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(1).had marked influence on

Eg: The Latin and Arabic alphabets have had marked influence on developments in written African literature.(2).Results shown below indicate that

Eg: Furthermore, the results shown below indicate that a positive AEEI may increase the economic growth rate, further increasing energy use.(3).The Key to…..Lies in…

Eg: The key to becoming[名词或动名词] a leader lies in character people follow only those who they respect,trust and admire.(4).play pivotal roles in

Eg: Interferons and cytokines play pivotal roles in achieving this.(5).shows clear evidence that

Eg: Figure 4b shows clear evidence that the I-V curve of this nanowire was ohmic at room temperature.(6).The fact that ……is due to….Eg: The fact Franklin was not injured was apparently due to the shed's protection.(7).Sth prove that

Eg: the data prove that the wires were made largely, if not exclusively, ofpalladium.(8).It remains to be determined whether…will be suitable for…

Eg: It remains to be determined whether our approach will be suitable for other metals.(9).sth behaved as…

Eg: After cutting the wire, the sample behaved as an insulator[绝缘体]。

(10).There are examples in the scientific literature of… being used to…Eg: There are examples in the scientific literature of an applied electric field being used to fabricate nanowires between electrodes.(11).the method outlined here could be used to…

Eg:In principle the method outlined here could be used to self-assemble single nanowires at specified locations between electrodes or devices.(12).gave no obvious change in

Eg: Soaking an array for 10 min in a reducing aqueous environment gave no obvious change in electrical resistance.(13) determined to be…

The d-spacing of adjacent lattice planes is determined to be 0.2308 nm.经测定相邻晶面的间距为 0.2308 纳米。

(14)表明研究目的A study + aim at/be aimed at/be designed to

A study + concern/deal with/examine/focus on/investigate/look at/compare…

A study + conclude/demonstrate/find/indicate/report/reveal/say/show /suggest/warns…

A study + highlight/identify…

carry out/conduct/undertake/make/do + an extensive feasibility studya(n)initial/pilot/preliminary + study------time

a(n)earlier/previous + study------time

a(n)new/present/recent + study------time

a(n)scientific/sociological/historical + study------nature

Irony is chiefly a problem of pragmatics rather than lexis.The

difficulty is the mismatch between the apparent meaning and thewriter's underlying intention.(正话反说/反话正说)

e.g.To paraphrase 18th-century statesman Edmund Burke, “all that isneeded for the triumph of a misguided cause is that good people donothing.”… …If good people do nothing, there is a real possibility that anuninformed citizenry will extinguish the precious embers of medicalprogress.(15)A possible explanation is that…一种可能的解释是…

Eg: A possible explanation of why the habit occurs is that the modelsmay omit electrical effects.(16)Note that there is a key difference between...(17)Given our results, this suggests the presence in the U.S.economy of conditions that favor the Khazzoom-Brookes postulate.(18)The Khazzoom-Brookes postulate says that increases in energy efficiency can lead to increased, not decreased, energy consumption.(19)These results, while by no means proving the Khazzoom-Brookes

postulate.(20)There is an important corollary to this particular result that a high elasticity of substitution causes energy efficiency gains to boost energy consumption.On the surface, this would say that higher elasticity increases the problem of global warming.However, a higher elasticity also means that the cost of restricting energy consumption is less than it is with a lower elasticity.(21)In particular, note that the effect of pure energy efficiency gains on consumption depends substantially on the assumption used for the energy elasticity of substitution.(22)To further underline this possible uniqueness, it is worthwhile reminding ourselves that...(23)Under the deal, which was mainly aimed at doing sth…

