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新目标英语七年级上Unit1短语归纳 Unit1My name is Gina.1.Nice to meet/see you见到你很高兴

2.how many +可数n.复数,3.how much +不可数n.复数(多少)

4.last name=family name=surname姓氏

5.first name = given name名字

6.telephone number=phone number电话号码

7.ID card身份证

8.Good morning(to sb)早上好

9.Good afternoon下午好

10.Good night晚安(分别时说)

11.Good evening.晚上好

12.Sitdown, please.=Have a seat, please.请坐

13.That’s all right.好;行;不用谢;没关系

14.That’s right.对的、正确的15.All right.好的,行

16.Not at all.=It’s a/my pleasure.=That’s OK.=You’re welcome.=That’s all right.不用谢



 单元音(12个):


eat /i:t/

feel /fi:l/


sit /sit/

big /big/


for /fɔ:/

more /mɔ:/


hot /hɔt/

oil /ɔil/


girl /ɡə:l/

service /’sə:vis/





cool /ku:l/

who /hu:/


put /put/

book /buk/


car [kɑ:]

hard /hɑ:d/


bus [b∧s]

sunny /’s∧ni/


and /ænd/ carry /’kæri/


tell /tel/

bread /bred/

 双元音(8个):


bike /baik/

write /rait/


wait /weit/




boy /bɔi/

enjoy /in’dʒɔi/


idea /ai ’diə/




hair /heə/

where /weə/(h不发音)


tour /tuə/

flower [’flauə/


boat /bəut/

know [nəu]


town /taun/

how [hau]

 辅音:(28个):(有气无声)清辅音


park /pɑ:k/

pack /pæk/


tea /ti:/

talk/tɔ:k/ [k]

keep /ki:p/ bank [bæŋk/ [f]

face /feis/

free /fri:/ [∫]

shirt /∫ə:t/

action /'æk∫ən/ [s]

sit /sit/

say /sei/ [θ]

think /θiŋk/

nothing/n∧θiŋ/ [ts]

cats /kæts/

lots /lɔts/ [tr]

tree /tri:/

try [trai] [t∫]

such /s∧t∫/

match /mæt∫/



be /bi:/

baby /’beibi/ [d]

dog /dɔɡ/

dad /dæd/ [g]

bag /bæɡ/

go/ɡəu/ [v]

give /ɡiv/

above /ə’b∧v/ [ʒ]

job /dʒɔb/

join /dʒɔin/ [z]

zoo /zu:/

amaze /ə’meiz/ [ð]

father /’fɑ:ðə/

together/tə’ɡeðə/ [dz]

beds /bedz/

birds/bə:dz/ [dr]

address /ə’dres/

draw /drɔ:/ [dʒ]

object /ɔb’ dʒikt/

age /eidʒ/ [m]

map /mæp/

me /mi:/ [n]

win /win/

thin /θin/ [l]

let /let/

lead /led/ [ŋ]

pink /piŋk/

thing /θiŋ/ [r]

red /red/

reach/ri:t∫/ [h]

hi /hai/

he /hi:/ [w]

wedding /’wediŋ/ water /’wɔ:tə/ [j]

yes /jes/

year /jiə:/

weather /’weðə/



in English用英语表达 just for fun仅只娱乐一下

Thanks!/Thank you!谢谢!/谢谢你!How are you? 你身体好吗? I'm fine/OK.

我很好。What's this? 这是什么?。

Please Spell it 请拼写一下它。family name姓;姓氏 last name后名;姓 first name前名;取名 given name取名

phone number电话号码 telephone number电话号码 ID card身份证

ID card number身份证号码 I'm… 我是

My name is… 我叫……

Her name is… 她的名字是……

My family name is… 我的姓氏是…… Are you…? 你是……吗? It's… 它是……

His first name is… 他的前名是…… pencil case 铅笔盒;文具盒 computer game 电子游戏 school ID card学生身份证

English—Chinese dictionary英汉词典 a set of keys一串钥匙 lost and found失物招领

at the lost and found在失物招领处

in the lost and found case在失物招领箱里 in English用英语表达 call sb.


call sb.at… 用……(号码)拨打某人 This/That is… 这/那是……

What’S this/that? 这/那是什么? It’s a/an… 它是…… family photo全家照

a photo of my family我家的一张全家照 Thanks for…!为……而谢谢你!two cousins两个堂兄;两个表姐(妹)等 my parents我的父母亲 his uncle他的叔叔 her daughter她的女儿 computer game电子游戏 alarm clock闹钟 math book数学书 video cassette录像带 some CDs一些激光唱片 Oil the floor在地板上 in the drawer在抽屉里 under the bed在床下面 at school在学校

between my parents我父母之间

Yes,they are.


take…to… 把……带到……去 bring…to… 把……拿到……来 I don't know我不知道 Here is… 这是……

Soccer ball足球;英式足球 ping—pong bah乒乓球 ping—pong bat乒乓球拍 tennis racket网球拍 spots club运动俱乐部

sports collection运动器材收藏 play basketball打篮球 play ping—pong打乒乓球

play computer games打电子游戏 play sports做运动 watch TV看电视

on TV通过电视;在电视上

Let’s do sth.

