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Module7 知识点总结

1.序数词前有形容词性物主代词或者名词所有格、形容词 时,前面的 the 省略 例如: my first teachers, Tony’ s fifth birthday.2......的名字是什么? What ’ s the name of...? /What was the name of...? 如: What was the name of your first school? What are the names of your brothers? 3.What is/are/was/ were......like? 对品质、性格,外貌提问用

What does......look like? 对相貌提问用 What does......like? 对兴趣、爱好提问 如:----What was your first friend like?----He was friendly and good.----What does your first friend look like?----He is tall and thin.----What does your first friend like?----He likes swimming.4.出生于 be born用语过去时(born 为 bear 的过去分词, 过去式为 bore 如: They were born in 1999, but I was born on

December 19th, 2000.My father was born in a small village, and my uncle was born in a city.5.be strict with sb.对某人严格、严厉 be strict in sth.对某事严格、严谨

My mother is strict with me but she isn’ t strict in her work.6.be friendly to sb.对某人友好 , 类似的结构还有 be kind to sb.例如:She is friendly to us everyone.friendly 反义词 unfriendly 以 ly 结尾的形容词还有, lovely , lonely , ugly , silly , weekly , monthly ,等等 7.(a very adj./adv.(原形 + n.太....,非常....,很.....quite(a/ an+ adj./adv.(原形 + n.so+ adj./adv.(原形 +that +从句如此„以至于 too adj.to do sth.译为:太„„而不能

如: a very big watermelon quite a big watermelon The watermelon is so big that I can’ t eat it all.The watermelon is too big to be eaten.8.past 与 pass 的区别 past 为介词,形容词, 如:(1.go past the hospital and turn left.(2.They are talking about past life.(3.It’ s ten past four.pass 为动词, pass by 经过 如 : Please pass(递 me the pen.The police car passed slowly.8.“在某地有„„要做”用句型 there is/are/was/were +sth.+to do„

例如:There were a lot of things to do in Quincy.There are lots of interesting places to visit in Tianjin.表示“某人有某事要做”用 have/has sth.to do 如: They had many things to do, and I have lots of books to read.10.one of + 名词复数 表示“„„中之一” 如: One of my dear friends is a policeman.one of + us/you/them 我们 /你们 /他们中之一

two of /some of/ many of/ most of„„ 中的两个 /一些 /许 多 /大多数 one of + the+最高级 +名词复数

The Yangtze River is one of the longest rivers in China.Most of the people in this room are over forty.11.…there was a big garden with lots of trees and there was a small lake with many fish in it.with 的用法总结 with用法归纳(1 “用„„”表示使用工具,手段等。例如:

We can walk with our legs and feet.He writes with a pencil.(2 “和„„在一起” ,表示伴随。例如: Can you go to a movie with me? He often goes to the library with Jenny.(3 “与„„”。例如:I ’ d like to have a talk with you.(4 “关于,对于” ,表示一种关系或适应范围。例如: What’s wrong with your watch?(5 “带有,具有”。例如: He ’ s a tall kid with short hair.They have no money with them.There is a big house with a swimming pool.(6 “在„„方面”。例如:Kate helps me with my English.(7 “随着,与„„同时”。

例如:With these words, he left the room.说完这些 话,他离开了房间。12.fish 作名词时 可以翻译为:鱼(可数,单复数同形 如;many fish 作“鱼肉”讲时,为不可数名词。

作“鱼的种类”讲时,为可数名词,可以变复数。如 : We have five fishes in this river.这条河里有 5种鱼。13.I was there for the last time in 2010.last 为形容词,译 为“最后的,最近的”

如:December is the last month of a year.I was the last to come to school.作动词讲时,译为“持续” The meeting lasted for three hours.14.one day 有一天(将来时或过去时

15.I know what he does.我知道他是干什么的。

动词 know 后的句子为宾语从句,语序要用陈述语序。1.他出生在 1996年。2.我出生在德州。3.他妈妈出生生在五月一日 4.你妈妈出生在哪里? 5.她是什么时候出生的? 6.你的第一个语文老师是谁? 7.他是第一个到校的学生。




14.我出生在昆西 — 美国东海岸的一个小镇。15.在昆西有许多事情要做。


19.这是我最近一次在那里是在 2010年。20.我没有什么可担心的事。21.我有很多朋友可以一起玩。22.你愿意和我们一道去游泳吗? 23.我们用耳朵听。语法:一般过去时: 1.表示过去某一时间所发生的动作。

2.表示在过去的一段时间内经常发生的动作或存在的状 态。一般过去时有两种形式: 1.主语 +was/were + 名词 /形容词 /介词短语 +过去时间 There was/ were + 名词 + 地点状语 + 过去时间 一般疑问句:把 was , were 提前至句首;否定句:在 was 和 were 的后面加 not , 缩写可以写成 wasn`t 或 weren`t。2.主语 +实意动词的过去式 +过去时间

一般疑问句:要借助 did ,但后面的动词要变为原形。分两步走: 1先用 Did 开头;2再把后面的动词改成原形。用 did 问,用 did 回答: 否定句:两步走: 1在主语后面加 did not(缩写 didn`t。2要把动词过去式改回原形。过去时间状语: 1 last---上一„„

last year , last week, last month, last night, last Sunday 2 … Ago … 之前 5 days ago, a week ago, 3 months ago, many years ago 3 Yesterday 昨天 yesterday morning , yesterday evening 用括号内词的适当形式填空: 1,She often _____(go to school at eight o’clock.2,They are _____________ supper.(eat 3,He usually _______ up at 17:00.(get 4,She _______(live in Beijing last year.5,Sally ____________________to the zoo tomorrow.(go 6,___(bethere a fly(苍蝇 on the table just now(刚才 ? 7,Mary __________(read English yesterday morning.8,There _____(be no one here a moment ago.9,I ______________(call Mike this morning.10,I listened but ____________(hear nothing.11,Tom ________(begin to learn Chinese last year.12,Last week we _______(pick many apples on the farm.13,My mother ___________(not do housework yesterday.句型转换: They came to China in 1990.(变一般疑问句 2.I was ill for two days last week?(同上 3.The twins go to school on foot every day.(同上 4.She washed the clothes last Sunday.(变否定句 5.She is going to go shopping tomorrow.(变否定句 6.My mother likes her students.(变一般疑问句

