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作为新中国成立以来因经济犯罪而受到法律惩处的党政职务最高的干部,陈希同被依法惩处,另一个重要的意义在于,“充分体现了法律面前人人平等的法治原则”。在法律面前没有特殊公民,谁也不能无法无天。“这就是说,无论是什么人,职务有多高,只要违犯法律,都将依法受到追究。” 评论最后说,“今后,如果有什么人还心存„刑不上大夫‟的侥幸,置党纪国法于不顾,恣意妄为,那就难免重蹈陈希同的覆辙”。十年后,又来一个陈良宇























2008年03月28日 09:19新华网【大 中 小】 【打印】

陈良宇,汉族,1946年10月生,浙江宁波人,1980年4月入党,1963年8月参加工作,解放军后勤工程学院建筑系结构专业毕业,大学学历,工程师。1963.08-1968.08 解放军后勤工程学院建筑系结构专业学习1968.08-1970.09 解放军6716部队当兵锻炼

1970.09-1983.03 上海彭浦机器厂工人、设计员、基建科副科长(其间:1979.02-1980.01同济大学工程结构系进修)

1983.03-1984.03 上海彭浦机器厂副厂长、上海冶金矿山机械公司党委副书记


1984.03-1985.01 上海电器公司党委书记

1985.01-1987.02 上海市委老干部局副局长、局长

1987.02-1992.10 上海市黄浦区委副书记、区长(其间:1992.01-1992.09英国伯明翰大学公共政策学院学习)

1992.10-1992.12 上海市委副秘书长

1992.12-1996.10 上海市委副书记

1996.10-2001.12 上海市委副书记、副市长

2001.12-2002.02 上海市委副书记、代市长

2002.02-2002.10 上海市委副书记、市长

2002.10-2002.11 上海市委书记、市长


2003.2- 2006.9 中央政治局委员,上海市委书记






宇 委员、上海市委书记 两项罪名 刑18年

法院受审 五项罪名:行贿罪、2007年12月27日



坤 股有限公司董事长 诈发行债券罪、虚报刑19年


注册资本罪 祝均原上海市劳动和社一 会保障局局长 原上海劳动和社保陆祺


处长 吴明原新黄浦集团董事烈 长

原中国华闻投资控王政 股有限公司常务副





在长春中院受审 刑18年

以及滥用职权罪 2007年9月23日




2007年9月23日在长春中院受审牵涉华闻收购新黄埔无期徒(吉林高院二审维案、受贿1000万元 刑 持原判)

2007年9月23日牵涉华闻收购新黄埔有期徒在长春中院受审 案、行贿1000万元 刑3年


股份有限公司副总璋 在长春中院受审 贿600余万元 刑

裁 原上海明园集团董牵涉上海电气案、挪有期徒李松2007年9月23日

事长、原上海电气非用5000万元、行贿70刑1年坚 在长春中院受审

执行董事 万元 半 2007年12月20日王成在长春中院受审

原上海电气董事长 明(吉林高院二审维



严金宝陆天明共同贪执行死污3亿元、受贿21万缓 元



一 长、上海市委办公厅在长春中院受审 牵线主任 搭桥



长 搭桥














无期徒刑 没收所有财产 无期徒刑 没收个人财产 有期徒刑8年 有期徒刑11年


原上海工投总裁 雄

凌宝原上海市国资委主亨 任

吴鸿原上海市国资委副玫 主任



原华安基金总经理 案、受贿超过400万河 在上海一中院受审 年

元 2007年1月3日在郁知原上海国际赛车场


非 有限公司副总经理

审 殷国原上海房地局副局元 长

陈超原上海市长宁区区贤 长 王维工 为张荣坤牵线搭桥

未开庭 未开庭

有期徒刑四年 罚金30万元





有限公司副总经理,已移送司法机关处收受张荣坤贿赂950曾任上海某高级领理 万元 导秘书



2007年07月27日 11:57光明网【大 中 小】 【打印】



































































































Government's Work Report

(Following is the full text of Government's work report at the First Session of the Twelfth Shanghai

People's Congress on February 6, 2003)

Chen Liangyu

Mayor of Shanghai Municipal People's Government

Fellow Deputies:

Now I would like to make Government's Work Report to the congress on behalf of Shanghai Municipal People's Government.These are presented to you for your examination and approval and for comments and suggestions from members of the Committee of the Shanghai People's Political Consultative Conference and other attending members.I.Review on Work of the Past Five Years In the past five years, the government held high the great banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory, fully acted on the important thought of Three Represents,centered on the major subject of accelerating development, relied on all citywide people, kept forging ahead determinedly and dauntlessly, made a long arm to develop, and promoted the reform, opening up and the modernization drive of Shanghai to a new step under the leadership of the PartyCentral Committee, the State Council and Shanghai municipal committee of CPC.1.Comprehensive economic strength has been further raised.On the basis of more optimization of industrial restructuring, the national economy maintained a sustained, rapid and sound development,the running quality of the economy kept improving, and the internal drive for economy's continuous growth was strengthened.Over the past five years, the gross national product was increased 10.4% averagely per year, the gross domestic product of 2002 amounted to 540.876 billion RMB, and the per capita gross domestic product reached 4.909 thousand US dollar.Finance, commercial trade and real estate have become new backbone industry of Shanghai, the exhibition, tourism and information service have speed up their development, and the proportion of the third industry in the gross domestic product has reached 51%.The construction of the new industrial highland has achieved significant progress, the base construction for four industries has advanced all around, the competitive strength of the keystone developing industries, such as electrical information products, automotives, petrochemical industry and fine chemical industry, selected steel products, equipment complex and biological and pharmaceutical industry have been promoted constantly, the production value proportion of the high technology industry in the gross industrial output value of Shanghai has been raised to 23.4%, and the industrial cost-effectiveness and the productivity of the entire personnel have been in the highest flight all over the country.The process of the city informatization has been quickened all along by focusing on promoting the use of social security card, public traffic car and bankcard, and the information technology was applied positively in all directions including enhancing city management level, improving public service, reconstruct the traditional industry and boosting social development.Structural readjustment of rural industry has been accelerated remarkably, and suburban economy has developed very fast.Each district and county has formed its own industrial advantages and characteristic of regional economy by and large, which is becoming the vital strength for promoting rapid development of the citywide economy.The citywide financial revenue was increased 15.5% annually, which is higher than the gross domestic product increment of the corresponding period。