让我们做某事吧。Do you have…? 你有……吗? Does he have...?驰有……吗? every day每一天

French fries炸马铃薯条 ice cream冰淇淋

healthy food健康食物 running star赛跑明星

some tomatoes/potatoes一些番茄/马铃薯 many strawberries许多草莓 Do you like…? 你喜欢……吗?

Does he/she like…? 他/她喜欢……吗?

For breakfast,she likes … 对于早餐来说,她喜欢……lots of许多

have/eat breakfast吃早餐 have/eat lunch吃午餐 eat/have supper吃晚餐 have…for...

(某餐)吃…… eat…for…(某餐)吃……

He/She doesn’t like… 他/她不喜欢…… I don’t like… 我不喜欢……

For dinner,I like… 对于正餐来说,我喜欢......have a look at...

朝……看一看 how much多少,多少钱 what color什么颜色 on sale出售

clothes store服装店

buy…from… 向……购买…… buy…for...

给……买…… sell…to… 把……卖给

buy…at/for… 以……的价格买…· sell…at/for...

以……的价格卖…·一 look at看着

come to… 到……(地方)来

at a very good price以一个非常好的价格 have a look看一看 how old多大年纪 years old……岁

March fifteenth 3月15日

the date of one’s birth某人出生的日期

one’s birthday某人的生日 volleyball game排球比赛 speech contest演讲比赛 Art Festival艺术节

Chinese Contest语文竞赛

have a basketball game进行篮球比赛 school day学校上课日 School Day校庆日

birthday party 生日晚会 English party英语晚会 basketball game篮球比赛

Happy Birthday!祝生日愉快!school trip郊游

Music Festival音乐节 Spring Festival 春节

have a party开晚会、举行晚会 action movie功夫片 Bering Opera京剧

Chinese history 中国历史

my favorite actor我最喜欢的演员 see a movie看电影

see documentaries看纪录片 on weekends在周末

with her parents和她父母在一起

a very funny comedy一部非常滑稽的喜剧 go to movies去看电影

see an action movie看一部功夫片 see thrillers看恐怖片 play the piano弹钢琴 play the guitar弹吉他 play the violin拉小提琴 play the trumpet吹喇叭 play the drums敲鼓 play sports做运动 play basketball打篮球 play chess下棋

play computer games玩电子游戏 play with… 与……一起玩

do Chinese kung fu练中国功夫 speak English讲英语 join the club加入俱乐部

help sb.with sth.


call sb.at…(电话号码)用……(号码)拨打某人 a little一点点,少量 what club什么俱乐部 art club艺术俱乐部

swimming club游泳俱乐部 English club英语俱乐部 music club音乐俱乐部 rock band摇滚乐队 school show校园表演

e—mail address电子邮件地址 music festival音乐节 join us 加入我们

learn about… 学习……方面的知识 go to school去上学

go to work去上班 go to bed去睡觉 go home回家 get home到家

get to school到达学校 do homework做家庭作业 watch TV看电视 listen to… 听……

know about… 知道一些关于……的东西 in the morning在早上 in the afternoon在下午 in the evening在傍晚 at noon在正午 at night在夜晚

on Sunday在星期天

On Saturday moming在星期六早上 On February 14th在2月14日 On weekends在周末 get up起床

eat breakfast吃早餐 eat lunch吃午餐 eat supper吃晚餐 eat dinner吃正餐

have a shower淋浴,洗澡 take a shower沐浴,洗澡 take a bus乘公共汽车

at six—thirty在6点30分

at around eight o'clock在八点钟左右 at this time在这时

after breakfast在早餐后 after class下课后 all night一整晚上

what time几点钟,什么时候 get to到达

What time is it? 几点钟啦?

It’S seven—thirty.

