在世界经济全球化和一体化的今天,翻译作为经济交往的桥梁,其地位日趋突出。中国自改革开放以来,与国外经济技术交往频繁,特别是中国加入世界贸易组织后,与各国贸易组织、公司企业之间的商务活动会更加频繁,商务合同的应用也越发广泛。商务合同(business contract)是自然人或法人之间为实现一定的商务目的,按一定的合法手续达成的规定相互权利和义务的契约,它对签约各方都具有法律约束力。正因为合同具有法律效用,合同双方都必须严格按照合同的约定,全面履行自己的义务,这就需要合同的文字斟词酌句,力求准确无误。同时,准确性也是对商务合同英语翻译的基本要求。
1.1 缩略词的准确。缩略词是指由主干单词的第一个字母所构成。这是人们在长期的商务使用过程中逐渐演变的结果。
By confirmed, irrevocable L/C without recourse in favour of COSCO for the total value of the contracted goods in poundssterling, payable at sight against presentation of shipping documents to the Bank of China in the port of loading.L/C 是letter of credit 的缩写,COSCO 是China Ocean Shipping Co.的缩写。
其他如:CMT = cut-make-trim 剪裁、缝边、镶边的加工费;SHINC = Sunday and Holiday Included 包括星期天和节假日;
PDPR = per day or pro rata 每天?不足一天按比例计算;CCIB = the China Commodity Inspection Bureau 中国商品检验局。
(1)国家名称往往可以缩写,街道名称中的Road, Street 等最好不要缩写,如:中华人民共和国贵州省贵阳市营盘路8 号6 幢713 号,邮政编码:55003Building 6, Suite 713 8 Yingpan Road Guiyang, Guizhou 550032 PRC(2)表示“午前”、“午后”的缩写a.m.和 p.m.不能和o’clock, in the morning, in the afternoon 等连用。“正午点”、“午夜点”应写成noon, midnight,不要写成12 a.m., 12 p.m.。
(3)表示长度、面积、体积、容积、重量等的单位名称,在商务合同中一般不用缩写,只有在列表中与数字直接放在一起时才使用缩写,且缩写无单复数之分:ft = foot, feet;yd = yard, yards;oz = ounce, ounces(4)月份名和星期名最好不要缩写,除非是在列表时为了节省空间。
1.2 同义词连用的准确。在商务合同中,经常用成双成对的同义词,同义词之间用and 或or 连接。成对用同义词是为了避免诉讼时双方律师钻词义间的细微差别大做文章。因而在做英语翻译时一定要注意。我们知道“term”和“condition”是同义词,都表示“条件、条款”,但它们在合同中就经常连用,例如:
The Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to purchase the under-mentioned commodity according to the terms andconditions stipulated below:
修改―― amendments to or alterations of ;效力―― force and effect ;履行―― fulfill or perform;提供――furnish and provide ; 解释― ― interpretation or construction ; 达成― ― make and enter into ; 无效― ―null and void;秘密――secret and confidential;可转让――transferable or assignable。
1.3 复合词的准确。商务合同中常用到的是here、there 或where 与in、on、after、of 等介词结合构成的复合词。在合同中使用这些词,可避免重复,做到准确、简洁、严密,反映出契约性行文正式、严肃、古板的文体特征。这类复合词中的“here”应理解为“this”,“ there”应理解为“that”,“ where”应理解为“which”。因此,hereof = of this,herewith = withthis 关于此点; hereafter = after this time;in the future 自此以后,将来;hereby = by means of this 以此方式;herein = in this place于此处;hereinafter = below or in this document 在下文;hereto = to this 由是,由此;thereinafter = in that part 在下部分;thereupon= as a result of that 于是,因此;therefor = for that object 为此,因之;whereas = considering that 考虑到,鉴于;whereof = ofwhat 所谈的事;whereby = by which 借以;whereupon = after which 然后。如:
The Licensee shall keep books and records in sufficient detail to enable the royalties payable hereunder to the determined , and,shall further permit such books and records to be examined by a certified public accountant appointed by the Licensor at anyreasonable time during the business hours to the extent necessary to verify the royalty and payments herein.1.4 正规性词语的准确。商务合同的用词一般都正式、规范的语言,而不能太口语化。可从“shall”在商务合同中的广泛使用看出这一点。用“shall”代替“will”or“should”以加强语气和强制力。“shall”在合同中,并非指单纯的将来时,而是常常用来表示法律上可以强制执行的义务,表示当事人需要承担的义务,有“应该”、“必须”的意思。“will”在合同中虽也用作表示承担义务,但语气比“shall”弱。在合同中“should”通常只用来表示语气较强的假设“万一”,极少用来表示“应该”,这是英语合同用词与基础英语用词的不同之处。如:
卖方保证货物达到质量标准,没有瑕疵。虽然中文中无“应该”字样,但应翻译成:The seller shall guarantee that the goods meet the quality standards and without blemish.下面再列举一些词的正规表达和口语表达:
修改―amend―change, correct;给予―assign―give;召集会议―convene―call to meet;解释―construe―explain;同意―consent―agreement;立约―covenan―promise in writing;
认为―deem―consider;立刻-forthwith-at once;临时的-interim-temporary;参与-partake-join;要求-require-ask;递交-surrender-give。
