课标人教版高中英语分单元单词记忆短文BI, Unit 4(合集)

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第一篇:课标人教版高中英语分单元单词记忆短文BI, Unit 4


Book IUnit Four

A Horrible Earthquake

Dirty water rose in wells and canals before the earthquake.But no one judged that an earthquake was coming.Suddenly, everything shook.It seemed as if the world was at an end.Millions of brick houses and a number of dams were destroyed.Railway tracks became useless bars.Pipes in mines burst and let out smelly steam.Huge cracks trapped cyclists everywhere.The next day, this event was the headline or main title of all newspapers.With the reporters giving an outline of the disaster, the whole nation was shocked, by the damage and the victims’ extreme suffering.People were moved when they read that the survivors comforted each other by saying “congratulations!You survived!” So they not only expressed their sympathy sincerely, but also organized together to help the victims(受害者)right way.The injured were rescued and the dead were buried.The frightened survivors were dug out from under the ruins and were offered shelter, fresh water and electricity.Thanks to people’s help, the loss was minimized(减少到最少).地震前,水井和运河里的污水都涨涌起来。但是却没有人判断出地震即将来临。霎那间,一切都在摇晃,似乎整个世界就要结束。成百上千的砖房和许多水坝遭到破坏;铁路铁轨都变成了无用的铁条;煤矿管道纷纷爆裂,发出有臭味的蒸汽;到处都有骑车的人被巨大的裂缝陷住。


第二篇:课标人教版高中英语分单元单词记忆短文BI, Unit 5


Book IUnit Five

The Great President

As the founder of the republic, the president had many good qualities.Before coming to power, he was a generous lawyer.He was willing to selflessly help everyone who turned to him.He accepted no fee to offer legal guidance and opinions to those who were out of work or uneducated.Later, believing all mankind to be equal, he devoted himself to stopping the unfair anti-black laws.He set up the Black Youth League and was voted to be the leader.However, though he kept peaceful principles without violence or terror, his mean enemies still blew up his house and attacked his relatives, and he himself couldn’t escape being sentenced to 30 years in prison.Not fearing of the prison guards’ cruelty, he kept active and begged no mercy from them.As a matter of fact, he was always hopeful and never lost heart during the stage even though he was in trouble.Finally, people rewarded him with the leader’s position and a gold blanket.作为共和国的创始人,这位总统具备许多的优秀品质。还在上台之前,他就是一位慷慨的律师。他愿意无私地帮助那些向他求助的人。他免费为失业的,或没有受过教育的人提供法律指导和意见。后来,因为相信所有人类都是生来平等,他全身心投入到废除不平等的反黑人法律工作中。他建立了黑人青年团并被选为领袖。然而,尽管他坚持没有暴力,没有恐怖的和平原则,卑鄙的敌人还是炸毁了他的家、袭击了他的亲属,他自己无法逃脱被判30年徒刑的遭遇。



第三篇:课标人教版高中英语分单元单词记忆短文BI, Unit 3


Book IUnit Three

A Hard Trip

My sister was fond of traveling.Ever since graduating, she had been determined to organize a trip to an old temple.Since transporting fare was expensive, she decided to use a bicycle to cycle there not caring about the disadvantages.Her stubborn attitude was always her shortcoming.Once she made up her mind to do something, no one could persuade her to change her mind.Finally, we gave in as usual though we preferred to take a train.After we prepared everything, including the schedule, reliable weather forecast and the insurance, we began our trip.Our journey was along a river flowing from a high altitude.Our pace was slow because the river frequently had many sharp bends through deep valleys, where the water seemed to boil.Just as I recorded in my journal, it was really a hard journey.But we also enjoyed great views.One night, I put my head on my pillow---a parcel of wool coats, and lay beneath the stars.When the flame in front of our cave went out at midnight, I found the sky so beautiful!



