊 suspended interest 悬念

thumbnail n.“豆腐干”(文章)timeliness n.时效性;时新性 tip n.内幕新闻;秘密消息 trim n.删改(稿件)

update n.更新(新闻内容),增强(时效性)

watchdog n.&vt.舆论监督 weekly n.周报 wire service n.通讯社


1.Academy Awards 学院奖(奥斯卡金像奖)

2.Apollo Program 阿波罗计划

3.Mr Bean 豆子先生

4.Beat Generation 垮了的一代

5.Bible 《圣经》

6.Black Monday 黑色星期一

7.Broadway(New York)百老会

8.Central Park 中央公园

9.Charlie Chaplin 查利.卓别林

10.Chinatown 唐人街

11.Civil rights movement 民权运动

12.Bill Clinton 比尔.克林顿

13.Coca-cola 可口可乐

14.Cookbooks 烹饪书

15.Cosmopolitan 大都

16.Cowboy 牛仔

17.Credit Card 信用卡

18.Disneyland 迪斯尼乐园

19.First lady 第一夫人

20.ghost towns 鬼城

21.the God father 教父

22.Grammy Awards 格来米奖

23.Great Depressions 大萧条

24.Great Salt lake 大盐湖

25.Gulf War 海湾战争

26.Halloween 万圣节(节)

27.Hariem 哈雷特(黑人区)

28.Harvard University 哈佛大学

29.Oxford University 牛津大学

30.Cambridge University 剑桥大学 31.Holiday Inn 假日酒店

32.Hollywood 好来坞

33.home computer 家用电脑

34.home video 家用录像

35.hot dog 热狗

36.Independence Day 独立日

37.Michael Jordan 麦克尔.乔丹

38.Michael Jackson 麦克尔.杰克逊

39.Helen Keller 海伦.凯莉

40.Kennedy Assassination 肯尼迪暗杀案

41.Kentucky Fried 肯德鸡

42.Bill Jean 比尔.金

43.Martin Luther King 马丁?路德金

44.Kodak 科达

45.Korean War 朝鲜战争

46.Lincoln Memorial 林肯纪念碑

47.Little Rock 小石城

48.Los Angeles 洛杉机

49.Bruce Lee 李小龙

50.McDonalds 麦当劳

51.Madonna 麦当娜

52.Marijuana 大麻

53.Marlboro Man 万宝路人

54.Mickey Mouse 米老鼠

55.MTV 音乐电视

56.Pan-American 泛(全)美国

57.Newsweek 新闻周刊

58.New York Times 纽约时报

59.Panama Canal 巴拿马运河

60.Peanuts 小人物 61.Sino-US 中美之间的

62.Pearl Harbor 珍珠港

63.Peter Pan 彼得潘

64.Playboy 花花公子

65.quiz shows 问答比赛节目

66.quarterback 四分卫

67.Redwood National Park 红杉林国家公园

68.Reader's Digest 读者人摘

69.Santa Claus 圣诞老人

70.Sound of Music 音乐之声

71.Super man 超人

72.Thriller 令人激动的东西

73.Times Square 时代广场

74.TV Guide 电视导报

75.20th Century-Fox 20世纪福克斯

76.Uncle Sam 美国政府

77.USA Today 今日美国

78.Valentine's Day 情人节

79.Vietnam War 越南战争

80.Vogue 《时尚》杂志

81.Wall Street Journal 华尔街

82.Warner Brothers 华纳兄弟

83.Washington D.C.华盛顿特区

84.the War of the World 世界大战

85.Watergate 水门事件

86.Western Film 西部片

87.West Point 西点

88.Wheel of Fortune 幸运之轮

89.White House 白宫

90.White Christmas 白色圣诞节

91.Yellowstone National Park 黄石国家公园

92.Zorro 佐罗

93.Yuppies 雅皮士

94.Oscar Awards 奥斯卡奖

95.Cosovo War 科索沃战争

96.Nato 北约

97.the Olympic Games 奥运会

98.George Washington 乔治华盛顿

99.Father Christmas 圣诞老人 100.Ace in the hole 王牌 101.Act of God 天意

102.Adam 's apple 喉结

103.Airhead 浅薄无知、愚蠢的 104.All thumbs 手太笨的

105.Baby boomer 生育高峰期出生

106.go bananas 疯狂的,心急如焚,非常激动 107.Best-Seller 畅销书 108.Better half 配偶 109.Bible belt 《圣经》地带 110.Big Apple 纽约

111.Bigwig 要人,大人物

112.the Birds and the Bees 初步的性教育 113.Bite the bullet 忍痛,咬紧牙关 114.Blabber-mouth 饶舌者,碎嘴子 115.Blood money 付给杀手的钱 116.Blow-out 轮胎爆裂 117.Blue moon 几乎不

118.Body snatcher 盗尸者,盗尸犯 119.Bread-winner 赚钱养家的人 120.Butter-ball 肉球,胖墩妹 121.(Piece of)cake 简单易做的事 122.Cat out of the bag 泄漏秘密 123.Clone 几乎一模一样的人或物

124.Cold turkey 突然完全戒毒或戒烟

125.Couch Potato 花大量时间看电视的人,电视迷 126.Cow college 小且不出名的乡间大学 127.Crocodile tears 鳄鱼的眼泪,假悲伤 128.Cup of tea 心爱之物,喜欢的事 129.Dark horse 黑马,爆冷门的运动员 130.Dear john(little)绝交信

131.Diploma mill 文凭制造工厂,不入流学校 132.Doodle 信手涂画,边想事边乱涂写 133.Down-to-earth 现实的,实际的

134.early bird 早起的人,提前到达的人

135.Put all one's eggs in one basket 太冒险了 136.fall guy 替死鬼

137.Fat cat 有钱人

138.Fifth-wheel 多余的人或物 139.fifty-fifty平均地 140.fish-story 夸张的故事 141.Fox 性感的人

142.Ghost-write为人代笔的作家,捉刀人 143.Green light 绿灯,认可,准许 144.Happy-go-lucky 随遇而安的 145.Hayseed 乡下佬,乡巴佬 146.Hayday 全盛时期,顶峰时期 147.Hippie 嬉皮士

148.(Sell like)Hotcakes 销售很快 149.Ins and outs 详细,细节,全部 150.Hot potato 使人厌恶的事 151.Hot potato 使人厌恶的事 152.In the doghouse 失宠 153.In the red 赤字 154.Joe Blow 普通人,常人 155.John Henry 罢名,签名

156.Lady-killer 使女人倾倒的男人 157.Left-over 剩饭 158.Legwork 外勤 159.Lemon 伪劣品 160.Letdown 失望,幻灭 161.Lifer 无期徒刑犯 162.Litter-bug 乱扔废物的人 163.Lovey-dovey 伤感情的 164.(Out to)lunch 疯狂的 165.Man eater 食人的野人 166.Micky mouse 幼稚的

167.Midlife Crisis 中年危机 168.(Burn the)midnight oil 开夜车 169.Muscle man 肌肉发达的男人 170.Mr Clean 廉洁奉公的人 171.Neck and neck 并排 172.No-No 被禁止的事 173.Nuke 核武器

174.Pain in the neck 头痛的事 175.Pain killer 止痛药

176.Peanuts 小零碎,微不足道的钱 177.Pee wee 小人物 178.Pen 监狱

179.Pick Pocket 扒手

180.Can 洗手间201.Smell the coffee 清醒过来,认识到事物的本质 202.Smash up 严重的汽车相撞 203.Snow job 骗局

204.Soap box 临时讲台

205.Soap opera 肥皂剧,言情性的连续剧 206.Sob story 伤心的故事 207.Soft touch 软耳根子的人 208.Songbird 女歌手,女歌唱家

209.Sounding board 共鸣板,被征询意见的人 210.Sour grapes 酸葡萄

211.Spring fever 花粉热,春倦症 212.Sporless 无污点的

213.the stork(white stork)鹳(白鹳)象征婴儿的诞生 214.Sugar daddy 在少女身上乱花钱的老色迷 215.Sweet talk 甜言蜜语地劝诱 216.Sweet tooth 喜吃甜食的人 217.Thriller 恐怖,侦探小说等 218.Top banana 主要人物 219.Top-40 四十张最畅销唱片 220.Tooth fairy 拔牙齿的妖精 221.Turkey 失败的演出

