
时间:2019-05-13 16:05:32下载本文作者:会员上传















本试卷满分为150 分,考试时间为180 分钟




普通地质学约20 %

构造地质学约20 %

结晶矿物学约15 %

岩石学约30 %

矿床学约15 %





































































博士研究生入学考试《地质学基础》 考试大纲

本《地质学基础》 考试大纲适用于瓦斯地质与瓦斯治理研究专业的博士研究生入学考试。地质学基础是地质学各专业的最基础理论课程,介绍地质学的研究对象、研究内容、研究方法。该课程主要描述地球层圈构造及各层圈的主要物理性质和化学组成、常见的矿物和岩石、各种内外动力地质作用的主要特征、岩石圈运动的一般规律及其演变历史、地质历史上古生物演化概况等地质学基本知识。要求考生掌握地质学特有的思维方式和时空概念,即地球在空间上、时间上的动态演化特征,牢固掌握地质学各种基本概念与基本原理,了解一定的地学野外与室内研究方法。



1.地质学的研究对象 2.地质学的任务 3.地质学的研究内容 4.地质作用及其研究方法 5.我国地学研究的若干地域优势

(二)矿物 1.矿物的概念

2.矿物手标本的鉴定特征 3.常见矿物

(三)岩浆作用与火成岩 1.喷出作用与喷出岩 2.侵入作用与侵入岩 3.火成岩的结构与构造 4.火成岩的分类及其野外识别 5.火成岩的成因


1.外力地质作用的一般特征 2.沉积岩的特征 3.常见的沉积岩

(五)变质作用与变质岩 1.变质作用概述 2.变质作用中原岩的变化 3.变质作用类型及其代表性岩石 4.岩石的演变

(六)地质年代 1.相对年代的确定 2.同位素年龄的测定 3.地质年代表


(七)地震及地球内部构造 1.地震的基本概念 2.地震波与地震仪 3.地震的强度 4.地震的分布 5.地震预报与预防 6.地球的内部构造

(八)构造作用与地质构造 1.构造作用的基本方式 2.岩石的变形与地质构造 3.地层的接触关系 4.构造期与构造事件

(九)板块构造 1.大陆漂移 2.海底扩张 3.板块构造

(十)风化作用 1.风化作用的类型

2.制约岩石风化性质与特征的因素 3.风化作用的产物

(十一)河流及其地质作用 1.河流概述 2.河流的侵蚀作用 3.河流的搬运作用 4.河流的沉积作用 5.河流的均夷化与去均夷化 6.河流发育与地质构造的关系 7.准平原

(十二)冰川及其地质作用 1.冰川的形成与运动 2.冰川的类型

3.冰川的剥蚀作用与冰蚀地貌 4.冰川的搬运作用与沉积作用 5.冰水沉积物及其地貌 6.冰川作用及其原因

(十三)地下水及其地质作用 1.地下水概述 2.地下水的类型 3.地下热水


(十四)海洋及其地质作用 1.海洋概况

2.海水的运动及其地质作用 3.海底沉积物 4.海水的进退

(十五)湖沼及其地质作用 1.湖泊概述 2.湖泊的地质作用 3.沼泽及其地质作用

(十六)荒漠特征与风的地质作用 1.荒漠概述 2.风的地质作用 3.黄土 4.黄土的成因(十七)块体运动 1.影响块体运动的主要因素 2.块体运动的类型 3.相关地质灾害及其防治(十八)行星地质概述 1.太阳系及其起源 2.类地行星

3.类木行星及其卫星(十九)地球形成与生物演化 1.地球的天文时期 2.太古宙-元古宙时期(二十)人类社会与地质坏境 1.环境地质学的一般概念 2.城市兴衰与地质环境 3.人体健康与地质环境 4.废物处置的地质环境 5.人为地质作用


















