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答案:D4、(2013•温州市中考模拟)若二次根式 有意义,则x的取值范围是


答案:A5、(2013•湖州市中考模拟试卷7)函数 中自变量x的取围是()

A.x≤3B.x=4C. x<3且x≠4D.x≤3且x≠4 答案:A6、(2013•湖州市中考模拟试卷7)把二次根式 中根号外的因式移到根号内,结果是(A.B.C.D.

答案:B7、(2013年广西南丹中学一摸)若x-1在实数范围内有意义,则x的取值范围是答案: x≥1。





答案:A10、(2013年河北三摸)若代数式 有意义,则 的取值范围为__________.

答案: 且a≠1;

11、(2013年温州一摸)若二次根式 有意义,则x的取值范围是




1、(2013江苏东台实中)要使式子 有意义,则 的取值范围是






• 1.下列词语中加点的字,每对读音都不相同的一组是 • A.调剂/光风霁月 缱绻/卷土重来 •


• B.侮辱/忤逆不孝 斐然/缠绵悱恻 •


• C.宽宥/杳无音讯 病殁/没齿不忘 •


• D.碾坊/辗转反侧 诋毁/抵掌而谈 •


• 2.下面语段中画线的词语,使用不恰当的一项是

蒲松龄博闻强识,上知天文下知地理,他参加县府道的科举考试,连夺三个第一,考中秀才,踌躇满志;此后却屡考屡败,就是考不中举人,科场失意,怀才不遇,牢骚满腹,固然是不幸的;但也使他与下层百姓有更多更深的联系,看到别人看不到的东西,他的《聊斋志异》,用洋洋洒洒的想象力,为我们在人世之外描绘了一个奇情幻彩的世界. • A.博闻强识


• C.怀才不遇 D.洋洋洒洒 • 3.下列句子中,没有语病的一项是

• A.在全球经济危机中,中国政府紧紧围绕以刺激经济发展为中心,拉动内需,促进中国乃至世界经济逐步复苏;而美国也应当承担其应尽的责任,采取负责任的宏观经济政策。

• B.人民币汇率形成机制改革就是要走形成以市场供求为基础,参考一篮子货币进行调节、有管理的浮动汇率制度,保持人民币汇率在合理均衡水平上的基本稳定的特色,决不屈服外来压力。• C.传承了“天人合一、和谐共生”的中国馆是低碳建筑的成功实践——斗拱层叠架空,充分利用地形、采光、通风、朝向等自然条件,减少空调等电器的能耗;大屋顶与外墙上的太阳能光伏板,让整个建筑照明自给自足;屋顶的雨水收集系统实现雨水循环利用,能够浇灌绿化、冲洗道路。• D.公安民警决不会具体指导市民如何进行银行转账,也从未提供过所谓的“安全账户服务”,(=)不要上当受骗。至于正常的电话欠费,电信公司会先发送欠费催款单,不会直接打电话。

• 4.依次填入下面一段文字横线处的语句,衔接最恰当的一组是




• ①但是,在这里自然生态具有生命存在的基础性质

• ②因此,人的生存环境不仅包括自然环境,而且还包括社会环境和文化环境 • ③这就使人的生态结构具有了多层次性的特点 • ④而各个生态层次之间则存在着相互作用和反作用 • ⑤因为人的生态系统涉及人的种群与自然环境的关系 • A.③①④②⑤ B.⑤②③①④

C.①⑤③④② D.②④①⑤③


晋灵公不君:厚敛以雕墙;从台上弹人,而观其辟丸也;宰 夫胹熊蹯不熟,杀之,置诸畚,使妇人载以过朝。赵盾、士季 见其手,问其故,而患之。将谏,士季曰:“谏而不入,则莫之 继也。会请先,不入,则子继之。”三进,及溜,而后视之,曰: “吾知所过矣,将改之。”稽首而对曰:“人谁无过?过而能改,善 莫大焉。君能补过,衮不废矣。” 犹不改。宣子骤谏,公患之,使鉏麑贼之。晨往,寝门辟 矣,盛服将朝。尚早,坐而假寐。麑退,叹而言曰:“不忘恭 敬,民之主也。贼民之主,不忠;弃君之命,不信。有一于此,不如死也!”触槐而死。

