英语8B开学预习测验试题 (上传版)

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第一篇:英语8B开学预习测验试题 (上传版)


满分:100分考试时间: 2月29日晚自习范围:Chapter 1单词&课文;8B单词全册考查Part One: Chapter 1 Vocabulary Test


2.n.增加;添加 45.n.楼房(用于公寓楼名称)

3.此外;另外 46.地中海

4.adj.农业的 47.n.矿泉水

5.adj.阿拉伯人的 48.n.山,山峰

6.n.大西洋 49.adj.整齐的;整洁的7.n.白兰地 50.n.北极

8.v.召唤 51.adv.现在;目前

9.n.香槟酒 52.既然

10.法国隧道 53.n.巴黎

11.英吉利海峡隧道 54.n.部分

12.n.海岸 55.v.传递

13.n.对话 56.n.章节;段落;乐段

14.n.农作物 57.n.(地球的南、北)极

15.n.文化 58.adj.美丽的,秀丽的16.v.战胜,击败 59.n.球拍

17.n.沙漠 60.v.谈及,提到

18.n.设计者,设计师 61.n.地区

19.n.目的地 62.n.亲戚;亲属

20.n.效应;结果;后果 63.v.使松懈,放松

21.埃菲尔铁塔 64.v.提醒;使记起,使想起


23.英吉利海峡 66.v.休息

24.n.欧洲迪斯尼乐园 67.n.一排;一列

25.adj.极好的 68.n.撒哈拉大沙漠

26.adj.熟悉的,为(人)熟知的 69.v.好像;似乎

27.为。。。所熟悉 70.n.日本清酒

28.n.旗 71.adj.景色优美的29.n.笛子 72.n.滑雪

30.v.强制 73.n.软式墙网球;壁球

31.adj.有趣的,可笑的 74.det & pron.某类的人或物

32.v.促进;增进 75.诸如。。。之类的;例如

33.继续 76.n.向日葵

34.n.护目镜 77.n.阔边遮阳帽

35.n.葡萄树 78.n.网球拍

36.v.种植;生长 79.n.帐篷

37.n.标题 80.prep.遍及;贯穿

38.n.书刊(尤指报纸)页首的大字标题 81.adj.树木成排的39.n.影响力,作用 82.n.转弯处;岔路口

40.n.珠宝 83.n.滑水运动

41.n.外号;绰号 84.n.方法;方式

42.n.香水 85.在许多方面

43.n.柔道 86.adj.出名的;众所周知的英语8B开学预习测试题


Part Two: Filling-in P3 France is calling 88.adj.举世闻名的N________ t____________ winter is behind us, many people are starting to t___________ a________ g_________a_________ for the summer holidays.This year, why not s_________ your w_________ and visit France?

France is a w_____________ place to go f_________ a holiday.It is a h______ country, with c________ on the English C___________, the A___________ O_________ and the M_________________ Sea.In a____________, it has many mountain r____________ w____________ are e____________for skiing.The centre of France is a big a________________ r__________, growing crops such as wheat and s___________.It is a_____________ to d__________ p________ fields which s_________ to go on f_________ or whole hills c_________ w___________ neat rows of grapevines.One of the most s________ areas is the L________ V_________, where you can visit the oldest c__________ ____ which ___________ the kings and queens of France u________ ______ live.Paris is the c__________ of France.It is one of the most popular t__________ d______________ in the world.With its w_________________ l__________ such as the Eiffel Tower and the Arc de Triomphe and its wide, t_______________ streets, Paris is one of the most beautiful cities in the world.If you are t_______________ your children with you, remember that that EuroDisney is just an hour a____________ __________ the centre of Paris.It o___________ many of the same a____________ as the Disney parks in the USA.If you want to go to visit Britain, you can now do it w___________ flying or t___________ a ferry.The Channel Tunnel, or(to use its n________)the ‘C___________’, e_________ you to travel by train from Paris to London ______ about three hours.In our city, we can see the i_________________ of France in s_________ w__________.France, like China, is famous for its food.Some bakeries p__________ French bread and cakes.Other popular French p_____________ are its cheese, b___________ and wine.Many of the world’s t__________ d____________ names are French.Names such as Dior ____ clothes, Chanel ____ p____________, and Cartier _____ j____________ are f___________ ______ many Chinese people.A quick walk a_____________ Nanjing Road will r___________ you ______ many similar names.France is a leader _____ art and c____________, too.A lot of young students from different c_____________ go to France to f______________ their studies.Every year, French film f__________, e_______________ and c_______ are o____________ all o_______ the world.To get the m________ _______ of your holiday in France, why not try l__________ French now? You can do this in some l____________ school a_________ the city.I.单词部分,根据汉语提示及句子意思填出单词或者短语,每词一分。(1’*50=50’)

