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Business English

Reform or Die

姓名:陈雅玲 学院:经济法学院 班级:四班 学号:2009021272 专业:法律专业 2010-06-09

Reform or Die

As we all have seen, China has developed rapidly whatever in its economic or its social system in recent years.However, China now has so many problems that maybe not so easy to be solved——the phenomenon of Foxconn Electronic is just one of these problems.The suicides of those young workers remind our society to pay more attention to the large amount of workers in today’s China.Before the Foxconn, we hardly know anything about the work or life condition of these workers;we even forbid strikes in our law!

It is obvious that the worker is not satisfied with their living condition, their hard work only are paid in low wages, what’s worse, they can’t even find a true or legitimate way to pursue their rights.And, our government is not so good at handling those problems either.Truly, our country now owns a great deal of wealth.However, that wealth is mostly owned by the rich.This may cause the mental twists of those suicides too.Lang xianping, one of the greatest economists in china, considers the new imperialism’s action in our China as crazy loot: our country develops by paying the price of low-cost labor, by paying the price of the happiness lost in the depth of our people’s hearts..Indeed, the advantages of manufacturing in China are obvious.Most significant, wages are a third of Mexico’s or even Hungary’s and a mere five percent of those in the United States and Japan.China has an abundant pool of young, high school educated workers, with millions entering the workforce each year.Its universities are turning out well-trained engineers who command only modest salaries.However, all of those, all the low–cost labor and low welfare didn’t make our people rich.The lost of happiness and belonging of our Chinese is so obvious nowadays.What's worse, we have to face a difficult situation in and abroad now, on the one hand, the reforms to China’s labor laws and practices are reducing the low-cost labor advantage, which possibly will make the lost of our so-called advantage in our development progress, causing the coming difficult position in our country’s trade with foreign corporations, on the other hand, our welfare system isn’t commutate enough——causing the reactionary in our domestic society.To sum up, maybe it has came to a point, the point at which we must take those problems seriously and make some big reformations.For example, the reform in our welfare system, the reform of the pattern of economic development in our country and so on.Though, we all know that the reform will inevitably hurts some economic royalty’s interests, We must know that: Country is not established only to be loved or served, it is build by people, and due to this, it ought to carry out its special duties and responsibilities for its people——in this essay, we say that our country owes those workers too much, it must do something for the people!

And, worst, if our government is not willing to do the shot, then at least, it should go ——loosen its tight hands upon social throat, let ourselves go to build a citizens society, a civic society of our own...


1.Directions:Rearrange the following letter logically with the sentences given:

The Commercial Counselor’s Office of the Embassy of your country in China has conveyed to us your desire and proposal to establish business relations with the Foreign Trade Corporation of China.We wish to establish business relations by the commencement of some practical transaction.Our lines are mainly textiles.To give a general ideal of the various kinds of textiles now available for export , we are enclosing here with a catalogue and a price list for you examination.We would be glad to study the sales possibilities in our market.A copy of your letter to that effect has been handed to us.At the same time we want to know your details and prices of various kinds of goods you would be interested in selling.Any specific enquiries from you would be appreciated.We look forward to receiving from you good new




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MAR.10th ,2012



Dear Sirs

Having had your name and address from the Commercial Counselor’s office of theEmbassy of the people’s republic of China in your country ,we know that you are interested in textiles imports,we now avail ourselves of this opportunity to write to you and see if we can establish business relations by a start of some practical transaction.We specialize in the export of Chinese Suzhou silk business ,the quality of this kind product is good,the price is reasonable;To acquaint you with the light industrial goods we handle ,we are sending you by separate airmail, commodity list and several sample books for your reference.Our bankers are the Bank of China Shi Yan Branch

We look forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely


Jiangsu Textiles Export Corporation

Ⅰ Phrases translations(English into Chinese)

1.handle import/export business处理进出口业务

2.be obliged for sth.to sb.因某事而感激某人

3.in advance提前

4.cash register收银机

5.in the near future在不远的将来

6.at your hand在你手上

7.take the opportunity to do抓住机会做某事

8.bo of interest to sb.对某人感兴趣

9.open an account with用···开一账户

10.refer to谈及

11.favorable reply

12.deal in

13.comply with

14.contact sb.for sth.15.be willing to do sth.16.incoming/outgoing letter

佳音 处理 遵守因某事与人交谈愿意做某事收发的函件

ⅡPhrases translations(Chinese into English)

