新世纪 高一上U1 词汇

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第一篇:新世纪 高一上U1 词汇

新世纪高一上 U1 词汇


New Words

















1.all works of life各行各业

2.try one’s best尽最大努力

3.be involved in参与,忙于

4.all through one’s life一生

5.file cabinet档案柜


New Words








check in 签到

New Words














1.practice medicine

2.even though

3.take an interest in

4.make a decision

Proper Nouns


Swan Lake

n.合伙人 n.管理,经营 n.生物学 a.感谢的,感激的n.作曲家n.天鹅n.决定,抉择a.成功的行医虽然,尽管对……产生兴趣作决定 柴可夫斯基 芭蕾舞剧《天鹅湖》 2

第二篇:新世纪研究生英语答案 词汇


1.Slowly the flood……(sank);

2.Desert nights are……(clear);

3.This is half……(rainfall);

4.……(drought);12.He felt he did….(commitment to);2.The mystery ….(unsolved);3.There were over…(watchers);1.The company….(downsized);2.Churchill provided…(dynamic);is our….(self-image);5.Unless specfic…(counter-measures);3.We have calculated…(yield): 4.We were travel...(had guaranteed)6.The board….(unconscious);

5.shrubs,trees……(Flowering);5o.They won’t…(inflict);.6.There were some……(loose);6.The Finance…(budget);

7.The small holes……(pores);7.They insist….(priosrity);

8.We used to graze);8.Ian drove up..(accelerating);

9.Your ……(spine);9.It is dishonorable..(shirk);

10.Fire officers had……(crapped);10.These small…(vitally);

11.I might actually……(venture);11.Would such…(jeopardize);

12.The valleys are……(fertile);12.When you go…(criterion):

1.fatigue is ……(Physical);1.Lemon juice….(acid);

….(accumulace);2.I my eyes..(shaded);

3.There is a great……(diversity);3.If one or …(knock-on);

4.Psychological tiredness…..(precipitated);5.These flowers…(banks);

5.His body is ……(muscular);6.We’out our(spacing);

6.Some fatigue has…(pathological);of…(band);

7.Prolonged fatigue …..(symptomatic);8.We want …(needles);

.(vigorous);9.Devices in the..(filter);

….(psychologically);10.Mountain climbers..(altitudes);

….(Anxiety);11.The data was…(variables):

11.He feels completely….(restored);12.Reproduction is…(organism);

12.Having had a good…..(refreshed);1.The results of…(applied):

1.Rural communities…..(uniform);2.He had hurt…(repentance);

2.On a clear…(recognize/distinguish);3.The heavy….(penetrate);

4.The comedian…(monkey-like);

4.The tune was…..(recognized);5.She had almost..(contrast);

5.This stamp is ….(unique);6.We are really…(impressed):

6.Jack enjoys playing….(outlet);7.We are really…(passionate);

7.A child must….(tactile);8.The English…(awakened);

8.Both drvers and ….(rigid);9.The silence..(succeeded);

9.My son used….(secure);10.The roses…(blossoms);

10.Some language …(acquisition);11.On Christmas..(expectant);

11.Learning together…(fruitful);12.His friends…(opportunity);

12.The on which…(foundation): 1.Britain’s head….(monarch);,I did not….(as a matter of fact);2.Elizabeth II…(throne);

2.At this time…(are plagued): 3.She was …(ambassador):

3.The poem handles….(versus);4.George Bush….(preceded);

the likely….(have been refiecting 5.Crude oil is….(refined): on);6.Fighting broke….(rival):

5.It’s no use….(positive);7.As a mayor,…(functions);

.(is implementing);8.What is so …(efficiency);

7.Most universities….(will enroll);9.The quality of…(inspiration):

8.American culture..(has been enriched)10.They bought…(spitting);

9.His father ….(aspiration);11.The skaters…(grace);

10.A good historian….(academic);12.Storing berbs in….(preserre);

11.The news came…..(well-informed);1.He has a….(circle)7.He had….(rapport);…(flashed);9.Agriculture,the…(dominance);10.The slogans…(disinterest);11.Someone who….(undemonstrative);12.He ….(positioned);1.Professor Jones….(recognized);2.He’s always….(credited);3.The film….(features);4.we admired the…(expertise);5.The fire cause….(considerable);6.Students are not…(supervision);7.The toy was….(flaw);8.Charities such …..(recruit);9.It’s really ….(twist);10.Migration into…(strain);11.The closure of …..(devastate);12.Libraries are…..(budget);


