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初三(上)期末复习—— 各单元句型、短语


1.sing along with伴随...歌唱 15.to be honest老实说,说实在的2.dance to the music随音乐起舞16.get together聚会

3.get sth.for sb./ get sb.sth.为…买… 17.be bad for对…有害

4.remind sb.of sth.使……记起,想起 18.take care of照顾

5.be important to sb.对...重要 19.stay away from与……保持距离

6.look for寻找 20.be in agreement意见一致…

7.have a few good features 有一些好的特点 21.over the years这些年

8.be sure to do sth.一定要做 22.on display展览;陈列

9.see sb.do sth.看见某人做某事 23.world class世界级的10.make sb.adj.使得某人… 24.a group of一群;一组

11.prefer …to比起……更喜欢… 25.too much太多

12.go on vacation 去度假 26.even if即使

13.feel sick感觉不舒服 27.a balanced diet均衡的饮食


1.Rosa喜欢既安静又轻柔的音乐。Rosa likes music that’s quiet and gentle.2.你喜欢什么种类的音乐?What kind of music do you like?

3.我喜欢我可以和着唱的音乐。I like music that I can sing along with.4.我们更喜欢有很好的歌词的音乐。We prefer music that has great lyrics.5.我喜欢自己写歌词的歌手I love singers who write their own music.6.你为什么喜欢这张CD?Why do you like this CD?

7.我喜欢古典音乐胜过流行音乐。I prefer classical music to pop music.8.有很多人们及乡村的好照片。There are many great photos of people and of the countryside.9.一些人们说它们乏味枯燥,但是其他的人说它们很棒。Some people say they’re boring, but others say they are great.10.那个男人使我想起了我的英语老师。That man reminds me of my English teacher.11.我们正在找一个度假的安静之地。We are looking for a quiet place to go on vacation?


I love eating ice cream on a hot day.There’s nothing better.13.我不能忍受汉堡。它们使我感到恶心。I can’t stand hamburgers!They make me feel sick.14.我喜欢能演奏各种各样音乐的音乐家。I like musicians who play different kinds of music.15.你近期听了什么CD?What CD did you listen to recently?

16.你认为这张CD如何? What do you think of this CD?


1.would like to do sth。想做某事

2.go on vacation去度假

3.hope to do/ hope + that…希望做……

4.answer the phone / the questions

接电话 / 回答问题

5.take messages传话,带话

6.depend on视…而定,取决于7.take a trip去旅行 8.provide sb.with sth./ sth.for sb.为某人提供…… 9.save money省钱 10.be away离开,远离 11.take part in参加 12.be willing to do乐意(做某事)13.hold on to坚持;保持,继续,14.come true实现;到达 23.as soon as possible尽快地

15.dream of sth./ doing sth.梦想,向往 24.so that以便,为了

16.some day / one day有朝一日,总有一天 25.according to根据,按照

26.quite a few相当多;不少

18.for example例如 27.on the one hand …一方面

19.in general通常,大体上,一般而言 28.on the other hand另一方面

20.this time of year一年中的这个时候 29.go + doing去做什么事情

21.in the future将来 30.consider doing 考虑做某事

22.thousands of数以千计的,许许多多的1.What about sth / doing sth.?(做)某事怎么样?

Why don’t we do…?为什么我们不做...Why not do…?为什么不做...2.你想参观哪里? Where would you like to visit?

3.我想去能放松的地方。I’d like to go somewhere relaxing.4.希望有一天我能去法国。I hope to go to France some day.5.我想去参观墨西哥。I’d love to visit Mexico.6.我喜欢人们友好的地方。I love places where the people are friendly.7.我喜欢温暖的地方。I like places where the weather is always warm.8.你能给我提供一些关于交换学生计划的信息吗?

Could you provide me with information about student exchange programs?


My mother is going to cook Beijing Duck tonight.Would you like to come for dinner?

10.我打算攒些钱去买一辆新自行车。I’m saving my money so I can buy a new bicycle.11.上海每年的这个时候冷。如果去那里,你需要带一些厚衣服。

Shanghai is cold this time of year.You need to pack warm clothes if you go there.12.至于下一个假期,为什么不考虑去巴黎呢?For your next vacation, why not consider visiting Paris?

13.乘出租车环游巴黎会花很多钱,但乘地铁去大多数地方却很方便。Traveling around Paris by taxi can cost

a lot of money, but it’s usually convenient to take the underground train to most places.14.巴黎是法国的首都。Paris is the capital o France.15.除非你自己说法语,否则你就要和一个为你作翻译的人一起去旅游。

Unless you speak French yourself, it’s best to travel with someone who can translate things for you.Unit 8

1.clean up(把…)打扫干净,(把…)收拾整齐

2.cheer up鼓励, 使振奋,使高兴起来

3.give out / hand out分发,发放

4.give away捐赠

5.need to do…需要做…;有必要做…

6.put off(sth / doing sth)推迟(做某事/ 某事)

7.put up张贴,搭建

8.set up建立,创立,开办

9.call up打电话给…

10.fix up修理,修补

11.think up想出

12.come up with sth想出,提出13.write down sth.写下;记下 14.volunteer time to do sth花时间做志愿工作 15.put … to good use把…投入使用 16.plan to do…计划做… 17.coach a soccer team训练足球队 18.start a club建立俱乐部 19.run out of用完,耗尽 20.take after sb遗传某人 21.be similar to与……相似 22.ask for要;要求;请求 23.work out产生结果;发展;成功 24.hang out闲逛

25.not only… but also不但……而且…… 32.help sb.Out帮助(某人)解决困难

26.make money赚钱;挣钱 33.a professional singer职业歌手

27.offer sth.for sb.为…提供… 34.disabled people残疾人

28.be able to do sth.能做…… 35.a friend of mine我的(一个)朋友

29.fill with充满;填满 36.because of由于

30.face challenges面对挑战 37.at once马上,立刻

31.spend time doing…花时间做… 38.two weeks from now距现在还有两周1.not only…but also不仅...而且...不仅我对于帮助其他的人们感觉很好,而且我得到了去花时间做我喜爱做的事。

Not only do I feel good about helping other people, but I get to spend time doing what I love to do.2.Thanks for dong sth.(为)做...事而表达谢意。


I’d like to thank you for sending money to “Animal Helper”.3.Being a volunteer is great.(非谓语动词)动词作主语要变成动名词形式。

Volunteering is great.做志愿是很棒的。

3.…make it adj.for sb.to do sth.使做某事对于某人而言....你已经帮助了使我拥有“幸运”成为可能。

You have helped make it possible for me tohave “Luck”.5.他看上去很伤心。我们让他高兴起来吧.He looks sad.Let’s cheer him up.6.我们将要建立一家食物银行来帮助饥饿的人们.We are going to set up a food bank to help hungry people.7.我们需要提出一些想法.We need up come up with some ideas.8.我们将帮助打扫城市公园.We will help clean up the city parks.9.他花费每个周六上午在一所地方医院工作.(spend).He spends every Saturday morning working in an animal hospital.10.做这项志愿工作花费他们每个人一周几个小时的时间.(It takes…)

It takes each of them several hours a week to do this volunteer work.Each of them spends several hours a week doing this volunteer work.11.惠萍喜爱读书,并且她把这种爱好通过在她当地小学的课后关怀中心工作而得以很好的使用。

Huiping loves to read, and she puts this love to good use by working in the after-school care center at her local elementary school.12.同学们,请安静。我要发试卷了。Be quiet please, class.I’m going to give out your test papers.13.我的朋友想出了一个好主意。My friend came up with a great idea.14.我把一些衣服捐给了基金会,因为对我来说他们太小了。

I gave away some clothes to charity because they were too small for me.15.周末时,我喜欢和我的朋友到运动俱乐部逛逛。

On weekends, I like to hang out at the sports club with my friends.16.我们不能在推迟制定计划了。We can’t put off making a plan.Unit 9

