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新标准英语三年级起第七册单词汉语Module 1 明信片更多一千,一千个公里

百万,百万个墨西哥加拿大Module 2 思念有时饭馆真的舞蹈广场

Module 3邮票收集业余爱好,嗜好男人(复数)女人(复数)另一个Module 4 节日特殊的,特别的一餐,一顿饭

听起来灯笼比赛月饼Module 5 高兴的,满足的见到,遇到地址


Module 6 将来筷子(复数)不久,很快餐刀,小刀叉子

Module 7相信幸运的竹子只读光盘模仿非常好的, 很棒的Module 8 经常,常常清理总是从不Module 9 建筑物,大楼到处,处处和平


Module 10



新标准英语第七册教案 新标准英语第七册教案

Module 1 一、模块教学建议 语言功能:Talking about the experiences.学习任务:Tell me more about the Great Wall.How long is it? It's about six thousand seven hundred kilometres 模块分析:Unit 1 主要是让学生学会怎样谈论一个地方,例如一个景点、一个城市等等。学习用数 字表 达长度、人口数量等。Unit 2 是在前一课的基础上继续谈论某处,特别让学生学会看地图,从地图上找到 某一个地方,指出并说出来。

二、活动建议 活动1:谁是 Tell me more.小博士 活动目的:巩固和练习介绍一个地方的语句,增强学生对不同国家文化的了解。活动准备:课前让学生搜集关于北京和纽约的资料,特别是这两个城市自己很感兴趣的地方的资料。活动过程:教师把学生分成两组进行比赛,最终选出获胜组和 Tell me more.小博士。首先教师要求学生 说一说他们搜集了关于北京和纽约哪些地方的资料。比如 The Great Wall, The Summer Palace, The Statue of Liberty, Chinatown 等。让学生用英文表达这些地方的情况。比如有多长,有多大,有什么特点等。关于 Chinatown,教师可以告诉学生我们还要在第二模块重点进行谈论。活动2:我是一名小导游 活动目的:巩固和练习介绍一个地方的语句,增强学生对世界各地的了解。活动准备:让学生搜集一些国家、城市或名胜古迹的明信片或图片。活动过程:让学生把自己准备好的图片贴在教室周围。每名学生扮演成一名导游,向大家介绍自己 准备的 图片上的地方。其他同学如果有什么关于这个地方的问题,可以向导游提出来,请扮演导游的同学尽量给 予回答。活动3:快速找一找 活动目的:巩固和练习表达对于地点、方位的问答语句。活动准备:中国、美国和自己所在省市的地图。

活动过程:把学生分成两组,出示一幅地图,请一名学生问:Where is [城市名]?两组的学生比一比,谁 最快地从地图上找出这个城市,指出来并说“It's here,in the [方位]。” 活动4:猜一猜 活动目的:巩固和练习描述或介绍某个地方的语句。活动准备:各个不同地方的图片。活动过程:在墙上贴一些城市或景点的图片,请一名学生尽可能多地用语言描述其中的一个地方,但不要 说出这个地方的名字。然后让其他同学猜该同学介绍的是哪幅图片,到前面指出 来。

Module 2

一、模块教学建议 语言功能:Describing the existence.学习任务:There is a Chinatown in New York.There are lots of Chinese shops and restaurants there.运用任务:谈论一幅图片的内容;谈论某处有什么。模块分析:本模块主要是让学生学会运用 There is / There are …来谈论某处有某物,注意表达时区别 单、复数的不同用法。二 活动建议 活动

1:设计理想中的教室 活动目的:巩固和练习谈论某处有某物的语句,培养学生的创造力。活动准备:学生自己画的图片。活动过程:让学生每人设计一个自己理想中的教室,把它画出来。然后用 There is / There are …向全 班 同学介绍自己设计的教室里都有什么。活动

2:把不同的地方画出来。活动目的:巩固和练习谈论某处有某物的语句。培养学生的观察能力。活动准备:两幅相似的图片,例如:两幅公园的图片,但是有几处不相同的地方。复制若干张,活 动时每 人一张。

活动过程:把全班分成两组,第一组同学拿一幅图片,第二组同学那另外一张图片。首先,让第一 组的一 名学生用 There is / There are …介绍自己图片上都有些什么,第二组的学生根据所听到的话,把自己 图片上缺少的东西画出来。然后,再由第二组的学生向第一组介绍,第一组的学生把图片上缺少的东西画 出来。活动

3:说说自己的教室或房间 活动目的:巩固和练习谈论某处有某物的语句,培养学生真实运用语言的能力。活动准备:复习There is / There are …的句型 活动过程:请同学们向家长、亲戚或校外的朋友介绍自己的学校或班级,尽量运用 There is / There are … 描述学校或班级有什么东西。也可以让学生向自己的老师、同学描述自己的卧室都有哪些东西。活动

4:2008 北京旅游形象大使 活动目的:巩固和练习谈论某处有某物的语句,培养学生真实运用语言的能力。活动准备:复习There is / There are …的句型 活动过程:把学生分成四人一组,制作一份海报来宣传北京的一个景点。例如:There is the Great Wall in Beijing.It's six thousand seven hundred kilometers.It's very old and famous.看看哪一组的 海报设计美观,图文并茂。获胜组当选 2008 北京旅游形象大使。

Module 3

一、模块教学建议 语言功能:Talking about constant hobby 学习任务:These are some stamps from Canada.Have you got any stamps from China? 运用任务:谈论自己或他人的爱好;询问他人的爱好是什么;谈论不同国家的邮票。模块分析: 这一模块让学生学会表达自己或他人的爱好,了解不同国家的邮票。通过谈论爱好,让学生掌 握 名词的单数和复数的不同表达方式。注意避免给学生讲过多的语法知识,通过对比 a stamp 和 some stamps,让学生自己发现名词复数的变化规律。二、活动建议 活动

1:大富翁游戏 活动目的:巩固和练习询问个人爱好的语句。活动准备:复习有关爱好的词汇和语句。例如:Have you got a/some… ? 活动过程:两名同学一组,通过扔 dice 或指头剪子布来完成书上13页的 Ask and answer.的练习。两人 互相问答“Have you got a/any…?”。最先直线走到尽头的为胜利者。教师在教室里走动抽查学生是否在 用英语进行交谈。活动2:我的爱好 活动目的:巩固和练习谈论自己爱好的语句,增强学生的学习兴趣。活动准备:让学生把自己的搜集品带来或向全班展示自己的爱好。活动过程:请班级里的学生把自己的爱好展示给大家,可能是一 些搜集的物品,也可能是一些行为动作。让学生一边展示一边用英语进行介绍。活动3:考考你 活动目的:巩固和练习谈论谈论不同国家邮票的语句,丰富学生的课外知识,拓宽学生的知识面。活动准备:不同国家的邮票各几张,最好能有若干套,活动时每组一套,邮票上的图案最好能够体现本国 的特色。活动过程:把全班学生分成几组,让学生以小组为单位,把邮票按国家分类。然后向全班同学介绍:These stamps are from… This one has got a picture of … on it.如果有的学生不能确定邮票是哪个国家的,可以根据其他同学的介绍来给邮票分类。活动4:你的爱好是什么? 活动目的:巩固和练习询问个人爱好的语句。活动准备:复习有关爱好的词汇和语句。例如:Have you got a/some… ? 活动过程:两名同学互相问答“Have you got a/some …?”。然后他们再分别找其他几位同学练说此句型,告诉学生可以下座寻找伙伴。之后教师抽查几名学生刚才与哪名学生对话以及对话的内容是什么。Module 4 一、模块教学建议 语言功能:Talking about festivals.学习任务:Can you tell me more about the American festivals? Thanksgiving is my favourite festival.运用任务:谈论不同国家的节日;谈论自己最喜欢的节日; 模块分析:在这一模块中,让学生学习、了解不同的中外节日。谈论在不同的节日人们做什么、吃什么、看到什么等等。让学生了解不同节日的风俗,特别是了解外国节日的习俗,培养学生的跨文化意识。通过 对节日的谈论,掌握人称代词(主格、宾格)和物主代词。二、活动建议 活动

