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One、roll surface cleaning,10%。(一、卷面清洁,10分。)

Two、write English letters a~p,16%。(二。默写英语字母a~p,16分)

Three, according to the word or idea circle the correct answer,36%(三、根据单词或词意圈出正确答案,36分)



5.sheA.她B.他C.它6.yourA.你B.你们C.你的7.thankA.不是B.谢谢C.触摸(chu mo)8.touchA.触摸B.打人C.把手





17.itA.她B.他C.它18.hereA.这、这里 B.那、那里C.你好

Four、look and match,10%.(四、看一看,连一连,20分。)

1.询问别人的名字时Good morning!

2.问别人:她是谁?How are you?

3.早上问好时Hi,I’m Lico.4.向别人借(jie)课本时Give me a book,please!

5.介绍(jie shao)自己时Touch your face.6.想(xiang)知道(zhi dao)有多少时What’s your name?

7.告诉(gao su)别人:这是我爸爸时Who is she?

8.要求(qiu)别人触摸(chu mo)脸时How many?

9.说谢谢(xie xie)时Thank you!

10.问对(dui)方:你好吗?This is my father.Five、choose the right words to fill in the blanks,10%.(五、选择正确单词填空,18分。)

1. you are.Danny: Thank you!


2.Alice:Who is he?Danny:He’s


3.Alice:How you?A.are , FineB.is , FineC.are , is

4.Alice:What you do?Danny:I can read.A.areB.canC.is

5.Alice:Is this your pencil?(这是你的铅笔吗?)Danny:)

A.Yes,it’s my pencil.B.No,it’s not my pencil.C.Yes,it’s your pencil.6.Alice:She is my classmate.She can.She is ’s Ann.A.sing, readB.thin, danceC.sing, short

7.Alice:Peach,please.peaches?Alice:Four.A.How muchB.How manyC.What

8.A.two , fiveB.three , fourC.three , five

9.Alice:What’s your name?is Danny.A.Your nameB.My nameC.I’m

第三篇:电大 英语1在线测验 答案


1.new ideas sometimes have to wait for years before they are()? C.fully accepted

2.do you know whether he is on holiday or()? B.on business

3.A:i haven't sat down all day.B:you()be very tired.C.must

4.richard works really hard, and()you.A.so do

5.jack()a walk after supper when the weather was fine.A.used to take

6.I don't like that girl because she is always().C.up or down

7.Did she()the meeting? C.take part in

9.-Do you mind if I take a couple of hours off this afternoon?-()B.OK,but what for?

10.His mother()his father is busy with work.A.as well as

11.Have you()seen a tiger? C.ever

12.Have you()your daughter recently? A.heard from

13.It is required that all the teachers in the department()on a picnic next Saturday.C.go

15.(), he would have been the top student in the class.B.if he had worked hard

16.Before he came to Japan, he had never heard a single Japanese word().D.spoken 17.A: Whose book is this? B: It’s().B.mine

18.Mr Smith has a()daughter.A.five-year-old

19.— Can you go out with us for dinner this evening? —()B.Thanks a lot, but I’m busy tonight

20.— Good morning, sir.May I help you? —().C.Yes, I need some salt

21.He is a doctor, so().B.is his wife

22.I have no idea who stole his wallet.It()anyone.A.could have been

23.()is this beautiful handbag? C.How much

24.He()by different people in the company.C.was interviewed

25.You don't come and see me like you().C.used to

26.Peggy is()her granddaughter at six pm.B.picking up

27.I'm going to buy Mary a birthday gift.Do you have()in mind? C.anything special

28.I didn't buy the book because I didn't have()money on me.B.any

29.Be careful!Don’t cut()with the knife.C.yourself

30.Is it difficult to learn to()Tai Chi? A.do

31.He is going to apply()a job in the bank.C.for 32.A: Have you finished your homework? B:().C.No, I haven't

