第一篇:英语论文开题报告 111
Research Proposal
The Use of Body Language in English Teaching
By Zheng Shali
As everyone knows,body language plays a very important role in communication,as well as the most common ways in English teaching.Traditional English teaching always focus on language itself,mostly,students are required to remember language and learn grammer,which result in “dumb english”.Nowadays,body language has been put on agenda.we need it promote English learning and application
Body language is an important media through which people communicate
with each other.It refers to the patterns of facial expressions and gestures that people use to express their feelings in communication.In English education,body language has been widely used for different purposes.The teacher who can combine body language with verbal language in class will largely improve teaching effects.this reflect in several aspects,including help well organize classroom order and enhance teaching atmosphere and promote mutual communication.Teachers’graceful body languge will have a good influence on students, teachers in high spiritual in classroom will arouse students’interests,on contralry,a serious look will upset students.what’s more,as teachers are usually respected, what or how the teachers say and do will be possibly imitated by the students(sometimes subconsciously).In a word, teachers' graceful body language helps to improve the students' artistic-appreciation and moral character.In this sense,the teacher play an example role.Body language is also a very useful tool tohelp deliever difficult
knowledge for teachers.Sometimes,it is very hard to explain theory knowledge,but body language can change the theoretic and abstraction knowledge into the vivid, dramatic and an accessible gestures,which is more specific and figurative and much easier for students to understand and absorb.As a result, the students' interest is
motivated and the effect of teaching is greatly improved.Outline
2.1 The content of body language
In this part,I will give the most common body language used in english
classroom,and I will mainly foucus on three kind of body language:Eye
contact,guestures and body moements
2.2The necessity and advantages of using body language in English teaching In this part, I will list four advantages-----figurativeness, mnemonic, imitatative, and extensive communicative of body language in English teaching and some examples will given to show the effective that body language proper used in improving the teaching effect and the students' ability.2.3 The concrete application of the body language in English class
I will analyze how body language should be applied to teaching, and what
should be noticed when teacher use body language in front of students.2.4 conclusion
minutes in class is very precious and should be cherished, to exert the limited time, the use of body language is very essential which can not only help student to
learn body language and its culture,but also deliver teachers’ requirements vividly and complement what is to teach.so teachers should try to teach in english from the
beginning to the end, together with the corresponding body language.In the end, the students' ability of English will be certainly and greatly improved.References
[1] Hu Chundiao, The English Teaching and Learning Methods[M].Higher Education Press, 1990
[2] Liu Yongfa, Liu Xuan'en, The Practical Body Language[M].Hua Wen Press, 1997
[3] Wu Zongjie, Readings for Applied Linguistics and Language Teaching[M].Zhejiang Teachers' University, 1998