1:你最喜欢的节日是什么? 活动目的:巩固和练习谈论有关节日的语句。活动准备:搜集一些和节日有关的图片或在过节时拍的照片。活动过程:让学生在课堂上谈论自己最喜欢的节日,一边说一边出示课前搜集到的和节日有关的图片或在 过节时拍的照片,告诉大家自己最喜欢的节日是什么,在这个节日里自己通常做什么,吃什么等等。在谈 论时尽量多使用人称代词和物主代词。调查班级喜欢人数最多的节日。活动

2:节日海报 活动目的:巩固和练习谈论有关节日的语句培养学生的创造力,增强学生的合作意识。活动准备:搜集与节日有关的相关资料:节日的背景,来历,习俗等等。活动过程:把学生分成若干组,每组办一份报纸,内容必须与节日有关。可以剪贴图片或照片,也可以抄 写与节日相关的内容。然后每组由一名或几名同学向全班介绍这个节日。活动

3:听一听,猜一猜。活动目的:巩固和练习谈论有关节日的语句,培养学生的想象力。活动准备:复习与节日有关的词汇或句子。活动过程:把学生分成若干组,每组选定一个节日。然后请其中一组的同学依次说出与本组所选节日相关 的内容,例如:做什么,吃什么,看到什么等等,但是不能说出这个节日的名称。其他组的同学来猜他们 说的是哪个节日。哪组猜对了,就由哪组继续进行。

Module 5

一、模块教学建议 语言功能:Talking about time periods.学习任务:I can speak some English.Can I write to them? They can write in English.You can be my Chinese pen friend.运用任务:陈述自己能够做什么;询问他人是否能做什么;介绍自己,并能够根据别人的介绍交一个朋友。模块分析:这一模块主要是让学生学会表达自己会做什么 can 或不会做什么 can't 以及问他人能做什么。可以先复习以前学过的一些动词或动词词组,在过渡到 I can … I can't …或 Can you… ?的学习和练习上来。在练习的过程中,注意让学生根据自己的实际情况来表达。

二、活动建议 活动

1:你能做到吗? 活动目的:巩固和练习陈述能够做什么或不能做什么的语句。活动准备:复习有关动作的单词或词组。活动过程:请一名学生到前面来,其他同学用 Can you… ?来向他提问。前面的这名同学根据自己的实际 情况来回答 Yes, I can.并做出相应的动作,或 No, I can't.然后请另外一名学生到前面来。这个活动 也可以以小组为单位进行。每组有若干名同学,大家围成一圈,互相问答。活动

2:猜猜我是谁。活动目的:巩固和练习陈述能够做什么或不能做什么的语句。培养学生的想象力。活动准备:复习有关动物和动作的词汇。活动过程:让学生在心里假设自己是某种动物,然后一名学生到前面来,其他同学用 Can you… ?向他提 问。大家根据这名同学的回答来猜一猜他扮演的是什么动物。活动

3:找朋友 活动目的:巩固和练习自我介绍的语句,培养学生与他人交往的能力。活动准备:每人准备一张卡片,上面贴上一寸照片,写上姓名,年龄。活动过程:让每名学生在准备好的卡片上写下自我介绍的话,简单地写出自己喜欢做什么和能够做什么就 可以了。然后把这些卡片贴到黑板上或教室四周的墙上。让全班同学下座看这些卡片。然后让单个学生说 出自己想交哪个朋友,为什么。例如:Xiaoming can be my friend.Because he can play football.如 果有条件的话,这个活动可以在不同的班级之间进行。Module 6

一、模块教学建议 语言功能:Cultural comparison 学习任务:Recycling: Have got…? He has got a Chinese kite.I have got some Chinese chopsticks.Have you got a book about America? 运用任务:给笔友写信或明信片;陈述自己用有的的物品;调查同学们拥有的物品 模块分析:本模块主要围绕 A postcard from New York 这一主题展开。明信片中用 Have got 介绍了中美 文化的差异。一方面,我们要继续扩展学习信件,明信片的写法;另一方面,我们要复习巩固 Have got 等 以前学习的内容。

二、活动建议 活动一:给朋友寄名信片 活动目的:练习写英文名信片 活动准备:一份全班同学的通讯录,学生自带的明信片 活动过程:教师先与学生共同复习,英文书信和英文地址的写法(参见学生用书 P

22,课堂活动用书 P

25.)将学生分成四人一组,然后出示其他小组学生的通讯录,让学生从中寻一位笔友(确保每一位都能选到笔 友,如果出现单数,教师应填上自己的地址)。按照同学录提供的地址写好明信片,可让学生先在课堂用 书上练习,然后再写到准备好的明信片上。教师鼓励学生自己伴作邮差,把明信片送 到笔友手中。活动二:猜猜谁是幸运儿 活动目的:询问调查他人拥有的物品。活动准备:Stickers 活动过程:教师找五名同学到黑板前面,并且教他们把手背到身后。教师悄悄把一张 Sticker 放在一名同 学的手中。其他同学用 Have you got a sticker?询问找出有 Sticker 的那名同学。猜对的同学和手拿 Sticker 的同学都将会得到一张 Sticker。活动三:Stand up or sit down 活动目的:强化句子的语音语调,培养语感。活动准备:不同语调的句子的纸条 活动过程:教师要求学生看纸条上的句子进行朗读,如果要用升调朗读,就要起立;如果用降调进行朗读就 坐下。反映最快的学生将得到教师的奖励。

三、Note Module 7

一、模块教学建议 语言功能:Describing amazing animal facts 学习任务:Recycling: Simple present.Pandas eat twelve hours a day.They love bamboos.Do snakes love music? 运用任务:能够描述有明显特征的动物的特点,如在哪生活,吃什么东西等 模块分析:本模块主要围绕 Grandma 给大明 CD-ROM 这一主题展开,主要用一般现在时谈论了一些动物的 特点,教师可以在 warmer 的环节中复习一些学过的动物的名称,鼓励学生说一些课外学到的动物的单词,越多越好。在本模块中,一方面,我们要继续扩展学习描述一些动物的特点;另一方面,我们要复习巩固 一般现在时等以前学习的内容。

二、活动建议 活动

1:判断正误 活动目的:训练学生听力 活动准备:哭脸和笑脸 活动过程:将哭脸和笑脸分别贴在教室两侧的墙上,告诉学生你将讲诉 Unit One Activity 1 中的情况。如果表述是正确的,学生指向“笑脸”,否则就指向哭脸。

如:T: Daming is watching a CD-ROM about people.S: 指向哭脸。T:Pandas eat twelve hours a day.S: 指向笑脸。教师要求学生改正错误的语句。在此项活动后再要求学生做活动手册上 Activity 1 和 Activity 的内容。活动

2:搜集调查 活动目的:训练学生综合能力 活动准备:大量书籍,图片以及信息。活动过程:将学生分成四人一组,进行调查后完成下列表格 Australia 有什么代表性的动物?他们有什么特点? Animals What does it look like? What does it eat? What does it like doing ? Where does it live? 活动