222.Type A/Type B A型行为/B型行为 223.ugly duckling 丑小鸭

224.Uncle Sam 山姆大叔;美国政府 225.Underdog 斗败的狗;失败者 226.Veggie 蔬菜;食素主义者 227.Want ad 招聘广告,分类广告 228.Watch-dog 看家狗

229.Wheeler-deeler 雄心勃勃的生意人 230.White-collar crime 白领犯罪


232.Who-dun-it(Who+done+it)侦破小说(剧),推理小说 233.Wild goose chase 徒劳无益的追求 234.Workaholic 工作狂

235.yellow journalism 黄色办报作风 236.Yes man 应声虫,唯唯诺诺的人 237.Yuppie年轻的城市职员,雅皮士 238.Zero hour 军事行动开始时刻 239.Zillion一百分以上的,无限大的数目 240.Zombie木讷的人,怪人,讨厌的人 241.Zonked 筋疲力尽


大家论坛club.topsage.com 专四高频词汇

1.alter v.改变,改动,变更

2.burst vi/n.突然发生/爆裂

3.dispose vi.除掉;处置;解决;处理(of)

4.blast n.爆炸;气流 vi.炸,炸掉

5.consume v.消耗,耗尽

6.split v.劈开;割裂;分裂 a.裂开的7.spit v.吐(唾液等);唾弃

8.spill v.溢出,溅出,倒出

9.slip v.滑动,滑落;忽略

10.slide v.滑动,滑落 n.滑动;滑面;幻灯片

11.bacteria n.细菌

12.breed n.种,品种 v.繁殖,产仔

13.budget n.预算 v.编预算,作安排

14.candidate n.候选人

15.campus n.校园

16.liberal a.慷慨的;丰富的;自由的17.transform v.转变,变革;变换

18.transmit v.传播,播送;传递

19.transplant v.移植

20.transport vt.运输,运送 n.运输,运输工具

21.shift v.转移;转动;转变

22.vary v.变化,改变;使多样化

23.vanish vi.消灭,不见

24.swallow v.吞下,咽下 n.燕子

25.suspicion n.怀疑,疑心

26.suspicious a.怀疑的,可疑的27.mild a.温暖的,暖和的;温柔的,味淡的

28.tender a.温柔的;脆弱的

29.nuisance n.损害,妨害,讨厌(的人或事物)

30.insignificant a.无意义的,无足轻重的;无价值的

31.accelerate vt.加速,促进

32.absolute a.绝对的,无条件的;完全的

33.boundary n.分界线,边界

34.brake n.刹车,制动器 v.刹住(车)

35.catalog n.目录(册)v.编目

36.vague a.模糊的,不明确的37.vain n.徒劳,白费

38.extinct a.绝灭的,熄灭的

39.extraordinary a.不平常的,特别的,非凡的

40.extreme a.极度的,极端的 n.极端,过分

41.agent n.代理人,代理商;动因,原因

42.alcohol n.含酒精的饮料,酒精

43.appeal n./vi.呼吁,恳求

44.appreciate vt.重视,赏识,欣赏

45.approve v.赞成,同意,批准

46.stimulate vt.刺激,激励

47.acquire vt.取得,获得;学到

48.accomplish vt.完成,到达;实行

49.network n.网状物;广播网,电视网;网络

50.tide n.潮汐;潮流

51.tidy a.整洁的,整齐的

52.trace vt.追踪,找到 n.痕迹,踪迹

53.torture n./vt.拷打,折磨

54.wander vi.漫游,闲逛

55.wax n.蜡

56.weave v.织,编

57.preserve v.保护,保存,保持,维持

61.abuse v.滥用,虐待;谩骂

62.academic a.学术的;高等院校的;研究院的

64.battery n.电池(组)