秋九月晋候饮赵盾酒伏甲将攻之其右提弥明知之趋登曰臣侍君宴过三爵非礼也遂扶以下。公嗾夫 獒焉。明搏而杀之。盾曰:“弃人用大,虽猛何为!”斗且出。提 弥明死之。

初,宣子田于首山,舍于翳桑。见灵辄饿,问其病。曰: “不食三日矣!”食之,舍其半。问之。曰:“宦三年矣”,未知母 之存否。今近焉,请以遗之。”使尽之,而为之箪食与肉,置诸 橐以与之。既而与为公介,倒戟以御公徒,而免之。问何故,对 日:“翳桑之饿人也。”间其名居,不告而退。遂自亡也。

乙丑,赵穿攻灵公于桃园。宣子未出山而复。大史书曰: “赵盾弑其君。”以示于朝。宣子曰:“不然。”对曰:“子为正卿,亡不越竟,反不讨贼,非子而谁?”宣子曰:“乌呼!《诗》曰: ‘我之怀矣,自诒伊戚。’其我之谓矣。”

孔子曰:“董狐,古之良史也,书法不隐。赵宣子,古之良 大夫也,为法受恶。惜也,越竞乃免。”


• 5.对下列句子中加点词的解释,不正确的一项是(3分)• A.宣子骤谏

急切 • B.贼民之主,不忠

刺杀 • C.宣子田于首山

打猎 • D.宣子使赵穿逆公子黑臀于周而立之


• 骤:知不可乎骤得/突然:骤视之,无不惊为生人也/迅速:暴风骤雨、急骤 • 6.下列各组句子中,加点词的意义和用法都相同的一组是(3分)• A.问其故而患之

其我之谓矣 • B.公嗾夫獒焉

今近焉 • C.弃人用犬,虽猛何为 问何故 • D.请以遗之


• 7.下列分别从正面和侧面表现赵盾“良大夫”形象的一项是(3分)• A.①三进,及溜。

②不忘恭敬,民之主也。• B.①尚早,坐而假寐。


• C.①使尽之,而为之箪食与肉。

②过而能改,善莫大焉。• D.①弃人用犬,虽猛何为!


• 8.下列对原文有关内容的分析和概括,不正确的一项是(3分)• A.晋灵公奢侈暴虐,加重赋税来修饰宫室,因为熊掌没炖烂,竟然杀了厨师,把他的尸首装在畚箕里,让宫女们用头顶着从朝廷经过。

• B.赵盾、士季向晋灵公进谏,晋灵公文过饰非,还想方设法要杀掉赵盾。他派遣的力士鉏麑不愿执行他的命令,于是头撞槐树自杀了。

• C.晋灵公准备在宴会上杀害赵盾,他手下的武士灵辄却在关键时刻帮助赵盾幸免于难,以报答赵盾昔日的送饭之恩,赵盾自己只得逃亡了。

• D.晋大夫赵穿杀了晋灵公,晋国太史董狐写“赵盾弑其君”并在朝廷公布。赵盾难以辩白,大有感慨,孔子也为他蒙受杀君之名感到可惜。

• 9.断句和翻译。(10分)•(2)翻译下面的句子。(6分)

• ①谏而不入,则莫之继也。会请先,不入,则子继之。(3分)②子为正卿,亡不越竟,反不讨贼,非子而谁?(3分)• 10.阅读下面的唐诗,然后回答问题。(7分)• 早梅 齐己①

• 万木冻欲折,孤根暖独回。• 前村深雪里,昨夜一枝开。• 风递幽香出,禽窥素艳来。• 明年如应律,先发望春台②。

• 注:①齐己:唐末著名诗僧。早年曾热心于功名仕进。然而科举失利,不为他人所赏识。② 望春台:既指观赏春景的高台,又喻指京城。

• ⑴诗的题目为《早梅》,但诗句内容未见“早”字。请结合诗句内容简要分析整首诗是如何围绕“早”字落笔的。(4分)• ⑵末联两句意味深长,表达了诗人什么心志?(3分)













