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wedding ceremony 结婚典礼

wedding reception 婚宴

register office 结婚登记处

trousseau 嫁妆

usher 引宾员

vows 婚誓

say one's vows 立下婚誓

wedding day 举行婚礼的日子

wedding anniversary 结婚周年纪念日


bridegroom or groom 新郎

officiator 主婚人

pastor 牧师

groomsman 伴郎

bridesmaid 伴娘

honeymoon 蜜月

wedding dress 婚纱、结婚礼服

wed in a civil ceremony 登记结婚

marriage certificate 结婚证

guest 来宾

marriage after divorce 再婚

wedding march 婚礼进行曲

mixed marriage 涉外婚姻;跨国婚姻


Paper wedding 纸婚 一周年

Tin wedding 锡婚 两周年

Crystal wedding 水晶婚15周年

China wedding 搪瓷婚20周年

Silver wedding 银婚25周年

Pearl wedding 珍珠婚30周年

Ruby wedding 红宝石婚40周年

Sapphire wedding 蓝宝石婚45周年

Golden wedding--金婚50周年

Emerald wedding--翠玉婚55周年

Diamond wedding--钻石婚60-70周年

vows 婚誓:

John Smith, do you take this woman, Mary White ,to be your lawful wedded wife, to live together in the estate of matrimony!Will you love her honor her, comfort her and keep her in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, be true to her as long as

you both shall live?

约翰 史密斯,你愿意娶Mary White 为合法的妻子共同过婚姻生活吗?你愿意爱她,尊重她,安抚她,守护她,不论她健康或有病,在你们的有生之年不另作他想,忠诚对待她吗?


_____ AND _____



We are gathered here this ____ to unite this man ____ and this woman _____ in the bonds of holy matrimony which is an honorable estate.Into this, these two now come to be joined.If anyone present can show just and legal cause why they may not be joined, let them speak now or forever hold their peace.Who gives this woman to this man? ________

(MAN)_______, will you have this woman as your lawful wedded wife, to live together in the estate of matrimony? Will you love her, honor her, comfort her, and keep her in sickness and in health;forsaking all others, be true to her as long as you both shall live?(I will).(WOMAN)_______, will you have this man as your lawful wedded husband, to live together in the estate of matrimony? Will you love him, honor him, comfort him, and keep him in sickness and in health;forsaking all others, be true to him as long as you both shall live?(I will).------------------


BEHOLD the symbol of wedlock.The perfect circle of love, the unbroken union of this man and this woman united here today.May you both remain faithful to this symbol of true love.Please join hands and repeat after me(man first, while placing ring on proper fingers).I,_______, take _____ as my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part.I,_______, take _____ as my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to

love and to cherish, till death do us part.------------------

For as much as ______ and ______ have consented together in wedlock, and have witnessed the same before this company of friends and family, and have given and pledged their promises to each other, and have declared the same by giving and receiving a ring, and by joining hands.By the authority vested in me by the State of New Hampshire,I pronounce this couple to be husband and wife.------------------

This Ceremony was performed on______, 19___

byTerry M.Clark, Justice of the Peace

Sugar Hill Rd., East Swanzey, N.H.03446



Single/bachelor 单身汉

Single woman /bachlorette 单身女郎 Luck a lot 缘分


Marriage go-between 媒人

Matrimonial agency 婚姻介绍所 Blind date 相亲

Pull one’s heartstrings 打动心弦 Mutual attraction 相互吸引

Fall in love at first sight 一见钟情 One’s own wishful thinking 一厢情愿 Whole-hearted love 全心全意的爱情 Inseparable love 如胶似漆的爱情 Everlasting love 永恒的爱情 Be in love相爱

Pure love 纯洁的爱情 Deep love 深沉的爱情 Platonic love 精神恋爱 One-sided love 单相思 Lose one’s love 失恋 Fancy sick 害相思病的 Love token 定情信物 Love letter 情书

Lover’s vows 山盟海誓 Lover/sweetheart 情人 Rival in love 情敌 Old flame 旧情人 Court 求爱

Propose for marriage 求婚 Suitor 求婚者

Finance(husband-to-be)未婚夫 Financee(wife-to-be)未婚妻 Intended wife 未婚妻 Couple-to-be 未婚夫妻

Beauty is in the eyes of the lover


wedding ceremony 结婚典礼 wedding reception 婚宴 register office 结婚登记处 trousseau 嫁妆 usher 引宾员 vows 婚誓

say one's vows 立下婚誓 wedding day 举行婚礼的日子 wedding anniversary 结婚周年纪念日 bride新娘

bridegroom or groom 新郎 officiator 主婚人 pastor 牧师 honeymoon 蜜月

wedding dress 婚纱、结婚礼服 wed in a civil ceremony 登记结婚 marriage certificate 结婚证 guest 来宾

marriage after divorce 再婚 wedding march 婚礼进行曲 mixed marriage 涉外婚姻;跨国婚姻

Legal marriage 合法婚姻 Trial marriage 试婚 Cohabitation 同居 Early marriage 早婚 Late marriage 晚婚