7.Do you watch TV on Sunday?(用 last Sunday 改写成过 去时态的句子 8.Wei Hua bought a new pen yesterday.(变否定句





1.be from = come from 来自

I am from China.= I come from China.我来自中国。

Where are you from? = Where do you come from? 你来自哪儿?

2.---What’s your name?

---What’s his name?

---What’s her name?

---My name is Tom./ I’m Tom.---His name is Daming.---Her name is Lingling.3.---How old are you?

---How old is he / she?

---I’m 15 years old.---He / she is 14 years old.4.---What class are you in?

---What class is he in?

---I am in Class 1, Grade 7.---He is in Class 1, Grade 7.5.Good to see you.= Nice to see you.= Glad to see you.见到你很高兴。

6.What about „= How about „ 怎么样(询问)What / How about your school life? 7.the capital of„ „的首都

Beijing is the capital of China.8.a very big city 一个非常大的城市

Shanghai is a very big city.9.first name = given name 名字

last name = family name 姓

10.welcome to sp.欢迎来到某地

Welcome to China.11.I’m from China.I’m Chinese.I can speak Chinese.I’m from England.I’m English.I can speak English.12.I am from China, too.I can also speak English.I don’t like the book , either.13.Is everyone here today? 今天大家到齐了吗?

14.Chinese: 中国人,中国的 I am Chinese.中国人

I am a Chinese girl.中国的English: 英国人,英国的 I am English.英国人

I am an English girl.英国的作文1 About myself.My name is Tom./ I’m Tom.I’m a student in No.3 Middle School.I am 15 years old.I’m from China and I am Chinese.I can speak English , too.I am in Class 1, Grade 7.I like sports./ I like doing sports.My favourite sport is basketball./ Playing basketball is my favourite sport.范文2

My friend

This is my friend.His name is Tom.He is from America.Now he is in Beijing.He is 13 years old.He’s in No.14 Middle School.He is in Class One, Grade One.We’re in the same class.His father is a teacher.He teaches English.His mother is a teacher , too.His parents are in the same school.But his parents aren’t in our school.Module2

My family Vocabulary:

A family: father—mother dad(daddy)—mum(mom)/ mummy parent –parents

uncle —aunt brother—sister son—daughter husband—wife man--woman

boy — girl grandfather-– grandmother grandpa –-grandma grandparent – grandparents cousin B job: a driver, a farmer, a worker, a manager, a teacher, a student, a doctor, a nurse,a singer, a writer, an actor, an actress, a policeman, policewoman,C place: at a bus station, in a hospital, in a hotel, at a theatre, on a farm, at school,in the shop, in a factory 1.I have an elder brother.哥哥

She has a younger / little sister.妹妹

2.This is a photo of my family.一张我的全家福

My family is a big one.家庭

This is Jim’s family tree.家谱

My family are watching TV now.家人

3.on the left 在左边

on the right 在右边

on the left / right of 在…的左边 / 右边

4.next to 在…旁边,紧挨着 = beside = near

5.in front of 在…前面(相对独立)

in the front of 在„„前部(在…内部)

There is a tree in front of the house.There is a blackboard in the front of the classroom.6.at the bus station 在公共汽车站

at school 在学校

at the same hospital 在同一所医院

at a police station 在警局

7.(be)in hospital(生病)住院

in the hospital 在医院

Tom is ill in hospital because he is ill.Tom’s father works in the hospital.8.in the photo 照片上

There is a big house in the photo.9.a manager of a theater = a theater manager 一个剧院经理

10.a manager of a hotel = a hotel manager 一个旅馆经理

11.a bus driver 一位公共汽车司机

a farm worker 一位农场工人 a shop worker 一名店员

an English teacher 一位英语老师

12.man – woman(men – women)a woman doctor – women doctors 女医生

a man teacher – men teachers 男老师

There are three men teachers in the office.13.Is this / that your family? → Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.Are these / those your parents? → Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t.14.Who is this?

Who is this boy?

Who are the boy and the girl? They are my friends.15.问职业:

What is your mother? = What does your mother do? = What is your mother’s job?

What be + 名词(主语)?

What do / does + 主语 +do? What be one’s job? 16.介绍家庭常用的句型。

1)This is a photo of my family.2)I have a big / small family.3)There are ____ people in my family.They are _____ and I.4)This is „ and this is „.5)My father / mother is a ________ in a ________.6)I love my family very much./ I have a happy family.范文:

My family

I have a big and happy family.There are six people in my family.They are my grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, my brother and me.This is my grandfather Henry.He is 65 years old.And Maria is my grandmother.She is 63 years old this year.These are my parents.My father is George, He is 37 years old.He is a doctor.My mother’s name is Sandra.She is 34 years old.My little brother is Tom.He is an eight-year-old boy.My name is Lily and I am 12 years old.I am a student.I love my family.Module3 My school Vocabulary:

A: in the dining hall(have meals), in the library(read books), in the office(work),on the playground(do sports), in the sports hall(play table tennis)

on the blackboard, in the classroom, in the computer room(play computer)

at the school gate, in the science lab, on the desk,a map, a television, a dictionary, a teaching building, a classroom building, a science building, an office building, some furniture

B: in, on, near = next to = beside, at / in front of, in the front of, on the left / right of, in the middle of, between„and

C: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, hundred 1.a lot of furniture, a piece of furniture :一件家俱

There is lots of furniture in my room.Furniture是不可数名词

2.a map of China, a map of the world, a map of England, a map of America 3.There is a map of the world on the wall.There are 4 windows in the wall.4.There are many apples on the tree.There is a bird in the tree.5.There is a tree in front of the house.The driver is sitting in the front of the bus.6.This is the classroom building with 24 classrooms.这座教学楼有24间教室。

7.The building is for science.这座楼是科技楼。

8.What is your classroom like?

