大学英语(一2014年春季期末作业考核 《大学英语(一)》 高起专 )(样例5)

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第一篇:大学英语(一2014年春季期末作业考核 《大学英语(一)》 高起专 )



(一)》 高起专


一、Vocabulary and Structure(共50分)

Section A

Directions: In this section there are 25 incomplete sentences.For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence, Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.1.She was quite excited by the _C_ of seeing Mr.Gordon again so soon.A.prospectB.issueC.bondD.contribution

2.The boy felt _B_ with his new classmates when they made fun of his accent.A.valuableB.uncomfortableC.massiveD.relevant

3.The speaker’s excitedB_ seemed unrelated to his boring speech.A.competitorB.gestureC.complimentD.contribution

4.The _C_ meaning of this word isn’t used now, but you can look it up in a big dictionary.A.keenB.marvelousC.primaryD.massive

5.His _D_ in such an unpopular affair put him in an unfavorable political position.A.emotionB.journalismC.journalistD.involvement

6.You mustn’t hesitate too _A_ when speaking English.A.frequentlyB.keenlyC.overnightD.marvelously

7.The houses in that _B_ are very stylish but too expensive.A.volunteerB.neighborhoodC.supervisorD.stead

8.I’ve _C_ to see Francis tomorrow morning before our important meeting.A.volunteeredB.suspected C.arrangedD.supervised

9.They are probably of high-level _A_ in English reading and writing.A.competenceB.recognitionC.rankD.parade

10.The plane arrived _B_ on schedule and my friend was there to meet me.A.massivelyB.preciselyC.powerfully D.obviously

11.She was _D_ her opportunity to earn a position to assistant manager.A.being keen onB.being relevant to

C.standing sb.in good steadD.making use of

12.Young children are quick to _A_ words they hear their elders use.A.pick upB.revel inC.take part inD.pick out

13.He is unable to go to work _B_ the fall from his horse.A.as a resultB.as a result ofC.becauseD.since

14.Winston Churchill will _C_ in history as the man who rallied the British people when they seemed to be defeated.A.go outB.go upC go downD.go into

15.For this very reason the government has _A_ refused the farmers’ demand, but may reconsider their position.A.so farB.highs and lows

C.a once-in-a-lifetime experienceD.a range of

Section B

Direction: There are 10 blanks in the following passage.For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.You should choose the One answer that best completes the passage.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.If George Washington 16able to travel17in time, he would feel much more at home in ancient Babylon,3700 years before his time, 18in our modern age,200 years after he lived.Torches, chariots and rough streets, 19those of Babylon in 2060 B.C, would not surprise him.He read20candlelight and21in carriages on unpaved roads.He never saw a building more than four stories high.Electric lights, highways, and skyscrapers 22amaze him.When Washington was ill, he might 23to be cut and bled to let out the “bad blood” that was making him sick.He would not know 24a modern doctor meant by serums ,germ, and allergies.If the Father of his Country could visit the United States now, he might think that he 25 on another planet.C16.A.wasB.shouldC.wereD.may

A17.A.back and forthB.back and forwardC.up and downD.over and over D18.A.thoughB.soC.thenD.than

B19.A asB likeC.whichD.who






B25.A.landB.had landedC.landedD.had been landed


本篇属 “三段式”作文,每个段落的第一句话(主题句)说明各段大意.请同学们完成各段,字数不少于120 字.The Importance of Learning a Foreign Language

1.Foreign language is a required course both in middle school and college.2.Learning a foreign language can make us know the world better

3.Now, we may draw a conclusion, that is.it is really important for us to foreign language.There can be no doubt that English is one of the world's most widely used languages.People use a language in one of three ways: as a native language, as a second language, or as a foreign languge.English is spoken as a native language by over three handred million people in the United States, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, some caribbean countries and South Africa.As asecond language, English is often necessary for official business, education,information and other activities in many countries, it is one of the few

“working” languages of the United Nations.It is said that English has become the language of international trade and transport.Most pilots in planes travelling from one country to another use it to talk with airports.All ships sailing on the oceans call for help by radio in it.It has been said that 60 percent of the world's radio broad casts and 70 percent of the world's mail uses English.At international sports meets, and international of scientists English is the language most commonly used and the most widely used.English has in fact become the language of international cooperation is science and technology.The most advanced resuits in space, nuclear and computer research are published in it.A scientist who speaks and writes English is in closer touch with the scientists in other countries than one who doesn't.