2.了解变质作用的方式, 包括重结晶作用、交代作用。3.熟悉变质岩主要的结构、构造特征。4.了解各种主要的变质作用类型及其特点。




2.准确理解放射性同位素地质年代学的概念, 掌握放射性衰变定律。3.掌握地质年代表、地质年代与地层単位的关系、岩石地层单位的概念。(七)地震及地球内部构造


4.了解全球现今地震分布规律, 包括环太平洋地震带、地中海-印尼地震带、洋中脊地震带。





3.掌握褶皱的几何要素(枢纽、轴面、翼、核)、常见褶皱类型及特点(基本类型: 向斜、背斜;按照轴面产状、枢纽产状划分的类型)、褶皱的识别及形成时代。4.掌握断裂构造的基本特征,包括节理和断层、断层的几何要素(断层面、盘、位移、断距)、常见断层类型及特点(正断层、逆断层、平移断层)、断层的识别标志、确定断层形成的地质年代。



2.了解大洋中脊、洋脊地震带、洋脊沉积物分布特征、两种大陆边缘 洋底


3.把握海底扩张的证据, 包括古地磁学(地磁场转向、海底地磁异常条带)、海底年龄、转换断层。



l.掌握风化作用的主要类型, 包括物理风化作用、化学风化作用、生物风化作用。






1.掌握地下水地质作用相关概念, 包括孔隙度、透水性、含水层、隔水层、地下水面、潜水、承压水、喀斯特地貌。(十四)海洋及其地质作用










1.了解太阳系及其起源、类地行星、类木行星及其卫星的相关概述。(十九)地球形成与生物演化 l.大致了解地球的天文起源假说。
























4.会议研讨。召开专题研讨会,对地质技术装备现状? 胄枨蠼?行研讨,向政府主管部门提出提升地质装备水平、提高地质装备利用效率和增强地质装备研发能力的政策建议。





根据调查资料反映,由于受多种因素的干扰和影响,目前,地勘单位普遍存在着地质技术设备陈旧、单一,结构不合理,人均占有设备总资产低,人均占有在用设备资产更低,投入乏力,新技术设备缺乏等问题,远远不能满足加强地质工作的需要,呈现“六低”状况。具体情况是: < BR>


2.人均占有在用设备资产低。据统计,在31个单位中,有24个单位,即占77.4%的单位人均占有在用设备资产不足2万元;其中,有13个单位人均占有在用设备资产不足1万元,大多在6000元左右;另有11个单位? 司?占有设备资产在1至2万元之间,大多略超过1万元。人均相对占有在用设备资产较多的4个单位中,还有2个单位仅在3万元左右。人均占有在用设备资产低的问题,已严重制约了地勘单位和地勘事业的发展。


4.高新技术设备所占比重低。据31个单位统计,2005年底地质技术设备总资产为217381.89万元。其中,地球物理技术,地质数据处理技术,地质数据信息化技术设备合计为51361.07万元,仅占设备资产总数的23.6%,占比重较大的为工程技术设备和相关技术设备,为 82715.2万元,占设备总资产数38.1%。结构不合理,高新技术设备,尤其是数据处理软件缺乏的矛盾比较突出。即使在现有信息化处理设备中,大多是过时产品,有的是待报废或超期服役的设备。


6.地质技? 跎璞缸式鹜度氲汀>莸鞑椋?自地勘队伍体制改革以来,国家实行地勘费包干政策,没有对更新地质技术设备进行投入;地勘单位本身由于历史包袱沉重,也无力投入。设备老化严重。迫于生存需要,少数单位将很有限的投入多用于工程机械的检修和急需工程专业设备的购置上。对找矿设备基本上没有投入,不少地勘单位仍然基础薄弱。据对8个地勘单位调查显示,在调查的十大项地质技术设备中,2001年以后购进的地球物理技术设备分析测试技术设备、矿产加工处理技术设备分别仅占在用设备的46.2%、42.8%、39.2%,达不到二分之一;地质钻探技术设备、地质坑探技术设备、地质工程技术设备及相关设备仅分别占58.3%、65.8%、65%及64.6%,远远不能适应加强地质工作的需要。



