→ It’s very big.What is your brother like?

→ He is friendly.What is the weather like today? → It’s sunny.9.The gym is next to the office.= Next to the office is the gym.10.go to school 上学

leave school 毕业

主语 + be +方位

方位 + be + 主语

There be句型总结:

1.there be 句型表示 在某地或某时 有某物或某人。

There be + 某物 / 某人 + 地点/ 时间

There are 50 students / 50 desks in the classroom.There will be a party tomorrow.2.there be句型就近原则:be动词由其后接的最近的名词来决定其单复数。

1)There is a book and some boxes on the desk.2)There are some boxes and a book on the desk.3)There is some water in the cup.3.there be句型的特殊疑问句形式有以下三种变化:

① 对主语提问:当主语是人时,用“Who's+介词短语?”;当主语是物时;用“What's + 介


There are many books over there.→What's over there?

There is a little girl in the room.→Who is in the room?

② 对地点状语提问:提问地点用”Where is / are+主语”。例如:

There is a computer on the desk.→ Where is the computer?

There are four children in the classroom.→Where are the four children?

③ 对数量提问:

How many + 复数名词 + are there + 介词短语 ?

How much + 不可数名词 + is there + 介词短语? 例如:

There are twelve months in a year.→How many months are there in a year? There is some money in my wallet.→How much money is there in your wallet? 4.there be 句型的时态:be有一般现在时,一般过去时,将来时和完成时。

There are more and more high buildings in the city.There was a knock at the door.有人敲门。

There is going to be a meeting tonight.= There will be a meeting tonight.There has been a girl waiting for you.有个女孩一直在等你。


1.Welcome to my school.2.Let me tell you something about my school.3.This is a map of my school.4.There is / are „„ in my school.5.It is + 方位.6.I think my school is very big and beautiful.7.We all like it very much.范文:

My school

My school is very big.There is a library and some offices.The library is in front of the offices.There are some science labs, too.They are next to the offices.There is a teaching building and a sports hall.The teaching building is next to the offices and there are nineteen classrooms in the teaching building.The sports hall is next to the teaching building.There is a dining hall behind the teaching building and there are some computer rooms behind the offices.I love my school very much.Module4

Healthy food


Fruit: apple, orange, banana, pear, strawberry, blueberry Meat: beef, pork, chicken, fish.Vegetables: beans, tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, Drink: tea, water, milk, juice, cola, coffee, Candy: chocolate, sugar Others: rice, noodles, ice cream, hamburger, bread,表示数量:a bottle of milk, a cup of tea, a glass of water, a box of chocolate, a basket of eggs, a bowl of rice, a plate of fish, a piece of bread, a kilo of meat, a kind of fruit, many kinds if fruits 形容词(adj.): delicious, sour, sweet, hot, fresh, big, small,二、单词与句型:

1.Is your food and drink healthy? 饮食

Let’s go for a drink.一杯饮料

Milk and water are healthy drinks.饮料(种类)

I drink a glass of milk every day.V.(动词)喝

2.Do you have any fruit?


There are many kinds of fruits in the supermarket.水果(种类)

3.I have too much homework to do.I have too many books.4.We have got some tomatoes and potatoes.5.healthy food, unhealthy drink, be/ keep /stay healthy, be in good health, our health, 6.some bread, a piece of bread, 7.I like eating fish.n.(名词)鱼肉

The boy caught a fish.There are a lot of fish in the river.n.鱼 Let’s go fishing.V.(动词)钓鱼

8.Eating vegetables is good for our health.吃蔬菜对我们的健康有益。

Drinking cola isn’t good for us.= Drinking cola is bad for us.对„„有害

I am good at speaking English.擅长

9.This film is a bit boring.a bit + adj.a bit tired / happy 10.He plays football very well.adv.(副词)

He is very well now.adj.(形容词)健康的This is a good book.adj.(形容词)11.go shopping for sth.= go to buy sth.去买某物

12.have/ has got(某人)拥有

We have got a new school.Tom has got a sister.13.too many + 可数名词复数

too much + 不可数名词

太多的14.get fat 发胖

15.fruit and vegetables 果蔬

16.what kind of 哪种

a kind of 一种

many kinds of = all kinds of各种各样的17.get sth.for sb.为某人买

Please get a book for me, Daming.大明,请为我买本书。

18.have a good breakfast 吃一顿丰盛的早餐

19.have something for breakfast 早餐吃

We have noodles for breakfast.20.be good for 对„„有好处

be bad for 对„„有害处

21.a lot of = lots of = many / much 大量的,许多的22.chicken soup 鸡汤

23.It is important for us to learn English well.It’s time to go home now.24.I don’t like cola or coffee.25.There is some milk in the glass.(肯定句)

Would you like some tea?(委婉语气)Have you got any brothers?(一般疑问句)

How about some orange juice?(征示意见)

She hasn’t got any brothers.(否定句)


