
时间:2019-05-13 18:23:05下载本文作者:会员上传



在中华文明中,“和”是一种理想的社会生活状态,是一种重要的价值取向和审美追求,也是当今社会的一个重要理念。建设和谐文化,要求我们从正确处理人与自然、与社会、与他人、与自身的关系入手,关注现实生活中出现的新现象,回应人们在物质和精神文化方面的新需求,不断提升社会的凝聚力和创造力。①它强调“和而不同”,在保持差异的基础上增进共识和团结 ②它强调加强道德修养,保持平和心态,实现身心和谐 ③它强调公平正义,通过协调利益关系实现和谐稳定

④它强调人是自然的产物和重要组成部分,应尊重客观规律,努力实现和谐相处 A.③②①④B.④③②①C.④③①②D.③④①② 4.结合语境,将下列句子填入横线处,最恰当的一项是 4.C





3.结合语境,在下列句子中的横线处填写词语正确的一项是 3.B



A.①再接再厉②曲不离口,拳不离手 B.①再接再厉②世上无难事,只怕有心人 C.①百尺竿头,更进一步②曲不离口,拳不离手 D.①百尺竿头,更进一步②世上无难事,只怕有心人 4.结合语境,将下列句子填入横线处,最恰当的一项是 4.C



A.①它是神奇的自然画卷和文化艺术走廊②它是华夏民族智慧凝成的艺术宫殿 B.①它是华夏民族智慧凝成的艺术宫殿②它是大自然鬼斧神工造就的山水画卷 C.①它是大自然鬼斧神工造就的山水画卷②它是华夏民族智慧凝成的艺术宫殿 D.①它是华夏民族智慧凝成的艺术宫殿②它是神奇的自然画卷和文化艺术走廊 6.结合语境,将下列句子填入横线处,顺序最恰当的一项是 6.C




④例如打球有利于腰肾,射箭可扩胸利肺,散步则有助于消化,骑术使人反应敏捷,等等。A.③④②①B.①②④③C.③②④①D.①④②③ 3.结合语境,在下列句中横线处填写词语正确的是 3.A

①时,我总喜欢捧着一本诗集,享受属于自己的那种安静的生活。②既能,把握方向,又能,关注细节,这样的人才能成就一番事业。A.①闲暇闲适②高瞻远瞩明察秋毫 B.①闲适闲暇②高瞻远瞩明察秋毫 C.①闲暇闲适②明察秋毫高瞻远瞩 D.①闲适闲暇②明察秋毫高瞻远瞩

3.结合语境,在下列句子中的横线处填写词语正确的一项是 3.D



A.①句填“前车之鉴”②句填“百尺竿头,更进一步” B.①句填“吃一堑长一智”②句填“首当其冲” C.①句填“前车之鉴”②句填“首当其冲”

D.①句填“吃一堑长一智”②句填“百尺竿头,更进一步” 4.结合语境,将下列句子填入横线处,顺序最恰当的一项是4.D




③要参见钦佩的老师或拜谒有名的学者,不必事前打招呼求见,也不怕搅扰主人 ④如果不得要领,还可以不辞而别或者另请高明,和他对质。


A.①③②⑤④B.①②③⑤④C.③①②⑤④D.③②⑤④① 3.结合语境,填写在下列句子横线处的词语最恰当的一项是3.D




B.①句填“冰冻三尺,非一日之寒”②句填“百尺竿头,更进一步” C.①句填“世上无难事,只怕有心人”②句填“再接再厉”