1.be invented by sb.由(某人)发明

2.be used for doing用来做……

3.take a history class上历史课

4.change the style of…改变……的式样

5.be in a bad mood心情很糟糕

6.prefer…to比……更喜欢7.fall into落入;陷入 8.falldown跌倒;倒塌 9.knock into与……相撞 10.divide …into把……分成 11.teach sb.how to do…教某人如何做某事 12.throw…to投;扔;掷

13.dream of梦想;幻想;向往 21.over an open fire在(野外的)火上

14.adjustable heels可调节的鞋跟 22.by mistake弄错,搞错

15.battery-operated slippers电池供电的拖鞋 23.by accident偶然地

16.light bulb电灯泡 24.in this way用这种方法

17.microwave oven微波炉 25.according to根据

18.all day整天 26.up and down上上下下

19.in the end最后;结果 27.college students大学生

20.not…until直到……才 28.since then自从那时起

1.It’s adj(for sb.)to do sth.对于某人而言做某事是....It’s good / difficult to be a basketball player成为一名篮球运动员是好的/困难的。


The customer thought the potatoes weren’t thin enough顾客认为土豆还不够薄。

Mom added salt but it still wasn’t salty enough.妈妈加了盐但是它仍然不够咸。

3.make sb.adj.使某人+形容词

George wanted to make the customer happy.乔治想使顾客高兴。

4.汽车是什么时候发明的?When was the car invented?

5.汽车是1885年发明的。The car was invented in 1885.6.电动拖鞋是什么时候发明的?When were electric slippers invented?

7.(它们)是去年发明的。They were invented last year.8.他们是被谁发明的?Who were they invented by?

9.他们是由Julie Thompson发明的。They were invented by Julie Thompson.10.电灯泡有什么用途?What are light bulbs used for?

11.它们是用来在黑夜里照亮用的。They are used for seeing in the dark.12. 我不喜欢吃巧克力。它太甜了。I don't like eating chocolate.It tastes too sweet.13.妈妈加了盐,但还是不够咸。Mom added salt but it still wasn't salty enough.14.跟桔子比我还是喜欢柠檬。我喜欢酸味。I prefer lemons to oranges.I like the sour taste.15.她喜欢脆的饼干。它们又硬又干很容易碎。

She likes crispy cookies.They are hard, dry and easily broken.16.世界上最受欢迎的饮料是偶然发明的。

The most popular drink in the world was invented by accident?

17.茶叶直到1610年才传到西方。Tea wasn’t brought to the Western world until 1610.18.不久他决定尝尝这种热饮。Later he decided to taste the hot mixture.19.这样,世界上最受欢迎的饮品之一就诞生了。In this way, one of the world’s favorite drinks was invented.Unit 10

1.be late for迟到

2.break down停止运转,出事故

3.invite sb.to(do / a place)邀请某人…

4.show up出席;露面

5.stay up熬夜

6.have a test考试

7.set off激起;引起

8.stop doing停止做某事

9.sell out卖完;售光

10.get married结婚11.marry sb.娶、嫁 12.play a joke on sb.与某人开玩笑 13.say hello问好,打招呼 14.get in进入 15.get out of出来/ 出去 16.take a shower沐浴;洗澡 17.get dressed穿衣服 18.get to(school)到(校)19.go off(闹钟)发出响声;走开 20.wake up醒来

21.wait for sb.to do sth.等待(某人做某事)29.on tine准时

22.have some breakfast吃(点)早饭 30.hundreds of好几百,许许多多的23.run off跑掉;迅速离开 31.thousands of成千上万的24.come by从旁而过 32.both…and…两者都

25.give sb.a ride让某人搭个便车 33.a piece of一片;一块

26.come out出来;出版 34.a costume party化妆舞会

27.first of all首先 35.by the time到…时候

28.no wonder难怪

1.so…that太...以至于...Welles was so convincing that hundreds of people believed the story.Welles太自信了以至于成百的人们相信这个故事。

2.stop doing停止做某事

3.stop to do停下来去做某事

4.ask sb.to do sth.要求某人做某事。

He asked her to marry him.他要求她嫁给他。


By the time she got up, her brother had already gotten into the bathroom.6.她出门的时候,汽车已经离开。By the time she went outside, the bus had already gone.7.她进教室的时候,老师已经开始上课。

By the time she got to class, the teacher had already started teaching.8.当她到学校的时候,她意识到她把背包落在家里。

When she got to school, she realized she had left her backpack at home.9.我一直在等校车,但没来。后来我想起来今天是周六。

I was waiting for the school bus but it didn't come.Then I realized it was Saturday.10.今早我起晚了,我不得不匆忙到校。

I woke up late this morning.I had to really rush to get to school on time.11.今晚有一部好戏,但在凌晨一点。我不想熬夜到很晚。

There's a good TV show tonight but it's at 1:00 am.I don't want to stay up that late.12.邀请我去她的生日聚会。Sally invites me to her birthday party.Sally

13.Tom 打算早些来接我,但他一直没出现。Tom was going to meet me earlier but he didn't show up.14.你看起来很沮丧。You look stressed out.15.他直到他妈妈回来才完成作业。He didn’t finish his homework his mother came back.16.我不但觉得帮助别人的感觉很好,而且我能花时间去做我喜欢的事。

Not only do I feel good about helping other people, but I get to spend time doing what I love to do.17.他是中国最有名的摄影师之一。He is one of the best-known Chinese photographers.18.他有很多自行车要修理。He has a lot of bikes to fix up.19.不但你而且他想要参加英语俱乐部。Not only you but also he wants to join the English club.



Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?知识点


1.play the guitar 弹吉他

play the drums 敲鼓

play chess 下象棋

play the guitar well 弹吉他弹得好 2.speak English 说英语

speak well

fell well

tell sb.about sth.告诉某人关于某事

tell sb.to do sth.告诉某人做某事

tell a story 讲故事

say it in English 用英语说

don’t talk to him


3.want to do sth.=would like to do sth.想要做事

4.join the art club 加入艺术俱乐部



join us /sb加入我们

Join them in the computer game 加入他们的电脑组织游戏

5.be good with sb.和某人相处的好

be good for···对······有益处

be good at doing sth./ sth.= do well in doing sth.= do well in sth.···擅长做某事/擅长某事 6.help sb.with sth.帮助某人干某事(在某方面帮助某人)


help sb.to do sth.= help sb..doing sth./ sth.帮助某人干某事 need sb.to do sth.需要某人干某事

7.show sth.to sb.= show sb.sth.把某物给某人看

show作为名词为可数名词 8.be busy with sth./doing sth.忙于某事/忙于做某事/

9.or.多用于疑问句中表示 ”还是”, 表选择 Can you sing or dance?你会唱歌还是会跳舞? or.多用于否定句表示 ”也不”, I don’t like fish or eggs 我不会鱼也不喜欢鸡蛋.10.good/ well 的用法 good 只用作形容词,在be动词后面/ 放在名词前面

well一般作副词,放在动词后面 his drawing is good 他的画是好的 a good book 一本好的书

speak well

fell well 11.状导练 want sb.for …..因某事而招收

因某事而有求于某人 如: We want students for the school show.因学校演出而招收学生.She wanted him for computer problems.因计算机问题而有求与他。

12.make friends 交朋友

on the weekend在周末

every one +三单 /后面动词为第三人称单数

the Students’ Sports Center 学生运动中心

13.Also /too的用法 Also用于句中,助动词(do)be动词(do)情态动词(can)之后,实义动词前, too用于句末,前面用,隔开

14.情态动词 can +动词原形

回答Yes, I can.或No, I can’t.二.重点句型

1.— Can you play the guitar? 你会弹吉他吗?

—Yes, I can.是的,我会。—No, I can’t.不,我不会。2.—What club do you want to join?

—I want to join the art club.你想参加什么俱乐部?我想加入艺术俱乐部。3.What can you do? 你会干什么?

4.You’re very good at telling stories.你非常擅长将故事。5.Are you good with old people? 你和老人相处的好吗? 6.They can tell you stories, and you can make friends.他们可以给你讲故事,你也可以和他们交朋友。

7.Then we need you to help with sports for English-speaking students.那么我们需要你来帮助那些在做运动的讲英语的同学。8.Can you play the piano, the trumpet, the drums or the guitar? 你会弹钢琴、吹喇叭、敲鼓还是会弹吉他?

