hamlet 论文题

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第一篇:hamlet 论文题

















第二篇:英文论文:William Shakespeare:Hamlet

陈越 翻译12


William Shakespeare

Hamlet: Corruptionphysical corruption-is a precursor, signifying to the audience the ultimate fate of all those characters exhibiting signs of corruption.Polonius may be the most obviously corrupt character, but the centre of evil of the play's plot and of the kingdom is Claudius.When Marcellus states, 'Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.' it could be interpreted that he is speaking of a threat of war, but when looked at as symbolic, nothing could better sum up Claudius' corrupting effect on the kingdom which is brought on by his unpunished crime.His evil deeds carry him to the throne and pollute the people around him causing chaos, sorrow and death.The image of rotting along with the released odour permeating far and wide symbolizes the

infectious quality of sin.The suggested transformation of a beautiful human into a disgusting, purposeless mass symbolizes the effect of sin on the human soul.Hamlet himself strives to separate his noble qualities, which we have

seen throughout the play, from the circumstance and treachery against which he has struggled, and in which he has been entangled.As a prince Hamlet cannot not rule, but he too has become corrupted, not in mind, but by history, by becoming the focus of the ancient revenger's dilemma.Any action he takes will be morally dubious.Not taking revenge will reduce him and make him unfit for rule by his own standards, and taking revenge will do the same.Though Hamlet retains our sympathy at the end of the play, he has

murdered five people and caused the suicide of one.But Hamlet can still decide Denmark's future, by effectively appointing a successor.Thus, the corruption dies with him;all the inevitable justice is carried out;and Hamlet's legacy remains.From a morally dubious situation, Hamlet is able to wrest an honourable death, and the chance of stability for the future of his country.From the fates of Polonius, Claudius and Hamlet we see that corruption originating from 'disease' leads to death.Hamlet and Polonius' emotions

clouded their judgement and led them to their death.Furthermore we see that those who killed others in the play were motivated by the stagnant disease that infected their minds and bodies.Hamlet, for example, was overcome by the disease and unintentionally killed Polonius, mistaking him for Claudius.Killing another character was clearly not the correct path to solving problems;there was no clear judgement behind rash behaviour that included secrecy, lies, deceit, and murder.Corruption such as this could only lead to death.As an aside, we can note that Fortinbras was an intelligent young man who made his mark through the play quietly and honourably because he was a character whose mind was never infected with the 'disease'.A stagnant disease, with no cure, that inevitably leads to death: corruption.


Reasons of hesitation of hamlet: the king is well-guarded and he is his dear mother’s husband.He is afraid of hurt his mother’s heart.He is a humanist before the murder happened.Therefore,he think its hateful and awful to kill another human.His melancholy and dispiritment also make him hesitated.Besides,he did not believe totally what the ghost said.Brief process:hearing the death, oastmeet the ghost ,disguise crazily to cover his nervous and supervise what the king do.Hesitate about what the ghost said.Perform a play to validate the words from the ghost.The queen talk with hamlet, then hamlet kill 剥夺立刻(father of hamlet’s lover), he thought he is the king hiding behind the purdah.then the queen agree to correct her faults.hamlet is popular with the people.Then he was sent to a country as an excuse to be killed.but he escaped.He is well treated by the pirates.When he came back, he found his lover was dead for her father’s death.Then the king suborn 奥菲利娅’ brother to make a duel with hamlet.Then leioutis(oufeoliya’s brother)is killed by hamlet.Hamlet also killed by the poison lain on the sword.And the queen is killed by drinking wrongly the poison prepared for hamlet.Finally hamlet killed the king.Hamlet do not think twice about his country.He should know that a country can’t live longer wiyhout a king when he is unable to live.有一千个读者,就有一千个哈姆雷特


