“教、学、做”一体化情景教学课程设计 全球经济一体化与中国对外开放程度的加深使我国的对外经济贸易业务往来日益频繁。对外经济文化交流社会需要大量的既熟悉经济、外贸、国际商务又熟练掌握语言的高级复合型商务英语人才。传统的教学模式下培养出来的商务英语专业毕业生动手能力较差,不能满足社会的需要,改革传统的教学方式和学习方法,提升商务英语课程的教学效果,突出强调学生实践动手能力的培养就显得尤为重要。“教学做一体化”是由姜大源提出的基于工作过程、以任务为驱动、以情境为依托的教学模式。主张设定教学情境,在任务的驱动下,在做中学,在学中做达到教、学、做的完美结合。这种方法以学生为着眼点,使学生在交际活动中使用语言从而掌握语言并发展语言能力;让学生通过参与使用、互动体验的交际课程活动实现自我价值。将其运用到商务英语专业教学中可以解决传统教学模式的弊端,并能够把商务英语专业毕业生最终培养为具有交际语言能力、拥有复合型知识、善于发现分析解决问题的应用型高级人才。下面以《商务现场口译》为例来说明本专业体现“教、学、做”一体的各种教学方法:
或 配楼的两间教室(报名人数40及以下)
Unit 12 P210 短语口译 中美联合商贸委员会 2 世界经济论坛 3 世界经济发展高峰会 4 休会 5 会议议程 6 赞成 7 反对 8 弃权 9 灵活的时间表 10 总结 Good point 2 dispute 3 an ordinary meeting 4 a welcome meeting 5 pending 6 reach a consensus on 7 high-level talks 8 amicable settlement 9 declare the meeting open 10 in my opinion
P211 句子口译 我不大明白你的意思,能给我们更多细节吗? 今天我想讨论的是合同,是有关一个开创性的技术,它有可能把我们的能效提高45%。3 根据议题,我们接下来要讨论有关同意新计划的各项问题。4 根据中国的礼节,然客人先谈。5 先谈原则问题呢,还是先谈具体问题? It is my honor to be given the floor at this time if this APEC Ministerial Meeting.2 May I suggest we start with looking at the general proposal? 3 I now have the pleasure of introducing to you the first speaker, sales manager of this company.4 This symposium will be constructive and signifiant in popularizing and promoting information technology in China.I wish the symposium a complete success.5 My appreciation goes to the organizers and to the host country for the warm hospitality extended.At the same time I'd like to congratualate on the excellent manner in which this conference is being organized and received.P212 Text A
P226 口译实践 中国人很明白,在华举行的他们称为―技术交流‖的外国技术展示(或座谈)有助于填补技术知识方面的空白。我们要更加积极地引进较先进的管理方法和技术,发展出口。3 我们很高兴地看到我公司与欧盟国家之间的双边贸易有了很大的发展。4 本着平等互利、互通有无的原则,两国签订了贸易协定书。5 我相信这次会议将对形成一个新的世界格局产生积极的影响。
Text D
While CCPIT seminars offers the visiting firm less hope for financial remuneration, these symposia do have the advantage of including better factory visits than FTC-sponsored trips.There appear to be three types of technical seminars hosted by the FTC.The first type, offered by all FTC, brings together a group of end users froms across China to attend the technical symposium and, apparently, absorb as much information as possible on the production technology under discussion.There are two types of seminars sponsored by the Japanese in China.The first consists of demonstrations coupled with question-and-answer sessions as part of specific exhibitions, usually of an industrial nature.The second type involves seminars provided by Japanese experts and technicians sent to China by specific manufacturing enterprises intent upon introducing the Chinese to certain od their products.In such latter cases, the seminars are used to expound on the mechanial and tachnological aspects of the particular item.Again, as in the first type of seminar, there are discussion and question-and-answer activities following demonstrations.Unit 13 P232 短语口译 发展商业 2 提高盈利水平选择性资本 4 外国直接投资和其他形式的投资 5 国际租赁 6 补偿贸易 7 国际财团 8 外国直接投资 外国投资目的地国 10 外国投资流入(中国)to attract foreign investment 2 domestic investment 3 domestic asset 4 joint investment 5 joint capital 6 overseas investment 7 utilization and control of foreign capital 8 investment environment 9 comparatively prosperous 10 anti-dumping