3:滚雪球 活动目的:训练学生听力以及口语表达能力 活动过程:教师说出一个动物,学生要说出这个动物的特点,每个人说一句,但是要求要重复前面同学说 过的话。例如: T: Elephants.S1:They are very big.S2: They are very big.And they are the largest land animal.S3: They are very big.They are the largest land animal.And they can hear and smell….活动4:猜一猜 活动目的:训练学生听力以及口语表达能力 活动准备:复习相关句子和词汇。活动过程:一名学生要说出一个动物的特点,其他同学根据他描述的特点进行猜测。例如:S

1:They are big and fat.They sleep in winter.What are they? Ss: They are bears.三、Note Module 8

一、模块教学建议 语言功能:Talking about likes and dislikes 学习任务:Recycling: Simple present.Do you often suck your thumb?Do you often clean your room?Do you love reading?I often read stories to my little brother.运用任务:就同学们喜好以及日常行为进行调查以提出建议;向他人说明自己的喜好以及日常行为;比较 某人日常行为与正在做的事情的差异等。模块分析:本模块主要围绕 Lingling ,Amy 一起看照片这一主题,来比较日常行为与正在做的事情差异等。教师可以在 warmer 的环节中复习一些学过的动词词组,在本模块中,一方面,我们要继续扩展学习谈论喜 好以及日常行为的话题;另一方面,我们要复习巩固一般现在时等以前学习的内容,比较某人日常行为与 正在做的事情的差异。

二、活动建议 活动

1:A questionnaire 活动目的:训练学生口语表达能力 活动准备:一些卡片 活动过程:教师准备两套颜色不同的卡片,并用不同颜色的笔在卡片上标号。把卡片混在一起,发给学生。

每个学生都要找到和自己那相同卡片的同学。找到后两人坐在一起。如果班上的同学是奇数,教师已可以 参与游戏。两个人相互提问,然后记下答案。例如: S1: Do you often clean your room? S2 : Yes, I do.S1:(记下)Mary often cleans her room.T: Who can tell me something about Mary? S1: Mary often cleans her room… 活动

2:谁是妈妈的好帮手? 活动目的:询问他人并向他人说明自己的喜好以及日常行为,训练学生口语表达能力 活动准备:调查表(见下表),一些妈妈的好帮手奖状 Do you….? Name Finish homework Wash clothes Tidy table Cook dinner Clean your room Always Sometimes Often Never 活动过程: 告诉学生教师要根据每位同学的表现表彰一批妈妈的好帮手,请同学们依照调查表的内容进行 调查。根据调查,向老师推荐妈妈的好帮手的人选。最后教师进行颁奖。活动

3: 活动目的:训练学生口语表达能力,为学校食堂提供菜谱。活动准备:调查表(见下表)设计一份食堂调查问卷表 食堂调查问卷表 always Name: I sometimes eat never 活动过程:教师告诉学生学校食堂为了使饭菜更加可口进行调查,请同学们如实填写。由小组或老师统计 结果,建议食堂做一顿学生喜欢的饭菜。活动

4:Let's be friends 活动目的:询问他人并向他人说明自己的喜好以及日常行为,训练学生口语表达能力 活动准备:一些相关问题。活动过程:学生用 Do you …?句型来采访教师,让学生更进一步了解教师。然后教师采访学生,最后学生 之间互相采访。

三、Note Module9 Module9

一、模块教学建议 语言功能:Talking about a trip 学习任务:Recycling: Simple present.Do you want to visit the UN Building in New York? 运用任务:说明可能要做的事情;询问周末的计划;进行未来之也可能的调查,谈论打算从事的工作等。模块分析:本模块主要围绕 Daming 在美国的见闻主题,谈论叫可能要做的事情。教师可以在 warmer 的环 节中根据本节课要完成的任务来进行复习,例如可以复习有关职业的词汇。在本模块中,一方面,我们要 继续扩展学习谈论可能要做的事情的话题;另一方面,我们要复习巩固一般现在时等以前学习的内容。

二、活动建议 活动


活动目的:训练学生听力 活动准备:一些卡片 活动过程: 教师课前准备一些卡片,上面写着英语句子,叫单个同学到前面抽签朗读,其余的同学听到 want to 就起立。例如: I like playing football.I want to play it.(起立)活动2:挑选期末的口试方式 活动目的:了解学生的喜好,了解孩子们喜欢的考试方式。活动准备:调查表(如下)Name Act a story Read a dialogue I want to Recite a poem Say a chant Sing a song 活动过程:教师告诉学生要了解他们最喜欢的口语考试方式,以便于决定口语考试要用多长的时间。学生 如实填写,然后交给教师。活动

3:我的理想展 活动目的:训练学生综合能力, 说明打算从事的工作 活动准备:一些图画纸,彩笔 活动过程:教师告诉学生,教室后面的版报要进行更换。本次的主题是 My Dreams.教师要求学生画画,并 说明 I want to be a… 例如:I want to be a doctor.I can help many people.三、Note Module 10

一、模块教学建议 语言功能:Understanding limits on our behaviour.学习任务:Recycling: Imperatives Be quiet.Don't make much noise.Line in queue.Never write in the books 运用任务: 根据指令做事;制止他人做事等。模块分析: 本模块主要围绕 Daming 在图书馆的见闻为主题,要求学生能够根据指令做事;制止他人做事 等。教师可以在 warmer 的环节中根据本节课要完成的任务来进行复习,例如可以复习有关动作的词。在本 模块中,我们要复习巩固祈使句等以前学习的内容。

二、活动建议 活动1:Simon says.活动目的:训练学生听力能力, 根据指令做事 活动准备:相关口令 活动过程:这是 Simon says.游戏,向学生说明规则。教师发出指令,如果在指令前说 Simon says 学生就 要按照指令做。如果在指令前没有 Simon says,学生儿童就要保持原样。按指令做的学生就要被淘汰出局。同样,开头有 Simon says 时,而学生没有按指令去做的,也要被淘汰出局。这个游戏做得越快,就越难并 越有趣。教师可以突然发出一个没有 Simon says 的指令,做了动作的学生就会被淘汰出局,继续做直到有 一个获胜者或一组获胜者,表扬并进行奖励。例如: Simon says:Be quiet.Don't make much noise.Line in queue.Simon says:Draw a fish on the blackboard.教师可以要求学生来发令。活动

2:布置图书馆 活动目的:训练学生综合能力。活动准备:图画纸,颜色纸,彩笔 活动过程:教师告诉学生我们今天把 Be quiet.Don't talk in the library.Stand in line.Don't write in the books 等做成标语提醒卡贴在图书馆里。教师把学生分成四人一组。各组完成设计后,放在 一起进行评比。最后选出最佳作品推荐给图书馆。同时特可以同来布置教室。活动3:帮助盲人过马路 活动目的:训练学生表达能力。活动准备:交通标志图片,障碍物等 活动过程:把教室局部进行"马路"式摆放。教师教一名同学到前面来,眼睛蒙上。其他同学一起发出指令 指导她过马路。Stop!Don't go!Go straight on!Turn left!Go!It's green now.Don't turn right here!等





2.:noodles面条,rice米饭,hamburger汉堡包,chips薯条,cake蛋糕,sweet糖果,dumplings饺子,biscuit饼干,ice cream 冰淇淋,chicken鸡肉




子,bird鸟,fish鱼,panda熊猫,camel骆驼,duck鸭子,snake蛇,spider蜘蛛,cow奶牛,6.:Art美术,Chinese语文,Maths数学,English 英语,Music音乐,P.E.体育,Science科学,Computer计算机