1.商用机器commercial machine

2.大进口商major importer

3.中国银行福建分行THE FUJIAN BRANCH OF CHINA BANK 4.建立业务关系establish business relations

5.价目表price list



8.在。。方面富有经验have rich experience in

9.享有良好的声誉have a good name

10.客观信息objective messages


12.可靠程度reliable level

13.另封(另封邮寄)under separate cover

14.最新目录the latest catalogue

15.保兑不可撤销信用证a confirmed irrevocable L/C

16.出口、进口品exports ,imports

Ⅲ Sentence Translations(Chinese into English)


Thanks you for your letter ofAugust 6, 2005 enclosing the sample.2我们打算从贵国进口复印机。

We intend to import copier from your country.3我们公司是经营计算机的大出口商。

Our company is the large exporters of engage in computer。


If will be able soon to receive your sample when will thank extremely.5我公司成立与1900年,一直经营各种商用机器。

Our company was established in 1900,we have been engaged in handing a variety of business machines.6如贵公司在这方面给予帮助将不胜感谢。

We shall appreciate it if your company to offer a help in this respect.7我们借此机会对贵方的帮助表达谢意。

We take the opportunity to express our gratitude for your help.8我们听说贵方对各种仪表感兴趣。

We heard that you are interested in a variety of instruments.9请把详细的目录和价目表寄给我们。

Please send us a detailed catalog and price list.10盼早日收到你方消息。

We are looking forward to receiving your early reply.11我们是芝加哥一家大出口商,专营化工品出口。

We are a large exporter in Chicago specializing in the export of chemical product.12你们对我们的货物质量会相当满意。

You will be quite satisfied with the quality of our goods.13如你方需要更多客观信息,请向中国银行上海分行查询。

If you need more objective information,please check to the Bank of China in Shanghai.14为扩大向贵国的出口业务,我们希望与贵公司建立直接业务关系。

In order to expand our export,we wish to establish direct business relations with your company.15你方表达希望与我们建立业务关系的信已收到,谢谢。

The letter was received that your company in the hope of establishing trade relations with our company, thank you.16如你方对该产品感兴趣,请与我们联系索取更多资料。

If you are interested in this product, please contact with us for more information.17按你方要求,我们将把样品寄给万盛公司,供免费分发。

In accordance with your request, we will send the samples to the Wansheng company for free distribution.18我们已把样品另寄你方,你们可能对其中以而写样品感兴趣。

We have sent samples to you, you might be interested in some of these samples.Ⅳ Sentence Translations(English into Chinese)We are indebted to the Commercial Counselor’s office of your Embassy in Canberra for your name and address and pleased to introduce ourselves as an experienced importer engaged in the subject business for years.我们从驻堪培拉的大使馆商务处获知贵方名称和地址,我们很荣幸能够向你公司介绍,我公司是有多年经验从事主题商业且的进口商。You are kindly requested to furnish us with the illustrated leaflet/catalogues of your products at an early date so as to enable to have a general idea of your products and send you the specific requirements by fax.希望你能够向我们提供有关你产品的说明书/目录,让我们能够尽早大致了解你的产品,并且通过传真向你发送我们的具体要求。We believe this initial contact will leave the way to a pleasant and lucrative relationships between us.我们相信这首次接触对于我们双方都将是一次愉快而互利的合作。We wish to carry on trade with manufacturers and merchants of all countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit for the development of commercial relations with the people of different nations.我们希望在平等互利的基础上,与全世界的国家保持贸易合作关系,和不同国家的人发展商业关系.In compliance with your request, we are sending her with a pricelist and a range of pamphlets for your reference