P233 句子口译 到1993年底,该国在中国投资项目约2000个,合同金额20亿美元,实际投资11亿美元,占中国引进外商投资总额的7.8%。我公司厂房标准、设备齐全,技术力量雄厚、经验丰富,产品质量一流。政府必须加快建立更多的外商投资服务的中介机构并为其配备人员,提升其服务功能。4 从1994年开始,中国大陆吸引外资的数量仅次于美国列举世界第二,中国成为世界上吸引外商直接投资最多的发展中国家。我们的目的是通过信息共享促进合作发展,通过共同发展促进共同繁荣。We undertook 19 projects that carried a total amount of RMB 1.15 billion yuan, and we signed new contracts amounting to RMB 1.69 billion yuan.2 Strengthen cooperation in international trade and cuscoms attairs and serve exporters with enthusiasm.3 China took nine measures to attract foreign investment in the western region.4 We will attract more foreign investment through our functional advantages as well as continue to allow preferential terms.For this propose, we shall adopt more effective measrues and build up more favorable soft environment where all services will be civilized, efficient, clean, legalized, and internationally acceptable.5 A business will certainly achieve great successes in the world market if it is indeed well managed, abound in economic resources, and ready to adapt to changes.P244 口译实践 一些发展中国家已经采取措施强迫跨国公司和当地的投资者结成合作伙伴,目的是为了能够牢牢地控制某些对自己有战略意义的重要行业和产品。在商业模式特许经营权类别中,被特许经营者获得使用特许经营权人的企业名称和商业模式来经营的权力,快餐店连锁店就属于这一类,如麦当劳和肯德基。3 贵方总裁和我们总经理就拟议中的合资项目坦率地交换了意见。4 搞这个合资公司是个好主意,但问题是能否保证它可以得到足够的订单。5 由于我们双方的共同努力和密切合作,1981年的合同执行得非常顺利。
Unit 14 P250 短语口译 1 优惠政策 2 税收制度 3 优越的投资环境 4 消费潜力 5 法律制度 6 中美联合商贸委员会 7 世界经济发展高峰会 8 不良资产 9 争端解决机制 10平衡的经济增长get the green light National Development and Reform Commission(NDRC)3 tax rebate 4 worldwide economy uniformity 5 well-off society 6 New International Economic Order(NIEO)7 tariff barrier 8 conform to WTO spirits and agreements 9 deep-seated problems 10 stables and rapid economic growth without fluctuations
P251 句子口译 我们认为只有所有的国家都接受国际贸易的责任,国际贸易这个复杂的系统才能维持下去。致力开放的国际贸易是中国政府的一个重要政策。我们的目标是要促进国与国之间的共同繁荣,加深他们之间的联系。4 遵守法律是我们所有贸易关系的基础,不管是双边的、地区的还是多国的。5 对外开放政策不仅推动了中国的持续快速发展,也帮助了经济体系的重组。The reform and opening-up policy was intruduced 20 years ago.China sticks to the policy and attaches great important to international trade.2 China'entry to WTO brings more opportunities to its development but also poses many challenges too.3 The mechanism of socialist market economy has been initially established.4 We need to attract foreign investment, but we also have to introduce advanced technology, so that we can upgrade the quality and level of foreign investment.5 We will continue to encourage foreign investment in China and will expand joint ventures'right in export and import.P260 句子口译 我们希望欧盟各国当局和贸易界人士采取措施,增加从中国进口化工产品,以便双方都能享受进出口贸易增长的好处。我方将投资49%,其中包括全部进口设备的费用以及来自我**公司的工程师、技术人员和管理人员的费用。我们要在平等有好的基础上,就广泛领域里的合作以及建立新的欧亚伙伴关系交换我们的意见。我坚信业务会把我们联系起来并强化我们的关系,双方的差异就显得不重要了。5 热力欢迎世界各地客商来华建立和发展贸易关系。
Unit 15 P267-268 短语口译 1 博览会 2 商展 3 参展商情况 4 参展费用 5 参展程序 6 报名 7 报名费 8 展台 9 展出领域 10 展区exhibition 2 reserve a spot/ booth 3 freebies 4 demo 5 theme zones 6 organizer 7 sponsor 8 overseas supporter 9 application procedures for holding exhibitions 10 make sale
P268 句子口译 展销会期间,交通,海关清关和仓储对参展商都很重要。2 每一个销售人员在产品介绍的时候都要注入自己的个性特点。销售人员应该熟悉产品,这样才能尽可能地再交流过程中做到生动有力。4 手机的型号越高,性能就更先进。在两天的展销中,我们要实施一个全面的展销计划。Thank you for the catalogues you sent to us, which we find very information.2 I am sorry this product is already discontinued.3 You should give a presentation of your products every one hour or two.4 And at the same time, you could prepare some freebies.5 What kind of product presentation is more attractive, the one before individual customers or a group?