公共汽车,taxi出租车,ship 轮船


长裤,T-shirt T恤,shoes鞋,jacket夹克衫

9.:run a race赛跑,play football 踢球,play basketball 打篮球,swim

游泳,high jump 跳高,long jump跳远

10.:headache头疼,stomach ache 胃痛,cough咳嗽,cold 感冒

11.:driver司机,doctor医生,nurse护士,teacher教师,train driver 火

车司机,taxi driver出租车司机,policeman警察,student 学生,pilot 飞行员

12.:flute笛子,drum鼓,piano钢琴,violin小提琴,guitar 吉它







新标准英语三年级起点第二册教案 Module 1 Alphabet Unit 1 it‟s the ABC Song Teaching aims and demands(1)The alphabet Learn to sing the ABC Song.What‟s your favourite song? It‟s the ABC Song.(2)To foster students‟ consciousness of good co-operation Teaching key points and difficult points(1)Sing the ABC Song(2)What‟s your favourite song? It‟s the ABC Song.Teaching methods(1)Total Physical Response(2)Games Teaching aids: cards audiotape wall map Teaching procedures Step 1: Warm up Free talk with the students about their holiday.Step2: Leading Have the students sing one or two songs they‟ve learned before.Then ask”What‟s your favourite song/” Explain the meaning and pronunciation of the word favourite Step3 Presentation(1)Put the wall map on the blackboard.Have the students observe the letters.Compare the difference between the big letters and the small letters.Play the tape several times, the students listen, point and sing.(2)Show a set of cards about letters.Help the students read them.Play attention to correct the students‟ pronunciation.(3)Finish SB Unit 1 Activity 3.The students sing and point the relevant pictures.Step 4 practice(1)Play the game Count with the letters, Show the letters with gesture and Hold up the cards of the letters.(2)Do AB Unit 1 exercise 1 Step5: Homework

Sing the ABC Song to your family.新标准英语三年级起点第二册教案 Module 1

Alphabet Unit 2

My favourite toy is a car.Teaching aims and demands(1)MyHisHer favourite toy is a car.(2)Vocabulary: toy car ship doll computer game Teaching Functions: Talk about your favourite objects.Key points: My favourite toy is… Difficult point: HisHerfavourite… Teaching methods: Task-based;Games Teaching procedures: Step 1: warm up

Sing the ABC Song and A Rainbow Step2: Leading Have the students draw a picture of the rainbow.Then ask: What‟s your favourite colour? Step 3: New Concepts(1)Hold up some markers and choose one of them , Say: My favourite colour is … write it on the blackboard.Have the students introduce their favourite colour by using this structure.Choose three or four students , point to them, say: HisHer favourite colour is…

(2)Play the tape, the students listen and circle the new words, guess the meaning of them.(3)Explain toy, computer game, car, ship, and doll by drawing simple figures on the blackboard.(4)Play the tape again.The students listen and repeat.(5)Have the students introduce the contents of the text by using the structure This is…HisHer favourite toy is… Step 4: Practice(1)Have the students make a survey in groups.Each one would finish the form by asking and answering what‟s your favourite…

namesthings car doll ship Computer game kite bear Xiao wei

Play the game what‟s missing? Do the AB Unit 2 exercise 1 and 2 Step 5: Chant Play the tape.Help the students with the chant.Step 6: Homework Ask your family or friends‟ favourite toy and colour.新标准英语三年级起点第二册教案 Module 2 Zoo Unit 1 they‟re monkey Teaching aims and demands: 1.Describe animals.2.What‟s this? It‟s….What‟re they? They‟re….Teaching key points and difficult points: What‟s this? It‟s ….What‟re they? They‟re….Teaching methods: 1.Total Physical Response.2.Play games to go over animals.Teaching aids: TV, Tape-recorder, pictures Teaching procedures: Step 1 Warm-up 1.Sings a English song “the ABC song” 2.Let‟s watch TV about animals 3.Revision(复习):

Play a game “Point to animals” Teacher do action and let students guess animals Step 2 Presentation 1.创设情景,呈现任务。


3.教师展示声音及画面,让学生做听音猜动物的游戏,检查学生的自学情况。纠正个别单词错误发音,示范单词、句型的用法。4.小组协作,并创编表演对话。让学生自己去探索、去发现描述动物特征的基本规律。新课#标第#一网 5.Let students listen to the tape follow the tape 6.let students act the text Step 3 Homework:

1.Draw a picture about zoo.2.Make a dialogue in the zoo.新标准英语三年级起点第二册教案 Module 2 Zoo Unit 2 that monkey is fat.Teaching objectives: 1.Words and phrases: tree tall short thin 2.Sentences: This tree is tall.That tree is short.This monkey is thin.That monkey is fat.3.Grammar: describe animals Teaching procedures: cards, pictures, projection, Tape-recorder Teaching procedures: A.song: The ABC song

B.Free talk: What‟s your favorite color /animal/toy/food?

C New concepts: Step 1 warm-up: 1.Greet.2.Do it.Review the commands from Module 2 unit 1(1)Look at the picture: What are they?(2)Listen to the tape guess what the animal it is.3.Play a game.Sad face or happy face.Step 2 learn a text

1.Take out two apples one is big the other is small say this is big and that is small.2.Take out a picture of tree tell them how to read “tree” and say “look at the trees.This tree is tall.That tree is short”

Take out another picture of monkey tell them how to read “thin” and say “this monkey is fat.That monkey is thin.”

3.Let students act animals let students guess what animals it is.4.let students listen to the tape follow the tape and then make groups read the chant 5.let students listen to the tape follow the tape to learn the song and then let student make voice let student sing a song.Step 3 homework 1.Recites the text.2.Sing English song

新标准英语三年级起点第二册教案 Module 3 Playground Unit 1

I like football.Teaching content: Module 3 Playground

Unit 1 I like football.Teaching objectives: 1.Word and phrases: football, basketball table tennis, morning exercises 2.Sentences: I like …

I don‟t like … Teaching properties: Tape-recorder, objects Teaching procedures: A.Song: Old MacDonald has a zoo.B.Free talk: 描述一下你家里的宠物或你画的小动物 C.New concepts: 一.老师对同学们说今年9月县里要举办九运会,学校为了响应九运会的号召,准备在学校举办体育课外小组,今天派我来调查一下你们都想参加什么项目,并统计一下人数.那么让我们来看看都有什么项目吧.老师出示足球,问What‟s this ?引导同学们说football,找会的同学当小老师,教其他同学说此单词.然后老师将单词写在黑板上,让同学们一起书写,用同样的方法教basketball ,morning exercises,table tennis 游戏:老师说出任意三个单词,同学们找出老师没读的那个,也可以同桌的同学玩此游戏.二.老师再拿起足球,边玩边高兴的说I like football.然后将足球扔给接受较快的同学,让他模仿说此句型,再由他扔给其他任何一个同学,以此类推来操练此句型.老师将句型写在黑板上并画上笑脸.老师再在黑板上写上I don‟t like …的句型.并画上哭脸,然后拿篮球说 I don‟t like basketball.以同样的传球游戏操练此句型.来源 新课标第一网

三.老师让同学们听录音,听听Panpan的喜好变化,听听他最终喜欢什么体育项目,并引导同学们发现Panpan 是一个有困难就退缩的人,鼓励同学们要不怕困难,做事要坚持到底。


四.现在我们已经学完了四个体育项目,那么你们帮我来完成学校安排给我的任务吧。安排四个组长拿好他们各自的球,分别到各组调查同学们喜欢的项目,如果该同学喜欢就说 I like … 并站到该组长的后面,如果不喜欢就说I don‟t like…并等待下一位组长的到来,最后统计一下人数。

Homework: 1.表演课文 2.按照单词表拼读新单词


新标准英语三年级起点第二册教案 Module 3

Playground Unit 2

I don‟t like riding bikes

Teaching content: Module3 Playground Unit2 I don‟t like riding bikes.Teaching objectives: 1.Words and phrases: swimming, skipping, riding bikes 2.Sentences: I like…

I don‟t like … Teaching properties: Tape-recorder, objects Teaching procedures: A.Song: Old MacDonald has a zoo.B.Free talk:谈论自己喜欢和不喜欢的体育项目 C.New concepts: 一. 老师告诉同学们,由于其他班的申请,学校决定再增加几项体育课外小组的项目,你们想参加吗?

