Senescence:the state of being old : the process of becoming old
Senescent erythrocyte
erythropoiesis: the production of red blood cells(as from the bone marrow)
catalase: a red crystalline enzyme that consists of a protein complex with hematin groups and catalyzes the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen
peroxidase: an enzyme occurring especially in plants, milk, and white blood cells and consisting of a protein complex with hematin groups that catalyzes the oxidation of various substances by peroxides
heme 血红素
sulfonamide 磺胺药物
glucuronic 葡萄糖醛酸
glucuronyl transferase enzyme葡糖醛酸基转移酶
An increase in plama-conjugated bilirubin occurs early in the course of hepatocellular injury.Total plasma bilirubin concentration may not increase until later in dogs with hepatocellular injury, because dogs have a low renal threshold for conjugated bilirubin.Bilirubinuria in cats in nearly always pathologic, indicating either cholestasis胆汁郁积or hepatocellular damage.Mesurement of serum bile acids is a reliable procedure for the detection of cholestasis and is also a sensitive test of hepatic function.Once the patient is icteric though, the bile acid mesurement yields little information regarding hepatic function since they will reach high levels simply from cholestasis.Increased plasma unconjugated bilirubin can results from increased pigment production(hemolysis or ineffective erythropoiesis)or impaired hepatic untake or conjugation of bilirubin.Preponderance 1.: a superiority in weight, power, importance, or strength
2a : a superiority or excess in number or quantity b :
inspissation: thick or thickened in consistency
Hepatocellular disease and biliary obstruction(intrahepatic or posthepatic)may result in an increase in plasma conjugated and unconjugated bilirubin, with the former predominating.Ongoing hepatocellular disease is often associated with marked increase in serum ALT.With chronic cholestatic icterus(hepatic or posthepatic causes)the existence of a conjugated bilirubin fraction, which is tightly bound(covalent bonding)to albumin results in an albumin-bound conjugated bilirubin fraction too large to be excreted in urine, its elimination from the body is determined by the half-life of albumin(12-14 days).This results in a delay in clearance of circulating bilirubin and may explain why icterus persists in some patients even after improvement in hepatic function and a disappearnce of bilirubin from the urine.The serum clearance of bilirubin and the yellow discoloration of the serum always precede the clearance of the tissue icterus
ALP is an induced enzyme, increases are usually associated with cholestasis and biliary endothelial damage.laparotomy 剖腹术
analgesia:insensibility to pain without loss of consciousness
deleterious: harmful often in a subtle or an unexpected way
英语医学专业词汇数量庞大,词源生僻,而医学英语术语学(Medical Terminology)这门课程能帮助医学生较快掌握医学英语词汇的基本特点。
医学英语术语学主要是运用英语语言词汇学的理论(如音位学、形态学、词源学等)来系统探讨医学英语术语的读音、构词、词源等,内容包括: 概论(词源介绍, 读音规则, 构词法,希腊、拉丁两大词源的异同); 各论(常用医学词缀、词根,送气音,辅音同化,复数,指小词,人名冠名术语,无机、有机化学常用构词成分等)。
scalp injury 头皮损伤
scene poatmortem examination 现场尸体检查 scissoring wound 剪创 self-inflicted wound 自伤 seminal fluid 精液
seminal stain 精液斑 sexual maturity 性成熟 指男女青年的性器官、体格和第 二性征的发育成熟,并具有生育 能力。sexual offence 性犯罪 sexual perversion 性欲倒错 shear stress 剪应变
shock 休克 急性循环功能不全,使 维持生命 的重要器官 得不到足够的血液灌 注而产生的综合病症。
shock kidney 休克肾 shock lung 休克肺
shock vulneralis 创伤性休克 shotgun wound 霰弹伤 sickness 病
sideratorum asphyxia 电击窒息 simulation 诈病 skepticism 多疑癖 slash 砍创
chop wound slice 切创 由具有锐利边缘的器物如小刀、瓷器、玻璃或金属碎片切压组织所造成的创伤。slight injury 轻伤
somatic death 躯体死亡是死亡过程的一个阶段,在此阶段作为统一整体的人体虽以死亡,但人体的细胞、组织以及某 些器官仍保持一定的生活能力。species identification 种属鉴别 splitting 挤压伤由于挤压造成的创伤。sprain 扭伤
spured injury 飞溅血痕 stab clipped wound 刺剪创 stab incised wound 刺切创 stab wound 刺创
stabclipped wound 刺剪创 stabincised wound 刺切创 stifle 窒息
subcutaneous hemorrhage 皮下出血
subcutaneous venous network 腐败静脉网 由于体腔、内腔血管中 血液受腐 败气体的压 迫流向体表,致使皮下血管扩张,充满腐败 血液。sudden death 猝死 suicidal death 自杀死 suicidal poisoning 自杀中毒 suicidal strangulation 自勒 suicidal wound 自杀伤
suicide 自杀 suicide poisoning 自杀中毒
supravital reaction postmortem turbidity of the cornea 尸体角膜混浊
supravital reaction 超生反应躯体死亡后的组织、器官对刺激还能发生一定的反应,称为超生反应。
surface of the wound 创面 suturae cranii 颅缝
syndrome 综合症
Tardieu spot 塔雕斑指窒息死者在喉粘膜、肺膜、脑的蛛网膜等处的出血斑点。