3.结合语境,在下列句子中的横线处填写词语正确的一项是 3.D


②在小明离家上大学的前一天晚上,父亲语重心长地对他说:“孩子,从明天起你就是清华大学的一名学生了。你要记住:念名牌大学,并不意味着就是名牌大学生。,要永不骄傲,要抱着的态度,刻苦学习,争做名副其实的名牌大学生。A.①句填“再接再厉”“苦口婆心”②句填“尺有所短,寸有所长”“百尺竿头,更进一步” B.①句填“再接再厉”“苦口婆心”②句填“玉不琢不成器”“不入虎穴,焉得虎子” C.①句填“自强不息”“言简意骇”②句填“玉不琢不成器”“不入虎穴,焉得虎子” D.①句填“自强不息”“言简意骇”②句填“尺有所短,寸有所长”“百尺竿头,更进一步” 3.结合语境,在下列句子中的横线处填写词语最恰当的一项是 3.D①中华对角羚,稀有、罕见,把它们作为环湖赛吉祥物。




6.结合语境,将下列句子填入横线处,顺序最恰当的是 6.A



③中间曲曲折折,却象有一条闪光的道路,上面荡着细碎的波光 A.②③①B.③①②C.①③②D.①②③ 4.结合语境,在下列句子中的横线处填写词语正确的是 4.D



A.①句填“十年树木,百年树人”②句填“异想天开” B.①句填“世上无难事,只怕有心人”②句填“异曲同工” C.①句填“冰冻三尺,非一日之寒”②句填“异想天开” D.①句填“十年树木,百年树人”②句填“异曲同工”










松江----那一刻,我心中春暖花开 普陀----给自己一片阳光 静安青浦----缺失的一角 闵行----今夜无眠





二.听对话或独白,根据对话或独白的内容,从下列各题所给的A,B,C三个选项中选择最佳选项,每段对话或独白你将听两遍.(共15分,每小题1.5分)请听一段对话,完成第6至第7小题.6.What‟s the weather like today? A.Warm.B.Cold.C.Cool.7.When will Peter go back home? A.Next Sunday.B.Next Friday.C.Next Saturday.请听一段对话,完成第8至第9小题.8.What is the boy going to do in his house? A.To have a party.B.To cook.C.To do cleaning.9.How many people will come? A.About thirty.B.About ten.C.About twenty.请听一段对话,完成第10至第11小题.10.Who probably has a cold? A.The man.B.The woman.C.The boss.11.Where may the dialogue happen? A.In a doctor‟s.B.In a house.C.In an office.请听一段对话,完成第12至第13小题.12.When will they meet? A.At 12 o‟clock.B.At 11 o‟clock.C.At 7 o‟clock.13.What are the speakers mainly talking about? A.A plan for Saturday.B.A drive in the country.C.A place to have lunch.请听一段对话,完成第14至第15小题.14.What can we know about the speaker? A.She‟s a teacher of the school.B.She will take part in the club.C.She likes riding a bicycle.15.Why does the speaker speak to the students? A.To improve their learning skill.B.To require more to join the clubs.C.To instruct them in choosing the clubs.三、听对话,记录关键信息。本段对话你将听两遍。(共10 分,每小题2 分)请根据听到的对话内容和提示词语,将所缺的关键信息填写在答题卡的相应位置上。




name,please? -Linda.I‟m from England.A.your



D.its 22.-How do you go to school every day? -

bike.A.In B.To C.By D.At 23.-Tom, you read it in Chinese? -Sorry,I can‟t.A.may B.can C.must D.need 24.-Let‟s go swimming,Linda.-It sounds good, I‟m too busy.A.so B.for C.or D.but 25.-What‟s Tom doing now? -He

in the library.A.is reading B.read C.reads D.will read 26.-I

you for two years.Where have you been? -To Africa.A.didn‟t see B.haven‟t seen C.don‟t see D.won‟t see


season do you like better,spring or summer? -Spring.It‟s neither hot nor cold.A.Which B.Who C.What D.Whose 28.Air pollution has become

than before.We must do something to stop it.A.serious B.more serious C.most serious D.the most serious 29.Eturn immediately and drove back to the same flower shop to take the flowers.He decided to 38 his mother.Three hours later,he rang the door bell of the familiar house,the door opened ,there stood an old lady,Jack‟s mother.He 39 his mother the bouquet and said,“I love you,Ma.”She kissed him and asked,“Why did you drive down all the way?You could have 40 sent the bouquet to me.”He understood this was a Mother‟s Love:mothers think only about their children‟s comforts.31.A.book B.flower C.bread D.coffee 32.A.same B.healthy C.old D.beautiful 33.A.send B.buy C.keep D.leave 34.A.earning B.seeing C.counting D.saving 35.A.high B.angry C.low D.happy 36.A.satisfied B.interested C.pleased D.worried 37.A.discovered B.placed C.planted D.watered 38.A.ring B.tell C.drive D.meet 39.A.threw B.lent C.handed D.shook 40.A.carefully B.immediately C.especially D.simply 阅读理解(共50分)