本试卷满分为150 分,考试时间为180 分钟





约 10 % 软件分析与设计 软件验证与维护



约 55 % 约 20 % 约 15 %

一、软件工程与软件过程 软件工程的产生 软件工程的研究对象与基本原理 3 软件开发方法 4 软件工程工具和环境 5 软件生存期过程 软件工程常用生存周期模型

二、需求分析 需求分析的目标 2 可行性分析 3 需求收集 4 需求规格说明 5 数据流建模 6 实体-关系建模 7 系统行为建模 8 IDEF0功能建模 9 IDEF1x数据建模 10 用例建模 11 面向对象建模 12 统一建模语言UML

三、软件设计 软件设计的任务和过程 2 软件设计基本原则 3 面向数据流图的设计方法 4 面向对象的设计方法 5 面向对象软件设计模式 6 模型-视图-控制器框架

四、软件验证技术 软件测试基础 2 代码复审 3 白盒测试 4 黑盒测试 5 单元测试 6 集成测试 7 确认测试 8 系统测试 9 程序正确性证明 10 调试

五、软件维护技术 软件维护的基本概念 2 软件维护过程 3 软件可维护性 4 软件再工程技术

六、软件项目管理 成本估计 2 效益分析 3 风险分析 4 进度安排 5 项目组织与计划 6 软件质量保证与分析




Item One

A: Honey, you promised me to see a film tonight, now I am ready to go.When do you pick me up? B: Honey, I am afraid I can't go with you tonight.A: Why? What had happened to you?

B: I am sorry honey.I really want to go with you.But boss gave me a lot of work to do today.I finish all of them just now.I am exhausted.I am afraid I will fall into sleep in the cinema if I go to see the film.And all I want to do now is just going home and having a nice dream.A: But you promised me.I have dressed up and get ready for everything.B: Forgive me.I promise tomorrow I will go with you.And I will take you to a new restaurant for dinner.A: what kind of restaurant ? B: A restaurant which is good of French food.A: oh..you still remember French dish is my favorite food B: of course.How can I forget the thing that my girlfriend likes most.A: Make sure you can do that!B: Yes, madam.A: OK...enjoy your quiet night and have a nice sleep.B: Thank you honey, it's nice of you, see you tomorrow.A: See you.Task 2 B: Hi, lily.What are you doing.A: Hi John ,it's good to see you, i am doing a research about the modernization of the city.Can you tell me any place that has undergone modernization? B: Of course, I can take my hometown for example.You know, I'm from Guangzhou.And it's one of the most modern city in china.My home is in a town in the north of Guangzhou.I can remember when I was a little child there just were five roads.Nearly all the stores, schools and houses were build alone this five roads.The roads were small but seldom had traffic problem because most of people didn't have a car.It was a place full of peaceful.A: What about now? B: Now my hometown has become much bigger than before.The roads are becoming longer and longer.And the number of the roads has risen up to dozens.Though the roads are wide, they still sometime have traffic problem because of the booming of cars.But I like my hometown even more than before.Because I can go shopping in super market.I can go to different restaurant to have different delicious food easily.I think my hometown is becoming more and more attractive.That's all.What about you? What place is in your research? A: I am writing something about Sanya in Hainan province.I can still remember what a wonderful trip it was to go to Sanya twelve years ago.There had excellent free beach with golden and soft sand, clean and blue sea.And people there is very hospitable.B: It sounds great.What about now? A: Well.When I went there again in this summer, I felt great change.There were lots of big and high hotel along the beach.The beach was still beautiful but most of them were not for free.You had to pay or check in the hotel, or you can just watched the beach but could not get into it.People there always wanted you to pay even just give you a help.Sanya now is just make me feel unhappy.Item two Task one B: what can I do for you, Miss? A: I want to buy this jacket, how much is it? B: it's just 399 yuan