9.Do you have time on the weekend? 你在周末有时间吗?

10.Please call Zhang Heng at 622-6033.请给张恒打电话拨打622-6033。

Unit 2 What time do you go to school? 知识点


go to bed 上床睡觉

go to work 去上班

get up 起床

get up late/early起床早/晚

get dressed 穿上衣服

get to 到达

区别:go home 回家(强调动作,还没到了)

get home 到家(强调状态,已经到了)go to school 去上学(强调动作,还没到了)get to school 到校(强调状态,已经到了)take a shower 洗淋浴 take a walk /have a walk散步

take a/an +名词


brush teeth 刷牙

on school nights 上学日的晚上 what time 什么时间

in our group 在我们组

healthy habit 好习惯

eat /have breakfast 吃早饭

for half an hour 持续半小时

on the weekend

on weekends 在周末

in the morning/ afternoon/ evening 在上午/下午/晚上

at night /noon在晚上/中午

lots of=a lot of /many/ much许多,大量 区别记住:many可 much不可 lots of可不可

radio station 广播电台

be late for=arrive late for 迟到

play computer games 玩电脑游戏

put on 穿衣服 walk to 走路去

drive to开车去

from …to …从……到…… 2.ask sb.to do sth./ ask sb.doing sth.叫某人做某事 3.like to do sth./ like doing sth.喜欢做某事

3.That tastes good / That looks good / That sounds good.Taste/ look/sound作为半系动词后面+形容词,同be+形容词 This is a very interesting book=The book is very interesting

这本书是有趣的.4.What about / How about 怎么样+名词

/+代词宾格 /+动词的ing 如:What about / How about this book?

What about me /them?

What about playing basketball ? 5.either…or… 要么…要么…连接2个主语时,谓语动词与最近的主语保持一致,就近原则。如:Either you or he is right?

单独either,一般用于否定句的句末,表示也不 6.life:生活,生命, 作为生命可数名词 复数:lives 7.乘坐交通工具: take a/the bus=by bus=on bus

take a/the car=by car =in car Ride one’s bike= by bike =on bike

walk to school=go to school on foot步行去上学 on the school bus= take the school bus乘坐校车

8.区别时表时间的词 at + 具体时间点


on + 具体日期


in + 时间段(月份/季节/年等)在某月/某季节/某年 如: 六点15: a quarter past six 7.need sb.to do sth.9.表时间的 past(过)与to(差)的用法

时间过半用to ,半及半以内用past

6点45: a quarter to seven 需要某人做某事


1.—What time do you usually take a shower? 你经常几点洗澡? —I usually take a shower at six forty.我经常六点四十洗澡。

7.I don’t have much time for breakfast, so I usually eat very quickly.我没有很多的时间吃早餐,所以我总是吃得很快。

8.After school, I sometimes play basketball for half an hour.放学后,我有时候会打半个小时的篮球。9.In the evening, I either watch TV or play computer games.在晚上,我要么看电视要么玩电脑游戏。10.At twelve, she eats lots of fruit and vegetables for lunch.在十二点吃中餐时,她吃很多的水果和蔬菜。11.She knows it’s not good for her, but it tastes good.她知道这对她不好,但是冰激凌真的很美味。12.I have a very healthy life.我的生活很健康。13.Here are your clothes.给你我的衣服。

Unit 3 How do you get to school? 知识点


1.take the subway 乘地铁

take the train 坐火车

leave for 到…地方去;离开去某地

think of 想到;想起how far 多远

be different from和…不同

between t… and


leave village 离开村庄 be afraid 害怕

be like像


there be(is/are)有

some of


take sb.to school 把某某 带去什么地方(学校)bring to 带来

How far多远

How long多长时间

bus station


five years old五岁

five-year-old五岁的 2.It takes sb.+时间 to do sth.花费某人某些时间去做某事 如:It takes me half an hour to go to school 3.It's easy for sb.to do sth.做某事是很容易的 对某人来说 = 对某人来说做某事是很容易的It's+形容词 for sb.to do sth

做某事是„„的对某人来说 如:It is easy for me to do homework。做作业是很容易的 对我来说 4.It's one’s dream to do sth..做某事是某人的梦想

如:It is their dream to have a bridge.Can their dream come true?

他们的梦想就是能拥有一条桥。他们的梦想能实现吗? 5.sb.live +距离 from school 某人居住多远离学校 6.there be(is/are)+名词有两个时,be动词选用按就近原则

There are some eggs and milk on the desk.有一些鸡蛋和牛奶在桌子上 7.thank you 谢谢你

thanks for +所感谢的内容

Thank you=Thanks for your help.=Thank you for helping me 谢谢你的帮助

为„„。而感谢 8.what do you think of +sth./doing sth 你认为某事(做某事)怎么样? what do you think of joining us?(你认为加入我们怎么样? 9.be afraid of +sth./doing sth

be afraid to do sth 害怕去做某事


1.—How do you get to school? 你怎么去上学?

—I ride my bike / take the train / take the bus / take the subway / ride a bike.我骑自行车/坐火车/坐公交/坐地铁/骑自行车。

2.—How far is it from your home to school? 你家离你学校有多远?

—I’m not sure…it’s about 10 kilometers.我不确定,大概十公里。

It 's about five minutes' walk from home to school.大约5分钟的路程去学校

3.—How long does it take you to get to school? 你去上学要花多久的时间?

—It takes about 15 minutes by bike.骑自行车大概15分钟。

4.Mary lives about five kilometers from school.玛丽的家离学校有五公里。

5.He needs about 10 minutes to get to school.他上学需要十分钟。

6.Do you go by bus or by train?

你是坐公交还是坐火车?(注意or的用法,第1课第9点)8.There is a big river between their school and the village.在学校与村庄之间有一条大河。

9.There is no bridge and the river runs too quickly for boats.哪儿没有桥,而且河流太湍急不适合驾船。

10.So these students go on a rope way to cross the river to school.所以这些学生通过索道过河去上学。I don't know how far it is.我不知道学校有多远

He is like a father to me= He is like a father for me.他对我来说就像一个父亲,Unit 4 Don’t eat in class知识点


1.on time准时

in time及时

every day每一天

eat outside 在外面吃

music players音乐播放器

wear school uniforms穿校服

(wear强调状态)put on school uniforms 穿上校服(put on强调动作)go out

外出 school rules 学校规章制度

follow the rules遵守规章制度

make rulers 制定制度

break the rulers 打破制度learn to do sth学会做某事

make rulers to do sth制定制度做某事

good luck 好运

too many jobs/ too much work太多的工作(可数/不可数)fight with sb 和某某打架

be(keep)quiet保持安静 make one's bed 整理某人的床铺

do one's homework 做某人的作业

clean one’s room打扫某人的房间 dining hall饭厅,餐厅

in class在课堂上

do the dishes洗餐具

do some shopping 购物 arrive late for class = be late for class 上课迟到

go to bed去睡觉(be in bed 在床上)on school days在上学期间

on school nights在校期间的晚上

practice doing sth 练习做某事

practice speaking English 练习说英语

think about仔细考虑 other 其他的others其他人

have a good time 玩得愉快

2.have to do sth.不得不做某事

have to(情态动词)+动词原形 否定式 don’t have to 3.祈使句 Don’t + 动词原形+其他,不要做某事。Don’t be late.不要迟做

Don’t talk不要说话.祈使句通常省略第二人称主语你(你们)4.be strict with sb.对某人要求严格

be strict in sth..对某事要求严格

5.arrive in +大地点arrive in chang sha arrive at+小地点arrive at school

arrive +副词arrive here/there 到这里/那里 6.Don’t talk.= No talking.不要说话

7.remember to do sth忘记做某事(还没做)

remember doing sth 忘记做过某事(已做)8.help sb.to do sth.= help sb..doing sth./ sth.帮助某人干某事 9.listen to music 听音乐(强调动作)

hear 听(听的结果)listen表示有意识地听、仔细听,,强调“听”的动作。如果跟宾语表示听什么,,要和to连用。

listen也可以单独,用来引起对方的注意使用.listen 与 hear基本同look 与 see用法


1.Don’t arrive late for class.You must be on time.上课不要迟到。你必须准时上课。

2.Don’t eat in the classroom.You must eat in the dining hall.不要在教室里吃饭。你必须在食堂吃饭。

2.Don’t listen to music in class.在课堂上不要听音乐。

3.It’s my first day at school.这是我上学的第一天。

4.This is a great school, but there are a lot of rules.这是一个很棒的学校,但是有很多的规则。

5.Can we bring music players to school? 我们能带音乐播放器到学校吗?