1.5 专用表达的准确。在商务合同中还经常出现一些像In Witness Whereof、Know All Men by these presents 之类的专用表达,这些单词或词组在日常交流中几乎不用。如:
(1)本协议书于上面所签定的日期由双方根据各自的法律签定,开始执行,特立此据。In Witness Whereof, the parties hereto have caused the Agreement to be executed on the day and year first before written inaccordance with their respective laws.(2)特此宣布,我中国建设银行向腾达公司立约担保支付三百万元人民币保证金,本保证金对银行及其继承人和受让人均具有约束力。
Know All Men by these presents that we Construction Bank of China will be bound to
Tengda Corp.in the sum of threemillion RMB yuan for payment well and truly to be made to the Owner , the Bank will bind itself , its successors and assigns bythese presents.1.6 词项重复的准确。
词项重复是指很少使用代词,重复关键词。这是为了达到准确的目地。除在“it is agreed as follows”和“it is understood that”两种结构中外,代词“it”几乎见不到。此外,名词前常用“said”、“aforesaid”、“above-mentioned”等来限定,如:
如卖方延迟交货超过合同规定10 周时,买方有权撤消合同。此时卖方仍应不延迟地按上述规定向买方支付罚款。
In case the Seller fails to make delivery ten weeks later than the time of shipment stipulated in the Contract, the Buyer shallhave the right to cancel the Contract, and the Seller, in spite of the cancellation, shall nevertheless pay the aforesaid penalty to theBuyer without delay.2.句法的准确
2.1 句式结构的准确。
本租赁合同生效日起,承租人应向出租人支付相当于二个月租金(4,000 美元)的押金,作为对忠实履行本租约的担保金。本押金将于1998 年5 月11 日租约到期时,在承租人交还租房,而设备完好的前提下,归还承租人(不计息),或者,在租约提前终止时,按本租约规定办理。
On the date of coming into force of this Lease, the Lessee deposits with the Lessor the sum equaling two months’ rent(=USD4,000)as security for the faithful performance of the provisions of this lease, and to be returned to the Lessee without interest whenthe Lessee surrenders the premises and all the equipment in good condition on expiration May 11, 1998 of this lease or based on theconditions of this Lease for sooner termination.这则商业用房租赁合同,中文是两个句子,而为了表达连贯,富有逻辑,英文翻译中只用了一个完整的句子:主句加时间状语从句,附带介词词组状语和分词词组状语。
(2)常用条件句。合同除了规定双方应该履行的义务外,还设想了各种可能发生的情况和处理办法,所以条款中条件句较多,尤其是在有关付款、违约责任、不可抗力、财产处理和仲裁等几章中更是屡见不鲜。英文中最常见的有以下几种表达方式: in the event that, in case 等。这种结构虽然拖沓冗长,但表意非常精确,杜绝了产生歧义的情形。如:若需要进口许可证,买方应在订货前办妥。
In case the Import License is required, the buyer should settle the problem before placing the order.(3)为了表达希望某事不太可能发生,常用“should”放于句首,主语与动词倒置的从句加主句的句型。这种结构表示强烈的假设。如:
Should the buyer fail to perform any provision of the contract signed with the seller, the
seller is entitled to terminate the wholeor any part of the contract, or postpone the delivery or hold back the goods in transit.2.2 状语位置的准确。按照英语写作的一般规则,主谓之间不能放置较长的状语。但在商务合同英语中,较长的状语和never、often 等经常出现在主谓之间。另外一般文书的状语从句中,If、When、In case 等连词与从句的主语之间一般不能放置状语,但商务合同英语中的状语可以这样做。这样是为了保持语意的连贯。如:
任何一方向合资公司付清其认缴的出资额以后,对合资公司的任何债务不承担责任。No Party shall, after having paid to the joint venture company the entirety of the capital it has subscribed, assume anyresponsibility for any of the debts and liabilities of the joint venture company.在被邀签约时,承包人应同意签定并履行合同,该合同是由业主按照本合同条件所附格式拟订,如有必要,可对其进行修改。该合同的拟订和签订费用由业主承担。
The Contractor shall, if called upon so to do, enter into and execute the Contract, to be
prepared and completed at the cost ofthe Employer , in the form annexed to these conditions with such modification as may be necessary.在非正式协商开始30 天后,如果双方仍不能友好地解决合同争端,任何一方都可以要求将争端提交仲裁解决。
If, after 30 days from the commencement of such informal consultations, the parties fail to resolve amicably a contractdispute , either party hereto may require that the dispute by submitted to arbitration for resolution.3、数字的准确商务合同英语中的数字有一系列的规则,有些与汉语的规则有很大差别。