tentative cuts 试切创 terminal stage 临终状态 thanatoid 假死 thanatology 死亡学 thanatometer 检尸温度计 thanatopsia 尸体剖验 thanatopsy 尸体剖验 thanatosis 坏死 throttle 扼死 total death 全体死亡
toxic blood concentration 中毒血浓度 toxic asphyxia 中毒性窒息 toxic blood level 中毒血浓度 toxic dose 中毒量 toxicity 毒性 toxicomania 嗜毒癖 trac of stab wound 刺创管 traffic injury 交通损伤
transforminal herniation 枕骨大孔疝 traumatic amnesia 外伤性健忘症 traumatic apnea 外伤性窒息 traumatic asphyxia 外伤性窒息 traumatic cyanotica 外伤性窒息 tthanotography 死亡学 tube of wound by bullet 弹创管 tyrannize 虐待
unknown postmortem examination 无名尸体检查 unnatural death 非自然死
violent death 暴力死 由能量大或作用强的 外来因素造 成的死亡。com virginal membrane 处女膜 visceral laceration 内脏裂创
washer women抯 skin 漂妇样皮尸体在水中浸泡后手足皮肤角质层膨胀、变白、起皱。water intoxication 水中毒 短时间内因输液过多过速,引起 肺水肿或脑水肿死亡。weapon 凶器
withdrawal symptom 戒断症状 wound 损伤 wound shock 创伤性休克 wound tract 创管
wounding agent 致伤因素 zinc poisoning 锌中毒 zinc sulfate poiosning 硫酸锌中毒外伤性窒息
laceration rupture of hymen 处女膜破裂 laceration visual inspection 肉眼检查
laceration 挫裂创 钝器对于体表只有牵引作用而无挤压作用,形成的损伤称为 挫裂创,也叫撕裂创。
laser injury 激光损伤
late postmortem phenomena 晚期尸体现象
delayed postmortem phenomenon legal medicine 法医学 lesion 损害 lethal dose 致死量 ligature mark 索沟
ligature mark in hanging; ligature mark in strangulation.ligature mark in hanging 缢沟 缢索在颈ligature mark in strangulation 勒沟勒索在颈部的印痕称为勒沟,一般 多位于甲状软骨或甲状软骨以下部位。ligature strangulation 勒死
ligature mark in strangulation subcutaneous gas bleb 腐败气泡 lighting 雷击
lighting mark 雷电击纹 lipocere 尸蜡
grave wax.livor mortis 尸斑 死后血液循环停止,血液由于重力的作用,坠积于 尸体的低下部位,透过皮肤呈现暗红色或暗紫红 色斑痕。尸斑的颜色,程度可提供死亡分析;根据 尸斑的位置可推断死亡时的体位。
lung death 肺死亡 肺死亡又称呼吸死。指呼吸先于心跳停止所引起的死亡。lung death pulmonary docimasia 肺沉浮检验
maceration 浸软 妊娠4个月后的胎儿死于子宫 内,在羊水中所发生的无菌性自 溶性改变称为浸软。maidenhead 处女膜 maim 伤残 malformation 畸形 malinger 伪(诈)病 malingering 伪病
malingering blindness 伪盲 malingering deafness 伪聋 malpractice 治疗失当,医疗差错 maltreat 虐待
manner of death 死亡方式 manual strangulation 扼死 mayhem 伤残
mechanical asphyxia 机械性窒息 由机械作用引起呼吸障碍,如捂住 口鼻孔,堵塞呼吸道,缢勒颈项部,压迫胸腹部等妨碍了呼吸,使体内 缺氧,二氧化碳蓄积过多,发生死亡。mechanical injury 机械性损伤 以机械性暴力所致的损伤。medical examiner 法医 medical examiner office 法医局 medical jurisprudence 法医学 medical negligence 医疗事故 medical tangle 医疗纠纷
medicolegal autopsy 法医学尸体解剖
medicolegal examination of death body 法医学尸体检 查 medicolegal expert witness 法医学鉴定人 medicolegal expertise 法医学鉴定 medicolegal expertise report 法医学鉴定书
medicolegal identification of trauma 损伤的法医学鉴定 medicolegal physician 法医师 molecular death 分子死亡
mors subita suicidal behaviour 自杀行为 morphine poisoning 吗啡中毒 morphinism 吗啡中毒
mors subita 猝死指一个似乎健康的、或近日内无死亡危险的人,经过数分钟或数小时,出乎意料地死于自然疾 病。mortuary 验尸所 mummification 干尸化 mummy 木乃伊 mutilated body 肢解尸体 mutilation 致残毁 mutilation 毁尸 natural death 自然死
necrophilia 恋尸癖 恋尸癖以奸淫尸体而得到性满足。necrophilism 恋尸癖 同上。necrophily 恋尸癖 同上。necropsy 尸体剖验
necrosis(pl.necroses)坏死 在生活机体内,局部组织或 细胞的死亡。negligence 责任事故
neonatal asphyxia 新生儿窒息
neonatal death from abuse 新生儿虐待死
newborn postmortem examination 新生儿尸体检查 nonfatal trauma 非致命伤。不构成死亡的损伤。nonviolent death 非暴力死
nygma 刺伤。尖端锐利而狭长的器具,沿 其长轴方向,穿刺身体组织 内所形成的创伤。nymphomania 好淫狂 obduction 尸体解剖 occasional fatal trauma 偶然的致命伤
organic death 器官死亡 是死亡过程的最后阶段。paragnosis 死后诊断
parallel linear bruise 竹打中空 棍棒打击于平坦较厚的软组 织时出现的中空性皮下组 织。parchment-like transformation 皮革样化/羊皮纸化 尸体局部表面,尤其在湿 润的创面和粘膜面,水分不断蒸发,以致局部变 得十分干燥,呈羊皮纸样 外观。
passive infanticide 消极杀婴 胎儿出生后,有意不采取保暖、护理等措施,任其冻死、恶死 或失血死。paternity 父权
paternity exclusion 父权否定 paternity test 父权检验
pathological asphyxia 病理性窒息 因疾病引起机体缺氧,同时伴有二氧化碳的 蓄积而引起的死亡。
pathological death 病理性死亡 pathological fracture 病理性骨折 perforating wound 穿孔伤 personal fatal trauma 个体致命伤 personal features 个体特征
photographicsuperimposition 颅像重合 颅像重合是进行个人识别时 所采用的一种技术,用颅骨与肖像、画面和尸体面模进 行比对,进行个人识别。poison 毒物 poisoning 中毒
position of bleeding 出血部位 postmortem 尸体解剖 postmortem autolysis 尸体自溶 postmortem burns 死后焚尸
postmortem change 死后变化 生命中止后,身体内各种器 官、组织功能逐渐消失,尸体 受到内外因素的影响而发生一系列变化。postmortem chemical change 死后化学变化 postmortem chemistry 尸体化学 postmortem delivery 死后分娩 postmortem examination 尸体检查 postmortem injury 死后伤
postmortem phenomena 尸体现象 由于死后变化而在尸 体上呈现的现象,如 尸冷、尸斑、尸僵等。
postmortem subcutaneous 死后皮下出血 死后皮下出血是一 种超生反应,可用 于推断死亡时间。
posttraumatic amnesia 外伤性健忘症 posttraumatic apoplexy 外伤性卒中 posttraumatic neurosis 外伤性神经官能症 powder deposite 火药沉着 powder smoke tattooing 火药烟晕 primary cause of death 主要死因
primary shock 原发性休克 又称急性神经源性 心血管衰竭。pseudomalady 伪病