P270 Text B A: 第20届中国塑胶展销会将在2006年4月在上海新国际展览中心开幕。你能简单介绍一下今年中国塑胶展销会的一些基本情况吗?
B:Sure.It’s Asia’s largest international exhibition for the plastic & rubber industries.Total exhibition area reaches over 90,000 sqm, enjoying a growth of 13,000 sqm.Eight theme zones are set up.A: 真不错,那有多少参展者会来展销会呢?
B:Over 52,000 visitors come form over 79 countries and regions.A: 太好了。你能给我们介绍一下展位分配的情况吗?
B:The exhibition area will be divided according to topics.The allocation of space will be assigned according to signed application forms accompanied by payment.A: 那展台的安排是否有先后顺序? B:Starting from August 2005, applications received will be handle on a first-come, first-served, space-available basis.A: 能介绍一下展位的情况吗?
B:We offer two configurations.Based on your needs, choose the surface area best for you.For any specific request, please do not hesitate to contact us.A: 交通,海关清关和仓储对参展商都很重要。你们会给他们特别的协助吗? B:These services can be booked in advance: transport to and from the exhibition complex, freight forwarding, Customs clearance and storage.P278 口译实践 我们衷心希望货已全部顺利运到,我方和美国ABC公司已令您满意地履行了合同。2 在这么友好的气氛中和贵方洽谈生意,实在是一件愉快的事。3 一个好的生意人必须见多识广。该合资企业总投资达16亿,其中双方各投资50%。5 上次秋交会上,我们就悬而未决的几笔索赔进行了多次洽谈。
Unit 16
P284-285 短语口译 建议、劝告 2 采取行动 3 注重 4 媒体简报 获得公众的好感 6 巨型企业的青睐 7 未来的生意伙伴 8 企业文化 9 保健因素 10 目的共识intermediate service 2 to take bold steps 3 human-oriented 4 business communication style 5 sense of dedication 6 work ethic 7 expatriate 8 mission 9 forge a good-neighborly partnership of mutual trust 10 in both bilateral and multilateral contexts
P285 句子口译 好的公共关系在多数公司的成功中扮演重要的角色,它不仅仅只适用于产品和服务的销售。要创建并保持好的企业声誉,许多公司看中自己在各媒体中的曝光率。一个机构与其公众的交流涉及从简单的信息发布到复杂的以电影、演讲和电视出镜为特色的宣传活动。我们的公共关系包含两个主要活动:研究和交流。5 公司和大众的交流是我们公关活动中最重要的部分。The primary purpose of public relationship is the creation and maintenance of understanding.2 Public relations concern internal and external communication for the total organization.3 For our company, public relation is the fastest –growing element of the promotional mix.4 Our company integrated its PR effort with an ad that ran in major newspapers.5 For us, the basis of any effective public relations campaign is public benefit.P286 Text A
East Asiatic Company is better known in China as BaoLung YangHuang—BaoLung for short.BaoLung has been in China since 1990 and we are proud of our 90 years history of cooperation with China.With our history in China as well as our knowledge of the market and the mentality of our Chinese business partners, we had the basis for a good start.We strongly believe that a sound of business partnership is the foundation for a successful joint venture and we therefore attach great importance to the development of a good personal relationship and understanding with our Chinese partners.It is this context important for us to commuunicate to our Chinese counterparts our sincerity and seriousness towards the success of our joint venture.If a joint venture is successful, both partners will benefit;whereas partners will suffer if a joint venture is running into operational problems.In short, we make a point of carefully explaining to our