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unit2 Theolympicgamestake part in/join in参加the spirit of精神、宗旨、灵魂used to过去常常find out查明,找出every four years每四年,每隔三年two sets of两套,两组allow sb.in(out)允许进入(出去);allow sb.to do sth.允许某人做某事(不能说allow to do)9 allow doing sth.允许干某事。be/get married(强调状态)+ to(不能用with)sb 和……结婚11 a set of一套,一组compete in…在某方面竞争compete for…为……而竞争compete with/against与……竞争be admitted to获准做某事be admitted as作为…被接受reach the standard达到……水平、标准play an important role/part in在…方面扮演重要角色(起重要作用)19 as well as和……一样thank you for your time感谢您(能抽空……)come from the same root同根have(no)chance of doing sth.有(没)做……的机会go with伴随,与……搭配relate…to…把……与关联起来relate with和……有关run against…和……赛跑hear of听说make sure确定take turns轮流one after another一个接一个

make sure +that clause确定

第二篇:2014九年级Unit 1词组

Unit 1词组

read the textbooks读课文 listen to tapes听磁带 ask the teacher for help向老师求助 study for a test为考试而学习practice conversations with friends和同学练习对话 learn a lot学到很多 improve speaking skills提高说的技巧 give a report

for the first time

read word groups

be patient with sb.be patient to do sth.find it difficult to do sth.the secret to sth/doing sth.be afraid to do sth.be afraid of sth.hide behind

body language

It serves you right.look up the words

the key words

have a better understanding of sth.repeat out loud

take notes

memorize sentence patterns

get the pronunciation right

get much writing practice

join an English club

learning habits

whether or not

depend on

in common

be born with

pay attention to

connect …with…

learn from mistakes

Practice makes perfect.draw mind map

explain sth.to sb.作一个报导首先读词组对某人有耐心对做某事有耐心发现做某事有困难做某事的秘诀害怕干某事害怕某事躲在…..后面肢体语言你罪有应得查找单词关键词对某物有一个更好理解大声重复记笔记记忆句型使发音正确得到很多写的练习参加英语俱乐部学习习惯是否依靠,取决于共同的,共有的生而具有…注意把…联系起来从错误中学习孰能生巧画思维导图把…解释给某人

第三篇:9A Unit 6词组小结

9A Unit 6词组小结

1.do some very important work 1.做一些非常重要的工作

2.much more serious 2.严重的多

3.My food has gone missing.3.我的食物不见了.4.find out 4.查明,弄清楚

5.make notes on 5.做关于….的笔录

6.medium height 6.中等身材

7.This person is wanted for murder!7.这个人因谋杀被通缉

8.a 22-year-old man 8.一个22岁的人

9.in the doorway of a clothes shop 9.在一家服装店门口

10.a computer programmer 10.一个电脑程序员

11.take place 11.发生,举办

12.at the scene of the crime 12.在犯罪现场



14.somewhere else 14.别的某个地方

15.contact sb.15.联系某人

16.be interested in sth./doing sth.16.对某事/做某事感兴趣 17.hear from sb.17.收到某人的来信/来电 18.bleed to death 18.流血至死 19.as a result 19.结果

20.evidence of a struggle 20.争斗的痕迹 21.put up a good fight 21.进行殊死的搏斗 22.work hard to do 22.努力做…

23.check the scene for fingerprints and other clues 23.核对现场指纹和其他线索 24.be guilty of computer crimes 24.犯有计算机罪 25.in the past 25.在过去

26.be charged with sth/doing sth 26.因某事/做某事被指控 27.break into 27.强行闯入

28.make sb.some enemies 28.使某人树一些仇敌 29.so far 30.run down Upper Street 31.breathe heavily 32.have evidence to prove… 33.be at another place 34.at the time of the crime 35.offer a reward of…for 36.lead to the arrest of the murderer 37.anyone with information 38.against the law 39.put up a drawing of the suspect 40.wait in the queue 41.at the bank 42.in his mid-thirties 43.be familiar with 44.in prison for theft 45.what do you think of …? 46.be involved in 47.get along with 29.到目前为止

30.沿着Upper街跑 31.气喘吁吁




37.任何有信息的人 38.违法

39.张贴嫌疑犯的照片 40.在长队里等 41.在银行

42.在他三十五岁左右 43.对….熟悉


45.你认为….怎样? 46.被卷入/和…有关系 47.和…..相处

48.do…for a living

48.做…..谋生 49.be shocked 49.震惊的

50.he seems to be a nice man.50.他似乎是个好人 51.be under arrest for murder 51.因谋杀被逮捕 52.report …to…

52.向…报告/汇报 53.call the police 54.have a criminal record


54.有一次犯罪记录 53.