pseudopsychosis 伪装精神病 psychiatric epertise 精神鉴定 psychic dependence 精神瘾癖 pulmonary death 肺脏死
pungilistic attitude 拳击姿态 attitude of combat putre alkaloide 尸碱,尸毒 putrefactive alkaloide 尸碱,尸毒 putrefy 腐败 putrescine 腐胺
radiation injury 放射性损伤 railway injury 火车损伤 rape 强奸
red cell enzyme 红细胞酶型 responsibility 责任能力
restoration of ficial features 复容 根据颅面骨稳定的形态结构,应 用面部25软组织的厚度的统计数值,将粘特性物质 黏附在颅 面骨上,借以恢复生前容貌。rigor mortis 尸僵 rupture 裂创
rupture of viscera 内脏破裂
A 面积
Abdominal Aorta(AA)腹主动脉 Abdominal Circumference(AC)腹围
Abdominal Flow Display(AFD)腹部血流显示 Abscess(ABS)脓肿 ACA 大脑前动脉 Acc 加速度 AccT 血流加速时间 AComA 前交通动脉
Adrenal Gland(AG)肾上腺 ALS 主动脉瓣叶开放 Amniotic Fluid(AF)羊水
Amniotic Fluid Index(AFI)羊水指数 Amplifier 放大器 Angiography 血管显像 Angioma(ANG)血管瘤 Ann 瓣环 Annotation 注释
Anterior Chamber(AC)前房 Ao 主动脉
Ao Arch Diam 主动脉弓直径 Ao Asc 升主动脉
Ao Desc Diam 降主动脉直径 Ao Diam 主动脉根部直径 Ao Isthmus 主动脉峡部 Ao st junct 主动脉 ST 接合 Appendix(Ap)阑尾 Aqueous Humour 房水 AR 主动脉返流 Ascariasis(As)蛔虫
Ascending Colon(As C)升结肠 Ascites(ASC)腹水 ASD 心房间隔缺损
Automatic gain control 自动增益控制 AV 主动脉瓣膜
AV-A 连续性方程计算的主动脉瓣膜面积 AV Cusp 主动脉瓣膜尖端开放 AV Cusp 主动脉瓣膜尖端开放 AV Diam 主动脉瓣膜直径 AVA 主动脉瓣膜面积 Axill 腋下动脉 Axillary Vein 腋静脉 B
BA 基底动脉 Basil V 基底静脉
Bile Dull Ascariasis(BDAS)胆道蛔虫 Biparietal Diameter(BPD)双顶径 Body Of Pancreas(PaB)胰体 Body of Stomach(SB)胃体 Brac V 臂静脉 Breast 乳腺
Brightness 辉度、亮度 BSA 体表面积 Buffer 阻尼器 C
Calcification(CAL)钙化 Calibration 定标、校正 Cardia(C),(Ca)贲门
Catheter-based US probe 导管超声探头 Caudate Lobe(CL)尾状叶 CCA 颈总动脉 Cecum 盲肠
Celiac Artery(Ce A;CA)腹腔动脉 Ceph V V 头静脉 Cephalic Index 胎头指数 Cervix(C)子宫颈
CFM processing board 彩色多普勒处理功能板 CHA 肝总动脉 Character 字符 Chorion(C)绒毛膜 Choroid 脉络膜 CI 心脏指数
Ciliary Body 睫状体 Clear 消除 CO 心脏输出量 Colon(Co)结肠 Color capture 彩色捕获 Color cut 彩色消除
Color doppler energy 彩色多普勒能量图 Color doppler flow imaging 彩色多普勒血流显像 Color Doppler Flow Imaging(CDFI)彩色多普勒血流显像 Color doppler level 彩色多普勒强度 Color edge 彩色边界 Color enhance 彩色增强
Color flow angiography 彩色血流造影 Color lock 彩色锁定 Color persistence 彩色余辉 Color polarity 彩色极性 Color power angio 彩色能量图 Color scale display 彩阶显示 Color steering 彩色转向
Color velocity imaging 彩色速度显像 Color video monitor 彩色视频监视器 Color wall filter 彩色壁滤波 Com Femoral 股总动脉
Common Bile Duct(CBD)胆总管 Common Hepatic Duct(CHD)肝总管 Common Iliac Artery 髂总动脉 Common Jugular Artery 颈总动脉 Confocusing 全场连续聚焦 Contrast resolution 对比分辨力 Convex(CVX)凸形、凸阵 Convex array 凸阵 Cornea 角膜
Cross sectional Area(CSA)切面面积 Crowm-Rump Length(CRL)顶臀长度 Cyst(Cy)囊肿
Cystic Duct(CD)胆囊管 Cystosonography 膀胱镜超声技术 D
D 直径 Dec 减速度 Decidua 蜕膜 DecT 减速时间
Demodulator 解调器、检波器
Depth gain compensation 深度增益补偿 Desc 递减 Descending Colon(De C)降结肠 Detail resolution 细节分辨力 Diaphragm(D)横膈 Digital image 数字成像
Doppler flow-direction resolution 多普勒流向分辨力
Doppler flow-velocity distributive resolution 多普勒流速分布分辨力 Doppler minimum flow-velocity resolution Doppler sample volume 多普勒取样容积 Dorsal Pedal Artery 足背动脉 Duodenum(Du)十二指肠 Dur 持续时间
Dynamic focusing 动态聚焦
Dynamic frequency scanning 动态频率扫描Dynamic imaging 动态影像 Dynamic range 动态范围 E
ECA 颈外动脉
Echography sonography 声像图法 Ed 心脏舒张 EDD 预产期 EdV 舒张末期容量 EF 射血分数
Effusion(Eff)积液 EFW 胎儿估计体重
Electric focusing 电子聚焦 Embolism 栓塞
Endoluminal sonography 腔内超声显像 Endometriosis(En)子宫内膜 Endo-probe 内腔探头
Endoscopic ultrasonography 内镜超声扫描
Endosonography 内镜超声技术 Epididymis(Ep)副睾 EPSS E 点到室间隔分离 Erase, eliminate 消除 EsV 收缩末期容量 ET 射血时间
External Iliac Artery 髂外动脉 External Jugular Vein 颈外静脉 F
Falx Cerebri(FC;FL)大脑镰
Fast time constant 快速时间常数电路 Fecalith(Fe)粪石 Femoral Artery 股动脉 Femoral Vein 股静脉 Femur Length(FL)股骨径 Fetal Head(FH)胎头 Fetal Heart(F Ht)胎心 Fib 腓骨
Fibrosis(Fib)纤维化 Focal distance 焦距 Focus 聚焦
Foreign Boby(FB)异物 Frame correlation 帧相关 Frame rate 帧率
Frame resolution 帧分辨力 Freeze(FRZ)冻结 Freeze 冻结
Frequency Spectrum 频谱 FS 短轴缩短率 Fumur 股骨 Fundus of Stomach(SF)胃底 FV 血流容量 FVI 血流速度积分 G
GA 孕龄 Gain 增益
Gallbladder(GB)胆囊 Gestational Sac(GS)妊娠囊 Gray scale display 灰阶显示 Great Saphenous Vein 大隐静脉 H
Hamartoma 错构瘤
Head circumference(HC)头围 Head of Pancreas(PaH)胰头 Hematoma(HMA)血肿 Hepatic Duct(HD)肝管 Hepatic Duct(HD)肝管
Hepatic Flexure of Colon 结肠肝曲 Hepatic Vein(HV)肝静脉 Hip 髋骨 HR 心率 Humerus 肱骨 I
ICA 颈内动脉 Ileum 回肠 Iliac Creast 髂嵴 Ilium 髂骨 IMA 肠系膜下动脉
Image uniformity 图像均匀性 Image-line resolution 图像线分辨力 Imaging data 成像数据
Inferior Vena Cava(IVC)下腔静脉 Inguen 腹股沟 Inno V 无名静脉
Internal Iliac Artery 髂内动脉 Internal Jugular Vein 颈内静脉