期末作业考核 《大学英语



一、Vocabulary and Structure(每题2分,共50分)Section A Directions: In this section there are 15 incomplete sentences.For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence, Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.1.Courses are not ___A _ merely for students to pass exams.A.designed B.designing C.design D.designs 2.Please ___A _those details that you would like to change.A.select B.selection C.selecting D.selects 3.There are six people present at the meeting, __ B __ three women.A.include B.including C.included D.includes 4.He __B ___ told her that he worked for the corporation.A.simple B.simply C.simplify D.simplely 5.They accept what is happening without ___A_ _ to change it.A.attempting B.attempted C.attempt D.attempts 6.He was a great _ C___;he composed many great songs.A.art B.artistic C.artist D.arts 7.Sandy did not want her parents to learn __D__ the news of her failure in the exam.A.in B.for C.on D.about 8.I was surprised to find out that I was heavily __B__ debt.A.on B.in C.to D.up 9.Out classroom is selected ___C___ the place for meeting.A.for B.in C.as D.on 10.Their innovation products caught __C___ quickly.A.with B.up C.on D.in 11.Can you believe that John keeps a snake __A___ a pet? A.as B.in C.for D.against 12.The word comes __C___ an African language.A.up B.down C.from D.out 13.She hangs ___A__ all here clothes neatly in the wardrobe.A.up B.out C.in D.on 14.The child has no understanding of problems, according __D__ the doctor.A.for B.in C.on D.to 15.Americans ___B__ millions of Christmas cards every year.A.change B.exchange C.attempt D.determine

Section B

Direction: There are 10 blanks in the following passage.For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.You should choose the One answer that best completes the passage.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.In the past, American families 16(A)to be quite large.Parents 17(B)five or more were common.Over the years, the 18(C)of the family has decreased.One reason for this is an increase in the 19(D)of living 20(A)the average, children attend schools for more years than they used to, making them 21(B)dependent on their families longer.Moreover, children nowadays are better 22(D)and have more money to spend on 23(D).The parents usually take the responsibility 24(D)all the expense.Meanwhile, families are less close than they used to be.More and more American mothers 25(C)away from home.16.A.tended 17.A.breeding 19.A.level B.wanted

C.seemed D.extended C.size D.scale B.raising C.feeding D.bringing B.standard C.wage D.cost 18.A.amount B.number

20.A.On B.By C.At D.From 21.A.finally B.financially C.fashionably D.faintly 22.A.worn B.wearing C.dressing D.dressed 23.A.luxury B.activity C.playing D.entertainment 24.A.at B.to C.on D.for 25.A.are B.run C.work D.separate

二、Writing(共50 分)

根据所给主题句,完成下列作文。TV’s Influence On Our Daily Life 1)TV not only presents us a wonderful world, but also brings some changes to our daily life.2)It is true that TV has the value of giving complete relaxation 3)Now we can see that TV has caused enormous problems along with its benefits.TV’s Influence On Our Daily Life TV is now the family is a very common household appliances,is very important for everyone.TV was born in 1939,was formally popular in the early 1950s.Since then,countless children grew up,accompanied by television,modern society,television is of special significance.Now the TV is already highly developed,again unlike the usual black and white screen,very few programs.TV a higher technological content,the emergence of flat-panel TV,digital TV,LCD TV and many other high-tech products to provide a better enjoyment and visual effects;At the same time,more and more TV programs,the amount of information is also greater variety shows,news programs,sports programs and other rich people's home life,there are large tracts of television advertising,to provide more information to people face to know the world through television.TV has the advantage of three-dimensional,real,large amount of information,but more and more parents have begun to restrict or prohibit the children watch TV.TV is the same pros and cons like everything,it enriches people's lives,bringing joy to the sick,the elderly,there is no television,there is no part of the color of life,deprived of some people to change,the lack of an understanding of the window to the world.Unfortunately,information on some of television on young people is extremely harmful.Children did not have enough experience,often fail to recognize that television programs do not show a real world,they will believe that the use of a product to make them super-powers,they would argue that the murder case of TV is a normal phenomenon,is acceptable.According to the survey,the majority of people graduating from high school have seen approximately 15,000 hours of television witnessed about 18,000 people died in violence,if they see every day people died violent deaths tragic,real-life murder in their eyes where it will be commonplace,this is the modern young people of the world for one of the reasons for interpersonal indifference.Another survey showed that television is leading to youth writing,one of the reasons for the decline of expressive power.Had a primary school essay caused a huge discussion in a primary school of less than 600 words composition,even more than forty “dead”,such as “heat death” suffocate “the reasons behind actually It is the student television,computers and other frequently used and accepted the so-called ”buzzwords",written reading seriously lead to a lack of vocabulary when writing.Today's children are keen to read is very little TV this dynamic information transfer information more attractive way than the black and white,so the children are more willing to watch TV and not willing to read books.As everyone knows,the precipitation is generated by reading books to improve the writing is an important factor.TV is indeed the real change our lives and our society,it brings a range of benefits,it also brings a series of questions.We must find solutions to these problems,because whether we like the TV have been rooted in our lives,watching TV has become the fashion.