Aiming at this situation , this paper puts forward the idea…

(24)These observations led us to hypothesize that...(25)The Study was designed to identify...(26)An increased risk of EPPD was found among infantswithelevated concentrations of A and those with elevated concentrations of B or C.(27)On one level, this is evidence that inflammation does not contribute substantially to the occurrence of PD.Our findings raise the possibility that inflammation protects.We are reluctant to accept this view just yet.(28)Our findings are best interpreted in light of the current

understanding of the biology of inflammation.(29)For example, when the expression of A is increased, so, too, is the expression of other markers of inflammation.Consequently, what we see is a very limited snapshot of what has preceded and/or accompanied the development of lung dysfunction.(30)In essence, a self-reinforcing loop is generated that promotes sustained inflammation, thereby increasing the risk of inflammation-induced damage.(31)We do not know to what extent protein concentrations in the blood are of pulmonary origin.It is possible that under certain circumstances proteins produced by cells in the lung remain in the lung compartment, whereas under other circumstances(e.g.intense or prolonged pulmonary inflammation), they enter the circulation.(32)The precision and accuracy with which devices can be assembled in this way is significant.(33)The past decade has witnessed rapid growth in research on nanostructures, which has been driven by their unique electrochemical and electronic properties,as well as by the processing advantages of polymers relative to inorganic electronic materials.


个人认为,对于大多数写sci的作者,包括小弟在内,poor english是最常被编辑们提出来的问题。找润色公司等等,也需要人民币。因此,小弟将一些经典的英语中的句子,包括描述趋势,描述大小等的句子,放入。。也希望其他高手们也一起来完善这项工作。这样,以后,我们也可以写出比较地道的句子,而不被别人诟病。以后,每天10句,日积月累下来,大家都可以用。

1、表示与某某研究不同:Our results are seemingly at variance with a previous study that。。(例如:evaluated FDG uptake in irradiated bone marrow and other tissues in rodents)

2、表示与某某研究相同:。。are(is)in agreement with the results of previous studies.原句:The changes in the percentages of neutrophils in this study are in agreement with the results of previous studies.3、表示某种变化可能是两种机制共同作用。当某种机制占上风时,会导致。。变化,反之,当另一种机制占优势的时候,会。。。要描述这种东西很难。特别是在讨论的概括。因此,用这个句子:

...may be explained by the trade-off between...and.....原句:The increased FDG uptake observed on day 1 in the irradiated marrow may be explained by the trade-off

between the infiltration of neutrophils and the relatively decreased cellularity.4、称赞自己的结果如何如何牛,而且还有更深层次的用途:

Our results in...model suggest potential uses the.......In a broader sense, they also make a case for原句:Our results in the EAE model suggest potential uses for [18F]FDG PET/CT in the diagnosis and monitoring of other disorders characterized by hyperactive immunity.In a broader sense, they also make a case for using PET to measure other metabolic pathways as functional readouts of immune activation.5、表明可以用于预测。。(例如预后,治疗反应等)

Our results demonstrate(or reveal)that....can.....and possibly allow early prognostic assessment of....原句:Our clinical results demonstrate that FDG-PET imaging can advance noninvasive diagnostic mapping and monitoring of intestinal GVHD and possibly allow early prognostic assessment of GVHD responsiveness to therapy.6、用于讨论开场白。

The initial question that motivated our study was to determine whether。would prove useful in

原句:The initial question that motivated our study was to determine whether molecular imaging with [F]-FDG-PET/CT would prove useful in diagnosing radiation-induced haematopoietic injury.今天先更新到这里。。我个人认为这绝对不是抄袭,仅仅只是用一下人家的结构而已。也有人说这样会导致全文的行文等看起来很怪异。但是我个人认为对于那些苦哈哈战友,这种套写不失为一种实用的方法。毕竟很多低分SCI人家的要求仅仅只是能看懂。。。18

















此时要注意杂志的要求。到杂志的官方网站上查阅guide to authors.最好把它打印下来,好好看两天,读懂每句话。这是决定今后文章质量的重要标准。读明白了就可已进行下面的工作了。1>图片处理











3>discussion部分。Results 部分写完后就写discussion部分,这部分最难。多和老师同学谈一谈,会有一定的帮助!