3.1 一般来说,1 至10 写成单词,11 及其以上的数字写成阿拉伯数字。如:罚款率按每7 天0.5%,不足7 天以7 天计算。
The rate of negotiation is charged at 0.5 percent for every seven days, odd days less than seven days should be counted as sevendays.如卖方延期交货超过合同规定20 周时,买方有权撤消合同。
In case the Seller fails to make delivery 20 weeks later than the time of shipment stipulated in the Contract, the Buyer shall havethe right to cancel the Contract.3.2 句首的数字应写成单词,不能写成阿拉伯数字。如:30 箱货物丢失。Thirty of the packages were lost.3.3 并列的数字如果有的在10 以上,有的在10 以下时,应全部写成阿拉伯数字。如:每纸箱装有8 个茶杯和12 个玻璃杯。Each carton contains 8 cups and 12 glasses.3.4 日期的年、日用阿拉伯数字表示,月用单词表示。日和年放在一起时,中间用逗号隔开;月和年放在一起时之间不用逗号。如:
日期:2000 年8 月20 日 签约地点:中国深圳
Date:August 20 ,2000 Signed at Shenzhen, China3.5 地址的门牌和邮编号码用阿拉伯数字表示,如:
买方:尤力康公司 美国加利福尼亚州旧金山市海风路15 号,邮政编码:9100The Buyer :Unicon Corporation 15 Ocean Wind Road, San Francisco, California,91002 USA3.6 在有一定法律效力的商务合同中,金额的表示非常重要。为避免金额数量的伪造、涂改、差错,可以用以下方法表示:金额如用阿拉伯数字表示,后面往往用单词予以说明,这相当于汉语中的大写金额。但要注意:阿拉伯数字前要加货币符号,金额数字必须紧靠货币符号;单词要加say 和only 加以限定,如:
单价:深圳船上交货价每件12.80 美元
总值:166,400 美元(壹拾陆万陆仟肆佰美元正)
UNIT PRICE: US $12.80 FOB Shenzhen per suit.TOTAL PRICE: US$166,400,00(One hundred and sixty-six thousand four hundred US dollars only orSay one hundred and sixty-six thousand four hundred US dollars)
4.1 合同的条款都要大写。如: 样品:SAMPLES; 时间与数量:DURATION AND QUANTITY; 责任:
4.2 冒号后面的句子首字母应大写。如:原产地:中华人民共和国 COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: The People’s Republic ofChina
4.3 姓和名的首字母应大写,姓名前的称谓的首字母应大写。如:总裁纳尔逊 President Nelson
4.4 单位名称除介词、冠词、连词外的每个单词的首字母应大写。如:纽约金软公司 Kingsoft Corporation of New York
4.5 表示合同的当事人、条款等的单词的首字母应大写,如:甲方Party A ;买方The Buyer;条款5 Clause 5;本合同the Contract。
4.6 Invoice、Grade、Model 等词之后跟上数字或字母时,它们的首字母应大写。如:2000-31 型的5 号衬衣 shirtsin Size 5 of Model 2000-31
3.1 准确性
原文:This support can be as detailed as the writing of contracts, for example, looking at shareholder structure or analyzing investment concepts.It can mean up-dating a company’s development concept, help in improving a company’s management or in modernizing its recruitment, marketing or distribution.It also means support in identifying new partners, in opening up international markets or in bringing the company to the point where it can go public or be sold.原译文:公司提供的支持包括撰写合同,分析股东结构或投资理念等。这意味着更新一个公司的发展理念,使其经营或招聘机制更趋现代化,改善其市场营销和销售策略。此外,这一支持系统还意味着我们能协助客户在国际市场上找到新的合作伙伴,帮助他们上市和出售。分析:将本译文与原文相比,可以看出译文多处翻译不够准确,令人费解。比如,原文说的是公司的提供的支持 “as detailed as the writing of contracts”(像撰写合同一样具体。)而原译文则是“包括撰写合同”;原文“in improving a company’s management or in modernizing its recruitment, marketing or distribution”(改善公司经营管理,使其招聘机制、市场营销和销售更趋现代化),而原译文则成了“使其经营或招聘机制更趋现代化,改善其市场营销和销售策略”;原文的“identifying new partners, opening up international markets”(寻找新的合作伙伴,开拓国际市场),在原译文中却成了“协助客户在国际市场上找到新的合作伙伴”!这种似是而非的翻译,使原文信息大为失真,不仅极有可能误导读者,而且可能给公司造成很大的损失。
3.2 专业性
各行各业都有其不同的文化背景、特点及要求,并有其特定的专业术语。在翻译过程中,如果译者不能吃透其专业特点和掌握其专业术语,翻译结果则可能大相径庭。如,due diligence 在商务英语中不应译为“适当尽职”,而是“尽职调查”;option plan 应为“期权计划”,而不是“职工购买股票计划”等。
原文: Next, the participation agreements are negotiated and – if agreed – they are signed and certified by a lawyer.原译文:然后,双方就公司参与企业管理的问题进行磋商,如果达成共识,就会在协议上签字,并由一名律师公证。
原文:After we have checked the L/C carefully, we request you to make the following amendment: “Partial shipments and Transshipment allowed”.原译文:经过仔细核对信用证,兹要求贵方做如下修改:“允许部分转运和转船”。分析:将“Partial shipments”译成“部分转运”似乎欠妥;行话应是“分批”。
3.3 文化性