Internal Ostium of the Uterius 子宫内口 Interventional ultrasound 介入性超声 Intervesical probe 膀胱探头
Intracardiac ultrasonic imaging 心内超声显像 Intracavitary probe 腔内探头
Intraluminal ultrasonic imaging 管腔内超声显像 Intraoperative porbe 术中探头
Intraoperative ultrasonic monitoring 术中超声监视 Intrauterine Devices(IUD)宫内节育器
Intravascular ultrasonic imaging 血管内超声显像 Intravascular ultrasound 血管内超声 Invert 倒置、反转 Iris 虹膜 IVC 下腔静脉 IVRT 等容舒张期 IVS 室间隔
IVSd、IVSs 室间隔(收缩期,舒张期)厚度 J
Jejunum 空肠 Joint 关节 K
Kidney(K)肾 L
L 长度 LA 左心房
LA Diam 左心房直径 LA Major 左心房长度 LA Minor 左心房宽度
LA/Ao Ratio 左心房直径和主动脉根部直径比率 LAA 左心房面积 LAD 左心房直径 Large Intestine 大肠
Lateral Ventricle(LV)侧脑室 Left Gastric Artery 胃左动脉 Left Hepatic Vein(LHV)肝左静脉 Left Liver Lobe(LL)肝左叶 Lens 晶状体
Linear array 线阵 Lipoma 脂肪瘤
Logarithmic compression 对数压缩 LPA 左肺动脉 LPA 左肺动脉 LV 左心室 LVA 左心室面积 LVI D 左心室内径 LVIDd 舒张期左心室容积 LVIDs 收缩期左心室容积 LVL 左心室长度 LVLd 舒张期左心室内径 LVLs 收缩期左心室内径 LVM 左心室心肌重量
LVOT Diam 左心室流出道直径 LVPW 左心室后壁
LVPWd 左室后壁舒张期厚度 LVPWs 左室后壁收缩期厚度 Lymph node(LN)淋巴结 Lymphoma 淋巴瘤 M
M.Psoas Major 腰大肌
Magnification , Magnify , Zoom 放大 Mass(M)包块 MCA 大脑中动脉 Mcub V 中央静脉
Mean Velocity(Mean Vel)平均速度 Medial Hepatic Vein(MHV)肝中静脉 Meniscus 半月板
Menu selection 菜单选择 Mesentery 肠系膜 Metastasis(Met)转移灶
Minimum flow-velocity of color doppler Motion discrimination 运动辨别力 MPA 主肺动脉 MPA 主肺动脉 MR 二尖瓣返流 MRA 肾主动脉
Multipurpose scanner 多用途探头 Multistage focusing 多段聚焦 Muscle, Musculus(M)肌肉 MV 二尖瓣
MVA By PHT 二尖瓣口面积根据压力降半时间MVcf 纤维圆周缩短平均速度 MVO 二尖瓣口 Myoma(MYO)肌瘤 N
Neck of Pancreas(PaN)胰颈 Necrosis(Nec)坏死 Needle Tip(NT)针尖 Node(N)结节 O
Occipital Frontal Diameter(OFD)枕额径 Optic Bulb;Eyeball 眼球 Orifice of the Uterius 子宫口 OT 流出道
Ovary, Ovaries(Ov)卵巢 P
P 乳头肌 PA 肺动脉
Pancreas(P;Pa)胰腺 PAP 肺动脉压力 Parathroid 甲状旁腺 Parotid 腮腺 PCA 大脑后动脉 PComA 后交通动脉 PDA 动脉导管末闭 PEd 心包渗出舒张期
Penetration depth 穿透深度 PEP 射血前期
Peripheral Vessel(PV)外周血管 PFO 卵圆孔未闭 PG 压力阶差
Phased annular array probe 环阵相控探头 PHT 压力降半时间 PISA 最近等速线表面面积 Placenta(PL)胎盘 Popliteal Artery 腘动脉 Popliteal Vein 腘静脉 Porta Hepatis 肝门 Portal Vein(PV)门静脉 Post process 后处理 Pre process 前处理 Preset 预设置 Prostate(Pro)前列腺 Ps 心脏收缩
Pulmonic Diam 肺动脉瓣膜直径 PV 肺动脉瓣
PV Ann Diam 肺动脉瓣环面直径
PV-A 连续性方程计算的肺动脉瓣口面积 PVein 肺静脉 PW 后壁
Pylorus(Py)幽门 Pyramids(Py)锥体 Q
Qp 肺循环血流量 Qs 体循环血流量
Quadrate Lobe(QL)方叶 R
RA 右心房 RAA 右心房面积 Rad 半径 RAD 右心房直径 Raduis 桡骨
Real-time imaging 实时成像 Record 记录
Rectosonography 直肠镜超声(技术)Rectum 直肠
Rejection, reject , suppression 抑制 Renal Artery(RA)肾动脉 Renal Calyces(RC)肾盏 Renal Colums(Rco)肾柱 Renal Pelvis(RP)肾盂 Renal Vein(RV)肾静脉 Rendering , play back 回放 Reset 重调、复原 Retina 视网膜
Reversed Flow(RF)返流
Right Hepatic Vein(RHV)肝右静脉 Right Liver Lobe(RL)肝右叶 Right Ventricle(RV)右心室 RPA 右肺动脉 RPA 右肺动脉 RV 右心室 RVA 右心室面积 RVAW 右心室前壁 RVD 右心室直径 RVID 右心室内径 RVL 右心室长度 RVOT 右心室流出道 S
Santorini Duct(SD)副胰管 Scan mode 扫描方式
Scanner(SCNR)扫描器、探头 Scar(Sc)疤痕 Sclera 巩膜
Scrotum(Sc),Scrotal Sac(SS)阴囊 Sector Angle(Sec Ang)扇扫角度 Sector scanning 扇扫 Sediment(Sed)沉积物 Segment focusing 分段聚焦
Sensitivity time control 灵敏度时间控制 Sensor 传感器
Septum Pellucidum(SP)透明隔;透明隔腔 Sequential focusing 连续聚焦 Shift 变换
Short Saphenous Vein 小隐静脉 SI 搏动指数
Sigmoid Colon 乙状结肠 Skull ,Cranial Bones 颅骨 Sliging focusing 滑动聚焦 SMA 肠系膜上动脉 Small Intestine 小肠 SMV 肠系膜上静脉 Sonogram echogram 声像图 Spatial resolution 空间分辨力
Spatial resolution of color doppler 彩色多普勒空间分辨力 Spermatic Cord 精索 Spina Bifida 脊柱裂 Spleen(Sp)脾
Splenic Artery(Sp A)脾动脉 Splenic Flexure of Colon 结肠脾曲 ST 缩短
% STIVS 心室缩短百分比 Stomach(STO)胃 Stone(St)结石 SUBC 锁骨下动脉 Subclavian Vein(SCV)锁骨下静脉 Sublingual Gland 舌下腺 Submaxillay Gland 颌下腺 Sup Femoral 股浅动脉
Superior Mesenteric Artery(SMA)肠系膜上动脉 Superior Mesenteric Vein(SMV)肠系膜上静脉 SV 每搏量 SVI 每搏量指数 T
T 时间 TA 三尖瓣环
Tail of Pancreas(PaT)胰尾 TAML 三尖瓣环面中部到侧部 Target(TAR)靶团 TCD 经颅多普勒
Temporal resolution 瞬时分辨力 Tendon Tendon 肌腱 Testis(Ts)睾丸 Thalmus(Th)丘脑、视丘 Third Ventricle(V3)第三脑室 Thoracic cavity 胸腔
Thoracic Circumference(Th C)胸围 Three dimensional display 三维显示 3D image reconstruction 三维图像重建 Thrombus(Th)血栓 Thyroid 甲状腺 Tibiaula 胫骨
Time gain compensation 时间增益补偿
Time resolution of color doppler 彩色多普勒时间分辨力 Tissue specific imaging 组织特性成像 TR 三尖瓣返流
Trans AVA(d)、Trans AVA(s)横向主动脉瓣膜面积 Transcranial doppler 经颅多普勒 Transcranial Doppler(TCD)经颅多普勒 Transducer 换能器
Transesophagel echocardiography probe(TEE)经食管超声心动图探头 Transesophagel probe 食管探头 Transrectal probe 直肠探头
Transrectal ultrasonography 经直肠超声扫描 Transurethral probe 尿道探头 Transurethral scanning 经尿道扫查 Transvagin Scan(TVS)阴道超声