6.And we always have to wear the school uniform.我们不得不穿校服。

7.At my dream school, we don’t have to come to school every day.在我梦想的学校,我们不需要每天去学校。

8.There are too many rules.有太多的规则了。

9.Get up now and make your bed!现在就起床,然后整理被单。

10.My dad says I can’t play basketball after school because I must do my homework.我爸爸说放学后我不能去打篮球因为我必须得做家庭作业。

11.I must read a book before I can watch TV, but I have to go to bed before 10:00.看电视之前我必须得读书,但是十点之前我不得不去睡觉。

12.Parents and schools are sometimes strict, but remember, they make rules to help us.父母与学校有时候很严格,但是记住,他们制定规则是为了帮助我们。

Unit5 Why do you like pandas? 知识点


1.kind of 有几分,有点儿

如kind of interesting有点儿有趣

kinds of 多种

a kind of 一种

be from= come from 来自于

all day 整天

first flag 国旗

black and white 黑白相间

favorite animal 最喜欢的动物

get lost = be lost 迷路

for a long time 很长时间

places with food and water 有食物和水的地方

cut down 砍倒

cut down the trees =cut the trees down


如果中间是代词宾格,只能用cut +代词宾格+down

如cut them down

cut into half 切成两半

lose their homes 失去家园

South Africa 南非

friendly and smart 友好又聪明

I’m sure 的确,我确定

in(great)danger 处于(极大)危险之中

A symbol of …的象征

A symbol of good luck 好运的象征 Why don't=why not

why don't you go to school? =why not you go to school? 你为什么不去上学 … be made of 由„制成(从制成品的表面可以看出原材料)如… made of ivory由象牙制成的东西 be made from 由„制成(从制成品的表面不可以看出原材料)2.let sb.do sth.让某人做某事(注意:动词原形)

Let 's be quiet.Let us go to school.3.want to do sth..想要做某事

4.one of + the+名词复数


作主语时,谓语用单数。one of the boys is from south africa.男孩中的一个是来自非洲 5.forget to do sth..7.help sb..(to)do sth..忘记要做某事

forget doing sth..忘记做过某事


8.be friendly to sb..对某人友好

9.Isn’t she beautiful? 否定一般疑问句 难道不


Yes,she is 不,她很漂亮

NO, she isn’t 是,她不漂亮


Doesn't he like playing basketball? 难道他不喜欢打球吗? Yes, he does

NO,he doesn't 三.重点句型

1.—Why do you like pandas?

—Because they’re kind of interesting.你为什么喜欢熊猫?因为它们有点儿有趣。2.She’s kind of boring.她有点无趣 4.—Where are lions from?

—They’re from South Africa.狮子来自哪里?


5.The dog can walk on two legs.这狗可以用两条腿走路。

6.Elephants can walk for a long time and never get lost.大象能走很长时间并且从不迷路。7.They can also remember places with food and water.它们也能记住有食物和水的地方。8.But elephants are in great danger.但是,大象处于极大危险之中。

9.People cut down many trees so elephants are losing their homes.人们砍倒了许多树,因此大象渐渐失去它们的家园。10.Today there are only about 3,000 elephants(over 100,000 before)现在仅有大约3000头大象(之前超过10万头大象)。

11.We must save the trees and not buy things made of ivory.我们必须拯救森林并且不要买象牙做的东西。

Unit 6 I’m watching TV知识点


1.go to the movies 去电影院

make soup做汤

make dinner做晚饭

wash the dishes =do the dishes洗餐具

the Dragon Boat Festival 龙舟节,端午节

the boat races 划船比赛

the Dragon Boat races龙舟比赛

in a pool 在游泳池

in a river在河里

Not much 没什么

talk to 和…交谈

wish to do sth希望做某事

host family 寄宿家庭

I’d love / like to do sth..我愿意做某事 /非常乐意做某事

at school 在学校 listen to music 听音乐

live with sb 和某某一起居住

miss one’s family 想家

use the computer用电脑 any other + 可数名词单数 其他任何一个

join sb for sth 与某人一起做某事

watch read的用法

watch TV 看电视(一般用于看电视球赛)

read a newspaper 看报纸(用于读书,看报纸)

On 通过+使用的工具

talk on the phone 通过电话交谈

on the internet 通过互联网 Look与see的用法及区别

Look指集中注意力地看,是有意的,强调“看”的动作。单独使用时,用来引起对方的注意;如果跟宾语,要和at连用。例如: Look!Tom is over there.看!汤姆在那儿。

Look at the blackboard, please.请看黑板。

see强调“看”的结果,意为“看见、看到”。例如: How many birds can you see ?你能看到有多少只鸟儿?

用于打电话的介绍自已: 我是珍妮

This is Jenny.其他情况下还有 I’m Jenny 动词的现在分词的变化规律一般情况下,直接在动词后加-ing work----working sleep-----sleeping study-----studying 2 动词以不发音的-e结尾,要去-e加-ing take-----taking make-----making dance-----dancing 3 重读闭音节的动词,要双写词尾字母,再加-ing cut-----cutting put-----putting begin------beginning 4 以-ie结尾的动词,把变成y再加-ing lie-----lying tie-----tying die-----dying 三.重点句型

What + be+ 主语+ doing? 某某正在做什么?

主语+ be + doing sth 某某正在做某事。1.—What are you doing? —I’m watching TV.你在做什么?我在看电视。

4.—Are you doing your homework?

—Yes, I am./ No, I’m not.I’m cleaning my room.你在做你的家庭作业吗?是的,我在做。/ 不,我没有。我在打扫我的房间。5.Do you want to join me for dinner? 你想和我一起吃晚饭吗? 6.He’s talking on the phone to his cousin in Shenzhen.朱辉正在和他深圳的阿姨打电话。

7.Zhu Hui misses his family and wishes to have his mom’s delicious zongzi.朱辉思念他的家人并希望吃上他妈妈的可口粽子。

Unit 7 It’s raining知识点


1.play computer games 玩电脑游戏

at the park在公园

have a good time / have a great time / have fun / enjoy oneself 过得很愉快

take a message for sb 为某人捎个口信

leave a message 留个口信

some of …„„当中的一些

by the pool 在游泳池边

drink orange juice 喝橙汁

study hard 努力学习

on a vacation 在度假

in the mountains 在山里

write to sb..给某人写信

at sb’s home 在某某家

the weather in Beijing北京的天气

weather天气 不可数名词

just right 正好

take a photo/picture of 给„„拍一张照片

I’m so happy to do sth 我很高兴做某事

I’m sorry to do sth我很抱歉做某事

It’s easy for sb to do sth


How’ s it going with sb?

某人最近怎么样? every one +三单 /后面动词为第三人称单数(第一课就有)2.tell sb.(not)to do sth...告诉某人(不要)做某事

3.have a great(good)time +(in)doing sth= have fun +(in)doing sth


4.just right for doing sth...做某事正合适

5.关于天气的名词变形容词A在名词后面+y 如: snow-snowy下雪的;wind-windy有风的;rain-rainy下雨的 如果名词以重读闭音节结尾,且词尾只有一个辅音字母,应双写辅音母+y 如:sun-sunny阳光的;fog-foggy有雾的;

去e+y如:ice-icy 6.May I speak to sb? 我找某某


This is sb.我是某人.(接电话的人)Hello, is that Mary speaking? 你好,是玛丽在讲话吗?

