Let it be known that Mr.Wen Huang, native of Jiangsu Province, born on August 30, 1973, having specialized in Marketing in the Department of Economics & Management from Sept.1995 to July 1998 and having completed the four year undergraduate program with qualified standing, is hereby awarded this Certificate of Graduation.范例2:大学学位证书
This is to certify that Mr.Wen Huang, born in Jiangsu Province on August 30, 1973 has studied for 4 years(from Sept.1995 to July 1998)in the department of Economics & Management majoring in Marketing, has completed all the courses prescribed in the Teaching Program, and has passed all the exams necessary for graduation from Nanjing
University.Having fulfilled the requirements stipulated by the Academic
Degree Regulations of the People's Republic of China, he/she is awarded the degree of Bachelor of Business.温馨提示:专业的事情,交给专业的机构来完成。10年来,监审留学一直致力于留学文书的写作服务,已经帮助过无数留学生申请到理想的大学,擅长美国,加拿大,英国和澳洲的个人陈述和推荐信写作。如果您有写作方面的需求可以 联系QQ:970865017,按时交稿,绝不拖延,再也不用发愁。
Certificate of Master Degree University of Nanjing
We the undersigned hereby certify that Mr.Wen Huang having fulfilled the requirements of the Ordinances and Regulations of the University was by the University authority admitted to the Degree of Master of Business Administration at a Congregation held in the
University on July 14, 1999.博士学位证书依上述硕士学位证书类推!
Wuhan University of Technology武汉理工大学 Wuhan, Hubei, P.R.China中华人民共和国湖北武汉 将毕业证书的扫描件或复印件,缩放为原件的65%,粘贴在此处。
Date of Issue:
Certificate No.Student , female(male), born on ,was admitted to the major of this
University in September 2007.By June 2011, she(he)has
successfully completed all the courses required by the
four-year undergraduate program and earned enough credits.Thus, she(he)is allowed to graduate.President Zhang Qingjie
Wuhan University of Technology
Wuhan University of Technology武汉理工大学 Wuhan, Hubei, P.R.China中华人民共和国湖北武汉 将学位证书的扫描件或复印件,缩放为原件的55%,粘贴在此处。
Certificate for Degree of Bachelor
Date of Issue:
Certificate No.female(male), born on , has
successfully completed all the courses required by the
undergraduate program of the major of
Wuhan University of Technology, and has been allowed to
graduate.In accordance with the Regulations on Academic
Degrees of the People’s Republic of China, she(he)is
conferred the Bachelor degree of.Zhang Qingjie
Chairman of Degree Evaluation Committee
Wuhan University of Technology
(2010)E Hongxing Zheng Zi Nr.5159
Hiermit beglaubigt das Notariat die Übereinstimmung der vorstehenden Kopie mit dem Original der Urkunde für den akademischen Grad Bachelor, die mit Urkunde-Reg.-Nr: 123456789 zum XX von XX Universität XX im 30.Juni.2009 vergeben wurde.Die Sicherheit des Prägestempels, des Siegels und der Unterschrift des Rektors & Präsidents der Bewertungskommission für akademische Grade XXX im Original ist bestätigt worden.Die deutsche Übersetzung der vorstehenden Kopie übereinstimmt auch mit chinesichem Original.Notariat Wuhan Hongxing Im Hubei Provinz Der VR China
Notar: LI Jianjun
Den 19.Oct.2010
(2010)E Hongxing Zheng Zi Nr.5162
Hiermit beglaubigt das Notariat die Übereinstimmung der vorstehenden Kopie mit dem Original des Abschlusszeugnises, das mitUrkunde-Reg.-Nr: 123456789 zum XX von der XX Mittelschule der XX Stadt im Den 8.Juni.2005 vergeben wurde.Die Sicherheit des Prägestempels der Mittelschul und der Unterschrift des Rektors XX im Original ist bestätigt worden.Die deutsche Übersetzung der vorstehenden Kopie übereinstimmt auch mit chinesichem Original.Notariat Wuhan Hongxing Im Hubei Provinz Der VR China
Notar: LI Jianjun
Den 19.Oct.2010
Full-Time General Senior Middle School of Anhui Province
Graduation Certificate
Maanshan Hongxing Middle School Dangtu Branch(Seal)
Name of school: Maanshan Hongxing Middle School Dangtu Branch Graduation Certificate(2009)Z No.XXXXXXXXX
This is to certify that student XXXXX, female, a native of Jiangsu Province, born in XXXX, studied in the senior section of this school(Length of schooling is three years.)and has completed all the required credits and courses with qualified examination results of school work level and qualified integral quality evaluation.XXXX satisfies all the qualifications for graduation.Headmaster: XXXX(Seal)
May 30, 2009
Graduation Certificate
Supervised by the Education Department of Anhui Province Maanshan Hongxing Middle School(Seal)
Special Seal for Graduation Certificate of General Senior Middle School of the Education Department of Anhui Province(Steel Seal)Name of school: Maanshan Hongxing Middle School Graduation Certificate(2007)Z No.416020297
This is to certify that student Tang Linwei, female, born in Feb.1989, at Wuwei County, Anhui Province, studied in the senior section of our school(Length of schooling is three years.)and has completed all the required courses with qualified ideological moral character, qualified study results of all subjects and qualified results of physical education.Tang Linwei satisfies all the qualifications for graduation.Headmaster: Qi Yongmin(Seal)
Apr.30, 2007
Remarks: E---Excellent;G---Good;P---Pass;Q---Qualified
Graduation Certificate
Supervised by the Education Department of Anhui Province Maanshan Hongxing Middle School(Seal)
Special Seal for Graduation Certificate of General Senior Middle School of the Education Department of Anhui Province(Steel Seal)Name of school: Maanshan Hongxing Middle School Graduation Certificate(2007)Z No.416020126
This is to certify that student Liu Ming, male, born in Oct.1989, at Maanshan City, Anhui Province, studied in the senior section of our school(Length of schooling is three years.)and has completed all the required courses with qualified ideological moral character, qualified study results of all subjects and qualified results of physical education.Liu Ming satisfies all the qualifications for graduation.Headmaster: Qi Yongmin(Seal)
Apr.30, 2007
Remarks: E---Excellent;G---Good;P---Pass;Q---Qualified