老师拿出救生圈,做游泳的动作,边做边说swimming, I like swimming.并让同学们也模仿边做边说,自由发挥各式各样的游泳动作。老师板书黑板。

用同样的方法教授skipping , riding bikes.然后玩听指令做动作的游戏来练习单词。

二. 放录音,让同学们边听边模仿跟读,然后同桌的同学练习编小对话,并到前面表演。

三. 完成书中的活动3和活动5 四. 学习小Chant, 边听边做动作边背。

五. 完成书中活动6,书写Dd Ee Ff 三个字母,dog ,elephant, football三个单词,并让同学们扩展单词,看谁扩展的多。

Homework: 1背诵小chant。


新标准英语三年级起点第二册教案 Module 4

Food Unit1 Do you like meat?

Teaching content: Module 4 Food

Unit1 Do you like meat? Teaching objectives: 1.Word and phrases: rice, meat, noodles, fish , milk 2.Sentences: Do you like …? Yes, I do.No, I don‟t.Teaching properties: Tape-recorder, cards Teaching procedures: A.Chant: I like coffee, I like tea.B.Free talk: 汇报上节课的调查结果,并谈论一下你喜欢和不喜欢的事物

C.New concepts 一.老师扮演成厨师,对同学们说今天我要大显伸手,为你们做一顿丰盛的晚餐,我要先看看你们都喜欢吃什么。老师假装做菜的样子,拿出肉的图片说meat , I like meat.Do you like meat? 引导同学用 Yes, I do.No, I don‟t.来回答,并将句型和单词写在黑板上,以同样的方式教授rice , noodles ,fish , milk 并将事物卡片贴在黑板上事先画好的餐桌上。来源 新#课标@第一!网

同学看餐桌上的食物做一个接龙游戏来操练新句型,同学A问同学B , Do you like rice , B ? B做出回答后再问C , Do you like meat , C ?以此类推。

二.老师说今天MS Smart 一家也有一顿丰盛的晚餐,我们一起来看看吧。


放第二遍录音,请同学们打开书,听听Sam Amy Lingling Tom 都分别喜欢什么食物,谁喜欢的和你一样,并简单强调一下说别人喜欢什么东西的时候要用likes。

再放一遍录音,同学们跟读模仿,仔细听第一幅图,并操练一下Pass me the…, please.Here you are.的句型。再熟读课文。Homework: 1 小组表演课文,下节课展示口拼新单词。Design

新标准英语三年级起点第二册教案 Module 4 Food Unit 2

Does Daming like bananas?

Teaching content: Module 4 Food

Unit 2 Does Daming like bananas? Teaching objectives: 1Words and phrases: banana pear apple orange 2Sentences: Does Daming like bananas?

Yes, he does.No, he doesn‟t.Teaching properties: Tape-recorder, objects Teaching procedures: A.Chant: I like coffee, I like tea.B.Free talk: 小组表演课文 C.New concepts 1老师拿出苹果问What‟s this? 教授新单词apple 然后让同学和老师一起书写,并让同学们用apple 一词造句,最好不重复。

2当有同学说到I like apples.的时候,老师就可以指着该同学问其他同学,Does she/he like apples?引导同学们用 Yes , she/he does.来回答。并将句型写在黑板上。同桌练习此对话,可以用学过的单词替换。3用同样的方法教授orange, pear, banana,和句型Does she/he like …? No, she/he doesn‟t.听录音,判断对错。老师可以将有关课文的几个问题写在小黑板上,让同学们不看书,尽量回答问题。放第二遍录音时,同学跟读模仿。然后熟读课文。5完成活动3和活动5 6学习小chant, 边听边做动作,ginger 和spice老师可以拿实物。7学习字母Gg Hh Ii 和单词girl, hat, in 并做扩词练习。Homework: 1拼读新单词


新标准英语三年级起点第二册教案 Module 5 Time Unit 1

I get up at seven o‟clock.Function:

1.Talking about “time”.2.Enable the Ss to say “get up” “go to school” “have lunch” “go home” “watch TV” “go to bed”.Teaching points: Grasp the important words and phrases.一、Warming up 1.Greetings: T: Hello, boys and girls.Ss: Hello, Miss Yang.T: What day is it today? Ss: Today

is …….T: Are you happy? Ss: Yes, we are.2.Saying a chant

One, two, three, four.Come in please and close the door.Five, six, seven, eight.Go to school and don‟t be late.Nine, ten, nine, ten.Learn English again and again.3.Singing:

“Good morning Sam?‟‟

二、New concept.1.T: Oh, you are so clever.Today, let us learn Module 5 Time Unit 1 I get up at seven O‟clock.(Writing and Reading)

T: Hello, boys and girls.What‟s this?

Ss:It‟s a clock.T: You are so clever.T: Do you know? What‟s the time?(Explain in Chinese)

Ss: 8: 10

T: How to say in English? Ss: I

don‟t know.T: Ok, I will tell you.It's eight ten.表示8点过10 分。或者ten past eight.(past 在这里指几点过几分未超过30)

T: When do you get up?(Explain in Chinese 并做出动作)

T: I get up at 6 o‟clock.What about you?

Ss: I get up at …….Practice




get up at …….2.Do exercises:

On the board write the following list

I get up at ……

I go home at…..I have lunch at…..Divide the Ss into many groups and practice.3.Listen and say.Play the tape, pause it

after each utterance and let the Ss

repeat the sentences.4.Show the Ss some pictures.For example: “watch TV” “go to school ‟‟ “go home

” “‟go to bed” and

practice the phrases.5.Text 1)Listen and look.2)Answer questions :

What time





What time does Daming go home?

What time does Daming have lunch?

3)Read(in all kinds of ways)三.Homework:

1)According to the sentences on the blackboard.T and Ss say a chant.2)Write the phrases 5 times and use them make 4 sentences.“get up”

“go home” “go to bed” “have lunch”

新标准英语三年级起点第二册教案 Module 5 Time Unit2 what‟s the time, please?


1.Taking about “time”.2.Enable the Ss to say “has breakfast” “has dinner”.一、Warming up: 1.Greetings: T: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, Miss Yang.T: What‟s the weather like today? Ss It‟s …day.T: Who‟s on duty today? Ss: I am on duty today.(某个Ss)

2.Singing a chant: Get up, get up, get up quick.Breakfast, breakfast, I have breakfast.3.Singing “What‟s this?”