Yes, Who’s this ? 你是谁 7.could 能、否的一般疑问句。如:Could you help me?

肯定回答:of couse 当然可以= no problem 没问题

否定回答:sorry,I can’t.8.relax是动词,使某人放松、使某人休息、使某人轻松.relaxed,形容词


主语为人.He is relaxed 他感到轻松.relaxing形容词 某事情令人轻松的,指某事某物


The song is relaxing.这首歌真令人轻松.call sb..back 给某人回电话

call sb..at给某人打电话

no problem 没问题

right now=at once 现在二、重点句型

1.How’s the weather in Beijing? 北京的天气怎么样? What’s the weather like in Beijing? 2.It’s cloudy.(形容词)/ It’s sunny.(形容词)/ It’s hazy.(形容词)/ It’s raining.(正在进行时)

/天气多云/ 天气晴朗 /雾霾天气 / 天正下雨

3.How’ s it going? 情况怎么样?

回答: It’s not bad.Great!好极了!/ Not bad.不错。/ Terrible!糟糕!Pretty good!相当好!Just so so。一般般。5.I’m playing basketball with some friends at the park.我正在公园里和一些朋友打篮球。6.Can I take a message for him? 我给他捎个口信好吗? 7.I’m having a great time visiting my aunt in Canada.我正在加拿大愉快地拜访我的姨妈。

8.I’m sitting by the pool and drinking orange juice.我正坐在游泳池旁边喝橙汁。9.My family and I are on a vacation in the mountains.我和我的家人正在山里度假。10.It’s hot in your country now, isn’t it? 现在你的国家天气炎热,不是吗?(同语文反问句)Unit 8 Is there a post office near here知识点


1.post office 邮局

police station 警察局

pay phone 付费电话

Bridge Street 桥街

Center street 中心大街

Long Street 长街

near here 附近

on„ street 在„么街上

across(副词)from 在„„对面

go across= walk across(介词)穿过=cross(动词)

next to 挨着,靠近

between… and… 在„„和„„之间

be far from 离„„远

go along… 沿着„„走

in front of 在„„(外部的)前面

in the front of 在„„(内部的)前面

如:老师在教室(内部)的前面 Can/May I help you? 我可以帮助你吗?

What can I do for you? 我能为你做些什么? excuse me 劳驾/打扰(多用于向别人询问事情时)turn right / left 向右 / 左转

on the right / left 在右边/左边

on one’s right 在某人的右边

in my neighborhood 在我的街区

at the first crossing.在第一个路口(注意第几个为序数词)look like 看起来像

in life 一生中

be free免费(有空)2.spend + time / money + on sth...花费时间/金钱在某事

花费时间/金钱做某事 spend + time / money(in可以省略)doing sth...sb.pay money for sth 某人支付多少钱买某物 /某人为某物支付多少钱 It takes sb.+时间 to do sth.花费某人某些时间去做某事

3.watch sb./sth.doing sth.观看某人/某物正在做某事

watch sb./sth.do sth.观看某人/某物正在做某事(省略to)4.enjoy doing sth...喜欢(享受)做某事

5.Is there提问的一般疑问句? 肯定回答—Yes, there is.否定回答:NO, there isn’t.There be结构主谓一致,即be动词的单复数形式由后面挨近的一项的决定.如.there is a book and three cats.有一本书和三只猫

there is some milk.有一些牛奶

There are some books.6.some any的运用 +接可不可名词, Some用于肯定句 any用于否定句及一般疑问句

作主语时谓语动词看名词的可不可 如some books +谓语动词用复数

some money+谓语动词用单数 7.the police, the family , the people等集体名词,当表示个体时,谓语用复数, 当表示整体时,谓语用单数, 但如The police are searching for him.警方在搜捕他.(这里指的是警察的个体,警察们)The family are watching TV.家里的人在看电视.(是强调里面的个体)

The family is a big one.这是个大家庭。这里是个整体

8.对多少进行的提问用How many How much的区别

How many+可数名词复数

How much+不可数名词 There is one child in the room.How many children are there in the room?(谓语用复数)There is some milk in the cup.How much milk is there in the cup?


1.Is there提问的一般疑问句? 肯定回答—Yes, there is.否定回答:NO, there isn’t.—Is there a hospital near here? 这附近有医院吗?

—Yes, there is.It’s on Bridge Street.是的,有。它在桥街上。

2.The pay phone is between the post office and the library.付费电话在邮局与图书馆之间。3.—Oh… where’s Center Street? 噢„„中心大街在哪里? —It’s not too far from here.它离这儿不太远。

4.There is a restaurant in front of the post office.在邮局前面有一家餐馆。5.Go along long Street and it’s on the right.沿着长街走,它在右边。6.Turn right at the first crossing.在第一个十字路口向右转。

7.I often exercise at the park because I love the clean air and sunshine.我经常在公园锻炼因为我喜欢那里新鲜的空气和阳光。

8.When I read books, time goes quickly!当我读书的时候,时光飞逝。

Unit 9 What does he look like ?知识点


1.look like 看起来像....curly /short/straight/long hair 卷/短/直发

go to the movies 去看电影 be of medium height/build 中等高度/身材

wear glasses 戴眼镜

sb.has long hair 某人留着长发

a big nose 大鼻子

a small mouth 小嘴巴

a round/long face 圆脸/长脸(这几个前面都有不定冠词a)

black hair 黑发(hair为不可数名词,没有复数形式)

big eyes 大眼睛(一般用复数形式)

a police artist 警察艺术家

a picture of the criminal 犯罪分子的画像

the same way 同样的方式 in the end 最后

at the end of…..在„„尽头

by the end of…..到„„为止

如:By the end of the holiday 到假期结束为止

first of all 首先

2、remember(forget)to do sth.记得(忘记)做某事

(没有做的)remember(forget)doing sth.记得(忘记)做过某事


3、bit 与little的用法

a bit =a little= a little bit =kind of(见第5课)+形容词或者副词

一点儿 ,有点儿„

如:This book is kind of interesting = This book is a bit interesting 这本书有点儿有趣

a little +不可数名词= a bit of 有一点点,少量,表肯定

We still have a little time.我们还有点时间

little +不可数名词


There is little time left.几乎没剩下什么时间了 a little +可数名词 表示小的a little dog 一只小狗

4、stop to do sth.停下来去做某事

stop doing sth.停止正在做的事情

have fun(in)doing sth.愉快地做某事


5、tall 与high的区别

how tall

how high 多高



跳得高,也可指空间位置或程度上的高,6、trousers, glasses, clothes, shoes, 等复数名词作主语时.谓语用复数.但如果这些名词前有a(the)pair of等量词修饰时.谓语动词用单数,two pairs of(2双及以上)用复数

My glasses are broken..My glasses are under the bed,a pair of glasses is under the bed

7、What does / do + sb + look like? „„长得什么样?