33.Because of the illness, she()in bed for a few months.B.kept

34.()of these books are yours? B.Which

35.His grandfather is very healthy.He()drinks()smokes.B.neither, nor

36.The cost is()for me;I won’t go this way any longer.B.too much

37.()a few flowers in the garden, there is nothing else there.A.Except for

39.A: Have you sent the fax to the travel agent? B:().A.Yes, I have

41.This idea hit me when I()this morning.C.woke up

42.Don't worry about it!The baby will look like()her father()her mother.A.not only, but also

43.Last Sunday I()to Mr Smith's birthday party, and some other friends()there, too.B.went, were

46.That is a()excellent idea.A.very

47.--What did you think of the film?---().A.I thought it was really great

48.He doesn’t know much about doing the job, yet he can do it()keep it going.C.well enough to

49.A: I haven't eaten all day.B: You()be very hungry.A.must

50.Come here().The meeting will begin in five minutes.C.quickly 英语I(2)2nd

1.Does he()his mother? B.looks like

2.A:()? B:Yes,I am.C.Are you married

3.An application form will be sent to you().A.on request

4.Whould you like to go to the cinema this evening? C.Yes,that’s a good idea.5.A:Do you mind if I take a couple of hours off this afternoon?B:()B.OK,but what for?

6.He()by different people in the company.C.was interviewed

7.Do you know whether he is on holiday or()? B.on business

8.I have no idea who stole his wallet.It()anyone.A.could have been

9.We should give the seat to()is old or sick.B.whoever

10.I didn't buy the book because I didn't have()money on me.B.any

11.A:Are you ready to order?B:()B.Yes, I’ll have a steak, please

12.After they finished()football, they went for a drink in a pub.A.playing

13.If I don’t have to work late on Friday, I might()dancing with friends.C.go

14.A: What did you think of the film? B:().A.I thought it was really great 15.A: Whose book is this? B: It's().B.mine

16.A: Would you like to go to the cinema this evening?B:()C.Yes, that’s a good idea

17.The bus arrived late()the heavy snow.A.because of

18.Could you tell me how to()my English? B.improve

19.New ideas sometimes have to wait for years before they are().C.fully accepted

20.A: Have you had your breakfast? B: No, I haven’t had it().B.yet

21.She()to town last week.B.went

22.A: I haven't eaten all day.B: You()be very hungry.A.must

23.A:You have lovely children.B:()D.Thanks Thanks

24.He failed()all his efforts.C.in spite of

25.We will succeed()learning English well if we don’t lose heart when we failed.B.in

26.Peggy is()her granddaughter at six pm.B.picking up

27.A:Mary, your dress is really beautiful.How is John?B:()C.Thank you.He is fine

28.Knowledge()only from practice.C.comes

29.Is it difficult to learn to()Tai Chi? A.do 30.A:Well done.Congratulations on your success.B:()A.Thank you very much

31.I was watching TV()the telephone rang.B.when

32.A: Have you sent the fax to the travel agent? B:()A.Yes, I have

33.You()the exam in English if you()hard.B.will pass, work

34.A: Whose book is this? B: It’s()B.mine

35.Last Sunday I()to Mr Smith's birthday party, and some other friends()there, too.B.went, were

36.That’s a()excellent idea.A.very

37.()is this beautiful handbag? C.How much

38.()was she dancing with? Her new boyfriend? A.Who

39.Jack()a walk after supper when the weather was fine.A.used to take

40.A: Your friend Sally phoned you this afternoon.B:()B.What did she say

41.I don't like coloured clothes.I like white().A.ones

42.A.These are certainly beautiful flowers.Thank you so much.B.()B.It’s my pleasure

43.You may leave your bag()in the room.B.anywhere

44.Come here().The meeting will begin in five minutes.C.quickly 45.I have no idea who stole his wallet.It()anyone.A.could have been

46.Have you()seen a tiger? C.ever

47.He()to the hospital after the accident.C.was taken

48.You’re driving(), slow down!A.too fast

49.His mother()his father is busy with work.A.as well as

50.His grandfather is very healthy.He()drinks()smokes.B.neither, nor


第四篇:高考英语中译英测验 7(G&H)