Marriage mad in Heaven 天生一对 Freedom of marriage 婚姻自主 Arranged marriage 包办婚姻 Mercenary marriage 买卖婚姻

Left-hand marriage 门户不当的婚姻 Marriage certificate 结婚证 Family background 家境

Be well-matched in social and economic status 门当户对 Be filial to one’s parents 孝敬父母 Family man 有家室的人 Family planning 计划生育 Abortion 堕胎 Other half 配偶 Separation 分居 Divorce 离婚

Broken family 破碎家庭

Divorce by consent 协议离婚 Willing divorce 自愿离婚 Wedding ceremony 婚礼 Wedding march 结婚进行曲 Auspicious day 黄道吉日 Wedding night 花烛夜 Wedding feast 喜宴 Bridal chamber 洞房 Honey moon 蜜月

Well-matched couple 很般配的一对 Ex-husband/wife Wedding card 喜贴

Wedding ring 婚姻戒指 Dowry 嫁妆

Match-maker/go-between 媒人 Marriage propose 提亲 Father-in-law 岳父 Mother-in law岳母

Groomsman/best man 男傧相 Bride-maids 女傧相


Paper wedding 纸婚 一周年 Tin wedding 锡婚 两周年 Crystal wedding 水晶婚15周年 China wedding 搪瓷婚20周年 Silver wedding 银婚25周年 Pearl wedding 珍珠婚30周年 Ruby wedding 红宝石婚40周年 Sapphire wedding 蓝宝石婚45周年 Golden wedding--金婚50周年 Emerald wedding--翠玉婚55周年 Diamond wedding--钻石婚60-70周年

vows 婚誓:

John Smith, do you take this woman, Mary White ,to be your lawful wedded wife, to live together in the estate of matrimony!Will you love her honor her, comfort her and keep her in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, be true to her as long as your both shall live? 约翰 史密斯,你愿意娶Mary White 为合法的妻子共同过婚姻生活吗?你愿意爱她,尊重她,安抚她,守护她,不论她健康或有病,在你们的有生之年不另作他想,忠诚对待她吗?

THE MARRIAGE CEREMONY OF _____ AND _____------------------THE VOWS

We are gathered here this ____ to unite this man ____ and this woman _____ in the bonds of holy matrimony which is an honorable estate.Into this, these two now come to be joined.If anyone present can show just and legal cause why they may not be joined, let them speak now or forever hold their peace.Who gives this woman to this man? ________

(MAN)_______, will you have this woman as your lawful wedded wife, to live together in the estate of matrimony? Will you love her, honor her, comfort her, and keep her in sickness and in health;forsaking all others, be true to her as long as you both shall live?(I will).(WOMAN)_______, will you have this man as your lawful wedded husband, to live together in the estate of matrimony? Will you love him, honor him, comfort him, and keep him in sickness and in health;forsaking all others, be true to him as long as you both shall live?(I will).------------------THE RING

BEHOLD the symbol of wedlock.The perfect circle of love, the unbroken union of this man and this woman united here today.May you both remain faithful to this symbol of true love.Please join hands and repeat after me(man first, while placing ring on proper fingers).I,_______, take _____ as my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part.I,_______, take _____ as my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part.------------------For as much as ______ and ______ have consented together in wedlock, and have witnessed the same before this company of friends and family, and have given and pledged their promises to each other, and have declared the same by giving and receiving a ring, and by joining hands.By the authority vested in me by the State of New Hampshire, I pronounce this couple to be husband and wife.



新郎 bridegroom

侄子 nephew侄女 niece

wedding n.婚礼, 婚宴, 结合, 结婚典礼

结婚相关词汇从A到Z2009-08-06 12:04A-Arrangements for wedding 婚礼的安排

B-Banns, Bridesmaids, Best man 结婚预告,伴娘,伴郎

C-Church, Cake, Cars, Confetti 教堂,结婚蛋糕,汽车,五彩碎纸

D-Dress 礼服

E-Etiquette 结婚礼仪

F-Flowers, Family Planning 鲜花,计划生育

G-Guests 嘉宾

H-Honeymoon, Hair and Headdress 蜜月,发型与头饰

I-Invitation 请帖

J-June wedding(popular time for holding weddings)六月婚礼(六月是举行婚礼的佳期)K-Keep cool 保持冷静的头脑

