小学快乐英语六年级下Unit 2(5篇)

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第一篇:小学快乐英语六年级下Unit 2

Unit 2

I 汉译英:5 澳大利亚日本2 法国3 埃及4美国在东北农村7 最后我爸爸放弃了。8你长大了想干什么?那太可怕了。他们住在哪儿?

II 选择填空:My father I tall, but your father is __.A all B taller C taller than D tall than 2 Kitty and Alice are good friends.They like to do things __.A each other B together C share D quietlyTony’s grandfather and grandmother are old.Look, they are walking __.A quietly B slow C slowly D quickCan you see __ lorries? A some B any C a lot D muchThere are three people in my family, my mother, my father and I.III 句型转换:(提问)提问)Peter is middle school student, isn’t he?(肯定回答)I have got some chocolates.(一般问句)My younger sister is eleven years old.(否定句)

第二篇:小学英语六年级下册unit2 课文



WHAT'S THE MATTER,MIKE? Let's start 开始学

A hard trip in the desert 沙漠里的艰难旅程

[00:13.53]What's the matter with them?他们怎么了? [00:17.12]The robot is tired.机器人累了.[00:20.00]The straw man has a headache...稻草人头痛...[00:23.89]Let's chant 唱一唱

[00:29.12]How are you feeling?你感觉什么样? [00:31.08]Fine.How are you?很好.你好吗? [00:33.44]I have a headache.我头痛.[00:35.80]I have the flu.我患流感了.[00:38.10]How are you feeling?你感觉什么样? [00:40.50]Fine.How are you?很好.你好吗? [00:42.81]I'm feeling better.我感觉好多了.[00:45.13]I'm as good as new.我完好如初.[00:50.52]Look!He's so excited!看!他很兴奋.[00:54.48]Yes!But I'm sad.是的!可是我很伤心.[00:58.67]How do you feel?你感觉怎么样? [01:01.27]I feel sick.我感觉不舒服.[01:03.94]I have a headache.我头痛.[01:06.63]I'm angry!我很生气![01:09.03]Take it easy.放松些.[01:11.47]What's the matter,Zoom? Zoom,你怎么了? [01:14.13]Help!I hurt my leg!救命!我伤到腿了!


Let's learn [01:21.44]have a fever发烧 [01:23.84]hurt 受伤

[01:25.56]have a cold 感冒

[01:27.92]have a toothache 牙痛 [01:30.55]have a headache 头痛 [01:32.94]have a sore throat 喉咙痛

[01:36.76]What's the matter,Mike?迈克,出什么事了? [01:38.77]I feel sick.我感觉不舒服.[01:40.45]I have a fever.我发烧了.[01:42.59]Let's play 玩一玩

[01:45.26]What's the matter?怎么了? [01:47.40]I have a toothache.我牙痛.[01:50.94]What's the matter?怎么了? [01:53.34]My leg hurts.我伤到腿了.[01:55.74]Let's try 试一试 [01:57.89]Listen and number.听一听,排顺序 [02:01.06]I have a cold.我感冒了.[02:03.38]I have a sore nose.我鼻子痛.[02:06.97]My throat hurts.我的喉咙受伤了.[02:08.92]I have a sore throat.我的喉咙痛.[02:11.89]I hurt my hand.我的手受伤了.[02:15.30]I have a fever.我发烧了.[02:17.69]I think I have a flu.我想我得了流感.[02:20.77]I feel sick.我感觉不舒服.[02:22.91]I have a headache.我头痛.[02:26.22]Let's talk [02:28.60]How do you feel?你感觉怎么样? [02:30.57]I feel sick.我感觉不舒服.[02:32.62]What's the matter?出什么事了? [02:34.52]My throat is sore.我的喉咙痛.[02:35.97]My nose hurts.我的鼻子受伤了.[02:37.99]Let's play 做一做

