苏教版牛津英语4A U1-U2知识点过关练习

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第一篇:苏教版牛津英语4A U1-U2知识点过关练习

Unit 1知识点过关小练习




1.孩子们 2.这只猫3.喜欢蛋糕

4.那只熊猫这些马 6.那些老虎

7.在树上 8.看

9.these toy animals10.cute and fat

11.litter monkey 13.run with me




Unit 2知识点过关小练习




4.一个苹果5.两个芒果 6.多少


8.make a fruit salad9.have a hot cake










that’s(完整形式 let’s(完整形式I’m(完整形式


M1U1 Can I do this?

1.用„there‟作为开头表示事实,例如:There‟s the red man。2.用祈使句发指令。例如:Cross!Go!Wait!3.用祈使句的否定形式禁止他人做某事。例如:Don‟t Cross the road.Don‟t smoke.Don‟t make a noise.4.用名词表达事物。例如:The traffic light‟s red.5.用情态动词can征求允许。例如:Can I go out , Mum? 6.用Here you are回答问题。(给你)7.用现在进行时表达正在进行的事情。例如:They are going out。8.用一般现在时态表达简单的事实。例如:They are on the train.9.学习用which对定语提问。例如:Which sign means „Don‟t eat or drink‟?(哪一个标志的意思是“禁止吃喝”)10.用I‟m sorry.表达歉意。

11.在否定句中用or代替and。例如:Don‟t eat or drink.M1U2 This is what I want

1.用What do you want ? 询问“你想要什么?” 2.用I want…表达要求。例如:I want some paper.3.学习用Here‟s /Here are …表达“给你… …”。4.用Thank you very much.表达感谢。

5.用形容词修饰东西。例如:a large Coke(一大罐可乐)6.用情态动词can征求许可。例如:Can I have some fish, please? 7.学习关于菜的名称。例如:noodles、vegetables

M1U3 This is what I need


2.用‟What do you need for school ?‟ 询问“你上学需要什么?” 3.用We need … 表达“我们需要… …”。例如:We need some paints.4.用一般现在时表达想法。例如:That smells good.(闻起来真不错)5.用情态动词提出要求。例如:Can I have a bowl, please? 6.用We have got … 表达“我们有…”。例如:We‟ve got some water.7.用but表示转折。例如:Kitty has a uniform but it is small.8.用现在进行时表达正在发生的事情。例如:They are looking at some uniforms.9.用形容词进行修饰。例如:It is cheap but it is nice.M2U1 Me

1.用一般现在时表达习惯的行为。例如:This is the way I wash my face.(这就是我洗脸的方式)

2.在时间前用at表达。例如:at half past one in the afternoon(早中晚前用in the,周几前用on。)3.用what time询问事情发生的时间。例如:What time do you get up ? 4.用一般时态表达自己或者他人的作息安排。例如:I get up at six.Ben gets up at seven.(注意第三人称单数在一般时态中的变化。)

M2U2 What do you like?

1.用Are you …? 询问“你…….?”及其回答Yes, I am.或No, I am not.2.用祈使句发指令。例如:Clap your hands.(拍手)

3.用or连接的选择疑问句。例如:Is Kitty hungry or full?及其回答She is hungry.或She is full。

4.Kitty, it‟s your birthday on Saturday.(Kitty, 星期六是你生日)

5.用Which询问“哪个”。例如:Which bag does Kitty want?(Kitty想要哪个书包?)6.用I like 或I don‟t like …表达喜好。例如:I don‟t like the black one but I like the green one.7.用Does Kitty like …? 询问“Kitty喜欢…吗?”及其回答Yes, she does.或No, she doesn‟t.8.用but表示转折。例如:I don‟t like the green one but I like the yellow one.9.指定某一特殊物体。例如:I want the pink one, please.(我想要粉红色的那个)10.关于食物的名称。例如:cabbage, carrots, sausages 11.用What do you like?询问“你喜欢什么?”及其回答I like…“我喜欢……”,例如:I like rice.M2U3 A birthday party

1.日期的表达。例如:the fourth of February(二月4号)2.用When‟s your birthday?询问“你的生日是哪天?”

