
时间:2019-05-14 14:22:02下载本文作者:会员上传



一 单项选择

()1.---My bike is broken(坏了).May I borrow ________?---Sure.A.youB.yourC.yours

()2.---Would you like _______ a walk with us in the park?---I’d love to.A.takingB.to takeC.take

()3.We will have _______ free time to do our own things.A.a fewB.a lotC.lots of

()4.Susan is careful _________ her computer.A.withB.forC.from

()5.The dresses are very nice.You can _____________.A.try on themB.try them onC.try it on

()6.He always stays in bed _________ Saturday morning.A.onB.inC.at

()7.There _______ a football match tomorrow.A.will isB.will haveC.will be

()8.My sister will go to town to help the children.I will go there ______.A.as wellB.alsoC.as well as

()9.I have to ______ 500 yuan for all these things.A.costB.payC.spend

()10.---_________ do you usually play basketball?---On the playground.A.WhenB.WhereC.Who

()11.My English book is lost.I __________ it everywhere but I can’t find it.A.look forB.look atC.look after

()12.Reading in bed isn’t _____________ our eyes.A.good atB.do wellC.good for

()13.There are two ___________ students in our school.A.thousandsB.thousandC.thousands of

()14.We will have a lot of homework ____________ tonight.A.doingB.doC.to do

()15.---We are going to have a trip to Australia.---___________________.A.Have a good timeB.Thanks a lotC.Goodbye


John likes chocolates very much, but his mother doesn’t give him.Eating too many chocolates is for his teeth, she thinks.But John has a very nice.The old manhis grandson very much and sometimes he John some chocolates.Then his1

mother lets him eat themshe wants to make the old man.It’s John’s fourteenth birthday this Sunday.He says to his mother, “ Please God(上帝),make them give me a big box ofyou.Don’t shout(喊叫).”

“I,” says the clever boy with a smile.“ But Grandfather is in the next room, and

hehear me.”




()19.A.buyB.buysC.is buying




()23.A.listenB.listen toC.hear



四、阅读下列两篇短文,从各题所给的A、B、C、和D项中选出最佳选项。Two little children come to a new city.Their names are Tony and Tom.Certainly they live with their parents.Their family is very rich.They have a driver and a lot of servants(仆人).Tony and Tom are going to a new school.On the first day their parents say to them, “Tony at your new school.Don’t say we are rich.” And they say, “Yes, Dad and Mum.”

So they go to school.They see their new teacher.And they sit down with other children.The teacher says, “Hello, children!The first exercise today is a composition(作文), My Family,” So all the children write a composition.This is Tony’s composition.“My name is Tony.My family is very poor.Both my father and my mother are very poor.Our driver is very poor and all the other servants are poor…”

()26.Tony and Tom’s father is very ______.A.poorB.richC.tallD.old

()27.The subject of the composition is ______.A.My FamilyB.My SchoolC.My BrotherD.My mother

()28.There are ______ in their family.A.a lot of drivers and a lot of servantsB.a servant and a driver

C.two servants and two driversD.a lot of servants and a driver

()29.Tony is ______.A.a manB.a boyC.a teacherD.driver

()30.The word “modest” in the passage is ______.A.高兴的B.谦虚的C.努力的D.安静的第二节 主题匹配阅读下面5段语言材料,从A到F选项中找出与它们相对应的标题。Healthy eating habits are important.Here are five of the best eating habits.Follow them and you will have a healthy lifestyle.()31.Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, then you can have clearer skin, better sleep, and imrove your eyesight.If not, you’re warned of losing water.You may need even more water if you are exercising.()32.Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.You will have more energy after eating breakfast.When you skip(遗漏)breakfast, you are likely to become tired when your brain and body run low on fuel.()33.Eat a light lunch every day.If you don’t have time to go out to have a big meal, or if you are too busy with your work, take a sandwich in the morning with you for a quick lunch.()34.We should eat fruit and vegetables every day.Add a banana to your breakfast, have a salad with lunch, and eat at least one vegetable at dinner.()35.Try to have dinner at least 3 hours before you go to bed.Your body needs time to digest(消化)most of the food before you rest for the next 8 hours.A.Eat your fruit and vegetablesB.Drink plenty of water