Transvaginal color doppler imaging 经阴道彩色多普勒显像 Transvaginal probe 阴道探头 Transverse Colon(Tr C)横结肠)Trigger 触发器 Tuberculosis(TB 结核 Tumor(T)肿瘤
Tunica Vagialis, Vagina Tunic 鞘膜 TV 三尖瓣膜 TVA 三尖瓣口面积 U
Ulna 尺骨
Ultrasonic imaging 超声成像 Ultrasound catheter 超声导管 Ultrasound endoscope 超声内镜
Ultrasound guided percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography 经皮肝穿刺胆管造影
Ultrasound guided probe 穿刺探头 Umbilical Cord(UC)脐带
超声引导Uncinate Process 钩突 Ureters(Ur)输尿管 Urethra 尿道
Urinary Bladder(BL)膀胱 Urterine Canal 子宫腔
US guided fetal tissue biopsy 超声引导胎儿组织活检
US guided percutaneous alcohol injection 超声引导经皮穿刺注射乙醇 US guided percutaneous aspiration 超声引导经皮抽吸
US guided percutaneous gallbladder bile drainage 超声引导经皮胆囊胆汁引流
US guided percutaneous transhepatic portography 超声引导经皮肝穿刺门静脉造影
Uterine Tube,Oviduct 输卵管 Uterus 子宫 V
Vagina 阴道
Vaginosonography 阴道镜超声技术 Vcf 纤维圆周缩短速度 Vel 速度
Verebral Colum, Spine 脊柱 VERT 椎动脉 Vertebra 椎骨
Vesiculae Seminals;Seminal Vesicle(SV)精囊 VET 瓣膜射血时间 Villus 绒毛 Vitreous 玻璃体 Vmax 最大速度 Vmean平均速度 VSD 室间隔缺损 VTI 速度时间积分 W
Wide-band probe 宽频带探头 Write 写入 Y
Yolk Sac(YS)卵黄囊 Z
Zero adjustment 零位调整 Zone focusing 区域聚焦
A:adrenalin 肾上腺素A:aortic second sound 主动脉瓣第二音AA:amino acid 氨基酸AA:aplastic anemia 再生障碍性贫血Ab:antibody 抗体ABE:acute bacterial endocarditis 急性细菌性心内
膜炎ACD:anemia of chronic disease 慢性病贫血ACE:angiotensin converting enzyme 血管紧张素转 化酶A cell:accessory cell 辅佐细胞(免疫)ACh:acetylcholine 乙酰胆碱(神经递质)AChE:acetycholinesterase 乙酰胆碱脂酶 AChR:acetylcholine receptor 乙酰胆碱受体ACTH:adrenocorticotropic hormone 促肾上腺皮质激
素 ACV:acyclovir 无环鸟苷(抗病毒药)AD:autosomal dominant 常染色体显性AD:Alzheimer's disease 阿尔茨海默氏病ADA:adenosine deaminase 腺苷脱氨酶ADCC:antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity 抗体依赖性细胞介导细胞毒作用ADD:attention deficit disorder 注意缺陷障碍(即
多动综合征)ADH:antidiuretic hormone 抗利尿激素ADP:adenosine diphosphate 二磷酸腺苷ADR:adverse drug reaction 药物不良反应AFB:acid-fast bacilli 抗酸杆菌AFP:alpha fetoprotein 甲胎蛋白AG:anion gap 阴离子间隙A/G:albumin/globulin ratio 白/球蛋白比率Ag:antigen 抗原 AGL:acute granulocytic leukemia 急性粒细胞白血病AGN:acute glomerulonephritis 急性肾小球肾炎AHF:antihemophilic factor 抗血友病因子AI:aortic insufficiency 主动脉瓣关闭不全AI:artificial insemination 人工授精AID:artificial insemination with doner's semen
非配偶间人工授精AIDS:acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 获得性 免疫缺陷综合征,艾滋病AIH:artificial insemination with husband's semen 配偶间人工授精AIHA:autoimmune hemolytic anemia 自身免疫性溶血
性贫血 AISN:acute interstitial nephritis 急性间质性肾炎AKP:alkaline phosphatase 碱性磷酸酶Ala:alanine 丙氨酸ALA:aminolevulinic acid 氨基酮戊酸(卟啉前体)ALD:aldolase 醛缩酶ALG:antilymphocyte globulin 抗淋巴细胞球蛋白ALL:acute lymphoblastic leukemia 急性淋巴细胞白
血病ALP:alkaline phosphatase 碱性磷酸酶ALS:amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 肌萎缩性侧索 硬化症ALS:antilymphocyte serum 抗淋巴细胞血清ALT:alanine aminotransferase
丙氨酸转氨酶(即 SGPT)AML:acute myeloblastic leukemia 急性原粒细胞性 白血病 AMMOL:acute myelomonoblastic leukemia 急性髓单核 细胞性白血病 AMOL:acute monoblastic leukemia 急性单核细胞性白
血病AMS:acute mountain sickness 急性高山病AMS:atypical measles syndrome 非典型麻疹综合征AMY:amylase 淀粉酶AN:analgesic nephritis 止痛药肾炎ANA:antinuclear antibody 抗细胞核抗体ANP:atrial natriuretic peptide 心房利钠肽(即心
钠素)Anti-HBc:antibody to hepatitis B core antigen 抗
乙型肝炎核心抗体Anti-HBe:antibody to hepatitis B e antigen 抗乙型肝炎e抗体Anti-HBs:antibody to hepatitis B surface antigen 抗乙型肝炎表面抗体(即AuAg)ANUG:acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis 急
性坏死性溃疡性龈炎AP:alternate pathway 旁路途径(补体活化)APB:atrial premature beat 房性期前收缩APC:antigen-presenting cell 抗原呈递细胞APC:acute pharyngoconjunctival fever 急性咽结合 膜热APP:acute-phase protein 急性期蛋白APRT:adenine phosphoribosyltransferase 腺嘌呤磷 酸核糖转移酶(嘌呤回收途径)APTT:activated partial thromboplastin time 活化 部分凝血活酶时间APUD:amine precursor uptake and decarboxylation 胺前体摄取和脱羧(细胞)AR:aortic regurgitation 主动脉反流AR:autosomal recessive 常染色体隐性ARA-A:adenine arabinoside 阿糖腺苷(抗病毒药)ARA-C:cytosine arabinoside 阿糖胞苷(抗癌药)ARAS:ascending reticular activation system 上行
网状激活系统ARC:AIDS-related complex 艾滋病相关复合征ARD:acute respiratory disease 急性呼吸道病ARDS:adult respiratory distress syndrome 成人呼
吸窘迫综合征 ARF:acute renal failure 急性肾功能衰竭ARF:acute rheumatic fever 急性风湿热AS:aortic stenosis 主动脉瓣狭窄AS:ankylosing spondylitis 强直性脊柱炎Arg:arginine 精氨酸ASA:acetylsalicylic acid 乙酰水杨酸ASD:Alzheimer's senile dementia 阿尔茨海默氏老