例如:在美国的大商场有“rest room”,译成中文的“休息室”就会出笑话,因为“rest room”在此指“厕所”,而并非国际机场里所指的“休息室”。
4.1 熟悉英语相关专业知识
4.2 了解文化差异
比如:“dragon”(龙)这个词是我们中华民族的象征,是中国的吉祥物,“龙腾虎跃、龙马精神、龙飞凤舞、龙吟虎啸”等成语均体现了龙的精神和气势。而在西方国家“dragon”这个词却是罪恶的象征。因此在翻译“韩国,中国台湾,香港和新加坡亚洲四小龙”的时候,我们不用“Four Asian Dragons”,而用“Four Asian Tigers”。这就是文化差异的典型表现。总而言之,在翻译中我们必须尽量了解他国的文化与差异,并做出正确的翻译,以免造成不必要的误解。
4.3 掌握商务英语语言技巧
4.4 遵循翻译原则
5.1 注意细节问题
原文:An increase in business requires an increase in the amount of money coming into general circulation.译文:交易增加,要求流通的货币量也增加。
5.2 不断加强实践能力
正所谓“实践是检验真理的唯一标准”,书本上的知识只能代表我们拥有了理论能力,但工作的能力是靠实际的锻炼得到培养的。如果我们缺乏实战经验,在翻译工作中很可能会上当受骗。例如,在外商草拟的合同草案中,我们不仅要理解其字面意思,更要弄清其潜在含义。当买方要求卖方提供某些与设计或技术有关的资料、数据、公式时,卖方很可能会用合同上的诸如 “The seller shall submit the data concerned to the buyer if possible”(如果可能,卖方将向买方提供有关数据)之类的句子推脱。因为“如果可能(possible)”在很大程度上意味着“不可能(impossible)”。总之,我们必须通过不断的实践来丰富自我,锻炼自我,提高我们的判别能力和工作能力。
Chinese-English translation
As long as we keep to the principle of equality and mutual benefit, trade between our two parties is sure to develop further.2.如果一方不执行合同,另一方有权撤销该合同。
In case one party fails to carry out the contract, the other party is entitled to cancel the contract.3.关于包装问题,我方将与厂商联系,要求他们对此加以重视。
As to packing, we will contact our manufacturers and call their attention to the matter.4.坚固的包装和箱内严密的填充可防止木箱受震、开裂。
Solid packing and overall stuffing can prevent the cases from vibration and jarring.5.很遗憾,这是我们的低价。如果你觉得价格不可行,我们只好取消这笔交易。I'm awfully sorry.This is our floor price.If you find it unworkable, we may as well call the deal off.6.请贵方惠寄商品目录并报价,谢谢。
I shall be glad if you will send me your catalogue together with quotations.7.我们一直在提高我们产品的设计水平,以满足世界市场的要求。
We are always improving our design and patterns to conform to the world market.8.我们通常采用的付款方式是保兑不可撤销的信用证。
The terms of payment we usually adopt are confirmed and irrevocable letter of credit.9.由于所订货物已备妥待运,请即开信用证,我方一收到信用证,立即装船。As the goods ordered are ready for shipment, please expedite your L/C, we will effect shipment as soon as it reaches us.10.我们已在中国人民控股公司替上述货物按4000美元投保了一切险。
We have covered the above shipment with PICC Holding Company against All Risks for $4,000.11.我们只投保水渍险,包括仓对仓条款,有效期为15天。
We cover only WPA including warehouse to warehouse clause valid for 15 days.12.只要在保险责任范围内,保险公司就应赔偿。
The insurance company is responsible for the claim, as far as it is within the scope of coverage.13.货物如果转运,我们得多付运费。
In case of transshipment, we have to pay extra transportation charges.14.由于贵方订货数量太大,目前无法订到足够的舱位,望贵方同意分批装运。As your order is a large one, we are not in a position to book enough shipping space, so we hope you will agree to partial shipment.15.请填写这份进口货物交运单和进口货物包装声明。
Please fill out the Import Cargo Shipping Instructions and the Import Cargo Packing Declaration here.16.由于你方未能及时交货,我方将向你方提出由此而遭受的全部损失的索赔。We shall lodge a claim for all the losses incurred as a consequence of your failure to ship our order in time.17.我方检验证明,货物受损是由于包装不当而造成的。因此,我方不得不将此事提交你处解决。
Our investigation shows that improper packing caused damage.Therefore we have to refer this matter to you.18.考虑到我们之间的业务关系,我们准备接受35吨短装的索赔。
In view of our friendly business relations, we are prepared to meet your claim for the 35 tons shortage in weight.19.这是由香港一个著名实验室提供的一份检验报告,证据绝对可靠。
Here’s a survey report by a well-known lab in Hong Kong, whose testimony is absolutely reliable.20.根据我们的检验报告,货物破损的原因是包装太差。
According to our survey report, the damage was caused by poor packing.
