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中国矿业大学外文学院 _10_____级翻译实践

姓名学号专 业 班 级指 导 教 师

2012年 12月13徐州

Silence is not golden

People always said that “silence is golden ”.Even in many places it is written in calligraphy and framed then stuck on wall.People use it to remind themselves: more words and more mistakes;less talks ,more actions;misfortunes issue from the mouth;spend more time on practical matters.In short, that means when you can keep silence then speak no word.While Martin Luther King, Jr once said:“ We will have to repent in this

generation not merely for the hateful words and actions of the bad people but for the appalling silence of the good people.Human progress never rolls in on wheels inevitably.''

In the history,the collective silence led to the numerous sadness.During the second world war, although most of Germany ordinary people had indistinctly realized the ending of those Jewry who had been pushed onto the train, they kept silent for that issues and still bought bread and milk, still went to work in the morning and went home in the night, still tenderly said hello to their neighbors as usual.Today, in China, after friends costly dine together, the person who work in public office ask a invoice then there is nobody to investigate who is the people pay for that deal meal at last.In English ,”Elephant in the room“ is an metaphorical idiom for an obvious truth that is either being ignored or going unaddressed.The idiomatic expression also applies to an obvious problem or risk no one wants to discuss.Eviatar Zerubavel's said that is the thing we ”know but realized that we shouldn't know.“

In a blind dating program, all honored guests were signifying the inappropriate places that someone who failed to take the girl: which sentence he should not say or which facial expression was not property in confusion, while there was no one ever mentioned that the really problem was his occupation.It is hard for some girls to

accept the person whose job is a chef or a shoemaker as her dating person.At this moment, all the people knew the truth, but there was no one courage enough to speak it out.There was an elephant in the TV.Sometimes, silence maybe stem from kindness and politeness: we don't talk aboutthe state of illness before our friends or relatives' who really sickness heavily;and similarly, we neglected the stammerer's stammer when talking with them.But sometimes other, silence maybe stem from recreancy.People scared to power,scared to overpress, scared to lost the chance that they could promote, scared to lost their house and car.Silence is become a way people to protect themselves.Some people overlook the existence of obvious problems to satisfied themselves' benefits, some people regard silence as a principle to live on.Actually, sometimes, what people really scared is not the loss of their benefit or physical hurt, but loneness in spiritual separated by the people who contact with them.Silence is a way to keep away from this lone situation and find the sense of safety.Therefore, it is more difficult to break this silent situation when there are more people to keep silence---when more and more people are caught in the eddy of silence, more and more power need to break away from it.The prophet in history, they always had sad destiny.For the person who first shorted that ”their is an elephant in the room“, people will not see with his finger's direction whether their is an elephant, but reproach him why he ruins their dream.What's worse, they become madness because the person's courage indicate that how recreance they are.They may blamed him that what's the hell you shorted so loudly? You are just play to the gallery,you are just show off , you are the stupid man who not see through the situation and you are really an insane.”Silence like a cancer cell ,division and growth“.The elephant is growing bigger when people embraced each other friendly.The author who wrote The elephant in the room told us that with the time go by and the elephant grow up, there are more possibilities to puncture the seeming.Because as bigger as the elephant , as higher as the cost to cover it.What's more, more witnesses also mean that more possibilities to exist the turncoat.At last, the little child's grumble that ”the king wear nothing" will possibly bring the truth in light.After second world war, most of the Germany open their eyes, the sadness is that during the time they close and open their eyes, there are unnumbered people died due to some other people's silence.It is not strange to refuse to say a word, because phonation is not only need courage but means to response to it.It means that we are going to search the solution to deal with it when we talk about the Global warming, means that we are possibly going tochose the life without car, or as less as possible to use heater and air conditioner, or saving water when we use it.For this issues, silence is golden.While the elephant will never vanished even you never talk about it.You can deliberately avoid talking about it, even don't remind this don't talk, but the global warming is going on.Now, look at the silence in our daily life, people are used to use political or social restraint to defend for themselves' silence, but neglected the truth that it is their silence make things worse.Yes , we can block our ears and close our mouth, but as soon as there is an elephant in the room, it is very easy for it to lift its feet up and ruin our all delusion.“沉默是金。”人们常说。这话还被写成大字,镶在框里,贴在很多墙壁上,人们用它来告诫自己:言多必失,少说多做,祸从口出,实干兴邦,空谈误国。总之,能闭嘴的时候就闭嘴。







拒绝发生并不奇怪,因为发生不但需要勇气,也意味着承担 谈论全球变暖以为着我们要去寻找解决问题的方案,意味着我们可能要选择不买车、少开暖气和空调、可以节约用水。所以,沉默是金。但是大象并不会因为你不谈论它而消失,你可以不谈论它,甚至不谈论这种“不谈论”,但是全球还会继续变暖......直视我们生活中的沉默,人们习惯用政治或社会的压制来为自己的沉默辩护,却往往忘记了正视自己的沉默,在为这种压制添砖加瓦。我们尽可以堵上自



1.Truth is tough.It will not break,like a bubble,at a touch;you kick it about all day like a football,and it will be round and full at evening.

