
时间:2019-05-14 14:21:28下载本文作者:会员上传







-一. 英汉互译。(10分)

--1.去上学______________2.traffic rule______________


-3.书店_________________4.turn right_______________




-5.下周_________________6.take a trip______________



-7.爱好_________________8.TV reporter_____________



--9.女演员_______________10.come from______________-




-()1.Sometimes Mike _____ to school by car.--



-()2.The hospital is _______ the school.姓---

-A.next toB.in the front ofC.next--

--()3.What _____ you _______ this afternoon ?


-A.do,doB.are,doingC.are,going to do-


-()4.Does he teach math ?


-A.Yes, he does.B.No, he does.C.Yes, he do.-


----She’s an accountant.-

-A.Who is she?B.What does he do ?C.What’s her hobby?


班()6.My brother likes ___________.-密


-A.ride a bikeB.drawing picturesC.collects stamps


-()7.----________, where is the science museum ?--


-A.SorryB.Excuse meC.Hello


-()8.Wait at a _____ light.-


()9.The sun _____ and the water ______ vapour.A.shine,becomeB.shines,becomesC.shine,becomes

()10.-----How do you go to the park ?

-----_________________.A.By a bus.B.By foot.C.By bus.()11.You can see a sprout ____ several days.A.onB.inC.of

()12.----Does he _____ math ?

----No, he _______English.A.teach, teachesB.teaches, teachesC.teach, teach

()13.He is going to __________.A.be an actorB.an actorC.actor

()14.How _____Sarah go to the cinema ?


()15.My aunt is __________.A.an actressB.a actressC.a English teacher

三. 从B栏中选择正确的答句回答问题。(15分)

()1.How do you go to Canada ?

()2.Where is the cinema, please ?

()3.What are you going to do this weekend ?

()4.When are you going ?

()5.Where does Li Xiaobinwork ?


A. It’s next to the hospital.B. This afternoon.C. He works in a car company

D. By plane.E.I’m going to plant trees






3.weekend, to, do, What, you, this,are,going(?)






五. 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)(15分)

It’s spring.The soil is still cold.Mr Black is going to plant peas in the garden.First, he digs the soil, then he puts the seeds in the soil and covers them.Every morning, Mr Black runs to his garden, but he only see soil.He puts some water in the soil.He waits and waits.One morning, he sees something green.The young sprout is looking at him!Soon the young plant grows some leaves.The young plant becomes greener and larger now.Mr Black is so excited.()1.It’s spring now.()2.Mr Black is going to plant flowers.()3.He doesn’t put in some water.()4.In several days, there is a sprout.()5.The young plant grows greener and lager now.---------------------密-----------封----------------------------线------------------------六. 写作。以“My family”为题,写一篇短文,介绍你的家人(爸爸妈妈或叔叔阿姨)是干什么工作的,在哪里上班,以及乘坐什么交通工具去上班。注意语句通顺,不少于五句话。__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________




一、听录音,将你听到的单词的序号填入题前的括号内,每小题读2遍。()1.A.swinging B.sleeping C.swimming()2.A.June B.July C.January()3.A.first B.second C.send()4.A.talking B.taking C.picking()5.A.nine B.ninth C.ninety()

6、A dinner B lunch C breakfast()

7、A collect B count C cousin()

8、A because B count C best()

9、A October B November C December()

10、A Watch B walk C Which

二、根据录音内容,选择合适的答语。将正确答案的序号填入题前的括号内。每个问题读2遍。()1.A.I can do the dishes.B.I am doing the dishes.C.I often do the dishes.()2.A.It’s hot.B.It’s Monday.C.It’s July 1st.()3.A.Yes, I can.B.Sure, hold on , please.C.Thank you.()4.A.Yes, they are.B.No, they are.C.Yes, it is.()5.A.September 10th.B.June 1st.C.August 1st.三、录音中有一段短文,短文听3遍,然后根据你听到的短文内容判断。正确写(A),错误写(B)。()1.There are four seasons in a year.()2.In Sydney, summer is from December to February the next year.()3.When it’s fall in Beijing, it’s winter in Sydney.()4.There are twenty months in a year in Australia.()5.In China, spring is from January to March.笔试部分



2.butterfly(复数)___ 3.it(复数)______

4.swim(现在分词)____ 5.see(同音词)______



8.let’s(完全式)____ 9.day(复数)______




1、A morning B noon C evening D after()

2、A what B when C week D where()

3、A hot B cold C weather D warm()

4、A math B teacher C music D English()

5、A elephant B monkey C eleven D tiger


()1.The panda is _____.A.swimming B.swim C.swiming()2.Come and have a look __ the ants.A.for B.at C.to()3.She is running __ us.A.for B.at C.to()4.There is a call __ you.A.for B.with C.to()5.–Which season do you like best ? ______

A.Summer B.September C.Monday()6.It’s time ___ go to school.A.for B.to C.at()7.Amy doesn’t like to play__ football.She likes to play __ piano.A.the , the B.× , the C.the , ×