期末作业考核 《大学英语



一、Vocabulary and Structure(每题2分,共50分)Section A Directions: In this section there are 15 incomplete sentences.For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence, Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.1.Courses are not __A _ merely for students to pass exams.A.designed B.designing C.design D.designs 2.Please __A _those details that you would like to change.A.select B.selection C.selecting D.selects 3.There are six people present at the meeting, __ B __ three women.A.include B.including C.included D.includes 4.He __B ___ told her that he worked for the corporation.A.simple B.simply C.simplify D.simplely 5.They accept what is happening without __A_ _ to change it.A.attempting B.attempted C.attempt D.attempts 6.He was a great _ C___;he composed many great songs.A.art B.artistic C.artist D.arts 7.Sandy did not want her parents to learn _D__ the news of her failure in the exam.A.in B.for C.on D.about 8.I was surprised to find out that I was heavily __A__ debt.A.on B.in C.to D.up 9.Out classroom is selected __C___ the place for meeting.A.for B.in C.as D.on 10.Their innovation products caught __B__ quickly.A.with B.up C.on D.in 11.Can you believe that John keeps a snake __A__ a pet? A.as B.in C.for D.against 12.The word comes __C__ an African language.A.up B.down C.from D.out 13.She hangs __B___ all here clothes neatly in the wardrobe.A.up B.out C.in D.on 14.The child has no understanding of problems, according __D__ the doctor.A.for B.in C.on D.to 15.Americans __B___ millions of Christmas cards every year.A.change B.exchange C.attempt D.determine

Section B

Direction: There are 10 blanks in the following passage.For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.You should choose the One answer that best completes the passage.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.In the past, American families 16 to be quite large.Parents 17 five or more were common.Over the years, the 18 of the family has decreased.One reason for this is an increase in the 19 of living 20 the average, children attend schools for more years than they used to, making them 21 dependent on their families longer.Moreover, children nowadays are better 22 and have more money to spend on 23.The parents usually take the responsibility 24 all the expense.Meanwhile, families are less close than they used to be.More and more American mothers 25 away from home.16.A.tended 17.A.breeding 19.A.level B.wanted

C.seemed D.extended C.size D.scale B.raising C.feeding D.bringing B.standard C.wage D.cost 18.A.amount B.number

20.A.On B.By C.At D.From 21.A.finally B.financially C.fashionably D.faintly 22.A.worn B.wearing C.dressing D.dressed 23.A.luxury B.activity C.playing D.entertainment 24.A.at B.to C.on D.for 25.A.are B.run C.work D.separate 答:16.A.tended

17.B.raising 18.C.size 19.D.cost 20.A.On

21.B.financially 22.D.dressed 23.D.entertainment 24.D.for 25.C.work

二、Writing(共50 分)

根据所给主题句,完成下列作文。TV’s Influence On Our Daily Life 1)TV not only presents us a wonderful world, but also brings some changes to our daily life.2)It is true that TV has the value of giving complete relaxation 3)Now we can see that TV has caused enormous problems along with its benefits.答: 第一篇