C.Don’t eat dinner lateD.Eat lunch

E.Don’t miss breakfastF.Go to sleep after eating

五、综合语言运用第一节 根据汉语或首字母写出英文单词

36.He can speak English very w_________.37.The sun r_______ in the east.38.The teachers write on the blackboard with the __________(粉笔).39.The __________(俱乐部)in our school are very popular.40.We are going to have a ____________(野餐)this Saturday.第二节 综合填空


I want to be the PE monitor.I enjoy(41)s________, and I can run really(42)f______.I’m really fit and healthy.Just watch me in the playground between lessons!I(43)p______ most ball games well.But I’m really(44)g_______ at football, and I play basketball in the school team.I usually get the best score in every match.(45)C_________ me for the PE monitor and you can get the best score too!



I like ________________reading ________________ doing sports.47.将来人们将有更长的假期。

People will have longer holidays ______________________.48.我们不再需要笔和纸了。

We won’t need pens and paper __________________.49.大明和玲玲今晚打算看电影。

Daming and Lingling _________________________ a movie this evevning.50.早上好,先生。我可以为你做点什么吗?

Good morning, Sir.___________________________ for you?

第五节 阅读短文,回答问题

Hi, I am Susan.I am from the U.K..But now I’m in China.I’m going to do many things in the winter holiday.First, I’m going to finish my homework.Then I’m going to take a trip.I’m going to Beijing.It’s snowy in Beijing.There is white snow everywhere.So I’m going to make a snowman.I can ski(滑雪).My parents will come to China and go with me.We are going to fly there.We are going to have a nice trip.51.Where is Susan from?_______________________________

52.What is Susan going to do first?____________________________

53.What’s the weather like in Beijing?________________________________

54.Is she going to make a snowman in Beijing?________________________________

55.How are they going to get to(到达)Beijing?________________________________

第六节 材料作文

以下是John 下星期日的计划和安排,请根据下面的要求写一篇英语短文。



5.他擅长阅读,晚上看《西行漫记》(Red Star Over China)


写作要求:1.词数70-80字; 2.文章的开头已给出,但不计入总词数。





John is a student.He is going to have a busy day next Sunday._________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

答 案

1.C 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.A 7.C 8.A 9.B 10.B 11.A 12.C 13.B 14.C 15.A

16.A 17.A 18.C 19.B 20.B 21.A 22.B 23.C 24.B 25.A

26.B 27.A 28.D 29.B 30.B.31.B 32.E 33.D 34.A 35.C

36.well 37.rises 38.chalk 39.clubs 40.picnic

41.sports 42.fast 43.play 44.good 45.Choose

46.not only, but also 47.in the future 48.any more

49.are going to see 50.What can I do

51.She is from UK.52.She is going to finish her homework first.53.It is snowy.54.Yes, she is.55.They are going to get to Beijing by plane/ by air.材料作文(略)

















第一周: Module 1 Lost and found

第二周: Module 2 What can I do?

第三周: Module 3 Making plans

第四周: Module 4 Life in future

第五周: Module 5 Shopping

第六周: Module 6 Around town

第七周: Revision Module A

第八周:复习Module 1~Module 6

第九周: 期中考试

第十周: Module 7My past life

第十一周: Module 8 Story time

第十二周: Module 9 Life history

第十三周: Module 10 A holiday journey

第十四周: Module 11 Body language

第十五周: Module 12 Western music

第十六周: Revision Module B

第十七周: 全面复习,迎接期末考试

第十八周: 全面复习,迎接期末考试

第十九周: 期末考试



一.选择题:A B D C BA B C B AA























第四篇:外研版七年级英语下NSE module9教案

外研版七年级英语下NSE module9教案



7B-Modlue9 备课材料 秀洲区新塍镇中学--熊国辉




二、教学目标 1.知识目标: 语音:规则动词的一般过去时的发音

词汇: once、hear、begin、decide、ride、golden、little、pick、notice、hurry、knock、nobody、push、open、enter、count、bowl、all、hungry、rush、try、destroy、unhappy、asleep、return、cry、point、without、die、emperor、once upon a time、go for a ride、pick up、look around、change into 语法:规则动词的一般过去式。功能:按时间顺序描述事情。