2.The urban construction and ecological environmental improvement have made new progress.The past five years have been a period in which there have been most investments on city construction and environmental protection and a period in which the city appearance and the environmental quality have been improved drastically.The first-stage construction of Pudong International Airport and the backbone project of the information harbor were completed, the first-stage construction of Yangshan deep water port area was commenced in its entirety, the in its entirety network and orbital transportation network was accelerated,and the solid transportation network system with orbital transportation, overhead road, three vertical and three horizontal trunk highway and cross-river construction playing a dominant role was formed initially.The single demonstration operation line of Shanghai magnetic suspension train has been open to traffic in its preliminary operation.The comprehensive development of both banks of Huangpu River was put into gear.The dilapidated huts and rough houses of 3.65 million square meters were reconstructed on schedule, a new round of reconstruction of old district was outspread thoroughly, and in the past five years the area of new-built residence was 90.43 million square meters.The steady development of the experimental towns in rural area was promoted, the abolishment and consolidation of villages and towns was fulfilled, and the urbanization level of suburban area was enhanced.We concentrated on environmental protection and environmental construction by focusing on the most crucial problems, accomplished the first Three-year-run Environmental Protection Blueprint completely, and the urban environmental quality was improved markedly.The first-stage construction of comprehensive regularization of Suzhou River was achieved in the round, the drying-up flow, disagreeable odor and the black water in Suzhou River were eliminated basically, and the citywide water environment was becoming better continually.The substitutes by clean resources was speed up, and the atmospheric environment kept on advancing, and the proportion of days with air quality index of Class 2 and above in 2002 was over 10% higher than five years ago.The afforestation construction developed fast, with a lot of large-scale public greenbelt built up in the central downtown area, 100 meter forest belt completed in the outer ring highway, the suburban woodland construction boosted extensively, the downtown green coverage ratio being 30%, per capita area of public greenbelt reaching 7.6 square meter, and the percentage of forest cover being 12.2%.The separate collection of living garbage made progress, and two large living garbage incineration plants were built in Jiangqiao and Yuqiao.The periodic target for the comprehensive environmental regulation in Wusong and Taopu Industrial Districts has been achieved.A lot of municipal public facilities including power, water supply, water drainage, flood prevention, fuel gas and communication etc.were accomplished in succession.3.The Socialist Market Economy has been improved.The reform of state-owned assets management system was deepened progressively, and the management, operation and supervision system of state-owned assets was formed on the whole.The net asset income ratio of the listed companies in the city has risen more than that of the average level of national listed companies.The reform of the investment and financing system has made great progress, in which the new investment and financing mechanism of government leading, the society participating and the market operating was set up by and large, the orbital transportation projects were divided into four separate parts including investment, construction, operation and management, a mass of foreign investments and nongovernmental funds were introduced into the field of public utilities by tendering and bidding, financial grant was translated into investments in the social undertakings, and the social funds participated in city construction, industrial development and social undertakings much more extensively。All sectors of the economy expanded rapidly,the economy growth rate of non-public sectors was 20.4% per year, which has played a very important role for hastening economic growth, enlarging employment and activating the market.Socialization service system for small enterprises and credit guaranty system have been founded.National Diamond Trading Market and National Gold Trading Market have been set up in Shanghai, and the service functionality in the production elements markets such as currency, security, futures, foreign exchange, technology, talents and property rights have been widened continuously.The social good faith system has taken shape initially, the rectification and standardization of economic order in the market was intensified, and the trades society and intermediary organs were regulated during the rapid development.4.The full-scale opening up pattern has been formed essentially.Taking advantage of China's accession to the WTO, giving full play to Pudong's demonstrative, radiative and leading role of development and opening-up, the internally-and-externally-oriented opening-up standard was improved positively.In the past five years, the contracting fund of direct foreign investments is US$ 34.291 billion, and the actually invested amount is US$ 19.267 billion.Utilization of foreign investments preserves the trend of a great deal of large-scale projects, investment-increasing projects and high-tech projects.A lot of district HQ, R&D institutions, purchasing departments of multinational companies settled in Shanghai, and the pace to make use of foreign investments in service trade such as finance, insurance, telecommunication and tourism, and public facilities has been seed up.Foreign trade has overcome the adverse influence by international situation and kept growing fast, with the result that Shanghai's foreign trade import and export in 2002 reaches US$ 72.664 billion and port's import and export totals US$ 142.501 billion respectively.“Overall custom clearance” projection is implemented, which improves the efficiency of port clearance.Shanghai has accelerated her development paces in overseas economy and the external economic and technical cooperation are continuously upgraded.The successful host of the APEC Conference and other significant international meetings in Shanghai has fully spread her influence in the world.In accordance with the requirements of serving the whole country, internal cooperation has been expanded from economic fields to social facilities fields, the economic links with the Yangtze Delta and the regions wherealong been tightened up, her participation in the Project of Western Development has seen the material progress, contraaperture supports are strengthened.5.The people's living standards have gone up to a much higher level.In 2002, the per capita disposable income for urban and rural families reach RMB13.25 thousand and 6.212 thousand respectively, the living space per person in urban area rises to 13.1 square meters, the consumption in education and culture, recreation and entertainment, tourisim and health care are keeping growing, and as a whole the living standard of urban and rural inhabitants reached comparatively well-off.Market-oriented employment mechanism has taken shape, with almost a million of layoff workers allocated and re-employed through re-employment service center, and the collective labor structure regulation triggered by adjustment of industrial structures is completed smoothly., 100-thousand-employment-increment-chances plan has brought into effect in the continuous three years from 2000, and people-of 40-and-50-reempoyed project has push forward, both of which add 350.9 thousand net employment positions.The reform of the basic medical insurance system for worker in cities and towns has been enforced calmly, resulting in 6.7591 million workers brought into the scope of basic consolidated medical insurance.The social insurance system has covered endowment insurance, medical insurance, unemployment insurance and maternity insurance etc., which include all laborers and people under all kinds of employment status basically.Low rent charge system has been formed fundamentally, the salvation system is further developed, the low insurance standard is increased step by step which targets at the people that shall be insured must be insured, consequently, the difficulty-assisting organization system is becoming soundly and well.6.The construction of socialist democracy and spiritual civilization has yielded substantial results.In the past five years, the expenditure on R&D of the whole society has been increased by 83.8%, the patent application amount increased by 4.8 times and the contribution ratio to the economic growth by scientific progress improved to 53.1%.The education resources are further adjusted and optimized.Based on 9-year high-standard and high-quality compulsory education popularization, the entrance rate into senior high school reaches 99.2%, the gross entrance rate into the higher education reached 51%, and educated years of newly-added laborers reach 13years.The medical and hygiene conditions continue to be improved, and the health levels of citizens are strengthened much more.The cultural construction forms flourishing situations, with a lot of excellent spiritual products with nationwide influence created.Social science, literal art and news publication etc.develop soundly, and mass culture and national health-improving activities are blooming.A collection of cultural and educational facilities such as Shanghai Grand Theater, Shanghai Scientific and technological Hall, Songjiang University District and out-of-campus activity camp for teenagers have been set up successively, and large-scale international cultural and sports activities including Shanghai International Art Festival and World Tennis Master Cup have been held successfully.The activities of two supports and army-civilian construction and education are in full swing, and population and family planning task and elder people service task and disabled people service task have been developed greatly.Two third of resident districts has become civilized districts, and the moral standard of citizens and the comprehensive of the population are improved all along.The community administration is enhanced and the all-round governance of social security is put into effect, and the social order keeps stable.7.Notable progress has been registered in transformation of governmental functions.In line with the principles of governmental