L-Lists 来宾名单

M-Menus, Makeup 菜单,上妆

N-Night 新婚之夜

P-Presents, Photographer, Parties 礼品,摄影师,婚庆晚会

Q-Quality 婚礼的品位

R-Register office, Reception, Ring 结婚登记处,婚礼招待会,戒指

S-Speeches 结婚祝词

T-Trousseau, Thank-you letter 嫁妆,答谢函

U-Usher 引宾员

V-Vows 婚誓

W-Wedding day 举行婚礼的日子

X-Crossing 交叉点

Y-You 诸位

Z-Zest 热情洋溢

wedding ceremony 结婚典礼

wedding reception 婚宴

register office 结婚登记处

trousseau 嫁妆

usher 引宾员

vows 婚誓

say one's vows 立下婚誓

wedding day 举行婚礼的日子

wedding anniversary 结婚周年纪念日


bridegroom / groom 新郎

officiator 主婚人

pastor 牧师

groomsman 伴郎

bridesmaid 伴娘

honeymoon 蜜月

wedding dress 婚纱、结婚礼服 wed in a civil ceremony 登记结婚 marriage certificate 结婚证 guest 来宾

marriage after divorce 再婚 wedding march 婚礼进行曲

mixed marriage 涉外婚姻;跨国婚姻 结 婚周年表达

Paper wedding 纸婚 一周年Tin wedding 锡婚 两周年

Crystal wedding 水晶婚15周年China wedding 搪瓷婚20周年Silver wedding 银婚25周年Pearl wedding 珍珠婚30周年Ruby wedding 红宝石婚40周年Sapphire wedding 蓝宝石婚45周年Golden wedding--金婚50周年Emerald wedding--翠玉婚55周年Diamond wedding--钻石婚60-70周年


和婚礼有关的词汇 wedding ceremony 结婚典礼 wedding reception 婚宴 register office 结婚登记处 trousseau usher 引宾员 vows 婚誓 say one's vows 立下婚誓 wedding day 举行婚礼的日子 嫁妆 Paper wedding 纸婚 一周年 Tin wedding 锡婚 十周年 Crystal wedding 水晶婚 15 周年 China wedding 搪瓷婚 20 周年 Silver wedding 银婚 25 周年 Pearl wedding 珍珠婚 30 周年 结婚周年表达

wedding anniversary 结婚周年纪念日 Ruby wedding 红宝石婚 40 周年 bride 新娘 bridegroom or groom 新郎 officiator 主婚人 pastor 牧师 groomsman 伴郎 bridesmaid 伴娘 honeymoon 蜜月 wedding dress 婚纱,结婚礼服 wed in a civil ceremony 登记结婚 marriage certificate 结婚证 guest 来宾 marriage after divorce 再婚 wedding march 婚礼进行曲 mixed marriage 涉外婚姻;跨国婚姻 Sapphire wedding 蓝宝石婚 45 周年 Golden wedding 金婚 50 周年 Emerald wedding 翠玉婚 55 周年 Diamond wedding 钻石婚 60-70 周年



Wedding ceremony['wedɪŋ] ['seriməuni]结婚典礼 Wedding reception['wedɪŋ] [ri'sepʃən]婚宴

Register office['redʒistə] ['ɔfis, 'ɔ:-]结婚登记处 Trousseau['truːsəu]嫁妆 Usher['ʌʃə]引宾员 Vows[vaus]婚誓 Say one's vows立下婚誓 Wedding day

Wedding anniversary[,æni'və:səri]


bridegroom or groom[ɡru:m]






wedding dress[dres]

wedding ring[riŋ]

wed in a civil ceremony['sivəl]民间的,有礼貌的marriage certificate['mæridʒ] [sə'tifikeit]


marriage after divorce[di'vɔ:s]离婚

wedding march[mɑ:tʃ]进行曲

mixed marriage[mikst] 混合,弄混



cloth [klɔθ]


Paper wedding['peipə] 纸,纸做的Tin wedding[tin] 锡

Crystal wedding['kristəl]水晶

China wedding

Silver wedding['silvə] 银的Pearl wedding[pə:l]珍珠

Ruby wedding['ru:bi]红宝石

Sapphire wedding['sæfaiə]蓝宝石

Golden wedding['ɡəuldən]金色的Emerald wedding['emərəld]翡翠

Diamond wedding['daiəmənd]钻石

举行婚礼的日子结婚周年纪念日新娘新郎主婚人牧师伴郎伴娘蜜月婚纱、结婚礼服结婚戒指登记结婚结婚证来宾再婚婚礼进行曲异族通婚桁架鲜花布纸婚一周年锡婚十周年水晶婚15周年搪瓷婚20周年银婚25周年珍珠婚30周年红宝石婚40周年蓝宝石婚45周年金婚50周年翡翠婚55周年钻石婚60-70周年 百年金钻



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