第一条 为广泛开发和吸收社会旅游购物资源,维护旅游者和消费者的合法权益,规范旅游购物市场秩序,体现公开、公平、公正的竞争原则,营造旅游购物诚信服务的良好社会氛围。根据《苏州市旅游管理条例》的规定,制定本办法。
第二条 旅游购物推荐商店(国际)指为境外旅游团队(者)提供地方特色商品和旅游购物诚信服务活动的商店。凡在本市行政区域内从事上述活动的企业,均可以向旅游行政管理部门提出申请。由苏州市旅游局按照本管理办法以及《旅游购物商店(国际)推荐服务质量标准》予以推荐和公示。
第三条 旅游行政管理部门根据下列原则进行推荐:
第四条 申请旅游购物推荐商店(国际)应当具备下列条件:
第五条 推荐程序
第六条 申请设立旅游购物推荐商店(国际),应当按照前条的规定,将所提交的书面材料等有关证明文件,报送接受申请的旅游行政管理部门验证。
第七条 旅游行政管理部门自收到申请书十个工作日作出推荐或不推荐的答复,书面通知申请者。
第八条 对取得推荐资格的购物商店予以公示,并颁发“旅游诚信服务”推荐标志牌。推荐标志牌由旅游行政管理部门统一制作,中英文对照。推荐标志牌悬挂在营业场所醒目位置,便于旅游者识别。
第九条 旅游购物推荐商店(国际)实行行业推荐制和年度评定制。对通过年度评定的,换发本年度推荐标志牌,并予以公示。年度评定标准由旅游行政管理部门制定并负责实施。
第十条 旅游购物推荐商店(国际)需要变更登记注册地、法定代表人、商店名称的,应在15天内以书面形式向当地旅游行政管理部门报告,在重新对照有关规定和标准后,办理变更登记。
第十一条 旅游购物推荐商店(国际)每三个月公示一次。苏州旅游网、《苏州旅游》杂志等旅游宣传服务平台全面推介和刊登旅游购物推荐商店的宣传图片和文字信息。新推荐的旅游购物推荐商店(国际)将即时在苏州旅游网或其他媒体进行公示。
第十二条 经营管理
(十一)设立专门的公众监督电话,自觉接受社会监督。第十三条 对有下列情况之一的,由旅游行政管理部门取消其推荐资格。
第十四条 本办法未规定事宜,按国家有关法律法规规定执行。
总 则
第一条 常州市科技公共服务平台(以下简称“平台”)是构建科技创新体系的重要组成部分,是科技创新的重要支撑力量之一,为加强和规范平台的建设和运行管理,根据国家、省的有关规定,特制定本管理办法。
第二条 科技公共服务平台是具有基础性、开放性和公益性特征,向社会提供科技资源共享服务、公共技术服务、创新创业服务的科技基础设施。平台建设旨在围绕我市经济、科技和社会发展中长期需求和高新技术产业的特点,以科技资源集成开放和共建共享为目标,重点突破与全面推进相结合,解决各类关键性、共性技术难题,为我市科技创新与科技创业提供高质量的各类技术服务,全面提高我市科技创新能力,促进科技与经济、社会的协调发展。
第五条 市级平台的组建工作,由常州市科学技术局(以下简称“市科技局”)根据全市经济、科技、社会的发展情况统筹规划,统一管理。辖市、区科技局(主管部门)具体负责归口管理的平台建设的组织实施。
第六条 各管理机构的具体职责是:
2.负责编制平台建设计划与经费预算; 3.负责组织平台建设过程中的检查、监督和验收; 4.负责制定平台绩效评估指标体系,组织绩效评估和考核;
1.负责本地区拟建平台的组织和推荐工作; 2.负责本地区的平台的组建和运行管理服务工作; 3.负责落实配套经费。
第七条 市科技局根据区域科技创新体系的建设需要,编制并发布的科技公共服务平台建设项目指南,依托单位可通过 主管部门推荐或招标投标方式申请。
第九条 市平台的组建由依托单位编报项目申报材料,市科技局经专家评审、实地考察及可行性论证后,正式编制并下达平台建设项目计划,申请单位按要求与市科技局签订科技项目合同,启动实施。
第十条 对我市研究基础好、竞争性强,具备招投标条件的平台,市科技局将采取招投标的形式组建建设。
第十二条平台建设所需的资金,由市财政、主管部门及依 托单位共同筹集,其中以依托单位自筹为主,政府安排的计划经费为引导,鼓励吸收社会资金投入建设。
第十三条 依托单位应对平台建设经费实行单独列账、独立核算,专款专用,主要用于科技资源的采集、整理和购置设备、工具以及计算机软件等,平台用房及水、电、气等配套条件主要通过自筹解决。
第十七条平台应积极开展国际、国内和省内合作与技术交流,吸引市内外的优秀科技人才从事科学研究工作,要注意吸收和培养优秀青年科技人员,并努力引进有成就的出国留学、进修人员 回国参加研究开发、技术服务等工作。
第二十一条 依托单位按项目合同要求按期完成建设任务后,应及时向主管部门提出验收申请,并按验收管理办法的要求准备验收材料,经主管部门审查后报市科技局。市科技局组织同行专家或委托社会中介机构进行现场验收或评估。经验收或评估合格后,颁发验收证书。
对按照项目合同要求,提前完成建设任务的,依托单位经主管部门审查同意后可申请提前验收。平台建设期间,根据市场变化确实需要调整计划任务书内容和进度的,依托单位必须提前申请,经主管部门审核后报市科技局批准。对不服从管理,无正当理由超期二年未能完成计划任务的平台,市科技局将取消其平台资格,酌情收回所拨经费,并暂缓受理其申报各类科技计划项目。第二十二条 市科技局对建成并通过验收的平台实行动态管理。
附 则
第二十三条 本办法由市科技局负责解释。
第二十四条 本管理办法自发布之日起试行。原立项批准建设的平台,按已签订的项目合同进行考核和验收。验收通过后,按本办法进行运行管理。原《常州市科技创新服务体系建设计划管理办法》(常科发[2007]59号文)同时废止。根据我市科技公共服务平台建设管理工作的需要,我们制订了《常州市科技公共服务平台管理办法(试行)》,现印发给你们,请遵照执行。
英语口语话题-商店及购物shopping 商店及购物shopping(涉及单词:商店种类,商品。不规则动词变化)过去时:联系将来时
1.When did you go shopping last time? / what’s the last time for you to go shopping? Tell me something about your last shopping experience? How is your last shopping experience? I went shopping with my mother last weekend in Carrefour Walmart....It was very large and tidy, and there were a lot of people.My mother bought some household goods cleaning products and fruits there.And I bought some stationary and snacks there.We enjoyed a good time there.2.Where did you go shopping last time? With whom?