3.在日期前用介词on。例如:My birthday‟s on the fourth of February.4.用序数词表达:twenty-first(第二十一)

5.用Which … do you like? 询问“你喜欢哪个……?”及其回答I like that one.6.用What are you doing? 询问“你正在干什么?”

7.用现在进行时表达正在发生的事情。例如:I‟m making some cards.(我在制作卡片)8.用Do you want … or …? 表示选择,意思为“你想要…还是…?”

M3U1 My school 1.用There is /are…表达“有…”。例如:There are two floors.2.用hundred“百”的表达。例如:There are a hundred children in my school.3.用how many 询问数量。例如:How many floors are there in your school? 4.用时间的表达(具体时间前面用at)。例如:At a quarter to/past twelve we have our lunch.5.用一般现在时表示习惯的行为。例如:I eat my lunch at 7 o‟clock in the morning..6.用I like …表达“我喜欢…”。例如:I like Monday.7.用现在进行时表达正在发生的事情。例如:I am painting a picture.8.用一般现在时表达事实。例如:Eight children in our class go to school.9.用How do you go to …? 询问乘坐什么交通工具?回答:I go by tram.(其中步行用on foot = walk)

M3U2 Let’s go shopping

1.用 I want 表达“我想要……”.例如:I want a new ball.2.用指示代词和冠词进行修饰。例如:I want a new umbrella.That one‟s big.3.用how much询问多少钱。例如:How much money have you got ? 4.表达钱币。例如:A ¥50 note is green.5.用I have got 表达“我有……”。例如:I‟ve got eighty yuan.6.用Which one?表达“哪一个?”

7.用形容词修饰物品。例如:The big blue one.8.用Excuse me.表达“打扰一下”。

9.用What‟s she buying?询问“她正在买什么?”及其回答She‟s buying some bread.M3U3 Follow the signs!

1.用祈使句的否定形式表达“禁止……”。例如:Don‟t jump into the pool.2.用It‟s dangerous.表达危险。

3.用‟Which one means … ?‟表达“哪个表示……?” 4.Eddie and Danny like football.5.用She has …表达“她有……”。例如:She has a dog..6.用现在进行时表达正在发生的事情。例如:A boy is riding his bicycle here.7.用can‟t 表达“禁止……”。例如:You can‟t ride a bicycle here.8.用祈使句发指令。例如:Look at this sign!9.用Why not?询问理由。(为什么不?)10.用适当的介词表示地点。例如:They are going to North Park by bus.M4U1 Wild animals

1.用一般现在时态表达事实。例如:Some monkeys live in the jungle.2.用can表达“能,会”或can‟t表达“不能、不会”。例如:It can swing on the rope.3.用现在进行时表达正在发生的事情。例如:This one is eating a banana.4.用Does it eat…?询问“它吃……吗?”及其回答Yes, it does.或No, it doesn‟t.5.用like 表达喜好。例如: I like monkeys.6.用Can a giraffe…? 询问“长颈鹿能……吗?”及其回答Yes, it can.或No, it can‟t.7.用Where 询问地点。例如:Where does it live?

M4U2 Butterflies

1.用What‟s that? How do you spell that in English?询问“那是什么?你用英语怎么拼?”

2.用形容词修饰。例如:It‟s beautiful.3.用 I don‟t know.表达“我不知道”。

4.用一般现在时表达事实。例如:It lays some eggs on a leaf.5.用like 表达喜好。例如: I like butterflies.6.用Which one do you like ?询问“你喜欢哪一个?”

