
时间:2019-05-13 03:13:16下载本文作者:会员上传



Getting a rejection letter is a painful part of job hunting, but at least it means you’ve been noticed.These days, I’ve been hearing about more job hunters who respond to online job postings, only to hear nothing back from the company.Ever。虽然在求职过程中收到一封拒绝信很痛苦,但至少能证明你引起别人的注意了。很多时候,我都听说很多求职者在网上投出简历,但是从来都得不到任何反馈。

Was the position filled? Is the company just taking a long time to fill it? Did the hiring manager even see the application? You may never know。


Many recruiters and hiring managers do let applicants know where their online applications stand.(At a minimum, companies should set up an automated response system。)But before you get too angry at companies that ignore you, consider what they are up against。


First, the Internet has made it absurdly easy to apply for jobs.This means that unqualified people are clogging the system with their wing-and-a-prayer applications。


Then add rising numbers of unemployed people.More job seekers — qualified, unqualified and desperate — are hitting the send button.Acknowledgments are going by the wayside as recruiters confront hundreds of applications for a single job。然后还有越来越多的失业者。更多的求职者,不管是合格的还是不合格的,都在点击发送的按钮。因为同一职位的求职申请太多,招聘人员就不会再给上百个求职者回感谢信了。In fact, organizations received 75 percent more applications, on average, in the first half of 2009, compared with the same period in 2008, according to a survey by the Corporate Executive Board, a network of executives and a research company.Todd Safferstone, managing director of the company’s Recruiting Roundtable, said 声明:本资料由听力课堂网站收集整理,仅供英语爱好者学习使用,资料版权属于原作者。-1-

that one business advertised for a lawyer and received responses from 1,000 applicants — half of whom did not even have law degrees。

企业调查局是一家网络管理和研究公司,根据其调查显示,2009年上半年公司收到的求职申请比去年同期增长了75%。该公司的人力资源招聘经理Todd Safferstone说,一个律师职位的招聘,引来了1000个人投简历,有一半的人甚至连法律学位都没有。

In this environment, it’s easy to see how a stellar application can become lost in the shuffle.But how do you make your highly qualified presence known without looking like a pest?


The best job seekers “take control of their application’s destiny,” said Kelly Renz, vice president for client services and human resources at Pinstripe, a recruitment outsourcing firm。

招聘外包公司Pinstripe的客服部以及人力资源部副总裁Kelly Renz说:“最优秀的求职者能够掌握自己的求职命运。”

That means working hard to find a contact at the company who can be your advocate — or at least a conduit to the hiring manager.If you know someone at the company personally, ask him or her to forward your application to the right person。这就是说要努力和公司能为你说话的人联系上,或者至少是和招聘经理联系。如果你私底下认识公司的员工,让他们帮你投简历给合适的招聘人员。

If you don’t know anyone at the company, ask your friends and relatives if they do.If you have a Facebook page, post a polite plea there。


Sometimes, despite your best efforts, the hiring manager’s name is not readily available.Often that is a corporate ploy — a way to prevent an avalanche of follow-up inquiries about online job postings。



But do some research.Look on the company’s Web site or do an Internet search for a name.Call the human resources department and ask the receptionist if he or she knows who is in charge of hiring。


Ms.Renz suggested another way to get a name: Go on LinkedIn and look for someone who works in the same department as the posted job.Contact that person: ask whether he or she knows who is hiring, and how that individual can be reached.You might also ask for more information about the job, Ms.Renz said。





1.You Didn't Follow Up


Following up after a job interview isn't an optional gesture;it's mandatory if you want to stay in the running for the position.Initiating communication after your interview, even if it's just an email to say thank-you and you'reenthusiastic about the opportunity, separates you from another candidatewho wasn't thoughtful about her follow-up.在面试后询问情况并不是可有可无的一步,如果你想成为这个职位的有利竞争者,这是必须要做的事情。主动在面试后和HR联系,即使只是简单的发封邮件表答谢意或者表明很珍惜这次机会,都能体现出你和其他没有跟进的面试者的区别。