是7点30分. my favorite subject我最喜欢的科目 her favorite color她最喜欢的颜色 science teacher科学老师 music teacher音乐老师 have math上数学课

have an English lesson/class上一节英语课 TV show电视

what subject什么科目 what color什么颜色 what day星期几 on Sunday在星期天 after class下课后 after school放学后

play with… 与……一起玩 run around四处跑 really busy真的很忙 in China在中国 a lot of许多



1.be from = come from 来自于…

2.speak Chinese 说中文

3.write to sb.给某人写信

4.want to do sth.= would like to do sth.想做什么

5.on Centre street 在中央大道

6.next to the bank 银行隔壁

7.across from the park 在公园的对面

8.go straight 直走

9.turn left 向左转

10.in front of the library 在图书馆前面

11.be busy 忙的12.be quiet 安静

13.take a bus 乘坐公交车

14.take a walk = have a walk 散步

15.between … and … 在两者之间

16.have fun = have a good time = enjoy oneself 玩得高兴

17.next Sunday 下个星期天

18.kind of = a little 有点儿

19.at night 在晚上

20.What other animals 其它什么动物

21.be friendly to sb 对某人友好

22.during the day 在白天期间

23.eat leaves 吃树叶

24.live in somewhere 居住在某地

25.14 years old14岁

26.a very interesting country 一个非常有趣的国家

27.be hungry 饥饿

28.You’re welcome 不用谢

29.Thank you all the same 仍然感谢你

30.walk through the park 步行穿过公园

31.work late 工作得晚

32.a good place to have fun 一个好玩的地方

33.play with …与…一起玩

34.Where is your pen pal from? = Where does your pen pal come from?你的笔友来自于哪儿?

35.What language do they speak? 他们说哪一种语言?They speak Japanese.他们说日语.36.Where does she live? 她住在哪儿?She lives in Paris.她住在巴黎.37.Where’s the park? 公园在哪儿?

38.talk to sb.与某人交谈

39.Is there a bank near here? Yes, there is./No, there isn’t.40.This is the beginning of the garden tour.这是花园之旅的开始.41.Why do you like pandas? 你为什么喜欢熊猫?Because they’re very cute.因为它们很可爱.42.want to be an actor 想成为一名演员

43.in the day 在白天

44.help sb.do sth.帮助某人做某事

45.an interesting job 一项有趣的工作

46.in a hospital 在一所医院

47.go out to dinners 外出吃饭

48.work hard 努力工作(学习)

49.as a teacher 作为一名教师

50.sing and dance 唱歌、跳舞

51.watch TV 看电视

52.do homework 做家庭作业

53.go to the movies 去看电影

54.read a book 看书

55.be at school 在校

56.be at home 在家

57.Thank sb.for doing sth.感谢某人做某事.58.take a photo 照像

59.some of my photos 我的一些照片

60.at the pool 在游泳池

61.on the beach 在沙滩上

62.on vacation 度假

63.wait for sb 等待某人

64.in this heat 在这样热(的气候中)

65.a boy of 10.一个10岁的男孩

66.How is the weather? = What’s the weather like? 天气怎样?

67.look like 看起来像

68.How is it going? 一切都好吗?

69.medium height 中等身高

70.medium build 中等身材

71.short hair 短发

72.straight hair 直发

73.a little bit quiet 有点儿文静

74.stop talking 停止讲话

75.a new look 新形象

76.some water 一些水

77.What does he look like 他长得什么样

78.like doing sth.喜欢做某事

79.would like to do sth = want to do sth.想做某事

80.What size 多大号(尺寸)

81.What kind of noodles? 哪一种面?

82.tomato noodles 西红柿面

83.a small/medium/large bowl of … 一小(中、大)碗

84.green tea 绿茶

85.two glasses of juice 两杯果汁

86.How many +可数名词复数… 多少?

87.How much +不可数名词… 多少?

88.last weekend 上个周末

89.How about = What about = Let’s …… , … 怎样?(询问、征求)

90.on Saturday morning 在周六上午

91.practice doing 练习做某事

92.spend …(in)doing sth.做某事花(时间, 钱)

93.How was your weekend? 你的周末过得如何?

94.the students at NO.3 Middle School.三中的学生

95.have fun doing sth.做某事愉快

96.go shopping 去购物

97.be kind to sb.对某人和善

98.find sb.doing sth.发现某人正在做某事

99.make sb do sth 使某人做某事

100.decide to do sth.决定做某事

101.enjoy doing sth = like doing sth.喜欢做某事

102.be friendly 友好

103.be lost 丢失, 迷路

104.show sb.sth.= show sth.to sb.将某物给某人看

105.feel happy 感到高兴

106.I can’t stand it 我无法忍受

107.How do you like … ? = What do you think of … ? 你认为如何?