1.__________________(短语:另外),it has many mountain regions which are __________(极好的)for skiing.2.One of the most __________(景色优美的)areas is the Loire Valley, where you can visit the old castles.3._________________(短语:既然)winter is behind us, many people are thinking about going abroad for the summer holidays.4.The Channel Tunnel, or the ‘Chunnel’, ___________(使能够)you to travel by train from Paris to London in about three hours.5.A lot of young students from different countries go to France to ___________ their studies.(促进,增进)

6.A quick walk along Nanjing Road will ____________(提醒,使想起)you of many similar names.7.In our city, we can see the ______________(影响)of France in some ways.英语8B开学预习测试题

8.Names _____________(短语:例如)Dior in clothes, Chanel in perfume, and Cartier in jewellery are _____________(熟悉的,为人熟知的)to many Chinese people.9.France is a leader in art and ___________(文化), too.10.The five ___________(感官,功能)are hearing, smell, ______________(视力,视觉), taste and touch.11.Which item helps us to keep our ____________(平衡)so that we do not fall down?

12.‘I am sorry, sir,’ the clerk ___________(重复), ‘but the hotel rules say…’

13.The ___________(表面)was hot so I didn’t open it.14.Charlie __________(指狗等叫,吠).It sounded like ‘Yes’.15.Just then, the fire alarm __________________(短语:警报器等突然发出巨响)。

16.I am a boy.My ___________(能量)comes from food.17.Who or what is the ______________(仆人)in the title?

18.She’ll really look ___________(愚蠢的,笨的)。

19.You get a bill for it ___________(每月一次)。

20.That’s not a bad ________________(解释).21.Benny said ______________(客气地,礼貌地), ‘May I have my packet of electricity?’

22.Switch off the lights.Save an _______________(看不见的)form of energy.23.If you like to keep ___________(活泼的,充满朝气的), just come down to my house.24.When you exercise, the amount of water you need ____________(增加).25.When you freeze water, it becomes a __________(固体).26.The scientific ____________(信号)for water is H2O.27.The voice sounded ______________(不耐烦的).28.I was floating ________________(舒服地)in a cloud in Jiangxi, enjoying the _________(景色).29.They gave me a ________________(彻底的,完全的)cleaning and added a few chemicals to me.30.I am ____________(宝贵的,珍贵的),like liquid gold.31.We decided to elect the ____________(主要的,最高级别的)editor.32.Nobody ______________(认出)him.33.These inconsiderate people should be given a lesson in ________________(自律,自我约束).34.Arthur wrote this report about their meeting for the _______________(校长).35.We should choose Joyce, because she has ________________(经验)。

36.She said we ________________(短语:应该)elect a secretary next.37.We _______________(考虑)the last question briefly.38.We agreed to _____________(结束,结论)the meeting then.39.My most exciting day was in Nov.last year, at the ____________(每年的, 年度的)Youth League Party in the park.40.____________________(短语:根据)what he said, his father was really a manager.41.I am very interested in _____________(时尚,流行)。

42.When you feel sorry fro them, you show them ________________(同情).43.He was ____________(打败)by his brother at chess.44.The clerk ___________(提供)us good service.45.A _____________(目的地)is somewhere you are traveling to.46.Can you tell me the ______________(位置,地点)of the fire exit?






科学_ _ _ence博物馆 mu_ _ _m邮局_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _书店b_ _ks_ _ _e电影院_ _ _ _ _ _医院__s_ _t_ _




从A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

1.The boss __________ company I worked in two years ago has ___________ in solving such a

A.whose;much experience

B.who;many expedences

C.whose;many experience

D.which;much experience

2.Hiking is(徒步旅行)of __________ great fun.You will get close to ________ nature and take exercise at the same time.A.a;the B.a;不填 C.不填;the D.不填;不填

3.Liu Zheng, together with Lin Hui, ____________ their country at the meeting.A.represent(代表)B.representsC.represents forD.represent for

4.——A ship is unforgettable for me after l saw a famous movie.——Do you mean the ship, Titanic, ________sank after hitting an iceberg(冰山)?