[02:40.80]1.Make nine cards.制作十张卡片.[02:45.36]2.Put them on the desk with upside down.[02:51.69]3.Listen and turn over the cards.[02:57.62]cold感冒 fever发烧 headache头痛 [03:02.29]toothache 牙痛 [03:04.26]sore throat 喉咙痛 [03:06.56]broken leg 受伤的腿 [03:08.78]earache 耳朵痛

[03:10.80]stomachache 肚子痛 [03:12.70]sore nose 鼻子痛 [03:15.19]Let's read [03:17.57]Some people feel sick in the winter.[03:20.97]Many people get the flu.许多人患流感.[03:23.93]How do you know when you have the flu? [03:27.49]Do you have a sore throat?你喉咙痛吗? [03:30.02]Does your nose hurt?你鼻子痛吗? [03:32.30]Do you have a headache?你头痛吗? [03:34.79]If you have a fever,如果你发烧, [03:36.68]you might have the flu.你可能得了流感.[03:39.42]Don't worry!不要担心![03:40.94]If you are sick,如果你感觉不舒服, [03:42.63]see the doctor.去看医生.[03:44.90]Take some medicine and drink hot drinks.[03:48.94]Stay in bed for a few days.在床上呆几天.[03:51.58]You will feel better soon.你很快就会感觉好多了.B

Let's learn [00:11.92]tired疲劳 excited兴奋 angry生气 [00:18.32]happy高兴 sad伤心 bored烦恼

[00:24.65]How does Amy feel?艾米感觉怎么样? [00:26.58]She's tired.她很累.[00:29.41]Pair work 结对练习

[00:31.43]How does Lisa feel?利萨感觉怎么样? [00:34.49]She's happy.她很高兴.[00:36.98]No,sorry.不,对不起.[00:39.33]She's sad.她很伤心.[00:42.33]Lisa利萨 Nick尼克 Pete皮特 [00:48.74]Mary玛丽 Ann安 Tom汤姆 [00:55.31]Let's try [00:57.31]Listen and number.[01:00.15]1 Tom has a lot of homework.汤姆有许多家庭作业.[01:04.97]He goes to bed very late.他很晚才睡觉.[01:07.75]How dose Tom feel?汤姆感觉怎么样? [01:13.00]2 Mary has to say “goodbye” to her friend.[01:18.89]How dose Mary feel?玛丽感觉怎么样? [01:24.24]3 Jack can't play with his friends this weekend.[01:30.33]He has nothing to do.他没事可做.[01:33.27]How dose Jack feel?杰克感觉怎么样? [01:39.23]4 Larry loves ice cream.拉里喜欢冰激凌.[01:43.31]He is eatting a big chocolate ice cream.[01:46.97]How dose Larry feel?拉里感觉什么样? [01:50.18]Let's talk [01:52.74]How are you,Liu Yun?刘云,你好吗? [01:55.26]You look so happy.你看起来很高兴.[01:57.40]Yes.I am excited.是啊,我很兴奋.[01:59.79]I am going on a big trip.我要去旅行了.[02:02.33]How are you,Sarah?莎拉,你好吗? [02:03.77]You look sad today.你今天看起来很伤心.[02:05.86]I failed the math test.我的数学不及格.[02:08.15]I'm sorry to hear that.听到这个消息我很难过.[02:10.67]Pair work 结对练习