65.barrier n.障碍;棚栏

66.cargo n.(船、飞机等装载的)货物

67.career n.生涯,职业

68.vessel n.船舶;容器,器皿;血管

69.vertical a.垂直的

70.oblige v.迫使,责成;使感激

71.obscure a.阴暗,模糊

72.extent n.程度,范围,大小,限度

73.exterior n.外部,外表 a.外部的,外表的

大家论坛club.topsage.com 74.external a.外部的,外表的,外面的

75.petrol n.汽油

76.petroleum n.石油

77.delay vt./n.推迟,延误,耽搁

78.decay vi.腐烂,腐朽

79.decent a.像样的,体面的80.route n.路;路线;航线

81.ruin v.毁坏,破坏 n.毁灭,[pl.]废墟

82.sake n.缘故,理由

83.satellite n.卫星

84.scale n.大小,规模;等级;刻 85.temple n.庙宇

86.tedious a.乏味道,单调的,87.tend vi.易于,趋向

88.tendency n.趋向,趋势

89.ultimate a.极端的,最大的,最终的 n.极端

90.undergo v.经历,遭受

91.abundant a.丰富的,充裕的,大量的

92.adopt v.收养;采用;采纳

93.adapt vi.适应,适合;改编,改写 vt.使适应

94.bachelor n.学士,学士学位;单身汉

95.casual a.偶然的,碰巧的;临时的;非正式的

96.trap n.陷阱,圈套 v.设陷阱捕捉

97.vacant a.空的,未占用的98.vacuum n.真空,真空吸尘器

99.oral a.口头的,口述的,口的100.optics n.(单、复数同形)光学


be about to do 刚要,即将

be friends with 与……友好

bear in mind 记住

bring into effect 实行;使生效

bring into operation 实施;使生效

can not help 禁不住,忍不住

carry into effect 施行;使生效

cast light on/upon 阐明,使了解

catch fire 着火,烧着

catch one's breath 喘气,松口气;屏息

catch one's eye 引人注目

catch sight of 看到,发现

come into effect 生效;实施

come into operation 施行,实行,生效

come to one's senses 醒悟;苏醒

come true 实现

could not help 禁不住,忍不住

cut short 中断,打断

do one's best 尽力,努力

enjoy oneself 过得快活

fall in love with 爱上

find fault(with)找岔

gain an advantage over 胜过,优于

get hold of 得到,获得

get rid of 丢弃,摆脱,get the best of 战胜

get the better of 战胜,占上风

get together 会面,装配

give rise to 引起,导致

give way 让路,让步

go ahead 开始,进行

go into effect 施行,实行,生效

go into operation 生效,实施

go wrong 出错,出故障

had better 应该

had rather 宁愿

had rather……than 宁愿……而不愿……

have an advantage over 胜过,优于

have in mind 想到;记得;打算

have nothing to do with 和……毫无关系

have(something/much/little)to do with 和……(有些/有很大/没有什么)关系

help oneself 自用,自取

keep an eye on 留意,照看

keep in mind 记住

keep one's head 保持镇静


keep one's word 守信用

keep pace(with)(与……)齐步前进

lead the way 引路,带路

learn by heart 记住,背诵

leave alone 不打扰,不干预

let alone 更别提,不打扰

let go(of)放,松手

lose heart 失去勇气,丧失信心

lose one's head 慌乱,仓皇失措

lose one's temper 发脾气,发努

lose sight of 忘记,忽略;看不见

make a /the difference 有影响,起作用

make friends 交朋友

make fun of 取笑,嘲弄

make one's way 去,前往

make sense 讲得通,言之有理

make sure 查明;务必

make the best of 充分利用

make the most of 充分利用

make up one's mind 下决心,打定主意

make use of 使用,利用

make way 让路,让出地方

may as well 还不如,不妨

never mind 不要紧;不用担心

pay attention to 注意

piece together 拼合

play a part(in)起作用,参于

put into effect 实施;使生效

put into operation 实施;使生效

put into practice 实施;实行

put to use 使用

see to it that 注意,务必,保证

see that 注意,务必,保证

set fire to 使燃烧,点燃

take……for 把……认为是

take a chance 冒险,投机

take(a)delight in 以……为乐

take advantage of 利用,趁……之机

take care 当心,注意

take care of 照顾,照料

take charge 管理,接管

take effect 生效,起作用

take into account 考虑

take for granted 认为……理所当然

take one's time 不着急,不着慌

take pains 努力,尽力,下苦功

take part(in)参加,参于

take place 发生,进行,举行

take the place of 代替,取代

take turns 依次,轮流

tahorw light on 阐明,使了解

think better of 经考虑改变对……的看法

try one's best 尽力,努力


absent from 不在,缺席

abundant in 富于

alien to 与……相反

angry with sb at/about sth 生气,愤怒

anxious about/for 忧虑,担心

appropriate for/to 适当,合适

applicable to 适用于

apt at 聪明,善于

apt to 易于

ashamed of 羞愧,害臊

approximate to近拟,接近

aware of 意识到

abailable to sb for sth 可用,可供

bare of 几乎没有,缺乏

bound for 开往……

capable of 能够

careful of/about/with;小心,注意

certain of /about 确信,肯定

about/in doing characteristic of 特有,独特

clear of 没有,不接触

clever at 善于

close to 接近,亲近

comparable to/with 可比较

conscious of 察觉到,意识到

consequent on 随之而来

considerate towards 体谅,体贴


contemporary with 与……同时代

content with 满足于

contrary to 违反

counter to 与……相反

crazy about 热衷,着迷

critical of 挑剔,批评

curious about 好奇,想知道

distinct from 种类(风格)不同

doubtful of /about 怀疑

east of 在……东面

equal to 相等,胜任

equivalent to 等于,相当于

essential to/for 必不可少

expert at/in/on 善于

faithful to 忠实于

familiar to sb 为……所熟悉

familiar with sth 熟悉,通晓

fatal to 致命的

favourable to 支持,赞成 favourable for 有帮助的 fearful of 惧怕

fit for 适于

foreign to 非……所原有

fond of 喜欢

free of /from 未受……;免费

free with 康慨,大方

guilty of 有……罪的 hungry for 渴望

ignorant of 不知道

impatient at sth.不耐烦

impatient of 无法容忍

with sb independent of 不受……支配

impatient for 急切,渴望

indifferent to 无兴趣,不关心

indignant with sb.愤慨

inferior to 级别低于,不如

ab/about sth innocent of 无……罪,无辜

intent on 专心于

invisible to 不可见的 jealous of 嫉妒

keep on 爱好,很喜欢

liable for 对……有责任

liable to 易 于

loyal to 忠于

mad at/with sb.生气,愤怒

mad with 因……发狂

next to 下一个,其次

necessary to /for 必要的 opposite to 在对面

open to 不限制,开放的 particular about 挑剔,讲究

parallel to 与……平等,类似

peculiar to 独特的,独有的 patient with 有耐心

prior to 在……之前

popular with 受……喜爱,爱戴

representative of 代表……的 relative to 与……有关

rich in 富于

responsible for 负责,是……原因

sensitive to 对……敏感

sensible of 觉查到

sick of 厌恶,厌倦

short of 缺少

skilled at /in 善于

similar to 相似

sufficient for 足够的 subject to 受制于,易于

superior to 优于,级别高于

suitable for/to 适合于

suspicious of 怀疑

sure of /about 对……有信心,确信

typical of 是典型的,特有的 tired of 对……不在感兴趣

votal to 对……关系重大

uncertain of /about 不确知

mad about/on 狂热迷恋

void of 没有,缺乏 3.名词同介词的搭配

absence from 缺席,不在 absence of 缺乏

access to ……的入口,通路

acquaintance with 相识,了解

action on sth 对……的作用

addition to sth 增加


admission to /into 进入,入(场,学,会)

admission of sth 承认

advance in 改进,进步

advantage over 优于……的有利条件

affection for/towards 爱,喜欢

answer to ……的答案

anxiety for sth 渴望

apology to sb for sth 道歉

appeal to sb for sth 恳求,呼吁

appeal for 魅力,吸引力

appetite for 对……的欲望

application 把……应用于……

approach to 类似,办法,通道 of sth/to sth

argument 赞成/反对……的理由

arrangement for 对……的安排

for /against attack on 对……的进攻,评击

attempt at 尝试,企图

attention to 对……的注意

attraction for 对……的吸引力

balance between ……之间的平衡

barrier to ……的障碍

belief in 对……的信仰,相信

candidate for 候选人,人选

check on 检查,阻止

claim for sth 要求

collision with sb/sth 碰撞,冲突

comment on /about 对……的评论

between A and B

complaint of /about 报怨,控告

compromise between/on 折中,妥协

concentration on sth 专心,集中精力

concentration of sth 集中,聚集

concern about/for/over 担心

confidence in 对……的信任,相信

connection between;关系,连接

consent to sth 同意

with/to sth contact with sb/sth 接触,联系

contest for sth 争夺,竞争

contradiction between 矛盾,不一致

contrast to/with sth 对比,对照

contribution to 贡献,捐献,促成 between A and B conversation with sb 对话

conversion 转变,转换 about sth

of sth into sth credit for sth 荣誉,赞扬

damage to sth 损坏

danger to sb/sth 危险

decision on/against 做/不做……的决定

decrease in sth ……的减少

defence against 防御,保卫

delegate to 参加……的代表

demand for 对……的需求

departure from 离开

desire for sth 渴望

difference 不同,差异

difference 分歧


between……over…… dispute about 争论,辩论

distinction between 区别

doubt about/as to 怀疑

effect on 对……的作用

emphasis on 对……的强调,注重

encounter with 遭遇,遇到

enthusiasm about/for 热情

entrance to ……的入口,入场

envy of sb 嫉妒

exception to ……的例外 of /at sth

exposure to sth 暴露

fancy for sth 喜爱

faith in 对……的信任,信仰

glance at 扫视

gratitude to sb 感激

guess at sth 猜测

for sth hatred for/of 仇恨

hazard to 危险

hunger for 渴望

impact on/ upon 对……的撞击,巨

大家论坛club.topsage.com 大影响

improvement on/in 对……的改进,提高

increase in sth 增加,增长

independence from 独立,自主

influence on 对……的影响

inquiry about 对……的查询

inquiry into 对……的调查

interaction with sth 相互作用

inteference in/with 干涉,阻碍

between /among sth

introduction to 引言,介绍,入门

memorial to sth 引进(物)

invitation to 邀请

investment in sth 投资

loyalty to sb/sth 忠诚

memorial to sb/sth 纪念碑

obstacle to sth 纪念碑

objection to sth 反对

opponent of sth ……的障碍

opponent at /in sth 对手

patience with 反对者

passion for 对……的强烈爱好,热爱

precaution against 耐心

pity for sb/sth 可怜,怜悯

preference for sth 预防,防备

preface to ……的前言

preparation for 偏爱

preference to sth 优先

proposal for sth 准备

prejudice against/ 对……的偏见,偏重

preparation for 建议

in favour of ……

protection for sb 保护

protest against sth 抗议

against sth provision for/against 准备

pull at/on sth 拉,拖

ratio of sth to sth 比率

reaction to 对……的反应

reason for 原因,理由

reference to 提及,参考

regard for 对……的注意,尊重

remedy for 补救,解决

reply to sb/sth 对……的回答

reputation for 名声,名气

request for sth 要求

research on/into 对……的研究,调查

resistance to 对……的抵抗,阻力

response to 对……的回答,反应

responsibility for 责任,负责

restrainst on sb/sth 限制,约束

search for 对……的搜寻

service to 服务,贡献

similarity between ……的相似之处

skill at 技巧,熟练

solution to ……的解决办法

sorrow at/for/over 悲哀,悲痛

stress on 对……的强调

supplement to sth 补充,增刊

sympathy for 对……的同情

sympathy with 对……的赞同

taste for 对……的爱好,喜爱

taste in 对……的审美能力

tendency to sth 趋向,趋势

trust in 对……的信赖,信任

wish for 欲望,愿望 4.常用其它短语

a series of 一系列,一连串

above all 首先,尤其是

after all 毕竟,究竟

ahead of 在……之前

ahead of time 提前

all at once 突然,同时

all but 几乎;除了……都

all of a sudden 突然

all over 遍及

all over again 再一次,重新

all the time 一直,始终

all the same 仍然,照样的 as regards 关于,至于

anything but 根本不

as a matter of fact 实际上

apart from 除……外(有/无)