A: 399 ?!I can't believe it.It is so expensive.B: oh, miss.You can see the material of the jacket , it's very soft and warm.It is worth the price.A: But it is out of my budget.Can you give me a 20% discount? B: oh miss, I am afraid I can't do it.But I think this jacket fits you very much, so I can give you 5% discount.A: 5%, it's still expensive.And I think the color of it is a little dark.How about 15% ,I will take it.B:Miss, let me recommend this one to you.It has a nice color, beautiful design and a lower price than that one.It's just 299.A: En...But I think it don't have a good quality.299 is too expensive for it.B: 259, I can hardly get profit of that.A: But I don't like it at all.It looks cheap and do not have a high quality.I just like the first one.B: ok miss, I can give you the highest discount of 10%.I am sure you will not regret to buy it with this price.A: All right.Wrap it up.Here is the money.B:Ok, thank you.here you are.Have a nice day.Task two A: last month my cost was out of budget again.I have to think of some way to save money.B: So how to save money as far as you are concerned? A: I think I should not eat out all the time.I know it is convenient and tempting to eat out frequently, but it can end up costing me a lot of money.I think I should eat in the school canteen more often to save money.B: you are right , I think it's very effective to save money.A: and I remember I bought a pear of shoes just because of its appearance, and it cost me about 500yuan, but it didn't fit me at all, So I think I should think more before I buy one thing.B: haha, Impulsion is always a devil.A: And I think I can find a part-time job.It can not only give me some extra cash but also give me social experience.B: yes , it's a good idea.A: Can you give me some suggest? B: Of course.I think you can buy many things online such as books, cloths, stationery and so on.Shopping online is always much cheaper than in the school store.Take books as an example , buying book online always has about 50% discount.I am sure you can save lot of money by shopping online.But you need to be careful, you shouldn't buy what you want but buy what you need.A:En, it is reasonable, what else? B: I think the best way to save money is to study hard.If you do good in your study, the and thousands of yuan your parent spent to let you go to school will have been that much better spent.Besides, you can also get the scholarship if you study well.A: you are right, now I have already know how to save my money.Thank you.Item three A:I just can’t put up with meal in our canteen.They’re always the same even the place won’t be changed B;Yeah,m I sometimes eat out.A:Eat out?That sounds good,more choices

B:Indeed.I often find p;ace that clean and serving quickly so that we won’t wait for a long time.A:Hmm,a clean environment is very important.B:I’ve gotten a spoon that there was still oil on it.A:Oh ,no..B:And I saw some restaurants cleaning their dishes without cleanser essence.A:How can they do that!so disgusting!B:Yeah,so I’ve never been there after that.It seems restaurants around school are always not very clean enough, A:Well,I haven’t gone many restaurants around shool,but I always have meal out when I travel, B:It can’t be without cate when we’re traveling.A:Of course.and it can help we know the custom and cooking culture in that place.For example, people in Guangdong province don’t like hot peppermbu people in Hunan just like it,even when they cook vegetable ,they also add hot pepper in it.And,if I want to tet more quthentic cate, I need eat at some place in the street, that means dishes may very delicious but not very clean B:But you feel it deserves A:Indeed.Task 2 A:I’ve bought a new mobile phone recently(show)B:Wow iphone A:Yeah,but it seems I have a little regret that I spent almost my three months living expenses B:Oh,are you a credit-card binger? A:Though I don’t want to admit that, but I am.Except the phone, I bought things just within my wants but not my needs.So,I am always lacking of money at the end of each month B:So,you borrow money from classmates? A:Ha-ha,no,I still have some saving by myself.But I sometimes hate this habit and I try to control my impulsion ,setting the limits of consumption.It comes a little effect,but I just find that it just away that putting off the date I bought it but not put an end to the thought B:Take it easy,you’re a local tyrant A:Oh,please...B:Ha..A:So you will control yourself to buy thing that you need? B:Almost a lot of time A:A savvy speeder!How can you control yourself? B:Well,may be I haven’t find something I really like so I don’t need to spend a lot.But I remember I bought a pair of shoes just because of its appearance,but it was a bit small.A:But you bought it,girls always like this.B:yeah..The first time I wore it,it made my ankle to bleed for it can’t fit my feet.It was so small and rub my ankle and my heel.I have never worn it after the first time.That pair of shoes have gotten dusty now,and it gives me a warn not to consume with impulsion for these pair of shoes,for my half of living expenses.A:Oh,I feel I should make up my mind not being a credit-card binger now..Item four