5.Jordan said that his NBA playing days_________ over, but his relationship with his fans __________never end.A.will be;wouldB.had been;would

C.has been;willD.had been;will

6.-----__________ of my new classmates have a good impression(印象)on me.A.The majorityB.Few

C.The mostD.None

7.—Tom lives at 9 Pickie Street.--_____________.A.Remember itB.Make it

C.Got itD.Forget it

8.——Why? I didn't know you were from Shanghai.-—Yes.Don't you think that's the place_______ I really know a lot about?

A.why B.what C.there D.which

9.Be careful ______ to turn off the light.A.not forgetB.not to forgetC.forget notD.forget to not

10.---_______ ?

---I'm sorry , but it's not allowed.A.Is Lizzy inB.Is that Lizzy speaking

C.Would you mind my talking hereD.Would you like some help

11.The farmers thought of ways ________ their trees.A.of protectB.protectingC.to protectD.to protecting

12.The teacher asked us ________so much noise.A.don’t makeB.not makeC.not makingD.not to make

13.At this time tomorrow ________over the Atlantic(大西洋).A.we are going to flyB.we’ll be flying

C.we’ll flyD.we’re to fly

14.He told me many interesting stories about the Long March, ________ this is an example.A.in whichB.of whatC.of whichD.which

15.The house ________she visited the day before yesterday was the one ________ the great writer lived many years ago.A.where, whereB.which, whichC.where, whichD.which, where

16.This is a very useful book, ________ much can be learnt.A.from whichB.from whereC.whichD.that

17.He listened to music while ________ his home work.A doB.doesC.didD.doing

18.If you have any trouble, you can ________ me for help.A go toB.turn toC.move toD.thank to

19.They talked about the persons and things________ they remembered, and ________ reminded(提醒)them of the good old days.A which, itB.that, theyC.不填,whichD.whom, who

20.Her parents don’t allow________ out late in the evening.A.he stayB.him stayingC.him to stayD.he to stay


阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项中选出最佳答案。



Having good manners is seen by many people as a sign of cultural understanding and good taste.Knowing about the good manners of different countries is interesting and very useful.Good manners are not only about the way we talk, but also about all other things we do when we communicate with other people.When meeting people, Westerners usually shake hands.Americans and northwestern Europeans expect a strong handshake, and some shake hands for several seconds.If your hand is wet or very weak, that’s a bad sign.People in East Europe and some Arab(阿拉伯)countries embrace(拥抱)and kiss each other, while the people in Thailand(泰国)put their hands together before their nose and lower their head and eyes.When Spanish people talk to you, they like standing very close to you.When you are walking on the street, they will often stop and look right into your eyes while talking.British people stand quite far away from you while talking, as they don’t like people to come too close.Many North Europeans carry a cotton handkerchief in their pocket into which they sometimes blow their noses.Then they put it into their pocket or handbag.Some Chinese and many Japanese people think this is almost the worst thing you can do in public, especialy during dinner.When visiting the house of Americans or Europeans it is polite to look at their books, paitings and small objects in the living room.It is also thought to be a sign of good taste to say something nice about those things.However, in Middle East, you should never do that.Saying that you like painting or other things in their house will give your Arob host the feeling that they must give it to you.With indians you should never use your left hand for greeting, eating, drinking or smoking.In Russia, you often have to match your drink with that of your host if you want to be friendly.These are just a few examples of good manners at home and abroad.21.If a friend of yours is going to visit an Arab family, you should tell him ________

A.to say something nice about the things in their house.B.to say there are nothing nice in their house

C.not to say things are nice in their house

D.none of the above.22.In which country do people put their hands together before their nose and lower their head and eyes when they meet?


23.In which country do people stand quite far away from you while talking?


24.Blowing noses is acceptable(可接受的)in ________

A.many North European countriesB.BritainC.ThailandD.Indian

25.From this passage we can know ________

A.people in different countries have the same manners(礼貌)

B.good manners in one country can be accepted by people in other countries.C.good manners in one country cannot be accepted by people in other countries

D.knowing about the good manners of different countries is interesting and very useful


2Great Britain is an island that lies off the northwest coast of Europe.The nearest country is France which is 20 miles away.Great Britain is separated from France by the English Channel.The island is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean , to the west , and the North Sea , to the east.It includes the main lands of England , Wales and Scotland.Scotland is in the north while Wales is in the west.Ireland , which is also an island , lies off the west coast of Great Britain.It is made up of Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic.Great Britain together with Northern Ireland forms the United Kingdom(U.K.).So the U.K.is made up of four countries.The largest of these is England which is divided into 43 counties(县、、郡).The capital city is London which is on the river Thames.26.Great Britain is lies off the_________ coast of Europe?