二、New concept: 1.T: First, let‟s review we‟ve learned at last class, OK? Ss: OK.T: I say Chinese and you translate.起床,回家,去睡觉,看电视,吃午饭。Ss: get up, go home, go to bed, watch TV, have lunch.T: Let‟s make some sentences.I say Chinese and you translate.我七点种起床。

Ss: I get up at seven o‟clock..Practice :1.我五点回家。


2.T: Look at the clock, what‟s the time ,please?(出示图片)Ss: It‟s…o‟clock.T: OK, I‟ll tell you.It‟s half past seven.在几点半时用half For example: 8:30 half past eight.Practice: 1)10:30 2)2:30 T: I have dinner at half past six.What about you?(Explain dinner in Chinese)Ss: I have dinner at… 3.Do exercise: I have dinner at … I have breakfast at… 4.Listen and say: 5.Show the Ss some pictures “have breakfast” “have dinner” and practice the phrases.6.Text 1)Listen and look 2)Answer questions: “What time does Lingling have breakfast?” “What time does Lingling have dinner?” 3)Read the text.三、Homework.1.Translate: 1)我在六点半吃晚饭。

2)I have breakfast at half past seven.Write the important phrases 5 times “have breakfast” “have dinner”.新标准英语三年级起点第二册教案 Module 6 Activities Unit 1 What do you do at the weekend?

Function: 1.What do you do at the weekend?

2.Enable the Ss to say “sleep”

“play football”

“go swimming‟‟

“have maths”


Science” Teaching points: Grasp the important

words and phrases.一、Warming up:


T: Hello, boys and girls.Let us recite the seasons.Ok? Ss:

Ok.T and Ss:

spring, summer, autumn


winter.T: What day is it today? Ss: Today is …… 2.Saying a chant:

Hello, Meg, hello, Ted.What‟s his name? He is Ben.What‟s her name? She is Pat.How old is she? She is eight.How old is he?

He is nine.3.Singing

“Head, shoulders, knees and toes.二、New concept.T: Oh, you are great.Today let us learn Module 6Activities Unit 1 What do you do at the weekend?(Writing and reading)1.T: Do you like playing football? Ss: Yes, I do.T: What do you do at the weekend?(explain in Chinese)Ss: I play basketball.T: I like reading at the weekend.What about you? Ss: I like swimming.T: You are great.T: And what do you have at school?

You can say:

I have ……

Ss: I have English and Chinese.T: Do you like maths?

Ss: Yes, I do./(No, I don‟t.)

T: What do you do at 5 o‟clock in the morning?

I sleep in the morning.What about you?



sleep too.2.Do exercises: On the board write the following list 1)What do you do at the weekend?

I………..2)What do you have at school? I have …… and …… 3.Listen and say.Play the tape, pause it after each utterance and let the Ss repeat the sentences.4.Show the Ss some books.For example “Maths”



Show the Ss some pictures “football” “sleep” “swimming 5.Text

1)Listen and look.2)Answer questions:

What do you do at ……o‟clock in the morning? What do you have at school?


1)Read the text frequently and recite the text.2)Copy the following sentences 2 times.What do you do at the weekend?

What do you have at school?

新标准英语三年级起点第二册教案 Module 6 Activities Unit 2 what does she do at the weekend?

Function: 1.Grasp this sentences “What does she do the weekend ?”

at 2.Talking about “What do you have at school?

一、Warming up :

1.Greeting T: Hello, boys and girls.How

are you?

Ss: I‟m fine, thank you.And you?

T: I‟m fine too.And how are you feeling today?

Ss: Not bad.2.Singing a chant

Listen to the clock.Tick tock, tick tock...Listen to the clock.Tick tock.What‟s the time?

It‟s two O‟clock.Listen to the clock.Tick tock.3.Singing

“Old MacDonald


a zoo”

二、New concept 1.T: Oh, you are so great.Now, let us review we‟ve learned.Ok?

Ss: Ok.T: What do you do at the weekend?

Ss: I…….at the weekend.T: What do you do in the morning?

Ss: I


the morning.T: What do you have at school?

Ss: I

have …… and ……

T: Show the Ss some books and pictures, include: “Maths‟‟ and “Science ” “swimming”


“sleep” “Chinese

2.Explain does 是do 的单数形式用于第三人称后面。



he, she, it ……

He does ……/she

does…../it does…….Make some sentences: What does she do at the weekend? What does he do at the weekend? Let the Ss practice and answer: She plays basketball.She watches TV.She sleeps.3.Listen and say, play the tape, pause it after each utterance and let Ss repeat the sentences.4.Text 1)Listen and look.2)Answer questions:

What does Lingling have at school today?

What does Lingling do at the weekend?

the 5.Show them some books:





1.Use “does” make two sentences

2.Copy the following sentences two times.What does she do at the weekend? She has Music, Art, and PE today.新标准英语三年级起点第二册教案 Module 7 Festivals Unit 1 We have a big family dinner.教学目的要求:


2、句型:We + 动词 + 名词,It's + 节日(today);happy + 节日。

3、词汇:New Year, Chinese, spring, Festival, for, about, England, sing, give, present, eat.重点、难点、关键: 新课标#第一网


2、句型:We + 动词 + 名词,It's + 节日(today);happy + 节日。

3、培养学生口语表达,表达节日问候及描述过节时的风俗习惯。教具准备:图片,录音机 教学流程:

Unit 1 We have a big family dinner.Step1 Warm up


2、The activity should help the students understand how to change from first person singular to both third person singular and to first person plural.3、On the board write the following sentences;(1)I have peanuts and sweets.(2)I get up at seven o‟clock...(3)I have dinner at six o‟clock.(4)I go swimming at the weekend.(5)I have Maths and English.Step2 New Teaching

一、Listen and point

1.Get the students to look at the pictures.Ask them questions in Chinese e.g.where is Daming in Picture1? 2.Play the tape.3.Teach the new vocabulary and revise the words the students have already learned.4.Draw a stick figure on the board.二、Listen and say

1.Divide the class into three groups.2.Explain to the students I am gong to play the tape, pause it after each utterance and they have to read their respective roles.三、Look and say

1.Write the names of other Chinese festivals on the board, e.g.Mid-autumn Festival, Dragon Boat Festival.Teach the students the English names and teach them relevant vocabulary such as „moon cakes‟, „lanterns‟,‟ moon ‟,‟Zongzi‟ and ‟races‟.Step3: Consolidation Use the Activity Book: 1.Listen and repeat 2.Listen to the story again.Copy the correct words to complete the sentences.3.Look and copy the words to complete the text.4.Act it out.Step4: The end 1.Let‟s sing a song

板书设计:Unit 1 We have a big family dinner.We


新标准英语三年级起点第二册教案 Module 7 Festivals Unit 2 We have Christmas in England

Step 1 Warmer 1.On the board draw a Christmas tree, presents, peanuts and, sweets, Write the names under each picture and then labelthem1-4respectively.2.Point to the first picture;say „It‟s a Christmas tree.‟ And get the students to repeat the sentence.3.Point to the peanuts and say, 'What are they? ‟The students should answer „They‟re peanuts.‟ The same for 'sweets'.Step 2 New Teaching a)Listen and point

1.Have the students look at the four pictures.Ask questions in Chinese, e.g.2.Play the tape and let the student listen.b)Point and say

1.Get the students to work in pairs.2.One student points to a picture in exercise 1 and the other student reads the sentence that describes it.3.Do an example.Hold up my book and point to the picture of the Christmas tree.Say „they‟ and prompt the students to complete the sentence by adding,‟ have a Christmas tree‟.四、Act it out