A:Have you ever heard of the story that ‘Alice in Wonderland’

B:I heard it long before,it seems an very interesting story but I almost forget it ,tell me.A:Ok.Alice is a girl who bored with tutor’s teaching,and she just round a rabbit with a clock running fast,then she ran after the white rabbit.Unexpectedly,she fell the rabbit hole,and went into a fantsty world populated by pechliar,anthropomorphic creatures.B:Oh,I remembered,the hatter,a strang cat..A:Yeah,they are part of the wonderful land.after the first strange white rabbit with clock running,the next is Dodo B:Dodo?A bird?..A:Yeah.he was dancing when Alice saw him,and he called and even pushed Alice to dance together.But Alice just impatient wanted to follow the white rabbit, and than,oh,she became small after she went into the wonderland.B:She seems ate a cookie A:Yeah, and though she cried but it is convenient for her to stay in this small world,you know, a world for rabbit cat and so on..B:ha,then? A:Then she met met a pair of twins,listened a ridiculous story ,and a crazy rabbit ,that’s the Hatter,to had an unbirthday party, and listened a concert in the garden sang by throw flower but was driven out.then she met a wise cat who like teasing her.And the heart queen,Alice did something annoyed the queen so she was sent to the court and even was punished to be cut head.B:Oh no A:But she just came back, back to the real world.B:Are all of these her dream? A:Yeah,but this just like the real world..I have CD of this.If you want to watch it ,I can borrow you B:Really?Thank a lot!I did want to watch it again,it’s a fantastic story.Task 2 A:The winter vocation is coming,will you go somewhere? B:Yeah,and of course a warm place.A:Well,which capital city would you want to spend a weekend in? B:Hmm maybe Kunming.in Yunnan province.Kunming is the spring city in china, it just like spring all the year.A:Though it have snowed several days ago B:Ha..This is anomaly,but it still has the mild climate,and buildings there are also the old style I like.It can make me calm and get rid of the trouble from my life.And in summer, there is a water-sprinkling Festival in Kunming.A:It sounds good.B:Yeah,the more water poured on your body,the more lucky you’ll have.And you?which capital city will you spend ? A:Maybe Nanjing.I’ve been to Nanjing before,but I still want to go there again.Nanjing is a city with cultural heritage.It was the capital city of six dynasties in Chinese history.Xuanwu Lake,Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum,Office of President,all of these record the history of Nanjing,and the history of China.and you will see the sycamore trees along the street,especially in summer, in some narrow streets, the trees shut out almost the whole street.I like the feeling.And foods in Nanjing are also attract me so long.It is the important reason that I want to go there again.B:You could go there this vocation,don’t forget bring some speciaties from there A:Ha,I will.Item five A:Would you mind doing me a favor? B:Not at all.What can I do for you? B:I wonder if you could lend me your car tomorrow? A:Can I know what you use it for? B:Er....You know my elderly aunt is going to catch the early flight tomorrow.She has difficulty walking,and my cousin isn’t here.So I want to take her to the airport.A;I’m afraid that I can’t lend you my car.Some days ago ,my friend C used my car and have a minor traffic accident.B;I am very sorry to here that.By the way ,was he hurt? A:Thank goodness,he was in perfect condition(完好无损).But my car got scratched.And I just took my car from the Auto Service yesterday.What’worse ,I got the ticket and also had my licence endorsed with eight penalty points.B:That’s too bad.You really should be more careful with you car.A:why not choose buses or trains?