• 12.下列说法中符合文意的两项是

• A.当代文学屡遭质疑和否定,原因之一是论者大多基于“比较主义”的逻辑,通过横向或纵向的比较,发现当代文学一片凋零,毫无建树。

• B.古典文学和现代文学的创作只掌握在极少数精英阶层的手中,是一种精英主义文学。而当代文学创作则掌握在更多的人手中,是一种大众主义的文学。

• C.因为当代文学没有经过“历史化”和“经典化”处理,所以与未经细化区分的西方文学的比较是不平等、不匹配的。

• D.上世纪90年代以前的文学之所以能获得万众瞩目的无限荣光,是因为它牺牲了文学的独立性和自主性。

• E.在作者看来,立论基础、立论者身份、文化语境及评判标准等是影响人们对处于正常发展状态的当代文学作出判断的因素。

• 13.根据文意,下列判断不正确的一项是

• A.通过与现代文学甚至古典文学、西方文学的笼统比较来判断中国当代文学的价值是不科学的。• B.由于“在场者”的身份,我们对当代文学的认识不可避免地存在某种被遮蔽的局限,在整体评价时产生无力感。

• C.经典往往是时代淘洗的“历史效果”,当代文学同样能经过“历史的淘汰”过滤掉平庸之作,再经过阐释、提升、放大后产生经典。

• D.当代文学的真实情况其实并不像有些人描述的那样糟,评价当代文学的正确态度应该是:善意地指出病象,使其更加健康成长。

• 14.与古典文学和现代文学比较,当代文学的现状如何?试简要概括。(4分)15.针对一些人对当代文学的质疑或否定,作者提出了哪些观点?(4分)

月 到 天 心












山近月远觉月小,便道此山大于月; 若人有眼大如天,当见山高月更阔。


月到天心处,风来水面时; 一般清意味,料得少人知。
























空间有大有小,空间是可知可感的,空间也是虚拟的。有的人空间越来越小,有的人空间越来越大。有的人追求有限的空间无限拓展,有的人追求无限的空间张显了精彩,……请写一篇文章,谈谈你的生活中与 “空间”有关的经历或你对“空间”的感悟、看法。自拟题目,自定写法,不少于800字。




Ⅰ 语言知识及应用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)

1—5 DBACC6---10 DBDBC11---15 AADCC

第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题l.5分,满分l5分)


21.what22.when23.up24.was shining25.Feeling

Ⅱ 阅读(共两节,满分50分)

第一节 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)

26-30 DCBAA31-35 BADDC36-40B D B D C41-45 CBBAD

第二节 信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


Ⅲ 写作(共两节,满分40分)

第一节 基础写作(共1小题,满分15分)

1、Editor,I’m writing to tell you about the road construction which is going to take place in our city.Recently the local government has decided to broaden some narrow roads to build BRT, which has caused a heated discussion among the local people.Some agree that we should carry out the construction project because it can solve some traffic problems and make our life convenient and comfortable.Besides, it helps promote the economy and improve people’s living environment as well as the image of Shantou as a modern tourist city in the southeast of Guangdong province.But others believe that the construction work may cause air pollution and traffic jams may appear now and then.What’s worse, the people who are against the construction think that the noise produced by the work will disturb people’s peaceful life.第二节 读写任务(共1小题,满分25分)

The author listened to a co-worker talking about her life with full attention recently, because he believes that listening is an important way to help others and it makes a difference.Like the author, I can’t agree more that listening is a very important way to help others.In my opinion, when people have something unhappy in mind, they will feel more comfortable if they can talk with others.So if we can listen to them, their feelings may become better.If I have a friend who faces problems in life and needs to talk with me, I will try to be a good listener for him.Because being a friend, I think I should do my best to help him out and listening is the best way at this time.After listening, I will comfort him, try to find out what problems he has and give him some advice to solve them.