话题:以“童话故事”(fairy tales)为话题。2.能力目标:


说:运用一般过去时表述事件,讲简单的 故事。



三、学习策略、文化意识 1.学习策略:形成自主学习、有效交际、信息处理、英语思维能力。认知: 联系,归纳,推测等技能。观察并归纳规则动词的一般过去式、提高自学能力。


交际 :学习运用恰当词语讲解童话故事。

资源 :通过其他资源获取更多简单英语的 “童话故事” 自学策略 :能够尝试阅读一些简写的英文童话故事。能注意发现语言现象背后的规律、并能运用规律举一反三。

合作学习策略 :互相学习,取长补短,注意从他人的演示中汲取经验、注意学习策略共享。





五、模块任务(Module Task)


六、教材处理及教学设计 我们把本模块划分为4课时:

Period 1: Vocabulary and Listening、Pronunciation and Speaking Period 2: Reading and Vocabulary Period 3: Writing、Around the world、Module Task Period 4: Language in use 教学设计Period 1:Vocabulary and Listening、Pronunciation and Speaking Unit1 Once upon a time Step1 Warming up & Revision1.Guess :Where the teacher was last night? S1:---Were you at home last night? T:----No, I wasn't.S2:---Were you at school? T:----No, I wasn't 设计理念: 通过设置悬念,引发学生探究欲望、从而激起学习动机;同时又复习了前一模块的知识重点

2.Ask and answer in groups of four: Learn where your friend was last night.Ask one to stand up.S1:---Were you at the cinema? S2:---No, I wasn't.S3:---Was he/she(S4)at the cinema? S4:---No, he/she wasn't.S1:---Were you at home? S2:---Yes, I was.设计理念:通过学生之间的活动,既复习旧课又了解朋友、增进友情。Step2 Presentation Last light I was at the cinema, I saw a fairy film “The Snow White”(白雪公主)Snow White设计理念:以学生熟悉的童话故事人物---the Snow White 为引子,很自然地倒入新课 Do you know them? The Little MermaidThe Emperor's New Clothes The Little Girl Who Is Selling Matches Goldilocks 设计理念:展示一些童话人物,并以Goldilocks为结束,以引出新内容的学习活动。

Step3 Learn some words We usually begin(开始)a story with “Once upon a time...(从前)” golden 金黄色decide to do 决定去做某事

go for a ride=ridebear 熊设计理念:无论多新的教法,单词还得实实在在得教、读。Step4 Listen and checkActivity1The story is The Three Bears.()Goldilocks lived in the forest.()The story begins: Once upon a time...()She decided to go for a ride in the forest.()设计理念:

刚刚学好单词,可以趁热打铁,训练听的能力,使学习活动更加有效。Step5 Look and learn 1.Learn:little=very small 2.Look at the pictures and answer the questions.1)Who is Goldilocks ? 2)Where is she ? 1)Goldilocks was a little girl with golden hair.2)She was in the forest.3.Learnknock V.敲pick v.采摘push v.推enter v.进入 设计理念: 根据图片学习单词有助于学生掌握。Step6 Listen and number a(8)b(7)c(4)d(5)e(1)f(6)g(3)h(2)设计理念: 初步感知一般过去时的读音及巩固刚才所学

Step7 Look and learn(Activity5)