2.Knowledge is a comfortable and necessary retreat and shelter for us in an advanced age;and if we do not plant it while young.it will give us no shade when We grow old.

3.Gathering facts,confirming them,suggesting theories,testing them,and organizing findings——this is all work of science.

4.Her dark hair waved untidy across her broad forehead,her face was short,her upper lip short,showing a glint of teeth,her brows were straight and dark,her lashes long and dark,her nose straight.
















*国际空运(DUBAI,RIYADH,JEDDAH,LAGOS等固定大仓位),国际海运 *文件,单证制作及大使馆加签




*货物后加工服务(比如加印MADE IN CHINA)





















(二)(Homework)在“非洲文化官员代表团”岳阳欢迎仪式上的致辞 岳阳市人民政府副市长 隋国庆 2010-10-20 尊敬的各位领导、各位来宾,女士们、先生们:



最后,祝各位朋友身体健康!祝“非洲文化官员代表团”考察活动取得圆满成功!Speech for Welcoming the African Cultural Delegation to Yueyang Sui Guoqing Oct.21, 2010 Honorable leaders, guests, ladies and gentlemen: In the golden October, the harvest season with beautiful scenes, I am very glad to greet the distinguished guests from African Cultural Circle, China’s Ministry of Culture and Hunan Provincial Department of Culture at Yueyang Tower on the beautiful Dongting Lake.Although we are far apart, now we have gathered here for the charm of our China’s culture and the charm of the history and culture of Yueyang.Hereby, on behalf of 5.3 million Yueyang citizens, I would like to extend my warm welcome and sincere respect.We are very proud of the 5,000 years civilized history, vast rivers and beautiful mountains.Yueyang is located in the north of Hunan Province.It is well-known as “the Door of Northern Hunan”.It is close to the Yangtze River and embraces Dongting Lake.In the ancient times, Yueyang was always a gathering place for writers and scholars, and a bustling market for merchants.It has been listed successively as one of the first opening cities along the Yangtze River, national cultural and historical city, national tourism city, national sanitary city and national garden city.Yueyang Tower is very famous at home and abroad, Junshan Islet is famous for its beautiful scenery and so is the Miluo River for its profound culture.The beautiful natural scenery echoes with the profound cultural heritage, making Yueyang become a shining pearl on Dongting Lake.Today, friends from African cultural circle come to Yueyang and experience the Huxiang Culture.It will build a bridge between China and Africa, and develop more extensive exchanges and co-operation.On the basis of promoting consensus and mutual benefits, let’s join our hands for the happiness of mankind in the future.To conclude, I hope that everybody will have good health, and wish African Cultural Delegation’s visiting successful!

总 经 理 致 辞





总经理 xxx

上周翻译练习参考译文 职业习惯笑话


Jokes About Occupational Habits(1)

A woman was coming back home with her husband.The moment she was inside, the wife, a bus conductor, quickly shut the door.Banging at the door, the man shouted,“Open up!Open up!I‟m still outside.Really, you…”

“Don‟t make such a row!Take the next bus!”




Jokes About Occupational Habits(2)

Bureau Chief Zhang suddenly received an extra-urgent telegram: mother dead father ill come back quickly.After reading the message, Zhang was beside himself with grief.Tears streaming down his face, the chief signed the receipt.The postman took it over and saw that there was only one word“Approved”.职业习惯笑话




Jokes About Occupational Habits(3)

A traveler was sightseeing in a taxi.On the way he patted the driver on the shoulder to make some inquiry.Unexpectedly, the latter started to scream.“Oh, sorry, I didn‟t know I might scare you,” the passenger said apologetically.“It‟s all right.A small misunderstanding,” the driver responded.“This is my first day of driving a taxi.I used to drive a hearse.”


„Frank Brown has made it.‟

Frank Brown Dear Editor, After graduation from Searcy High School in 1976 as valedictorian, I began my undergraduate training at Harding College.Lacking the financial resources, I worked three jobs and commuted to college from my parents, home northwest of Searcy.We did not have a telephone at that time and had just recently gotten running water into the house from the well nearby.My car was an old two hundred dollar Cutlass that I would repair to keep the needed transportation;travel during the winter was often with chains on the icy roads.February 1977 was remarkable for the icy weather near and around Searcy.I would often spend nights sleeping in the Science building at Harding College because I could not afford any other place to lodge and the drive to my home was often too dangerous due to the weather conditions or the impassable mud roads.The struggle to keep up with my education, to work, and to find a place to sleep was never burdensome.My father had never learned to read nor write but he worked to give his children that one chance to succeed through a good education;I was not going to let my parents down after the sacrifices that they had made over the years.There was a day in February 1977 that the local radio told of a large approaching ice storm that would put even more ice on the roads than was already present.A decision had to be made for me to miss many classes or try to drive into Searcy and find a place to stay.I had my old cutlass, ten dollars and a set of chains.Of course, my parents were worried that I would be driving the icy roads and going down Four-Mile Hill.They were also aware that I could not call them as there was no telephone at our home.My mother asked me that once I made it to Searcy, to stop by the radio station and ask Pat Shourd to have an announcement made over the radio that I had made it safely to Searcy.I do not remember much about that two hour drive to Searcy but I do remember stopping at the radio station and timidly asking mother‟s friend to perform this request.She told me that she would do her best and I left.As I started my car towards Harding College listening to the radio, I heard the announcement while driving down Race Street , “Frank Brown has made it.”