B:There are no buses or trains as it is an early flight.A: Let me see.Er...Maybe I can take you to the airport.B:Really?It’s so kind of you.Thanks so much.A:You are welcome.What’s the exact time? B:6:30 am.A:ok.I get it.I will see you that time.Task 2 A:How do you think of the urban life? B:Asforme, life in the city is more convenient.More goods are available and stores are open later.Also, there is better public transportation so it is easier to get around.I can find almost anything I want easily in the city.Second, there are more ways to spend leisure time in the city.There are many places I can go to meet friends and have fun.A:yes,haha.you are right.Maybe you leave out something more important, the city offers more educational and career opportunities.The city often attracts the best teachers and the best companies.There is also a wider choice of jobs so it is easier to move up the career ladder.B:You are visionary.So for all of these reasons, I prefer to live in the city.Although I sometimes miss the fresh air and quiet life of a small town, nothing can make up for the opportunities that the city offers me.If one wants to be successful, I believe the best place to live is the city.A:Don’t label the fixture decisive too early.You konw ,there also have so many disadvantages in urban life ,some may really affect our life ,even our health.For example,the pollution problem in the city exit in every aspects,water ,air ,noise ,light...and so on.Urban life may means you will have a life surrounded by many invisible public health emergency.Item six A: hello, long time no see.How are you? B: fine.I want to go to Beijing on vacation.It is my first time to Beijing.So, I am a little worried about it.A:in fact.I come from Beijing.I can give you some advice B:really? It is so kind of you.A:Beijing is a historic city, the capital of China, which has the primitive temperament.There are many historical sites in Beijing.You can go to visit the Great Wall, the Palace Museum, the Summer Palace and so on

B:Well, that sounds good.You know that I am a gourmet, I cannot wait to know what are the

characteristic food in Beijing.Can you tell me something? A:Of course, in Beijing most famous foods include sugar-coated haws, Ai Wo Wo, Wandou Huang, Lvda Gun, enema, lib, Chaogan.B:These names sound very interesting.There are so many kinds of food.I'm sure I can satisfy the stomach.I have heard of ice-sugar gourd, it is a kind of very sweet food, right?

A:Yes, mainly,it is a good chance to enjoy the Beijing Oriental style of architecture and customs, and the royal culture.This would be a unique experience for the westerners.B:I deeply think so.I'm looking forward to this holiday.I'm sure I'll like the city A:But recently there are a lot of visitors, it will be more crowded.you need to pay attention to that.B:Ok, thank you for your advice, A:You're welcome.Good-bye B:goodbye

Task 2 A: did you hear of the discussion about abolishing the death penalty? B:Yes, I heard that.They all have their own opinions.A:Can you tell me something about your opinion ? B:Of course, in fact, as everyone in society, in essence, there is no difference.We have similar genes, the same nature A:Well B:The death penalty is a very horrible thing.Crime is sometimes be compelled helpless, some situations are worth to discuss.A:However, if one has broken the law and he doesn't get the corresponding punishment, this is not fair for the victim.B:Yes, I am very approve of your opinion.A:If there is no fairness, people will launch riots, leading to social instability, causing more crimes.B:but, society needs to protect every life.We don't want to see more people die.A:If the odious sinners were not sentenced to death, what do you think should do to punish the them?

B:Maybe life imprisonment can take the place of death, which is also a bad news for sinners.A:I don't think so.What the society need more is fair.If you murder someone, you should be condemned to death , which is a fair decision to victims' families.B:In many western countries, they have abolished the death penalty, which is their respect for life, we should learn as they are.A: indeed.I think this is really a dilemma.I finally know why there are so many different opinions.B:Yes, we have no right to decide, we should pay more attention to these things.Item seven A: Look, this is the photo about my last summer vacation to Beijing.very beautiful, isn’t it? B:of course,so beautiful.so many photos.Have you ever been to many places ?

A: Not so many.going to Beijing is my most impressive trip, so I took a lot of photos

B:really? Then can you tell me something about your experience in Beijing? I have never been

there.A: you know, Beijing is a historic city, the capital of China, which has the primitive temperament.There are many historical sites in Beijing.I went to visit the Great Wall, the Palace Museum, the Summer Palace and so on.It was a colorful trip.B:It sounds very charming.The food there is also very colorful, right? A: Yes, I eat a lot of special food there.B:I hope one day I can go there too.A: You will.How about your most impressive trip?