()8.He can’t go hiking, ____ A.too B.either C.to()9.I would like ___ some coffee.A.drink B.drinking C.to drink()10.The elephant is drinking water with___ trunk.A.It’s B.its C.it’s


1.The are climbing trees pandas __________________________________________________ 2.I speak to Can him please ______________________________________________ 3.at Usually I get at 12:00 up noon _________________________________________________ 4.My birthday sister’s September is in ________________________________________________ 5.cooking in kitchen the dinner Dad is

八、阅读短文,完成文后问题 Man: Hello John: Hello, can I speak to Chenjie , please? Man: sure ,Hold on , please.She’s doing homework, Chen: Hello John: Hi ,This is John.Chen: Hi , John, what are you doing ? John: My family is having a field trip.Chen: Really? That’s fun.What is your father doing? John: Guess!Chen: Is he taking pictures? John: Yes , he is.Chen: Is your mother listening to music? John: No ,she isn’t ,she’s playing chess.Chen: What is your brother doing? John: He’s having a picnic.Chen: Have fun.John: Thank you.Talk to you later Chen: Bye.回答下列问题

(1)what is Chen Jie doing? _______________________________________________(2)Is John’s father taking pictures? _______________________________________________(3)Is John’s mother listening to the music? _______________________________________________

(4)Is John’s brother having a picnic? _______________________________________(5)Is John at home?



⑴ stronger ⑵ excited ⑶ pear ⑷ heavier

⑸ grapes ⑹ spring ⑺ bored ⑻ fall

⑼ ate ⑽ yellow ⑾ sang ⑿ blue

A.tired______ _______ B.taller________ _______

C.winter _____ _______ D.learned ______ ______

E.red _______ ______ F.banana _______ ______


()1.My ruler is ________ than yours.A.long B.longer C.taller

()2.____is your brother? He is 26 kg.He's very thin.A.How old B.How heavy C.How tall

()3.Zhang Peng looks very sad.Because he _______yesterday.A.failed the English test.B.went to the zoo.C.played ping-pong with his friends.()4._______ your brother ________ TV last weekend?

A.Did……watched B.Does……watch C.Did……watch

()5.Zhao Benshan is a famous(著名的)________

A.writer B.actress C.actor

()6.What's your favourite food?

A.Apples.B.Noodles.C.Yellow.()7.Where did you go _________ your holiday ?

A.in B.at C.on

()8.Did you go hiking _________ your friends?

A.and B.with C.to

()9.What can you do? I can _________ songs.A.sing B.singing C.sang


A.What's the weather like today?

B.What's the date ?

C.What day is it today?


A:Hello, Mary.______________________________?

B:I went to Kunming on my holiday.A:___________________________?

B:It was warm.A:__________________________?

B:I went there by plane.A:__________________________?

B:I saw folk dances.A:Did you eat any Kunming’s snack?

B:__________________.They’re delicious.A:How did you go there?

B:What is the weather like?

C:What was the weather like?

D:Where did you go on your holiday?

E:Yes, I did.F:No, I didn’t.G: What did you do there?


Ben has a good time today.He does well in his English test.He gets an A grade.He is very happy the whole morning.There is a basketball match between Class A and his class in the afternoon.Ben scores a goal in the second half.It makes his class win 1 to 0.Ben and his classmates are so excited.They laugh and shout for a long time.When he gets back home, his throat is a little sore.And he has a bad headache after.He has to go to bed early early after eating some medicine.()1.Ben is good at ________ A.Chinese B.English

()2.Ben is very ____the whole morning, because he gets an A grade.A.happy B.sad

()3.Ben has a ______match with Class A.A.football B.basketball

()4.Ben feels sick ______ A.in the morning B.in the evening

()5.Ben has to ___early after eating some medicine.A.go to school B.go to bed


(going happy office likes taller friend younger weekend play collecting)

Hello,I have a good ________.Her name is Lily.She is 160cm tall.She is ______ than me.But she is only 13,and I’m 14.She is _________ than me.She ________ collecting stamps.We often _________ together.This ___________,We are______ to the post _________ to buy stamps.We like _________ stamps.We are very _________.六、根据答句问问句。(5分)

1. Miss Li:_________________________?

Lily: I am 45kg.2. Doctor:_________________________?

Jack: My leg hurts.3. Tom: _________________________?

Jim : I went to Xinjing last weekend.4. Liu: _________________________?

Chen: I like fishing yesterday.5. Lucy: _________________________?

Lily: I feel bored.