[02:12.38]Look at the picture.看看这张照片.[02:15.54]How do I feel?我是什么样的表情? [02:18.30]You look sad.你看起来很伤心.[02:20.80]Yes,because I failed my math test.[02:26.65]Look at the picture.看看这张照片.[02:29.38]How do I feel?我是什么样的表情? [02:32.07]You look happy.你看起来很高兴.[02:34.74]Yes,because I got a new picture-book.[02:40.76]Let's read [02:43.41]It's Saturday morning.周六的上午, [02:45.51]the weather is fine.天气晴朗.[02:47.53]There is a football match between Class 1 [02:51.12]and Class 3.[02:53.38]Many students are watching.许多同学都来观看.[02:56.32]They are excited.他们兴奋极了.[02:58.99]Now John has the ball.现在约翰控球, [03:01.63]He passes it to Mike.他把球传给迈克.[03:03.84]Mike kicks the ball.迈克要射门了.[03:05.81]It's a goal!球进了![03:07.88]Now Zhang Peng has the ball.现在张朋带球.[03:11.05]He kicks it.他大脚一踢, [03:12.77]The ball flies into John's face!球飞到约翰的脸上 [03:16.15]John is a little angry.约翰有点生气了, [03:18.17]But the ball bounces off his head.[03:21.51]It flies into the goal.球竟然飞进了球门.[03:24.44]Another goal!又进一球![03:26.57]How's john feeling now?现在约翰的心情如何? [03:29.10]Guess!猜![03:30.06]He's so happy!他太高兴了![03:32.26]Hooray!Class 1 won the game.1班赢了比赛.[03:36.63]But Class 3 is not sad.但是3班的并不难过.[03:39.54]They are laughing at John's funny goal![03:43.36]Group work 分组练习

[03:45.68]We are going to have a football match.[03:50.61]I'm very happy.我很高兴

[03:53.24]My mother is going to buy me a new skirt.[03:58.55]I'm very happy.我很高兴

[04:02.24]My mom is going on a trip without me.[04:07.15]I'm very sad.我很伤心.[04:09.82]I failed my Chinese test.我的语文考试不及格.[04:13.65]I feel very sad.我很伤心.C

Task time 任务时间

1.Retell the story.复述这个故事.[00:15.68]I feel bored.我感觉很无聊.[00:18.48]A ghost story will be fun.看个鬼故事会有很有意思 [00:22.95]Ah!It's exciting.啊!太令人兴奋了.[00:27.25]Oh,I'm so scared.噢,我很害怕.[00:32.51]Mom!Help!妈妈!救命![00:36.30]What's the matter,Zip?怎么了,Zip? [00:39.40]Don't worry.不要担心.[00:41.18]I'll sleep with you.我会和你一起睡.[00:43.76]Thank you,Mom.谢谢妈妈.[00:45.64]I'm so happy.我很高兴.[00:48.25]2.Act out your story 演一演自己的故事.[00:52.80]It's midnight.午夜时分.[00:55.08]Zip is in her bedroom.Zip在她自己的卧室.[00:58.30]She feels bored.她感觉很无聊.[01:01.47]Pronunciation 发音

[01:08.98]coat外套 know知道 hole洞 [01:15.75]load重担 soap肥皂 rose玫瑰

[01:21.39]count数数 now现在 house房子

[01:27.22]loud大声的 south南方 arouse唤醒 [01:35.21]Read and match [01:37.71]count数数 rose玫瑰 [01:47.42]soap肥皂 house房子 [01:55.00]Let's check 检测

[01:57.50]Good to know 了解有益 [02:01.02]Let's sing [02:03.64]The Way I Feel 我的心情 …… [03:04.59]Story time 故事时间