1.Explain to the class that they are going to work in groups of three.2.Ask them to name the festival the students are talking about in the pictures.3.Write the celebrations on the board: A: It‟s…today.B: Happy…!C: Happy…!Step3: Consdidation 1.Listen and say, then sing.2.Game: Look, remember, ask and answer.3.Listen repeat and trace the letters.Step4: The end 1.Use the Activity Book 2.Play a game 板书设计: Unit2 We have Christmas in England We have Christmas in England.新标准英语三年级起点第二册教案 Module 8 Seasons and Weather Unit 1 It‟s hot in summer.教学目的要求: 1.语法:一般现在时中第一人称复数的应用

2.词汇:spring, warm, summer, hot, autumn, cool, winter, cold.3.培养学生用英语表达四季及四季的气候特征.教学重点,难点: 1.词汇教学(重点)2.语法教学(难点)教具准备:图片,录音机#新课#标第#一## 教学流程:

Unit1 It‟s hot in summer Step 1 Warmer 1.Greetings 2.Introduce the four seasons of the year.On the board, write the words „spring‟, „winter‟, and „autumn‟.Draw a big sun, some snow, a small flower and some leaves under the respective pictures.Number the pictures 1-4.3.Point to the picture of the sun, Say, „It‟s summer.‟ And have the students repeat the sentence.4.T: Summer.Ss: Number1.5.Practice in pairs Step 2 New Teaching

一、Listen and point

1.Get the students to look at the four pictures.Hold up my book and point to the „spring‟ picture.Say „It‟s spring.‟ And have the students repeat the sentence.2.T: Summer.S: They go swimming.3.Play the tape.4.Teach the new adjectives „warm‟, „ hot‟, „cool‟ and „cold‟.二、Listen and say

1.Tell the students to close their books again.2.Play the tape.三、Look, ask and answer 1.Have the students read the example dialogue.2.Do an example with the class.3.Continue the activity in pairs.Step 3 Consolidation 1.Use the Activity Book 2.Play a game Step 4 The end 1.Let‟s sing a song 板书设计: Unit 1 It‟s hot in summer.spring








新标准英语三年级起点第二册教案 Module 8 Seasons and Weather Unit 2 It‟s hot and sunny today.Step 1 Warmer 1.Greetings 2.Get four large pieces of paper.Write one season, i.e.spring, summer, autumn, winter, on each piece of paper.Place the piece of paper around the classroom.3.Suggested words and expressions are cool, hot, warm, cold, Happy Spring Festival, Happy Christmas.Step 2 New Teaching

一、Listen and point 1.Look at the pictures.Ask questions in Chinese e.g.What can Lingling see in Picture1? What is Sam doing in Picture2? 2.Now hold up my book and point to the different pictures.Have the students name the seasons.3.Get the students to dose their books, play the tape.4.Open the students‟ books play the tape again and have the students point to the relevant pictures.5.Teach the new vocabulary, Mime looking up at the sky and then hurriedly putting up an umbrella.Say “It‟s raining.” Get the students to repeat the sentence.Follow the same procedure for „windy‟, snowing and „sunny‟.6.Teach the nouns „rain ‟and „snow‟.二、Point and say

1.S1: Cpoints to a picture 1)It‟s warm today but it‟s raining.S2: It‟s spring.2.Do some examples with the class.三、Act it out

1.Have the students read the example dialogue.2.Now draw two columns on the board, label the columns „summer‟ and „winter‟ respectively.3.Divide the class into groups of three or four and have them continue the activity.Step 3 Consolidation 1.Listen and say, then sing 2.Listen, repeat and trace the letters.Step 4 The end 1.Use the Activity Book 2.Game: Colour game 板书设计: Unit 2

It‟s hot and sunny today.raining




新标准英语三年级起点第二册教案 Model 9 Possessions Unit 1 I‟ve got a new book Ⅰ.Teaching objectives: 1.words and phrases: have got




coat sweater

has got T-shirt 2.Sentences: I‟ve got a book.It‟s about animals.Have you got a new book? Yes, I have./No, I haven‟t.3.Grammar: Using the first and third person singular and third person plural of regular and irregular verbs in the simple present tense.Ⅱ.Teaching properties: Tape-recorder,Pictures.Some objects.Ⅲ Teaching procedures:

Step1: Warming up: 1)Sing a song: Old Mac Donald has a zoo.2)Free talk: <1> Having a greeting with the Ss.<2>Talk about the objects around themselves.Step2: New concepts.<1>Pick up a pen and say “I‟ve got a pen.”

Walk around the classroom.Pick up other objects and say “I‟ve got a …” point out that “I‟ve got a …” Have the Ss respond by saying “You‟re got a …”Point out that “I‟ve” is a contraction of “I have” and “ he‟s/she‟s” can be a contraction of “he/she has” or “he/she is”.<2> Ask some Ss to say sentences like this “I‟ve got a…” then the T ask the Ss: “Have you got a …?” Help the Ss to answer: Yes, I have./No, I haven‟t.” Do more about it.<3>You may show some books and introduce them to the Ss e.g.Holding English book and say “It‟s about English.” Ask someone to say like this.Have the Ss look at the pictures in SB Unit 1 Point to the book in the first pictures and say “It‟s about animals.” Point to the book in the second picture.Let the Ss say together.“It‟s about sports.”

<4>Listen to the tape and let the Ss point to the correct pictures.Then read the dialogue sentence by sentence.<5> Do SB Activity 3.Work in pairs.One asks one answer.<6> Do AB Activity 1.Have the Ss look at the six pictures and say them out.Listen to the tape then tick or cross.Ask some Ss to say their answers.Step3.Games: 开火车。通过开火车的形式练习句型 “I‟ve got a book.Have you got a book?”比比看哪组传得又快又准,获胜者加分。Step4.Homework: 1)听录音跟读课文,然后背诵课文。

2)与同伴一起练习“I‟ve got a…” “Have you got a … ?”句型。Designs: Module 9

Possessions Unit 1.I‟ve got a new book

I‟ve got a(picture).Have you got a(picture)? He/she has got(picture).Yes, I have./No, I haven‟t.Group:


+1 新标准英语三年级起点第二册教案 Model 9

Possessions Unit 2 She goes to school by bike.Ⅰ.Teaching objectives: 1.Words and phrases.By bike bus go to work walk 2.Sentences.Amy has got a bike.She goes to school by bike.Ms Smart hasn‟t got a car.She walks to walk.3.Grammar : Talking about possessions and transport.Ⅱ.Teaching properties:

Tape-recorder pictures

some objects headdress Ⅲ.Teaching procedures:

Step 1: Warming up:

<1> Sing a song: “We like school.”

<2> Free talk: Talking about possessions.They may about yourself.Your friends father mother and so on.Step 2.New concepts: <1> Has the Ss listen to the tape.They are about the different types of transport that they can see in China.Put up the pictures of their suggestions on the Bb: e.g.(bus play train car bike)pictures <2> Have the Ss look at the pictures of AB.First, ask someone to talk about the pictures.Then listen to the tape for the first time.Let them close their books.Ask a students to come to the Bb and choose he correct person‟s headdress.Put them behind the transport.Ask some more Ss to do that to help them remember the text.<3> The T point to Amy‟s headdress and ask: “How does Amy go to school?” Help them to answer: “She goes to school by bike.”Using the same way to express Sam.Mr Smart.<4> Listen to the tape for the second time and let the Ss repeat.Then act it out using the headdress.<5> Learn the chant of SB Activity 4.a.Play the first version of the chant and get the Ss to repeat the words.Now play the second version and let the Ss listen or they can say the chant as they listen.b.Divide the class into three groups.Each group says one stanza of the chant and they can do the appropriate mimes.Note hat all the actions must be done at the students‟ desks

c.Now have the class say the chant and do the actions.<6>.Do AB Activity 1.Listen to the tape and circle the correct pictures then ask some Ss to say about the pictures.Step 3.Game Ask some Ss to make a noise like some form of transport and have the others guess what it is.Step 4.Homework: <1> Retell the dialogue of Sb activity 1.<2> Say the chant to their parents.Designs

Unit 2

She goes to school by bike.(Picture)







Mr Smart


Ms Smart

She /He goes to school by

.新标准英语三年级起点第二册教案 Module 10

Position Unit 1 It‟s on your desk.Ⅰ.Teaching objectives: 1.words and phrases : On box under bedroom 2.Sentences : It‟s in /on / under your desk 3.Grammar Talking about positions.Ⅱ.Teaching properties:

Tape-recorder pictures a box some bags 词卡袋 Ⅲ.Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 warming up:

1)Sing a song which is the most favourite for Ss.2)Free talk.Talk about objects using “What‟s this?”