年性痴呆ASD:atrial septal defect 房间隔缺损Asn:asparagine 天门冬酰胺ASO:antistreptolysin O 抗链球菌(溶血)素 OAsp:aspartic acid 天门冬氨酸AST:aspartate aminotransferase 天门冬氨酸转氨酶(即SGOT)AT:angiotensin 血管紧张素ATL:adult T cell leukemia 成人T细胞白血病ATN:acute tubular necrosis 急性肾小管坏死ATP:adenosine triphosphate 三磷酸腺苷AuAg:Australia antigen 澳大利亚抗原(即Anti-HBs),澳抗AUC:area under concentration curve 药-时曲线下
面积AV:atrioventricalar 房室AV:arteriovenous 动静脉AVF:(augmented voltage,left leg)加压单极左腿导 联AVL:(augmented voltage,left arm)加压单极左臂导
联AVM:arteriovenous malformation 动静脉畸形 AV node:atrioventricular node 房室结AVP:arginine vaso pressin 精氨酸加压素AVR:(augmented voltage,right arm)加压单极右臂
导联AZT:azidothymidine 叠氮脱氧胸腺嘧啶核苷BAEP:brain-stem auditory evoked potential 脑干听 觉诱发电位BAL:British anti-lewisite(dimercaprol)英国抗路
易士毒气剂(二巯基丙醇)BBB:bundle branch block 束支传导阻滞BBB:blood-brain barrier 血脑屏障BBP:bedside blood purification 床边血液净化BBT:basal body temperature 基础体温B cell:bone marrow-derived lymphocyte 骨髓源淋巴
细胞BCG:bacillus Calmette-Guérin 卡介苗BCNU:bis-chloroethyl-nitrosourea 氯乙亚硝脲,卡 氮芥(抗癌药)BE:base excess 剩余碱BEAM:brain electrical activity mapping 脑电位分
布图BEE:basal energy expenditure 基础能量消耗量 BK:bradykinin 缓激肽BME:biomedical engineering 生物医学工程BMF:bone marrow failure 骨髓功能衰竭BMI:body mass index 体重指数(以体表面积为基数)BMP:bone morphogenic protein 骨形态形成蛋白BMR:basal metabolic rate 基础代谢率BMT:bone marrow transplantation 骨髓移植BP:blood pressure 血压BPH:benign prostatic hypertrophy 良性前列腺肥大Bq:becquerel 伯克(放射强度单位)BRM:biological response modulator 生物反应调节剂BSA:body surface area 体表面积BSP:bromsulphalein 酚四溴肽磺酸钠,磺溴肽钠(肝
功能试验)BT:bleeding time 出血时间BUN:blood urea nitrogen 血尿素氮C:complement 补体CABG:coronary artery bypass grafting 冠状动脉旁
路移植术CAD:coronary artery disease 冠状动脉病CAD:computer-aided diagnosis 计算机辅助诊断CAH:congenital adrenal hyperplasia 先天肾上腺增
生cAMP:cyclic adenosine monophosphate 环一磷酸腺苷CAPD:continuous ambulatory peritnoeal dialysis 持续性非卧床式腹膜透析CAT:calcium antagonist 钙拮抗剂CAVH:continuous arteriovenous hemofiltration 连
续动静脉血液滤过CAVHD:continuous arteriovenous hemodialysis 连 续动静脉血液透析CAVHP:continuous arteriovenous hemoperfusion 连 续动静脉血液灌流CAVP:continuous arteriovenous plasmapheresis 连续动静脉血浆换出CBC:complete blood count 全部血细胞计数CBF:cerebral blood flow 脑血流量CCK-PZ:cholecystokinin-pancreozymin 缩胆囊素-促 胰酶素CCNU:cyclohexyl-chloroethyl-nitrosourea 氯乙环己
亚硝脲(抗癌药)CCU:cardiac care unit 心脏病监护中心CD:cluster of differentiation 免疫细胞表面分化抗 原CDC:U.S.Centers for Disease Control 美国疾病监控
中心C dyn:dynamic compliance 动态顺应性CEA:carcinoembryonic antigen 癌胚抗原CEI:converting enzyme inhibitor 转化酶抑制剂CEP:chronic eosinophilic pneumonia 慢性嗜酸细胞
增多性肺炎CF:complement fixation 补体结合CF:chemotactic factor 趋化因子CF:cystic fibrosis 囊性纤维化CFU:colony forming unit 集落形成单位CGD:chronic granulomatous disease 慢性肉芽肿病CGL:chronic granulocytic leukemia 慢性粒细胞白血
病CH:compromized host 免疫力低下寄主C:constant domain of heavy chain 重链稳定区(免 疫球蛋白)CHD:coronary heart disease 冠心病CHF:congestive heart failure 充血性心力衰竭CHO:carbohydrate 碳水化合物,糖CI:cardiac index 心脏指数Ci:curie 居里(放射强度单位)CIC:circulating immune complex 循环免疫复合物CIE:countercurrent immunoelectrophoresis 对流免
疫电泳CIS:carcinoma in situ 原位癌CISN:chronic interstitial nephritis 慢性间质性
肾炎CK:creatine kinase 肌酸激酶Cl:clearance 清除率C:constant domain of light chain 轻链稳定区(免 疫球蛋白)CLL:chronic lymphocytic leukemia 慢性淋巴细胞白 血症C(L+T):compliance of lungs and thorax 肺-胸廓顺
应性CMG:cystometrogram 膀胱压力容积曲线CMI:cell-mediated immunity 细胞介导免疫CML:chronic myelogenons leukemia 慢性髓细胞白血
病CMV:cytomegalovirus 巨细胞病毒CNS:central nervous system 中枢神经系统CO:cardiac output 心输出量CoA:coenzyme A 辅酶ACOCP:COcombining power 二氧化碳结合力COMT:catechol-O-methyltransferase 儿茶酚氧位甲基
转移酶COPD:chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 慢性阻塞性肺疾病CP:classic pathway 经典途径(补体活化)CP:cor pulmonale 肺原性心脏病CPAP:continuous positive airway pressure 呼吸道
持续正压结氧CPCR:cardio-pulmonary-cerebral resuscitation 心
肺脑复苏CPDD:cis-platinum-diamino dichloride 顺铂CPPV:continuous positive pressure ventilation
连续正压通气结氧 CPR:cardiopulmonary resuscitation 心肺复 CPZ:chlorpromazine 氯丙嗪 Cr:creatinine 肌酐CR:complement receptor 补体受体CREST:calcinosis,Raynaud's phenomenon,esophageal dysfunction,sclerodactyly,telangiectasia 钙质沉着-雷诺氏现象-食管功能失
调-硬皮病指(趾)-毛细管扩张(综合征)CRF:chronic renal failure 慢性肾功能衰竭CRP:C-reactive protein C反应蛋白CSD:cat scratch disease 猫抓病CSF:cerebrospinal fluid 脑脊液 CSF:colony stimulating factor 集落刺激因子C stat:static compliance 静态顺应性CT:calcitonin 降钙素CT:computed tomography 电子计算机断层成像CT:clotting time 凝血时间CTL:cytotoxic T lymphocyte 细胞毒T淋巴细胞CTX:cytoxan 环磷酰胺CV:closing volume 闭合容积CVA:cerebrovascular accident 脑血管意外CVID:common variable immunoglobulin deficiency