108.mind doing sth 介意做某事

109.nothing = not … anything 没什么

110.something interesting 一些有趣的东西111.welcome to somewhere.欢迎到某地 112.a thirteen-year-old boy = a boy of thirteen 一个13岁的男孩

113.the coolest thing 最酷的东西

114.in the school magazine 在学校杂志上

115.Don’t eat in class 别在课堂上吃东西

116.have to = must 必须

117.arrive late for … = be late for …迟到于…

118.an interesting talk show.一个有趣的谈话节目

119.What are the rules at your school? 你们学校的规章制度是什么?

120.too many +可数名词太多

121.too much +不可数名词太多

122.on school nights 在有课的晚上

123.in bed 在床上

124.arrive in/at somewhere 到达某地

125.in the hallway 在走廊里

126.What position do you play? 你打什么位置?

127.pick up 捡起

128.He plays for … 他效力于…

129.hundreds of years ago 几百年前

130.be good at = do well in 善于…

131.leave for somewhere.动身去某地

132.something nice to eat 一些好吃的东西133.have a party 开一次晚会



Language function:

Introduce themselves, greet people, ask for and give telephone.Goals: Use Hello, Hi.Introduce themselves.The number0-9.Structures: Present tense to be.What question.Possessive adjectives my, your, his, her.Vocabulary: Personal names, numbers 0-9.phone number, first name, last name, Hi, Hello Target language: What’s your name? My name is… I’m Gina.Nice to meet you.What’s your phone number? It’s… Learning strategies: Practicing.Listening for specific information.Four periods Period 1 Step 1 Revision Revise the words and the sentences: What’s this in English?”

Do P1-1a Teach new words and then let them read.Step 2 Pairwork Greet people and introduce yourself Step 3.Presentation 1.Look at the picture P1-1a, listen to the conversations.2.Do P1-1b.3.Listen and repeat the conversations.4.Pairwork.Do P1-1c.Practise the conversations.Report: self-introduction Use: My name is… I am…

I want to be your good friend Step 4 Listening 1.Look at the picture p2-2a.listen to the conversations.2.Do p2-2a 3.Teach the class to read the names.4.Do p2-2b.Step 5 Presentation 1.Using gestures and models, help the class to understand the sentences: My name is…= I am

Her name is… His name is… 2.Pairwork Do p2-2c 3.Groupwork.Do p3-4 Step 6 Grammar focus 1.Let the students read and ask any questions.2.Teach them how to write the sentences.Homework Do p2-2c Period 2 Step 1.Revision 1.Revise the words p1-p2.2.Groupwork: Play the name game,p3-4 3.teach the new words p3, p5 step 2.Presentation I.show a photo of Cheng long.T: Who is this? S: It’s Chenglong What’s his name? His name is chenglong.What’s his English name? His English name is Jacky Cheng.2.Name First name(Given name)Last name(Family name)Cheng long Long Cheng Jacky Cheng Jacky Cheng

4.Cheng long.His first name is Long.His last name is Cheng.Jacky Cheng.His first name is Jacky.His last name is Cheng.II.Show a photo of mine.Who is this? My first name is… My last name is… III.Groupwork What’s your/his/her name? What’s your/his/her first/last name? Iv.Report: Self-introduction My name is… My first name is…and my last name is… I want to be your good friend.Step3.book 1.Do p3-3a, 3b 2.Give yourself and English name the report

My English name is… My first name is…and my last name is… 3.Do p5-3a Step 4 Homework Make a ID card.Period 3 Step 1.Revision 1.Pairwork what’s your first/last name?

2.Report Tell us your personal information Step 2 words Do p4-1a Groupwork: Read the numbers.Say your favourvite number.Step 3 Presentation 1.This is my mobile phone.My telephone number is…This is Miss Zhang.Her telephone number is… What’s her telephone number? It’s… What’s your telephone number? It’s… 2.Pairwork What’s your telephone number? It’s… 3.Groupwork What’s your/his/her telephone number? It’s… Do p4-2c p5-4 Step 4 book 1.Listening Do P4-1b, 2a, 2b 2.show their ID cards 3.Do P5-3b, 3c

4.Check their ID cards.Step 5 Homework Make a school ID card Period 4 Step 1 Revision Revise the words and the sentences that they learned in this unit.Revise the numbers Step 2 Exercises 1.Do 1.Ask them to check all the words they know.Find out the meanings of any words they don’t know.2.Write five new words in their Vocab-builder on p108.Share their lists with other students.3 Complete the questions and answers individually for the other three situations.4 Read just for fun.Discuss where the humor comes from.Invite pairs of students to present this dialogue to the rest of the class.Step 3.Game 1.Play the name game.P3-4 2.Find the owner.P5-4 Step4 Homework Remember the words and the sentences.



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    unit1 新版新目标七上

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