“It‟s a / an…”

Step 2 New concepts.1)Write the words „in‟ „on‟ „and‟ „under‟ on the Bb.Bring a box into the classroom.Now put a pen on top of the box.Say „The pen is on the box.Have the Ss repeat the sentence.Follow the same procedure for „in‟ and „under‟.Tell the Ss work in pairs.One acts, one says.e.g.S1 :(Put the pen on the desk.)

S2: The pen is on the desk.2)Get the students to look a the pictures.Ask questions in Chinese : “图片1中的桌子上有什么?图片5中的礼物在哪?今天是什么特殊的日子?”

Then listen to the tape and repeat the sentences.3)Put five different objects in bags Hold up one of the bags.Point to the objects inside and say “what‟s this?” The students have to guess what it is.If they guess correctly.Say „Yes‟ and open up the bag.If not, tell them to try again.4)Invite one student to the front of the class and give him / her a bag.Explain that individual Ss are going to make statements about the bag.The first student has to place he bag in that position.5)Do SB Activity3.After doing that.work in pairs.e.g.SI:(Point to picture 3)S2: The panda is under the hat.S1 :(Point to picture 5)S2: The monkey is on the box.6)Do AB Activity 1 Listen and tick the correct pictures.Ask some one to say out the answers.Then point to one of the pictures.Ask some one to say.Step 3 Game 请学生左手握拳,右手伸出上表示“ on”,放在拳头里表示“ in ”,放在拳头下表示“ under”,放在拳头下表示“ ”。老师说单词,学生做动作,看谁反应速度快。Step 4 Homework 1)听录音背诵课文。2)和同伴做SB Activity 3.Designs

Module 10 Position

Unit 1 It‟s on your desk.on It‟s in






新标准英语三年级起点第二册教案 Module 10

Position Unit 2 Daming flies kites in the park.Ⅰ.Teaching objectives: 1.Words and phrases : park swim lake snow in the park the snow 2.Sentences : <1> Where does Daming fly kites? <2>He flies kites in the park.in the lake under the tree on

3.Grammar Talking about position Ⅱ.Teaching procedures.Tape-recorder a box Ⅲ.Teaching procedures: Step 1 Warming up 1)Sing a song: Rain rain go away.2)Free talk :Say out the position of some objects Step 2 New concepts: 1).Talk out a box.Put the hand„in‟ or „on‟ „under‟ it.Let the Ss say sentences.2).Review number 1—12.3).Review the seasons and write them on Bb.Spring



Winter Ask them: “What do you do in spring /summer /autumn /winter?” Help them to answer : “I play football /… in spring / …

4)Teacher asks Ss : “What does Daming do in spring / summer /autumn /winter?”Have them listen to the tape.Take out four pictures about Daming.Let the Ss put the pictures near to the correct seasons.5)Listen to the tape again.Have them repeat the sentences.6)Learn the song.Play the spoken version of the song and get the Ss to repeat the words.Now play the second version and let the Ss listen to the melody or sing along.Have 11Ss come to the front of the class.Ten of them are „bananas‟ and one is „monkey‟.Drew a tree on the Bb and „monkey‟ can stand beside it to indicate that he is „up‟ the tree.Act it out.7)Do AB Activity 1.Listen and put the sings in the correct place.After that, work in pairs.For example :S1 :Where is / are … ? S2 :It's / They're … ? Step 3 Game

Hide and guess.Ask two Ss to come the Bb.One hides an object.One guesses.e.g.S1 :(Hide over)Where‟s the picture? S2: It‟s in the bag.S3: No, it isn‟t.(Yes, it is.)Step 4 Homework a.Draw four pictures of the four seasons.b.Describing the pictures to the other Ss.Designs: Spring

Summer Autumn Winter






《小学新标准英语》第七册,共有11个模块,内含一个复习模块,在每个模块均有两个单元,第一单元呈现本模块所要学习的语言内容,第二单元是任务型练习,包括一首歌谣和小诗。每单元设计了以下几个部分:首先是listen,point and find。在这部分学生会看到本单元的基本故事,书中的小朋友在用英语互相交流。学生要认真听,认真看,理解他们在干些什么,说些什么,然后努力去学着说。然后是Listen and say。这部分是对重点句型的练习与巩固。接着是practise。这部分设计了一些课堂活动。学生可以按照书中的范例,运用前面学到的表达方法进行交流,进一步巩固和提高用英语听、说、做、玩、演的技能。第二单元还专门设计了listen and say.then sing。在这里,同学们可以结合本单元的内容,唱一唱,说一说,玩一玩,做一做,动动脑筋,使英语学习成为一件快乐的事情。













第一周module1 第二周module2 第三周复习第四周module3 第五周第六周第七周第八周第九周第十周第十一周第十二周第十三周第十四周第十五周第十六周第十七周第十八周——第二十周第二十一周module4 复习module5 module6复习期中考试 module7 module8复习module9 module10复习复习模块复习期末考试






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    新标准英语第八册重点单词1. machine机器 2. sir先生 3. potato土豆 4. glasses眼镜(复数) 5. anything任何东西 6. wait等待,等候 7. duck鸭子 8. grass草地 9. silence安静 1......


    新标准英语3A-6A单词分类 1. 数字Number 基数词:one1two2 three3 four4five5 six6seven7 eight8 nine9 ten10 eleven11 twelve12thirteen13 fourteen14 fifteen15 sixteen16......


    小学新标准英语第七册单词表(一年级起点)不久 告诉 仍 4月 舞蹈 也 美国人 昨天 打扫 完成 洗 脏的 学习国庆节 发明 纸 重要的 印刷术 印刷 自行车 (过去式)go去 长城 (过去式)s......


    《第一册》单词表 1.再见 2.再见 3.你好 4.嗨 5.我是 6.一个 7.下午 8.鸟 9.男孩 10.女孩 11.好的 12.早晨.上午 13.我的 14.名字 15.熊猫 16.是什么 17.八 18.五 19.四 20.......


    新标准英语(三年级起点)第七册教材分析 墙南中心学校刘婷婷一. 教材的总体分析 本册教材包含十个新授模块和一个复习模块。每个模块又分为两个单元。第一单元主要是以课文(对话......


    一年级下M1 ~~~M10单词和功能语句 一. 单词: elevenHow manytwelveorangemanybirdlet’streeknowothersoricenoodlesmeatsweets childrenice cream fathermotherdoctorfriendc......


    新标准英语第八册重点单词1. 机器 2. 先生 3. 土豆 4. 眼镜(复数) 5. 任何东西 6. 等待,等候 7. 鸭子 8. 草地 9. 安静 10. 困难的 11. 选择 12. 昂贵地 13. 完美的 14. 便宜的......


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