as a rule 通常,照例

as a result(of)因此,由于

as far as ……be concerned 就……

back and forth 来回地,反复地

back of 在……后面

before long 不久以后


as far as 远至,到……程度

as for 至于,关于

as follows 如下

as if 好像,仿怫

as good as 和……几乎一样

as usual 像平常一样,照例

as to 至于,关于

all right 令人满意的;可以

as well 同样,也,还

as well as 除……外(也),即……又

aside from 除……外(还有)

at a loss 茫然,不知所措

at a time 一次,每次

at all 丝毫(不),一点也不

at all costs 不惜一切代价

at all events 不管怎样,无论如何

at all times 随时,总是

at any rate 无论如何,至少

at best 充其量,至多

at first 最初,起先

at first sight 乍一看,初看起来

at hand 在手边,在附近

at heart 内心里,本质上

at home 在家,在国内

at intervals 不时,每隔……

at large 大多数,未被捕获的 at least 至少

at last 终于

at length 最终,终于

at most 至多,不超过

at no time 从不,决不

by accident 偶然

at one time 曾经,一度;同时

at present 目前,现在

at sb's disposal 任……处理

at the cost of 以……为代价

at the mercy of 任凭……摆布

at the moment 此刻,目前

at this rate 照此速度

at times 有时,间或

beside point 离题的,不相干的 beyond question 毫无疑问

by air 通过航空途径

by all means 尽一切办法,务必

by and by 不久,迟早

by chance 偶然,碰巧

by far 最,……得多

by hand 用手,用体力

by iteslf 自动地,独自地

by means of 用,依靠

by mistake 错误地,无意地

by no means 决不,并没有

by oneself 单独地,独自地

by reson of 由于

by the way 顺便说说

by virtue of 借助,由于

by way of 经由,通过……方法

due to 由于,因为

each other 互相

even if/though 即使,虽然

ever so 非常,极其

every now and then 时而,偶尔

every other 每隔一个的 except for 除了……外

face to face 面对面地

far from 远非,远离

for ever 永远

for good 永久地

for the better 好转

for the moment 暂时,目前

for the present 暂时,目前

for the sake of 为了,为了……的利益

for the time being 暂时,眼下

from time to time 有时,不时

hand in hand 手拉手 ,密切关联

head on 迎面地,正面的 heart and soul 全心全意地

how about ……怎么样

in a hurry 匆忙,急于

in case of 假如,防备


in a moment 立刻,一会儿 in a sense 从某种意义上说 in a way 在某种程度上 in a word 简言之,总之

in accordance with 与……一致,按

in regard to 关于,至于

in relation to 关于,涉及

in return 作为报答/回报/交换

in return for 作为对……报答

in short 简言之,总之 照

in addition 另外,加之

in addition to 除……之外(还)

in advance 预先,事先

in all 总共,合计

in any case 无论如何

in any event 无论如何

in brief 简单地说

in charge of 负责,总管

in common 共用的,共有的 in consequence(of)因此;由于

in debt 欠债,欠情

in detail 详细地

in difficulty 处境困难

in effect 实际上,事实上

in general 一般来说,大体上

in favour of 支持,赞成 in front of 面对,在……前

in half 成两半

in hand 在进行中,待办理

in honour of 为庆祝,为纪念

in itself 本质上,就其本身而言

in line with 与……一致

in memory of 纪念

in no case 决不

in no time 立即,马上

in no way 决不

in order 按顺序,按次序

in other words 换句话说

in part 部分地

in particular 特别,尤其

in person 亲自,本人

in place 在合适的位置

in place of 代替,取代,交换

in practice 在实践中,实际上

in proportion to 与……成比例

in public 公开地,当众

in quantity 大量

in question 正在谈论的

in sight 被见到;在望

in spite of 尽管

in step 齐步,合拍

in step with 与……一致/协调

in tears 流着泪,在哭着

in the course of 在……期间/过程中

in the distance 在远处

in the end 最后,终于

in the event of 如果……发生,万一

in the face of 即使;在……面前

in the first place 首先

in the future 在未来

in the least 丝毫,一点

in(the)light of 鉴于,由于

in the way 挡道

in the world 究竟,到底

in time 及时

in touch 联系,接触

in turn 依次,轮流;转而

in vain 徒劳,白费力

instead of 代替,而不是

just now 眼下;刚才

little by little 逐渐地

lots of 许多

many a 许多

more or less 或多或少,有点

next door 隔壁的,在隔壁

no doubt 无疑地

no less than 不少于……;不亚于……

no longer 不再

no more 不再

no more than 至多,同……一样不

none other than 不是别的,正是

on one's guard 警惕,提防

nothing but 只有,只不过

now and then 时而,偶尔


off and on 断断续续,间歇地

off duty 下班

on a large/small scale 大/小规模地

on account of 由于


on behalf of 代表

on board 在船(车/飞机)上

on business 因公

on condition that 如果

on duty 上班,值班

on earth 究竟,到底

on fire 起火着火

on foot 步行,on guard 站岗,值班

on hand 在场,在手边

on occasion(s)有时,间或

on one's own 独立,独自

on purpose 故意地

on sale 出售,廉价出售

on schedule 按时间表,准时

on second thoughts 经重新考虑

on the contrary 正相反

on the grounds of 根据,以……为由

on(the)one hand 一方面

on the other hand 另一方面

on the point of 即将……的时刻

on the road 在旅途中

on the side 作为兼职/副 业

on the spot 在场;马上

on the whole 总的来说,大体上

on time 准时

once again 再一次

once(and)for all 一劳永逸地

once in a while 偶尔

once more 再一次

once upon a time 从前

one another 相互

or else 否则,要不然

or so 大约,左右

other than 非;除了

out of 从……中;由于;缺乏

out of breath 喘不过气来

out of control 失去控制

out of date 过时的 out of doors 在户外

out of order 出故障的 out of place 不适当的

out of practice 久不练习,荒疏

out of sight 看不见,在视野外

out of the question 毫无可能的 out of touch 不联系,不接触

over and over(again)一再地,再三地

prior to 在……之前

quite a few 相当多,不少

rather than 不是……(而是)

regardless of 不顾,不惜

right away 立即,马上

side by side 肩并肩,一起

so far 迄今为止

sooner or later 迟早,早晚

step by step 逐步地

such as 例如,诸如

thanks to 由于,多亏

that is(to say)就是说,即

to the point 切中要害,切题

under control 处于控制之下

under the circumstances 这种情况下

up to date 在进行中

up to 多达;直到;胜任;取决于

what if 切合目前情况的 what about 怎么样

with respect to 如果……将怎么样

with regard to 关于,至于

without question 关于,至于,with the exception of 除……之外

without question 毫无疑问

word for word 逐字的专四高频短语汇总

(二)____例句篇。1.abide by(=be faithful to;obey vt)忠于;遵守。

a)Plese feel assured we will abide by our promise.2.be absent from…缺席

a)He is seldom absent from school.大家论坛club.topsage.com 3.absence of mind(=being absent-minded)心不在焉 a)Absence of mind in chemical experiments may cause a serious accident.4.be absorbed in 全神贯注于…近: be engrossed in;be lost in;be rapt in;be buried in;be concentrated on;be focused on;be centered on a)Newton was so engrossed in his laboratory work that he often forgot to eat.牛顿全神贯注地在实验室工作,常常连吃饭也忘了。

b)engross vt 用大字体书写, 使全神贯注, c)rapt adj全神贯注的

5.(be)abundant in(be rich in;be well supplied with)富于,富有

a)abound in place with sth

b)Streams abound with fish河里鱼很多。

c)Birds are abndant in the tall vegetation by the canal.6.access(to)(不可数名词)能接近,进入,了解

a)There is no access to the street through that door.b)穿过那个门没有通向大街的路。7.of one’s own accord(willingly)自愿地 ,主动地

a)She knew they would leave of their own accord.8.in accord with 与…一致

a)…this military action, taken in accord with United Nations resolutions… 9.out of accord with 同…不一致 10.in accordance(accord)with(=in agreement with)依照,根据

a)Most people believe they conduct their private and public lives in accordance with