[4]Hofstede G.(2001).Culture's Consequence.London: Sage Publications.[5]Trompenaars F.(1993).Riding the Waves of Culture: Understanding Cultural Diversity in Business.London: The Economist Books.[6]Trompenaars F.and Hampden-Turner C.(1997).Riding the Waves of Culture: Understanding Cultural Diversity in Business.London: Nicholas Brealey1.[7 ]赳赳、Jonathan J.Webster:叙述文中名词回指分析,《语言教学与研究》1999年第4期。
论文题目the Application and Innovation
of Gothicism in Wuthering Heights
长时期以来, 人们视艾米莉•勃朗特为英国文学中的“斯芬克斯”。关于她本人和她的作品都有很多难解之谜, 许多评论家从不同的角度、采用不同的方法去研究, 得出了不同的结论, 因而往往是旧谜刚解, 新谜又出, 解谜热潮似永无休止。
本文立足于欧美文学中的哥特传统研究《呼啸山庄》的创作源泉, 指出艾米莉•
勃朗特在主题、人物形象、环境刻画、意象及情节构造等方面都借鉴了哥特传统, 同时凭借其超乎寻常的想象力, 将现实与超现实融为一体, 给陈旧的形式注入了激烈情感、心理深度和新鲜活力, 达到了哥特形式与激情内容的完美统一, 使《呼啸山庄》既超越了哥特体裁的“黑色浪漫主义”, 又超越了维多利亚时代的“现实主义”, 从而展现出独具一格、经久不衰的艺术魅力。
各民族的文学中都有许多惊险、恐怖的故事, 但似乎没有哪一种文学像英美文学那样不仅创作出数量众多、质量优秀的恐怖文学作品, 而且还形成了一个持续发展、影响广泛的哥特传统(Gothic tradition)。哥特文学现在已经成为英美文学研究中的一个重要领域。对哥特文学的认真研究开始于20 世纪二三十年代, 到70 年代以后, 由于新的学术思潮和文学批评观念的影响, 该研究出现了前所未有而且日趋高涨的热潮。根据在国际互联网上的搜索, 到2000 年9月为止, 英美等国的学者除发表了大量关于哥特文学的论文外, 还至少出版专著达184部, 其中1970 年以后为126 部, 仅90 年代就达59 部, 几乎占总数的三分之一。当然,近年来哥特文学研究的状况不仅在于研究成果迅速增加, 更重要的是它在深度和广度方面都大为拓展, 并且把哥特传统同英美乃至欧洲的历史、社会、文化和文学的总体发展结合起来。
研究的基本内容:本文立足于欧美文学中的哥特传统研究《呼啸山庄》的创作源泉, 指出艾米莉•
勃朗特在主题、人物形象、环境刻画、意象及情节构造等方面都借鉴了哥特传统, 同时凭借其超乎寻常的想象力, 将现实与超现实融为一体, 给陈旧的形式注入了激烈情感、心理深度和新鲜活力, 达到了哥特形式与激情内容的完美统一, 使《呼啸山庄》既超越了哥特体裁的“黑色浪漫主义”, 又超越了维多利亚时代的“现实主义”, 从而展现出独具一格、经久不衰的艺术魅力。
预期的结果(大纲): 1.A Survey of Gothic
1.1 Definition of Gothic
1.2 the Origin of Gothic Novels
1.2.1 Historical Reasons Folklore in Germantic Nationality Drama in the Renaissance the Bible and Legends in Christianity
1.2.2 Development of the Novel Itself Challenge of Romanticism to Rationalism Sublime and Beautiful 2.Emily‟s Gothic Heritage
2.1 Theme
2.1.1 Good and Evil
2.1.2 Revenge
2.2 Characters Description
2.2.1 Villain-hero
2.2.2 Delicate Young Girl
2.3 Atmosphere, Environment and Plot
2.3.1 Terror
2.3.2 Mystery
2.3.3 Supernatural 3.Emily‟s Gothic Innovation
3.1 Combination of romanticism and Realism
3.1.1 Change of the Background
3.1.2 Use of Symbolism
3.1.3 Stream of Consciousness
3.1.4 Illusion and Subconsciousness
3.2.Description of Figure Emotion and Psychology Reference 2.拟采用的研究方法
主要有资料查找、理论探讨研究、阅读法 3.研究所需条件和可能存在的问题
三、研究进度安排、参考文献及审查意见 1.研究进度安排
[1] Bronte, Charlotte.1907.Charlotte Bronte‟s preface to the second edition, Wuthering Heights.London: J.M.Dent Sons Ltd.p.20.[2] Gerin, Winifred.1971.Emily Bronte [M].New York: Oxford University Press.[3] Marie, Mulvey-Roberts.ed.1998.The handbook to gothic literature [A].New York: New York University Press.p.83.[4] Punter, David.1980.The Literature of Terror [M].London: Longman.p.6.[5] 方平.1993.希望在人间?论〈呼啸山庄〉(《呼啸山庄》译序)[M].上海译文出版社.第24页.[6] 盖斯凯尔夫人.2000.夏洛蒂•勃朗特传[M].张淑荣等译.北京: 团结出版社.第11?12页.[7] 肖明翰.2001.英美文学中的哥特传统[J].外国文学评论第3期.[8] 鲜于静.2003.神秘和怪诞的魅力??福克纳小说《八月之光》的哥特艺术研究[MA].中国学位论文全文库.Introduction
The intention of this study is to explore possible advantages of Descriptive Translation Studies as in its application in translation practice and translation analysis.Since early 20th century, translation studies gradually broke away from the marginal status within other related disciplines and established itself as an empirical science.From then on, schools of thought have kept coming out and each claims its legitimacy for existence.Among these schools is Descriptive Translation Studies(DTS).DTS approaches translation from an empirical perspective.Translation is viewed to be a social activity having significant importance in the receiving culture and for the target community.Therefore, translation is dealt with beyond the linguistic realization and language comparison, and is incorporated in social and cultural context.My attention was first directed to DTS by its peculiar characteristic of observation, description and