B:My favorite travel is going to Hong Kong.It is a modern city, with all kinds of modern architecture, modern style, there are a lot of fun place, such as Ocean Park, Disneyland, Disney, Wong Tai Sin, the Avenue of Stars

A: Oh, that's a good place.I hear it is very crowded.B:Yes, however, being in a tour group was quite good.There also has a lot of food.Although I

regret not to appreciate the night view of Hong Kong, after all,it was a good experience.A: Yes, perhaps.Through your introduction, I also want to go to Hong Kong and have some fun.B:May you have the opportunity in the future A:thank you.Task 2 A: Have you ever heard of this sentence “men are from Mars, women are from Venus” ? B:Yes, heard of it.But I don't fully agree with the content of this sentence A: Can you talk about your opinion

B:You know, martians value power, competence, efficience, and achievement.They are always doing things to prove themselves and develop their power and skills.They experience fulfilment primarily through success and accomplishment.They always handle problems on their own, seldom ask for someone’s aid.A: Yes, why don't you agree?

B:Because it is the general situation, I am not quite like that.Sometimes I will also pay attention to my appearance, the feeling with others, and so on.In some cases, I will also need someone’s help.In fact the man also will have some same place as the woman.Do you identify with “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus” given of your sex ? A: Not completely.Venusians have different values.They attach more importance to love, communication, beauty, and relationships.They spend a lot of time supporting one another.They experience fulfilment through sharing and relating.Communication is their favourite thing.So, it also takes much time.B:Yes, in my eyes a woman really is like this.They are very talkative.A: But I have some different places, I also very pay attention to success, which lets me feel a sense of accomplishment.And in common situation I am also very rational not intuitive.I hate talking all the time , this is the most difference on me.One thing I want to mention is that we women all like shopping.B:Haha.We have the same point of view for this phrase.Anyhow , just keep it in mind : be you want to be A: do you want to do ,for the best yourself

Item eight A: Hi, long time no see.How are you?

B:fine, thank you.But there is one thing makes me very depressed A: What's the matter ? B:last Single Day, I took a fancy to a coat on the Internet.That dress looks good, and winter was coming, I wanted to buy a clothes for the winter.What’s more the price is low.Then I bought this dress.A: This is a good thing.You have another dress.B:When I got the dress, I found the color of the clothes had a deviation, which was not what I wanted.The dress felt not comfortable.Inside clothes there is a terrible smell.So I wanted to return it.A: how was it going on? B:the seller said it couldn't be returned because I opened the parcel.But according to the law it is to be able to return it.So I feel very disappointed.A: Cheer up, actually I don't think buying things on the Internet is a good choice.I prefer to buy something in the physical store.Last weekend I bought a scarf.It is very beautiful, and very warm and comfortable.B:Really? It should be very expensive, right? A: it is not expensive, only 50 yuan.firstly the boss wanted to charge me 100yuan.Through my bargaining, I finally bought it only with 50 yuan.Bargaining is actually a good skill.B:It sounds very interesting.I also think it is better buying something in the physical store, although it is troublesome.A: Yes, online shopping is convenient, but people are easy to be deceived.Task 2 A:Hi, you look very happy.Why? B:Oh, I just saw a joke.It is so funny.A:Isn't it? Can you tell me the joke?

B:Of course.The Teacher say: If I had seven oranges in one hand and eight oranges in the other, what I have order?

Student answer: Big hands.What do you think of this joke? It is very funny, isn't it?

A:just So-so.In fact, I don't think this joke is very funny.B:Why is it?

A:I don't know, probably because I don't think this thing is very humorous.This may be an eastern joke.B:I'm not sure, but I think it is good.A:well.Then I tell you a joke.Tom: Mom, can I have two pieces of cake, do?

Mom: Certainly--take this piece and cut it two.That’s all.B:Oh, a little interesting,just a little.A:This is our typical joke.Maybe in a different country and region, the joke is also different.B:Yes, our customs are different.And humor is from our daily life.The joke about other cultures is really hard to understand.A:I cannot agree with you more.It is just like you and me.B: yes, so afterwards, when telling jokes with foreign friends, we should pay attention to this matter.A:Actually some jokes in life is very good, which can maintain the physical and mental health B:and it can let us in a good mood, helping us learn more effectively

A:at the same time, to understand other cultures is very necessary.This will broaden our horizons.Well, thank you for your jokes, goodbye B:goodbye



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