11.with one accord(unanimously)一致地

a)With one accord they turned and

walked back over the grass.12.in concord


a)The two tribes lived in concord.两部落和睦相处。

13.on one’s own account 为了某人的缘故, 为了某人自己的利益

14.(=at one’s own risk)自行负责

a)I told him if he withdrew it was on his own account.15.(=by oneself)依靠自

a)She had plans to set up in business on her own account.16.on account(credit)赊账;

a)If you buy something on account, you pay nothing or only part of the cost at first, and pay the rest later.17.on account of 因为(because of);a)You use on account of to introduce the reason or explanation for something.18.on no account不论什么原因也不;a)On no account should the mixture come near boiling.19.take sth into account 把……考虑进去

a)The direction of the prevailing winds should be taken into account.20.give sb an account of 说明, 解释(理由)

21.account for(=give an explanation or reason for)解释, 说明

a)The suspect couldn't account for his time that night.b)嫌疑犯不能说明那天晚上他的时间安排

22.accuse sb of…(=charge sb with…;blame sb for…;blame sth on sb;complain about)指控,控告

a)They were accused of unlawful assembly.23.be accustomed to doing sth(=be in the habit of doing sth, be used to sth)习惯于

a)I am not accustomed to being interrupted.大家论坛club.topsage.com 24.be acquainted with 了解;熟悉 a)He was well acquainted with the literature of France, Germany and Holland.25.act on 履行;

a)Both the Israelis and the Palestinians failed to act on recent UN resolutions.以巴双方均未能履行联合国近期的决议。

26.act as 担当;

a)Act as an agent to record the accounts.27.act for 代理

a)He acted for Smith while he was ill.28.adapt oneself to (=adjust oneself to)使自己适应于

a)He adapted himself to the cold weather.b)他适应了寒冷的天气。

29.adapt…(for)(=make sth Suitable for a new need)改编, 改写(以适应新的需要)a)A graded reader is a story which has been adapted for people learning to read or learning a foreign language.30.in addition 此外, 又, 加之 a)The Met Office Web site provides regional reports, a shipping forecast and gale warnings.In addition, visitors can download satellite images of the UK.31.in addition to(=as well as, besides, other than)除…外

a)There’s a postage and packing fee in addition to the repair charge.32.adhere to(=abide by, conform to, comply with, cling to, insist on, persist in, observe, cleave to)粘附;坚持, 遵循

a)I will adhere to this opinion until contrary facts appear.b)如果没有相反的事实,我将坚持我的意见。

33.adjust to(=change slightly)调节;适应;a)They are unable to adjust themselves

to their environment”

34.admit of(leave room for;allow for)留有…的余地The rules and regulations admit of no other explanation这些规章制度不容许有其他解释。

35.to advantage 有利的,使优点更加突出地

a)The roses were displayed to advantage in a blue vase.36.have an advantage over 胜过 a)This custom-built kitchen has many advantages over a standard one.37.take advantage of(=make the best of, utilize, make use of, profit from)欺骗、利用

a)She took advantage of him even after they were divorced.38.agreed to同意, 允诺

a)She agreed to my idea她同意我的想法。

39.agree on


a)We agree on this count这一点上,我们的意见一致。

40.agree with


a)I quite agree with what you say.你所说的我很赞成。

41.Agree with sb.同意某人的观点

a)I agree with you about the gun situation.42.in agreement with 同意, 一致

a)Not all scholars are in agreement with her, however.43.ahead of 在…之前, 超过 a)Our company is ahead of other makers of spare parts for the airplane.b)我们公司制造飞机零部件比别家的业绩好。

44.ahead of time 提前

a)This dish may be prepared a day ahead of time and refrigerated.45.in the air 1)不肯定, 不具体

1.2)在谣传中 2.3)到处弥漫

大家论坛club.topsage.com b)Excitement was in the air.到处充满了兴奋之情

46.above all(=especially, most important of all)

尤其是, 最重要的 a)Above all, do not be too proud to ask for advice.47.in all

adv.(=altogether)总共, 总计

a)In all some 15 million people live in the selected areas.48.after all 毕竟,到底;

a)It has turned out to be a nice day after all.b)天气终于转晴了。49.(not)at all 一点也不;a)I'm not at all sorry I came, I'm glad!b)我来了一点也不遗憾,我很高兴。50.all at once(=suddenly)突然;a)I feel terribly sleepy all at once.b)All at once there was someone knocking on the door 51.once and for all 一劳永逸;

a)The problem can be solved once and for all, if you do that.(如果你那样做,问题就可能一劳永逸地得到解决。)52.above all 最重要的;

a)Above all, I love Tchaikovsky.b)首先,我喜欢柴可夫斯基。53.first of all 首先;

a)The cut in the interest rates has not had very much impact in California for two reasons.First of all, banks are still afraid to loan.54.all in all 大体上说;

a)All in all, her condition is greatly improved.b)一般说来,她的健康状况大大好转。55.all but(=Nearly;almost)几乎

a)all but crying with relief 快乐地差一点大叫起来

56.allow for 考虑到, 估计到

a)We must allow for his inexperience我们必须考虑到他缺乏经验。

57.amount to(=to be equal to)总计、等同于

a)The banks have what amounts to a monopoly.b)...a schoolboy comedy, which

amounted to little more than slapstick.58.answer for(undertake responsibility for, be liable for, take charge for)对…负责、保证(guarantee)

a)I will answer for the truth of what he has said.b)我保证他所说的话是真的。59.answer to(conform to,compliance with)适合,符合

a)He doesn't answer to the description of the missing man.他与所描绘的失踪者的相貌特征不符。

60.be anxious about 为…焦急不安;或anxious for

a)We are all anxious about/for his safety.b)我们都为他的安全而忧虑。

61.apologize to sb for sth 为…向…道歉

a)I apologized to her for stepping on her foot.b)我因踩了她的脚而向她道歉。62.appeal for sth呼吁…、请求 a)to appeal for aid求助

63.appeal to sb 对某人有吸引力 a)Does the film appeal to you? 64.apply for申请

a)I want to apply for the job.我想申请这项工作。

65.apply to sth = resort to sth与…有关;适用

a)What I have said does not apply to you.b)我说的话与你无关。

66.approve of doing(=consent to, be in favor of, favor, agree to, consider good, right)赞成,a)My parents don't approve of me smoking cigarettes.b)我的父母不准许我吸烟。

67.arise from(=result from)由…引起

大家论坛club.topsage.com a)mistakes that arise from a basic misunderstanding.b)出自于基本上是误解的错误

68.arrange for sb to do sth 安排…做… a)It has been arranged for him by his family to marry a girl of his own class.他家已就婚姻问题为他做好安排,要他娶一个门当户对的女孩

69.arrive at 到达某地(小地方);得出,作出;

a)We arrived at a decision after much thought.b)经过大家反复考虑后做出了决定 c)to arrive at a port 抵达港口 70.arrive in 到达某地(大地方);a)to arrive at a port 抵达港口 71.be ashamed of 以…为羞耻 a)I behaved badly yesterday and I am ashamed(of myself)now.我昨天表现不好,我现在感到很惭愧。

72.assure sb of sth 向…保证, 使…确信

a)I assure you its quality.保证质量 73.attach(to)缚, 系 ,结

a)We should attach primary importance to the development of economy.我们要把发展经济的工作放在第一位。74.make an attempt at doing sth(to do sth)试图做…

a)If you make an attempt to do something, you try to do it, often without success.75.attend to(=look after)关注;注意: a)We'll attend to that problem later.b)稍后我们将关注那个问题

c)The staff will helpfully attend to your needs.76.attend on(upon)(=wait upon, serve)侍候

a)attend on one's master 侍候主人 77.attitude to/ toward …对…的态度/看法

a)People's attitude towards the skyscrapers varies widely.人们对这些


78.attribute…to…(=to believe sth to be the result of…)把…归因于

a)David attributed his company's success to the unity of all the staff and their persevering hard work.b)大卫说他们公司之所以获得成功是由于全体员工的团结和坚持不懈努力工作的结果。

79.on the average(=on average, on an average)平均

a)On average, American firms remain the most productive in the world.b)American shares rose, on average, by 38%.80.be aware of(=be conscious of , beware)意识到

a)I was not aware of the fire.我没有意识到火。

81.in the back of在...后面

支持, 主使

a)Actor Hugh Grant was caught with his pants down when he was having sex with a prostitute in the back of his car.82.on the back of 在…后部(外面);a)A guy is reading his paper when his wife walks up behind him and smacks him on the back of the head with a frying pan.83.be on one’s back(=be ill in bed)卧床

a)He lay on his back, with his hands crossed under his head.他仰面躺着,头枕着手。

84.at one’s back(=supporting or favoring sb)支持

a)Don’ t talk about other’ s at his back.b)A:Tom should learn to look after himself.c)B:Yeah,he can’t always have us at his back.85.have sb at one’s back 有…支持, 有…作后台

大家论坛club.topsage.com 86.behind one’s back 背着某人(说坏话)a)Don't speak evil of a man behind his back.