(同上)3.How did you get there? Why you chose it? We went there by car, because WalmartCarrefour is a little bit far from my home.Taking a car is faster than taking a bus.And it is more comfortable and convenient.We often go there by car.We went there on foot, because it was not far from my home and it just took us 5ms to get there.It was very convenient for us to shopping there.4.How long / how much time / how many hours did it take you to get there? It took us nearly 15ms to get there by car.5.What did the place look like? / How did you feel about it? / Did you like it, why? / Did you have a good time there, why? / Could you tell me something about the place? It Carrefour was very large and tidy, but on weekend, there were more people than usual.There were all kinds of goods in Carrefour.Here In Carrefour, I could buy better things with good prices, so that I like shopping in Carrefour, I felt very convenient.6.What did you(your parents)buy? / What kinds of goods did you buy? I bought some stationary and snacks there.Cause I like eating and stationery is for my study.But my mother bought some household goodscleaning products and fruits there.7.How long / how many hours did you stay there? We stayed there for nearly 2 hours.We felt very happy, but when we went home, we felt a little bit tired.8.How much money did you spend there? / How about the price? We spent nearly 3 hundred Yuan there.The goods were very cheap, so we bought so many things.They were very heavy.We had to carry the goods to our car.We felt so tired but we were happy.We just spent more than 100yuan but we bought a lot of things.They were very cheap.But we were very tired to carry those products home.一般时: 1.Do you like shopping, do you often go shopping, why? Yes, I do.I’m really likekeen on/ crazy about shopping.It is very interesting and I can relax myself when I am shopping.Last weekend, I went shopping in … with ….My mother bought some household goods but I bought some stationery and snacks.We enjoyed a very good time.Frankly speaking, I hate it, it is so tiringboring, and I seldom go shopping, because I am always busy with my study, and I have no time to go shopping.2.What do you(your parents)often buy, why? 1 I often buy some stationary and snacks there.Cause I like eating and snacks are very delicious.I am a student now, so I often buy some books and stationary for my study.But my mother often buys some household goodscleaning products and fruits there.3.Where do you usually go shopping, Where do you like to go shopping, why?(p90)I usually go shopping in Carrefour..., because I can buy what I need there.And in Carrefour, I can buy better things with good prices, so that I like shopping in Carrefour.., I feel very convenient.4.Who do you often go shopping with? / who do you like going shopping with? I often go shopping with my mother.Last weekend, I went shopping in … with ….My mother bought some household goods but I bought some stationery and snacks.We enjoyed a very good time.5.How often do you go shopping? When do you do the shopping? I usually go shopping once a week.I often go shopping on the weekends.But during summer or winter holidays, I go shopping more frequently;always tow or three times a week, because I have more time.6.What do you think of on-line shopping? Shopping on-line is more and more popular, because it’s more convenient and easier to buy what you want.But I always worry about the qualities.So I like shopping in the shopping places better with my mother.7.What’s the difference between the supermarket and department store?/ Which one do you like better, supermarket or department store, why?