1.Please accept our thanks for the trouble you have taken.有劳贵方,不胜感激。
2.We are obliged to thank you for your kind attention in this matter.不胜感激贵方对此事的关照。
3.We tender you our sincere thanks for your generous treatment of us in this affair.对贵方在此事中的慷慨之举,深表感谢。
4.Allow us to thank you for the kindness extended to us.对贵方之盛情,不胜感谢。
7.We should be grateful for your furnishing us details of your requirements.如承赐示具体要求,不胜感激。
8.It will be greatly appreciated if you will kindly send us your samples.如承惠寄样品,则不胜感激。
9.We shall appreciate it very much if you will give our bid your favorable consideration.如承优惠考虑报价,不胜感激。
10.We are greatly obliged for your bulk order(大宗订货,in bulk 大量的)just received.收到贵方大宗订货,不胜感激。
14.We spare no efforts in endeavoring to be of service to you.我方将不遗余力为贵方效劳。
15.We shall be very glad to handle for you at very low commission charges.我方将很愉快与贵方合作,收费低廉。
18.We are always in a position to quote you the most advantageous prices for higher quality merchandise.我们始终能向贵方提供品质最佳的产品,报价最为优惠。
19.This places our dealers in a highly competitive position and also enable them to enjoy a maximum profit.这样可以使我方经营者具有很强的竞争力,还可获得最大的利润。
1.Having had your name and address from the Commercial Counselor's office of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in..., we now avail ourselves of this opportunity to write to you and see if we can establish business relations by a start of some Practical transactions.从中华人民共和国驻……大使馆商务参赞处获悉贵公司名称和地址,现借此机会与贵方通信,意在达成一些实际交易为开端,以建立业务系。
5.We learn from...that your firm specializes in..., and would like to establish business relationship with you.从……获悉你公司专门经营……,现愿与你公司建立业务关系。
8.The...Bank in your city has been kind enough to inform us that you are one of the leading importers(exporters)of...and are interested in trading with China in these lines...据了解,你们是中国……(商品)有潜力的买主,而该商品正属我们的业务经营范围。
9.We are given to understand that you are potential buyers of Chinese...,which comes within the frame of our business activities.Autonomous company 具有自主经营权的公司 availability 可销售能力 Award 裁决、判给 award dinner 颁奖宴会 Back 支持、资助、赞助 Backer 资助人 Backlog 积压
Back pay 补发工资(常为追补的加薪金额)
Bad debt 坏帐,呆帐,倒账(无法收回的应收账款)Bad publicity 负面影响
Baggage allowance 行李重量限额
Bagstuffer 公告传单,小型宣传品,通常在街头散发或在付款台前塞进顾客购物袋。Balance 余额,平衡
balance of payment 国际收支,简称BOP Bancassurance 银行保险业, 亦作bankassurance Bank charges 银行手续费
Banking business 金融业,银行业
Banner towing 条幅广告
Bar chart 矩形图,条形图,直方图 也称bar graph or histogram(是以宽度相同的长条,按其长短或高低来表示指标或数值大小的一种图形。有单式。复式和分段式三种。其中纵轴线称为vertical axis,横轴线称为horizontal axis.)