explanation.The subject is whatever happens in translation practice, from the determination of prospective function of translation to the process of translator‟s choice of strategies, brainstorming and the revision, to the final product making appearance in the target community.The method of DTS is basically descriptive.The prescriptive tendency and the problem-solution pattern is abandoned.Translation phenomena are noted down.With accumulated data, some underlying truths about translation will come out which will prove to be instructive not only for theoretical probe but also for applied translation practice.I will apply this descriptive method in the case study of this thesis.A convenient tool has been set up to conduct DTS.“Norm” is operative at every stage of description and explanation.Function, process and product and their relationship as well are skeletal structure of what constitute descriptive studies.Translation phenomena are accounted for with the help of norm.The case taken in this thesis is the Chinese classic The Dream of Red Mansions.Two English versions translated respectively by Yang Hsien-yi and David Hawks are compared and observations are made in regard to their translation approaches.In this regard, my observations are limited to several aspects, I hope in-depth observation and explanation will done in light of DTS.2 Outline 2.1 Development and major concepts of DTS In this part I will describe Holms‟ basic map of DTS and the relationship between function, process and product.I will also discuss some important concepts such as pseudo-translation, multiple translation, translationese, norm etc.2.2 Methodolgy I will in this part discuss the methodology of DTS before I apply the same to the case study in this thesis with emphasis to be placed on semiotic approach and the concept norm.2.3 DTS in contrast to other theories A contrast study will be conducted here with the objective to find the difference of DTS from other theories such as equivalence theory and the Chinese Xin Da Ya criteria.Some advantage will possibly be shown in this study.2.4 Case study In this part, translation of The Dream of Red Mansions(also translated as The Story of The Stone)will be under investigation in light of DTS.Translation samples to be quoted here will be selected at random.2.5 Conclusion Based on the above elaboration of DTS and the case study, possible conclusion will be on the advantage of DTS in specific study of translation.Suggestions on further research efforts will be made also.(Note: While the topic will remain the same, the above arrangement of contents is subject to change in the process of writing.)附录2-引文范例(仅供参考)“It is therefore pointless to try to make TC more scientific than is sensible in view of its complex subject-matter and available methods.Translating is a mental, multi-factorial activity which cannot exhaustively be investigated within a linguistic framework ignoring the person of the translator.”(Wilss, 1982: 217)
„“噢,这就是恐水病吧?你们贵族圈子怎么流行起这种病来啦?真够呛的!费芬斯小姐,您喝点茶大概没关系吧!”‟(张南峰,1990:59-60)附录3-参考文献范例(仅供参考)Wilss, Wolfram.The Science of Translation ? Problems and Methods.Gunter Narr Verlag Tubingen,1982.Newmark, Peter.A Textbook of Translation.New York: Prentice Hall, 1988.Delabastita, Dirk.Translating Puns: A false Opposition in Translation Studies.Target, 1991(3:2):137-152.张南峰(译).王尔德戏剧选.福州:海峡文艺出版社,1990.戴炜栋.构建具有中国特色的英语教学“一条龙”体系,外语教学与研究,2001(5)
附录4-封面范例(仅供参考)(中文)对外经济贸易大学硕士学位论文 论品牌名称翻译的特殊性 专 业: 研究方向: 作 者: 导 师: 写作时间: ? 对外经济贸易大学 英语学院(英文)
School of International Studies University of International Business and Economics Pragmatic Strategies in Advertising: Implicatures Wang Ying A thesis submitted to School of International Studies of University of International Business and Economics In partial fulfillment of the requirement For the degree of Master of Arts April 2002 Beijing, China