27.Great Britain is separated from France by __________.A.the North SeaB.Suez CanalC.English ChannelD.Thames

28.Great Britain lies on the __________ of the Atlantic Ocean.A.westB.northC.eastD.south

29.The United Kingdom is made up of ________.A.England , Wales , Scotland and Ireland

B.England , Wales , Scotland and Northern Ireland

C.Great Britain and Ireland

D.Great Britain and the Irish Republic

30.It is true that England is _________.A.the smallest of the four countries in U.K.B.only larger than Wales

C.as large as IrelandD.the largest country in U.K.三.完形填空(共10小题;每题1分,共 10分)

阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从31—40各题所给的四个选项中, 选出一个最佳答案。

Two years ago I moved to a new neighborhood(邻里)

“We aren't __area,” an engineer told me.“A lot of people want new phones and the company is employing engineers than last year so as to do anything for you before December.”




34.A.looked after B.asked forC.found outD.picked up


36.A.for a long timeB.at the momentC.at that timeD.for a moment



39.A.will payB.won't payC.will spendD.won't cost


四.单句改错(共5小题, 每题2分,共10分)

41.Tom was the man saved the boy form the river.41._________

42.They climbed the mountain and reaching the top of it two hours later to watch the rising sun.42.________

43.He did all he could help me with my English.43.________

44.It is easy that to draw and write on silk.44.________

45.By the year of 1967, he finished two novels.45.________



My Best Friend




I.听力(共 25 分)Part One : 1--5CABAA Part Two: 1--5CBAGE Part Three: 1--5BCCAC



II.Multiple Choice:(15分)

1--5 D A B A D6--10C D D B D11--15C A A D A III.Cloze test(10分)16--20 BACDA21--25BADCC IV.Communication:(5分)26---30C A E B DV.Reading comprehension(共25分)

(A)31—35: TFFTT(B)36—40: AEDCB(C)41—45 BCDCA(D)46—50 CCBAA



51.What are you doing these days?

52.What’s your plan? / What are you going to do? 53.I’m going to Hainan Island, too.54.Yes,(of course).55.See you.(注:本道题是半开放题,答案只要符合题意和语法即可。请老师斟酌给分。)VII.Reading Comprehension(共15分)

(A)56.parents57.so58.same59.children60.better(B)61.Yes, they can.62.Baseball and football/ basketball.(说出两种即可)63.Swimming.64.No, it isn’t.65.Because they want to keep healthy/stay in good health/enjoy life.VIII.Writing:(15分)(以下答案仅作参考,不是唯一答案)


66.We should have a healthy diet, especially have a good breakfast every day.67.It’s a good idea to do sports or morning exercises every week.68.Try to have enough sleep every night.69.We’d better listen to light music or pop songs every day.70.Why not tell our parents/teachers/friends about our worries/problems if we feel worried/ stressed/nervous before the exams?(B)

Ways of making friends

Everyone needs friends, so how to make true friends is very important to anybody.To make friends, you must be friendly to others.A smile is like a magnet that attracts people.Smile at others and you are always sure to get a smile in return.Try to remember others’ names.This will make them feel that they are very important to you.If you don’t agree with others on something, don’t argue with them.You should discuss with them.Don’t make friends with those people who turn against their friends when they are in trouble and danger.Please remember: A friend in need is a friend indeed.






A.“借助照片流,当您使用 iPhone 或其他 iOS 设备拍照时,照片可以在您所有的设备上显示, 包

括 Mac 或 PC。每次与电脑同步时都能实现。”

“借助照片流,当您使用 iPhone 或其他 iOS 设备拍照时,照片将自动在您所有的设备上显示, 但不包括 Mac 或 PC。无需同步或手动发送。”

“借助照片流,当您使用 iPhone 或其他 iOS 设备拍照时,照片将自动在您所有的设备上显示, 包括 Mac 或 PC。无需同步或手动发送。”

“借助照片流,当您使用 iPhone 或其他 iOS 设备拍照时,照片将自动在您所有的设备上显示, 包括 Mac 或 PC。每当您轻按设备上‘照片’App 中的‘照片流’按钮时都能实现。”B.C.D.2.下列哪一项可准确描述 iPhone 4S 相机中背部照度传感器技术的优势?