institutional reform set by State Council, governmental institutional reform of three levels including municipal, county/district and town has been completed basically, which makes the organizational structure of the government more scientific.The reform of civil examination and approval has achieved periodic results, and the matters for examination and approval that have been canceled and regulated according to law amount to about 40% of the aggregate.The public financial framework has been crated actively and the financial expenditures are be directed to public fields gradually.An amount of governmental regulations and normative documents have been liquidated, rectified and abolished in accordance with the new situation of China's entering into WTO.Administration according to law has been boosted, open administrative enforcement carried out and the supervision of administrative enforcement strengthened.E-Government construction has been quickened;efficiency and transparency of government affairs are improved.Fellow deputies, we have won the bid for hosting World Expo 2010 successfully through three-year persisting efforts.This success results from the combination of the central leadership and direct attention of the CPC and the State Council, the nationwide strong and sincere continuous support and Shanghai residents' endeavor.China, as the largest developing country in the world, won the right to host 2010 World Expo.We are proud of this glory.We shall make use of the successful hosting of the world Expo as the due course to promote Shanghai to realize the fundamental modernization and to accelerate paces of building herself into an international city.The future of Shanghai will meet much more expansive spaces for development and Shanghai people will embrace a much more beautiful life.Fellow deputies, 2002 is the first year we enter into WTO.All people have taken an active part in various works ti respond to the accession to WTO, the reform and opening up and modernization construction have made new progress on the basis of previous achievements, the economic and social developments keep satisfactory tendency, national economy has realized growth rate of two digit in consecutive 11 years, the works in all directions, including the construction of international finance center, suburbia development, informatization, major engineering construction and improvement of investment environments which are crucial to the overall situation are promoted vigorously, each task of current government has been fully accomplished.Fellow deputies, the past five years have been a period in which Shanghai economical and social development have obtained new achievements, city appearance has made tremendous changes and the construction of four centers has been accelerated, and Shanghai is becoming worldwide attentive, young and vigorous metropolis.The success in the past years is due to the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Jiang Zemin at the core, it also benefits from the good foundation established by all previous municipal party committee and municipal government, and it profits from the supervision and support by the people's congress of municipality and the municipal political consultative conference.In the past years, all progresses that Shanghai has made have agglomerated hardworking and wisdom of Shanghai people, and they gives a full expression to Shanghai people' great practice that keeps pace with the times and courage in innovation.Shanghai people's progressive confidence and cohesiveness have become strong support for continuous advance.Here, on behalf of Shanghai People's Government, I wish to express our highest respects and heartfelt thanks to the citywide people who have made significant historical contributions.I also wish to express our sincere thanks to representatives from the people's congress and members of the political consultative conference who have actively give support to government's work, the democratic parties, association of industry and commerce, people from all walks of life, the departments of the central government, other provinces and cities, the army and armed polices in Shanghai, as well as our compatriots in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Macao Special Administrative Region, Taiwan, and overseas Chinese who have shown their concern and support for the development of Shanghai.At the same time, we must be keenly aware of Shanghai still is faced with a lot of conflicts and problems during her development, and there are shortcoming and imperfection in government's work.It is mainly that: much remains to be done for cultivating the city functionality, in order to meet the requirements of establishing one center such as international economic, financial, trade, and shipping centers;improved city culture and spirit can't be compatible with the change of city appearance;the advantages of science and technology, talents haven't been made full use of;there is great pressure of employment;the social security system still need to be enhanced;the reform of state-owned enterprises and transformation of government's functions needs to be deepened continuously;and the work style of government staffs has yet to be carried to anew and higher level.We must take practical measures to solve the problems above in the work from now on, fully depending on the citywide people.II.Work Objectives and General Requirements in the Following Five Years For our country, the first two decades of the 21st century are a period of important strategic opportunities, which we must seize tightly and which offers bright prospects, and our country needs to concentrate on building a well-off society.For Shanghai, the following two decades are a period of important strategic opportunities.According to the new master design of Shanghai city approved by the Party Central Committee, Shanghai will be built into a socialist modernized international metropolis and one of the international economic, financial, trade, and shipping centers by 2020.In accordance with the requirements by the Party Central Committee, we need to do everything possible to capture the opportunities, meet the challenges with full confidence, do all we can to catch up with persistence, make pioneering efforts and keep pace with the times, take full advantage of assembling and radiative function of economically central city to allocate resources, take the lead in realize the modernization fundamentally, and make new contributions for our country to achieve the goal of building a well-off society in an all-round way.In order to make Shanghai's magnificent goals come true, we must focus on the following five years and catch them tightly.It is suggested that the main objectives of Shanghai economic and social development are: national economy maintains a sustained, rapid and sound development, annual GDP growth rate keeps to be 2-3% more than other parts of the whole country;modern industrial system that meets the requirements of functionality of international metropolis takes shape, the quality and efficiency of economic operation are improved obviously, the comprehensive economic strength is strengthened remarkably, per capita GDP reaches around US$ 7500 by 2007;modernized infrastructure system with the pillar of “three ports and two networks” is set up basically, the city layout focusing on central city, new city and central town are further optimized, the pace of city-village integration is speed up, the urbanization level reaches 80%, the urban environment is improved, the sustainable development capability is strengthened continuously;social undertakings system centralizing on integrated development of human are built up, the first-class educational, sports, medical and international culture communication center are mainly founded, the moral quality, scientific and cultural quality and health quality of citizens are enhanced strikingly;the city innovation system which is consistent with knowledge economy are established, the scientific innovative ability is enhanced continually, the construction of talents highland is speed up, and the economic and social developments are made to depend on scientific and technological progress and improvement of labors' quality;the residents' income of the city and towns becomes more and more, the people's lives become much richer, the spiritual and cultural lives are enriched, the social security system is strengthened, there are enough opportunities for employment, the basic life of the people in difficulty are insured, social order keeps stable, and the citywide people always maintains high-spirited.The new government withstands the historical missions of creating new situation in Shanghai's reform and opening up and modernization construction.The general requirements for government's work in the following five years are that: hold high the great banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory, fully act on the important thought of Three Represents, implement the guidelines set at the Sixteenth National Party Congress and the Municipal Party Representatives Congress under the leadership of the Central Government, Shanghai municipal Party committee and Shanghai Municipal Government, insist on that development is the central task for leadership and governance and national rejuvenation, keep improvement of city comprehensive competitiveness as the main thread, broaden the fields of vision, keeps pace with the times, make pioneering efforts and bring forth new ideas, seek for development with new thoughts, improve the reform with new breakthrough, expand the opening up with new situation, promote all works to a new and higher level, and realize the leapfrog development of Shanghai city.It must be done as follows: Stick to the strategy of city rejuvenation through science and education;promote the core competitiveness of enterprises, integrated competitiveness of regional economy and comprehensive competitiveness of the city vigorously.Set up enterprise-bases technical innovation system, speed up cultivating a mass of core technology and core products with independent intellectual property, and advance the core competitiveness of enterprises;quicken up strategic adjustment of state-owned sector of the economy, encourage government capital to advance in some aspects while retreating in others and flow orderly, exert to make government capital an essential and guiding role, improve dominant competitiveness of state-owned sector of the economy;strengthen the transformation of government functions, improve service efficiency, endeavor to make Shanghai become the region with lower comprehensive cost for development of