大学英语3 单选题 1~5 A C D B B 6~10 C D A D D 阅读理解 Passage1 11~15A B A B A Passage2 16~20 D C B B A Passage3 21~25 C B D D D 词汇

26~30 D B C A C 31~35 C D D A A 36~40 D D B B D 41~45 A D A C B 完型填空 46~50 D A B E C 翻译








Part I.Fill in the blanks with correct information: 30%

1.TEFL is the abbreviation of_________________________.2.The grammar-Translation Method focuses on ______________, ________________ and


3.The Threshold Level, edited by van Ek, is a good example of ______________ syllabus.4.The study of the relationship between language and society, including the social functions

language fulfils in a society is called____________.5.Language acquisition means mastering a language ____________.6.According to Chomsky‟s ___________________, language is not learnt merely by copying

what is said or written;learners have to be given the chance to experiment with language, try out things for themselves, generate their own sentences and have the opportunity to make mistakes.7.List three language teaching methods that belong to the Humanist School__________,_________, and _____________.8.List five types of syllabus: ______________, _____________, _______________,_____________, __________________.9.In Taba‟s model of curriculum processes, the first stage is _______________, the second stage

is _______________ and the third stage is_______________.10.Knowing how to make correct sentences is only one part of what we mean

by__________________.11.Linguistic forms are related to __________________ functions.12.CLT is the abbreviation of __________________.13.Spoken language and written language exist to fulfill _________________-and

demonstrate________________.14.The goal of Communicative Language Teaching is to develop______________________.15.Authenticity is also a characteristic of _________________.Part II Decide whether the following statements are true or false.Write T for true and F for false.20%

1.According to the Grammar-Translation method, the syllabus is designed around grammatical

structures.2.The main aim of a functional-notional syllabus is on communication.3.Drills alone cannot meet communicative needs in real life.4.The chief advantage of Community Language Learning is that students can say whatever

comes to their mind, not caring for their own language proficiency level.5.A textbook with such course design as Unit 1 Entertainment, Unit 2 Sport, Unit 3 Religion,etc.is based on a situational syllabus.6.Students have to grasp the relationships between communicative functions and sentences

structures so as to communicate properly in real life.7.Spoken language differs from written language in terms of communicative functions as well

as linguistic characteristics.8.The language is natural, so the authenticity of language is most important in CLT.9.By saying that the teacher is an assessor we mean that he only makes correction and grading

but not gives feedback and advice.10.Communicative activities concentrate on the content as well as the language form.Part III 50%

Design a reading lesson with three stages as required.Imagine that you would teach this text to a senior middle school class;think about the pre-reading activities you might design for it.Sustainable development: China‟s choice for the 21st century

What will the earth look like in the 21st century?

As acid rain, ozone depletion, and soil erosion destroy the earth‟s environment and as the negative effects of economic development, such as decreased forest coverage, over-exploration of marine resources and shrinking farmland become more obvious, people have grown concerned about their future living space.In 1987, Norwegian Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland introduced the term „sustainable development‟ in her report entitled Our Common Future to the World Environment and Development Council.The United Nations Environment and Development Conference held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992, accepted the new term and passed the framework document called “Agenda 21”.The conference was a milestone and marked a shift from traditional development and life styles to the start of sustained development in the global economy.It proved that development and environmental protection had finally achieved equal importance.It is universally acknowledged that the problem of environmental protection and improvement will be solved only when it is considered in the context of development.At that very conference, Chinese Premier Li Peng, on behalf of the Chinese government, vowed China would seriously fulfill its international obligations.Two years later, in July 1994, China enacted Agenda 21 of China and the Plan for Priority Projects in China’s Agenda 21.It is of great international and historic significance for China, with the world‟s largest population and its long history, to carry out a strategy of sustained development, remarked Maurice Strong, Secretary General of the UN Environment and Development Conference.DATA

The Key Points of Agenda 21 of China

Following are the main points of the Agenda.Part One: Overall Sustainable Development Strategies.This part emphasizes capacity building for sustainable development.It includes setting up China‟s system of sustainable development, improving education, developing science and technology, and establishing an information system for sustainable development.Part Two: Social Sustainable Development.This part includes population control, consumption by inhabitants, social services, poverty elimination, health, sanitation, sustainable development of human settlement, and disaster relief.The key aspects are to control China‟s population growth and improve population quality.Part Three: Economic Sustainable Development.This part includes economic policies for sustainable development, such as sustainable development of agriculture and the rural economy;sustainable development of industry, transportation, and telecommunications;and sustainable

energy production and consumption.Part Four: Rational Resource Use and Environmental Protection.This part includes the protection and sustainable use of water, land and other natural resources;the protection of bio-diversity;the prevention and control of desertification;the protection of the atmosphere;and the environmentally sound management of solid wastes.Pre-reading activities

Activity 1

Specific steps:

Reasons for your design:

Activity 2

Specific steps:

Reasons for your design:

While-reading Activities

Activity 1

Specific steps:

Reasons for your design:

Activity 2

Specific steps:

Reasons for your design:

Activity 3

Specific steps:

Reasons for your design:

Post-reading activities Activity 1

Specific steps:

Reasons for your design:

Activity 2

Specific steps:

Reasons for your design:



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