41.Zhang Xing has problems in learning

.A.Maths B.Chinese C.Japanese D.English 42.Where is Yoko from? A.Germany.B.Australia.C.Japan.D.China.43.What‟s Anna‟s advice?

A.To read books.B.To find a pen friend.C.To watch English films.D.To speak more English.44..is happy to be Zhang Xing‟s pen friend.A.Zhang Xing B.Sam C.Yoko D.Anna B Tessa is now 18 years old.She remembers her time at school well.Some of it was good but some of it brings back bad memories.My First Day I‟ll never forget my first day at primary school.I remember there was a funny smell in the school and I felt really nervous.We were having a meeting and the head teacher was introducing himself.A girl next to me started asking me questions about my shoes!I wanted to listen to the head teacher but I didn‟t want to be impolite to my new friend.So,I told her about my shoes.Suddenly the head teacher looked at me with an angry face.“Be quiet when I am speaking!Go and sit in the corner.”I remember feeling so stupid.My First Teacher

I remember her name was Mrs Simpson.She was really pretty and had a lovely smile.She had a soft voice and always wore the same sweater!She seemed so nice after that horrible head teacher.Sports Day Sports day was the best day of the year!I used to practise for the running race and one year I actually won!I used to cheer my friends on when they ran their races too.My Nickname Everyone in the class had nicknames.Some of the nicknames were funny and some weren‟t very nice.There was this really thin girl.Everyone called her„spider legs‟.I remember they used to call me„mushroom head‟because my hair stuck out on either side.It made a lasting impression on me.Not a good one.45.What was the questions about on the girl‟s first day? A.Her teachers.B.Her first day.C.Her feeling.D.Her shoes.46.How did the head teacher feel when the girl answered the questions? A.Happy.B.Angry.C.Stupid.D.Impolite.47.Mrs Simpson was really pretty and had a smile.A.lovely B.horrible C.soft D.funny 48.The girl didn‟t like.A.her nickname B.running race C.the thin girl D.sports day C Are you bored with your daily routine?Here are some things you should try before you are 18,because after that it‟s too late!Camp out in the garden If you don‟t have your own garden,find a friend who has one!You will need:two or three friends, a small tent,sleeping bags and warm blankets.Take a lot of food and drink with you into the tent and play games until it gets dark.When it gets dark,tell ghost stories,and at midnight,eat all your sweets.You will need a torch or you won‟t be able to see all your sweets,and it might get a bit too frightening.Learn to swim Seriously,this is so important it could save your life.If you can‟t swim well,you won‟t be able to do water sports like waterskiing,surfing and diving.Even taking a boat trip will be dangerous for you.Make sure you do it.Collect something One of the best hobbies for underyou‟ll go to lots of parties and make many friends.Write your family tree When you are young,get to know all the older people in your family and find out as much as you can about when they were young.Draw a family tree and make notes about each person so that you won‟t forget.49.What‟s the important reason for learning to swim? A.To continue all water sports.B.To do water sports freely.C.To enjoy water sports safely.D.To feel cool when it‟s hot.50.What‟s the best way to collect things?