domestic and foreign enterprises and more business opportunity, enhance the integrated competitiveness of regional economy;improve comprehensive environment of the city, try to create a developing environment with advance facilities, excellent environment, civilized city and stable society, and promote competitiveness of the city.In order to strengthen four competitive abilities ceaselessly, the strategy of “develop Shanghai by science and education” must be implemented, scientific and technological innovation must be quickened up, innovative talents must be fostered and collected, innovative mechanism must be improved, the environment in which all the society emphasize on and give support to scientific and technological progress and innovation must be created, and innovative of the city must be reinforced continuously.Stick to carrying forward internationalization, market-orientation, informatization and constitutionality in a whole, and improve soft environment of city development greatly.Speed up the creation of managerial system and operational rules in conformity with international practices, make great efforts to establish the city managerial environment and living environment for people at home and abroad to work and live in, increase the internationalization standard of Shanghai comprehensively;further improve market system, regulate market order, improve operational mechanism in keeping with the development of socialist market economy, make sure that the market forces play an essential role in the allocation of resources, and Do a better job in enhancing the market-orientation standard of Shanghai;accelerate the implementation of strategy of that informatization takes a leading role in development, promote the wide application of IT in the fields of economy, society and city administration actively, ensure the sharing of information resources, do a better job of improving the informatization standard of Shanghai;carry out the guideline of governing the city according to laws, improve the governmental legal system, promote the principle of administration by law, do a better job of strengthening the constitutionality standard of Shanghai.Stick to taking a new road to the strategy of sustainable development, and realize the coordinated development economy and population, resources, environment.Taking a road of sustainable development is a developing ideology that Shanghai must follow for a long time to come.Depend on scientific and technological progress, perfect industrial structures, and dig out a new road for development in which resources consumption is low, environment is protected well, scientific contents are high and economic benefit is good;strengthen comprehensive regulation and control of populations, make full use of advantages of human resources;redouble its efforts toward environmental construction, develop the circulation economy, advocate environment-friendly living style, and create a clean and beautiful homeland for Shanghai citizens and our descendants.Stick to attaching equal importance to both material and spiritual civilization, and shape Shanghai city spirit in modern time.Further implement the ideology of running the country by the rule of virtue, intensify the ideological and ethical construction, advocate the traditional virtues of patriotism and contribution, honesties and good faith, helping others for a just cause and respecting the elder and caring for the younger greatly;speed up socialist cultural development, carry forward the mental outlook of intensive and pioneering effort, daring and courage, welcoming and tolerance, upholding science;strengthen direction by public opinion and education in the law, try to form good social atmosphere of civilization and law-abiding, helping each other and equality, competition on the basis of justice and diligence and curiousness.Stick to propel the city to a higher energy level by the impetus of hosting world Expo 2010 successfully.Consider the preparation and hosting of world Expo 2010 as an important opportunity for city development, center on the main knot objective of the world Expo 2010 preparation, rally the citywide people, form resultant working force, boost all works to a new and higher level, and show Shanghai's amazing charm to the world.III Main Tasks in the Following Five Years According to the work objective and general requirements above, we must focus on the following ten undertakings: 1.Catch the opportunity of international industrial structure adjustment, and set up modern industrial system Adhere to the industrial development guideline of “the third, the second, the first” order, grasp the new tendency of acceleration of international industry upgrade and shift, boost high value-added, strongly radiative industry which can provide extensive employment chances, take a road of new industrialized development, keep the second and third industries to co-promote economic growth, and enhance the competitiveness of the industry in participating in the globalization of economy.Take an active step to adapt to the increasing opening-up trend of service trade, enlarge the energy level and hierarchy of modern service industry.Consolidate the position as domestic financial center, and quicken the pace toward international center.Coordinate with national financial custody department, promote the steady opening up in the field of finance, develop new financial products, centralize new financial resources, and establish finance as the core in the economic development of Shanghai and operation of city functions fundamentally;establish her position as an aggregate center of the financial institutions at home and abroad fundamentally, form comparatively integrated system covering domestic and foreign financial institutions, financial intermediary organs;establish financial market center with mature domestic system and strong radial ability fundamentally, and become the capital operation center and funds management center;establish open, equal and just environment for financial development, realize the orderly operation of financial markets and custody according law.Take advantage of big port of Shanghai, build up logistics parks including Yangshan deep water port, Waigaoqiao, Pudong airport and Northwest, introduce well-known logistics enterprises at home and abroad, enhance the third party logistics actively, become a significant base for modern logistics industry.Continue to advance commercial distribution structure and management reconstruction, accelerate to construct international shopping center, improve the centralization and radiation capability of modern business.Strengthen the regular and control of the realty market, improve realty development structure and promote healthy development of the realty industry.Reorganize and unite conference and exhibition sources and create international famous conference and exhibition brand so that Shanghai will be an important international conference and exhibition center.Focus on the development of business, culture and leisure tourism, construct large topic garden and expand city tourism industry.Accelerate the development of professional service industry such as accounting, auditing and law, etc and social service industry such as community service and logistic service, etc.Focusing on high and new industry and modern equipped manufacture industry, fully advance the construction of industrial new high land.Basically we should construct four industrial bases.In the micro-electronic industrial base we should construct a set of integrated circuit product lines so as to form complete integrated circuit industrial chain.Build up the largest, advanced technology and international level integrated circuit production and research and development base fundamentally.The international automobile should be constructed into an international level comprehensive automobile base which integrate whole automobile and accessory manufacture, research and development and science and education, trading and logistics, automobile sports and tourism.Shanghai chemical industry zone should focus on ethylene, polycarbonate and isocyanate manufacture, involving in many multinational companies and large domestic enterprises, so as to build up a first class international petrochemical base with advanced technology, harmonious ecosystem and top benefit.Taken the international first class steel enterprise as an example, high quality steel base should be build up to the largest international competitive high quality steel manufacture base and export base.As the modern equipped manufacture industry is an important element to increase industrial competitive power, we should introduce international advanced technology and improve whole set and whole line mounting and accessories manufacture capacity to build up an international modern equipped manufacture base.We should also strengthen the dominant status of high and new technology industry and accelerate the industrialization, develop new industries such as information technology, biomedicine, new material and environmental protection etc.The emphases are such important projects as integrated circuits, electromotion automobile and Chinese traditional medicine modernization.We should also reconstruct and upgrade traditional industries by actively using high and new technology and develop extensive occupational and clean urbanized industries.Improve industry distribution further.We should accelerate the development of the high-increment and strong stimulating modern service industry in downtown and make our effort to strengthen the comprehensive service function of a metropolitan.We should make the suburb area the important base of modern manufacture and high and new technology industries, and constitute the modern industry passage geared to the needs of the world together with Yangtse River Delta.One of the most important acts in the new round of optimizing industries in Shanghai is constructing portside comprehensive economic development zone.We should advance the construction in accordance with high start point, huge scale and new mode requirement so as to be a new type industry base of high and new technology industry, modern equipped manufacture industry and export processing industry.Improve industry zones distribution further so as to promote concentrating distribution of industries.Continue to plan scientifically and introduce some important functional projects to propel the strategic reconstruction of industry function distribution to improve the city function vigorously.2.Grasp global information technology development orientation, Accelerate information technology construction of the city