Bar code(打印在商品上,与电脑系统连接可读出商品价格和参考数据的)条形码,条码 Bar graph 矩形图,条形图,直方图,也称bar chart 或histogram Base pay 基本工资
base rate 基本利率,基础利率 Batch 成批的产品
Bear market 熊市(通常指股市、汇市等金融市场价格下跌或疲软)Benchmark 基价,基准尺度 Beneficiary 受益人
Benefit premium.(基本工资之外的)福利津贴
Benefits package 一揽子福利,福利套餐(指工资以外的福利,如健康保险,住房或股票等等)
best selling author 畅销书作家 Bill 要求……支付
Billboard 露天大广告牌 Bill of entry 报关单 Bill of lading 提单
Binding machine 装订机
Black Friday(尤指经济领域内灾难性的)黑色星期五,灾难性的一天 Black Monday(股市狂跌的)黑色星期一 Blockbuster 大力促销,生意兴隆 Blue chip 1 蓝筹股, 绩优股
accounts 1 账目例:The financial director was accused of falsifying the company accounts.accounts 2 会计部门 即 accounts department 例: She works in accounts.ccounts manager 会计部经理 accounts payable 应付账款例: Accounts payable is created when a firm deals with suppliers who extend credit.advance 预付款, 垫款例: I asked for an advance on my salary.advanced orders 预订货量例: The development of the game has taken two years but advanced orders are impressive.after-sales warranty 售后保单
against all risks 保全险例:These are goods insured against all risks.agency 代理行,经销处,公众服务机构,代理公司,中介公司例:The firm has agencies all over the world.agency recruitment通过职业介绍所招聘例:Recruitment in the UK is divided into agency recruitment, advertising or executive search.agenda 议程例:An agenda is a list of things to discuss at a meeting.agent 1 代理商,代理人例:He is an authorized agent for a large insurance company.airlines 航空公司(多用于航空公司名称中)例: English Royal Dutch Airlines(均大写)all-risk policy 全险,综合险,全险保单例: We have taken out an all-risk policy on the electronic equipment.annual general meeting 股东大会(根据法律规定每年举行,出席的包括公司成员,股东和董事),简称AGM.口语里也称the yearly shareholders' meeting.例: The financial results will be announced at the annual general meeting.as of 自......起,等于as from 例:I would like to inform you that as of September 6, 2001,the new name for our company will be Sunrise.Certificate of Origin certificate of origin of China showing
中国产地证明书 stating 证明 evidencing specifying 说明 indicating 表明 declaration of 声明
certificate of Chinese origin
Certificate of origin shipment of goods of … origin prohibited 产地证,不允许装运……的产品
packing list detailing…
packing list showing in detail…
注明……细节的装箱单 weight list 重量单
weight notes 磅码单(重量单)detailed weight list 明细重量单 parcel post receipt 邮包收
certificate customs invoice on form 59A combined certificate of value and origin for developing countries 适用于发展中国家的包括价值和产地证明书的格式59A海关发票证明书 pure foods certificate 纯食品证书
combined certificate of value and Chinese origin
loading port and destinaltion
装运港与目的港 date of shipment 装船期
partial shipments and transhipment 分运与转运
partial shipments are(not)permitted
(不)允许分运 partial shipments(are)allowed(prohibited)
准许(不准)分运 without transhipment
transhipment at Hongkong allowed
partial shipments are permissible,transhipment is allowed except at…
partial/prorate shipments are perimtted
允许分运/按比例装运 valid in…for negotiation until…
draft(s)must be presented to the negotiating(or drawee)bank not later than…
expiry date for presention of documents…
draft(s)must be negotiated not later than…
this L/C is valid for negotiation in China(or your port)until 15th,July 1977
bills of exchange must be negotiated within 15 days from the date of bills of lading but not later than August 8,1977
汇票须在提单日起15天内议付,但不得迟于1977年8月8日.this credit remains valid in China until 23rd May,1977(inclusive)
本证到1977年5月23日为止,包括当日在内在中国有效 expiry date August 15,1977 in country of beneficiary for negotiation
expiry date 15th August,1977 in the country of the beneficiary unless otherwise
除非另有规定,(本证)于1977年8月15日受益人国家满期 draft(s)drawn under this credit must be negotiation in China on or before August 12,1977 after which date this credit expires
满期日……(有效期).…if negotiation on or before…
negoation must be on or before the 15th day of shipment
自装船日起15天或之前议付 this credit shall remain in force until 15th August 197 in China
the credit is available for negotiation or payment abroad until…
the amount and date of negotiation of each draft must be endorsed on reverse hereof by the negotiation bank
this copy of credit is for your own file,please deliver the attached original to the beneficaries
本证副本供你行存档,请将随附之正本递交给受益人 without you confirmation thereon
documents must be sent by consecutive airmails
all original documents are to be forwarded to us by air mail and duplicate documents by sea-mail
please despatch the first set of documents including three copies of commercial invoices direct to us by registered airmail and the second set by following airmail
original documents must be snet by Registered airmail,and duplicate by subsequent airmail
单据的正本须用挂号航邮寄送,副本在下一班航邮寄送 documents must by sent by successive(or succeeding)airmails
all documents made out in English must be sent to out bank in one lot
用英文缮制的所有单据须一次寄交我行 method of reimbursement 索偿办法
available by your draft at sight payable by us in London on the basis to sight draft on New York
in reimbursement,please claim from our RMB¥ account held with your banking department Bank of China Head Office Beijing with the amount of your negotiation
upon presentation of the documents to us,we shall authorize your head office backing department by airmail to debit the proceeds to our foreign business department account