7.用and连接并列关系。例如:I like the red and yellow one.8.用but进行转折。例如:I like the…one but I don‟t like the … one.M4U3 Parks and places in China

1.用一般现在时表达事实。例如:I don‟t know this place.2.用介词表达在某个地方。例如:It‟s in Shanghai.It‟s on Hainan Island.3.表达地名和地方。例如:That‟s the Li River.4.用情态动词进行请求。例如:Can we see the dolphins? 5.用形容词进行修饰。例如:I‟m hungry.6.用一般将来时表达将要发生的事情。例如:Janet and Simon are going to Ocean Park.7.用where询问地方。例如:Where are Janet and Simon going? 8.用who 询问“谁”。例如:Who is the man? 9.用what询问“干什么”。例如:What is he doing?


清华教育·学习改变命运!清华少儿英语 五年级英语第二学期期末调研卷










()7.A.on Tuesday morning

B.on Thursday morning

C.on Tuesday evening

()8.A.stay at homeB.stay in bedC.stay at school

()9.A.head and hand

B.hand and headC.head and shoulder

()10.A.a bad coughB.a bad coldC.a high fever


()1.A.Yes, he does.B.Yes, he can.C.Yes, he is.()2.A.I’m from French.B.We’re from France.C.They’re from China.()3.A.I feel cold.B.I’ve got a fever.C.I feel cough.()4.A.She like Maths.B.She likes Social science.C.She likes Art.()5.A.Yes, he does.B.He usually surfs the Internet.C.She usually reads the newspaper.三、听录音,根据对话内容和问题,选择正确的答案。(听两遍,5分)

()1.A.He’s from the USA.B.He’s from the UK.C.He’s in our school.()2.A.Yes, he does.B.No, he doesn’t.C.Yes, he speaks French.()3.A.She grows flowers.B.She does exercise.C.She does housework.()4.A.It’s 1:48.B.It’s 2:12.C.It’s 1:20.()5.A.They’re having an English lesson.B.They’re having a Maths lesson.C.They’re having a PE lesson.四、听录音,将短文补充完整。(听三遍,10分)

Amy lives in a big She goes climbing on Sundays.Amy’s father is a taxi driver.He’s very every day.He likes flower.Amy’s mother is a teacher.She taking photos.She





1.在周三早上 ____________ 2.glow at night ______________

3.用日语_________________ 4.jump high _________________

5.六点半_________________ 6.an English club ___________

7.每天_________________ 8.brush my teeth _____________




(A.have gotB.have getC.has got

()3.Su Yang is in Class1.Su Hai is in Class2.They’re in differentA.classesB.classC.school


()5.It’s nine o’clock.It’s timeA.forB.toC.for go to

(A.Does, speaksB.Does, speakC.Do, speak

(A.Yucai primary schoolB.Yu Cai Primary school

C.Yu Cai Primary School


(A.playsB.playingC.is playing



()1.What day is it?A.He usually makes model planes.()2.What’s wrong with you?B.No, I’m not.()3.What does Jim usually do?C.No, he doesn’t.()4.Does Mike run fast?D.All right.()5.Is Ben new here?E.I’ve got a fever.()6.Are you ready for supper?F.Not yet.()7.How do you feel now?G.No, he isn’t.()8.Are you from England?H.I feel thirsty.()9.Lift up your left leg.I.Yes, I do.()10.Do you like listening to music?J.It’s Friday.五、连词成句。(5分)

1.game, quarter, four, a, past,football,is ,at,there,a(?)2.subject,study,at,what,does,he,school(?)3.stamps,brother,animal,collecting,likes,my(.)4.a,and,rest,medicine,have,lot,take,some,of(.)5.better,hope,I,you,get,soon(.)