Accelerating information technology is the key factor for Shanghai to take the lead in implementing modernization basically.We should promote information technology application and information infrastructure construction.The information technology level of the city can keep up with the average level of the main cities of the developed countries by 2005.The pattern of digitized information sources, networked information transmission and integrated information technology application will be basically formed by 2007 and the basic frame “Digital City” will be first constructed.Vigorously promote the information technology wide application in every walk of life of the city.Accelerate the information technology construction of enterprises and promote the information technology application in the research and development, production and management areas of enterprises.Develop e-business through key enterprises.Vigorously promote credit card application.Accelerate “Electric Port” and logistic information platform development.Popularize the application of the geographical information system of the city.Accelerate emergency command information system and intelligent traffic system construction of the city to improve the city administration level.Construct unified e-government network platform to promote e-government development further.Develop the function of social security card and public traffic card and promote their application.Improve community information service network and accelerate social public service information construction.Strengthen information infrastructure and information technology environment development continually.Promote new communication network infrastructure development, improve the international outlet bandwidth further and enhance the status of Shanghai as the important communication center of Asia-Pacific area.Connect the super computer of the whole city to make the share environment of mass memory and grid computing capacity.Promote the interconnection of each type of network and enhance the amalgamation and development of voice, data and video, etc business.Improve the overall network coverage and general connecting capacity of the city.Enhance the disaster tolerance and copy reservation ability of important information system.Strengthen the information infrastructure development of the suburb.Establish the criteria and standard of the information technology.Strengthen the information security.Develop software and information service industries actively.Focus on promoting the development of software industry base such as Pudong Software Park, etc.Strengthen the social service system of software industry and promote the software industry leapfrog development.Information service industry should using digital television platform, mobile communication platform and wide band multi-media platform to propel the development of content industry while accelerating the development of increment business.3.Accelerate the construction of modernized infrastructure system and entirely upgrade the ecological environment quality in city.Focus on the hinge-like, functional and latticing infrastructure and ecological environment to fully construct modernized infrastructure system and good ecological system and provide solid support to strengthen the city's aggregation and radiation functions.Accelerate the Ten Infrastructure Projects with “Three ports, two nets and one river” and the key point.Complete the first-phase of Yangshan Deep Port project and thrust the second phase to form the international shipping center of North-east Asia primarily.Finish the second-phase of Pudong International Airport project to perfect its hinge function and primarily establish the status as a hinge airport in Pacific-Asian region.Construct the railway in Pudong area and totally finish the Shanghai South Railway Station construction to complete the major land transportation network.Concentrate strength to basically establish the fundamental network of rail transportation in downtown and, considering the adjustment of main towns and industry arrangement, provide the rail transportation in downtown.Continue to propel the construction of high ways so as to form the basic citywide high way network, fulfilling the “153060” objective.Finish the construction of center ring road and amend inner ring road so as to establish the speedy road system in downtown framed by “Three Ring Roads and Ten Radiating Routines”.Continue to accelerate the cross-river tunnel projects and complete Lupu Bridge and External Ring Tunnel.According to the requirement for “the strategy for a hundred years and the elaborate works for a century”, simultaneously construct four major areas and orderly push the comprehensive development at both sides of Huangpu River.Fundamentally finish the main natural gas network in Shanghai and the security system of multi gas sources.Continue to implement the policy of “jointly dismantling, reforming and retaining houses” to push the new round of reconstruction of old urban areas orderly, to strengthen the real estate administration and to improve the residence quality of citizens.With the implementation of the second round of “Three-year-run Environmental Protection Blueprint” as the core, reinforce the environmental construction.Push the river waterway harnessing projects with focusing on the second phase of overall remedy of Suzhou River and accelerate the construction of sewage collecting network and large-sized sewage treatment plants so as to increase the concentrative treatment rate of sewage up to above 70%.Strengthen the protection of Huangpu River as the drinking water source.Comprehensively conduct the substitution of clean energy, such as natural gas, strictly control and handle the exhaust gas and dust of vehicles, the proportion of the days with air quality index at or above Grade Two to the whole year to reach 85%-90%.Mainly focusing on reduction, recycling and harmlessness of rubbish, living waste will be collected by types in downtown and living rubbish collecting systems will be established in rural areas.Continue to push the construction of huge-scale public green land in downtown and the forest in rural areas in order to make Shanghai a national garden city with the plant-cultivation system consisting of “ring shape, scattered spots, corridor shape, garden and forest” five types and sightseeing ecological corridors along Huangpu River, Suzhou River and Yan'an Road.The city public green land per capita is expected to reach 11 square meters, when the plant coverage percentage to reach 37% and forest coverage percentage exceeding 20% in entire city.Strengthen the agricultural ecological environment protection and regulation and control the pollution in agriculture.Continue to push the comprehensive environment regulation in industry zones and basically finish the tasks to administrate Wusong, Taopu and Wujing industry zones.Adopting international advanced management theories and measures, alt the level of modernization administration.Accelerate the standardization and normalization of transportation administration and increase the transportation efficiency.Strengthen the regulation on municipal appearance, such as light and outdoor advertisement and carry out normalized administration.Perfect the comprehensive administrative system for disaster reduction and upgrade the abilities to prevent disaster, fight against disaster and remedy disaster.Pay much attention to the ecological protection of sea and damp land, strengthen the uniform planning and collective administration of water front and intertidal zone and optimize the water front and intertidal zone resources by the market force so as to improve the efficiency of resource use.4.Increase the entire competitiveness of districts and counties, push the process of development of rural areas and the integration of city and countryside As per the requirement of “around the integration strategy of city and county, accelerate the urbanization of rural areas, push the agriculture modernization and change farmers to townsmen”, accelerate the development of rural areas, perfect the system of “two levels of governments and two levels of administration” and further make the district/county play important role in the economic and social development of the entire city.Push the construction of towns in outskirts with high standard and quality and focus on the promotion of the urbanization level of rural areas.With breakthrough in key projects and the policy concentration, accelerate the construction steps of trial towns and primarily complete many modernized towns with various styles.Fulfill the layout of towns in rural areas with high quality, actively and orderly thrust the construction of small towns in rural areas and reasonably combine natural villages.Actively implement all policies to facilitate the development of rural areas and further implement the concentration of industry, population and land.Adjust the layout and expected functions of current industry zone, scientifically integrate the industry zones of county of town, strengthen the coordination of the development of industry zones with the major town construction and lead the industrial projects to gather in major industry zones.Accelerate the reform of administration system of permanent residence registration in small towns and the execution of “farmer-to-non-farmer” for farmers' children and encourage people to gather in the towns.Establish the regular and orderly transfer system of land usage right in countries and urge the land concentration for scale of operation.Urge the strategic adjustment of agricultural structure.According to the requirement to separate farmland in rural area into three equivalent parts, one for woods and flows, one for gardening, vegetable and fruits and one for high quality cereals and oil crops, fulfill the agriculture layout and accelerate the change of irrationally used farmland to forestation area.Support leading agricultural enterprises, urge the standardized agricultural production, improve the systematization in agriculture and expand international agricultural market.Cooperating with the adjustment of agricultural structure, strengthen the support by policy, expand the employment rate of abundant labor force in rural areas to take a non-farming related job and secure an increasing income of farmers.Reinforce the support to distant rural areas and increase their economic power.Provide more policy support to distant rural areas, setting up trial point for reducing business cost in Jiading, Songjiang and Qingpu industry zones, perfect investment environment, increase the competitive advantages and actively hatch a characterized economy pattern in rural areas.Increase the input to the education and other social affairs in distant rural areas, support to establish a municipal key high school in Congming, Fengxian, Nanhui and Jinshan counties, where high school education is relatively poor.Draft the development plan of Congming County beginning from a high level, establishing a cross-river tunnel and creating a national nature protection zone for damp land in Dongtan, Congming