87.turn one’s back on sb(=close one’s eye to sb)不理睬(某人),背弃,抛弃 a)If the world turns its back on you, you turn your back on the world.88.be based on / upon 基于

a)This news report is based entirely on fact.b)这篇新闻报导是完全根据实际情况写成的。

89.on the basis of 根据…, 在…基础上

a)On the basis of the above results, we may establish attractor viewpoint of process of the long-range atmosphere and climate.90.begin with 以…开始

a)Knowledge begin with practice.认识从实践开始。

91.To begin with(=firstly)首先, 第一(经常用于开始语)a)To begin with, we must consider the faculties of the staff all-sidedly.首先,我们必须全面地考虑全体员工的素质。92.on behalf of以…名义 a)Secret Service officer Robin Thompson spoke on behalf of his colleagues.93.believe in(=have faith or trust in;count on)相信,依赖,信仰 a)I don't believe in the story.b)我不相信这件事。;我不相信这个故事。

94.benefit(from)受益,得到好处 a)We benefit from daily exercises.b)我们得益于每天做操。

95.for the benefit of 为了…的利益(好处)a)in the interests of 符合…的利益 b)It is not his fault.He did it for your


c)All the donations are for the benefit of the disabled children.所有的捐款都是为了帮助残疾儿童。96.for the better 好转

a)Her condition took a turn for the better.b)她的情况有所改善

97.get the better of(=defeat sb)打败, 智胜

a)The devil begins to get the better of him by furnishing him with reasons for self-approval.98.by birth 在出生上,论出身,按血统 a)Iococca is Italian by birth although he was born in the United States.b)雅可虽然生在美国,但父母是意大利人。

99.give birth to 出生

a)A hobby that gave birth to a successful business.100.blame sb for sth 因…责备某人 a)blame sth on sb 把…推在某人身上 b)Don't blame it on him, but on me.c)别怪他,该怪我。

d)They blamed the secretary for the delay of the plan.e)他们怪罪秘书造成计划延误。101.be in blossom开花(强调状态)a)come into blossom开花(强调动作)b)A friendship in full blossom 浓郁的友谊

c)Approximately four thousand red and white plum trees come into blossom at the foot of Mt.Makuyama.102.on board 到船上, 在船上, 上火车或飞机

a)We went on board the ship.我们登上了轮船。

b)Everybody on board was worried and we were curious to find out what had happened.大家论坛club.topsage.com c)飞机上的人都很着急,而且我们急于想了解出了什么事。

103.boast of(or about)吹嘘 brag about a)Nobody should boast of his learning.b)谁也不应当夸耀自己的学识。104.out of breath 喘不过气来

a)If you are puffing, you are breathing loudly and quickly with your mouth open because you are out of breath after a lot of physical effort.105.in brief(=for short, In summary)简言之

a)In brief he says 'No' 他简短地说了一个'不'字。

106.in bulk 成批地,不散装的

a)If you buy or sell something in bulk, you buy or sell it in large quantities.107.take the floor 起立发言

a)It is with great emotion, that I take the floor here today.108.on business 出差办事(对应for pleasure)a)I'm here on business.109.be busy with sth于某事。a)be busy doing sth 忙于做某事 b)He busied himself with answering letters.c)他忙于回信。

110.last but one 倒数第二

a)Jack was the last but one to arrive.杰克是倒数第二个到达的。

111.but for(=without)要不是(表示假设)a)But for my brother's help, I would not have finished.b)要不是我兄弟的帮助,我是无法完成的。

112.buy sth for…money 用多少钱买 a)She bought her friend a present for 50 RMB.b)她花了50元买了一件礼物给她的朋友。

113.be capable of 能够, 有能力

a)Are you capable of climbing that tree? b)你能爬上那棵树吗?

114.in any case(at any rate, at any price, at any cost, anyhow)无论如何

a)It's too late, in any case.无论如何太晚了。

115.in case(=for fear that)万一;a)took along an umbrella, just in case.b)随身带一把伞,以防万一

116.in case of(=in the event of, if)如果发生…万一

a)This is a case of stupidity, not dishonesty.b)这只是个愚蠢的例子,并非不诚实。117.in the case of 在...的情况 a)What to do in the case of an eye injury?

118.in no case在任何情况下都不(放句首倒装句)

a)In no case do we recommend that anyone go below 100 Nutripoints daily because you really cannot expect to get adequate nutrients at this level.119.be cautious of 谨防

a)He was cautious of his footing, wary of the edge.120.center one’s attention on(=focus one’s attention on)把某人的注意力集中在…上

a)Industrial development is being

centered its attention on the west of the country.b)这个国家的西部正集中发展工业。121.be certain of(=be sure of)有把握, 一定

a)We are certain of victory.我们一定会获得胜利。

122.for certain(=for sure)肯定地,有把握地

a)Some soils are actually too alkaline for certain plant life.123.by chance(=accidentally, by accident)偶然

a)They met by chance on a plane.大家论坛club.topsage.com b)他们在飞机上不期而遇

124.for a change换换环境(花样等)a)ate early for a change.变化一下提早吃饭

125.in charge of(=responsible for)负责(某事)a)Who's in Charge of this Network? 126.take charge of(be responsible for)负责管理(照顾)a)She is the youngest manager who takes charge of the overseas business in the company.她是这个公司里负责海外业务最年轻的经理。

127.charge…for 因…索取(费用),charge sb with sth 控告某人犯有… a)Charges ten dollars for a haircut.128.round the clock(=all day and all night, usually without stopping)昼夜不停地

a)This is a terrific mission and we are very busy doing science round the clock.129.comment on sth评论

a)Everyone commented on her new hat.b)大家都在评论她的新帽子。c)He commented on the bad road.d)他评论这条糟糕的路。130.commit oneself to致力于

a)I commit myself to strive for grades of “C” or better in all my high school classes and to benefit fully from the classes offered during the summer program.131.commit sb to prison把某人送进监狱;a)A robbery was committed to prison last night.b)昨晚发生了一个强盗被送入了监狱。

132.to commit oneself to a promise 受诺言的约束

133.in common(和…)有共同之处,共用

a)We have many things in common.134.common touch n.平易近人的


a)An effective administrator and also an effective leader, with a common touch b)有效的行政人员,也是有效的领导者,通常有平易近人的品质

135.be common to sb 是与某人所共有的

136.keep company with(=be friendly and go out together)和…要好

a)If you keep company with a person or with a particular kind of person, you spend a lot of time with them.137.compare A with B 把…与…比较 a)compare one thing with another b)将一物与另一物比较

138.compare A to B 把…比作… a)Man's life is often compared to a candle.b)人生常被喻为蜡烛。

139.by comparison(with)比较起来 a)He puffed the new system by showing how badly his existing system performed by comparison.b)Agricultural productivity remained low by comparison with advanced countries like the United States.140.in comparison with(=in contrast to)和…比起来

a)They were living rather well, in

comparison with people elsewhere in the world.141.compensate for(=give sth to make up for)补偿, 赔偿,弥补

a)Nothing can compensate for the loss of one's health.b)一个人失去了键康是不可弥补的。142.compensate sb for sth 赔偿,弥补 a)Management compensated us for the time we worked.资方补偿我们工作时间的报酬