绝密★启用前 试卷类型:B 汕头市2012年普通高中高三教学质量测评试题



1.答卷前,考生务必用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将自己的姓名和考生号、试室号、座位号 填写在答题卡上,并粘贴好条形码。认真核准条形码上的姓名、考生号、试室好和座位号。

2.选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑,如需 改动,用橡皮擦干净后,在选涂其它答案,答案不能答在试卷上。

3.非选择题必须用黑色字迹钢笔或签字笔作答。答案必须写在答题卡个题目指定区域内相 应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。



I语言知识及应用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1~l 5各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

Are you a man or a mouse? When people ask this question they want to know whether you think you are a 1 person or a coward(懦夫).But you will never really know the answer to this question until you are ___ 2 __ in real life.Some people think they are brave but when they come face to face with real__ 3 __,they act like cowards.Others think of themselves as cowards,but when they meet danger,they act like___4____.

Lenny had always thought of himself as a __ 5 __person.He got worried before examinations.

He worried about his job and his health.All he wanted in life was to be safe and healthy.Then January 5th,2002,a plane 6 into the Potomac River in Washington.Lenny went to the river to see what was happening.He saw a woman in the __7__ water.Lenny did not feel afraid.He kept very 8 and did a very courageous thing.He jumped into Potomac,9 to the woman,and kept her head above the water.Seventy.eight people died that day.Thanks to Lenny,it was not 10 .

When you are in a very dangerous 11 and feel afraid,the body automatically produces a chemical in the blood.This chemical is called adrenalin(肾上腺素).With adrenalin in the blood system.you actually feel stronger and stronger and are 12 to fight or run away.However, when you are l3 frightened.the body can produce too much adrenalin.When this 14,the muscles become very hard and you find you can't 15 at all.You are paralyzed(使无能为力)with fear.That is why when we are very frightened,we sometimes say we are‘petrified’;this word comes from a Greek word‘petros’,which means‘stone’.We are so frightened that we become stonelike. 1.A.brave B.real C.tough D.certain 2.A.told B.asked C.tested D.examined 1 3.A.1ife B.question C.mouse D.danger 4.A.soldiers B.mice C.heroes D.cowards 5.A.useful B.brave C.nervous D.terrible 6.A.hit B.crashed C.struck D.felt 7.A.flesh B.poisonous C.warm D.ice.cold 8.A.nervous B.calm C.frightened D.brave 9.A.went B.helped C.spoke D.swam 1 0.A.an accident B.a mistake C.dangerous D.seventy.nine 1 1.A.situation B.dilema C.place D.trap 1 2.A.afraid B.unable C.ready D.anxious 1 3.A.hardly B.absolutely C.nearly D.slightly 14.A.gets B.disappears C.happens D.goes 1 5.A.move B.drive C.run D.go

第二节语法填空(共lO小题,每题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填人一个适当的词 或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空,并将答案写在答案卡标号为1 6—25的相应位置上c Have you ever asked yourself why children go to school? You will 16(probable)say that they go to learn languages,arithmetitic,history, science and some other knowledges.That is quite true;but why do they learn these things? We send our children to school to prepare them for the time 17 they will be big and will have to work for 18 .Nearly everything they study at school has some practical use in their life.but is that 19 only reason why they go to school? There is more in education than just 20(1earn)facts.We go to school to learn how to learn,so that when we have left school we can continue to learn.A man 21 really knows how to learn will always be successful,because when he has to do something new, he will not only be able to do it well himself, he will also be able to teach others 22 to do it in the best way.The 23(educate)person,on the other hand,is either unable to do something new,or just 24(do)it badly.The purpose of schools,25,is not to teach languages,arithmetitic,history science,etc.,but to teach pupils the way to 1eam.


第一节:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题 卡上将该项涂黑。

A November 1 7 is an important day for black cats in Italy.An animal rights group has named that day as“Black Cat Day”to stop the killing of thousands of the cats.Why do people hate this animal SO much?It is because people believe black cats bring bad luck if you see them walking across your path.