/ Could you tell me the difference between supermarket and department store? There are many differences between the supermarket and department store.First, department store is larger than the supermarket.Second, the goods in the department store is usually more expensive and have better qualities than goods in the supermarket.However, we can buy what we need in the supermarket, but we can’t buy them in the department store, such as: fruits and vegetables.8.When do people in your city usually go shopping? People in our city usually go shopping on the weekends, because most people in our city are busy with their work from Monday to Friday, so they have no time to go shipping.So they can only go shopping on the weekends.9.where do people in your city usually go shopping? Some people like going shopping in the supermarket, because there are all kinds of goods.Some like going shopping in the shopping centers.When my mother wants buy some household goods or food, she will o the supermarket.When she wants to buy clothes, shoes or cosmetics she will go to the shopping center or department store.10.Are there any open-air market in your city? Where is it? how dose it look like? Yes, there are many open-air markets in our city, such as xiushui street.It is a street and it is full of little stalls.It is very interesting to talk and buy something.But I don’t like buy things
there because I am not good at bargaining.It locates in the east of the downtown of BJ.It is a street and mainly deals with traditional Chinese clothes and some other unique.Most of the shop owners and assistants can speak some 2 foreign language, so it is easier for foreign friends to shop there.将来时:参考过去时
1.When are you going to shopping next time? 2.Where are you going to go shopping next time? With whom? Why? 3 What are you(your parents)going to buy? / What kinds of goods are you going to buy? 其他: 1..Could you give me some tips about shopping? If you want buy some daily necessities, you can go to the supermarket, because you can get what you want there with a reasonable price.If you want to buy some clothes you’d better go to
the department store or city mall.There are all kinds of clothes for you choosing.2.How many kinds of shopping places do you know in your city? What are they? Which one do you like best, why? Well, in China/ Beijing/ my hometown, there’re many places to go shopping, such as supermarket, city mall, department store, window shop and so on, but I like supermarkets best, coz I can buy what I need there with a good price.And it is very convenient to shop in the supermarket.3.What dose a good shopping store should have? / in your opinion, what is the good shopping store, why? First, a good shopping store should have its own characteristics, so that it can attract lots of customersguest.Second, a good store should offer a comfortable and clean environment for guest.Last but not least, the shopper owner or assistant should offer a good service attitude.4.Can you recommend a good place to do the shopping in Beijing? Well, in China/ Beijing/ my hometown, there’re many places to go shopping, such as supermarket, city mall, department store and window shop, but I recommend you the local markets, such as Xiushui street , coz you can buy something special/ unique/ traditional there.What’s more, all the shop owners and assistants can speak some foreign language, so it makes your shopping easier.Well, normally I’d recommend you to go to the city mall---Baisheng, which has more comfortable environment and better service.What’s more, the qualities of the goods are bettermore reliable.5.If a foreign friend of yours wants to buy a Chinese style cloth, where are you going to take him to buy? / One of your friends comes to