A.To keep what you like.B.To use a special album.C.To collect rare Chinese stamps.D.To remember all your collection.51.Learning a kind of team sport can help one

A.benefit a lot

B.think of others C.understand what life is D.prove yourself and live happily 52.The passage mainly talks about

A.what to try before you‟re 18 B.how to enjoy your 18 age C.where to camp out

D.why to learn swimming D Do you or someone you know use a mobile phone? In today‟s world,many people use a mobile phone especially businessmen and businesswomen.These people are an important part of the business world and help our economies develop.In fact in some countries even children and the elderly use mobile phones to keep in touch with family and friends.We know how useful it is to have a mobile phone,but do we know how safe these phones are? Some scientists say that mobile phones could be a risk to our health.So,money is being given to scientific research to find out if mobile phones may be harmful in any way.What does the future look like?Is a handsfree sets is simple and maybe they are a safer way for people to communicate.The handsfree sets have 95% less radiation(辐射)exposure,while other reports say that handsterm effects of mobile phone use,looking at health histories of people who have used mobiles since the 1980s.They will be looking at both current mobile phones and the new generation of 4G phones.The results from these studies will help us understand more about the world beyond mobile communications.Wouldn‟t it be strange if scientists discovered that mobile phones were too dangerous and we had to stop using them and go back to writing letter and using the normal telephone? 53.The underlined word "concentrate" means.A.feel interested B.take actions C.think carefully D.answer quickly 54.From the passage we can know.A.wearing headsets is a safer way when we communicate with mobile phones B.nobody can tell exactly which is the safer way to use a mobile phone C.we‟d better stop using handsyearpound woman was dangling from cliffs,falling out of windows,and flipping cars.She became one of the busiest stunt women in Hollywood.In 1976 Kitty O‟Neil also became the fastest woman in the world in rocket-powered car that went more than 512 miles per hour.61.How old was Kitty when she won the first champion? 62.Who was Kitty‟s first coach? 63.When did Kitty lose her hearing? 64.What did Kitty do when she gave up diving? 65.Why was Kitty able to become one of the busiest stunt women in Hollywood? 书面表达(共15分)






.提示词语:the Beijing Science and Technology Museum(in Chaoyang District),take,excited,inventions ,scientific exhibitions,experiment 提示问题: ● Where is the Bejing Science and Technology Museum ? ● Who did you go with?What did you do there? ● How did you feel? Dear Peter, How is it going? I‟m writing to tell you my visit to the Bejing Science and Technology Museum.Yours, Li Hua 题目②

假如你是李华.正值平谷举办"桃花音乐节”之际.邀请你在北京城里某中学就读的好朋友-美国交换生Peter来平谷参观。请以“My Beautiful Hometown,Pinggu”为话题.用英语写一篇短文.简要介绍平谷,告诉他从北京如何来平谷,在平谷可以做的事,以及你的希望。提示词语:peaches,scenic spots,(Jinhai Lake,Jingdong Big Cave,Jingdong Big Valley,etc.)concerts,food 提示问题:●What‟s Pinggu famous for?

● How can he come to Pinggu?What can he do here? ● What‟s your hope?


(一)英语试卷参考答案及评分标准 听力理解(共30分)


1.A 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.C

二、听对话或独白,选择答案。6.B 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.A 11.A 12.B 13.A








20.bus 知识运用(共25分)

四、单项填空 21.A 26.B 22.C 27.A 23.B 28.B

24.D 29.D

25.A 30.C

五、完形填空 31.B 36.C


六、阅读短文,选择最佳选项。41.D 46.B 51.A 42.C 47.A 52.A 43.C 48.A 53.C

44.B 49.C 54.B

45.D 50.B 55.D

32.D 37.B 33.A 38.D

34.C 39.C

35.C 40.D


56.B 57.E 58.A 59.D 60.C

八、阅读短文,回答问题。61.Twelve years old./12.62.Dr.Sammy Lee.63.At the age of four months.64.She raced cars, boats, and motorcycles.65.Because she was very brave and strong.书面表达(共15分)