1.Fruit and vegetables are healthy food.5.I like orange juice.2.My favourite food / food is _________.6.I like eating hamburgers.3.Eating rice is good for us.7.I have 食物 for breakfast /lunch/dinner.4.Drinking cola is bad for us.8.It is / They are healthy /sweet /delicious.四、范文

Healthy food

We should have some healthy food and drink every day.I’m Kitty.I have some bread and milk for breakfast.For lunch, I have some rice with meat and vegetables.After lunch, I often eat an egg.I have some noodles and fruit for supper.They are all healthy food.There are some healthy food and drink in our fridge.My favourite food is fish.It’s good for my teeth.And my favourite drink is juice.They are healthy and they are good for our health.I never eat chocolate and cola.They are not healthy food.They are bad for me.Module 5

My school life


1.Subject:Chinese, maths, English, history, art, PE, IT, science, music,politics, biology, physics, chemistry,2.Activity: get up, wash one’s face, brush one’s teeth, have breakfast, have lunch,have dinner, go to school, start work, start lesson, have a break, have lessons, go home, watch TV, play computer games,do one’s homework, go to bed,3.Time: in 2014 / 2015

in spring / summer / autumn / winter on Monday / Tuesday

in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, at noon, at night, at 7:00, On Monday morning / afternoon / evening, on weekdays, on weekend,4.adj.(形容词): easy – difficult

interesting – boring


1.like v.喜欢

like doing sth.I like playing basketball after class.2.difficult – easy English isn’t easy.It is difficult.3.because – so

Tom can’t go to school, because he is ill.Tom is ill, so he can’t go to school.4.interesting – interested

The film is very interesting.It is an interesting film.I am interested in the film.5.talk to sb.对„„交谈

talk with sb.跟„„交谈

talk about sb./ sth.谈论„„

6.begin – start 开始

end – finish 结束

Begin with: 以„„开始

The students begin their party with an English song.7.work: His father works in a factory.work v.工作

I have much work to do.work n.总称(不可数名词)job: He finds a good job in the city.n.工作(可数名词)

8.break have a break = have a rest 休息

9.look, see, watch, read

1)Look at the blackboard, please.(看„)

2)What can you see?(看见/ 看到)3)Let’s watch TV.(观看)

4)Let’s read English books.(阅读、看书)

10.--What’s the time? = What time is it? 几点了?

--It is + 8 o’clock.(点钟)11.--What day is it today? 今天星期几?

--It is Monday./ Today is Monday.12.– What are our lessons on Monday? / What lesson do we have on Monday?

--We have English.have English = have an English lesson / class

have + 学科 = have a/an + 学科 + lesson / class 上…课

13.I am good at history.= I do well in history.be good at擅长 = do well in 在„„方面做得好

14.Maths is difficult for Betty.= Maths is difficult for Betty to study Maths.15.start work 开始工作

start lessons 开始学习

16.Mr.Li makes maths lessons interesting.李老师使数学课有趣。

Make + sb./ sth.+ 形容词


17.I do my maths homework first after school.放学后我首先做我的数学作业。


(1)顺读法: 8:10--eight ten 8:30 – eight thirty 8:40 – eight forty

(2)逆读法: 8:10 – ten past eight 8:30 – half past eight 8:40 – twenty to nine


1.let me tell you something about my school day.2.I get up at 6:30 in the morning, and then I „

3.There are 4 lessons in the morning and 3 lessons in the afternoon.4.My favourite subject is English because it is interesting.5.I go home at 5:00.6.This is my school day.范文:

My school day

Let me tell you something about my school day.I usually get up at half past six.Then I have breakfast.I go to school at seven.School starts at eight o’clock.I have four classes in the morning and three in the afternoon.I like P.E.and music because they are interesting.Lessons finish at 5:00 pm.After school, I often play basketball with my classmates on the playground.I go home at half past five.That’s my school day.Module 6

A trip to the zoo


(1)Animals: bear , elephant , giraffe , lion, monkey , panda , tiger, zebra ,(2)plant , bamboo , leaf , grass,(3)Africa , Asia , Europe , zoo , country , all over the world ,(4)形容词:dangerous , tall , cute , funny , large ,二、词组及句型:

1.1.a trip to „ 到„„的旅行

a trip to the zoo 2.welcome to sp.欢迎来到

Welcome to my school.3.many kinds of...许多种类的 There are many kinds of books in the library.4.such as...例如

I like fruits, such as apples, bananas and pears.5.different countries 不同的国家

These animals come from many different countries.6.look at....看一看

Look at the picture on the wall.7.be from = come from 来自

My friend is from Beijing.= My friend comes from Beijing.8.the black and white animal 黑白相间的动物

9.a kilo of „ 一千克

The panda eats about 30 kilos of bamboo a day.10.as well as „ 并且,还„

The zebra eats leaves as well as grass.11.the favourite of people = people’s favourite 人们最喜欢的 A panda is the favourite of people all over the world.12.all over the world 全世界

People all over the world like visiting Guilin every year.13.an African animal 一只非洲的动物

The zebra is an African animal.14.live alone 独居

The tiger usually lives alone.15.catch „ for food 捕食

The tiger catches many kinds of animals for food.16.go and see 去看看

Shall we go and see the pandas?