County, skillfully balance the ecological protection and construction development and accelerate the development of Congming, Changxing and Hengsha three inlands.Strengthen the comprehensive service function of downtown.Further clarify the expected functions of all districts in downtown and spur the diversity development of respective districts in downtown.Continue to insist the industry development direction, according to “focusing on one outstanding industry and expanding many other industries”, actively develop urban industries and social services and accelerate the form of regional characterized economy.Increase the investment to the regions with relatively poor infrastructure and push the coordinative development in downtown.Continue to perfect the system of “two levels of government and two levels of administration”.Further specify the obligations and functions of municipal and district/county governments, reinforce the comprehensive regulation and control, perfect the administrative method adopted by municipal government upon the district/county governments, insist the downward transfer of administration gravity and strengthen the unified planning ability of district/county governments on their own authoritative regions.Adopt classified instructions for downtown, outskirts and distant rural areas, specify their respective advantages and positions and implement differential policies to realize a coordinative development of all districts and countries.Further strengthen the fundamental work by community and town authorities and enlarge the comprehensive functions in third level of authorities.5.Accelerate scientific innovation and education development, promote the city's innovation ability Innovation is the key point to realize skipping development of Shanghai, therefore we must greatly focus on the scientific innovation and education innovation and accelerate and attract the talent with innovation spirit in order to consolidate the city's comprehensive innovation ability.Greatly support the scientific innovation and perfect the scientific innovation system, as well push the science and technology forward.Strengthen the original innovation of science.Considering a great amount of national vital scientific projects, accelerate the strategic studies of basic principle and high technologies and strive for the core technologies with own intellectual property right in such advantage fields as biology and IT, strengthen the knowledge production and knowledge service abilities.Engage in many vital scientific projects and promote the construction of a great deal of national engineering study centers and vital laboratories in the fields of IC, biological chipset and zoological chemical science.Accelerate to generate the technological innovation system, mainly constituted by enterprises and oriented by market, encourage the establishment of technical center in big state-owned enterprises, joint-venture enterprises and Chinese proprietary technical enterprises and develop advanced applicable technologies.Implement the strategy of intellectual property right and carry out an overall reinforcement of intellectual property right.Further optimize the innovation environment, continue to perfect the investment and financing system for technology and accelerate the risk investment system.Constantly carry out the strategy of “Concentrated in Zhangjiang(Hi-tech Park)”, assist the construction of innovation bases such as “one district and six parks” and speed the transform of scientific achievement and the hatch of technical enterprises;encourage the participation in the distribution of production factors, such as technology, knowledge and management.Strengthen the education innovation and speed the education development.Fully support the structural adjustment of university layout, forming the Yangpu University City with Fudan University at the core, Zizhu Science &Teaching Park with Shanghai Jiaotong University(Minhang Campus)at the core, Songjiang University City and Nanhui Science &Teaching Park, and consolidate some key universities with unique characters and some advantageous disciplines.Increase the recruitment proportion of postgraduates, expand the recruitment number of undergraduates and develop the education for foreign students, gross enrollment rate being expected above 60% for higher education in 2007.Greatly impel the reform and development of vocational education and found several exemplary vocational high schools in order to cultivate a great number of technical talents with high performance.Continue to deepen the comprehensive performance education, fulfill a balanced development of the education throughout the city and fully increase the education quality of initial education.Actively develop further education, perfect the whole life education system and pay effort to set up city with study spirit.Expand the international cooperation and communication on education, push the healthy development of education provided by Chinese non-governmental entity and develop the diversity of education providers.Implement the strategy of talents and concrete a talents highland.Actively explore the distribution system of talent resources oriented by market and perfect the flexible talent flowing policies such as “resident certificate” so as to attract excellent talents to practice their careers in Shanghai.Deepen the reform of personnel management system, strive to form an employment system, “absorbing all talents and providing suitable stages for them”, and stimulate the potential of all kinds of talents.Deepen the internationalization of talents, introduce and cultivate plenty of globally influential talents in business and administration, gather a bulk of prominent technical talents aiming at the national development strategy and standing at the international science front, further attract outstanding talents by projects needing “high, elaborate and ultramodern science and technologies” and constantly strengthen Shanghai's advantage of talents.6.Combining “importing” and “operating abroad”, create a new opening pattern for serving all the country and melting into the world Complying the new trend of economic globalization and China's entry into WTO, we will participate in the international economic and technical cooperation and competition within a wider range, concerning more fields and at a higher level, speed Shanghai's development when melting into the whole county and serving the country and form a new circumstance at all aspects.Continue to actively, reasonably and efficiently use foreign capital and improve the quality and level of the usage of foreign capital.Greatly better the investment environment and create the comprehensive advantage of using foreign capital.Actively introduce big projects of foreign investment and gather at economic development zones near port, four industry bases and national and municipal development zones.Encourage foreign invested enterprises to expand capital and stocks and accelerate the opening of service and business fields.Actively introduce headquarters, R&D institutions and purchase organizations of multi-national companies.Combine the use of foreign capital and the support to the reform of state-owned enterprises, adjustment of economic structure, technical progress, improvement of administration level and expansion of export together.Make state-owned large-and medium-sized enterprises play the role as main entities, encourage the enterprises, whatever the ownership is, with relative advantages to operate abroad in order to foster a considerable number of Chinese multi-national enterprises and famous brands.Attempt new foreign investment ways such as merger, requisition and establishing strategic alliance with international multi-national companies.Encourage Shanghai enterprises to win the contract of overseas engineering project through buying stocks to own or control overseas engineering contract companies or founding a high-level combination with foreign and domestic enterprises.Speed the construction of overseas marketing network and R&D institutions.Further implement the strategy of activating business by science and the diversity of market.Continue to optimize the structure of imported and exported products and assist the export of hi-tech and new products.Develop processing business with high level and technology content and develop the enterprises providing manufacture and service of electronic products.Consolidate the traditional market and actively form emerging markets in Russia, East Europe, Africa and Latin America.Make full use of the WTO rules and strength all sorts of pre-alarm and responsiveness abilities in case of any business dispute.Continue to push forward the construction of “Shanghai cross-boundary purchase center”.Continue to push forward the “overall custom clearance” project to further improve the work efficiency and service function at port.Strengthen the economic and technical cooperation within China territory.Actively search for a new way to realize an interlock development between Changjiang Delta and Changjiang Flow Domain, strengthen the cooperation and coordination in the interactive connection, industry layout, use of energy and environment protection of infrastructures, optimize regional development environment and form a pattern characterized by reasonable labor division, interlocked development and mutual prosperity.Reinforce the assigned support obligation, actively search for the new form of participation in the development of western part of China and integrate Shanghai's technology, talent and management advantages with the advantages of western part of China such as abundant resource and huge market.Pudong New District should step at the front during the system innovation and opening expansion and continue to play a exemplary, radioactive and inspiring role.Fully benefit from the advantage of “first for trial and first for implementation”, endeavor creating a compatible developing environment with perfect infrastructure and excellent service, upgrade the level of export oriented economy, the energy level of hi-tech industry and the modern management level and make Pudong New District an opening, modern and multi-functioned area.7.Further push the strategic adjustment of state economy forward, booster the overall vigorousness of national economy Insist the reform direction of socialist market economy, speed the strategic reconstruction of state-owned economies and the reform of state-owned enterprises and form a pattern of keeping public ownership as the main form and facilitating the joint economic development with several ownership types.Continue the economic adjustment of state-own economy.In accordance with the principle of separating management, operation and monitoring while combining the incident and individual managements together, further perfect the management system of state-owned assets.Retreat state-owned assets from common competitive fields gradually and bring them to the pioneering, fundamental and public beneficial fields, inspire more social assets to gather in these fields and make state-owned economy better play