8、形容词变副词一般情况下直接+ly 如:real(真的)—really(真地)

different(不同的)— differently(不同地)

9、other(形容词):其他的,别的 二个中的另一个


others 是复数代词,泛指其他的人或物。

10、多个形容词修饰名词的顺序:限定描绘大(小)长(短)高(矮),形状年龄和新老,颜色国籍和材料,作用类别往后推 三.重点句型:

1.Is that your friend? No, it isn’t.那是你的朋友吗? 不,不是的。2.What does she look like? Is he short or tall? 他长什么样?是高还是矮? 3.She’s of medium height, and she has long straight hair.她中等身高,留着长而直的头发。

4.Does Sally have long or short hair? 莎莉是留着长发还是短发? 5.But I may be a little late.但是我可能会有点儿晚。6.Just meet him in front of the cinema first.先在电影院前面见他吧。7.They tell him what the criminal looks like.他们告诉他罪犯长什么样子。

8.Then Joe draws a picture of the criminal, and the police put it in newspapers and on television to find him.然后乔画出犯罪分子的画像,之后警察将画像放在报纸和电视上来找出犯罪分子。9.He wants to draw a good picture of each criminal, but this job is sometimes difficult.他想画好每一幅犯罪分子的画像,但是这项工作有时候很难。

10.Many people don't always see things the same way so they may describe the same person differently.许多人并不是用同一种方式看东西的,所以他们有时候对同一个人的描述也有所不同。

Unit 10 I’d like some noodles 知识点


1.would like 想要

take one’s order 点菜 = have one’s order

order form菜单

beef noodles 牛肉面


beef fish chicken 牛肉、鱼肉、鸡肉等肉类为不可数名词如 some beef一些牛肉 one large bowl of… 一 大碗……

what size 什么尺寸、多大

what kind 什么种类

I’m sure 我确定

mapo tofu with rice带米饭的麻婆豆腐

small / medium / large bowl 小/ 中/大碗

green tea 绿茶

orange juice 橘汁

around the world=all over the world=the whole world世界各地

birthday cake 生日蛋糕

blow out 吹灭

cut up 切碎

make a wish 许个愿望

in one’s go一口气

a symbol of long life 长寿的象征

bring good luck to sb..给某人带来好运

come true实现 get popular= be popular 受欢迎

be popular for因„„而受欢迎 be popular with在„„当中受欢迎

the number of + 名词复数 „„的数量,作主语时,中心词是number,谓语用单数如 The number of students is 2000 a number of+名词复数 大量的„„


2、would几个用法 1)would like + sth...想要某物

Would you like sth一般疑问句的回答: —Yes, please./ No, thanks.2)would like + to do sth...想要做某事

3)Would you like to do sth一般疑问句的回答: —Yes, I’d like to

否定回答:Yes, I’d like to,but I„„ 4)一些表示很委婉的疑问句中如Would you like some apples用some 不用any 3.Why don’t you + do sth...? 何不做某事?

4.名词作另一个名词的定语时,通常用单数 如:two girl(女孩作学生的定语)students 两个女学。但man,woman作定语时,与后面的名词形式保持一致。如:two men teachers两名男老师(men、teachers都是复数)5.if(如果)条件状语从句,主将从现(即主句将来时,从句现在时)we will go out if it stops snowing 三.重点句型

1.Are there any vegetables in the beef noodles? 牛肉汤里有蔬菜吗?

2.What kind of noodles would you like? 你想要哪种面条? 3.I’d like beef noodles, please.我想要牛肉面。4.May I take your order? 请问您可以点菜了吗? 5.What size would you like? 你想要多大的?

6.We ’d also like gongbao chicken and some mapo tofu with rice.我们还要宫保鸡丁和一些带有米饭的麻婆豆腐。

7.I’d like a medium bowl, please.我想要一份中碗的。

8.—Would you like a large bowl?

—Yes, please./ No, thanks.你想要一份大碗的吗?

是的,谢谢。/ 不,谢谢。

9.The answer would be different in different countries.在不同的国家答案是不同的。

10.The number of candles is the person’s age.蜡烛的数量是这个人的年龄。11.The birthday person must make a wish and blow out the candles.过生日的人要许个愿望并吹灭蜡烛。

12.If he or she blows out all the candles in one go, the wish will come true.如果他或她一口气吹灭所有的蜡烛,愿望将会实现。13.In China, it is getting popular to have cake on your birthday.在中国,在生日时吃蛋糕正变得流行。

14.They never cut up the noodles because the long noodles are a symbol of long life.他们从不切断面条,因为长面条是长寿的象征。

15.All of these birthday foods may be different, but the ideas are the same.所有的这些生日食品可能是不同的,但是想法是相同的。

16.They bring good luck to the birthday person.它们带给过生日的人好运。

Unit 11 How was your school trip知识点


1.go for a walk 去散步

take a walk /have a walk散步(第2课中学过的)fire station 消防站

2.milk a cow 挤牛奶

ride a horse 骑马

feed chickens 喂小鸡 Visit the museum 参观博物馆 climb a mountain爬山

(注意动词+名词时,名词前面用冠词a an the,要不就是有复数,但也有很多固定搭配前面是不用的,如打球,也还要注意名词是可数不可数情况.)5.talk with 与„„谈话

don’t talk to him 不要和他说话(第1课学)

Don’t talk不要说话.(第4课学习过的)6.take photos 拍照

7.quite a lot 相当多

8.Show sb around 带领某某参观 9.learn about 了解

13.in the countryside 在乡下

14.go fishing 去钓鱼

15.at night 在夜晚

16.a lot of 许多;大量(第2课学过)(注意of后面+可不可名词)

a lot 作副词,放在动词的后面 如 learn a lot 学到很多 eat a lot 吃了很多

17.come out 出来


18.go on a school trip 去学校郊游

on a school trip 在学校郊游中(固定搭配)21.buy sth..for sb..为某人买某物

.be interested in 对„„感兴趣

乘坐交通工具: take a/the bus=by bus=on bus

take a/the car=by car =in car(第2课学)

take a / the train 乘火车

(注意这些短语中by on in后面都没有a an the的)22.too many + 可数名词复数

too much +不可数名词

如: too many jobs /too much work太多的工作(第4课学)23.not… at all 根本不„„.all in all 总的来说

24.quite + a / an + 形容词+可数名词单数 = a + very + 形容词

+可数名词单数一个相当 / 很„„ 如 quite a interesting book = a very interesting book 相当有趣的书/一本有趣的书



(第2课学过 What about / How about 怎么样+名词

/+代词宾格 /+动词的ing)How was your school trip?你的学校旅行怎么样?(注意: 第7课的 How’s the weather in Beijing? 北京的天气怎么样? What’s the weather like in Beijing?)



1、一般情况下,动词词尾加-ed, 如:work—worked play—played want—wanted ask—asked

2、以不发音的-e结尾动词,动词词尾加-d, 如:live—lived move—moved taste—tasted

3、以“辅音字母+y”结尾的动词,把y改成i, 加—ed, 如:study—studied try—tried copy—copied carry—carried

4、重读闭音节动词,双写词尾辅音字母,再加—ed, 如:stop—stopped


is am—was are—were do—did have/has—had go—went meet—met come—came take—took steal—stole eat—ate fly—fliew run—ran see—saw say—said make—made find—found stand—stood sit—sat sing—sang drink—drank give—gave ring—rang swim—swam write—wrote ride—rode drive—drove

draw—drew grow—grew know—knew get—got forget—forgot

sweep—swept keep—kept sleep—slept speak—spoke break—broke

tell—told sell—sold buy—bought think—thought catch—caught teach—taught build—built can—could shall—should will—would 过去式与动词原形一样:let—let must—must put—put read—read


1.—Did you see any cows?

—Yes,I did.I saw quite a lot.你看到奶牛了么? 是的,我看到很多。

2.—Did you ride a horse? —No, I didn’t..But I milked a cow.你骑马了吗? 没有,但是我喂了奶牛。

3.The farmer showed Carol around the farm.农民带着卡诺参观了农场。

4.Carol picked some strawberries and took them home.卡诺采了一些草莓并带回了家。5.How was your school trip last week? 上周你的郊游怎么样?

6.I visited my grandparents in the countryside.我看望了我在农村的祖父母。7.How was the weather there? 那的天气怎么样?