高考英语中译英测验 7(G&H)

Section A(每题3分)1.因为缺乏资金,他们只好放弃开发那个新软件。(give)

For lack of money, they had to give up developing the new software.2.看了杰克画的卡通画,他的母亲忍俊不禁。(help)

On seeing the cartoon drawn by Jack, his mother couldn’t help laughing.3.男士一般不擅长购物时和店主讨价还价。(good)

Men are generally not good at bargaining with shopkeepers when shopping.4.看来他们家发生了出人意料的事情。(happen)

It seems that something unexpected has happened to their family.5.没人料到这件事与那个沉默寡言的人有关。(have)

Nobody expected that he incident had anything to do with the man with few words.6.乘车时你有主动给老人让座的习惯吗?(habit)

Do you have the habit of offering your seat to the old on the bus? 7.在美国逗留期间,我与格林一家相处和睦。(get)

During my stay in America, I got along well with the Greens.8.他刚到家,他的太太就开始发牢骚。(Hardly…)

Hardly had he arrived home when his wife started complaining.9.下星期我们要为退休工人举行一次欢送会。(honor n.)

Next week we will hold a farewell party in honor of the retired workers.10.老师刚要分发试卷,这时响起了手机铃声。(when)

The teacher was about to give out the test papers when a cell phone rang.11.不要老是为那件事感到内疚,那不是你的错。(guilty)

Don’t be always feeling guilty about it, for it is not your fault.12.偶尔吃点糖果对儿童的健康并没有什么害处。(harm n.)

Eating sweets occasionally does no harm to children’s health.13.你认为这个小孩有音乐天赋吗?(gift)

Do you think this child has a gift for music.14.适当放松一下自己有助于你提高学习效率。(help)

Relaxing yourself properly helps you to improve the efficiency in study.15.尽管在城市长大,他却一点也不喜欢时髦。(grow)

Though he has grown up in the city, he doesn’t like fashion at all.16.幸亏这位医生,病人的手术才没有被耽搁。(hold)

Thanks he has grown up in the city, he doesn’t like fashion at all.17.我真希望奶奶能尽快康复。(get)

I really hope that my grandmother will get over her illness as soon as possible.18.我们去电话时,碰巧他们出去了。(happen)① It happened that they were out when we called.② They happened to be put when we called.19.我们下决心要实现我们共同的目标。(goal)

We are determined to achieve our common goal.20.这位年轻的战士因帮助一位残疾老人而受到嘉奖。(honor n.)The young soldier was honored for helping a disabled old man.Section B(每题4分)1.中国人认为子女赡养父母是天经地义的。(grant)

The Chinese take it for granted that sons and daughters should support their parents.2.有不懂的地方就求教于老师,不要犹豫。(hesitate)

Don’t hesitate to ask your teachers for help if you can’t understand anything.3.你最好检查一下你的眼睛,很明显你的视力在下降。(have)

You’d better have your eyes examined as obviously your eyesight is failing.4.没弄清事实就匆忙作出决定是不明智的。(hurry)

It is unwise to hurry to make a decision before getting a clear idea of the facts.5.只要不灰心,我们终会克服暂时的困难。(heart)

As long as we don’t lose heart, we will eventually overcome the temporary difficulty.6.只有经历艰难困苦的人才明白人生的真谛。(go)

Only those who have gone through hardships understand the true meaning of life.7.这次考试考的太差,他决定不将成绩告诉父母。(hide)

He did so badly in this exam that he decided to hide the score from his parents.8.非常感谢你在我困难时向我伸出了援助之手。(grateful)

I am very grateful to you for lending me a helping hand when I was in trouble.9.当父亲听说女儿在大学中的优异表现时,他满面春风、容光焕发。(hear)

When the father heard about his daughter’s excellent performance in university, his face lit up.10.高中毕业后,他被送去农村体验生活。(graduation)

After graduation from high school, he was sent to the countryside to experience the life there.