your home, where do you take him to go shopping, why? I am going to take herhim to xiushui street, because it mainly deals with traditional Chinese clothes and some other unique.And all the shop owners and assistants can speak some foreign language, so it is easier for foreign friends to shop there.6.Do you like brand goods? And why? Yes, I like the brand goods very much.You know brand goods have the better qualities and they are comfortable.And I like the fashionable design and style of brand goods.Frankly speaking, I do not like the brand goods very much.They are more expensive than the ordinary brands.Sometimes their qualities are not agree with their price.7.Men and women, do you think who like shopping more? Surely women like going shopping more, especially the house wives, who know much better 3 about what to buy.For example, nearly all our daily products are bought by my mum, such as food, clothes, kitchen appliance and so on.Whenever she has the time, she will go shopping.But my father nearly never goes shopping a year.8.Are you good at bargaining? No, I am not good at bargaining.I am too young to buy things myself.So I usually go shopping with my mother in the supermarket, because we need not bargain there.9.Can you bargain? How do you make it? Frankly speaking, I am not good at bargaining.So I usually buy things in the supermarket.Sometimes I will go shopping with my parents;they know how to bargain with the shop assistants.10.How long/ how much time / how many hours do people usually spend to go shopping? It depends on the place where people go shopping.If people go shopping in the supermarket, they may just spend 2 or 3hours shopping.But they will spend longer time on shopping in the departments or city malls.食物food(涉及单词:食物,味道,烹饪方法,厨具,营养素。一些相关食物 基础知识)过去时: 1.What did you eat yesterday?/ what did you have for dinner last night? ,I ate ````` yesterday/ I had ````` for dinner,I ate 3 meals.I ate bread and milk for my breakfast;ate noodles for lunch and I ate some porridge and rice for my dinner last night.I like noodles very much.It is very delicious.I am going to eat noodles tomorrow.2.How did it taste like? / Did you like it, why?(it tasted delicious)It tasted very delicious.3.Who cooked it for you? Sometimes my mother cooks them for me, but yesterday I ate them at a nearby restaurant with my mother and father.The food in the restaurant was more delicious than that made by my mother.We really enjoyed ourselves there;we are going to eat them tomorrow evening.4.Where did you eat it, with whom? / What did the restaurant look like? I ate them at a nearby restaurant with my parents.The restaurant was not so big, but it was very clean and the waiters were very kind to us.The food was very cheap and delicious.I like eating noodles there.5.How did you get there? We get there on foot, because it was not far from our house.It took us… to get there.7.How much money did you spend on the food? The food was very cheap.And we spent just forty yuan on the food.We ordered three bowls of noodles and three glasses of soybean milk.They were very delicious.I liked them very much.8.What did you eat for your breakfast this morning? I drank a glass of milk and ate tow pieces of bread.So I am not hungry now, how about you teacher? 