New Zealand is a South Pacific country,which is the midway between the Equator and the South Pole.It is 1000 miles southeast of Australia.It has an area of 103,000 square miles,similar in size to Britain,Italy,or Japan.There are two main islands,the North and the South Island,with a population of more than 3 million.It is primarily European and Polynesian origin,with more than three-quarters live in towns and ities.The principal language is English.People here have a good living standard.Over 70 percent of homes has color TV,one car for one in two people.Housing is of a high standard,71 percent of which owned by their occupiers.第二篇

The Importance of Learning a Foreign Language Foreign language is a required course both in middle school and college.It is because English is the most widely used language in the world.If we learn English well,we can do a lot of things by using English.And China is an open country.We can communicate with foreigners in English to make a good understanding.Learning a foreign language can make us know the world better.If we only know one language,we just know the things in the language.If we master a foreign language,we can make our sight wider and know and understand what people in other countries do.Now,we may draw a conclusion,that is,it is really important for us to learn a foreign language.Let's study hard to make it better.第三篇

TV’s Influence On Our Daily Life

TV not only presents us a wonderful world,but also brings some changes to our daily life.We would like to stay at home to get news from TV rather than go out.We used to watch TV after supper until sleep.We spend much time on TV.It is true that TV has the value of giving complete relaxation.We could experience laugh and cry by watch different programs.We could enjoy the wonderful sports by TV.We could understand another world of ant that we didn't notice before.Now we can see that TV has caused enormous problems along with its benefits.After shutting down the TV,we come back to the reality again,no willing to talk with others sometimes,no willing to go out with friends.Thus we become lonely.On the other aspects,we waste much time on TV that we can't do things well.That tell us we should enjoy the TV while avoiding its problems.

第四篇:《大学英语(一)》 高起专 期末作业考核试卷及答案

东北师范大学远程与继续教育学院 《大学英语

(一)》 高起专 期末作业考核


一、Vocabulary and Structure(25 分)

Section A

Directions: In this section there are 15 incomplete sentences.For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence, Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.1.Among the decisions that most people make, ___A____ a house is perhaps the biggest one.A.purchasing B.purchase C.purchased D.purchaseing 2.Don’t be ___A__ about him;he is a beginner.A.critical B.positive C.Indian D.basic 3.Their basketball team had bad luck yesterday: it was their third _B___ in four matches.A.uniform B.defeat C.value D.murder 4.It is human nature to be ___B_ to change because it requires us to cross into the unknown.A.oppose B.opposed C.opposing D.opposes 5.His works mirrored such positive _A___ as cheerful and kindness.A.values B.defeats C.mirrors D.themes 6.We must always try to _C___ the highest level of service to our customers.A.admit B.treat C.provide D.purchase 7.The teacher was very popular among the students because he _D___ them as his own children.A.provided B.opposed C.murdered D.treated 8.When I asked the students if they’d like to have the lesson near the lake, I got a __A___ answer: “Yes!”

A.uniform B.critical C.sub-adult D.cultural 9.The sick child fell into sleep soon after he took the medicine----obviously the medicine was __B___ work.A.on B.at C.from D.out of 10.The story about the country teacher and her 18 students was played __C___ and soon the film became very popular.A.in B.from C.out D.up 11.He has made several business trips New York so far.D A.on B.for C.from D.to 12.The fire fighters rushed ___D___ of the building just before it burnt down.A.on B.in C.into D.out 13.Mr.Thomson is strongly opposed ___A_ the idea of building a power station near the town.A.to B.in C.for D.behind 14.I have heard that you are going to build a new school.Could you tell me the plan_B__ detail? A.on B.in C.out D.like 15.The Walt Disney Company did something rare: it admitted defeat __B__ its fight to build a history theme park in Virginia.A.with B.in C.for D.on