A.B.C.D.它可将单个像素的尺寸缩小 27%,从而使视频看起来更清晰。它可减少图像帧之间的时间,从而使视频更流畅。它可使动态范围缩小,从而使视频效果更好,即使是在室内或夜间也是如此。它可使弱光环境下的性能得到提高,从而使视频效果更好,即使是在黄昏的室内也是如此。

3.下列哪些是 iPhone 4S 中新无线技术的示例?

A.B.C.D.4.下列哪一项准确描述了 iPhone 4S 的摄像头?

A.iPhone 4S 配有 500 万像素背部照度传感器,可以拍摄更高品质的图像,实现更清晰的动作捕


iPhone 4S 装有全新的由四个元件组成的镜头,可使图像更清晰、失真度更低。下载速度增加和 Internet 连接共享创新天线设计和通行世界的手机 创新浏览器设计和通行世界的手机 3G 和无线激活 B.C.以前的 iPhone 机型中也装有 f/2.4 光圈,但现在对图像处理软件的改进让聚焦人脸变得更为轻


f/2.4 光圈是新增功能,你的顾客可能以为只有专用数码相机才拥有此功能。D.5.下列哪一项是 iOS 5 的功能,但并非是 iPhone 4S 专有的?

A.B.C.D.6.你的顾客询问有关 iMessage 的详细信息。下列哪一项回答最准确?

A.“iMessage 是新增服务,可与 iPhone 上的‘信息’App 兼容。有了它,您可以向其他 iOS 5 设备

发送不受限制的信息,但是只能通过 3G 连接发送。”

“iMessage 是 iPhone 4S 专用的新增 App。有了它,您可以向其他 iPhone 4S 发送不受限 制的信息。

“iMessage 是新增服务,可与 iPhone 上的‘信息’App 兼容。有了它,您可以通过 WLAN 或 3G 连接向其他 iOS 5 设备发送不受限制的信息。”

“iMessage 是新增服务,可与 Twitter 集成。有了它,您可以向其他 iOS 5 设备发送不受限 制的微博。”更快的连接速度、更快的加载和重新加载速度、更快的下载速度 出色的白平衡功能、理想的色彩保真度、脸部识别技术,减少了相机图像模糊的情况能够在屏幕锁定的情况下拍摄,按下调高音量按钮即可拍摄照片 两倍以上的处理能力,显卡速度快达七倍 B.C.D.7.iOS 5 中的提醒事项可与 ____________ 配合使用。

A.仅 iCalB.iCal 和 Outlook

C.仅 OutlookD.iCal、Outlook 和 iCloud

8.以下哪一项关于 iOS 5 的说明不正确?


C.100 多项新功能D.免费更新

9.iOS 5 与以下哪一种设备不兼容?

A.iPod touch(第三代)B.iPad

2C.iPhone 4D.iPod classic

10.顾客现在可以将 ______ 按钮用作相机应用程序的快门按钮。



11.iMessage 内置于 __________ 中。

A.Mail 应用程序B.Safari 应用程序










14.描述顾客如何直接从 iPhone 的锁定屏幕使用相机。





15.你如何向顾客介绍 iCloud?

A.iCloud 是 Apple 提供的新的云服务,它提供在线存储空间,用来存储你的所有设备上的音乐、照


B.iCloud 是 Apple 提供的新的云服务,你可以使用它来访问数以千计的歌曲、分享照片、管理日历


C.iCloud 是 Apple 提供的新的云服务,它用来存储顾客的音乐、照片、应用程序、日历、文稿等内


D.iCloud 是 Apple 提供的新的云服务,你可以使用它与任何人分享你的所有文件。

16.顾客可以使用 _______ 访问他们在 iTunes Store 上购买应用程序等内容的历史记录。请选择最佳答案。

A.Mac、PC、iPhone、iPad 或 iPod touch

B.仅限 Mac 或 PC

C.iPhone、iPad 或 iPod touch

D.Mac、iPhone、iPad 或 iPod touch。


A.他们可以通过电子邮件将照片发送到 iCloud,然后照片就会发布到他们的照片流中。

B.他们可以将照片上传到 iTunes Match,然后照片就会显示在他们的照片流中。

C.他们可以前往 icloud.com 并上传他们想要显示在照片流中的照片。

D.他们可以使用 iOS 设备拍摄照片,或者将照片从相机导入到电脑中。

18.iPhone 4S Retina 显示屏如此清晰是因为:

A.它的像素数是 iPhone 3GS 的四倍,分辨率达到960x640

B.iOS 4 采用了一种新算法



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