8.It wsa great, and the air was so clean.天气好极了,并且空去是那么干净。9.We got there so fast by train.我们乘火车很快就到达了那里。

10.We saw some farms and villages along the way.沿途我们看到了一些农场和村庄。

11.At the museum, I learned a lot about robots.在博物馆,我了解了许多关于机器人的知识。

12.Then the guide taught us how to make a model robot.然后,导游教我们怎样制作一个机器人模型

13.After that, I went to the gift shop and bought some lovely gifts for my parents.后来,我去了礼品商店并为我的父母买了一些可爱的礼物。

14.All in all,it was an exciting day.总的来说,这事令人兴奋的一天。

15.Everything was about robots and I’m not interested in that.一切都是关于机器人的,我对那方面不感兴趣。

16.The rooms were really dark and it was difficult to take photos, so I didn’t take any.房间真的很暗而且拍照很难,因此我没有拍什么照。

Unit 12 What did you do last weekend知识点


1.do my homework 做作业

(第4课学do the dishes洗餐具)2.go to格式

如:go to the cinema 去看电影

go to the beach 去海滩

go to the library 去图书馆

go to sleep 入睡

3.go + doing 去做某事

如: go boating 去划船

go camping 去野营

go fishing 去钓鱼

go shopping 去购物

4.by the lake 在湖边

6.play badminton 打羽毛球

7.visit my grandma 看望我奶奶

Who visited my grandma? 回答为: Luck did 8.study for the English test 为英语测验而学习备考

9.the Natural History Museum 自然历史博物馆

10.kinds of+名词 各种各样的 kind of +形容词

有几分,有点儿(见第5课)11.living habits 生活习惯

12.stay up 深夜不睡,熬夜

13.give back 归还

16.in a swimming pool 在游泳池里

18.high school 高中,中学

19.fly kites 放风筝

put up 搭建

make a fire 生火

work as a guide 当导游 23.tell stories 讲故事

24.each other 互相

get a surprise 吃惊

run away 跑开 17.shout at… 冲……大声叫嚷

26.27.shout to… 呼喊……喊叫……

28.up and down 来来回回;上上下下

29.wake…up 把……弄醒

30.on Saturday morning 在星期六早上

31.have a good weekend 周末过得愉快

32.the next morning 第二天早上

33.move into … 移进… 时间段+ ago „„前

keep + sb./ sth...+ 形容词 / 副词 / 介词短语 使„„保持„„ 34.see sb.doing sth...看见某人正在做某事

35.let sb.do sth...让某人做某事(+动词原形)

Let 's be quiet.Let us go to school.(见第5课)36.start to do / doing sth...开始做某事

tell sb.(not)to do sth...告诉某人(不要)做某事(见第7课学过,第1课)stayed up late to do sth熬夜做某事

如: I stayed up late to watch the soccer game.我熬夜看足球比赛了。Don’t stay up too late.不要熬夜 so + 形容词 / 副词+ that 句子


如:But I was so tired that I went to sleep early.但是我太累了以致于我早就入睡了。


1.—What did you do last weekend?

—I did my homework.—上个周末你做了什么了?

—我做我的家庭作业了。2.—Where did she go last weekend?

—She went to a farm.—上个周末她去哪里了?—她去一家农场了.3.—Who did she go with? —She went with her classmates.—与谁一起去的?—她与她的同班同学一起去的。4.—What did you do last weekend, Lucy? —Well, on Saturday morning, I played badminton.—露茜,上个周末你干什么了?—哦,在星期六上午,我打羽毛球了。5.I worked as a guide at the Natural History Museum.我在自然历史博物馆当导游了。6.Really? How interesting!真的吗? 真有趣!

7.I stayed up late to watch the soccer game.我熬夜看足球比赛了。8.He lost his keys.But somebody found them and gave them back to him.他丢失了钥匙。但是有人捡到了并归还给了他。9.Baby Mouse was afraid and climbed onto his father’s back.小老鼠很害怕爬到他父亲的背上。

10.That’s why it’s important to learn a second language.这就是为什么学会第二种语言很重要。

11.Last weekend was interesting but scary.上个周末是有趣的但是也是恐怖的。12.There we put up our tents and made a fire to keep us warm and cook food on.在那儿我们搭起帐篷并且生火来取暖和做饭。

13.On the first night, we just sat under the big moon and told each other stories.在第一天晚上,我们就坐在大大的月亮下互相讲故事。

14.But I was so tired that I went to sleep early.但是我太累了以致于我早就入睡了。15.When we looked out of our tent, we saw a big snake sleeping near the fire.当我们看向帐篷外的时候,我们看到一条蛇睡在火堆旁边。16.I was so scared that I couldn’t move.我太害怕了以致于我不能移动。17.We shouted to our parents to let them know about the danger.我们大声地叫爸爸妈妈,让他们知道这个危险。18.My dad started to jump up and down in their tent.我爸爸开始在他们的帐篷里来来回回地蹦跳。

19.My dad told me later that snakes don’t have ears but can feel things moving.我爸爸后来告诉我蛇没有眼睛但是能感觉东西在移动。14



Starter Unit1


1.good morning 早上好 2.good afternoon 下午好 3.good evening 晚上好 4.name list 名单 5.an English name 一个英文名字


1.Good morning/afternoon/evening,+人名.问候某人早上好/下午好/晚上好 2.How +be +sb.? 问候某人身体状况 3.Thanks=Thank you.谢谢你。4.I’m fine./OK.我很好。

Starter Unit2


1.in English 用英语 2.an orange 一个橙子 3.a jacket 一件夹克衫 4.a map 一张地图 5.spell it 拼写它 6.a ruler 一把尺子 7.a key 一把钥匙 8.a pen 一支钢笔 9.a cup 一个杯子 10.a quilt 一床被子


1.“in+某种语言”表示“用某种语言” 2.a+读音以辅音音素开头的单数可数名词 3.an+读音以元音素开头的单数可数名词 4.Spell…, please.请拼写……

Starter Unit3


1.what color 什么颜色 2.the key 这把钥匙 3.color the things 给物品涂色 4.the ruler 这把尺子 5.the cup 这个杯子 6.in Dale 在Dale(戴尔)里


1.—What’s this/that? 这/那是什么?

—It’s… 它是……

2.—What color is it? 它是什么颜色?

—It’s… 它是……

3.can +动词原形 能/会……

Unit 1 My name’s Gina


1.your name 你的名字 2, first name 名字

第 1 页

3.last name 姓 4.her name 她的名字

5.telephone/phpne number 电话号码

6.in China 在中国 7.middle school 中学;初中


1.What’s your/his/her name? 你的/他的/她的名字叫什么? My/His/Her name is… 我的/他的/她的名字叫…… I’m … 我是……

2.What’s your/his/her first/last name? 你的/他的/她的名字/姓是什么? My/His/Her first/last name is… 我的/他的/她的名字/姓是……

3.What’s your/his/her telephone number? 你的/他的/她的电话号码是多少? It’s… 它是……


Unit2 This is my sister


1.have a good time 过得愉快 2.two nice photos of… 两张漂亮的……的照片 3.in the first photo 在第一张照片中 4.in my family 在我的家庭里

5.the name of… ……的名字 6.a photo of my family 一张我的家人的照片


1.This/That is… 这/那是……

2.These/Those are… 这些/那些是…… 3.He/She is… 他/她是……

4.They are… 他们是……

5.—Are these/those…? 这些/那些是……吗?

—Yes, they are.是的,他们是。

—No, they aren’t 不,他们不是。6.Who is/are…? …是谁? 7.Here is/are… 这儿有……

Unit3 Is this your pencil?


1.pencil box 铅笔盒 2.excuse me 劳驾,请原谅 3.thank you 谢谢你 4.the blue pen 那只蓝色的钢笔

5.Anna’s book 安娜的书 6.ID card 学生卡,身份证

7.computer game 电脑游戏 8.in the school library 在学校图书馆里 9.ask…for… 请求;恳求(给予)10.a set of keys 一串钥匙


1.What about…? ……怎么样?

2.Thank you for… 为……而感谢你(们)3.How do you spell…? 你怎么拼写……? 4.e-mail sb.at+邮箱地址 给某人发电子邮件到……

第 2 页

5.call sb.给某人打电话

6.lose sth.丢失某物 7.find sth.找到某物

8.sb.must do sth.某人必须做某事

9.call sb.at + 电话号码 拨打电话号码……找某人

Unit4 Where is my schoolbag?


1.on the sofa 在沙发上 2.in one’s schoolbag 在某人的书包里 3.under one’s bed 在某人的床下面 4.on the table 在桌子上 5.come on 快点儿 6.on one’s desk 在某人的书桌上 7.on one’s head 在某人的头上 8.tape player 磁带播放机 9.Model plane 飞机模型 10.be tidy 是整洁的

11.in one’s room 在某人的房间里 12.in the bookcase 在书柜里 13.have a clock 有一个时钟 14.on one’s bed 在某人的床上


1.Where is/are…? ……在哪里?