Picked was lost noticed hurried Knocked pushed entered counted 设计理念:以刚获得的知识进行巩固并借此认识规则动词的一般过去时,同时将第五部分处理好。Activity7Step8 Listen and repeat(Pronunciation)knocked picked walked pushed liked finished stopped noticed answered entered hurried lived counted decided 设计理念: 简要理解一下规则动词的一般过去时的构成 Step9 Listen and answer Activity4 and activity6 1.Listen to the tape and answer:---What did she pick in the forest?---Where was Goldilocks? 2.Read the dialogue in pairs,and answer the questions of activity6 3.Ask some students to act it out.4.Explain: bowl-碗 nobody-无人 all-全部的 hungry-饥饿的 设计理念: 听力的训练离不开知识的积累,这一步骤力争与前面更好的衔接。Step10 Speaking 1.Listen and repeat of activity8 2.Work in pairs, retell the story if possible.设计理念: 一方面先巩固故事情节,一方面又可以锻炼说英文故事的能力。考虑到内容较多,针对学习能力强的同学可以课堂内完成复述。Homework:

1.Read and copy the new words.(All)2.Retell the story for your friend(Part)设计理念: 课后单词一定要读,否则容易忘记。分层作业对不同的学生有不同的要求,体现以人为本的教育理念。Period 2Reading and VocabularyUnit2Goldilocks rushed out of the house Step1 Warming up & Revision 1.Can you read these? knocked picked walked pushed liked finished stopped noticed answered entered hurried lived counted decided 2.Can you retell the story of Goldilocks? 设计理念:复习环节要突出实效,一般刚开始上课学生注意力更集中,有利于对前面的知识及时有效的复习。Step2 Pre-read 1.Guess:---Whose house was it? 2.Work in pairs.Say what happened next in Goldilocks and Three Bears.(Activity1)3.Learn some new words: try-tried destroy-destroyed cry-cried return-returned point-pointed jump--jumped 设计理念:阅读故事前应该先进行热身活动,有 利于对故事先有一个词汇上的准备Step3 Read1.What can you see in the picture ? 设计理念:借助对图片的认识,对故事有一个大致的了解。

2.Read the story and number the pictures in the correct order.设计理念:改变以往快速阅读后回答一二个简单的问题的形式,重新排列图片使学生对故事有进一步的认识。

3.Read and check the true sentences.1)Goldilocks didn't like the smallest chair.()2)Goldilocks didn't like the smallest bed.()3)Baby Bear didn't look in the bedroom.()4)Baby Bear didn't notice the little girl in his bed at first.()5)Goldilocks didn't notice the three Bears at first()6)Goldilocks didn't like the three Bears.()设计理念: 精读故事之后,对故事的细节需要有一定的认识,可以自己另外设计一些选择题目。

Step4 Listen and repeat First, Goldilocks wanted to sit down because she was tired.The two big chairs were uncomfortable.She didn't like them,so she tried the smallest chair.It was nice, but Goldilocks was very heavy and she destroyed it. She was unhappy and tired.She walked into the bedroom.There were three beds.She didn't like the two big beds.The smallest bed was very comfortable.Very soon she was asleep in it.

The three Bears returned.They looked at the bowls and the chairs.Baby Bear cried, “There's nothing in my bowl and my chair is in pieces!'' He was very unhappy!Next, the Bears looked in their bedroom.They didn't notice Goldilocks at first.

Then Baby Bear pointed at the little girl in his bed,and cried,”Look!There's the naughty girl!“ Finally, Goldilocks opened her eyes.The three Bears were around her,so Goldilocks jumped out of bed and hurried out of the house without her basket.She didn't return to the forest again. 设计理念: 学生关上书本,对故事进行听和跟读的活动,既能练习听力又对故事进行了更深的了解。