partners that BaoLung is in the partnership for ―mutual benefit‖.And you can imagine that we do expect an identical attitude from our Chinese friends.That is why we are extremely careful in selecting in our Chinese business partners and I simply must take this opportunity to mention that we are enjoying our relationship in all our 5 projects with Chinese partners.When we get into a joint venture we are fully committed to the success of the project and commitment is to us the key word.We expect that our Chinese partners bring along commitment into the joint venture.Text B Z: I call you in because I’ve been hearing about too many customer complaints recently, even from some of our most loyal customers.What do you know about this, Howard? H:我们从一个新厂商那儿进的一些货的确有一些问题。我们已经根据公司政策进行了合理的退换。从我们职员那里得来的反馈也表明顾客认为我们队商品质量把关不严。Z: From the customers’point of view, they’re right!It’s not our fault,of course,but what are we doing about it? Has there been any follow-up on this issue?
H: 我们已经联系采购部,他们也正在和供应商讨论相关事宜。
Z: That’s not good enough!If we’ve had that many complaints, let’s get the products taken off the shelves until the manufacturer cleans up their act.H: 好的。我会和采购部经理商讨此事。这应该没有问题,不过要把空下来的货架装上货还得花一两天。
Z:That’s okay.The long-term success of their business depends heavily on building up a steady and reliable customer base, and the best way to do so is to treat the customers properly!H: 我们会不惜运用一切手段留住我们的客户。
Z: Let’s be pro-active with the customers who bought those products.Send them a discount coupon for their next store purchase.And let’s touch bases with our other recent customers to make sure that they’re satisfied with our customer policies.H: 我马上去办。
Z:OK.Thanks!Howard.P295 口译实践 For more than twenty years we have maintain good business relations with you.2 Having contacted users, we are given to know that they are not in the market for the product you have offered.3 A country like China has all the advantages necessary to make products of good quality which when linked to sophisticated marketing networks in the EV can lead to greatly expanded exports.4 We will discuss some new deals whit you on your coming trip to China.Besides, you’ll be invited to inspect the goods at the port of destination.5 While underlining once again our desire to futher promote the business relations between our two parties, we hope that the previous outstanding case of claim would be settled amicable at an early date.Unit 17
P301-302 短语口译 环境影响 2首要目标 双赢格局 4 进攻性的市场策略 5 极好的促销工具 6 交钥匙工程的销售 7 高技术产品出口 8 工业间谍 9 竞争对手 10 战略选择acquisition and merge 2 strategic principles 3 the core of strategy 4 market strategy 5 risk analysis 6 sub-strategy 7 pricing strategy 8 sales strategy 9 promotion strategy 10 a long-range strategic perspective
P302 句子口译 大众汽车一直致力于帮助中国的汽车工业及其合资企业做好迎接国际竞争的挑战。2 我们将把最先进的技术带入中国。要建立技术转让与培训项目,使技术保持先进水平。3 我们将利用全球采购网络集中精力增加我们在国际市场的竞争力。4 我们经营活动的重点包含以下几个方面。在未来的几年中,通用汽车在中国的主要目标是明确的:那就是更新我们的产品系列,并使他们多样化。