[03:07.04]Zip,let's go skating this weekend.[03:10.16]Sorry.I am going on a big trip with my parents.[03:14.48]I'm so happy.我很高兴.[03:16.16]Oh-oh.[03:17.44]Enjoy your trip,Zip.祝你旅行愉快.[03:19.91]I'm bored.今天很烦.[03:22.79]Play with your computer,Zoom.去玩玩电脑吧.[03:25.00]My computer is broken.我的电脑坏了.[03:27.32]Why not go skating?为什么不去滑冰呢? [03:29.08]That'll be fun.很有趣的.[03:30.61]Skating?滑冰? [03:31.61]It's too cold outside.外面太冷了.[03:34.49]What's wrong,Zoom?怎么了,Zoom? [03:36.29]Do you feel sick?你不舒服吗? [03:37.88]No,Mom.不,妈妈.[03:38.86]I'm fine.我很好.[03:40.41]But you look unhappy.但是你看起来不高兴.[03:42.73]I'm just bored.我只有点烦.[03:45.47](Ring!)[03:48.24]Who's there?谁在那儿? [03:49.64]I don't know.我不知道.[03:51.62]Answer the door,Zoom.去开门吧.[03:53.56]OK.Mom.好的.妈妈.[03:57.95]Oh!Zip!You're back!哦!Zip!你回来了![04:00.06]Why?为什么? [04:01.41]It's snowing heavily at the airport.[04:04.24]They cancelled the flight.航班取消了.[04:05.98]So we can go skating,Zoom.所以我们可以去滑冰了.[04:08.51]That's great!太好了![04:10.43]Where are you going,Zoom?你们去哪儿? [04:12.72]I'm going skating with Zip.我想跟Zip去滑冰.[04:14.84]I'm so excited!我太高兴了![04:16.87]Skating?滑冰? [04:17.99]Bye,Mom.PEP人教版小学英语六年级下册unit2 英语单词MP3+LRC [00:05.39]have a fever 发烧 [00:10.00]hurt 疼痛

[00:14.02]have a cold 感冒;伤风 [00:19.03]have a toothache 牙疼 [00:24.75]have a headache 头疼 [00:29.90]have a sore throat 喉咙疼 [00:36.30]matter 事情;麻烦 [00:40.92]sore 疼的 [00:45.02]feel 感觉

[00:49.33]sick 不舒服的;有病的 [00:53.67]nose 鼻子 [00:58.04]people 人们 [01:02.50]flu 流感 [01:06.52]know 知道 [01:10.46]might 可以;能 [01:14.59]worry 烦恼;忧虑 [01:18.78]medicine 药 [01:23.83]drink 饮料 [01:27.72]stay 在;逗留 [01:32.28]better 更好的 [01:36.16]soon 立刻;不久 [01:41.02]tired 疲劳的;累的 [01:45.57]excited 兴奋的 [01:50.03]angry 生气的;愤怒的 [01:54.26]happy 高兴的 [01:58.15]bored 无聊的;烦人的

[02:02.61]sad 忧愁的;悲伤的 [02:06.75]trip 旅行 [02:10.56]fail 不及格;失败 [02:14.72]test 测试 [02:18.64]hear 听见;听到 [02:22.70]match 比赛 [02:27.13]between 在....之间 [02:32.55]pass 传递 [02:35.70]kick 踢 [02:39.47]a little 有些 [02:43.75]goal(球赛等)得分 [02:48.30]bounce 反弹 [02:52.49]off 距;离;离开 [02:56.20]another 另一个 [03:00.37]guess 猜测

[03:04.54]win(过去式won)赢 [03:13.25]game 比赛

[03:17.13]laugh at 因.....而发笑

第三篇:小学快乐英语六年级下Lesson 15

Lesson 15

I 找出与所给字母含有相同读音的选项:AaA cat B cake C that D apple2 EeA tree B desk C yes D egg 3 IiA think B six C fine D this4 OoA do B not C orange D boat 5 Uu A cup B ruler C you D bus

II 选择合适的译文:

()1 Don’t spit on the floor.()2 Turn on the light, please.()3 Watch the glass.()4 Keep quiet!()5 Get up early!()6 Don’t read in the sun.A 早点起床。B 不要在阳光下看书。C 保持安静。D 不要随地吐痰。E 请打开灯。F 小心玻璃。

III 据意及所给字母填空:Touch your ____(eken), please.2 Where’s your sister? Over _____(rethe).3 Happy New ____(eary).4 Good night, _____(umm).IV 选词填空:in, with, of, on, forI walked ____ the beach, swam ___ the sea and ate a lot ____ sea food.2 Lisa went to Beijing ___ her parents.3 It was so cold ____ Canada.Here is a photo ____ my brother.5 Linda’s mother works ____ a middle school.V 适当形式填空:I ___(go)to Beijing with my Dad and Mum last week.How ___(be)everything?3 We ___(have)a picnic next week.He ___(read)English in the morning.5 They want ____(fly)kites on Sunday.VI 作文:莉莉想和你交朋友,请你写一封信自我介绍一下。注意信的格式。