Step5 Expression 1.unhappy---adj.不高兴 2.asleep---adj.睡着的 3.point at---指着 4.without---prep.没有 设计理念: 将剩余的词汇以解释的形式学习,并适当举例进行活动。Step6 Read the story again 1.Read the story again and match the sentences with the pictures.(Activity3)2.Look at these sentences.--First, they looked at the bowls and the chairs.--Next the Bears looked in their bedroom.--Then Baby Bear pointed at the little girl in his bed.--Finally, Goldilocks opened her eyes.设计理念: 这些句子实际是为以后的写作打下铺垫。Homework1.Use first, next, then, finally to write a short passage or retell the story.(part)2.Read the story loudly three times.(all)设计理念:读完故事要求最好会说故事,考虑到难度问题故此分层做。Period3Writing & Around the world & Module task Step1 Revision 1.Use first, next, then, finally to retell the story.2.Revise the words and phrases in last period.设计理念:本节课时主要完成写作任务,在写作之前对上一课时的词汇与短语进行复习是必要的,复述课文有利于写作的开展。Step2 Number the sentences in activity6 1.Ask the students to number the sentences individually and check their answer with a friend.2.Rewrite them using first, next, then and finally.3.Read these sentences loudly.设计理念:

把写作可能出现的难处预先处理好,为写作做好充分的准备。Step3 Write 1.If possible, give them an example.2.Ask the students to rewrite the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears.3.Check some examples from the class.4.Give them some summarize.设计理念:课堂效益的提高不是在口头上或是花样上,而应该是实用性较强的双基上。写作课一定要让学生去实践、去体验、去交流。Step4 Around the world Learn something about fairy tales.If they have questions about it, help them.设计理念:这一环节可以简单处理,若没有时间则不处理。我们是用教材去教而不是教教材。Step5 Module Task Telling a story: 1.Activity3 on P61.Ask the students to talk about what they can see.2.Let them put the sentences together.3.Check their answers.设计理念:模块任务体现在写作课时中,能更好地帮助学生学习整个模块。Homework1.Do the Self-assessment of the workbook.(all)2.Write a fairy tale that you knew.(part)设计理念:拓展学生学习资源,利用已有的经验进行写故事对学生是一种更好的激励。自我评价也是各类评价中的一种,也可以互相评价。Period4Unit3 Language in use Step1 Revision picked was lost noticed hurried

knocked pushed entered counted 设计理念:重复前面的内容,以便于学生因熟悉而更好掌握。Step2 Summary 规则动词过去式的构成: ? 一般动词加-ed。如:looked, stayed ? 以e结尾的动词只加-d。如:hoped, lived ? 末尾只有一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节的动词,应先双写这个辅音字母,再加-ed.如:stop→stopped, plan(计划)→planned

? 结尾是”辅音字母+y"的动词,先将y改为i,再加-ed.如:study-studied, carry-carried ?-ed(或-d)的读音:

? 在清辅音结尾的词后读[t].如:work→worked [kt], help-helped[pt];在浊辅音和元音后读[d]。如:call→called[ld], play-played[pleid];在[t]和[d]音后面发[id]。如:want-wanted[tid],need-needed[did].设计理念:语法的归纳,虽然老套,但必不可少。Step3 Practice ? Activity2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box ? answer enter hurry jump like notice point return rush ? Goldilocks rushed out of the house ? Goldilocks didn't live(not)in the forest ? Baby Bear _________ to the girl in his bed ? She _______________ the house ? Goldilocks ______________ out of bed ? She _____________ to the little house ? The three Bears ____________(not)the door because they were out in the forest ? Goldilocks __________(not)the food in the biggest bowl ? The three Bears ______________(not)Goldilocks in bed at first.? Goldilocks _______________(not)to that part of the forest again 设计理念:运用过去式的基本形式,通过练习,帮助学生查漏补缺。Step4 Practise Activity1: Do it individually.The answers: 1.didn't live 2.picked 3.noticed 4.knocked 5.entered 6.counted 7.picked 8.didn't like 9.finished 10.tried 11.destroyed 12.looked 13.returned 14.didn't notice 15.cried 16.pointed 17.cried 18.jumped 19.hurried