Lenovo’s objectives in China are driven by the changing shape of the Chinese computer market.2 These principles govern all business we do in China.3 GM China fosters local management, talent and know-how.4 Our ambitions and the importance we place on the Chinese market are reflected by this auto exhibition.5 These two factors form the core of our values and strategy in China.P303 Text A My purpose today is to tell you about our corporate atrategy for the next decade, and more specifically, to bring you up to date with our plans for China.To start with, I’d like to describe briefly our current marketing policy in China.Then I’ll illstrate our current situation over market share.After that, I’ll outline the opportunities we see for futhur progress in the 21st century.Finally, I’ll quickly sum up before concluding with some recommendations.Now I’d like to draw your attention to Chart B showing our sales revenues(销售额)and pre-tax profits(税前利润)over the last ten years.You will notice that although turnover has risen, our profits have not increased at the same rate.What options are open to us now? Where do we go from here? I think our first priority must be build on the excellent results we have achieved in certain European markets.I am referring, of course, to Italy and Spain.We should spread the experiences gained from those successes as soon as possible before we move on.We should not forget the Chinese market.Admittedly, our results there have been poor so far, but there are signs the market is changing and we can learn a lot from our mistakes.On balance, though, I think we stand to gain most from concentrating on Europe in the next ten years, I strongly recommend we put all our efforts into futhur expansion in China.P312 口译实践 We are considering to issue a special class of share, with all the rights attaching to the ordinary shares, which can be bought and sold by employees, at a price below the open market value.2 Faced with unprecedented challenges and opportunities of the 21st century, we are full of confidence that the grant objective set for the new century will be realized.3 Exteremely keen competition between European and Japanese chemical manufactures in the plastics business has compelled us to bring down the price for the time being.4 The Business Week comes at a time when we both face difficulties, all the more reason, then for us to sit down and compare notes as friends and as realists.5 As your old friend I have to tell you frankly that the business between us in the last two years has not been satisfactory.
4.教材内容丰富,商务主题与口译技巧讲解相结台。单元主题涵盖了ProtocolRoutine,Ceremonial Address,DinnerParty,BusinessTravel,BusinessInterview,BusinessAdvertisements,Business Presentations,EnterpriseIntroduction,EnterpriseCulture,Marketing&Promotion,Business Negotiation,BusinessMeeting,Investment&Profits,BusinessPolicy,InternationalExhibition,Public Relations,BusinessStrategy,Transportation&Logistics等外事与商务实践中的各个方面。这些主题来源于真实的商务交际情景,符合社会和职业发展的实际需要,学生所学即所用,可以缩短学生适应社会的“磨合期”,因此具有很强的实用性。日译技巧讲解部分包括Long-termPreparation,Short-termPreparation,ActiveListening,DiscourseAnalyzing,NoteTaking,Retelling,PublicSpeaking,Paraphrasing,FiguresInterpreting,IdiomsInterpreting,FuzzyInterpretation,SightInterpreting,Shadowing以及QualityAssessment。5.单元编写模式突破陈规,每个单元分为单元目标、译前准备、现场口译、译后评估、补充练习、自我评价、单元要点等七个部分。这种单元编写模式从另一个角度体现了“以能力为主导,以评估为核心,以学生为主体”的教学模式。我们期望这种开拓与创新能对高职高专商务英语专业其他科目的教材编写产生较强的辐射作用,进而带动整个高职英语专业教学的改革。来 由于商务英语具有很强的实践性和操作性,本书在编写过程中力求选题实用、语言简练、通俗易懂。口译技巧部分体现了一个完整而系统的口译教学体系,便于操作使用。
第五篇:商务现场口译答案Unit 3
Unit 3