第四篇:人教高中英语选修7 全书重点单词短语汇总

Disability伤残,无力 disabled伤残的 ambition雄心 suitable适合的 beneficial有益的 clumsy笨拙的 adapt使适合 adapt to适合 bench长凳 absence不在某处,缺席 fellow同伴的 annoyed颇为生气的 firm公司,结实的 psychology心理(学)encouragement鼓励 conduct行为,品行,指挥,管理,主持 abolish废除 literature文学(作品),著作 companion同伴 assistance协助 congratulate祝贺 graduation毕业(典礼)certificate证书 architect建筑师 adequate足够的 access方法,通路,可接近性 handy方便的,有用的 row行,排 basement地下室 approval赞成,认可 dignity尊严 profit收益 community社区,团体,社会 fiction小说 desire渴望 satisfaction满意,满足 alarm使警觉,使惊恐,警报 alarmed担心的 sympathy同情(心)elegant优雅的,讲究的 favour喜爱 pile堆,叠 scan细看 absurd荒谬的,可笑的 haircut发型,剪发 accompany陪伴,伴奏 awful极坏的,可怕的 affair事务 declare宣布,声明 cuisine烹饪(风味),菜肴 envy嫉妒,羡慕 receiver收件人 affection喜爱 bound一定的,密切相关的 biography传记 holy神的,上帝的,圣洁的 staff全体员工,手杖 navy海军 junior较年幼的 biochemistry生物化学 talent天才,特殊才能 theoretical理论上的,假设的 framework框架 divorce离婚 obey服从 assessment评价 anecdote奇闻轶事 annual每年的,年刊,年鉴 witness目击 accommodation住所 shore海滨 offshore近岸的 opposite在…对面,相反的 yell大喊,呼救 pause暂停 telescope望远镜 dive跳水(的动作),俯冲 flee逃跑 drag拖,拉 depth深度 lip一片嘴唇,边,口 urge催促 abandon放弃 relationship关系 conservation保护 jog慢跑,轻撞 net网,网状物 target目标 tide潮水 reflect思考 pure纯粹的,纯洁的 cell细胞 aware意识到的 vivid生动的 neat好的,整齐的,匀称的 narrow狭窄的,有限的 suck上下翻转 suck吮吸 sharp锋利的,敏捷的 tasty好吃的 scare恐吓 shallow浅的 steep陡峭的 boundary界限 the Antarctic南极洲 Antarctic南极的 awesome使人敬畏的 seal海豹,封条,印章 pension养老金 out of breath上气不接下气 all in all总而言之 sit around闲坐着 make fun of取笑 never mind不必担心 all the best一切顺利 meet with遇到,经历,会晤 test out测试,考验 ring up给…打电话 turn around转向 leave…alone不管,别惹,让..自己待着 set aside将…放在一边,为…节省或保留钱或时间 in all总共 be bound to一定做… in the meantime在此期间 help(…)out帮助摆脱困境 be/become aware of对…知道、明白;意识到 upside down上下翻转(be)scared to death吓死了 Roof屋顶 muddy泥泞的 relevant有关的,切题的 remote遥远的 weed杂草Adjust调整 platform平台,讲台 broom扫帚 sniff嗅 participate参与 arrangement安排,排列 astronaut航天员 angle角度 catalogue目录 donate捐赠 voluntary自愿的 purchase购买 sew缝 click卡塔声 tailor裁缝 political政治的,政党的 distribute分配(distribution)security安全,保护,保障 operate工作,运转,操作 clinic门诊部 visa签证 queue排队,队列 lecture演讲,讲课 qualification资格 preparation准备 recommend推荐,建议 comfort舒适,安慰 substitute代替品,代替者 academic学校的,学术的 requirement需求,要求 essay文章 draft草稿,草案,草拟 nimb麻木的 acknowledge承认,确认,答谢 contradict反驳,驳斥 autonomous自主的 occupy占用,占领 enterprise事业,事业心 apology道歉 optional可选择地,随意的 cage笼 agent代理人 parallel平行的,相同的,类似的 abundant丰富的 govern统治,支配,管理 destination目的地 inn客栈 tomb坟墓 hear from接到…的信(be)dying to极想,渴望 the other day不久前的一天 dry out(浸水物)干透 dry(河流等)干涸 in need在困难中 adjust to适应 keep it up保持成绩优秀,继续干下去 fit in相适应,相融合 as far as one is concerned就…而言 be occupied with忙着做 day in and day out日复一日 out of the question不可能的,不值得讨论的 settle in(乔迁新居,更换工作后)安顿下来


















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