2.Your Contact Info Was Wrong or Lost


It's a cover letter must to include your contact information, even though you already put it on your resume.Prepare for the possibility that your papers might get separated so the hiring manager isn't left without a way to contact you.Also, be sure to triple check your email address and phone number that you provide — there are few things more careless than providing incorrect contact information.求职信中必须包含你的联络方式,即使你在简历中已经写过一遍了。你的纸质简历如果不幸被分的七零八落,你必须确保HR还能联络到你。而且,你留下的电子邮箱和电话号码要反复核对——如果因为写错联络方式失去了机会,你后悔千万次也没有用。

3.They're Taking Their Time


If your position is a newly created role the employer may not be in a rush to fill it;they'll want to see a range of applicants before selecting one.Pay attention to the date the position was first listed — if you applied soon after it was posted, the employer may be holding out on making a decision until the

job has been open for a certain amount of time.如果你投递的职位是刚刚发布的话,公司其实并不急着找人入职。他们想在确定最佳人选前多面试几个应聘者。注意下招聘发布的时间——如果你是在发布不久后就投递了简历,公司会让这个职位空缺一段时间后再决定人选。

4.Budget Hasn't Been Finalized


Departments' budgets dictate how much they can pay new hires and whether or not adding personnel is possible., so you may not be receiving a call because the department is waiting on its final numbers.部门预算会决定你申请的部门是否招聘以及付给新员工多少报酬,所以你没收到公司通知或许是因为他们的最终预算还没有确定。

5.There Aren't Enough Hours in the Day


Keep in mind that your employment isn't the only thing the hiring manager has on her plate, not to mention there are several people involved in hiring decisions.If it's a particularly busy time in the industry then hiring could be a lower priority than usual.你要明白招聘并不是HR经理唯一的工作,而且雇佣工作是需要不同部分的人商量之后共同决定的。如果你申请工作所属的行业正处于旺季,那招聘进程可能会较为缓慢。

6.An Offer Has Already Been Extended...你申请的职位或许早已……

...to someone else.If the position has already been offered to anothercandidate and is waiting for that person to accept the offer, they'll withhold from making contact with other applicants in the running.This process can take longer than you'd think — the preferred candidate could be on vacation or trying to negotiate salary.An employer won't let you know a position has been filled until it's been formalized.名花有主。如果某个职位已经找到了合适的人选,并且那个人正在考虑是否入职,那么HR会暂时不联络其他应聘者。这个过程花费的时间比你认为的要更久——因为那个最佳



大凡写简历的时候,最头痛的莫过于自我评价这部分了。有些人这部 分不敢填写,怕写不好反而弄巧成拙。其实,自我评价如果简洁得当,也是很能够帮助自己从众多简历中胜出的。简历书写的“自我评价”部分遵循以下 3 条原则: ◆实事求是 简历的真实性是人事经理一致的要求。在求职者书 写“自我评价”时,千万不要有虚假成分,例如夸大自己的能力、优点 或工作经验等。经验丰富的 HR 很容易通过求职者的措辞判断求职者 是否中肯而踏实。一旦语句让人感觉到浮夸,HR 往往会不露声色地 把求职者的简历淘汰出局。◆找到真正的闪光点 很多人的自我描述没有重点,或者过于大 众化,难以让自己出挑。人事经理往往希望看到你是否有闪光之处,并且这些闪光之处到底和这份工作有无联系。因此,建议在写自我描 述之前,仔细罗列自己的工作经历,回忆自己在以前的工作中到底积 累了什么样的优势,挑选出自己与其他人的不同之处,以突出自我的 优势。以此次刊登的简历为例,该求职者应聘公关关系的职位,从人事 经理的角度来看,他希望看到你是否有极强的沟通能力、项目协调能 力,以及是否有创意等。但是,这位应聘者只侧重于一个方面,这就 比较可惜。同时,如果求职者积累了一定的行业资源,也可以在自我描述中 提到这一点,起到画龙点睛的作用。◆语言需要简练 职业自我描述的语言风格也是一个值得求职