Phrase Interpreting A 1.business luncheon 2.soft drink 4.gourmet 5.preservative-free 7.to propose a toast 8.continental breakfast 10.French fries 1.工作午餐 2.软饮料 3.冷餐招待会 4.美食家 5.不含防腐剂 6.备受青睐 7.致祝酒词 8.欧式早餐 9.垃圾食品 10.炸薯条 B. 1.款待 2.美味佳肴 3.忌讳 4.招牌菜 5.晚宴 6.菜系 7.用筷子 8.用餐举止
9.酸辣汤 10.酸奶 1.entertain 2.delicacies, 4.specialty 5.banquet
7.to handle chopsticks 8.table manners 10.yogurt 3.buffet reception
6.to gain popularity 9.junk food 3.taboo 6.major cuisines 9.hot& sour soup Sentence Interpreting A 1.Sichuan food is famous for its numerous varieties of delicacies and strong flavors, and is best known for being spicy-hot.2.Cantonese cuisine emphasizes light cooking with seemingly limitless range of ingredients.3.The careful coordination of such a series of delicate activities as selecting ingredients, mixing flavors, timing the cooking, controlling the heat and finally, laying out the food on the plate for the table are the typical characteristics of Chinese food.4.Nearly endless variety of natural ingredients and methods of preparation are employed in Chinese cuisine/cooking.5.May I propose a toast to the health of His Excellency the Ambassador and Mme.Smith? 1.川菜最大的特点是品种多、口味重,以麻辣著称。’ 2.粤菜强调清炒浅煮,选料似乎不受限制。3.选料、调料、适时烹调、把握火候、装盘上桌这些微妙步骤的细心协调是中餐的 典型特征。4.中餐烹调所用的天然配料品种繁多,几无穷尽。烹调方法也层出不穷,不可悉数。5.为史密斯大使阁下和夫人的健康干杯。B.Chinese into English 1.谢谢史密斯先生热情洋溢的欢迎词,感谢欧中贸易协会的盛情邀请和热情款待。2.我非常高兴有机会出席这次欧中贸易协会举办的午餐报告会。3.中餐先上冷盘,而西餐则先上汤。4.请允许我邀请各位与我一起举杯,为我们双方的友谊和合作干杯。5.请尝尝我的拿手菜。
1.I'd like to thank Mr.Smith for his very warm welcoming remarks.Many thanks also go to the Euro-China Business Association for the gracious invitation and warm hospitality.2.I'm very delighted to have the opportunity to be at this reception hosted by the Euro-China Business Association.3.A Chinese dinner begins with cold dishes whereas a Western dinner starts with a soup.4.May I ask you to join me in a toast to the friendship and cooperation between our two companies.5.Would you like to try my special recipe? Text A President Gao, Distinguished Guests, Our Chinese Friends, Ladies and Gentlemen, It is a special honor for me to have a chance to speak on behalf of all the members of ourdelegation.I would like to express our sincere thanks to President Gao for inviting us, and for all the hard work and thought you have given to the arrangements for our visit.We are also grateful for such a marvelous dinner tonight.I hope that we shall all enjoy the business exchanges and friendly contact in the following days.Every member of our delegations hopes that the rate of trade between the two countries will increase in the future through our mutual efforts.And I think that only by free flow of visitors can1
trade develop satisfactorily.I'm very impressed by the hospitality and warmth with which you have received us.You must have had a very busy time making all the preparations, which deserves our sincere appreciation.We are especially thankful to you for arranging the meeting and everything that you have done on our account.I hope that Mr.Gao and other Chinese friends will be able to visit our country in the future, so that we will have the chance to return some of your kindness as a host.Apart from business contracts, these meetings will surely help enhance the understanding and friendship between us.Well begun is half done, as we said.I hope this will pave the way for further business relations between our two countries.In closing, I would like to invite you to join me in a toast.To the trade and friendship between us!To the health of our Chinese friends!Cheers!