after negotiation,you may reimburse yourselves by debiting our RMB¥ account with you,please forward all relative documents in one lot to us by airmail
all bank charges outside U.K.are for our principals account,but must claimed at the time of presentation of documents
negotiating bank may claim reimbursement by T.T.on the…bank certifying that the credit terms have been complied with
议付行须证明本证条款已旅行,并按电汇条款向……银行索回货款 abandonment clause: 委付条款 act of god: 不可抗力 actuary: 保险精算师
all-risks policy:一切险保单 Assignment clause: 转让条款 Average: 海损、海损分摊 Average adjuster: 海损理算人
Average clause: 共同海损分担条款 Certificate of insurance: 保险证明书 Claim: 索赔
Claim assessor: 索赔人 Damage: 损坏赔偿金
Damage certificate: 损坏证明书 Damage claim: 损坏索赔 Endorsement: 签注
Endowment policy: 人寿定期保险单 Faa(free of all average): 全损赔偿 Fpa(free of particular average): 单独海损不赔 Free of average: 全损赔偿 Insurance broker: 保险经纪人 Insurance policy: 保险单 Insurance premium: 保险费 Jettison: 投弃
Knock-for-knock agreement: 互撞免赔协议 Liability insurance: 责任保险 Life assured: 人寿保险投保人 Life fund: 人寿保险基金 Loading: 人寿保险附加费 Loss adjuster: 损失理算人 Loss ratio: 赔付率
Marine insurance: 海上运输保险
Mortality tables: 死亡率表(用于计算保险风险)Motor insurance: 汽车保险
Mutual insurance company: 互助保险公司 No-claims bonus: 无索偿奖金 Reinsurance: 再保险;转保 Renewal: 续保;延期 Renewal premium: 续保费
Salvage value: 残值;获救货物或船舶的价值 Third party insurance: 第三方保险 Time policy: 定期保险单 Unvalued policy: 不定值保单 U/w(underwriter): 承保人
This article introduces the services and development of the Internet of Things, and analyzes the driving forces and obstacles behind such development.Looking at application types and the different development stages of the Internet of Things, this article categorizes its services into four types: identity related services, information aggregation services, collaborative-aware services, and ubiquitous services.For the first two types of services, applications and system framework are discussed;for the last two types, development trends are discussed.Services provided by the Internet of Things will gradually be integrated into human life and society;with the development of the Internet of Things, applications will evolve from relatively simple identity-related and information aggregation-related applications, to collaboratively-aware, and finally ubiquitous applications.It will then be possible for the Internet of Things to be fully integrated with Internet and telecommunications networks.摘要:
本文介绍了物联网的服务和发展和分析这种发展背后的推动力和障碍。寻找在应用程序类型和不同发展阶段的物联网,这篇文章总结为四种类型的服务:身份相关服务,信息聚合服务,协作感知的服务和无处不在服务。对于前两种类型的服务,对应用程序和系统框架进行了讨论,对于最后两个类型,对发展趋势进行了讨论。物联网提供的服务将逐步融入人类的生活和社会;随着互联网的发展,应用程序会从相对简单的身份到有关的信息聚合到协作感知相关的应用发展,并最终成为无处不在的应用。然后,它将充分结合互联网和电信网络。Development of the Internet of Things
The concept“Internet of Things”was coined by Kevin Ashton of Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT)in 1999, and is defined as follows: all things are connected to the Internet via sensing devices such as Radio Frequency Identification(RFID)to achieve intelligent
identification and management.Early in 1995, the book The Power to Predict [1] first described application scenarios of the Internet of Things.In recent times, the Internet of Things has developed rapidly and globally due to increasing government and enterprise investment in projects in regions such as the USA, Europe, Japan, and
South Korea.IBM’s Smarter Planet initiative will see an investment of 3 million dollars made in smart grid and digital healthcare projects.The EU has proposed an i2010 policy framework that aims to enhance economic efficiency and promote the development of Information and
Communication Technologies(ICT)through widespread use of these technologies.In Japan, the i-Japan strategy is based on E-Japan and U-Japan.South Korea has also proposed a new project for the Internet of Things.In China, Prime Minister Wen Jiabo presented the concept
of“Experiencing China”in August 2009.Driven by the Chinese Government, the Internet of Things industry has developed rapidly in China.1、互联网发展的因素
1.1 Driving Forces for Development of the Internet of Things
First, the development of the Internet of Things conforms to the trend of using information technologies to better serve society.On the one hand, modern society suffers development bottlenecks in the fields of energy, transport, logistics and financing.On the other, people have direct demands in health, and medical treatment and services.With a general belief that
information technologies make for smarter terminals, wider networks, and better services than other technologies, they are naturally chosen to solve problems encountered in social and economic development as well as to enhance standards of living.Second, the Internet of Things is regarded as a new source of economic growth by many