1.It is big / small / fat / thin / strong.6.It is „ metres high / long.2.It is / comes from „.7.Its name is „.3.It lives in „.8.has got „ and it’s very nice.4.„ is a kind of „ animal.9.is its favourite „.5.It is lovely / cute / dangerous.10.It likes eating „/ playing with„.范文:

A visit to the zoo

Welcome to the zoo.There are two new animals in the zoo.The panda’s name is Feifei.She is from China.She likes eating bamboo.She is lovely and shy.She is two years old.The other animal is a lion.His name is Karl.He is from Africa.He likes eating meat.He is very strong and dangerous.He is three years old.You will like them.Module 7



1.turn on 打开(电器、电源)

14.check the times of trains 查找火车时刻表

2.search for information 搜索信息

15.make travel plans 制订旅行计划

3.on the computer 通过电脑

16.listen to music 听音乐

4.connect „ to/with 连接…和…

17.watch movies


5.open a document 打开文件

18.check emails


6.click on 点击

19.send emails to sb.给某人发邮件

7.on the left of 在„的左边

20.play computer games


8.use sth.to do sth.使用某物做„

21.Search for information


9.save the document 保存文件

22.print the document 打印文件

10.write name for it 为它命名

23.work for a company 为一家公司工作 11.of course 当然可以

24.plan for our holiday 计划我们的假期

12.share sth.with sb.与某人分享某物

25.buy train tickets


13.go on the Internet 上网

26.play music




Now the computer is very popular.We can get information from the Internet.We can download music, read novels and watch films.Also, we can send emails to our friends and talk with them on the Internet.The computer is very useful.But many students spend too much time in playing computer games.It’s bad for their health and study.We should use the computer to help us study.Module 8 Choosing presents


1.have a birthday party for sb 为某人举行生日聚会

2.go to one’s birthday party


3.at the birthday dinner 在生日晚宴上

What do you usually do at a birthday party? 4.make a birthday cake for sb 为某人制作生日蛋糕

5.give/send birthday cards


We sometimes give birthday presents.6.get birthday presents


Do you get birthday presents in China? 7.on one’s birthday 在某人生日那天

8.a box of chocolates

一盒巧克力.a cinema ticket


10.a concert ticket


11.choose a birthday present for...为„„选生日礼物

Which birthday presents do you choose for them? 你为他们选择什么生日礼物?

12.stay/keep healthy


13.get /take /do some exercise 锻炼

14.eleven silk scarves


15.sb spend +时间/钱+on sth 在某物上花费时间/钱

16.sb spend +时间/钱+(in)doing sth 在做某事上花费时间/钱

17.read magazines 阅读杂志

read books 看书

18.go to the cinema 去看电影

see a film 看电影

19.watch sports 观看体育赛事

20.go to concerts 去听音乐会

21.the CDs of one’s favourite songs 某人最喜爱歌曲的唱片

22.go to the football match


23.watch football matches on TV 在电视里看足球比赛

24.at weekends = at the weekend 在周末

25.stay at home


26.on Saturday evening 在星期六晚上

27.hear from sb.收到某人的来信

It’s great to hear from you Mike.28.watch sb.do sth.观看某做某事I always watch my little sister play football at weekends.29.go shopping 去购物

30.at once 立刻,马上

31.buy sb.sth.= buy sth.for sb.为某人买某物

I will buy my mother some flowers tonight.= I’ll buy some flowers for my mother tonight.二、频度副词

1.usually, sometimes, always, often, 等词用来表示动作频率的,在英文中被称为“频度副词”,但程度上有别。一般来说可按频率大小排列:

Always > usually > often > sometimes > seldom(很少)> never(从不)2.频度副词的位置。

(1)在be动词之后。Boys are always good at playing ball games.(2)在第一个助动词或情态动词之后。He doesn’t often go on the Internet.I can never search for information on the Internet.(3)在实义动词之前。

My father often goes to work by car.(4)sometimes可以放在句首、句中或句末,often也可以放在句末。

Sometimes she writes to me.She writes to me often.口诀:频度副词常位于be动词、助动词、情态动词后,实义动词前。



My friend

John is my good friend.He always gets up at half past six.He usually goes to school at seven o’clock.He often helps his friends.His classmates like him very much.He often listens to music at home.Sometimes he plays computer games.This Sunday is his birthday.His friends are going to give him some presents.范文(2)

My hobby

Different people have different hobbies.My hobby is collecting coins.I got my first coin on my 8th birthday from my grandpa.It was an old Chinese coin.I like it very much.I have been collecting coins for 7 years, and I have over 2,500 coins from different countries in different shapes till now.I store them in the box under the bed.My mother often said we had run out of room to store them.Collecting coins helps me learn a lot about different cultures and history.Last year, I donated some of my coins to charity for homeless children.I really think it is worth doing.A good hobby can influence people a lot.This is my hobby.What about yours?

Module 9

People and places


1.stand in line 排队,站成一排

2.take photos = take pictures 拍照

take a photo of...给„„拍照

3.wait for sb./ sth.等侯某人/某物

I’m waiting for the bus / Tom.4.walk on the Great Wall 爬长城

5.talk with sb on the phone


6.at the moment =now= right now 现在,此时

At this moment, in different places of the world, people are doing different things.7.be with sb.和某人在一起

Are they with you? 8.be on sale 在出售

9.lie in the sun 躺在阳光下

He is having lunch and lying in the sun.10.send sth.to sb.by email 通过电子邮件发送某物给某人

11.enjoy the trip a lot 非常喜欢这次旅行

We are enjoying the school trip a lot.12.it’s time to do sth.= it’s time for sth.该做某事的时间了

It’s time to have lunch.= It’s time for lunch.13.go/be on a trip to +地点


We are on a school trip.我们正在进行学校之旅。

14.get off / on 下/上(车)Some people are getting off buses or trains.15.leave work 下班