尊敬的高董事长,尊敬的来宾,中国朋友们,女士们,先生们: 今天我特别荣幸能代表我们代表团成员对高总的热情邀请以及为精心安排我们这次访 问所付出的努力表达诚挚的谢意,同时我们也为今晚丰盛的宴会表示衷心的感谢。我希望我们在今后的日子里能互通贸易友好往来。我们代表团的每一个成员都希望通过 我们双方的共同努力,我们两国未来的贸易额会有所提高。我认为只有通过自由互访才会使 贸易发展令人满意。贵国的热情款待给我留下了深刻的印象。我们对你们的精心准备深表谢意。我们特别感 谢你们安排的此次会晤以及为我们所做的一切。我希望高总和其他中国朋友,将来能访问我 国,以使我们有机会能表达我们的谢意。除了签订生意合同,这次会议一定会增进我们彼此的了解和友谊,正如我们所说的“良 好的开端是成功的一半”。我希望这将为我们今后的友谊奠定一个良好的基础。最后,请和我一起为我们之间的贸易和友谊,为我们中国朋友的健康,干杯!Coordinating –Field Interpreting Huang:想吃中餐还是西餐? Interpreter: What would you like, Chinese food, or Western food? Hampton: Chinese food, please.Interpreter:中餐吧。Huang:好的,你们想用筷子吗? Interpreter: All right.Would you like to use chopsticks? Hampton: Yes, of course.As the saying goes, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do”.Although I can't get along with them, I'd like to learn to handle them.Interpreter:当然了。俗话说,“人乡随俗。”尽管我不会用筷子,但我想学着用它们。Hang:因为这是你们第一次来中国,我想给你们介绍一些真正的中国菜。真正 的中国菜强调色、香、味、形。Interpreter: Since this is the first time for you to come to China, I'd like to recommend some real Chinese dishes for you.Real Chinese cuisine places stress on color, smell, taste, and shape.waiter:请问点什么菜? Interpreter: May I take your order now? Hang:糖醋鱼、麻婆豆腐、红烧牛肉以及上汤锔龙虾。Interpreter: Yes, sweet-and-sour fish, bean curd with minced pork in chili sauce, braised beef in brown sauce and special style lobster.(After the dishes are served.)Huang:请随便吃菜。Interpreter: Please help yourselves.Hampton: Oh!That's splendid.No wonder people say the Chinese are hospitable.Interpreter:啊,太丰盛了,难怪都说中国人热情好客呢。Hang:想喝点什么?白兰地还是红酒? Interpreter: Which do you prefer, brandy or wine? Hampton: Brandy is too strong for me, just a glass of red wine, please.Interpreter:白兰
地太刺激了,要杯红葡萄酒吧。Huang:好的,我来给您倒酒。Interpreter: Sure, let me top up your glass.Hamilton: Thank you.Interpter:谢谢。Huang:大家开始吧。大家请坐,首先我提议我们一起举杯为我们在座的各位朋 友的健康和友谊干杯!Interpreter: Dig in.Now everybody, please be seated.First of all, I'd like you to raise your glasses and join me in a toast to the health of all our friends here as well as our everlasting friendship.Cheers!All:干杯!Interpreter: Cheers.Huang:汉普敦先生,请让我给您倒酒,不要拘束,请随便。Interpreter: Mr.Hampton, let me top up your glass.Don't stand on ceremony.Help yourself to anything you like.Hampton: The dishes look fabulous.How colorful and fragrant, and I bet they are delicious, and so beautifully presented.Interpreter:这些菜真是太吸引人了,它们真是色、香、味、形俱全。(after the dinner)Hang:汉普敦先生,您觉得今天的菜可口吗? Interpreter: Did you enjoy the meal, Mr.Hampton? Hampton: Yes, these dishes are all delicious, especially the special style lobster.Interpreter:是的,很美味,尤其是上汤煽龙虾。Hang:我很高兴你喜欢中国菜。还要点什么吗? Interpreter: I am glad you like the Chinese food.Still want some more? Hampton: No, thanks.I am positively full.At this point, I should like to propose a toast to our friends.Mr.Hang, I wish your company a great success.To our friendship and cooperation, bottoms up.Interpreter:不,谢谢。我真的吃饱了。现在我建议为我们的中国朋友干杯,祝你们 生意兴隆。同时为我们的友谊和合作,干杯!