者考虑的问题。有些人喜欢用极感性的话来吸引人事经理的注意,这种做法很可 能出奇制胜,但多数情况下是一种冒险。通常来说,语言尽量不要过于口语化,在描述自己的学习能力、团队合作精神等方面用语应严谨、平实,让人事经理在阅读简历时候 能够充分感觉你对这份工作的诚恳态度。姓名:王某某 专业:广告学专业 本科申请专业:公关关系专员 工作经历:2003 年 9 月至今浙江省某著名传媒公司,担任采编 部记者,主要采写该公司节目制作的报道,所写的文章被新浪等各大 网站转载,通过实践,掌握了一定的新闻采写技巧。2002 年 9-2003 年 8 月浙江省某广告有限公司创意部成员,主要 参与各品牌的广告策划和创意,并负责品牌文案策划,熟悉了广告的 运作流程,培养了扎实的文案写作功底。英语与计算机水平: 大一即通过国家英语四级考试大二上学期即 通过国家英语六级考试浙江省计算机等级考试一级优秀 自我评价:我是一个对理想有着执着追求的人,坚信是金子总会 发光。大学毕业后的工作,让我在文案策划方面有了很大的提高,文 笔流畅,熟悉传媒工作。为人热情,活泼
,大方,英语流利,希望能 凭借我的实力加盟贵公司,成为一个企业公关关系人员。希望企业给 我一点阳光,我就能给您一片灿烂。



Dear Annie: The last time I looked for a new job, about four years ago, the most discouraging part of the process was applying for a position, even going through more than one interview, and then hearing nothing back.Now, it's happening again.I applied for an opening at a company where I've always wanted to work.They called me in for an interview, which I think went really well, about three weeks ago.I've followed up by phone and email a few times to reiterate my interest since then, but I've heard nothing.Nada.Not a peep.亲爱的安妮:我上一趟找新工作的时候,大约是四年前,求职过程中最让人气馁的就是你申请了某个岗位,甚至还进行了不止一轮面试,可之后就没有任何回应了。现在这种情形又重现了,一家我素来希望能加入的公司有岗位空缺,我申请之后,对方大约三周前打电话找我面试,我觉得面试相当顺利。此后我又用电话和邮件联系对方数次,重申我对这份工作的兴趣,可是没有收到对方任何回应。哪怕一个字也没有。

Meanwhile, another company has offered me a job that I guess would be okay — better than where I am now, anyway — and I don't know what to do.I could accept this offer, but then what if the company I'd really prefer finally gets back to me? How long should I wait before assuming I didn't get that job? — In the Dark

同时,另一家公司向我提供了一个工作机会,我估摸着这也不错——至少可以改善我现在的处境——我不知道该怎么做。我本可以接受这份邀约,可如果我真正偏爱的那家公司最终又联系我,那怎么办呢?等多长时间之后我就该推测自己没能获得那份工作呢?——困惑之人 Dear I.D.: Maddening, isn't it? I hear this question constantly, sometimes even from people who have flown clear across the country for a round of interviews and then have heard…nothing — not even an email that would take 20 seconds to send, saying for instance, “Thank you for meeting with us.The job has been filled, but we will keep you in mind for future openings,” or words to that effect.亲爱的困惑者:这简直让人发疯,不是吗?我经常听到这个问题,有些人甚至是从美国这边飞到那一边,以参加几轮面试,然后还是……全无回应——甚至连一份电子邮件回复都没有,尽管此类回复其实只需20秒钟就能发送,比如可以这么说:“感谢您与我们见面,该岗位已有合适人选,但我们今后有合适岗位时,会优先考虑您”,或者意思差不多的表述。

Absolute silence is rude, inconsiderate, and makes people mad.“It's human nature to expect some kind of response,” says Chris Forman, CEO of an application-tracking site called StartWire.“And when candidates feel an application has vanished into a black hole, especially if they've put considerable effort into it, they get p.o.'ed.”