英语论文开题报告范文篇1论文题目:the Application and Innovation
1.A Survey of Gothic
1.1Definition of Gothic
2Emily’s Gothic Heritage
2.1.1Good and Evil
2.2Characters Description
2.2.2Delicate Young Girl
2.3Atmosphere,Environment and Plot
3.Emily’s Gothic Innovation
3.1Combination of romanticism and Realism
3.1.1Change of the Background
3.1.3Stream of Consciousness
3.1.4Illusion and Subconsciousness
3.2.Description of Figure Emotion and Psychology
2.拟采用的研究方法 主要有资料查找、理论探讨研究、阅读法
English idioms are an important part of the English vocabulary.The general tendencies of present-day English are towards more idiomatic usages.Halliday and Hason(1976)pointed out that there are three functions of English idioms(ideational function,interpersonal function and textual function).Another scholar,Fernando C.(1996),also made valuable contributions to the understanding of idiomatic expression_r of coherent text,and in the creation of stylistic effects.Chinese linguists like Hu Zhuanglin(1994,1996),Zhu Yongsheng(1995,1996,1997)and Zhang Delu(1994)mainly made contributions to the study of textual cohesion.课题研究目的:
This paper is firstly intended to define English idioms and analyze the features of them.It then explores the cohesive function after careful analysis and discussion,attempting to arouse the concern of using idioms appropriately and help readers make full use of the cohesive function for communicating more concisely and idiomatically,thus more effectively.课题研究内容:
As English idioms are much alive in everyday English,a close look at the function of idioms must be taken.This dissertation includes the following five aspects:
2.A General Study of English Idioms
2.1The Definition of English Idioms
2.2Features of English Idioms
3.Cohesive Function of English Idioms
3.2Functional Categories
3.3Cohesive Function of Relational Idioms
3.4Cohesive Function of Other Idioms
4.The Cohesive Function in Terms of Syntax And Pragmatics
4.1Syntactic Cohesion
4.2Pragmatic Function
January 22-March 10: question posing of the research and collection of materials March 11-March 25: analysis of the materials and writing of an outline
March 26-April 30: completion of the first draft and seeking supervisor’s advice May 1?June 10: refinement of the paper according to teacher’s suggestion
June 11—June 22: finalization of the thesis based on the set requirements after the defence
[1]Fernando,C.Idioms and Idiomaticity.Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2000
[2]Halliday,M.A.K.and R.Hason.Cohesion in English.Longman Press,1985
[3]Lakoff,G.and M.Johnson.Metaphors We Live By.University of Chicago Press,1980
[4]Makkai,A.Idiom Structure in English.The Hague Press,1972
the intention of this study is to explore possible advantages of descriptive translation studies as in its application in translation practice and translation analysis.
since early 20th century, translation studies gradually broke away from the marginal status within other related disciplines and established itself as an empirical science. from then on, schools of thought have kept coming out and each claims its legitimacy for existence. among these schools is descriptive translation studies (dts).
dts approaches translation from an empirical perspective. translation is viewed to be a social activity having significant importance in the receiving culture and for the target community. therefore, translation is dealt with beyond the linguistic realization and language comparison, and is incorporated in social and cultural context.