Section B

Direction: There are 10 blanks in the following passage.For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.You should choose the One answer that best completes the passage.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Many teachers believe that the responsibilities for learning lie with the students.(61)a long reading assignment is given, instructors expect students to be familiar with the(62)in the reading even if they do not discuss it in class or take an examination.The(63)student is considered to be(64)who is motivated to learn for the sake of(65), not the one interested only in getting high grades.Sometimes homework is returned(66)brief written comments but without a grade.Even if a grade is not given, the students are(67)for learning the material assigned.When research is(68), the professor expects the students to take it actively and to complete it with(69)guidance.It is the(70)responsibility to find books, magazines, and articles in the library.A16.A.If B.Although C.Because D.Before D17.A.suggestion B.context C.abstract D.information B18.A.poor B.ideal C.average D.common B19.A.such B.one C.any D.some C20.A.fun B.work C.learning D.prize D21.A.by B.in C.for D.with C22.A.criticized B.innocent C.responsible D.dismissed C23.A.collected B.distributed C.assigned D.finished B24.A.maximum B.minimum C.possible D.practical A25.A.student’s B.professor’s C.assistant’s D.librarian’s

二、Writing(15 分)

For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition in three paragraphs.The title of the composition is “ The Advantages of Traveling By Bicycle”.You are given the first sentence of each paragraph.Your composition should be about 120 words, not including the words given.The Advantages of Traveling by Bicycle 1.to travel by bicycle has many advantages.2.Second, traveling by bicycle is good for health, because it is good exercise 3.Last but not least, bicycling is good for our environment.Travel by Bike There are many ways of traveling, People may travel by plane if they want to travel far and reach their destination in a shorter time.It is the most comfortable but expensive way.Most people travel by train because it is a less expensive way but the compartments are cramped and stuffy.Bus journey is a cheaper way but it is spent on narrow, bumpy roads which are crowded with traffic.Trips by ship may be the cheapest and most comfortable way but it takes too much time.I tike traveling by bike.I can set out when I like and stop when I like.I can go wherever I like so that I can enjoy delightful spots rarely visited by other travelers.When I feel tired, I sit down by the bike and have a good rest.Besides, I can save much money for tickets and much time in waiting for the train or bus.I can cover more places by riding a bike than going on foot.Traveling by bike is good to health.It is really a sort of good exercise to strengthen one's muscles and to test one's will.Moreover, it brings no pollution to the air.So it helps to clean the atmosphere.


东北师范大学远程与继续教育学院 《大学英语

(一)》 高起专 期末作业考核

一、Vocabulary and Structure(25 分)Section A Directions: In this section there are 15 incomplete sentences.For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence, Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.1.Among the decisions that most people make, ___A____ a house is perhaps the biggest one.A.purchasing B.purchase C.purchased D.purchaseing 2.Don’t be ___A__ about him;he is a beginner.A.critical B.positive C.Indian D.basic 3.Their basketball team had bad luck yesterday: it was their third _B___ in four matches.A.uniform B.defeat C.value D.murder 4.It is human nature to be ___B_ to change because it requires us to cross into the unknown.A.oppose B.opposed C.opposing D.opposes 5.His works mirrored such positive _A___ as cheerful and kindness.A.values B.defeats C.mirrors D.themes 6.We must always try to _C___ the highest level of service to our customers.A.admit B.treat C.provide D.purchase 7.The teacher was very popular among the students because he _D___ them as his own children.A.provided B.opposed C.murdered D.treated 8.When I asked the students if they’d like to have the lesson near the lake, I got a __A___ answer: “Yes!”

A.uniform B.critical C.sub-adult D.cultural 9.The sick child fell into sleep soon after he took the medicine----obviously the medicine was __B___ work.A.on B.at C.from D.out of 10.The story about the country teacher and her 18 students was played __C___ and soon the film became very popular.A.in B.from C.out D.up 11.He has made several business trips New York so far.D A.on B.for C.from D.to 12.The fire fighters rushed ___D___ of the building just before it burnt down.A.on B.in C.into D.out 13.Mr.Thomson is strongly opposed ___A_ the idea of building a power station near the town.A.to B.in C.for D.behind 14.I have heard that you are going to build a new school.Could you tell me the plan_B__ detail? A.on B.in C.out D.like 15.The Walt Disney Company did something rare: it admitted defeat __B__ its fight to build a history theme park in Virginia.A.with B.in C.for D.on