第五篇:高考英语中译英测验 8(I---K)

高考英语中译英测验 8(I---K)

Section A(每题3分)1.大多数人不愿意介入这场毫无意义的争论。(involve)Most people aren’t willing to get involved in this meaningless argument.2.来自农村的学生不必感到比大城市的学生低一等。(inferior)

The students from the countryside needn’t fell inferior to those from big cities.3.从你的成绩单来看,所有老师都对你相当满意。(judge)

Judging from your school report, all your teachers are quite satisfied with you.4.那个姑娘又活泼又幽默,给面试官留下了深刻印象。(impress)

The girl impressed the interviewer with her liveliness and humor.5.正是因为他的粗枝大叶才使他考试不及格。(It…)

It was his carelessness that resulted in his failure on the child’s personality.6.家庭环境会对孩子的性格产生很大的影响。(influence)

The family environment can have a great influence on the child’s personality.7.他的建议使我没有犯严重的错误。(keep)

His advice kept me from making a serious mistake.8.这本字典是小孩用的,不适合你。(intend)

The dictionary is intended for children, so it’s not suitable for you.9.只有抓住每一个机会,你才能成功。(Only…)

Only if you seize every chance can you succeed.10.勤洗手可以避免疾病传染。(infect)

Washing hands often can avoid being infected with disease.11.他热衷于读书是因为读书能给他带来知识和快乐。(keen)

He is keen on reading because reading can bring him knowledge and happiness.12.他住在一个小岛上,过着与现代生活隔绝的日子。(isolate)

He lived on a small island, isolated from modern life.13.你这个周末有空,为什么不和我们一起去溜冰呢?(join)

Since you are free this weekend, why not join us in going skating? 14.他不顾个人安危,执意留守在岗位上。(insist)

He insisted on keeping to his post regardless of his own safety.15.到目前为止,科学家们对电脑病毒只有粗略的了解。(idea)

So far scientists have got a general idea of computer virus.16.你和老同学老死不相往来是错误的。(It…)

It’s wrong of you never to get in touch with your former classmates.17.他申请这份工作是为了不依靠父母。(independent)

He applied for the job in order to be independent of his parents.18.令家人大为高兴的是,他被一所重点高中录取了。(joy)

To his family’s great joy, he was admitted into a key high school.19.除非被邀请发言,否则在会上你应该保持沉默。(invite)

Unless invited to speak, you should remain silent at the meeting.20.难以想象彼得在讲台上演讲的样子。(imagine)

It’s hard to imagine Peter(‘s)making a speech on the platform.Section B(每题4分)1.因特网可以使我们不断了解国内外发生的事情。(inform)

The internet keeps us informed of what is happening at home and abroad.2.我对这类电视剧不感兴趣,因为它们千篇一律。(interest n.)

I have no interest in TV plays of this kind as they all follow the same pattern.3.如果你忽视句型,你的翻译水平就不可能提高。(impossible)

It is impossible for you to improve your translation level if you ignore the sentence patterns.4.他们失败后没有怨天尤人,而是更加刻苦训练,力求在下次比赛中获胜。(instead)

① Instead of complaining about the failure, they trained even harder to win the next match.② They didn’t complain about the failure;instead, they trained even harder to win the next match.5.人们发现越来越难跟上现代科学的发展。(keep)

People find it harder and harder to keep up with the development of modern science.6.他查阅了很多资料,想要了解番茄是何时引入中国的。(introduce)

He consulted a lot of information to find out when tomatoes were introduced in China.7.我对学生所谈论的电子产品一无所知,我发现自己落伍了。(ignorant)

Being ignorant of the electronic products the students are talking about, I find myself left behind.8.网络使我们能足不出户就周游世界。(…it…)

① The Internet makes it possible for us to travel around the world without leaving home.② The Internet makes it possible that we can travel around the world without leaving home.9.无论风多大、雨多急,警察一直坚守在岗位上。(keep)

No matter how hard the rain falls and wind blows, the police keep to their posts.10.许多年轻人受到鼓舞愿为服务公众而贡献时间和精力。(inspire)

Many young people were inspired to devote time and effort to serving the public.



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