女士们,先生们: Ladies and Gentlemen, 我代表本公司向应邀前来访问的美国 Star 公司代表团表示热烈的欢迎。据我所知,有关人士正在为代表团安排一个全面的参观计划。对此,我无需赘述。It gives me much pleasure on behalf of our company to extend a warm welcome to the members of the American delegation from Star Corporation, who have been invited to this country by our company.I understand that arrangements are being made for a comprehensive visiting program and I need not talk about this now.我刚刚听到我们两家公司已达成建立合资公司的协议。这使我们两家公司的合作 大大向前迈进了一步。我相信,我们正在加拿大访问的董事长一定希望我能代表本公 司向在座的各位表达一下我们得知这个好消息时的兴奋心情。I have, however, just heard that an agreement has been reached between our two companies to establish a joint venture.This is a great step forward and I am sure that our chairman, who is now visiting Canada, would like me to express on behalf of the company to all businessmen present here how pleased we are at the news.除了贸易以外,你们的来访肯定会加强我们彼此之间的友谊和合作。俗话说: “良 好的开端是成功的一半。”我相信,你们的这次访问将会带来更多的交流和合作。Apart from business contracts, your visit will surely help enhance the cooperation and friendship between us.“Well begun is half done”, as we said.I am sure that this visit will lead to many more in the future.最后请各位举杯,为我们的合作和友谊、为在座的各位健康干杯!In closing, I would like to invite you to join me in a toast.To the cooperation and friendship between us!To the health of all the ladies and gentlemen present here!Sentence Interpreting l。你们一起买单,还
是各自付账? 2.我吃西餐喜欢用刀叉,这叫“入乡随俗”嘛。3.茅台是我国最负盛名的烈酒,上口但不上头。4.我不喝酒,我太太也滴酒不沾。5.我国悠久的历史、广袤的国土孕育了中餐烹饪的独特艺术。1.How would you like to pay, one bill or separate bills? 2.I like to enjoy a dinner of Western style food with forks and knives, because I believe in “Do in Rome as the Romans do”.3.Maotai is China's best-known liquor.It is delicious and yet doesn't go to the head.4.I don't touch anything alcoholic, neither does my wife.5.China's long history and vast territory have given birth to the distinctive Chinese culinary art.B.Text Interpreting Text D Many changes are taking place in American food styles.The United States is traditionally famous for its very solid and unchanging diet of meat and potatoes, Now, in addition to the traditional home-cooked meal, we have many different alternatives to choose from: such as nutrition-balanced health food, convenient and delicious fast food and so on.Health food gained popularity when people began to think more seriously about their physical health.Health food includes natural food with minimal processing.Most health food enthusiasts are vegetarians.They eat no meat and prefer to get their essential proteins from other sources, such as beans, cheese, and eggs.Fast food can be seen all over the country.Speed is a very important factor in the life of an American.People usually have a short lunch break or they just do not want to waste their time eating.Because fast-food restaurants are places which take care of hundreds of people in a short time, there is usually very little waiting.And the food is always cheap.美国人的饮食习惯正在发生变化。美国人多年来那种丰盛的、一成不变的肉制品加土豆 的传统餐,早已为世人所熟知。而今,我们美国人可以有多种不同的选择,除了传统的家常 菜外,我们可以享受到各种各样的营养均衡的保健餐,方便可口的快餐等等。保健食品因人们开始重视自身健康而倍受青睐。保健食品包括那些尽可能不加工的天然 食品。大多数热衷于保健食品的人士属素食主义者。他们不吃肉类食物,更愿意从豆类、奶 酪和鸡蛋等食物中获取人体所需要的蛋白质。全国各地到处可见快餐店。速度是美国人生活中一个非常重要的因素。通常人们的午餐 休息时间很短,或者人们不愿意在用餐上花费过多的时间。由于快餐店可以在很短的时间里 向数以百计的客人供餐,人们通常不用等太久。而且,快餐还很便宜。