The black cat is just one of the symbols of superstition(迷信).You may already know that Western people don’t like the number 1 3.Besides knocking over a salt bottle,they also believe that walking under a ladder, opening an umbrella indoors and breaking a mirror can also bring bad luck.

According to Andrew Macaskill.who works for Teens.British people believe it is unlucky to see one magpie(喜鹊).But two bring good luck.“In Britain,people like to have a horseshoe over the door.They believe it can bring good luck.“Macaskill said.“But the horseshoe needs to be the right way up.The luck runs out if it is upside down.”

In the US.people usually spit on a new baseball bat before using it for the first time.They think this can bring good luck.Also.it is believed that good spirits live in trees.So bv knocking on anything made from wood,people can call upon those spirits for protection against—misfb—rtune.People in the US also believe there are devils in brooms(扫帚、).So don’t lean a broom against a bed.The evil spirits will cast a spell on the bed.

26.In Italy.people hate black cats because the people think A.an animal rights group try to protect them B.they walk on people’s path C.“Black Cat Day”is a bad day D.it is unlucky to see them 27.How many things that mean bad luck are mentioned in the second paragraph? A.4. B.5. C.6. D.7.

28.What does the underlined word“misfortune”in the last paragraph mean? A.Bad guy. B.Bad luck. C.Bad devil. D.Bad animal. 29.From this passage,we can infer that A.many black cats are killed in Italy each year B.a11 the people in the world hate the number of thirteen C.magpies are the symbol of good luck in Britain D.in the US.the things living in the trees can bring good luck 3O.What is the best title of this passage? A.Black Cat Dav B.Western Superstition Symbols C.Bad Luck and Good Luck D.Western People’s Belief

B we all,at one time or another,have pretended to be a rock star,singing and dancing along to our favorite song.Most of us have done this in the privacy of our own room when we were kids and as adults,in the privacy of our homes.Me?I love to do that when I drive!I tum on the radio.find a song that I can sing along too and pretty soon my arms are in the air and I am moving along to the rhythm.Most of the time.I do this on my way to work.

Yes,that is true,1 will be in my nice work clothes,j amming while driving or stopped at a traffic light I get weird(古怪的)looks from some people and others laugh.Personally,I love to get lost in the rhythm of a song which leads me to share with you the importance of being silly!The definition for the word silly,according to the dictionary is:stupid,foolish and nonsensical.I know many people do not want to look foolish.So they walk around all serious,which,in all honesty.is foolish!No one is perfect,I repeat:no one is perfect.I don’t care how educated,how thin,how beautiful,how simple,how frugal,how rich,and so on...No one is perfect!So why pretend to be something you are not? Life is so short...You never know when this beautiful j oumey will be over,3 so why waste a single second on being so full of rigidity(呆板)?Here is a quote by Souza,that I think says it all and is a great recipe for 1ife: ”Dance as though no one is watching you.

Love as though you have never been hurt before,Sing as though no one can hear you,Live as though heaven is on earth.“ When we were kids.we had no idea of what limitations were and we had no care in the world so we could do things without worrying about how we appeared to others.However,as we grew up,we lost that childlike innocence.

So don·t lose the child that still lives within you.The next time you feel down,go tum on your favorite song,and sing and dance along like there is no tomorrow.01’watch something that makes you laugh.Laughter is the best medicine to whatever ails(使痛苦)you and nothing is better than laughing so hard that your stomach hurts.Trust me,you will feel a whole lot better,and who doesn‘t want to feel good? 31.According to the text,what does the writer usually do? A.He repeats the words of songs. B.He sings songs on his way to work. C.He dances in his own home. D.He shares music with other drivers. 32.What does the writer think of the people who look very serious? A.They are honest. B.They are educated. C.They are perfect. D.They are silly. 33.The writer quotes Souza to show that A.1ife is a beautiful journey B.1ife is full of rigidity C.1ife is to be treasured D.1ife is a great recipe 34.Which of the following is true according to the text? A.When we were kids,we didn’t care about what others thought of us. B.Don’t be as silly as a child.