4>Material 部分。注意要和其他文章描述相一致。实在不行就用参考文献!如果有原创的方法最好在discussion有合理的解释。不要说你用的是国产试剂盒,容易被怀疑质量问题。注意公


5>最后写abstract部分。Abstract 是对文章内容的高度凝练,要有字字值千金的态度。写完之后,你的所有内容就是第一份manuscript 了。




1错别字:把word的纠错系统打开,所有画横线的部分都要检查!专业词汇就去google确认,确认后在文章中右键,全部忽略,横线就消失了。改到没有横线为止!语法,注意时态一致,单复数。多看看语法书。谁说高中的语法是废物!句式,学习科技论文的句式。逻辑,要严谨。This is the first report… must.一定要小心使用。排版,注意行间距,注意缩进,文章各部分的字体和要投的杂志一致。主要有两个字体: Arial, times new roman.这两种字体是有区别的。主要在a g i a g i有不同(前面是Arial,后面是times new roman)。仔细观察各部分用什么字体。






School of Stomatology Wuhan University




一、Original article/paper论著

论著最为常见,基础研究和临床研究往往以论著形式发表。中英文论著的论文格式和写作要求绝大多数人已十分熟悉。需要强调的是另两种不太关注的论著形式,即生活质量研究(Quality of Life research)和医学假说(Medical hypothesis)。就像宣传介入不能只强调“社会主义好”,而应当进一步向临床科室解释“社会主义为什么好”一样。生活质量研究以客观数据反映患者生活质量改变,能有力回答介入治疗“为什么好”,而不是主观地认为“介入治疗后患者生活质量显著提高”!


二、Case report个案报道

个案报道对临床工作者是种很好的论文形式。临床中遇到罕见、少见病例或者典型病例,可以查询中外文文献了解有无类似病例报道,有些在国内常见的病例,国外可能很少见,这些都可以写成case report发表。写作过程通过查询文献能更加全面而深入了解该疾病,既提高对疾病的认识,又提升了外文写作水平,可谓临床与科研双赢!能成功发表的个案,一般要求首例报道(时效性),少见、罕见(独特性),且能够证明某个假说或理论(科研价值)。

三、Case series病例系列研究


四、Review article综述

国外综述与国内博士/硕士论文中的综述不同,期刊一般采用邀稿形式,由编辑委员会邀请学术领头人(权威专家)撰写,也可能倡导某种理论或学说。一般约5000字,参考文献有几十到数百条。某些杂志可以发表简短的综述,约1000字左右。部分杂志也接受非受邀的综述投稿,具体可查询杂志的投稿说明(Instruction for Authors)。

五、Letter to editor、correspondence信



对最新发表(时效性)的某篇论文进行评论,一般是杂志邀请相关领域专家进行受邀评论,被评论的文章往往具有重大临床或科研意义。我科发明的“子弹头”支架治疗支气管胸膜瘘,以及“蘑菇”支架治疗胃吻合口瘘的新技术,均发表在权威杂志《Ann Thorac Surg》上。杂志分别邀请香港中文大学AnthonyP.C.Yim教授和Austin Health胸外科专家Charles Peter Clarke进行评论,两位国外专家均充分肯定了该新技术在解决临床问题所做出的突出贡献,给予高度评价。

七、Short Communication、RapidCommunication短讯



当今多媒体、自媒体时代,论文除了上述纸质媒介杂志常见形式外,也出现仅电子版论文、视频论文和eletter等多种形式。以往的SCIE论文,是指SCI论文的电子扩展版(SCI Expanded),随着电子版论文比例增多,现两者已无本质区别,故多数院校不再区别SCIE和SCI论文。比如年发行量超过20000篇论文的综合杂志PLoS one,仅发行电子版论文,还没有纸质版。

JoVE-JOURNAL OFVISUALIZED EXPERIMENTS,接收科研视频,即将经典术式或实验建模等过程录制成视频发表,以便读者更为直观地了解并获取信息。eletter即comment letterto editor,仅为电子版而没有纸质版。比如影响因子高达5.533的Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology(ATVB)杂志,接收eletter,且发表迅速。前不久,我本人成功发表一篇eletter于ATVB上,并得到原文作者快速回复,提出诸多建设性意见。



1. Small-cell lung cancer(SCLC)is distinct from the more common non–small-cell lung cancer by its rapid doubling time, high growth fraction, early development of widespread metastases, and dramatic initial response to chemotherapy and radiation