governments.The Information Superhighway Plan implemented by the Clinton administration brought 10 years of rapid economic development to the USA.Now, the Obama administration has put forward“Smarter Earth,”which probably has relations with the Information Superhighway Plan.In China, the Internet of Things is regarded as the practice of using information technologies to promote industrialization.In regions such as Europe, Japan, and South Korea, government plays an important role in Internet of Things planning.Third, with its businesses reaching saturation point, the telecom industry also regards the Internet of Things as a new breakthrough.In many European countries, mobile phone penetration rate has reached 100%.As a result, person-to-thing and thing-to-thing communication has been placed high on the agenda.The Internet of Things therefore represents a new stage in the development of the telecom industry.1.1 物联网的发展动力
第三,互联网业务达到饱和点,电信业也被视为物联网发展的一个新的突破点。在欧洲许多国家,移动电话普及率已达100%。因此,人对事物和事物对事物通信已被提上议事日程。因此,物联网的发展代表电信业发展的一个新阶段。Services of the Internet of Things
There are a large number of applications that can be included as Internet of Things services, and these can be classified according to different criteria.According to technical features, Internet of Things services can be divided into 4 types: identity-related services[2], information
aggregation services, collaborative-aware services, and ubiquitous services[3].It is generally agreed that an inevitable trend for the Internet of Things will be its
development from information aggregation to collaborative awareness and ubiquitous
convergence, and that not all services of the Internet of Things will develop to the stage of ubiquitous convergence.Many applications and services only require information aggregation, and are not intended for ubiquitous convergence as the information is closed, confidential, and applicable only to a small group.2联网服务
2.1 Identity-Related Services
Identity-related services adopt identity technologies such as RFID, two-dimensional code, and barcode.Figure 1 lists some identity-related services.According to the identification mode of the terminal, identity-related services can be divided into two categories: active and passive.They can also be classified by served objects(enterprise or individual): personal applications or enterprise services.The implementation of different applications may vary.Figure 2 illustrates the basic principle of tag-based information acquisition services.The general procedure for such services is as
follows: first, an RFID tag is attached to a thing.Then, a read device accesses the information in the RFID tag(including the identity information of the thing), and makes a request to the name resolution server of the Internet of Things.In this way, it may obtain the Uniform Resource Identifier(URI)of the thing.Finally, the read device obtains further information from the URI.2.1身份有关的服务
实施可能会有所不同。图2显示了基于标签的信息获取服务的基本原则。一般程序这样的服务如下:首先,RFID标签连接到一件事。然后,读取设备的访问,在RFID标签的信息(包括身份信息的事情),使得联网名称解析服务器的请求。在这种方式,它可以得到的东西的统一资源标识符(URI)。最后,读取装置从URI取得进一步的信息。Key Technologies for the Internet of Things
The above discussion shows that implementation of services in the Internet of Things mainly involves the key technologies of sensor, sensor network, sensor network-related communication, communication network, the Internet of Things platform, and integrated technologies.The sensor is used to collect information in the Internet of Things;it is the basic part that senses the real world, and offers services and applications.However, due to the diversity of sensors(there are temperature, pressure, speed, humidity, height, video, image, and location sensors), information interfaces provided by these sensors vary widely.This is the greatest challenge for mass production of Internet of Things terminals.Much research has already been conducted into sensor networks, and a complete set of specifications have been made for the physical layer, link layer, and network layer.But sensor networks have not been put into application on a large scale[6].Typical sensor network-related communication technologies include Bluetooth, Infrared Data Association(IrDA), Wireless
Fidelity(Wi-Fi), ZigBee, RFID, Ultra-Wide Band(UWB), Near Filed Communication(NFC), and WirelessHart.Sensor networks will evolve to next generation IP networks(e.g.IPv6 networks), and sensor terminals will tend to become smarter.The intelligence of a sensor network is mainly reflected in its IP technology, low power consumption, small size, bidirectional transfer of information, and non-manual maintenance.Communication networks provide the data transmission channel for the Internet of Things.Current research into communication networks focuses on how to enhance existing networks to meet the service requirements of the Internet of Things(e.g.low data rate, low mobility).The Internet of Things platform works with terminals as well as exiting networks and systems to provide the capabilities to various applications.In terms of network architecture, a unified service platform that is suitable for applications of multiple industries is required to support cross-sector, unified information services.In particular, when the Internet of Things develops into the collaborative-aware or even ubiquitous service stages, more effective network framework, name address, routing, and communication protocols have to be worked out.3.物联网的关键技术