C.The author gets lost because he is singing while driving. D.We all want to be a rock star, singing and dancing.

35.Which of the following would be the best title for the text? A.The Innocence of Being a Child B.The Importance of Being Silly C.No One Is Perfect D.Life Is Short

C Since the Internet has come into homes,the daily life has never been the same again.But the thing that worries most of us is that we can get viruses from the Internet.Will we catch viruses on our cell phones? A new study in the journal Science says yes,but the spread of such mobile software that can bring harm to our cell phones won’t reach dangerous levels until more cell phones are on the same operating system.

Computers are easily attacked by viruses because they share data,especially over the Internet.Of course,nowadays,more people are using their cell phones more and more frequently.They use them for emailing.text messaging and downloading troublesome ring tones,etc.so it is obvious that cell phone viruses are a threat,as well.

Scientists used nameless call data from more than six million cell phone users to help model a possible outbreak.And they concluded that viruses that spread from phone to phone by Bluetooth are not much concerned.because users have to be in close physical relation for their phones to“see”one another.However, viruses that spread through multimedia messaging services can move much faster,because they can come in.disguise.,such as a cool tune sent by a friend.The good news is that to be effective.these viruses need their victims to all use the same operating system,which not enough of us do,because there is no Microsoft operating system for mobile phones,yet.Thank goodness.

36.what does the underlined word“disguise”in the last paragraph mean? A.Surprise. B.Danger. C.Hiding the identity.D.Using the same system. 37.When .cell phone viruses can be dangerous.

A.all the cell phones work on the same operating system B.Microsoft operating system for cell phones is created C.users can see each other on the phone D.Bluetooth is widely used 38.What can we infer about Bluetooth according to the scientists? A.It can increase the chances of cell phone viruses greatly. B.It can help us to stop the spreading of cell phone viruses. C.It won’t possibly cause the outbreak of cell phone viruses. D.It can make users have close physical relation with one another. 39.We can learn from the passage that .

A.it is impossible to catch viruses on our cell phones B.cell phones are not well connected with the Internet C.it is dangerous for people to download ring tones to cell phones D.more than one operating system is available for cell phone users now 40.What’s the passage mainly about? A.The operating system of cell phones. B.The threat of cell phone viruses. C.The wide use of cell phones. D.Computer viruses.

D If your recurring(经常性的)dreams are worrying you,you can rest assured and needn’t worry.Psychologists say in the vast maj ority.of these cases,this is just the mind’s way of dealing with stress and conflicts,problems and concerns.It’s a good thing.

They call be surprisingly vivid and real,or fragmented and weird.They can be comforting or frightening.Our dreams can tell us a lot about what we are really thinking.Dreams give us an x—ray of our unconsciousness(潜意识).The3,tell us,particularly when we are at life’s passages or turning points.

Lisa Oppenheim had the same dream whenever she was about to move to a new home or a new city.It’s always just a feeling of needing to stay safe.Experts say disturbing dreams often occur around major life events.For Lisa,it was moving.For others,it can be marriage or divorce,the death of a loved one or pressure at work.

Doctor Siegel has studied the meaning of dream for nearly 30 years.He believes stressful or upsetting dreams can be a sign of what’s buried deep inside our minds. He said.“Dreams are important to survival.They are crucial to the balance of our psyche(心灵).They help us work out problems that we’re having every single day.They go to the cutting edge of what’s stressful,what’s bothering us and what we’re working out in our lives.Dreams can guide us and in order to find that guidance,to find that deep source of wisdom that’s in our dreams every night,we need to pay attention to our dreams.”

But many dreams are scary and horrible.How can we understand these nightmares? Doctor Siegel says they are reflecting especially intense emotion or unresolved conflict.The stronger the emotion in the dream,whether it’s pleasure or fear,the likelier the dream is to be important.