my attention was first directed to dts by its peculiar characteristic of observation, description and explanation. the subject is whatever happens in translation practice, from the determination of prospective function of translation to the process of translator’s choice of strategies, brainstorming and the revision, to the final product making appearance in the target community.
the method of dts is basically descriptive. the prescriptive tendency and the problem-solution pattern is abandoned. translation phenomena are noted down. with accumulated data, some underlying truths about translation will come out which will prove to be instructive not only for theoretical probe but also for applied translation practice. i will apply this descriptive method in the case study of this thesis.
a convenient tool has been set up to conduct dts. “norm” is operative at every stage of description and explanation. function, process and product and their relationship as well are skeletal structure of what constitute descriptive studies. translation phenomena are accounted for with the help of norm.
the case taken in this thesis is the chinese classic the dream of red mansions. two english versions translated respectively by yang hsien-yi and david hawks are compared and observations are made in regard to their translation approaches.
in this regard, my observations are limited to several aspects, i hope in-depth observation and explanation will done in light of dts.
英语论文开题报告1一、论文题目:classroom interaction and oral english teaching
英语论文开题报告2the intention of this study is to explore possible advantages of descriptive translation studies as in its application in translation practice and translation analysis.
since early 20th century, translation studies gradually broke away from the marginal status within other related disciplines and established itself as an empirical science. from then on, schools of thought have kept coming out and each claims its legitimacy for existence. among these schools is descriptive translation studies (dts).
dts approaches translation from an empirical perspective. translation is viewed to be a social activity having significant importance in the receiving culture and for the target community. therefore, translation is dealt with beyond the linguistic realization and language comparison, and is incorporated in social and cultural context.
my attention was first directed to dts by its peculiar characteristic of observation, description and explanation. the subject is whatever happens in translation practice, from the determination of prospective function of translation to the process of translator’s choice of strategies, brainstorming and the revision, to the final product making appearance in the target community.
the method of dts is basically descriptive. the prescriptive tendency and the problem-solution pattern is abandoned. translation phenomena are noted down. with accumulated data, some underlying truths about translation will come out which will prove to be instructive not only for theoretical probe but also for applied translation practice. i will apply this descriptive method in the case study of this thesis.
a convenient tool has been set up to conduct dts. “norm” is operative at every stage of description and explanation. function, process and product and their relationship as well are skeletal structure of what constitute descriptive studies. translation phenomena are accounted for with the help of norm.
the case taken in this thesis is the chinese classic the dream of red mansions. two english versions translated respectively by yang hsien-yi and david hawks are compared and observations are made in regard to their translation approaches.
in this regard, my observations are limited to several aspects, i hope in-depth observation and explanation will done in light of dts.