Some people are leaving work.16.drive home 开车回家

Some people are driving home.17.have afternoon tea 喝下午茶

Some are having afternoon tea at home.18.have a drink 喝一杯, 喝饮料

19.go to the theater 去剧院

20.watch a film = see a film 看电影

21.go home from work 下班回家

22.start lessons 开始上课

23.see friends=visit friends 看望朋友,拜访朋友

24.call home 打电话回家

call a friend 给朋友打电话

call sb.给某人打电话

25.enjoy doing sth = like / love doing sth.喜欢做某事

26.go back to...回

I will go back to my home town tomorrow.27.thank sb.for sth.因某事感谢某人

thank sb.for doing sth.因做某事感谢某人

Thank you for your post card from the Great Wall.Thank you for helping me.28.enjoy the sun 晒太阳,享受阳光

29.the homes of the movie stars 影星之家.a movie star 电影明星

31.write postcards to sb.给某人写明信片

32.have a good time =have fun =enjoy oneself 玩得开心

33.play taijiquan 打太极拳

34.play yangge 扭秧歌

35.run for a bus 追赶公共汽车

36.There are several time zones.有好几个时区。


1.How are you?

2.Let me tell you what we are doing now.3.I am „ and my parents are „.4.Please tell me what you are doing.5.Best wishes.6.See you soon.三、范文:描述一个公园里的活动情况

This is a picture of a park.You can see many people in the park.There are some trees, and there are some birds in them.Under the tree, there are two old men.They are drinking and talking.There are some boys in the lake.They are swimming.Near the lake, a young man is playing football.A tall boy is flying a kite.A girl is sitting on the grass.She is eating an ice cream.A woman in a hat is reading.A man is near her.He is drawing.Module 10 Spring Festival


1.get / be ready for......为„„做准备 We are getting ready for Spring Festival.2.make lanterns 制作灯笼

I’m making big red lanterns.3.learn a dragon dance 学舞龙

4.clean the house 打扫屋子

5.sweep the floor 扫地

6.cook the meal 做饭

7.be busy with sth.忙于某事

8.be busy doing sth.忙于做某事

9.be at work = be working 正在工作

10.put sth.away 把某物放好;整理 11.work hard 努力工作;努力学习

12.jion sb.加入某人

13.hurry up 赶快

14.hurry to +地点 匆忙去某地

15.sweep away 扫走

sweep away bad luck 扫走霉运

16.have a look at...=look at...看一看

17.celebrate sth.庆祝某事

celebrate Spring Festival 庆祝春节

18.have a traditional family dinner 吃一顿传统的家庭团圆饭

19.watch a special programme on TV 在电视里看一个特别的节目

20.lucky money 压岁钱;红包

21.have a big family dinner 吃一顿丰盛的家庭团圆饭

22.on Christmas Day


23.Merry Christmas 圣诞快乐

24.tell sb.about sth.告诉某人某事

25.help sb.with sth.= help sb.(to)do sth.在某事上帮助某人 = 帮助某人做某事

26.on the same day 在同一天

27.a kind of dumpling 一种饺子

28.get food ready 准备好食物

29.because of 因为

30.say „ to sb.对某人说„

say happy new year to sb.祝某人新年快乐

31.get presents from...从„„收到礼物

32.at Lantern Festival 在元宵节

33.a man with a long white beard 一个留有长白胡子的人

34.What’s happening? 怎么了?

35.quite busy 十分忙


Spring Festival

Spring Festival is the most important festival in China.We celebrate Spring Festival in January or February.We have many kinds

of traditions.A few days before Spring Festival, we do some cleaning to sweep away all bad luck.On the evening before Spring Festival we have a big family dinner and watch a special programme on TV.Parents usually give their children lucky money.We also play fireworks.It’s really wonderful.We enjoy Spring Festival a lot!

第三篇:2013新外研版七年级英语下Module 7知识点总结

2013新外研版七年级英语下Module7 知识点总结

1.序数词前有形容词性物主代词或者名词所有格、形容词时,前面的the省略例如: my first teachers, Tony’s fifth birthday.2......的名字是什么? What’s the name of...? /What was the name of...?

例如: What was the name of your first school?What are the names of your brothers?

3.What is/are/was/ were......like?对品质、性格提问用

What does......look like?对相貌提问用

What does......like?对兴趣、爱好提问

例如:----What was your first friend like?----He was friendly and good.----What does your first friend look like?----He is tall and thin.----What does your first friend like?----He likes swimming.4.出生于be born用语过去时(born为bear的过去分词,过去式为bore)

例如:They were born in 1999, but I was born on December 19th, 2000.My father was born in a small village, and my uncle was born in a city.5.be strictwith sb.对某人严格、严厉be strictin sth.对某事严格、严谨例如: My mother is strict with me but she isn’t strict in her work.6.be friendly to sb.对某人有好, 类似的结构还有be kind to sb.例如:She is friendly to us everyone.friendly 反义词 unfriendly


7.(a)very adj./adv.(原形)+ n.太....,非常....,很.....quite(a/ an)+ adj./adv.(原形)+ n.so+ adj./adv.(原形)+that +从句 译为:

如此„以至于too adj.to do sth.译为:太„„而不能

例如: a very big watermelonquite a big watermelon

The watermelon is so big that I can’t eat it all.The watermelon is too big to be eaten.8.past 与pass的区别

past 为介词,副词,形容词,如:(1).go past the hospital and turn left.(2).They are talking about past life.(3).It’s ten past four.而pass为动词,如: Please pass me the pen.The police car passed slowly.9.“在某地有„„要做”用句型there is/are/was/were +sth.+to do„

例如:There were a lot of things to do in Quincy.There are lots of interesting places to visit in Tianjin.表示“某人有某事要做”用have/has sth.to do

例如: They had many things to do, and I have lots of books to read.10.one of + 名词复数 表示“„„中之一”

One of my dear friends is a police.two of /some of/ many of/ most of„„

one of + the+最高级+名词复数

例如:The Yangtze River is one of the longest rivers in China.Most of the people in this room are over forty.11.…there was a big garden with lots of trees and there was a small lake with many fish in it.with 的用法总结 with用法归纳


We can walk with our legs and feet.He writes with a pencil.(2)“和„„在一起”,表示伴随。例如:

Can you go to a movie with me?