Knowing what your recurring dreams or nightmares mean can be liberating.Some nightmares can be a sign of serious psychological problems,such as post-dramatic stress disorder.If they are extremely disturbing or violent or the cause of sevel’e anxiety,you should see a professional therapist(治疗专家). 41.By saying“Dreams give US an x—ray of our unconsciousness”.the author means that dreams A.do harm to our mind B.show US our real mind C.solve our stress in mind D.give US a turning point in mind 42.People will have recurring dreams when they———————————————. A.1ive with great pressure or have great events B.do the same things all their lives C.move tO a new home or a new city D.are comforted or frightened 43.Which of the following iS true according to Doctor Siegel? A.Dreams play a very important role in the world’S balance. B.Dreams help US find out the problems we need tO solve. C.We should pay attention to every dream we have. D.Only the dreams with pleasure are important tO us. 44.HOW should we deal with the recurring nightmares? A.We should remember them because they are important to US.

B.We can ignore them since they are just reflecting our emotions. C.We need to take some sleeping pills to stop this serious problem. D.We should see a psychological doctor if they are seriously disturbing 45.The purpose of the passage is—————————————一. A.to introduce a variety of dreams B.to offer some advice on avoiding nightmares C.to compare recurring dreams with nightmares D.tO ease our anxiety on recurring dreams

第二节信息匹配(共5小题,每小题2分,满分1 O分)阅读下列应用文及相关信息,并按要求匹配信息。请在答题卡上将对应题号的相应选项




46.Are you considering what to buy for you families and friends for Christmas gifts?An electric toy or a fancy dress? If you really care about your families’heath and don’t have the answer yet,please choose the mattress we offer you,which can bring them a nicer dream and better health.

47.While we are watching movies or playing games online on our PC,we may forget that the amazing Internet may be a dangerous world full of virus and ugly software.So if your computer gets a problem,what you need to do is only to call US.We will fix it as soon as possible.

48.Do you believe you can save much money if you want to make your house look new and nice? If you don’t yet,please call at our hotline any time.More than 500 kinds of fumiture from 30 states will offer you the best choice in an unbelievable low price.Shop at once and you can even save a lot!49.To those who are living in the chilly northern winter.to those who are seeking for an economical heater,we are no doubt the best choice.Our store offers environmental friendly and safe device to the customers in our town.You can tell US what you need online,and we will do the rest.

50.Feeling bored and tired of your local Christmas atmosphere? Then you must go to some places where you can enjoy an absolutely different festival and enrich your experiences thoroughly.You can choose US,a unique and qualified travel agent that will not charge you more even in the vacation III 写作(共两节,满分为40分)


趋势: 在国外是一种非常流行的旅行方式,在中国也越来越受欢迎。特色: 1.青年旅行者靠在青年旅舍做义工换取免费食宿,2.在工作空余时间在当地游玩。优点: 1.节省开支,7 2.体验不同文化,开拓视野。缺点 1.居住条件不佳,2.地方陌生,没有安全感。

参考词汇: 青年旅舍youth hostel 食宿accommodations [写作内容] 请根据以上内容给学校英语报写一介绍文章。内容包括: 1.义工旅行的基本信息; 2.义工旅行的特色与优缺点。[写作要求] 只能使用5个句子表达全部内容。[评分标准] 句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯。第二节:读写任务(共1小题;满分25分)阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇1 50词左右的英语短文。

Martin Luther King,a famous freedom fighter,spent his whole life fighting for rights for black people in the USA.By doing this he set an example for the rest of the world.His message was that black people should not be separated but should be treated in the same way as other people.