1.Jim’s parents often 5.Let’s do some 7.Y10.Ben’s brothers want _________(buy)some interesting picture books.七、根据提示完成句子。(10分)


2.英语课在十点开始。现在David正在用英语和Miss Li交谈。

ten o’clock.David’s 3.今天星期几?星期三。

it today? It’s 4.昆虫是我们的好朋友,我们非常喜欢它们。


Touch your _______ __________with your ________ ______.6.Gao Shan住在哪里?他住在北京,一个美丽的城市。


umbrella is this? It’s



Do you know Tom’s family? They are British, but now they are in Shanghai.Tom’s father

works in an office and his mother is a nurse.Tom has a sister, Ann.They go to school with their

cousin, Jim.Jim’s parents are English teachers.Jim has a sister, too.Her name is Kate.Kate is

only five.She does not go to school with Tom, Ann and Jim.()1.Tom’s family are from Shanghai.()2.Kate is Ann’s cousin.()3.Tom’s aunt is a teacher.()4.Kate, Ann, Jim and Tom are students.()5.Jim’s parents are Tom’s uncle and aunt.(B)阅读短文,根据问题选择答案。(5分)

There is a basketball team(队)in our school.There are twenty-six girls in the team.They

play basketball from one o’clock to four o’clock every Sunday afternoon.Miss Ma is their teacher.She is a good basketball player.The girls all like her very much.Today, Helen and her cousin Nancy are ill.They cannot play basketball, but the other girls

are doing some exercise.Miss Ma is giving orders.The girls are trying to follow the orders.(A.Twenty-sixB.Twenty-fiveC.Twenty-four

()2.How many hours(小时)do they play basketball every Sunday?

A.Two hours.B.Three hours.C.Four hours.(A.playing basketballB.doing exercise

C.having a lot of rest






56.B.a quarter to two7.C.on Tuesday evening

8.A.stay at home9.A.head and hand10.B.a bad cold


1.Does Jack like fishing?

2.Where are you from?

3.How do you feel now?

4.What subject does Helen like?

5.What does Tom’s father usually do on Sundays.三、听录音,根据对话内容和问题,选择正确的答案。(听两遍,5分)

1.Mr White: Hello, boys and girls.I am Tony White.I am British.Student:Nice to meet you, Mr White.Welcome to our school.Question:Where is Mr White from?

2.Mr Wang: Do you speak French, Ben?

Student:No, I don’t.I speak English.Question:Does Ben speak French?

3.Su Hai: Hi, Nancy!How do your parents spend their weekends?

Nancy:My father often grows flowers.Sometimes he does exercise, my mother often does

housework.Question:What does Nancy’s mother often do at the weekends?

4.A: What time is it now? Is it twenty past one?

B: No, it’s twelve to two.It’s time for our English class.Question: What’s the time?

5.Mr Green: Put your hands on your head and turn left and right.Students:All right, Mr Green.Question:What lesson are they having?


Amy lives in a big goes climbing on Sundays.Amy’s father is a

taxi driver.He’s very every day.He likes flower Amy’s mother is a happy.

第四篇:牛津英语4A Unit6 知识点整理


牛津英语4A Unit6 知识点整理

单词:a coat,a jacket,a sweater,a dress,a skirt,a shirt,a blouse,a T-shirt,a cap,a hat,a tie,a vest,a belt, a scarf

(a pair of)trousers,jeans,gloves,shoes,socks,shorts,句型:

1.----Whose …is this/are they?----(Perhaps)It’s/They’re …(I think.)

2.----Look at my dress.----It’s too small/big/long/short.Try this on.----OK.3.----The jeans are too long.Try this pair on.----All right.4.She looks so funny.5.----My pencil is too short.----You can have this long one.6.----My rubber is too small.----Don’t worry.Here’s a big one.语音:/l/likelunchballoonlemon





Unit 1May I have …?


本单元由Read and say ,Look ,read and learn ,Ask and answer ,Work in pairs ,Read and act 及Fun house 六个部分组成。本单元要求能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词a pen ,a ruler ,a rubber ,a ball pen ,a pencil case ,a book.能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型May I have …? This …is for ….,因此,教学目的:

1. 能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词a pen ,a ruler ,a rubber ,a ball pen ,a pencil case ,a book.2. 能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语May I come in ?Come in ,please.Yes /Sure.Here you are.Thank you.All right.Good morning.Goodbye.Here’s a …for …Happy Teacher’s Day!

3. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型May I have …?This …is for …..4. 了辅音字母b 和c 在单词中的读音。

Unit 2In a toy shop


本单元的核心教学内容是“认物”。“认物”的最基本表达方法是What’s this/that ? It’s a …本单元的语言难点是对认物的回答,答语用代词it.同时在指示远近关系上能区别和运用this或that.在实际操练中要避免“明知故问”的倾向,可用遮盖物品,显露局部,听音辨物等方式操练句型What’s this /that ? It’s a ….的句型。本单元的另一日常交际项目是“确认所属”教师要在This is /That’s my /your /his/her…的朗读上下功夫。

1. 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词a dog ,a cat ,a tiger ,a panda ,a desk和a shop.2. 能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语How lovely /Nice!I see.Can I have a look? I’d like …please.Hello ,In which …? Guess.3. 能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型This is /That’s my /your /his /her …What’s this /that ? It’s …

4. 了解辅音字母d和f在单词中的读音。

Unit 3Apurse



本单元的另一个交际项目是“空间关系”,即人或物所处的位置,能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词a key ,a purse ,a story book ,a fan和a tape.1. 能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语Come here ,Let me see.Not at

all.Excuse me ,…? I’m sorry.Sorry ,I don’t know.Where’s …? Perhaps he’s /she’s in ….Where are you ?I’m …

2. 能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型Is this /that my /your /his/ her …?

Yes ,it is /No ,it isn’t.Where’s my /your /his /her …? Perhaps it’s in /on …

3. 了解辅音字母g和h在单词中的读音。

Unit 4I like …


本单元通过教学What’s this /that in English ?It’s a …除此之外,还要求

学生能用Do you like…?Yes ,I do /NO ,I don’t.的句式了解对方对某物是否喜欢。本单元所提供的新单词是学生感兴趣的玩具类的名词。

1、能听懂、会说、会读和会写单词a car ,a bike ,a bus和a kite.2、能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语I like puzzles /Me ,too.I love

dolls.Thank you very much.Look at my kite.It’s nice.Let’s …

3、能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型What’s this/that in English ?It’s

a …Do you like …? Yes ,I do /No ,I don’t.4、初步了解名词的单复数。


Unit5 Review and check



1.单词.a pen 一支钢笔a ruler 一把尺a rubber一块橡皮a ball pen 一支圆珠

笔a pencil case 一个文具盒a bookmark 一个书签a pencil 一支铅笔a notebook 一本笔记本a book 一本书


May I have…?我可以借

Yes./Sure.Here you are.当然可以,给你


1.come in 进来

2.This copybook is for you.这本抄写本是给你的。

3.Here you are.给你

4.Happy Teachers’ Day!教师节快乐!

5Thank you.谢谢


1.单词.a dog 一只狗a cat 一只猫a tiger 一只老虎a lion 一头狮子

a panda 一只熊猫a monkey 一只猴子a bear 一只熊a rabbit 一只兔子


1.How lovely /Nice!I see.Can I have a look? I’d like …please.Hello ,In which …? Guess.2This is /That’s my /your /his /her …What’s this /that ? It’s …


I’d like=I would like 我想要…on the desk 在书桌上

Have a look 看一看can you se…你能看见…..吗?