20.didn't look 21.returned 设计理念:继续运用过去式,对课本进行更深入的研究学习。Step5 Work in pairs Look at the picture and make sentences using the words given 设计理念:重回模块任务,以实例验证学生掌握的情况。Step5 Make a story Put the sentences together to make a story.Use words like and, so, but, because, first, next, then and finally.设计理念:根据学生掌握的情况,决定这一环节是否需要。Homework1.Finish the workbook.(all)2.Recite all the words and expressions.(all)3.Write your own fairy tale.(part)设计理念:背诵单词与词组是不可少的,而自己编写一个童话故事,则有利于激发学生的学习兴趣。整体设计理念



第五篇:英语:Module2Spring FestivalUnit1学案(外研版七年级下)

Module 2 Spring Festival

Unit 1 We’re getting ready for Spring Festival.一、教学目标:

1、掌握重点单词:Festival, ready, cook, meal, learn, dragon, lantern, sweep, floor, happen, help, tradition, bad, luck, paint, mean, decorate, decoration, everyone, haircut, give, dumpling, sweet, pudding, fireworks, few, want, week, round, bring, colour, something, cut, Christmas, long2、重点短语:Spring Festival, get ready for, dragon dance, Lantern Festival, sweep away, at work, paper cut, New Year, New Year’s Eve, sweet pudding, a few, all the year round.3、掌握现在进行时的问与答。





















Spring Festival,Lantern Festival,Father’s Day,Mother’s Day,May Day,Children’s Day,Teacher’s Day,Mid-autumn Day,National Day


New Year,Valentine’s Day,Father’s Day,Mother’s Day,April Fool’s Day,Children’s Day Halloween,Thanks-giving Day,Christmas3、问学生中国最盛大的传统节日是什么?What is the greatest festival in China?

从而导入Spring Festival。

What are people doing before the Spring Festival?


make lanterns,learn a dragon dance,sweep the floor,cook the meal,clean the house(疯狂最快速、最清晰、最大声地读这些短语)


①Is the woman cleaning the house? Yes, she is.②Is she cooking the meal? Yes, she is.③Are they sweeping the floor? Yes, they are.④Are they buying things? Yes, they are.采用结对活动,进行练习。

四、小听力:listen and check 很简单,一遍即可。



1.Are they getting ready for the Spring Festival?

Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t.2.Are the boys making lanterns?

Yes, they’re./ No, They aren’t.3.Is Lingling’s mother sweeping the floor?

Yes, she is./ No, she isn’t.4.Is her aunt cooking the meal?

Yes, she is.No, she isn’t.5.Is Lingling’s grandmother cooking the meal?

Yes, sheis.No, she isn’t.6.Is Lingling’s father working? Yes, he is./ No, he isn’t.注意放录音时,教师不要中途中断,妨碍听力的连续性。


Listen again and answer:

1、How many people are talking in the dialogue?

2、How many people are there in Lingling’s family?




1、What’s happening?的汉语意思______________。拓展:happen to do sth.翻译:我碰巧遇见了他。___________________。

2.get 的现在分词是_____,用get ready for 造句________________。



4.He is at work.的同义句:_____________.(二)自主完成后,小组合作,交流学习成果,共同释疑。




get ready for,learn a dragon dance,make lanterns,clean the house,sweep the floor, cook the meal,at work







1.We are getting ready for Spring Festival.2.What’s happening?

3.What are boys doing?

4.The boys are learning a dragon dance.5.I’m making lanterns.6.She’s sweeping the floor.7.She’s cooking the meal.8.He’s at work./He’s working.十、当堂检测题(主要检测重难点)


1.Clean the house6.春节

2.Cook the meal7.为……准备好

3.Sweep the floor8.学舞龙

4.At work9.做灯笼

5.Learn English10.玲玲的妈妈









(三)1.They are playing games over there.(就划线部分提问)


2.What is Betty doing?(用make lanterns作答)


3.They are cleaning the house for the Spring Festival.(就划线部分提问)___________________________________

4.He is at work.(同义句改写)






1)读熟第二单元单词2)预习第二单元课文,完成activity1, 2 and 3



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