its leading role.Accelerate the strategic reconstruction of state-owned enterprises and foster giant enterprise groups with strong power and competitiveness, expecting many of them can be listed as one of global top 500 powerful enterprises.Speed the reform of diversification of investing entities in state-owned enterprises and create an economy with ownership types mixed.Further perfect the legal person governing structure and push the construction of modern enterprise system.Establish professional managers team, try new distribution ways such as stock right and option, form an effective incentive and binding system and practice the traceability system for the loss of state-owned assets.Deepen the system reform of collective assets and boost the system and management reform in collective enterprises.Actively encourage and lead the development of non-public ownership economies.Enlarge the accessible field range for civilian capital and eliminate bias on investment and financing, taxation, use of land and foreign trade according to different type of ownership.Protect private property by law.Actively attract domestic proprietary enterprises transfer to Shanghai.Encourage self-employed and private enterprises and social capital to participate in the strategic reconstruction of state-owned economy.Form a public service platform and stimulate the development of medium-and small-sized enterprises.Establish the new order of socialist market economy.To eliminate superficiality and origin together, continue to correct and regulate the order of market economy and strengthen the daily market supervision and system construction so as to form long-term mechanism of comprehensive harnessing.Further reinforce the medicine supervision and food sanitation and safety and strengthen the safe production supervision, monitoring and administration.Found a social credit system facing to individual and society and covering all sides of the social and economic livings in order to create an authentic social economic environment.Accelerate the development of industry associations and market agencies to generate an agency service system suitable to Shanghai's industry development.Establish standardization systems in compliant with international conventions.8.Perfect the social security system, constantly raise citizens' living quality Construct the social security system suitable to the operation system of socialist market economy and the economic development level in order to care and guarantee public fundamental interests.Perfect the employment mechanism of “jobs being chosen by labors, adjusted by market and developed by government”.All levels of government must treat it as a serious macrocontrol task to increase jobs and to control unemployment rate.Set up a society-responsible system for job promotion, mobilize all social powers to actively create jobs and increase the pull strength of the economic increase on the employment.Greatly develop flexible employment ways, encourage self-creation of jobs and self-establishing of business, practice the policy to help the people hard to be employed, complete the employment service network at four levels, municipal, district(county), community(township)and neighborhood, and prefect the socialized vocational training mechanism.Further perfect the social security system.Deepen the interlock reform of medicare insurance, medical treatment and medicine, abide by the policy “secure medical treatment, reduce waste and speed development” and perfect the basic medicare insurance system.Change the input and compensation mechanism in public hospitals, banish “using medicine income to support doctors”, establish scientifically managed medical service groups and improve the service quality of public hospitals.Widely adopt the medicine purchase method by collective bidding and actively develop assigned drugstores for medicare insurance.Deepen the reform of investment and financing system for health, encourage the provision of medical care by diversified parties and develop a multi-level medical service.Consolidate and develop cooperative medical treatment in rural areas, promote the unified planning of serious diseases, expand the coverage and gradually foster the cooperative medical treatment as the basic medical security system in rural areas.Popularize the social securities in small tows beginning with trial and increase the social security level in outskirts.Establish and complete the fund raising mechanism for social security funds and develop complementary insurances and commercial insurance.As required by “organized by government, supported by society and practiced in community”, further perfect the social assistance and rescue system, continue to implement the low-rent settlement system and practically secure the basic livings of the people in hardness.Actively develop social charity.Further perfect the community construction and the association administration, set up a new community administration system participated by citizens and characterized with self-administration, democratic monitoring and cooperation with equal standing, enrich the public service functions of community and probe to form the professional social worker system.Continue to pay attention to aged people and complete the specific service system for aged people.Continue to focus on social welfare, develop projects for the disabled, make Shanghai an exemplary city without obstacle objects against the disabled and succeed in holding World Special Olympic Games in 2007.Fulfill the work of “supporting soldiers, providing preferential treatment to soldiers' direct relatives and offering suitable disposal” and better serve the modernization construction of national defense and troops.Continue the ways to deal with minorities, religions, overseas Chinese and Taiwan-related affairs.Push forward the innovation of mediation system to properly treat the letters or visit by common citizens.Reinforce the social safety administration, strictly attack criminal offense and economic offense, establish a modern police system, set up the emergency response center and practically maintain the social stability.9.Speed the development of social activity system, lift citizens' comprehensive performance and civilization level.With the purpose to promote overall development of human being, greatly develop all social activities, meet the increasing demand of moral culture and strive for increasing citizens' comprehensive performance in order to supply everlasting spiritual incentives to Shanghai's modernization.Strengthen the socialist spirit culture construction.In order to shape a city spirit of Shanghai, constantly renew the carrier and content of spirit culture construction and form new appearances of Shanghai citizens.Practice “Implementation Outline of Citizens' Ethic Construction”, advocate social public virtue, professional ethics, household virtue and promote the overall citizens' ethic level.Deepen the credit education, legislate education, national defense education and science popularization education, continue to carry out the activities to establish civilized community, village or town and expand the volunteer team scale and service field.Boost the culture construction and reform of cultural system and promote the cultural innovation.Carry forward Chinese excellent customs, organize international important cultural activities with high performance, assist the prosperity and development of advanced socialist culture and strive for an international culture exchange center.In People's Square and Lujiazui-Huamu area, set up a characterized core culture cycle with gathering effect and establish important cultural facilities, such Oriental Art Center, and a bulk of community cultural centers.Reinforce the construction of public beneficial cultural facilities such as Shanghai Library, Shanghai Museum and Shanghai Chancery and strive to protect historical cultural relics.Promote the development and prosperity of philosophy and other social science activities.Speed the reform of culture administrative system, assist the grouping construction of news, publishing, broadcast, film and television and promote the development of cultural industry.Pay much effort to develop sports and health activities in order to promote citizens' health performance.Actively develop gymnastic activities in all citizens, increase the competitiveness of sports and speed the development of sports industry.Exert all the strength to host important sports games, such World Women's Soccer Match, First-class Formula Car Champion and World Table Tennis Champion.Fully practice regional health plans and optimize health resources.Strengthen public health work, reinforce the prevention and control of diseases and deepen the Loving Country Health Activity.Strengthen the construction of regional medical treatment centers, increase the comprehensive service functions of community health service centers, accelerate the foster of general practitioners and gradually realize the diagnosis of common diseases and frequently-occurring disease first determined in community.Found high-level and modernized hospitals, develop important and leading medical disciplines, accelerate the development of Chinese medicines and raise the scientific study level of health.Set up a new comprehensive population regulation and control mechanism.Reasonably adjust and control the total population, change the population structure and configuration and reinforce the comprehensive regulation and control and long-effective administration of non-local people.Continue to carry out the birth control work and promote optimized birth and optimized foster.Execute the development plan for women and children, safeguard women and children's legal interests by law, promote fair employment for women and further optimize the development environment for women and children.Strengthen the protection of juvenile adults, support the juvenile adults to establish business and be employed and compile the development plan for juvenile adults.10.Accelerate the function change of municipal government, establish a government with honesty and clean hand, diligent in governmental affairs, focusing on concrete matters and with high efficiency Insist actively administration, effective administration and legal administration, establish the execution administration system with regulated performance, coordinative operation, fairness and transparency and honesty and high efficiency and constantly increase the government's administration level of economic and social affairs.According to strengthening, weakening and changing requirements, further change the government' function, shift government's function to adjusting economy, monitoring market, administrating society and providing public services.Strengthen the comprehensive regulation and control, perfect planning and administration system and mechanism, establish the land regulation and control mechanism under the government's direction and market's operation and increase government's directing and controlling force on the allocation of public resources.Deepen the reform of executive examination and