常见变异性免疫缺陷CVP:central venous pressure中央静脉压CWP:coal worker's pneumoconiosis 煤矿工人尘肺Cys:cysteine 半胱氨酸D:ergocalciferol 麦角骨化醇(维生素D)D:cholecalciferol 胆骨化醇(维生素D)1,25-(OH)D:1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol 1,25-双羟胆骨化醇DAG:diacylglycerol 甘油二脂D&C:dilatation & curettage 刮宫DDS:diaminodiphenylsulfone 氨苯砜DDT:dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane 滴滴涕DDVP:dichlorvos 敌敌畏DEC:diethylcarbamazine 乙胺嗪(海群生,抗丝虫药)DES:diethylstilbestrol 乙烯雌酚DF:differentiation factor 分化因子DHEA:dehydroepiandrosterone 脱氢表雄甾酮DHT:dihydrotestosterone 二氢睾丸酮DI:diabetes insipidus 尿崩症DIC:disseminated intravascular coagulation 弥漫
性血管内凝血DIP:distal interphalangeal 远指间(关节)DIT:diiodotyrosine 二碘酪氨酸DJD:degenerative joint disease 退行性关节病(即骨性关节病)DKA:diabetic ketoacidosis 糖尿病酮症酸中毒DLE:discoid lupus erythromatosus 盘状红斑狼疮DM:diabetes mellitus 糖尿病DM:dermatomyositis 皮肌炎DNA:deoxyribonucleic acid 脱氧核糖核酸DOC:11-deoxycorticosterone 11-脱氧皮质酮Dopa:dihydroxyphenylalanine 二羟苯丙氨酸,多巴DP:diastolic pressure 舒张压DP:discharge precautions 排出物隔离DPG:diphosphoglyceric acid 二磷酸甘油酸DPN:diphosphopyridine nucleotide 二磷酸吡啶核苷
酸(同NAD,即辅酶I)DSA:digital substraction angiography 数字减影血 管造影DSCG:disodium cromoglycate 色甘酸钠(过敏反应介
质阻释药)DSH:deliberate self harm 蓄意自伤DSM:Dignostic nd Sttisticl Mnul of Mentl Disorders 《精神障碍诊断统计手册》DST:dexamethasone suppression test 地塞米松抑制
试验DT:delirium tremens 震颤谵妄DTH:delayed-type hypersensitivity 迟发过敏DTIC:dimethyl imidazole carboxamide 氮烯咪胺(抗
癌药)DTP:diphtheria tetanus pertussis 白喉-破伤风-
百日咳(三联疫苗)DUB:dysfunctional uterine bleeding 功能失调性子
宫出血DVT:deep vein thrombosis 深静脉血栓形成D/W:dextrose in water 葡萄糖液E:enzyme 酶E:estrone 雌酮E:estradiol 雌二醇E:estriol 雌三醇EABV:effective arterial blood volume 有效动脉血 容量EACA:epsilon-aminocaproic acid 6-氨基己酸(纤溶 酶激活剂抑制药)EAC-rosette:erythrocyte-antibody-complement
rosette 红细胞-抗体-补体玫瑰花结EAE:experimental allergic encephalomyelitis 实 验性变应性脑脊髓炎EBA:epidermolysis bullosa acquisita 获得性大疱
性表皮松解症EBP:eosinophilic basic protein 嗜酸细胞碱性蛋白EBV:Epstein-Barr virus 爱泼斯坦-巴尔二氏病毒ECF:extracellular fluid 细胞外液ECF-A:eosinophil chemotactic factor of
anaphylaxis 过敏反应嗜酸细胞趋化因子ECG:electrocardiogram 心电图ECHO:echocardiography 超声心动图ECHOvirus:enteric cytopathogenic human orphan
virus 人类肠道细胞病变孤儿病毒ECM:external cardiac massage 胸外心脏按压ECM:erythema chronicummigrans 慢性游走性红斑(见 LD)ECT:electroconvulsive therapy 电惊厥疗法,电抽
搐疗法(即电休克疗法)ECT:emission computed tomography 发射计算机断层
成像EDD:expected date of delivery 预产期EDTA:ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid 依地酸(金 属解毒药)EEG:electroencephalogram 脑电图EF:ejection fraction 射血分数EFA:essential fatty acid 必需脂肪酸EGD:esophagogastroduodenoscopy 食管胃十二指肠镜 检EGF:epidermal growth factor 表皮生长因子EGRI:enterogastric reflux index 肠胃反流指数EIA:enzyme immunoassay 酶免疫测定EKC:epidemic keratoconjunctivitis 流行性角结膜炎EKG:electrocardiogram 心电图ELISA:enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay 酶联免疫
吸附测验EM:electron microscope 电镜EMB:ethambutol 乙胺丁醇(抗结核药)EMG:electromyogram 肌电图EMSS:emergency medical service system 急诊医学勤 务系统END:endorphin 内啡肽ENL:erythema nodosum leprosum 麻风结节性红斑(反
应)ENT:ear,nose and throat 耳鼻喉EOP:endogeneous opioid peptide 内源性阿片肽EP:epinephrine 肾上腺素EP:electrophoresis 电泳EP:endogenous pyrogen 内源致热源EP:endorphin 内啡肽EP:enteric precautions 肠道隔离EPEC:enteropathogenic E.coli 肠致病性大肠杆菌EPO:erythropoietin 红细胞生成素(即REF)EPS:expressed prostatic secretion 前列腺按摩液ERCP:endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatogr aphy 内窥镜逆行胰胆管造影E-rosette:erythrocyte rosette 红细胞玫瑰花结ERP:effective refractory period 有效不应期 ERP:estrogen receptor protein 雌激素受体蛋白ERPF:effective renal plasma flow 有效肾血浆流量ERV:expiratory reserve volume 补呼气容积ESR:erythrocyte sedimentation rate 红细胞沉降率,血沉ESRD:end-stage renal disease 终期肾疾病ETEC:enterotoxigenic E.coli 产肠毒素大肠杆菌EXP:excretion precautions 排泄物隔离f:respiratory frequency 呼吸频率F:folic acid 叶酸Fab:antigen-binding fragment 抗原结合片断(免疫
球蛋白)FAD:flavin adenine dinucleotide 黄素腺嘌呤二核
苷酸(黄酶辅基)FAS:fetal alcohol syndrome 胎儿酒精综合征Fc:crystalizable fragment 结晶片断(免疫球蛋白)FDA:U.S.Food and Drug Administration 美国食物药 品局FDP:fibrinogen degradation products 纤维蛋白降 解产物FEV:forced expiratory volume in 1 second 第一秒