新世纪大学英语 第三册 原文 每段翻译 U

UNIT 6:Culture Shock |文化冲击|

Kalervo Oberg

We might almost call culture shock an occupational disease of people who have been suddenly transplanted abroad.Like most ailments it has its own cause, symptoms, and cure.我们不妨把文化冲击称为突然置身国外的人们所得的职业病。和大部分疾病一样,这种病有其独特的起因、症状和疗法。

Culture shock is precipitated by the anxiety that results from losing all our familiar signs and symbols of social intercourse.These signs or cues include the thousand and one ways in which we orient ourselves to the situations of daily life: when to shake hands and what to say when we meet people, when and how to give tips, how to give orders to servants, how to make purchases, when to accept and when to refuse invitations, when to take statements seriously and when not.These cues which may be words, gestures, facial expressions, customs, or norms are acquired by all of us in the course of growing up and are as much a part of our culture as the language we speak or the beliefs we accept.All of us depend for our peace of mind and our efficiency on hundreds of these cues.文化冲击是因为我们失去熟悉的社会交往标记和符号而产生的焦虑所促成。这些标志或暗示包括我们应付日常生活各种情境时使用的诸多方式方法:与人会面时何时握手、该说些什么;在什么时间、以什么方式付小费;如何吩咐佣 人;怎样购物;何时该接受、何时该拒绝他人的邀请;别人说的话,何时该当真,何时不该当真。这些暗示可以是语 言、手势、面部表情、风俗习惯或社会行为标准。我们在成长的过程中获得了这些暗示,就像我们的语言和我们所接受的信仰一样,它们已经成为我们文化的一部分。我们所有的人都依赖成百上千个这样的暗示才能拥有宁静的心境,过上高效率的生活。

Now when an individual enters a strange culture, all or most of these familiar cues are removed.He or she is like a fish out of water.No matter how broad-minded you may be, a series of props have been knocked from under you, followed by a feeling of frustration and anxiety.People react to the frustration in much the same way.First they reject the environment which causes the discomfort: a€?The ways of the host country are bad because they make us feel bad.a€? When Americans or other foreigners in a strange land get together to complain about the host country and its people a€” you can be sure they are suffering from culture shock.Another phase of culture shock is regression.The home environment suddenly assumes a tremendous importance.To an American everything American becomes irrationally glorified.All the difficulties and problems are forgotten and only the good things back home are remembered.It usually takes a trip home to bring one back to reality.当你走进一种陌

生的文化,你所熟悉的所有或大部分文化暗示也就随之消失。此时的你宛如一条离开水的鱼。无论你的心胸多么开阔,你赖以生存的支柱此时都已倒塌,挫折感和焦虑感油然而生。人们对此种挫折的反应非常相似:他们首先排斥令他们不适的环境:“我们所到之国的生活方式很不好,让我们感觉很糟糕。”当美国人或其他的外国人来到一个陌生的国度,聚在一起抱怨所到之国及其人民时 —— 可以肯定,他们正深受文化冲击之苦。文化冲击的另外一个阶段是回归。故乡的一草一木突然变得极为重要。一个美国人会不合理地美化美国的一切事物。在自己国家所经历的困难和问题都抛在了脑后,只记得故乡美好的事物。通常要回国一趟方可回到现实中。

In an effort to get over culture shock, there is some value in knowing something about the nature of culture and its relationship to the individual.In addition to living in a physical environment, an individual lives in a cultural environment consisting of man-made physical objects, social institutions, and ideas and beliefs.An individual is not born with culture but only with the capacity to learn it and use it.There is nothing in a new born child which dictates that it should eventually speak Portuguese, English, or French;nor that he should eat with a fork in his left hand rather than in the right or use chopsticks.All these things the child has to learn.Nor are the parents responsible for the culture which they transmit to their young.The culture of any people is the product of history and is built up over time largely through processes which are beyond his awareness.It is by means of culture that the young learn to adapt themselves to the physical environment and to the people with whom they associate.And as we know, children and adolescents often experience difficulties in this process of learning and adjustment.But once learned, culture becomes a way of life.要克服文化冲击的心理,了解文化的性质及其与个人的关系会有所裨益。除了赖以生存的自然环境,一个人还生活在由人造的有形物体、社会风俗、观念和信仰构成的文化环境中。一个人并非天生就有文化,而是生来就具备学习和使用文化的能力。新生婴儿的身上不存在一种只许他最终说葡萄牙语、英语或法语的东西,也不存在一种只许他用左手而不是右手执叉或只许他用筷子吃饭的东西。这些东西都是要孩子去学习的。文化也不是由父母负责传递给孩子的。任何一个民族的文化都是历史的产物,经过漫长的、本民族意识不到的过程才得以积累形成。孩子通过文化学会适应周围的物质环境,学会和周围的人打交道。众所周知,青少年在学习和适应的过程中经常遇到困难。但是,文化一旦学会了