2.It’s on/in/under… 它在……上/里/下面。

3.They’re on/in/under… 它们在……上/里/下面。4.Is it on/in/under…? 它们在…..上/里/下面吗? 5.Are they on/in/under…? 它们在…..上/里/下面吗? 6.I think… 我认为……

7.I have… 我有……

8.Sb./Sth.be tidy.某人/某物是整洁的。

Unit5 Do you have a soccer ball?


1.tennis ball 网球 2.ping-pang bat 乒乓球拍

3.ping-pang ball乒乓球 4.soccer ball(英式)足球 5.a tennis bat 一个网球拍 6.play basketball 打篮球 7.baseball bat 棒球棒 8.love sports 喜爱运动 9.watch TV 看电视 10.be late 迟到

11.watch…on TV 在电视上看…… 12.after class 课后 13.go to the same school 去一所学校上学 14.with my classmates 和我的同班同学一起

15.in the same school 在同一所学校 16.at school 在学校


1.—Do you/they have…? 你/他们有……吗?

—Yes, I/they do.是的,他/他们有

—No, I/they don’t.不,他/他们没有

2.—Does he/she have…? 他/她有……吗?

第 3 页

—Yes, he/she does.是的,他/她有。

—No, he/she doesn’t.不,他/她没有。3.Let’s +动词原形.让我们……吧。4.That sounds+ 形容词.那听起来…… 5.It’s easy for sb.这对某人来说是容易的

Unit6 Do you like bananas?


1.John’s birthday dinner 约翰的生日晚餐 2.next week 下周 3.think about 考虑 4.how about 怎么样

5.some fruit 一些水果 6.sound good 听起来不错 7.sports star 体育明星 8.eat well 吃得好

9.eating habits 饮食习惯 10.for breakfast 作为早餐 11.for dinner 作为晚餐 12.after dinner 晚饭后

13.one last question 最后一个问题 14.healthy food 健康的食物 15.be fat 变胖


1.—Do you like…? 你喜欢……吗?

—Yes, I do./No, I don’t.是的,我喜欢。/不,我不喜欢。2.—Does he/she like…? 他/她喜欢……吗?

—Yes, he/she does./No, he/she doesn’t.是的,他/她喜欢。/不,他/她不喜欢。3.I like/don’t like…我喜欢/不喜欢……

4.like…for breakfast/lunch/dinner 早餐/午餐/晚餐喜欢吃…… 5.want to be+形容词/名词 想要变得……;想要成为…… 6.ask sb.about sth.问某人关于某事

Unit7 How much are these socks?


1.how much 多少钱 2.seven dollars 7美元 3.at a/one’s great sale 大促销 4.clothes store 服装店 5.at very good price 以非常优惠的价格 6.for boys 对于男孩 7.skirts in red 红色的裙子 8.twenty-eight dollars 28美元 9.big sale 大降价 10.twenty yuan 20元 11.a pair of black shoes 一双黑色的鞋子


1.—How much is/are…? ……多少钱?

—It’s/They’re… 它/它们…… 2.I’ll take it/them.我买下了。

3.in+颜色 ……颜色的;穿着某种颜色的衣服 4.look+形容词 看起来…… 5.need sth.需要某物

第 4 页

6.Here you are.给你。

Unit8 When is your birthday?


1.happy birthday 生日快乐 2.how old 多大年纪 3.in August 在八月 4.see you 再见

5.English test 英语测验 6.school trip 学校郊游 7.basketball game 篮球比赛 8.art festival 艺术节

9.have an English party 举办一次英语聚会10.School Day 学校开放日 11.Sports Day 体育节 12.have a good time 过得愉快 13.Children’s Day 儿童节 14.Women’s Day 妇女节 15.this afternoon 今天下午 16.this term 这学期

17.next month 下个月 18.in the afternoon 在下午 19.on December 3rd 在12月3日


1.—When is one’s birthday? ……生日是什么时候?

—It’s on+月+日.是(在)……月……日。2.—How old be+主语?……多大了?

—主语+be+基数词【year(s)/month(s)/day(s)old】……岁/月/天。3.happy+节假日 ……快乐 4.want to do sth.想要做某事

5.how about+人称代词宾格 ……怎么样? 6.on+具体日期 在具体某一天 7.at +钟点时刻 在具体的某一时刻 8.in+月份名词 在……月

9.Do you want to come to……? 你愿意来……吗?

Unit9 My favorite subject is science.一、短语归纳

1.favorite subject 最喜欢的学科 2.P.E.teacher 体育老师 3.play games 玩游戏 4.the next day 第二天 5.on Monday 在星期一 6.have math 上数学课

7.have an art lesson 上美术课 8.for two hours 两个小时 9.for sure 无疑,肯定 10.soccer game 足球比赛


1.play games with sb.和某人玩游戏 2.have+学科名词 上……课 3.finish doing sth.完成做某事 4.on+星期几 在星期几

5.from。。to… 从……到…… 6.Let’s do sth.让我们做某事吧。

第 5 页

7.Is that OK with you? 那对你来说合适吗? 8.Thank you for… 感谢你…… 9.want to do sth.想要做某事

第 6 页




1).It’s adj for sb to do 做…对某人来说…

2).… so … that … 如此… 以至于…

… too … to do 太… 而不能…

such … that … 如此… 以至于…

3).not…until… 直到…才…

例: I didn’t go to bed until my mother came back。

4).The reason why + 句子 is that + 句子 … 的原因是…

The reason why he got angry was that she told him a lie.(他生气的原因是她对他说了谎。)

5).That is why + 句子 那是…的原因

6).That is because + 句子 那是因为…

7).It is said that + 句子 据说…

It is reported that + 句子 据报道…

8).There is no doubt that + 句子 毫无疑问…

9).It goes without saying that + 句子 不言而喻,毫无疑问

10).There is no need to do 没必要做…

11).There is no point in doing 做某事毫无意义

12.as is known to all, +句子 众所周知

as we all know, +句子 据我们所知

it is generally/ publicly known / considered that…, 众所周知


had better(not)do 最好(不)做

how about / what about doing …怎么样?

I think you should do 我认为你应该…

I suggest / advice that you should do 我建议你做…

If I were you, I would do… 我要是你的话,我会做…

It’s best to do 最好做…

Why not do / why don’t you do…? 为什么不…


like / love doing

enjoy doing

be fond of doing 喜欢做…

be keen on n/doing 喜欢做…

prefer to do A rather than do B 宁愿做A也不愿做B

be interested in doing = show/ take great interest in n / doing


try to do努力做…

strive to do 努力做…

try one’s best to do = do one’s best to do 竭尽全力做…

make efforts to do = make every effort to do 尽力做…

do what sb can(do)to do 尽力做…

spare no effort to do 不遗余力的做…

do what / everything sb.can to do 尽某人全力做…

5.打算做… / 计划做…6句

intend / plan to do 打算做…

be going to do 打算做…

decide to do 决定做…

determine to do决定做…

be determined to do决定做…

make up one’s mind to do 下定决心做…


want to do

= would like to do 想做…

hope to do 希望做…

expect to do 期待着做…

wish to do 希望做…

consider doing 考虑做…

7.只加doing 作宾语的动词10+

finish 完成/ practice 练习/ suggest建议 / consider 考虑 / mind 介意 / enjoy 喜欢doing


look forward to doing 盼望做…

keep on doing 坚持做…

dream of doing 梦想做…

can’t help doing 情不自禁地做…

keep / stop / prevent sb.from doing 阻止某人做…

be busy(in)doing be busy with + 名词 忙于做…

spend time / money(in)doing spend time / money on + 名词 花费时间做…

have fun / have a good time / enjoy oneself doing 玩得开心

have trouble / have problem / have difficulty(in)doing 或 with + 名词 做…有困难



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