九、文段表达 66.题目1: Dear Peter, How is it going? I‟m writing to tell you my visit to the Beijing Science and Technology Museum.The Beijing Science and Technology Museum is in Chaoyang District.Last Sunday I visited it with my classmates.We started off at six from Pinggu.It took us an hour and a half to get there by bus.Although we were very excited when we saw the museum, we went into the museum in two lines.After we got into it, we saw many new inventions and scientific exhibitions.We listened to the teacher there carefully and got a lot from their clear explanation.Then we took some photos and did some experiments.Each of us had a good time.On my way back, we still talked about the visit.I felt quite happy and hoped to visit it again in the future.Yours Li Hua 题目2:

Pinggu is famous for its big peaches.There‟re many, many peach trees.In spring, you can see peach flowers everywhere.We call it “peach flower sea”.In Autumn, you can try big and sweet peaches.Pinggu is not far from your school.You can take 852 or 918 bus from Dongzhimen.It takes you about an hour and a half to get here.There are many famous scenic spots, such as Jinhai Lake, Jingdong Big Cave, Jingdong Big Valley, etc.You can visit some of them if you have time.A concert is held every year in spring and then many popular music stars come.I think you‟re sure to like it.There are also much delicious local food.If you like, you can have a try.I hope you‟ll come soon and have a good time in my hometown.附:英语听力录音稿




No.1.M:What are you going to be in the future ? W:A basketball player.No.2.M:Would you like a mooncake? W:Yes, please.No.3.M:What do you often do in your spare time? W:Shopping.No.4.M:Where did you go last Saturday? W:To the zoo.No.5.M:How much is this kind of pencil ? W:5 yuan each.二、听对话或独白,根据对话或独白的内容,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳选项。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。请听一段对话,完成第6至第7小题。W: Hello.M: Hi, Mom!W: Hi, Peter.It‟s nice of you to phone.M: How are you doing, Mom? W: I‟m OK.The weather‟s very bad, but I‟m OK.M: Did you have snow? W: Oh, yes!A lot.It‟s cold here.M: Oh.Stay warm, Mum, and look after yourself!W: I will.When will you come back? M: Mmm, Next Friday.W: Hope to see you soon.M: Bye!

请听一段对话,完成第8至第9小题。M: Mum, can I ask you something? W: Sure.M: could I have a party at home ? W: When? For your birthday? It‟s not until October.M: No.I‟d like to have a party for my friends.Hans is leaving and Yuki is going back to Japan, too.W: How many people do you want to ask? M: About twenty, only my school friends.W: I think it would be fun.But I don‟t want to do all the work for it.I hope some of you can help with shopping and cooking.M: Of course we will.W: Would you like to have it in the evening of the day? M: OK.Can we have it in the yard? W: If it‟s fine.请听一段对话,完成第10至第11小题。M: Good morning, doctor.W: Hello, take a seat, please.You look pale.M: Oh, yes.feel terrible.W: What‟s the problem?

M: Well, I have a headache, and sore throat.W: I‟m sorry to hear that.Do you have a fever? M: No, I don‟t think so.W: It‟s probably just a cold.Go and ask the boss, have a rest at home and drink more water.M: I think that‟s a good idea.Thank you.Bye.W: Bye.请听一段对话,完成第12至第13小题。

M: Hello, Jane, have you got any plans for Saturday? W: Saturday? No, I‟m going to my cousin's but the trip's been cancelled.M: Well, would you like to come for a drive in the country with me? W: That sounds nice.Where are you planning to go? M: I‟m thinking of driving to a pub for lunch and then having a look at the countryside.W: What a lovely idea!Thanks for inviting me.M: I'll pick you up at about 11, then.W: 11 o'clock? Fine, I'll be ready.请听一段独白,完成第14至第15小题。

W: Hello, everyone.Before I start my lesson, I‟d like to tell you something about the students clubs in our school.Let‟s begin with our reading club.It was first started in 2008, and has 100 members now.Every Thursday afternoon, they gather together to discuss what they think about after they read books.And you may join them to share yours.If you are a music lover, come to our music club.This club has a total of 85 members who usually meet on Saturday.Sometimes they go to concerts together and sometimes they give performance by themselves.For those who enjoy outdoor sports, bicycle club can be a good choice.Trips are usually organized on Wednesday and last at least two hours.Together with our 50 cyclists you can not only see the beautiful nature, but also make yourself stronger.Of course, there are also many other clubs in our school.For more information, please go to the school website.That‟s all.Now open your science books at Page 10.Let‟s begin our lesson.三、听对话,记录关键信息。本段对话你将听两遍。