Before I made it to the Science building at Harding, I had heard the announcement three times.How many times it was repeated, I never knew, but I did know that my parents slept better that night knowing that the Searcy community had taken care of me.That night, I slept on an old couch at the back of the science building but I did not mind for I never missed a single class.I stayed in Searcy for the next few weeks till the ice melted and the dirt roads were travelable again.There is much that I do not recall from the winter of 1977 but this story has always filled my heart with joy;I have always been impressed by how a few people can make a difference in the lives of others.Thirty years have now passed but I still give thanks to all of those people around Searcy for so much assistance during an icy winter in 1977.湖南理工学院是一所省属普通本科高校,座落在国家历史文化名城岳阳市,校园三面环湖,山水相映,自然环境优势明显,历史文化底蕴深厚。




Fall came on with a softness, so that Brian didn‟t realize what was in store—a hard-spined north woods winter—until it was near too late.He had never thought he would be here this long.After the plane crash that marooned him in the wilderness he had lived day by day for fifty-four days, until he had found the survival pack in the plane.Then another thirty-five days through the northern summer, somehow living the same day-to-day pattern he had started just after the crash.The side of the shelter was still far from airtight but about this Brian knew exactly what to do.He had spent one whole day watching a family of beaver mix mud and stick to make a watertight dam.He spent three hours bringing up double armfuls of fresh mud from the lake to pack into the low wall with sticks and leaves.When he was done he covered it with another layer of brush to protect the mud and when it dried by nightfall he had a truly weathertight shelter.He still had to seal the door but that night he sat with a fire warming the inside of his home and knew that as long as he had wood—and he was living in the middle of a forest—he would stay warm no matter what kind of weather came.He slept so soundly that the bear could have come in again and torn the place apart and he would not have known it.译文一










When the Guizhou Donkey Has Exhausted Its Tricks

There were no donkeys in Guizhou until someone officious took one there by boat;but finding no use for it he set it loose in the hills.A tiger who saw this monstrous looking beast thought it must be divine.It first surveyed the donkey from under cover, then ventured a little nearer, still keeping a respectful distance however.One day the donkey brayed.The tigher took fright and fled for fear of being bitten, in utter terror.But it came back for another look, and decided this creature was not so formidable after all.Then growing used to the braying it drew nearer, though it still dared not to attack.Coming nearer still, it began to take liberties, shoving, jostling, and charging roughly, till the donkey lost its temper and kicked out.“So that‟s all it can do!” thought the tiger jubilantly.Then it leapt on the donkey and sank its teeth into it, severing its throat and devouring it before going on its way.师说——韩愈









钱钟书 文 申雨平译




Random Thoughts on the Window(Excerpt)

It is spring again and the window can be left open as often as one would like.As spring comes in through the windows, so people—unable to bear staying inside any longer—go outdoors.The spring outside, however, is much too cheap, for the sun shines on everything, and so does not seem as bright as that which shoots into the darkness of the house.Outside the sun-slothed breeze blows everywhere, but it is not so lively as that which stirs the gloominess inside the house.Even the chirping of the birds sounds so thin and broken that the quietness of the house is needed to set it off.It seems that spring was always meant to be put behind a windowpane for show, just like a picture in a frame.At the same time it also becomes clear that the door has a different significance from the window.Of course, doors were made for people to pass through;but a window can also sometimes serve as an entrance or as an exit, and is used as such by thieves and by lovers in novels.In fact the fundamental difference between a door and a window has nothing to do with them being either entrances or exits.When it comes to the admiration of spring, it could be put this way: a door makes it possible for one to go out, whereas a window makes it possible for one not to have to.A window helps to pull down the partition between man and nature.It leads breezes and sunlight in, and keeps part of the spring in the house.It allows one to sit and enjoy the spring in peace, and makes it unnecessary to go looking for it outside



多年前我跟悉尼的一位同学谈话。那时他 太太刚去世不久,他告诉我说,他在整理他太太的东西的时候,发现了一条丝质的围巾,那是它们去纽约旅游时,在一家名牌店买的,那是一条雅致、漂亮的名牌围巾,高昂的价格卷标还挂在上面,他太太一直舍不得用,她想等一个特殊的日子才用。







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