第四篇:8A Unit 6Birdwatching 词组

8A Unit 6Birdwatching 词组

1.去市场看鸟go to the market to watch the birds

2.在市场at the market

3.去观鸟go birdwatching

4.看起来像look like

5.多少种鹤how many types of cranes

6.扎龙自然保护区Zhalong Nature Reserve

7.在东北中国in North-east China

8.世界最重要湿地之一one of the world’s most important wetlands






































provide sth for sb/sb with sthprovide food and cover for a lot of wildlifelive in Zhalongall year ronnd/the whole yeargo there for a short stay/stay there for a short whilein the daytime40 percent of cranesin order to do sthin order to have more space for farms and buildingslead toless and less spacekeep fishingas a resulthave enough food to eatmake laws to prevent all these thingsprevent/stop/keep sb from doing sthonce a yearrecord their types and changes in their numbers invite /need sb to do sthinvite them to help ushelp people understand the importance of the wetlandstell/ask/encourage /advise /need sb to do sthwant/teach/ordersb todo/not to do sthhelp sb/to do sthmake/let sb do sthsee/hear do sthcover … with…cover an area of over 45,300 square kilometreshome to different kinds of plantstake a pair of binocularsget thirstywrite down what you seesomething elsepart of our livesbecome a member of the Birdwatching Societytake part in activitiesbe interested in sth/doing sth

第五篇:unit 6-10词组

unit 6 1.computer science 电脑科学 2.grow up 长大

3.comprter programmer 电脑程序师 4.take acting lessons 上表演课 5.practice doing sth 练习做某事 6.finish doing sth 完成做某事 7.keep on doing sth 坚持做某事

8.I’m not sure about that.我对那不太确定 9.Don’t worry.不要担心

10.Not everyone knows what they want to be.不是所有人都知道他们想做什么。11.Just make sure you try your best.就确保尽你最大努力。

12.Then you can be anything you want.那么你就能成就你想做的事。13.move to

搬到-----14.finish high school 高中毕业 15.a race car driver 一个赛车手 16.buy a fast car

买一辆跑车 17.take singing lessons 上演唱课 18.study medicine 学习医学 19.study education 学习教育学

20.go to a cooking school 去烹饪学校

21.send------to 把------寄到-----,把----送到----22.New Year’s resolutions 新年决心 23.learn to do sth 学习做某事

24.make the soccer team 组建足球队 25.get good grades 取得好成绩

26.eat healthier food 吃更健康的食物 27.get lots of exercise 得到大量的锻炼 28.learn another foreign language

学习另一种外国语言 29.make resolutions 制定决心 30.be able to do sth 能做某事 31.keep resolutions 执行决心 32.promise to do sth承诺做某事

33.promise sb to do sth承诺某人做某事 34.make promises to sb向某人承诺

35.at the beginning of the year新年的开始 36.write down午写下

37.physical health 成长身体健康 38.have to do with 与-----有关

39.take up a hobby 开始(培养)一种爱好 40.make a weekly plan/make a plan every week



=not-----enough to do sth


42.the best resolutions is to have no resolutions

最好的决心就是没有决心。43.for this reason 由于这个原因

44.my own personal improvement我自己的个人提高

45.improve my relationship with my family


46.drive to work 开车去上班

47.Sounds like a good plan.听起来像一个好计划

unit 7

1.on computers 在电脑上

2.Everything will be free.每一件东西都将是免费的

3.live to be-----years old 活到----岁 4.in 100 years

一百年以后 5.use-------less 少用------

6.There will be more pollution.将会有更多的污染

7.Cities will be more polluted.城市将是更污染的

8.in great danger 处于极大的危险之中 9.on the earth 在地球上

10.play a part in saving the earth.参与到拯救地球的活动中 11.I hope so.我希望如此 12.in the sea 在海里 13.fresh water淡水

14.do the same jobs as------do做和----一样的工作

15.in an apartment在公寓

16.take a train to------乘火车去-----

17.fly rockets to the moon 乘火箭去月球 18.on a space station在太空站上 19.there are sb doing sth有某人正在做某事 20.over and over again反复地 21.help to build cars帮助造车 22.get bored变得厌烦的

23.make sth look like----使某物看起来像---24.wake up醒来,叫醒某人 25.agree with sb同意某人 26.hundreds of 数百

27.buildings fall down with people inside

有人的建筑物倒塌 28.look for


29.seem impossible 似乎不可能

30.we never know what will happen

我们永远不知道将会发生什么 31.in the future在将来

32.which side do you agree with?