Demoralizing as it is for job hunters, leaving people hanging is bad for companies too.“What HR people and hiring managers are just starting to realize is that neglecting to let candidates know where they stand is damaging their companies' reputations and their brands,” Forman says.A new StartWire survey found that 77% of jobseekers think less of a company that leaves them in the dark, and more than half would decline to buy or recommend that company's product or service.“让人干等着”不仅会影响求职者的情绪,对公司也没好处。“人力资源专员和招聘经理什么时候才能开始认识到这个问题呢,不及时告知求职者进展会损害其所在公司的声誉和品牌。”


Moreover, the Internet exponentially increased disgruntled candidates' ability to spread the bad word.“Before the Internet, if a company treated you shabbily, you'd tell maybe 10 people about it,” says Forman.“Now, you can post your experience on sites like Glassdoor.com, Vault.com, and Facebook, and tweet all your followers.A negative experience can quickly go viral.”


He adds that a typical big company starts with an average of about 30 applications for each opening it fills, “so if you hire 1,000 people a year, you're interacting, for better or worse, with roughly 30,000 candidates.And alienating 30,000 potential customers, plus all their online contacts, is not very smart.”


The irony is that it doesn't have to be this way, again because of the Internet.Over the past five years or so, most large employers have adopted sophisticated web-based recruiting tools, which have built-in features that keep track of the status of each candidate's application.颇具讽刺意味的是,同样基于互联网,雇主其实可以避免上述问题。过去五年来,多数大公司都采用了完善成熟的基于网络的招聘工具,其中内置有追踪每个求职者当前情况的功能。“These features work the same way as when, for example, you order a book from Amazon(AMZN).The system tracks when it leaves the warehouse, when it goes on a truck, when it's en route for delivery to you, and so on,” says Forman.“So the problem isn't that employers don't know where your application stands, how many other people are in the running, or whether the job has been filled.They know precisely.”


They just don't tell you.StartWire's research shows that only 33% of Fortune 500 companies pass along any of the data they have on hand to candidates, even though 90% of job seekers surveyed said that getting that feedback would make their job hunt “less frustrating,” and 96% said they would be more likely to apply for a job at a company where they know they'll be kept informed.“Companies that are notorious for 'application black holes' lose out on potential star employees,” Forman says.他们只是不告诉你。StartWire的调查显示,尽管接受调查的求职者中,有90%表示收到回馈能使求职过程“不那么令人气馁”,96%表示更愿意到一家自己知道将及时被告知进度的公司去应聘,可只有33%的《财富》美国500强公司会将他们手头拥有的任何信息转发给求职者。“那些以„求职申请黑洞‟而著称的公司,可能会错过潜在的明星雇员。”弗曼如是说。With all that in mind, how long should you wait before concluding that you didn't get that job you really want? As a general rule of thumb, a job stays open for about 45 days.“So if you know when the opening was first posted” — one of the many kinds of data that StartWire collects from about

5,600 employers and makes available to its users — “count 45 days from that date, and if you've still heard nothing, you can assume you didn't get it,” Forman says.了解了上述情形后,你需要等多久才能确定自己没能得到这份真心想要的工作呢?大体上说,经验法则表明一份职位空缺约持续45天。“因此,你应了解该空缺信息首次发布是什么时候”——StartWire收集5600家雇主的众多信息,并向其用户提供,其中就涵盖了上述问题的答案——“从那天起数45天,如果还没有任何回应,你就可以假定自己没能成功了。”弗曼称。

In your case, since it's been three weeks since your interview, it's still about three weeks too early to give up.But is the employer who did make you an offer willing to wait that long for your decision?


Probably not, so at this point, “you should contact the company where you'd prefer to get hired and let them know you have another offer,” advises Annie Stevens, a managing partner at Boston-based executive coaching firm ClearRock.“Frame this as a courtesy to them, and invite them to make a counteroffer.”


What if you do that and still hear nothing? “If you don't receive a counteroffer within two days,” says Stevens, “then take the other job and make the best of that opportunity.”


Good luck.祝你好运!





































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