请根据所听到的对话内容和提示词语,将所缺的关键信息填写在答题卡的相应位置上。W: Hello.Is that Ben? M: Yes, speaking.W: Hi.It‟s Mary here.Listen.There are a few changes this week.Do you have your diary? M: Just a minute.Yes, I‟ve got it here.W: On Tuesday, we‟re seeing a film at seven o‟clock.M: Yes.W: It‟s not at Ed‟s house now.It‟s at Andy‟s house.M: OK.We‟re seeing a film at seven o‟clock.Not at Ed‟s house now.It‟s at Andy‟s house.A-n-d-y, Andy‟s house.W: Yes.That‟s it.Wednesday training? M: Four to six in the morning, is it? W: No.It‟s from five to seven now.At the same place.M: OK.Is that all? W: No!We‟re going to watch the football match on Thursday, right? M: Yes.Where are we going to meet? W: At the bus station in Pebble at five thirty.M: Five thirty.Got that.W: Training on Friday is from four to six.M: OK.What about Saturday? W: Exercises are at one thirty.And the match is at two thirty.M: Good.So for Saturday there‟s no change.I‟ve got all that.W: See you on Tuesday.M: Yeah!Bye.



14.涯 崖(各1分)15.B(3分)







例3: 弹棉花是一种使棉花蓬松(或恢复棉花弹性)的传统手艺。例4:纳鞋底是一种通过手工缝纫、制作鞋底的工艺。






18.文章第②段写的是地球本身有水存在,是一个内部原因(1分),而文章第③段开始写外部带来水,(1分)是一个由内到外的逻辑顺序(1分);(“太阳系的所有物质都含有水”是地球水形成的前提和基础);同时,第③段与第④段紧密相接,说明地都是“彗星被地球捕获带来大量水”同一内容,所以不可分割。(1分)19.A或D 长宁区: 15形成条件和分布地区(分布情况)。作比较 突出说明了开采可燃冰的巨大价值。16 ⑵可能造成海底地质灾害,给人类带来巨大灾难。


17第⑤段是紧承第④段,介绍可燃冰的储量和价值,说明了开采可燃冰的“利”,第⑥段开头用“然而”一转,介绍现阶段开采可能造成的“弊”。文章是按照由利到弊(先利后弊)的逻辑顺序安排的,所以这两段不能调换。18 D 金山区:



18.放在B处最合适。(1分)因为第③④段是按照时间顺序这一说明顺序介绍了对联的发展历史,而这段话是介绍“宋代”时的对联发展情况,应放在“五代”后,“明代”之前,所以放在B处最恰当。(4分,本段文字的内容概括正确1分,放置段落的要点概括正确1分,关系的阐述正确2分)19. C(3分)


(一)阅读下文,完成第14—17题(19分)14.(3分)B 15.(6分)地域、季节、人群

16.(7分)D(2分)参考答案:此句是对水痘疫苗的作用的评价(1分),是在第⑤段案例统计结果进行分析后得出的结论(2分),引出第○6段对接种水痘疫苗不能完全阻止水痘疫情的原因分析(2分)。(评价方案:对此句理解1分,对此句与第5段内容的关系分析2分,与第6段内容的关系分析2分。言之有理即可得分)17.(3分)A 青浦区:

(一)(20分)14.(2分)雕 琢

15.(3分)会展中心的建筑风格要与古镇整体环境融合一致/恢复与人亲近的尺度和质感,在视觉上融入环境(意思对即可)16.(3分)A 17.(8分)

(1)体现互联网理念(特点 精神)(2)以瓦片和披檐呈现江南文化元素













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