He often goes to the library with Jenny.(3)“与„„”。例如:I’d like to have a talk with you.(4)“关于,对于”,表示一种关系或适应范围。例如:

What’s wrong with your watch?


He’s a tall kid with short hair.They have no money with them.There is a big house with a swimming pool.(6)“在„„方面”。例如:Kate helps me with my English.(7)“随着,与„„同时”。

例如:With these words, he left the room.说完这些话,他离开了房间。

12.fish 作名词时 可以翻译为:鱼(可数,单复数同形)如;many fish 作“鱼肉”讲时,为不可数名词。作“鱼的种类”讲时,为可数名词,可以变复数。

如: We have five fishes in this river.这条河里有5种鱼。

13.I was there for the last time in 2010.last 为形容词,译为“最后的,最近的”

如:December is the last month of a year.I was the last to come to school.作动词讲时,译为“持续”The meeting lasted for three hours.




Module 1 扫地sweep the floor

1.为某人买某物为…做准备get ready for

2.等待春节Spring Festival

3.在学校旅行在工作at work

4.长城扫去、除去sweep away

5.与某人交谈坏运气bad luck

6.玩的很开心好运气good luck


8.躺在阳光下理发have a haircut

9.吃午餐给某人某物give sb sth=give sth to sb.10.送给某人某物穿上put on

11.此刻吃晚饭have dinner

12.玩电脑游戏在午夜at midnight

13.穿衣服结束做某事finish doing sth

14.拜访朋友一年到头all the year round =all year

15.谢谢某人做某事在除夕夜on Spring Festival’Eve

16.写信给…Module 3

17.再见起床早 get up early

18.享受(喜欢)做某事 在周末at the weekend

Module 2

打扫房间clean the house

煮饭cool the meal

学舞龙learn a dragon dance

做灯笼make lanterns =make a lantern复习考试revise for the test 查看邮件check one’s email 做作业do one’s homework 参加聚会go to a party 听音乐listen to music

待在床上stay in bed 打乒乓球play table tennis 进行野餐have a picnic 买衣服buy/shop for clothes 上钢琴课have a piano lesson 登上长城walk up the Great Wall 期待做…look forward to doing 游览do some sightseeing

坐飞机去… go… by plane/ take a plane to… 交朋友make friends(with)躺在沙滩上 lie on the beach 到达get to, arrive in/at 出去go out

去骑自行车go cycling

环游世界travel around the world

with chalk

13.变暖/冷get warm/cold 14.在北极at the North Pole

15.大风和大雨heavy rain and strong winds 16.用太阳能供暖use the sun to heat homes 17.在因特网上on the Internet 18.做无聊的工作do dull jobs 19.在世界上in the world 20.每周三天three days a week 21.我梦想中的学校my dream school 22.用…做use…to do

23.将有坏天气There will be bad weather.24.将没有老师.There won’t be teachers.25.使用某物做某事 use sth.to do sth.27.通过电子邮件: by email 28.暴雨heavy rain 29.强风strong winds 30.长假long holidays31.许多空闲时间lots of free time 32.大large---小 33.贵expensive—便宜cheap34.舒适comfortable uncomfortable

Module 4

在将来in the future

2.未来生活life in the future, future life 3.有线电视cable TV 4.卫星电视satellite TV 5.移动电话

cell phone


6.没有人(用)no one(uses)

7.用电子邮件交作业send homework by email 8.我不确信

I’m not sure.---不舒适

35.简单easy----困难 difficult

36.好的good---坏的 bad37.有趣的interesting---无趣的boring38.轻的light---重的heavy

9.在家学习study at home

10.通过电脑与老师交谈talk to teachers on


11.用粉笔写黑板 write on the blackboard

39.新的new---旧的old40.热的hot---冷的cold41.暖的warm---凉爽的cool22.1000米高1000 metres high

42.长的long----短的short矮的43.23.336公里长336 kilometres long强壮的strong---弱的weak

Module 6

1.擅长做某事be good at doing/ do well in 1.比…大的多much bigger than

2.比…危险more dangerous than

2.华南地区South China

3.你最喜欢什奥运项目?What’s your

3.在….东/南部in the east/south offavourite.?4.500米长/宽500 metres long/wide

4.迎奥运,学英语English for the Olympic


5.回答问题answer questions

5.来自中国的学生students from China

6.…有多少人口?What’s the population of…? 6.居委会neighbourhood committee7.上海有…人口.Shanghai has a population of...8.….的人口 the population of … /has…people

9.一座古城 an old city10.700年的历史seven hundred years old 11.在…东/南/西/北in the east/south/west/north of

12.来自 be/come from13.在康河畔on the River Cam 14.以…闻名be famous for15.…的首都

7.去…前往leave for8.到达get to, arrive at/in,reach9.到家 get/arrive home10.对某人来说做某事难.It’s difficult for sb to do...11.上英语课have an English class12.上学迟到be/arrive late for school13.其他学生other students

Module 5

the other students其他所有学生

14.在…前面in front of—behind

the capital of…15.说的响亮/轻speak loudly/ quietly

16.听的清楚hear clearly17.安静的听listen quietly


16.一个有…人口的城市a city with a population of

17.矮/高山low/high mountains


18.带有 7百万人口with 7 million peoplequickly/well/badly/carelessly

19.高楼tall buildings19.多于,超过more than—over20.在沿海 on the coast20.需要做…need to dowant to do21.英国的一个地区a region of the UK21.想要做