你同意哪方面意见? 33.keep a bird.养一只鸟

34.during the week在工作日期间 35.take a holiday in Hong Kong

when possible有可能的时候在香港度假 36.there will be both good and bad

things in life.生活中有好事情也有坏事情 37.fly up into the sky 飞向天空 Unit 8 1.turn on 打开

turn off 关闭

turn up(声音)调大 turn down(声音)调小 2.cut-----up 把----切碎

3.cut----into 把----切成-----4.pour---into 把----倒入 5.put----in----把----放入 6.add---to----往---加 7.mix up 把-----混合

8.mix---together 把-----混合一起 9.fill----with----往---装满---10.cover----with----把---盖在----上

11.place-----on a plate把------放在盘子上 12.milk shake奶昔

13.how many后接可数名词复数形式 14.how much后接不可数名词,表数量 15.how much 后接be动词询问价钱 16.a cup of yogurt一杯酸奶 17.two spoons of honey两勺蜂蜜 18.fruit salad水果沙拉 19.Russian soup罗宋汤

20.cook-----for 30 minutes烹制30分钟 21.another ten minutes别外10分钟 22.one more thing别一件事

23.Don’t forget to do sth不要忘了要做某事 24.half a cup半杯 25.dig a hole挖个坑

26.take out-----from----把----从-----拿出来 27.traditional food 传统食物

28.on special holidays在特别的节日

29.give thanks for food and life感恩食物和


30.the first travelers第一批漂泊者

31.have a long, hard winter过一个漫长艰难的冬天

32.this idea of giving thanks 感恩的思想 33.have a big meal吃一顿大餐 34.serve-----to sb拿----招待某人

35.at a very high temperature在很高的温度 36.one by one一个接一个的 37.rice noodles米线

38.it’s time to do sth是做某事的时间

Unit 9

1.study for a test为考试而学习

prepare for an exam 备考 2.go to the doctor去看医生

go to the dentist去看牙医 3.have the flu患流感

4.help my parents帮助我的父母 5.meet my friends和我的朋友见面 6.go to the party去参加聚会

7.too much 太多 后面接不可数名词 8.too many

后面接可数名词复数 9.much too 太

后面接形容词 10.another time 下次,另外一次 11.go bike riding骑自行车


= not----before

= after

13.hang out 闲逛

14.catch you on Monday星期一见 15.I’m afraid not.我恐怕不行。16.the day before yesterday 前天 17.the day after tomorrow

后天 18.look after


take care of

19.accept an invitation 接受邀请 20.make an invitation 发出邀请 21.turn down an invitation 拒绝邀请 22.be sad to do sth 难过做某事 23.be glad to sth



把------带到------25.take a trip


26.at the end of-----在-------的结尾,尽头 27.help out with

帮忙解决------28.go back to------回到-----29.have to a surprise party for sb

为某人办一个惊喜派对 30.be surprised 感到惊喜的

31.look forward to doing sth 期望做某事 32.hear from

收到------33.a housewarming party 乔迁派对 34.A party is more fun with more people.聚会人越多越有趣

35.Hope you can make it.希望你能来 36.invite sb to-----邀请某人-------37.the opening of-------------的落成

38.bring one book as a gift for the new library 为新图书馆带一本书作为礼物 39.reply in writing to the invitation 用书面形式回复邀请

40.reply to-----回复某人/某事

Unit 10 1.take the bus to------乘汽车去----2.when to have------什么时候举行 3.half the class

一半的同学 4.watch a video


5.order food from-------从----订食物 6.what to do 做什么

7.how to go-----怎样去-----8.be happy 开心的 9.be famous 出名的----10.travel around the world周游世界 11.make a lot of money 挣许多钱 12.get an education 得到教育 13.go to college 上大学

14.get advice from-----从---得到建议 15.keep-----to themselves 保守秘密 16.talk to------与----交谈

17.have problems with-----在---方面有问题 18.the worst thing is to do nothing.最糟糕的事情是什么也不做 19.be worried about 担心---20.be afraid to------害怕做----21.in the end

= at last 最后

22.make mistakes 犯错误

23.it is best not to do sth 最好不要做----24.run away from 回避-----,从---逃跑 25.the first step is to do sth 第一步是做----26.be always there to do

总是(乐于)做,总是随时做----27.cut-----in half 把----切成一半 28.be halfway to doing sth 完成或做某事的部分

29.old people’s home 老人之家 30.school clean-up 学校大扫除 31.children’s hospital 儿童医院 32.travel to-----去----旅行

33.stay out too late 呆在外面很晚 34.go to the concert 去听音乐会 35.miss the bus 错过公交车

36.get into a fight with 与----有冲突 37.say sorry to sb 向某人道歉



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