Section B Direction: There are 10 blanks in the following passage.For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.You should choose the One answer that best completes the passage.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Many teachers believe that the responsibilities for learning lie with the students.(61)a long reading assignment is given, instructors expect students to be familiar with the(62)in the reading even if they do not discuss it in class or take an examination.The(63)student is considered to be(64)who is motivated to learn for the sake of(65), not the one interested only in getting high grades.Sometimes homework is returned(66)brief written comments but without a grade.Even if a grade is not given, the students are(67)for learning the material assigned.When research is(68), the professor expects the students to take it actively and to complete it with(69)guidance.It is the(70)responsibility to find books, magazines, and articles in the library.A16.A.If B.Although C.Because D.Before D17.A.suggestion B.context C.abstract D.information B18.A.poor B.ideal C.average D.common B19.A.such B.one C.any D.some C20.A.fun B.work C.learning D.prize D21.A.by B.in C.for D.with C22.A.criticized B.innocent C.responsible D.dismissed C23.A.collected B.distributed C.assigned D.finished B24.A.maximum B.minimum C.possible D.practical A25.A.student’s B.professor’s C.assistant’s D.librarian’s

二、Writing(15 分)

For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition in three paragraphs.The title of the composition is “ The Advantages of Traveling By Bicycle”.You are given the first sentence of each paragraph.Your composition should be about 120 words, not including the words given.The Advantages of Traveling by Bicycle 1.to travel by bicycle has many advantages.2.Second, traveling by bicycle is good for health, because it is good exercise 3.Last but not least, bicycling is good for our environment.Travel by Bike There are many ways of traveling, People may travel by plane if they want to travel far and reach their destination in a shorter time.It is the most comfortable but expensive way.Most people travel by train because it is a less expensive way but the compartments are cramped and stuffy.Bus journey is a cheaper way but it is spent on narrow, bumpy roads which are crowded with traffic.Trips by ship may be the cheapest and most comfortable way but it takes too much time.I tike traveling by bike.I can set out when I like and stop when I like.I can go wherever I like so that I can enjoy delightful spots rarely visited by other travelers.When I feel tired, I sit down by the bike and have a good rest.Besides, I can save much money for tickets and much time in waiting for the train or bus.I can cover more places by riding a bike than going on foot.Traveling by bike is good to health.It is really a sort of good exercise to strengthen one's muscles and to test one's will.Moreover, it brings no pollution to the air.So it helps to clean the atmosphere.

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    一、单选题(共20道试题,共60分。) 1.Speaker A: Want to come over Thursday for supper Speaker B: _______ . A. I really can't. You'll not mind, I think B. Let's put it......


    河北工程大学成人教育2013学年第一学期试卷(闭卷) 课程:大学英语(一)任课教师:函授站点: 武安站 专业与班级:姓名:学号:分数: 一.交际用语(每小题2分,共20分) 1.How do you do ? How do y......


    2014年春季 期末作业考核 《大学日语(一)》 高起专 满分100分 一.请把下面单词的读音写在里。(每题1分,共10分) 1. 本(ほん)2. 靴(くつ) 3.中 国 (ちゅうごく)4.日 本 (にほん) 5.部 屋 (へや)6. 机(つく......


    1. Clara was ______to sell her late husband's paintings to pay her debts. A) qualified for B) assumed AN ASUMMED INCREASE IN POPULATION C) compelled D) ra......


    【翻译】1.老师回来时你敢告我状的话,我就不再和你说话了。 If you dare tell on me when the teacher gets back I won’t say a word to you any more.2.有些老年人愿意独......


    期末作业考核 《教育学》 满分100分 一、判断并说明理由(每题1分,共10分) 1、( ✖ )教育的对象是人,但教育的出发点则是社会。 理由:教育的对象是人,这是对的。但說教育的出发点也是......


    期末作业考核 《心理学》 满分100分 一、名词解释(每题5分,共20分) 1. 智力 答:智力是指生物一般性的精神能力。指人认识、理解客观事物并运用知识、经验等解决问题的能力,包括记......


    大学英语(三)第一次作业(2010年4月)第一部分:交际英语(每题3分,共15分)1. –How do you do? Glad to meet you.–_________________________.A. Fine. How are you?C. How are you?......