143.complain to sb about/of sth 向某人抱怨…

a)Jean is always complaining about something.大家论坛club.topsage.com b)琼总是满腹牢骚。

144.comply with(=act in accordance with a demand, order, rule etc)遵守, 依从

a)You must comply with the library rules.b)遵守图书馆的规则。

145.In compliance with 顺从, 遵守, 依从

a)Compliance with the law is expected in the state.b)该州要求人人守法。

146.conceive of(think of, imagine, consider)设想

a)Half a century ago it’s difficult to conceive of travelling to the moon半个世纪前去月球旅行是难以想象的。147.be concerned with(=about)关心 关注

a)We're rather concerned about father's health.我们相当担心父亲的健康。148.concern oneself about 关心(concern及物)a)We're rather concerned about father's health.b)我们相当担心父亲的健康。149.concern oneself with 关注

a)to concern oneself with public work 关心公众事务

150.in conclusion(=as the last thing)adv最后, 总之;at the conclusion of 当…结束时;

a)In conclusion, walking is a cheap, safe, enjoyable and readily available form of exercise.



United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization 联合国粮食农业组织 Security Council 联合国安理会

Economic and Social Council 经济与社会理International Atomic Energy Agency 国际原子能组织

ITU=International Telecommunications Union 事会

United Nation Children’s Fund 联合国儿童基金组织

United Nations Development Program 联合国开发计划处

mudslide 泥石流 国际电信同盟

UNIDO=United Nations Industrial Development Organization 联合国工业开发组织

IBRD=International Bank for Reconstruction and Development 国际复兴与开发银行 IOC=International Olympic Committee 国际奥林匹克委员会(=CIO)

IMF=International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金组织

GATT=General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 关贸总协定

常见巴以冲突问题新闻词汇 Jewish settler 犹太定居者 assassination 暗杀 cease-fire 停火

Gaza Strip 加沙地带 conflict 冲突 withdrawal 撤退

P.L.O(缩)Palestine Liberation Organization 巴勒斯坦解放组织

Fatah 法塔赫(巴解组织最大的一支游击队)West Bank 约旦河西岸 Oslo agreement 奥斯陆协定 evacuate 疏散

Likud party 利库德集团 Middle East 中东

targeted elimination 定点清除 unilateral action 单边行动 灾难新闻

与灾害、灾难有关用词 rescue official 援救人员 capsize(特指船)倾覆 volcano eruption 火山爆发 flood 洪水

drought 干旱 depredate 掠夺,毁坏 death toll 死亡人数 refugee 难民 tsunami 海啸 earthquake 地震

snowstorm 暴风雪

fatality 不幸,灾祸,天命 humanitarian 人道主义者 afflicted district 受灾地区 sandstorm 沙尘暴

tornado 龙卷风

plague 瘟疫,麻烦,苦恼,灾祸 doom 厄运,毁灭,死亡 natural calamity 自然灾害 经济新闻常见经济用词 an economic forum 经济论坛

venture 投机,风险 trade disputes 贸易争端 deficit 赤字 depreciation 贬值

devaluation(货币)贬值 budget 预算

amortize 分期清偿 launch 投放市场 brand 商标,牌子 debenture 债券

deflate 紧缩(通货)depression 萧条,不景气 bankroll 资金 arbitrage 套汇

antitrust 反托拉斯的,反垄断的


DOW: Dow Jones industrial average(DJIA)教育用词

curriculum 课程

academy(高等)专科院校,研究院,学会,学术团体,学院 道琼斯工业指数

Tokyo’s Nikkei average 东京日经平均指数 a bull market 牛市 bonus share 红股

The standard and Poor’s 500 标准普尔500指数

NYSE, New York Stock Exchange 纽约证券交易所

NASDAQ: National Association of Securities Deal Automated Quotations 纳斯达克指数 a bear market 熊市 blue chip 绩优股

inscribed shares 记名式股票 环境、健康卫生用语

air quality monitoring system 空气质量监测系统

life-span 寿命 mortality 死亡率 chronic 慢性的

non-infection 非传染 avian influenza 禽流感 taint 感染

venom 毒;毒物 toxin 毒素 noxious 有害的 placebo 安慰剂 immunize 使免疫 fungus 真菌

remedy 药物,治疗法


HIV(human immunodeficiency virus)人体免疫缺损病毒,艾滋病病毒 thermal pollution 热污染 tropical island effect 热岛效应 acid rain 酸雨

desertification(土壤)荒漠化,沙漠化 soil erosion 水土流失

semester 学期

guest professor 客座教授 statistics 统计学 president 校长 ethics 伦理学

plagiarism 剽窃,剽窃物

能源、交通用词 van 有篷货车

trolley 电车,(电车)滚轮,手推车 shuttle 往返汽车(列车、飞机),航天飞机 unleaded 无铅的 nuclear 原子能的 petroleum 石油 lorry 铁路货车

vehicular 车的,用车辆运载的 commuter 通勤者,经常往返者 solar energy 太阳能 heat energy 热能 恐怖主义

与恐怖主义有关的词汇 explode 爆炸

sponsor terrorism 赞助恐怖主义 body bomb 人体炸弹 suicide attacks 自杀性袭击

sympathizers of AI Qaeda 基地组织的支持者

hostage 人质

terrorism’s financer 恐怖主义资助者 assassination 暗杀 casualty 伤亡

terrorist suspects 恐怖主义嫌疑犯 abduct 绑架 loot 抢劫

ransom 敲诈,勒索 反恐常用词汇

the bomb squad防爆小组

Britain’s 2000 Terrorism Act 英国《2000年反恐怖主义法案》 bulletproof 防弹的 convoy 护航 政治新闻 政治用词

consulate 领事,领事馆 ally 同盟

cabinet <美>内阁 demonstration 游行示威 removal 免职 protest 抗议

dignitary 高官

chancellor 长官,大臣 poll 投票选举,民意测验 rally 集会

rebel 造反,反叛

suffrage 投票,选举权,参政权 stump 在(某地)做政治巡回演说 caucus(政党的)领导人秘密会议,核心小组会议

bureaucracy 官僚作风,官僚机构 despotism 专制

containment 围堵政策,牵制政策 impeach <主美>弹劾,怀疑 prerogative 特权

anarchism 无政府主义 summitry 高峰会 campaign 竞选运动

bicameral 两院制的,有两个议院的 hegemony 霸权

enfranchise 给予选举权,给予自治权 propaganda 宣传

multi-party elections 多党选举、8.科技新闻

网络科技新闻用词 online service在线服务 searching engine 搜索引擎 digital divide 数字鸿沟 Internet-based 以网络为基础的 e-commerce 电子商务 SPAM messages 垃圾电子邮件 cyber phobia 计算机恐惧症

online transaction 网上交易BBS 电子布告栏系统

browser 浏览器

electronic platform 电子化平台 community portal 社区门户 online consultation 在线咨询 electronic banking 电子银行 e-government 电子政务 junk-e-mail 垃圾电子邮件 interface 界面


unmanned probe 无人探测 the launch tower 发射塔 shuttle 航天飞机

definitive orbit 既定轨道 external tank 外壳 lunar module 登月舱

manned spacecraft 载人宇宙飞船 the re-entry capsule 返回舱 emergency landing 紧急降落 Telstar 通讯卫星 command module 指令舱 multistage rocket 多级火箭 其他科学、科技词汇 fossil 化石

evolution 演变,进化 semiconductor 半导体 radiation 放射线,放射物 handset 手机,手持机 dinosaur 恐龙

origin 起源,由来 relic 遗物,遗迹 breakthrough突破

voice recognition system 语音识别系统 mechanistic 机械论学说的,机械论的 videophone 电视电话 9.旅游新闻

娱乐、文化、艺术、旅游用词 theme park 主题公园

showgirl 歌舞女郎 DINK 丁克一族:有双薪收入而没有孩子的夫妇

Emmy 艾美奖

videoporn <口>色情电视,黄色录像 Warner Brothers 华纳兄弟娱乐公司 choreographer 舞蹈指导 Broadway 百老汇

baroque 巴洛克时期艺术和建筑风格 telecopter 空中电视台 tent pole movie 大片 Hollywood 好莱坞

film fans 影迷

premiere 初次公演,初演主角 pop chart 流行榜 box office 票房 Soap Opera 肥皂剧 signature 签名 show tour 巡演