It was in 1 963 that Martin Luther King gave the speech“I Have a Dream”to thousands of black people who marched on Washington DC,the capital of the USA.It made him famous all over the world.The following year, King received the Nobel Prize for Peace.In the same year, a new Civil Rights Act was passed and in 1 965 a new Voting Rights Bill became law.From then on,all black people had the right to vote. Martin Luther King was murdered in 1 96 8.However,he had already changed the whole of society in the USA.Soon after his death,black people started enjoying the rights they had waited and fought for SO long. [写作内容] 1.概括短文的内容要点,该部分的词数大约30左右;



(1)读了短文之后,你觉得Martin Luther King是一位怎样的人?(2)你觉得他给整个世界的人们带来了什么?(3)你觉得自由重要吗?为什么值得我们去追求? 【写作要求】

你可以使用实例或其他论述方法支持你的论点,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不要抄 袭阅读材料中的句子。

参考答案 I 语言知识及应用(共两小节,满分45分)

第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分); 1.A.A。与后面的a coward相对应,应填”勇敢的“。2.C.3.D。根据下文they act like cowards来判断,有些人自认为勇敢,当”面临危险“的时候,举止就像懦夫。


10.D。根据前面的seventy-eight来判断,她不是第七十九个遇难者,而是获救了。11.A。考核词汇辨析。12.C。根据上文,血里有肾上腺素,你就会越来越强壮随时”准备“搏斗或跑开。be ready to do sth.是”准备、乐意做某事“。13.B。考核词汇辨析;



16.probably;17.when;18.themselves;19.the 20.learning 21.who 22.how 23.uneducated;24.does;25.therefore;


26-30 D C B A B 31-35 B D C A B 36-40 C A C D B 41-45 B A B D D 46-50 B E D F A III 写作

第一节 基础写作:(共1小题,满分15分)

Volunteer Travel, which is familiar to foreigners, has nowadays become more and more popular in China.Young travelers volunteer to work for youth hostels so that they can eat and live there for free.At the same time, they can enjoy the local scenery in their spare time.Travelling voluntarily has some advantages becarse it can save you a lot of money by providing free acconnodations.and makes it possible for you to experience different cultures and broaden your horizons On the other hand ,it also has it’s disadvantages such as poor living conditions and lack of a sense of safety in strange plsces.第二节 读写任务(共1小题,满分25分)

Martin Luther king used his whole life to fight for the freedom and rights of black people in the USA.After that ,the society of the USA and even the whole changed.After reading the passage,I think Martin Luther King is a very real freedom 9 fighter who deserves our respect.He devoted all his time,his energy and even his life into the great freedom battle.He not only brought the rights and freedom to the black people in the USA,but also gave the whole world an idea of freedom and equality.For everyone on the earth,it is very valuable to learn about this idea and keep it deep in mind.We all know that freedom is very important for all the people in the world.Withour freedom our life will become meaningless.Therefore,no matter how hard it is,freedom is worth our chasing and fighting for.END.

第五篇:汕头市2012年第二次普通高中高三教学质量测评 英语科参考答案




1-5 DACBA 6-10 BCCDB 11-15 ACBDA


16.gathered 17.mine 18.pieces 19.missing20.but21.whom22.the23.to 24.reminding 25.what


26-30 DADBB31-35 DCABA36-40 CDBBA41-45 DBCBA


46-50 CDABE

基础写作: students are so busy preparing for the coming College Entrance Examination that we are faced with so great pressure and have little time to do something else.In order to keep a balance between work and leisure, we think it’s a good idea for us to get close to nature on the weekend to breathe the flesh air and enjoy the sunshine.By doing that, not only can we enjoy the beautiful scenery but we can also relax ourselves.Meanwhile, we can ease our pressure and make our study more efficient.Those who want to take part in the outing are expected to meet at the school gate at 8:00 this Sunday morning.读写任务:

From the passage we know that in recent years in the United States, Halloween has developed into a significant international activity, when children collect money for needy children throughout the world for UNICEF.After reading the passage, I feel quite comforted that Halloween has developed into a significant international activity to collect money for the poor children around the world.In this way I am sure more and more poor children, especially those in Africa and Asia, will be given financial aid and live a better and better life.As for me, I will donate my pocket money to the poor children around me.Also I will try my best to persuade people around me to show their loving hearts for the needy children.In my view, to help poor children, joint efforts from charities, enterprises and individuals are needed.First of all, charities should collect money for the needy children.Besides, enterprises and individuals should do what they can to provide support.What’s more, the United Nations should do its best to help the poor countries to develop their economy so that there are less and less poor children.



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