approval, simplify the procedure of examination and approval and improve the efficiency of examination and approval so as to form a normative executive examination and approval system.Separate government from capital owner and separate government from enterprise, all departments of municipal government must be free from their respective subordinate enterprises and agencies, as well transfer the functions of municipal commissions, offices and bureaus to the administration and service for the whole society and all industries.Remove the government's obligation for industries and social agencies to reinforce its self-discipline and independence.Implement the reform of institutions, spend three years in transferring the institutions with concrete administration authorities currently to the ones in charge of executive actions for administrative matters and reinforce the functions of execution of laws and monitoring.Accelerate the public finance frame suitable to market economic system.Based on public demands, determine and adjust the totality and structure of financial income and expenditure and increase the investment in public beneficial and basic fields.Push the reform of financial budget management system focusing on departmental budget, direct allocation and payment from national treasury and governmental purchase, enforce the budge constraint, audit monitoring and tax supervision, and form the concentrative administration system of governmental capitals.Further take advantage of the orientation of finance and tax policy, optimize the allocation method between municipal and district/county financial powers, improve the ability of transfer payment to poor districts and counties and realize a balanced development of districts and counties.Continue to further legal administration and improve the execution ability of government.Perfect the system to disclose the handling of governmental matters, establish the evidentiary hearing system for important administrative actions and increase the transparency and public participation rate of administrative legislation.Deepen the system reform of execution of laws, push the joint execution of laws concentrating the administrative punishing right more relatively as per the scheduled periods and steps;when deepening the joint execution of laws in cultural activities, explore the joint execution of laws in municipal management and economic management fields.Insist and perfect the construction of democratic legislation system and improve the scientificity and democratization of decisions.All level of governments should voluntarily receive the supervision from the People's Congress and its standing commission at the same level, care about and fully benefit from the democratic monitoring and participation and argument of governmental affairs by People's Political Consultative Conference, fully benefit from the bridge and hinge function of labors' union, communist youth league and women's federation and assign the right to assess government's performance to the mass.Strive to establish a high-performance public officer team, which is honest and clean, strict in public affairs, diligent in governmental affairs, regardful to people, proficient in administration and with superior working style.Insist the work requirements of “curing both superficiality and origin, carry out comprehensively harnessing, focusing on treating origin and emphasizing construction” for constructing a clean government, reinforce the binding and monitoring on privilege and actually realize “privilege in people's hands, affection linked to people and benefits for people”.Fully use the functional departments, such as for administrative supervision and audit, gradually establish a normative, overt and transparent salary distribution system for public officers.Employees in all level of governments must practice the “Two Essential Tasks” spirit, insist adopting the work style of “striving against hard conditions”, plant the awareness of being people's servant, yielding to overall situation and entirety and understanding national situations, constantly maintain the striving spirit, insist doing practical things for people and indeed bear the governmental obligation to serve the people and prosper the city through governmental administration.All representatives, I must say preparing for 2010 EXPO in Shanghai is a very huge systematic project and is a comprehensive examination on our economic strength, social managerial ability and citizens' performance.Since now to the onset of EXPO, there is less than 8 years, during which the first five years are the determinant period.With the goal to host a most successful, splendid and forgettable EXPO, we need the continuous direction, support and assistance by all national departments and brotherly provinces and cities and the united cooperation of all components of the society, and make the preparation work forward step by step.Seriously absorb the success experience of other countries, hurry to constitute and perfect a compact and efficient preparation organization and make out the overall implementation plan as soon as possible.Receive talents both overseas and domestic, applaud to any active participation of foreign or domestic enterprises and secure a first-class level of plan, design, preparation, operation and management.The plan and design must fully consider the future usage of the places and buildings so as to make EXPO Park a permanent international exchange center.Further perfect and specify all preferential measures to encourage more participants.Cooperate with the participants to accelerate the construction of exhibition places and buildings.Construct the supporting facilities for the EXPO Park at high standard and level.With the international method and idea of market-oriented operation, expand the influence of 2010 EXPO.We believe, with the joint effort from all components of the society, the theme “city beautifies life” will be strengthened and needless to say, we can host the 2010 EXPO successfully and brilliantly.All representatives, 2003 is the beginning year to practice the Spirit of 16th Party Congress, we will perform well is this year and create new situations of all works.The suggested main expectations of national economic regulation and control are: GDP increase rate reaching 9-10%, total fixed assets investment amount of the entire society exceeding 220 billion yuan, total retail amount of consumables being about 221 billion yuan, citizen consumption price index being about 101 and registered unemployment rate in towns being controlled at about 5%.Emphasize following tasks: first, greatly push the adjustment of economic structure to promote the unification of economic increase speed and quality and benefit.Remain the pull of investment and consumption need, push the construction of new industry systems and accelerate the development of the industries with Shanghai unique advantages.Speed the construction of infrastructure and trial towns, emphasizing on “Three Ports, Two Networks and One River” and fully start the preparation for EXPO.With the goal to establish a national garden city, initiate a new round of “Three-year-run Environmental Protection Blueprint”.Second, strengthen the original innovation of science and endeavor for the new advantages in Shanghai.Practice the strategy of “develop Shanghai by science and education”, fully strengthen the protection of intellectual property right and speed the formation of new innovation system mainly concerning the R&D investment and technical innovation, enterprises as the main entity.Promote the development of risk investment organizations, build a bulk of scientific innovation projects in IC, biological chipset and zoological medical science and greatly foster a collection of hi-tech industries.Third, further the reform by new breakthrough and further strengthen the vigor of constant economic development.Actively and prudently push the system reform of state-owned assets management and deepen the layout adjustment of state-own economy and the reform of state-owned enterprises.Further deepen the reform of system of investment and financing and actively attract social capital to participate in the city construction and the development of social activities.Fourth, Create new situations to expand opening and fully improve the scale and level of opening.Continue to be prepared for China's entry into WTO and continue to promote the level of “importing” and “operating abroad”.Actively attract foreign investment to hi-tech and new technology and service business fields, encourage foreign investment to participate in the reorganization and reform of state-owned enterprises and encourage local powerful enterprises to implement international operation strategy.Accelerate the form of aggregate foreign trade pattern to actively stimulate the increase of foreign trade.Push the domestic economic cooperation.Fifth, continue to strengthen the work for employment and social security and indeed protect and secure people's basic interests.Combine the government encouragement and social mobilization and based on the economic development, think hard to promote employment and reemployment, such as vocational training.Continue to implement trial point for social insurance in small towns, deepen the reform of “interlock of medicare insurance, medical treatment and medicine” and actually carry out the social rescue and assistance work.Sixth, when pushing the modernization of city's hardware, strengthen the construction city's software and fully optimize and perfect development environment.Constantly perfect and create the system environment compatible to international metropolis, speed the perfection and formation of the satisfactory investment and operation environment gathered with foreign and domestic enterprises.Set the objective of constructing “four first-class” social activities and continue to push the flourish development of all social activities.All representatives: Shanghai's next five-year blueprint has been drafted.However, we must be aware of the keen competition ahead of us in our way forwarding.We will encounter many challenges and must be brave to explore the developing way of Shanghai with its own characteristics.We must embrace the historic opportunities and cherish the exciting situation with unified ideals, promising atmosphere and prepared strength, stimulate all active factors, striving against hard conditions and keeping vigorous, in order to change the beautiful hope to the splendid reality.Let us be directed by the Party Central Committee with Comrade Hu Jintao as the general sectary, fully practice the Spirit of 16th Party Congress, create a new splendor of Shanghai in the new century, make Shanghai people live much better and devote more to the modernization construction all over the country!

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陈希同志讲话心得体会 11月15日中共中央党校15日举行2017年秋季学期第二批入学学员开学典礼。中共中央政治局委员、中央党校校长陈希强调,要坚决维护总书记在党中央和全党的核心地位,深入学习领会习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,认真学习宣传贯彻党的十九大精神,在学懂弄通做实上下功夫,切实把思想和行动统一到党的十九大精神上来。




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