9.Did you eat some delicious food these days? Can you introduce something about it? 4 Yes, the most delicious food I ate was dumplings.Dumplings are Chinese traditional food, they are very delicious.Last weekend, I ate them in a restaurant with my parents.We really enjoyed ourselves.10.What did you eat last supper? Last supper I went to KFC.I ate a lot of fried chicken and a hamburger there.They are very tasty and fast, but they are unhealthy.Teacher, do you like fast food? 11.When did you go to eat fast food last time? Last Saturday afternoon I went to the KFC.At there I ate a lot of fried chicken and a hamburger.It is very delicious and fast.I did not wait for a long ime.一般时: 1.What food do you like best,why? / what’s your favourite food,why? My favorite food is Chinese dumpling.Dumplings are Chinese traditional food, they are very delicious.Sometimes I eat it outside, and sometimes my parents often cook it for me in my home.Last weekend, I ate them in a restaurant with my parents.We really enjoyed ourselves.2.Where do you usually eat this kind of food, with whom, when? I usually eat dumplings in a nearby restaurant with my parents at weekend evening.The restaurant is not so big, but it is very clean and the waiters are very kind.I liked to eat dumplings there;It is very convenient and the food is delicious..3.How often do you eat out in restaurants? I eat out in restaurants twice a week.However I can eat out more often in holiday, because I have not to go to school and I have more spare time.So I like holidays.4.Tell me the difference between Chinese food and Western food? / Chinese food and Western food, which one do you like better, why? There are many differences between Chinese food and western food.First, when we eat Chinese food you need use the chopsticks, but we need knife and fork for western food.Secondly, western food contains more calories than Chinese food.But I like Chinese food better, because I think Chinese food is much healthier.5.What’s the difference between Northern food and Southern food? Which one do you like better, why? There are many differences between Northern food and Southern food.First, Northern food is based on wheat, while southern food is based on rice.Secondly, southern food tastes sweeter than north food, while north food is greasier.But I like northern food better, because I think northern food is more delicious.6.Do you like snacks? What kind of snacks do you like best? Yes, I like snacks very much.When my mother takes me to the supermarket, I often buy a lot of snacks, such as: biscuit, lollipop, 冰淇凌ice cream, chocolate , pudding and so on.But I like ice cream best.It's delicious.I always eat it in the summer.My mother tells me not to eat too much ice cream.It's not good for our health.But I still love ice cream.7.Do you like fast food? Yes, I like it very much.Cause it is very fast and convenient.I needn’t wait for a long time.And the environment is very comfortable.What more, the fast food is very delicious.Teacher how about you? 8.Do you usually have a picnic? What do you usually take? No, I seldom have a picnic.But last summer vacation I went picnic with my 5 familyfriend in beihai park.We really enjoyed ourselves.We took a lot of food and drinks, such as: sausages, bread, biscuits, fried potato chips, hamburgers and some fruit juice.We really enjoyed ourselves.将来时: 1.What are you going to eat? / What are you going to have for lunch today? 2 Where are you going to eat it, with whom? 3.How are you going to get there? 4.How much money are you going to spend fot the food? 5.If there is a picnic tomorrow, what are you going to take with you? 其他: 1.Introduce a dish for me?(What dose it taste like? How to cook it? Is it a healthy food,why?)Scrambled Egg with Tomato is my favorite dish.It tastes very delicious.I like it very much.I also can cook it by myself, because it is very easy.You just fry the eggs first,and then put the tomato pieces in it for a while.Then a delicious dish is made.It is good for our heath.It is rich for the vitamins and proteins.2.Can you tell me what do people usually eat during the Spring Festival?(端