第四篇:Hamlet --- The unity of controverasal


---The combination of contradiction

As the saying goes, one thousand readers, there are one thousand Hamlets.Others may think he is a soldier, a hero or a thinker.However, in my mind, he is an immature teen-age youth who is the combination of contradictions.Firstly, as a prince, he is an idealist.He lives a luxurious life and is educated by humanism.Without knowing the dark aspects of the society, he is favored by his parents and respected by his people.We can see in the play that he believes the true, the good and the beautiful and he is a real perfectionist, which can also explain why he is so shocked by the things happen on him and doesn’t know how to deal with it perfectly.Experiencing the death of his father, the usurping the throne of his uncle and the remarriage of his mother, Hamlet’s dream turns into bubbles.He falls in to hell from the heaven and goes on the trip of revenge.The prince has to have common people’s feeling, sadness, hatred, disappointment, hypocrisy and so on.Secondly, he is definitely a great thinker but also an ordinary people who hesitates to practice his thought.He begins consider himself and his people after he listen to his dead Father King’s words.He even says “To be or not to be, this is a question: was bear the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles world, through the clearing their struggle, these two kinds of behavior, which is a more noble.” He falls in to deep thought and condemns himself.His father is murdered and the ghost of his father urges him to take the revenge.He doesn’t do anything.He wonders: how a coward or a indecent woman I am.He not only thinks of his own fate, but also considers everyone’s existence.There is no doubt that he is the great man of mind.“Now I clearly have reason, have the determination and have the strength, have a way of can start to do what I have to do, but I still in touted said: 'it needs to do.'But never expressed in action…” is the evidence for his hesitation.When his enemy is praying and he plans to kill him, he should consider that killing a man who is praying will allows him to go to haven, which makes him lose the chance to kill his uncle and commit the tragedy.Thirdly, he believes the true, the good and the beautiful, but he doesn’t believe his friends and his lover.It is his behavior that makes Ophelia dead.He pretends to be mad and kill her father by accident.Ophelia can’t bear the reality and goes to the place where she dates with her prince madly… His ignorance of others’ care and arrogance kill other four innocent people.Last but not least, he is the combination of the goodness and evil.On the one hand, he is pious to his parents, his girlfriend and his friends in a way.He bears the responsibility to take revenge on his uncle and to save the ordinary people.He tries his best to satisfy everyone but he also hurts many people.He takes his revenge on his uncle by hook or by crook.He kills Rosencrantz and Guildenstern.He is cold when he kills Polonius and heartless to Ophelia.Not merely does he lead to his own tragedy, but also leads to the whole play’s tragedy.All in all, the dejected prince wants to take revenge on his uncle, but he can’t find a proper way and his ability is not equal to his ambition.He is an idealist who has to face the cruel reality.As a great think who believes the true, the good and the beautiful, he hesitates to take the action and doubt everyone around him.He is the saver and also the destroyer.He is a giant and also an ordinary people.He is a noble prince and also an immature teen-age youth.



Abstract:In dramma Hamlet,there are several reasons accomplish its success,such as the unique description of figure Hamlet’s characteristic,which is reached by psycho-analytical approach,the beauty of sound, as well as the rhetorical language.And among these factors ,as far as I’m concerned,figures of speech functioned dramatically.By using rhetorical languages ,the soliquy is made to be more attractable.And only in this way,can this drama arise reader’s resonation and be considered to be the summit of shakespeare’s art.Key words:figure of speechrepetitionmetaphoralliterationtenorvehicle there are mainly three kinds of figures of speech accuring in this soliquy,followings are they:Repetition,Metaphor,Alliteration.The function of each one is different.Repetition and Alliteration both are devices of sound,while alliteration can produce a beauty of music except Repetition’s clear and beautiful sentence structure.Then Metaphor can add emotional intensity,it can lead us to grasp the nature of described objects.Now let me illustrate the three tools in damma respective ly.Firstly, we begin with the Repetition,from the second sentence, the beginning phrase”to die,to sleep” is used again in the third sentence,this repetition of synonym called sound rhetoric.When this”to die, to sleep” is presented , it brings us a smooth feeling and comfort our soul,readers can even relax themselves to imagine the picture of dying.Besides,there are many other repetition structures,such as the eighth line”that flesh is heir to tis a consummation”the fourteenth line,’’that makes calamity of so long life ‘’and so on.Secondly,Iwill talk about the most common rhetoric use in this dramma,namely Metaphor.looking at this soliquy, Metaphor almost can be seen in every sentence and the effective result is of equivalent importance as other methods.Now I’ll give several examples.From the third line ,’’the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune’’,the slings is a kind of stone weapon,the arrows is a kind of sword.Here the tenor is outrageous fortune ,the vehicle is slings and arrows.Shakespear compared the slings and arrow to outrageous fortune ,implying that the Hamlet’s fate is full of dangers,and there are many obstacles along his life road.Then,’’or to take arms against a sea of troubles.’’the tenor is troubles, vehicle is sea,sea,as we know,the water in the sea is infinite, here describing the uncountable troubles and possess us a melancholy man.In the middle ofthe soliquy ‘’For who would bear the whips and scorns of time ‘’.the whips and scorns implying the unpleasant things and miseries.All these metaphor structures add literal effections to this drama.Thirdly, the use of Alliteration is also an essential part on contributing to the excellence of Hamlet,such as ‘’For who would bear the whips and scorns of time.’’,within the ‘’who’’,’’would’’,and ‘’whips’’,the same letter of each word’s starting showed us a sense of music.Then shakespear specified the intolerant harms in our life,used alliteration structure‘’the+noun’’.It not only makes the theme clear but also produced a beauty of sound, which when we appreciate it we can easily been impressed by it.Though the figure of speech is not the most remarkable character, it matters a lot in pushing the drama to a higher level than if it is usedinplain words.

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