22.快速学英语learn English quickly19.烧饭cook a meal /do some cooking 23.奥运游客the Olympic visitors/ visitors to the…

20.吃大餐have a big meal

Module 7


1.最长的旅程 the longest journey

25.流行的课popular lessons

2.乘公共汽车去…go to… by bus/ take a bus

26.仔细检查check ….carefullyto27.盒式录音机cassette player3.走路去…walk to …/go to on foot

28.直到…才not…until4.住得离…远 live far from 29.喜欢…和…/ like …and…,5.离学校近be close to

不喜欢…和…don’t like…or…

6.这是上学的最佳途径.the best way to school

Revision Module A

1.在圣诞节on Christmas Day 2.坐在桌旁sit at the table 3.讲故事tell a story 4.思考think about 5.理发have a haircut

6.为节日准备get ready for festival 7.在街上in the street

8.一只袜子的形状in the shape of 9.添满fill with

10.在11月底at the end of November 12.得到小玩具get small toys 13.被称为be called

14.一个非常特别的庆祝活动a very special celebration

15.装饰make decorations 16.穿新衣 put on new clothes

7.旅行的最…的方式 the …way to travel 8.在世界上 in the world 9.最快的火车 the fastest train 10.从…到 from … to … 11.在八分钟内 in eight minutes

12.花费大约半小时 take about half an hour 13.旅行的最佳方式 the best way to travel 14.开的最远 travel the farthest 15.距离 a distance of 16.三千两百多万乘客more than 32million passengers17.火车费 train fare 18.数百万 millions of

Module 8

1.在中国 in China2.启蒙学校 the first school

3.在小城镇 in a small town

17.扫地sweep the floor

4.在湖南省 in Hunan Province

18.打扫房间clean the house

5.村庄的名字 the name of the village 6.小学 the primary school

7.严格但很友好 be strict but friendly 8.对某人友好 be friendly to9.对…严格 be strict with sb in sth 10.循规蹈矩的 be well-behaved 11.淘气的 be naughty

12.中国科学家 Chinese scientist 13.剑桥大学的教授

the professor of Cambridge University 14.他什么性格?What is/was he like? 他们什么性格?What are/were they like? 你什么性格?What are/were you like? 15在美国东海岸 on the east coast of the USA 16.许多事情要做 have lots of things to do 17.做某事很高兴It’s great to do sth 在那里玩很高兴.It’s great to play there.18.两个美国总统 two presidents of the USA 19.我最喜爱的电影明星的海报 posters of my favorite movie stars 20.有鱼的池塘 a pond with fish in it

21.有七百万人口的城市 a city of 7million people

22.有一台电视的大起居室a big living with a TV

23.有许多树的大花园a big garden with many trees 24.最后一次 the last time 25.回来 go back

26.你家的房子怎么样? What was/is your house like?

Module 9

1.从前once upon a time/long ,long, ago2.去乘(骑……)go for a ride3.捡起pick up4.向四周看look around5.变成changeinto6.赶快hurry up7.敲…knock at/on8.往…里看look into9.跳离…jump out of10.指向point at11.睡着be asleep

12.再三.反复…again and again13.开始at first = at the beginning14.以…开始begin …with15.决定做某事decide to do sth.16匆忙赶往某地---hurry to---17.冲出-----rush out of---

Module 10

1.用英语in English2.在…岁时at the age of3.度假.在假期on holiday4.走开,离开go away 5.来到中国come to China6.开始上学start school

7.骑单车上学ride a bike to school

8.听收音机listen to the radio9.看电影watch movies10.在沙滩上on the beach11.下象棋play chess12.决定做...decide to do14.有孩子have children15.搬到...move to16.开始做...start doing

1.在度假on holiday

2.玩得开心have a great/good time3.在同一天on the same day4.第二天the next day5.问好say hello to.6.买东西,购物do some shopping.7.和…一起玩play with8.去散步go for a walk

9.(人)花费时间/金钱做---spend---on sth

/ spend---(in)doing sth 10在机场:at the airport11.去游泳;go swimming12.听音乐会listen to a concert


Module 11

1.认为think of2.昨夜last night4.从事work on5.从… 到…from…to…

6.(做某事)非常难It’s very difficult to do7.穿过go through8.越过go over9.几天前a few days ago10.返回return to11.被叫做be called12.38岁的38-year-old13.第二天the next day14.11年后11 years later15.想成为want to be16.地面上on Earth17.通过电视on TV18.挥手(致意)wave to19.国旗the Chinese national flag

Module 1

buy sb sth=buy sth for sb;wait for;(be)on a school trip;the Great Wall;talk to/about sb;have a good/great time;take photos=take pictures;lie in the sun;eat lunch=have lunch;send sb sth = send sth to sb;at the/this moment=now;play computer games;get dressed;see friends=visit friends;thank sb for sth/doing….;write tosb.=write a letter to sb;see you soon = see you later;enjoy doing sth

Module 12

















第一周: Module 1 Lost and found

第二周: Module 2 What can I do?

第三周: Module 3 Making plans

第四周: Module 4 Life in future

第五周: Module 5 Shopping

第六周: Module 6 Around town

第七周: Revision Module A

第八周:复习Module 1~Module 6

第九周: 期中考试

第十周: Module 7My past life

第十一周: Module 8 Story time

第十二周: Module 9 Life history

第十三周: Module 10 A holiday journey

第十四周: Module 11 Body language

第十五周: Module 12 Western music

第十六周: Revision Module B

第十七周: 全面复习,迎接期末考试

第十八周: 全面复习,迎接期末考试

第十九周: 期末考试



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