应贵方的要求,我方将把详细的价目表和一系列小册子寄给你们,仅供参考.A booklet including a general introduction, the scope of business and other topics is enclosed for your reference.一本小册子包括一般的介绍,业务范围,并附上其他主题的册子,仅供参考.The subject goods lie within the scope of our business activities.这项标题下商品属于我们的业务范围内.We are willing to enter into business relations with your firm on the basis of equality and mutual

benefit and exchanging that one has for what one needs.我们很乐意能够在平等互利、各取所需的基础上与你方建立业务关系.Thank you in advance.We await your news with keen interest.提前感谢你.我们将抱着很大的兴趣等待你的消息.We wish to extend our warm welcome to your desire to enter into direct business relations in the line of textiles.我们将表示热烈的欢迎对贵方愿意在纺织品领域与我们建立直接的业务关系.Being one of the leading importer of textiles in Pakistan, we are writing to you in the hope of establishing direct trade relations with your firms.你方作为巴基斯坦最大的纺织品进口商,现与你方联系,希望与你公司建立直接的业务关系.12 As this item with in the business scope of our corporation, we shall be pleased to enter into business relations with you at an early date.这个项目在我们公司的业务范围内,我们希望能尽快与贵公司建立业务关系.To give you a general idea of various kinds of our products now available for export, we enclose a brochure and a sample-cutting booklet.我们随函寄上产品说明书和剪样册,让你大致了解我们目前可供出口的各种产品.We shall appreciate it, in order to enjoy fruitful and profitable trade relations, if you will let us know what are the items you handle for export by sending catalogues to us.为了让我们享受富有成效和有利的贸易关系,请将目录寄给我们,让我们了解你们要出口的项目,我们将不胜感激.We are specializing in cereals, oils, canned food, wild vegetables, meat, milk products and aquatic products.我们的产品致力于粮食,油脂,食品罐头,野生蔬菜,肉类,奶类和水产品领域.16 We look forward to the relationship of business with you in the near future.我们期待在不久的将来与你公司建立关系.Our General Manager’s visit to your corporation will pave the way for future development of business between our two firms.我们总经理对你们公司的访问为我们两家公司之间未来的业务发展铺平道路.We have been in the wool business for several decades.我们从事羊毛业务已有几十年了.We highly appreciate your kind cooperation.我们非常感谢你的合作.May we introduce ourselves as importers of fashion garments and commission agents.我们可以自我介绍作为时装进口商和佣金代理商.We shall be pleased if you will kindly send us by airmail come samples so as to acquaint us with the quality and workmanship of your supplies.我们将很高兴如果你方通过航空邮寄将样品寄给我们,使我们了解你方提供的样品的质量和工艺.They state that they have regularly traded with you over the past four years and have given up your name as a reference(资信证明人).他们声称, 在过去的四年,他们经常与你进行交易,他们已经放弃将你的名称作为一个资信证明人.As far as we know they are a reputable firm, but we have no knowledge of their financial position.据我们所知道的,他们是一家著名的公司,但是我们却对他们的财务状况并不了解.Any other information you can give us about this company would be very welcome.Your reply will of course be treated as strictly as confidential.你给我们关于这家公司的其他信息会很受欢迎.而你的答复当然会被视为严格保密.25 My employer asked Rick and me to handle the matter.我的老板让我和瑞克处理这件事.I will pass on your decision to the buyer.我会把你的决定告诉买方.Ⅴ Reading and Translation









1、I’m in responsibility for answering the phone and receiving our guests ,managing the timetable,and handling files and letters.2、My experience and educational background make me equal to this position.3、Ifyou want to know more and further ,if we both are available.I’d like to have a conversation in person with you in your company.4、I believe that you will agree to my suggestion ,to say the least ,I’m the most competent candidate on this position.5、I strongly believe that I’m that person can satisfy all your requirements.2、108 Long Mian Road,Nanjing JiangsuFebruary 24,2014

Mr Li

Graduate from high school

234Jianai Avenue

Nanjing,Jiangsu 210002

Dear Mr sirs

Having learned that you need stenographers ,I venture to submit this application for the post as stenographer.I graduated from high school,since I get low diploma,how dare I apply for this job?look,since high school, I kept stenographing and typing in evening school.Besides,I’m a well disciplined,highly motivated person with a conscientious heart.I believe that my qualifications will benefit your company.I also have a good relationship,I can handle any problems about PR.my ability is beyond doubt.Ifyou show any interests on me,you can reach me at above address or by phone at ***.I shall appreciate it if you will grant me an interview at your earliest convenience,Thank you in anticipation.Yours sincerely,Ms Wei


Hello everyone!My name is ChenMingzhen, a CMO from Timor.I report to vice president and have a responsible to find market opportunities and make a marketing strategy.So my major job is participating in production management, do market research and in charge of production development.











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