10.体育新闻 体育组织名称

FIFA=Federation Internationale de Football Association,国际足球联盟

IOC=International Olympic Committee 国际奥林匹克委员会(=CIO)

International Amateur Athletics Federation 国际运动员协会 比赛有关用词

tournament 锦标赛,联赛 final 决赛 riot 球场骚动

round-robin 循环赛 world record 世界纪录

Master’s Champion 大师赛 count out 数十:从一秒数到十秒,在此期间被击倒的拳手必须站起来,不然便被宣布失败

Grand Prix 国际汽车大奖赛 cheerleader 啦啦队队长

elimination match, knock-out 淘汰赛 grouping 分组 ranking 排名

Championship 冠军赛

Formula One 一级方程式赛车 体育用词

stadium 露天大型运动场 judo<日> 柔道

javelin throwing 标枪 billiards 台球,桌球 Karate 空手道

grand slam(棒球)大满贯 hockey 曲棍球 discus 铁饼,掷铁饼 rugby 橄榄球

archery 剑术

Olympic Games 奥林匹克运动会 aerobics 有氧运动 soccer 英式足球 taekwondo 跆拳道 smash 扣球



四、专八中难度不大,尤其在专八中和mini-lecture比起来,简单很多,提前可以看到问题和选项。带着这些预读信息去进行target-oriented 的听力,命中率一般都很高,练习到后期不希望考生失掉哪怕一分。有可能成文满分绊脚石的就是一些“纸老虎”般的新闻听力特定词汇,请大家提前预热。其实出题考这些词汇的几率特别小,只是形式上吓人罢了。

accredited journalist n.特派记者 advance n.预发消息;预写消息 affair n.桃色新闻;绯闻 anecdote n.趣闻轶事 assignment n.采写任务 attribution n.消息出处,消息来源

back alley news n.小道消息 backgrounding n.新闻背景 Bad news travels quickly.坏事传千里。banner n.通栏标题 beat n.采写范围 body n.新闻 正文 boil vt.压缩(篇幅)box n.花边新闻 brief n.简讯 bulletin n.新闻简报 byline n.署名文章

caption n.图片说明 caricature n.漫画 carry vt.刊登 cartoon n.漫画 censor vt.审查(新

闻稿件),新闻审查 chart n.每周流行音乐排行版

clipping n.剪报 column n.专栏;栏目 columnist n.专栏作家 continued story 连载故事;连载小说 contributing editor 特约编辑 contribution n.(投给报刊的)稿件;投稿 contributor n.投稿人 copy desk n.新闻解释性报道 invasion of privacy 侵犯隐私(权)inverted pyramid 倒金字塔(写作结构)investigative reporting 调查性报道

journalism n.新闻业;新闻学 Journalism is literature in a hurry 新闻是急就文学. journalist n.新闻记者 kill vt.退弃(稿件);枪毙(稿件)layout n.版面编排;编辑部 copy editor n.文字编辑 correction n.更正(启事)correspondence column读者来信专栏 correspondent n.驻外记者;常驻外埠记者 cover vt.采访;采写 cover girl n.封面女郎 covert coverage 隐性采访;秘密采访 crop vt.剪辑(图片)crusade n.宣传攻势 cut n.插图 vt.删减(字数)cut line n.插图说明

daily n.日报 dateline n.新闻电头 deadline n.截稿时间 dig vt.深入采访;追踪(新闻线索):“挖”(新闻)digest n.文摘 editorial n.社论 editorial office 编辑部 editor's notes 编者按 exclusive n.独家新闻 expose n.揭丑新闻;新闻曝光 extra n.号外 eye-account n.目击记;记者见闻

faxed photo 传真照片 feature n.特写;专稿 feedback n.信息反馈 file n.发送消息;发稿 filler n.补白 First Amendment(美国宪法)第一修正案(内容有关新闻、出版自由等)five “W's” of news 新闻五要素 flag n.报头;报名 folo(=follow-up)n.连续报道 Fourth Estate 第四等级(新闻界的别称)freedom of the Press 新闻自由 free-lancer n.自由撰稿人 full position 醒目位置

Good news comes on crutches.好事不出门。grapevine n.小道消息 gutter n.中缝 hard news 硬新闻;纯消息 headline n.新闻标题;内容提要 hearsay n.小道消息 highlights n.要闻 hot news 热点新闻 human interest 人情味

in-depth reporting 深度报道 insert n.& vt.插补段落;插稿 interpretative reporting

版面设计 lead n.导语 libel n.诽谤(罪)

makeup n.版面设计 man of the year 新闻人物,风云人物 mass

communication 大众传播(学)mass media 大众传播媒介 master head n.报头;报名 media n.媒介,媒体 Mere report is not enough to go upon.仅是传闻不足为凭. morgue n.报刊资料室

news agency 通讯社 news clue 新闻线索 news peg 新闻线索,新闻电头 newsprint n.新闻纸 news value 新闻价值No news is good news.没有消息就是好消息;不闻凶讯便是吉。nose for news 新闻敏感obituary n.讣告 objectivity n.客观性 off the record 不宜公开报道 opinion poll 民意浏验

periodical n.期刊 pipeline n.匿名消息来源 popular paper 大众化报纸;通俗报纸 press n.报界;新闻界 press conference 新闻发布会;记者招待台 press law 新闻法 press release 新闻公告;新闻简报 PR man 公关先生 profile n.人物专访;人物特写 proofreader n.校对员 pseudo event 假新闻 quality paper 高级报纸;严肃报纸 quarterly n.季刊

readability n.可读性 reader's interest 读者兴越 reject vt.退弃(稿件)remuneration n.稿费;稿酬 reporter n.记者 rewrite vt.改写(稿件),改稿 round-up n.综合消息

scandal n.丑闻 scoop vt.“抢”(新闻)n.独家新闻 sensational a.耸人听闻的;具有轰动效应的 sex scandal 桃色新闻 sidebar n.花絮新闻 slant n.主观报道;片面报道 slink ink “爬格子” soft news 软新闻 source

n.新闻来源;消息灵通人士 spike vt.退弃(稿件):“枪毙”(稿件)stone vt.拼版 story n.消息;稿件;文章 stringer n.特约记者;通讯员 subhead n.小标题;副标题

supplement n.号外;副刊;增刊 suspended interest 悬念

thumbnail n.“豆腐干”(文章)timeliness n.时效性;时新性 tip n.内幕新闻;秘密消息 trim n.删改(稿件)update n.更新(新闻内容),增强(时效性)watchdog n.&vt.舆论监督 weekly n.周报 wire service n.通讯社



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    专四、专八新闻听力词汇总结 新闻听力在专四、专八中难度不大,尤其在专八中和mini-lecture比起来,简单很多,提前可以看到问题和选项。带着这些预读信息去进行target-oriented......


    英语4班学习小组 新闻听力词汇总结 accredited journalist n. 特派记者advance n.预发消息;预写消息 affair n.桃色新闻;绯闻anecdote n.趣闻轶事 assignment n.采写任务 attribu......


    专四、专八新闻听力词汇总结 新闻听力在专四、专八中难度不大,尤其在专八中和mini-lecture比起来,简单很多,提前可以看到问题和选项。带着这些预读信息去进行target-oriented......


    专四专八新闻词汇 新闻听力在专四、专八中难度不大,尤其在专八中和mini-lecture比起来,简单很多,提前可以看到问题和选项。带着这些预读信息去进行target-oriented 的听力,命中......


    专四高频词汇 1.alter v. 改变,改动,变更2.burst vi.,n. 突然发生,爆19.transplant v. 移植20.transport vt. 运输,运送 编目 36.vague a. 模糊的,不明确裂 3.dispose vi. 除掉......