中国一向是礼仪之邦,礼仪对每个中国人来说是非常重要的,无论是会见亲朋好友或者是在人与人的打交道上,都离不开礼仪。礼仪被认为是一个人道德修养的表现,一个人若毫无礼仪可言,那么他在学习或工作时都将不会很顺利,因为没有人愿意和这样一个人相处。 由于社交礼仪在我们的生活中扮演了越来越重要的角色,我在选课的时候就选修了社交礼仪这门课程。通过这一个学期的学习,我从老师那里学到了许多有关社交礼仪方面的知识,不仅拓宽了知识面,而且许多东西在我的日常生活和以后的工作中都有很大用处,比如商务礼仪。
人类最早的礼仪活动也就是礼仪萌芽时期,可以追朔到原始社会, 当时的礼仪较为简单和虔诚且不具备阶级性,礼仪的内容包括;制定了明确血缘关系的婚嫁礼仪;区别部族内部尊卑等级的礼制;为祭天敬神的制定的一些祭奠仪式;制定一些人们在相互交往时表示礼节表示恭敬的动作。
到欧洲中世纪,工业革命的出现 使得生产力空前的发展,欧洲各国开始逐步入资本主义,商业占据了社会经济的主导地位,资本家大量聚集了社会财富,新贵由此族诞生,资本家之间的商务往来与交际范围开始扩大,贵族之间定期的聚会则成为了重要的交际方式之一,在交际中所产生的礼仪日渐完善,由此,商务礼仪也正式形成。部分内容沿用至今。 2礼仪的含义及种类
2.礼仪的第二大类是社交礼仪。社交礼仪,顾名思义,就是指现代人际交往中流行的各种礼仪,如服务礼仪,商务礼仪,学校礼仪,职场工作礼仪等,它概括了在现代社交场合中各种礼仪行为。社交礼仪是指人们在人际交往过程中所具备的基本素质,交际能力等。社交在当今社会人际交往中发挥的作用愈显重要。通过社交,人们可以沟通心灵,建立深厚友谊,取得支持与帮助;通过社交,人们可以互通信息,共享资源,对取得事业成功大有获益。社交礼仪是指在人际交往和国际交往活动中,用于表示尊重、亲善和友好的首选行为规范和惯用形式。这一定义包含了以下几层意思:第一,社交礼仪是一种道德行为规范。规范就是规矩、章法、条条框框,也就是说社交礼仪是对人的行为进行约束的条条框框,告诉你要怎么做,不要怎么做。如你到老师办公室办事,进门前要先敲门,若不敲门就直接闯进去是失礼的。社交礼仪比起法律、纪律,其约束力要弱得多,违反社交礼仪规范,只能让别人产生厌恶[2],别人不能对你进行制裁,为此,社交礼仪的约束要靠道德修养的自律。 第二,社交礼仪的直接目的是表示对他人的尊重。尊重是社交礼仪的本质。人都有被尊重的高级精神需要,当在社会交往活动过程中,按照社交礼仪的要求去做,就会使人获得尊重的满足,从而获得愉悦,由此达到人与人之间关系的和谐。 第三,社交礼仪的根本目的是为了维护社会正常的生活秩序。没有它,社会正常的生活秩序就会遭到破坏,在这方面,它和法律、纪律共同起作用,也正是因为这一目的,无论是资本主义社会还是社会主义社会都非常重视社交礼仪规范建设。 第四,社交礼仪要求在人际交往、社会交往活动中遵守。这是它的范围,超出这个范围,社交礼仪规范就不一定适用了
随着我国加入WTO,国际贸易和对外交往将日益频繁,国家与国家之间、企业与企业之间、个人与个人之间,由于存在经济利益的协调,无时无处不需要谈判。出口商和进口商要消除分歧,达成一项公平的相互之间满意的交易,大多是通过商务谈判才能做到的。因此与外界交往合作的主要方式 —— 跨文化商务谈判在社会、政治、经济生活中的地位越来越重要。因此,和外商谈判打交道的时候,不要忽略一些看似微不足道的细节,那些都有可能是成败的关键。只有正确探悉、学习和熟悉不同国家的文化差异,意识到他们的重要性,才能更好地探讨商务谈判的策略,为最后谈判的成功奠定基础和提供理论依据。
2.1 语言和非语言差异的影响
2.2 思维方式差异的影响
2.3 价值观念差异的影响
3.1 树立跨文化的谈判意识
3.2 谈判前做好充足的准备
3.3 懂得谈判对方的语言
3.4 对待文化问题应持有的态度
11月11日 毕业论文动员大会
11月12日-12月1日 下达任务书
12月 2日-12月31日 确定论文题目
1月1日—1月31日 进行文献资料的收集、筛选、做读书笔记。
2月1日—2月28日 完成论文详细提纲,交指导老师修改,补充。
3月1日—3月30日 进行毕业论文初稿写作。
4月1日—5月19日 毕业论文修改。
5月20日—6月5日 毕业论文定稿、装订、答辩。