In which box? 在哪一个盒子里?Guess 猜


1.单词.a purse 一个钱包where 哪里she 她key 钥匙 an 一个(元音因素开头的词前)fan(电风扇)tape(修正带)he 他 an umbrella 一把伞 a storybook 一本故事书a water bottle 一个水杯


Is this /that my /your /his/ her …? Yes ,it is /No ,it isn’t.Where’s my /your /his /her …? Perhaps it’s in /on …


Come here ,Let me see.Not at all.Excuse me ,…? I’m sorry.Sorry ,I don’t know.Where’s …? Perhaps he’s /she’s in ….Where are you ?I’m …



a car 一辆小汽车a bus 一两公交车a bike 一辆自行车a puppet 一个木偶a balloon 一个气球a kite 一个风筝a doll 一个玩具 English 英语in English 用英语表达don’t= do notlove喜爱 That’s OK 没什么


What’s this/that in English ?It’s a …Do you like …? Yes ,I do /No ,I don’t.3.词组

I like puzzles /Me ,too.I love dolls.Thank you very much.Look at my kite.It’s nice.Let’s …look at…Let’s…..Unit 6Whose gloves ?


本单元的核心教学内容是“寻找物主”。要求学生围绕服饰类的英语单词在一定的情景下,能正确使用Whose is this /are they ? 进行交谈。在英语中,有些如socks ,trousers ,shoes ,gloves,jeans 等服装类单词是以复数形式出现的,因此与之搭配的be 动词要用are.像shoes ,shorts ,gloves等成双的东西,一般与a pair of 连用,如a pair of gloves /shoes 等,运用时要与动词be 和代词保持一致关系。此外,还要求学生能用形容词big ,small ,long和short 来描述物体。在这几个形容词前还有表示程度的如so ,too等词。

1.能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词a pair of shoes ,a sweater ,a jacket ,big ,small ,long 和short.2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型Whose … is this /are they ? It’s /They’re …The …is /are too …


1.能掌握服饰类单词中复数单词的形式和用法以及与动词be 和代词连用时的一致关系。

2.能理解’s 的含义。并能区别开名词形式,体会他们表达的不同意义。如cat’s 与cats 是不同的。

3.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型Whose … is this/ are they? It’s /They're …The …is /are too …

Unit 7It’s late.教材简析:

本单元教学的核心内容是“询问时间”,要求学生从听、说、读、写四方面掌握句型What’s the time,please ? It’s … 并从听、说、读三方面掌握句型What time do you ?I …at …/At …和表达时间所需要学习的有关数词,本单元要求学生能听说数词1—100,并要求会读与会写数词1—10。


1. 能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词onetwothreefourfivesix

seven eightnine ten.2. 能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语It’s late.What time do you …?

I …at …/At … See you /Bye ,Shall we…?

3. 能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型What’s the time…? It’s …

4. 了解辅音字母n和p在单词中读音。

Unit 8In class


本单元的主要教学内容是祈使句。通过教“Open the window, please.”

及否定句“Don’t open the door.”两种句式,让学生掌握“请别人干某事”和“叫别人不要干某事”的英语表达法。

1. 能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词eat ,drink ,write ,read,close ,open.2. 能听得懂、会说、会读和会写祈使句Open the window ,please.Don’t open the door.并能在适当的场合正确运用祈使句。

3. 能听得懂、会说和会读日常交际用语That’s all right.Don’t be late again.4. 了解辅音字母r和s在单词中的读音。

教材简析:Unit 9What’s the matter?

本单元的核心教学内容是“询问别人情况”。本单元结合句型What’s the matter ?I’m …集中教学表示感觉的形容词tired ,ill,hot ,cold ,hungry ,thirsty ,sleepy和bored.在本单元还出现了日常交际用语Come and have supper … Good evening.You look …Why don’t you go to bed now ?What a nice …!教学目的:

1. 能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词hot ,cold ,ill ,tired ,hungry ,thirsty.2. 能听得懂、会说和会读日常交际用语Come and have supper…Good evening /night.You look …Why don’t you …now ?What a nice …

3. 听得懂、会说、会读和会写句子What’s the matter? I’m …

4. 能用贴切的形容词表述自己的感觉。

5. 单词tired的读音要到位。

6. 了解辅音字母t和v在单词中的读音。

Unit 10 Review and check.教材简析:


1. 综合复习所学过的词汇、句型、并能正确地听、说、读、写。

2. 能综合运用所学的日常交际用语。

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