午~中秋~元宵~重阳~腊八)People usually eat Chinese dumpling in Spring Festival.It is really very delicious and stands for union.In spring festival, family members will get together to make and eat dumplings.It is really interesting.3.If tomorrow is your birthday, what food are you going to prepare? I am going to prepare a big birthday cake for my relatives and friends.And also I am going to prepare some candies and drinks to celebrate my birthday.4.Describe(introduce)a tranditional Chinese food or Western food for me.Chinese dumpling is really very delicious and stands for union.In spring festival, family members will get together to make and eat dumplings.It is really interesting.Depends on your taste, you can choose different kind of Chinese dumplings with different fillings.5.What food do you think is good for health? I think vegetable and fruit are good for health.An apple a day keeps the doctor away, this is a good saying.How about you teacher? 6
新郑市旅游发展委员会 二○一二年二月二十八日
第一章 总则
第一条 为了维护旅游者和旅游经营者的合法权益,规范农家乐旅游经营行为,提高农家乐服务质量,促进我市农家乐旅游健康发展,结合我市实际情况,特制定本办法。
第二条 本办法中的“农家乐”是指利用农村庭院、湖泊、果园、林地等农、林、牧、渔业的自然条件,吸引旅游者,为旅游者提供观光、娱乐、餐饮、住宿、购物等服务的经营实体。
第三条 本办法适用于新郑市区域内农家乐旅游服务经营和管理。
第四条 各级旅游行政管理部门会同工商、税务、安监、卫生、环保、质监、物价、公安等管理部门负责对农家乐监督管理。其主要职责是:
第二章 农家乐开业基本条件
第五条 农家乐开业须具备以下从业资格。
第六条 农家乐开业须具备以下基本条件。
b、家庭成员有健康证,衣着整洁,个人卫生好; c、客房被罩床单一客一换,保持干燥、整洁; d、厕所使用方便,清洁无异味;
e、厨房干净,布局合理,餐具卫生,防蝇防鼠措施好; f、饭菜酒水新鲜无质变,确保食品安全卫生;
第三章 农家乐经营
第七条 农家乐经营者应当严格执行国家法律、法规、政策,接受旅游行政管理部门以及相关部门的指导检查。
第八条 农家乐经营者在经营活动中应当依法经营、合理收费、公平竞争、诚实守信,为游客提供健康文明的标准化和规范化服务。
第九条 农家乐旅游经营力戒千篇一律,应根据当地风俗民情、自然风貌、土特产品特点,努力办出特色。
第十条 农家乐旅游经营户发展数量,应根据各区域旅游业发展状况和人口基数进行适当控制,以防止多、杂、乱和经营效益滑坡。
第十一条 农家乐经营管理和服务人员应参加旅游管理部门组织的岗位培训,并持证上岗。
第十二条 旅游者与农家乐旅游经营方发生争议或者合法权益受到侵害时,可以向当地旅游行政管理部门投诉,旅游行政管 4 理部门应当及时进行调查作出处理,对合法权益受到损害的旅游者应责成经营方给予赔偿。
第十三条 农家乐接待户不得采取下列手段从事经营活动:(1)削价竞争,强行拉客;
第四章 农家乐管理
第十四条 实行“统一领导,分级管理”的原则。市旅游和文物局负责全市农家乐旅游服务管理工作,负责行政区域内的农家乐开业资格认证及旅游服务管理工作,其他有关部门按照各自职责,协同做好农家乐旅游服务管理工作。
第十五条 实行质量等级评定制度,由农家乐经营者向市旅游和文物局提出评级申请。
第十六条 农家乐的评定由市旅游和文物局负责,1至5星级的农家乐由市旅游和文物局负责初审,郑州市旅游局或省旅游局组织评定。
第十七条 农家乐旅游服务质量等级的评定与划分,以《农家乐旅游服务质量等级标准》为依据。
第十八条 经各级旅游行政主管部门评定,对符合农家乐或星级农家乐等级标准的,发给相应的等级标志,市旅游行政主管部门统一负责全市农家乐等级评定管理和等级标志牌、证的设计制作,农家乐旅游服务经营者可以在经营活动和宣传促销中使用。
第十九条 旅游行政主管部门每年应对已评定的农家乐进行复核。对服务质量达不到质量等级标准的应帮助其提高质量,限期整改。逾期仍达不到服务质量等级标准的,应降低或取消旅游服务质量等级。
第二十条 对农家乐旅游服务经营实行联合检查制度,联合检查由新郑市旅游行政主管部门牵头,相关部门参与,依法实施对农家乐旅游服务质量的监督管理。
第五章 责任追究
第二十一条 农家乐旅游经营点(农户)有下列情形之一的,旅游行政管理部门应责令其限期改正,逾期不改的,予以公告,取消其经营资格。
(3)拒不接受旅游行政管理部门等相关部门监督管理的;(4)发生不安全事故的。第六章 附则
第二十二条 本办法由新郑市旅游和文物局负责解释。
第二十三条 本办法自发布之日起执行。
第一章 总则
第二章 组织与职责
第三章 申报与认定
5、省科技厅组织公示无异议的单位签订国际科技合作基地建设计划任务书,并授予“湖南省××(领域)国际科技合作基地”称号(英文名称为“Hunan International Scientific and Technological Cooperation Base of XX”)牌匾。
第四章 评估与管理
第十三条 考核结论为“优秀”和“合格”的省国合基地,保留省国合基地资格,并给予相应的后补助支持奖励。考核结论为“不合格”的省国合基地限期整改,整改期为一年,期满后进行复评,复评仍为不合格的,取消其省国合基地资格,下达撤销通知,收回所授牌匾,并向社会公开。
第十五条 已认定的省国合基地出现下列情形之一,直接撤销其“湖南省国际科技合作基地”资格,收回所授牌匾,并向社会公开。
支撑与服务 第十六条 省国合基地建设所需经费以自筹为主,鼓励基地承担单位建立多元化投入渠道和机制。省科技厅对认定的每个基地支持经费原则上不低于100万元。
第六章 附则