People have a way of accepting their culture as both the best and the only way of doing things.This is perfectly normal and understandable.To this attitude we give the name ethnocentrism, a belief that not only the culture but the race and the nation form the center of the world.Individuals identify themselves with their own group to the extent that any critical comment is taken as a remark which is rude to the individual as well as to the group.If you criticize my country, you are criticizing me;if you criticize me, you are criticizing my country.Along with this attitude goes the tendency to attribute all individual peculiarities as national characteristics.For instance, if an American does something odd or anti-social in a foreign country which back home would be considered a purely individual act, this is now considered a national trait.He acts that way not because he is Joe Doaks but because he is an American.Instead of being censured as an individual, his country is censured.It is thus best to recognize that ethnocentrism is a permanent characteristic of national groups.Even if a national criticizes some aspect of his own culture, the foreigner should listen but not enter into the criticism.人们往往认为自己的文化是最好的,是生活的唯一方 式。这非常正常,完全可以理解。我们把这种态度称为“民族优越感”,即一种认为自己的文化、种族和国家构成世界中心的想法。个人往往将自己与所处的群体等同起来,因此任何批评的言论在他们看来都是对个人及其群体不尊敬的:如果你批评我的祖国,你就是在批评我;如果你批评我,你就是在批评我的祖国。抱着这种态度,人们往往把个人的怪癖归结为民族的特点。例如,倘若一个美国人在国外做出怪异的或有悖社会公德的事情,在美国国内的人们会认为这纯属个人行为,但在国外却被视为一种民族特性:他那样做并非因为他是乔?多克斯,而是因为他是个美国人。遭受责难的不是他这个个体,而是他的祖国。因此,我们最好把民族优越感看成是民族群体的一个永恒的特性。即使一个国家的公民批评了自己文化的某些方面,外国人也只应当听着,而不应该参与批评。

Once you realize that your trouble is due to your own lack of understanding of other peoplea€?s cultural background and your own lack of the means of communication rather than the hostility of an alien environment, you also realize that you yourself can gain this understanding and these means of communication.And the sooner you do this, the sooner culture shock will disappear.你一旦意识到面临的问题并非因为异域的敌意而是因为自己对其他民族的文化背景缺乏理解或者缺乏与对方沟通的方式,你同时就会意识到你本身能够了解他人的文化,并能


The question now arises, what can you do to get over culture shock as quickly as possible? The answer is getting to know the people of the host country.But this you cannot do with any success without knowing the language, for language is the principal symbol system of communication.Now we all know that learning a new language is difficult, particularly to adults.This task alone is quite enough to cause frustration and anxiety, no matter how skillful language teachers are in making it easy for you.But once you begin to be able to carry on a friendly conversation with your maid, your neighbour, or to go on shopping trips alone, you not only gain confidence and a feeling of power but a whole new world of cultural meanings opens up for you.接下来的问题是,你怎样做才能尽快克服文化冲击?答案是:了解所到之国的国民。但是,倘若不懂语言,你是无法成功地实现这一目标的,因为语言是用于交流的主要的符号系统。我们现在都知道,学习一门新的语言不容易,对成年人来说,尤为如此。无论教语言的老师多么擅长于减轻你学习语言的难度,单单学语言这项任务都足以让你焦虑不 安、饱受挫折。不过,你一旦能够和女佣、邻居进行友好的交谈,能够单独出门购物,你就会重获信心,充满力量,一个蕴含各种文化意义的新世界就向你敞开了大门。

You begin to find out what people do, how they do it, and what their interests are.People usually express these interests by what they habitually talk about and how they allocate their time and money.Once you know this value or interest pattern it will be quite easy to get people to talk to and be interested in you.你开始发现人们做些什么、做事情的方式以及令他们感兴趣的事情。人们往往通过日常的谈话内容和时间、金钱的分配方式来表达自己的兴趣爱好。你一旦了解了他们的兴趣和价值模式,就很容易和他们交谈,也容易让他们对你产生兴趣。

At times it is helpful to be a participant observer by joining the activities of the people, to try to share in their responses, whether this be a carnival, a religious ritual, or some economic activity.Yet the visitor should never forget that he or she is an outsider and will be treated as such.He or she should view this participation as a role playing.Understanding the ways of a people is essential but this does not mean that you have to give up your own.What happens is that you have developed two patterns of behavior.有时候,参加人们举办的各种活动,不管是嘉年华会、宗教仪式还是经济活动,在活动中仔细观察,和人们一起喜怒哀乐,这都有好处。不过,你永远都不要忘记,你是一个外人,人们也会把你当成一个外人对待。