2. However, despite high initial responses to therapy, most patients die from recurrent disease

3. Although squamous cell carcinoma(SCC)and SCLC were the most frequent histologic subtypes of lung cancer in the initial period of the smoking-related cancer epidemic, more recent studies have consistently reported the predominance of adenocarcinoma, which is now recognized as the most common histologic type of lung cancer

4. The American Cancer Society estimated that SCLC represented 25% of the 170,000 new cases of lung cancer in the United States in 1993.Recent studies however have shown a decrease in the total number of lung cancer cases, particularly in men with SCLC and SCCWe analyzed the Surveillance, Epidemiologic, and End Results(SEER)program of the National Cancer Institute(Bethesda, MD)to determine the changes in incidence, proportion of SCLC among new cases of lung cancer, and survival rates for patients with SCLC during the period from 1973 to 2002

5. As of 2002, SCLC comprised only 12.95% of all lung cancers

6. outlines the characteristics of patients with small-cell lung cancer as identified in the SEER data set from 1973-2002.7. It increased modestly between 1982 and 1989 at an annual percentage change rate of 1.2% that was not statistically significant.8. This downward trend is statistically significant(P <.0001), suggesting that this decrease is a real trend rather than random fluctuation.9. Our analysis of the SEER database indicates that the incidence of SCLC has been steadily decreasing in the United States over the last several years

10. The decrease in the incidence of SCLC may be explained by the decreased percentage of smokers and by the change in cigarette composition.11. Several studies of patients with SCLC have shown improved survival rates in women compared with men.In a study comparing the survival of women and men treated from 1973 to 1986 at the National Cancer Institute, both the rates of median survival(13 months v 10 months)and of survival beyond 2.5 years(15% v 6%)favored women.23

12. Similar findings were reported in a large retrospective analysis of five studies conducted by the Cancer and Leukemia Study Group

B(CALG between 1972 and 1986, in which women had improved response rates and long-term survival.13. A retrospective review by the Southwest Oncology Group(SWOG)reported that the improved survival rates in women was restricted to patients with limited-stage disease

14. Improved outcomes for women have been previously suggested by large retrospective studies but the overall improvement in survival for both men and women over the last 30 years is very modest

15. SCLC is strongly associated with cigarette smoking and consequently it is a highly preventable disease

16. Prophylactic cranial irradiation(PCI)has been shown to provide survival benefit in patients with limited disease small-cell lung cancer(LD-SCLC)who have achieved complete response

17. We developed a decision-analytic model to compare quality-adjusted life expectancy(QALE)in a cohort of SCLC patients who do or do not receive PCI by varying survival rates and the frequency and severity of PCI-related NT.Sensitivity analyses were applied to examine the robustness of the optimal decision.18. The current data suggest PCI offers better QALE than no PCI in LD-SCLC patients who have achieved complete response

19. Approximately 14% to 24% of SCLC patients have demonstrable CNS metastases at initial presentation, usually in combination with other extrathoracic sites

20. Even after initial response to chemotherapy, the incidence of clinically detectable brain metastases increased with increased length of survival and reaches 50% at 2 years.21. Moreover, treatment of brain metastases is unsatisfactory—only about half of patients achieve a useful palliation after whole-brain irradiation, and median survival is less than 3 months after metastasis to the brain

22. In considering the poor outcome of patients who developed brain metastases, Hansen7 proposed prophylactic brain irradiation, later

renamed prophylactic cranial irradiation(PCI), for all patients with SCLC.23. During the last three decades, there has been much debate on whether and how PCI should be used in the management of SCLC

24. The point of contention centers on the determination of the risks of short-term and long-term toxicity and benefits of reduction in brain metastasis and prolonging overall survival by PCI

25. Because of the intense research8-31 and two recent meta-analyses, a general consensus has been reached in the following areas: PCI is recommended for patients with limited disease(LD)SCLC who have achieved complete response(CR);the commonly accepted dose of PCI ranges from 24 to 36 Gy, with once-daily or twice-daily fractions equal to 2 to 3 Gy/d;