第四篇:小学快乐英语六年级下Lesson 14

Lesson 14

I 写出过去式:is2 go3 have4 read5 fly

II 短文判断正误:


We’ve gone to the supermarket.Start your homework.We are going to buy something for you.We will be back at 7:00.Your parentsLisa has gone to the supermarket.2 Her parents will be back at seven.3 Lisa didn’t do her homework yet.4 Lisa is at school.Lisa’s mother and father want to buy something for her.III 连词成句:you, me, long, takes, to, Los Angeles, Can, tell, how, it, fly, to,?have, to, station, meet, your, grandpa,., I, gone, the, toI, back, at, will, be, six,.give, Please, him, a,., at, call, 46263587will, for, at, south, of, park, at, we, wait, you, the, gate, 2:00pm, the

IV 作文:

任务:告诉Andy 妈妈去奶奶家了,要Andy 先打扫完房间然后完成作业,再给丽丽回个电话。电话是:82679945。

要求: 字迹工整,语句通顺。



Can you play the guitar?

一.Knowledge and abilities goals:

1.vocabulary:dance,swim,sing,play chess , paint ,speak English, play the guitar

2.How to use Model verb” can”.3.Listening and speaking skills and communicative competence.二.Teaching method: Listening and speaking methods.Pair works.三.Moral goals: Encourage students to express their abilities.Content of courses: In this period, students will learn some names of clubs ,such as art , music, chess club, swimming club, etc.students will learn the drills :Do you want to join…club ?Can you …?

四.Importance and difficulty: can

Teaching Aids: A tape recorder.Some pictures.A projector Some sports things, such as volleyball, basketball, etc.Preparation test paper for lessons before class.五.Teaching Time: 4 periods

Period 1(Section A: 1a-2d)

授课人:______ 授课班级: _____ 授课时间:2016年___月___日____午第____节

1.Knowledge Objects: Learn to talk about abilities.Know something about the culture of clubs.Can you/he..?What can you do? What club do you want to join?can, can’t, draw, dance, swim, speak, walk.2.Teaching key point: can

3.Teaching Difficult point: can

4.Teaching Procedures:

Step 1.Lead-in

Enjoy a song I’m a musician

T: Do you want to be a musician? S:

T: Can you play the piano? S…

T: What can you do? S: I can…

T: What about you? S:

T: OK, now please show your talent and tell us what you can do.Ask one of the students come to the front and do the action.Ask other students to guess what he or she can do.Step 2.Presentation

T: Look at the pictures.What are they doing? S:

Step 3 Pair work

Look at the pictures.Ask and answer like this:

A: Can you play basketball?

B: Yes, I can./ No, I can’t.Can you…?

Step 4 Presentation

Show some pictures of famous stars.Practice the third person “he, she, they”

T: Where can you play chess? S:

T: Yes, in a chess club.This term, we have a lot of clubs.What club do you want to join? S…

T: Sounds great.Can you…?

S: Yes, I can/ No, I can’t

If the answer is negative, guide students to say:

S: No, I can’t.But I can learn it from others.Step5 Pair work

A: What club do you want to join?

B: I want to join the…

A: Can you …?

B: Yes, I can.No, I can’t.But I can learn it from others.Step 6 Listening

Listen to 1b

Listen to 2a and 2b.Tell them to give special attention to listening activity(names of the clubs).Finish the tasks.Step 7 Pair work

Look at 2b and talk about what the people can do the clubs they want to join.Step 7 Role-play the conversation 2d

T: If you like telling stories.What club can you join?

S: Story telling club.T: Right.Please read the conversation following the recording.Who wants to join the story telling club? Then role-play the conversation.Step 8 Explain some language points.Step 9 Homework

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