Unit 1 square使成直角v discreetly小心谨慎地ad.reserve 克制沉默寡言含蓄n whereabouts行踪下落n anthology选集n grope 摸索v tip off 提前警示或暗示

goody好吃的东西n puddle 水坑n ketchup 调味番茄酱n flail 胡乱摆动v maneuver 策略花招n rear 后面的a sandal 凉鞋,拖鞋n brigade小组小队n sneak 偷偷地v junk food 垃圾食品 crunchy 嘎吱作响,嚼东西的声音a spaghetti 面条 Somebody’s heart goes out to somebody 同情地

clasp 握手n slink 溜走v malicious 恶意伤害他人的a shackle 束缚(意识)n Unit 2 tyranny 苛刻,严酷n haunt 使困扰v allotment 分配n dilemma 困境n weariness 疲惫n misgiving 怀疑 reef 暗礁n confess 承认v maxim 格言n rebuke 谩骂v breach 打破v imperious 专横的,傲慢的a devour 吞没v perspective 角度,立场n deceptive 迷惑的,骗人的,误导的a prominence 显著,突出,杰出n fade 逐渐消失v

Unit 3 attend to 关心照料 gourmet 美食家n glutton 贪吃的人n derive from 起源于 sage 智者n primal 主要的a ecstasy 狂喜n lavish 挥霍v smother 厚厚的覆盖v cuisine 烹饪n bedeck 修饰 v exotica 新奇事物n pl aubergine 茄子色n infamous 声名狼藉a joint 大块肉n sensuality 感官 感受n sensual 感官的a texture 口感 n part and parcel 重要部分 不可或缺

fastidiously 一丝不苟地ad braise 呛(做菜时)batter 糊状物n contrive 发明设计 v palate 味觉 n buffet 自助餐n fowl 禽肉 n

elusive 难以理解的a piquant 辛辣的a enterprise 冒险精神n

Unit 4

nurturing 哺育培养a attendant 助理 n peer 同辈n rambling 闲聊的a entertain 款待 v ashtray 烟灰缸 n replenish 再…加满v adherence 严格遵守n monogamy 一夫一妻制n

liberty 自由n solely 仅仅是ad

Unit 5 obituary 讣告n coronary thrombosis 一种病n

workaholic 工作狂n conceivably 可以想象地ad

executive 执行官 n survive 比…活得长v board 提供膳食v widow 寡妇n deceased 死者n lineup 一组人n

Unit 6 correlative 相关的a cease 终止v promote 促进v contribute to 促成了 proportion 均衡n due 适当的a populous 人口多的a spectacular 壮观的a atom 原子n lunatic 疯子n eminent 杰出的a inculcate 灌输v

emancipation 解放n prejudice 偏见n elixir 长生药n confer 授予v appalling 骇人听闻a vice 恶习n admixture 混合物n egoism 个人主义n horizon 领域 n impartiality 公平n

Unit 7 chaser 酒后饮料n creaky 叽喳作响a peer 到处看v buff 泛黄色n make


acquaintance 相识某人 laxative 泻药n imperceptible 细微的 感觉不到的a autopsy 验尸n apprehensively 担心地ad

potion 一剂n oblige 施恩惠于v confidential 机密的a bountifully 慷慨地ad substitute 替换v scorn 嘲笑 轻蔑n giddy 轻浮a

rapture 狂喜 兴高采烈 n

draught 通风口n overwhelm 受打击v fervently 热烈地炽热地ad phial 药瓶n

better off 经济状况好的

Unit 8

puritan 清教徒n overshadow 使…黯然失色v fetish 盲目迷恋n flunk(考试)不合格v bumper 缓冲器n traipse 疲惫 v licentiousness 放纵n swill 痛饮v epitome 缩影n damper 阻止n reverently 虔诚地ad mirth 欢乐n blaspheme 亵渎v scan 扫描v

Unit 9 repository 贮藏室,仓库n partake 分享v receptivity 接受能力n embody 体现v acquisition 获得n rigid 僵硬的,死板的a yoga 瑜伽n ongoing 前进的a discreet 间断的a mundane 平凡的a live up to实现,达到,取得

demon 恶魔n punctuation mark 标点符号

relinquish 放弃v stigma 耻辱 n approach 方法n precedence 优先n initiative 主动性n formulate 阐明v proportional 成比例a therapy 治疗 疗法n prior 先前的a pitfall 陷阱n complacency 满足n strain 全力以赴v correspondence 来往信件 n go out of one’s way 格外努力去做某事 cumulative 累积的a livelihood 生计n pertinent 有关的a scathing 严厉的a unethical 不道德的a badger 纠缠v