26. PCI and concomitant chemotherapy can increase toxicity and should be avoided;PCI significantly reduces the risk of brain metastasis by approximately 50%(hazard ratio, 0.46and 0.48);PCI prolongs survival(hazard ratio for mortality, 0.84 and 0.82);and acute radiation-induced toxicities are typically mild and resolved within a few months.27. Despite the above-described advancements, only limited data on long-term PCI toxicities are available

28. To date, there are no reliable data to estimate the frequency and severity of the long-term toxicities induced by PCI

29. PCI is now routinely recommended for those patients who achieved CR to chemotherapy

30. Moreover, as more effective chemotherapy and combined chemoradiation improves the overall outcome and long-term survival of SCLC patients, the potential risk of chronic NT will be greater and the quality of life(QOL)becomes a more important consideration among the long-term survivors.31. Given that PCI has become a standard treatment for LD-SCLC patients who have achieved CR, it is no longer ethical to conduct randomized controlled trials including an arm with no PCI

32. There is general agreement that patients with small-cell lung cancer(SCLC)and good performance status should be offered chemotherapy and when indicated, radiotherapy, aimed at prolonging survival and achieving a proportion of cures.33. The use of carboplatin avoids the nephrotoxicity, neurotoxicity, and ototoxicity associated with cisplatin, and carboplatin can be substituted for cisplatin without survival detriment or the fluid loading needed with cisplatin, which can be problematic in lung cancer patients

34. Phase II studies of ICE and ICE-V, followed by thoracic and prophylactic cranial radiotherapy when clinically indicated, in patients with good performance status and limited-stage(LS)or extensive-stage(ES)SCLC, reported complete response rates in excess of 50% and 2-year survival rates ranging from 24% to 33% for LS and 14% to 23% for ES

35. However, because these instruments had not been compared previously in a randomized fashion, this trial represented an opportunity to compare them in terms of compliance and ability to detect differences between regimens to guide the selection of QL instruments in future trials.36. to compare these two chemotherapy policies in terms of adverse effects of treatment and QL

37. This randomized trial has shown that a regimen of ICE-V administered every 4 weeks significantly prolongs survival compared with standard, mainly nonplatinum-based chemotherapy administered every 3 weeks in the treatment of patients with SCLC and good performance status

38. Perhaps counterintuitively

39. The benefit seen in the current trial with a platinum-based regimen is echoed by two retrospective reviews, a meta-analysis based on published data, and one more recent trial

40. A review of SCLC patients treated at the US National Cancer Institute suggested a modest survival benefit for PE in LS patients

41. Treatment for patients with SCLC and a good PS might be improved by adding one or more drugs to platinum/etoposide, dose intensification, the use of concurrent chemoradiotherapy, or the use of new drugs

42.There are a number of ways of increasing the total dose and the dose-intensity of chemotherapy: increasing the number of cycles, increasing the dose per cycle, decreasing the interval between cycles, or combinations of these.A meta-analysis of the published literature28 suggested that all of these strategies are relevant for improving survival, although not all individual trials show this pattern

43.Although there are proven survival benefits in adding radiotherapy to chemotherapy for LS SCLC patients,30,31 the optimum timing of radiotherapy is unclear

44.A recent meta-analysis of fully published trials32 indicated a benefit for early thoracic radiotherapy, particularly in conjunction with PE chemotherapy and with hyperfractionated radiotherapy

45.A Japanese trial35 comparing concurrent chemoradiotherapy(PE with 45 Gy administered in twice-daily fractions starting with cycle 1 every 4 weeks)and sequential treatment 4(cycles of PE administered every 3 weeks with the same radiotherapy administered after cycle 4)showed a much improved median survival with concurrent treatment(27.2 v 19.7 months)although with only 231 patients, this did not translate into a statistically significant difference

46.The emergence of newer cytotoxic drugs may also offer opportunities to improve the outlook of patients with SCLC

47.Although all the above strategies are worth pursuing, the future probably lies with biologically targeted agents;SCLC exhibits numerous molecular abnormalities, including neuropeptide, gastrin-releasing peptide, CD117, and vascular endothelial growth factor expression, which may be exploitable



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