Unit 10 lousy 非常坏的,糟糕的a tycoon 巨头n exuberant 生机勃勃的 proud-bursting 过分骄傲的 stammer 口吃 glow 发光 发热 flourish 夸张动作,华丽辞藻 crayon 彩笔 suspense 不安的 exquisite 细腻的 highball 一种酒(掺了苏打水的白兰地)oath 誓言 咒骂 rant 怒吼 咆哮 verdict 判决

soothe(情绪)减缓 vernacular 方言 bawl 嚎啕大哭 stagger 蹒跚 anecdote 企稳趣事 dawn 开始领悟,明白 counsel 给某人提建议 triumphant 大获成功功的,凯旋的a peg 钉,桩 crest 冠,顶


navigate 驾驶,使通过 capsize 翻船

Unit 11 volunteer 志愿

profess 声称 feign 假装是 preoccupation 搪塞,支吾,闪烁其辞 serial 系列的 ethics 道德标准 pundit 专家 consultant 咨询师 fid 小谎言 deceit 欺骗 谎言 lubricant 润滑剂 tangle 杂乱的 wear down 逐渐减弱 perception 看法,洞察力

warp 曲解 偏见 proliferation 激增 cynicism 玩世不恭,愤世嫉俗 falter 摇晃

associate 同事,伙伴 undermine 逐渐削弱 confound 使混淆 astound 使震惊

Unit 12

sedate 安静沉着的 venerable 值得尊敬的 debonair 温文尔雅的 cappuccino 热牛奶咖啡

eccentric 古怪的,反常的

pull up 拔起 curb 路边 habituate 使习惯于 unfurl 展开 contortion 扭弯 ludicrous 滑稽的 extravagant 放纵的 squash 壁球 treadmill 脚踏车 calorie 卡路里 pedestrian 步行者 motel 汽车旅馆

dodge 避开 exasperate 激怒 negotiate 商议 esthetically 审美地 triumph 胜利 coo 咕咕叫 geranium 天竺葵 anew 重新,再



04125651 张敏



帕萨特,成就明天——帕萨特系列 大众(2003)

和谐为道,欲达则达。——新皇冠 本田(2005)

灵感触发,至雅风尚——Teana天籁 NISSAN 日产(2005)让优雅沸腾——Sunny 阳光 NISSAN 日产(2005)精致生活,精彩演绎——爱丽舍 东风雪铁龙(2005)瞬间倾心,恒久钟情——Civic思域 东风本田(2006)智领科技,卓远天成——凯旋 东风雪铁龙(2006)出色小车,出乎想象——Lova 乐风 雪佛兰(2006)惊世之美,天地共造化——帕萨特B5




心静思远,志在千里 —— 别克


百变,所以美丽。——百丽女鞋 Impossible is nothing ——阿迪达斯 一切皆有可能 ——李宁 Just do it —— 耐克 不走寻常路——美特斯邦威



芬达“笑”园,开心乐“源”——芬达(2006)地道美味,谁可抗拒,停不了的乐事。——乐事薯片 靓汤煲心愿。—— 魔厨高汤 要爽由自己 ——可口可乐

有健康,才有将来 —— 安利AMWAY

渴望无限 —— 百事可乐

更多选择,更多欢笑,就在麦当劳 —— 麦当劳

我就喜欢 —— 麦当劳



感你所见,逼真“眼”绎——富士数码照相机(2006)厚薄有致,握感动心——奥林巴斯olympus u700(2006)自有我主张——Sony Cyber-shot 创所未想——Sony VAIO 魔鬼的外在,天使的内涵,还犹豫什么呢?—— 明基笔记本 0℃不结冰,长久保持第一天的新鲜 —— 西门子冰箱 众里寻他千百度,想要几度就几度 —— 伊莱克斯冰箱 四海一家的解决之道 —— IBM 全球厨卫经典——科勒卫浴 舒适到家——TOTO 5.其他


没错,我就是M-ZONE人 ——动感地带 中国网 宽天下——网通

心有多大 舞台就有多大 ——中央电视台 至上之选,至速之道 ——UPS全球速递 使命必达 —— FedEX快递公司

是经典,就绝不再现 —— 北京马甸经典家园

在每次不经意间被真诚打动 —— 北京优秀赏 我的地盘听我的——中国移动通信动感地带 你值得拥有—— 欧莱雅 L’OREAL

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