用力呼气量FFA:free fatty acid 游离脂肪酸FFM:fat-free mass 不含脂肪物质FH:tetrahydrofolate 四氢叶酸FIA:fluoroimmunoassay 荧光免疫测定Flu:influenza 流行性感冒FMD:foot and mouth disease 口蹄疫FMF:familial mediterranean fever 家族性地中海热FMN:flavin mononucleotide 黄素单核苷酸(黄酶辅基)FMS:fibromyalgia syndrome 纤维肌痛综合征FN:fibronectin 纤维粘连蛋白FNA:fine needle aspiration biopsy 细针吸取活检FRC:functional residual capacity 功能残气量FSH:follicle-stimulating hormone 促滤泡激素FTA-ABS:fluorescent treponemal antibody-absorption 荧光螺旋体抗体吸收(试验)5-FU:5-fluorouracil 5-氟尿嘧啶(抗癌药)FUO:fever of unknown origin 无明热FVC:forced vital capacity 用力肺活量G-:gram negative 革兰氏阴性G+:gram positive 革兰氏阳性GABA:gamma-aminobutyric acid γ氨基丁酸GAG:glycosaminoglycan 糖氨聚糖(即粘多糖)Gal:galactose 半乳糖GALT:gut-associated lymphatic(lymphoid)tissue 肠道相关淋巴组织GBS:Guillain-Barr syndrome 吉兰-巴雷二氏综合征GERD:gastroesophageal refux disease 胃食管反流
病GF:growth factor 生长因子GFR:glomerular filtration rate 肾小球过滤率GGT:gamma-glutamyl transferase γ-谷氨酰转移酶GH:growth hormone 生长激素GI:gastrointestinal 胃肠GIP:gastric inhibitory peptide 抑胃肽Glc:glucose 葡萄糖Gln:glutamine 谷酰胺Glu:glutamic acid 谷氨酸Gluc:glucuronic acid 葡萄糖醛酸Gly:glycine 甘氨酸GN:glomerulonephritis 肾小球肾炎GN:glomerulonephropathy 肾小球肾病GNB:gram-negative bacilli 革兰氏阴性杆菌GnRH:gonadotropin-releasing hormone 促性腺激素释 放激素GP:glycoprotein 糖蛋白G6PD:glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase 6-磷酸葡
萄糖脱氢酶GRH:GH-releasing hormone 生长激素释放激素GSD:glycogen storage disease 糖原贮积病GSH:glutathione(reduced)谷胱甘肽(还原型)GSSG:glutathione(oxidized)谷胱甘肽(氧化型)GTD:gestational trophoblastic diseases 妊娠性滋 养细胞疾病GTT:glucose tolerance test 葡萄糖耐量试验GU:genitourinary 泌尿生殖GVH:graft-versus-host 移植物抗寄主(疾病)Gy:gray 戈瑞(放射吸收剂量)HA:hemagglutination 血细胞凝集HACE:high-altitude cerebral edema 高原脑水肿HACH:hypertensive atherosclerotic cerebral hemorrhage 高血压性动脉硬化性脑出血HAI:hemagglutination-inhibition 血凝抑制HA(N)E:hereditary angioneurotic edema 遗传性血
管神经性水肿HAPE:high-altitude pulmonary edema 高原肺水肿HAT:hypoxanthine,aminopterin,thymidine 次黄嘌 呤-氨基蝶呤-胸腺嘧啶核苷(培养基)HAV:hepatitis A virus 甲型肝炎病毒HB:heart block 心传导阻滞HbA:adult hemoglobin 成人型血红蛋白HBcAg:hepatitis B core antigen 乙型肝炎核心抗原HBE:His bundle electrocardiogram 希氏束心电图HBeAg:hepatitis B eantigen 乙型肝炎e抗原HBIG:hepatitis B immune globulin 乙型肝炎免疫球
蛋白HbF:fetal hemoglobin 胎儿型血红蛋白HbS:sickle hemoglobin 血红蛋白S,镰状细胞血红蛋白HBsAg:hepatitis B surface antigen 乙型肝炎表面
抗原HBV:hepatitis B virus 乙型肝炎病毒HCD:heavy chain disease 重链病hCG:human chorionic gonadotropin 人类绒毛膜促性
腺激素HCL:hairy cell leukemia 毛细胞白血病HCT(Hct):hematatocrit 血细胞比容(即PCV)HCV:hepatitis C virus 丙型肝炎病毒HD:Hodgkin's disease 何杰金氏病,霍奇金氏病HD:hemodialysis 血液透析HDL:high-density liporotein 高密度脂蛋白HDN:hemolytic disease of newborn 新生儿溶血病HDV:hepatitis D virus 丁型肝炎病毒HE:hematoxylin eosin 苏木精伊红(染色剂)HE:hypertensive encephalopathy 高血压性脑病 HEV:hepatitis E virus 戊型肝炎病毒HF:hepatic failure 肝功能衰竭HF:Hageman factor 哈格曼氏因子(凝血因子)HF:hemorrhagic fever 出血热HFA:Health for All “人人享受健康服务”HFRS:hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome 肾综
合征出血热(即流行性出血热)HGG:human gamma globulin 人丙种球蛋白HGPRT:hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase 次黄嘌呤-鸟嘌呤磷酸核糖转移酶(嘌
呤回收途径)HHNK:hyperglycemic,hyperosmotic nonketotic coma 高血糖高渗性非酮症性昏迷5-HIAA:5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid 5-羟基吲哚乙 酸(5-羟色胺脱氨产物)His:histidine 组氨酸HIV:human immunodeficiency virus 人类免疫缺陷病 毒(即HTLV-和LAV,为AIDS 病原体)HLA:human leukocyte antigen 人白细胞抗原HLP:hyperlipopr oteinemia 高脂蛋白血症HMG:human menopausal gonadotropin 人绝经期促性腺 激素HMG-CoA:hydroxymethyl glutaryl CoA 3-羟-3-甲基-戊二酰辅酶A(合成酮体和胆固醇的中间产物)HMM:hexamethymelamine 六甲密胺(抗癌药)HMP:hexose monophosphate 磷酸己糖(支路)HMWK:high molecular weight kininogen 高分子激肽 原hnRNA:heterogeneous nuclear RNA 核异质核糖核酸HPA axis:hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis 下 丘脑-垂体-肾上腺轴HPETE:hydroperoxy-eicosatetraenoic acid 氢过氧
二十碳四烯酸(合成白细胞三烯的中间产物)HPV:human papilloma virus 人类乳头瘤病毒HR:heart rate 心率HS:heparin sulfate 硫酸肝素HSE:herpes simplex encephalitis 单纯疱疹脑炎HSP:Henoch-Schnlein purpura 享舍二氏紫癜(即过
敏性紫癜)5-HT:5-hydroxytrptamine(serotnin)5-羟色胺(血清 素)HTLV:human T cell leukemia virus 人类 T细胞白血 病病毒HTLV:human T lymphotropic virus 嗜人T淋巴细胞病
毒(同前,另名)HU:hydroxyurea 羟基脲(抗癌药)HUS:hemolytic-uremic syndrome 溶血性尿毒症综合 征HVA:homovanillic acid 高香草酸(多巴胺代谢产物)HX:histiocytosis X 组织细胞增生症 XH-Y:histocompatibility antigen 组织相容性抗原Y(其结构基因位于Y染色体)HZ:herpes zoster 带状疱疹IBD:inflammatory bowel disease 炎症性肠道疾病IBS:irritable bowel syndrome 肠道激惹综合征IC:inspiratory capacity 深吸气量IC:immune complex 免疫复合物ICD:intracranial pressure 颅内压ICD:Interntionl Clssifiction of Diseses 国 际疾病分类ICF:intracellular fluid 细胞内液ICG:indocyanine green 吲哚氰绿(试验)(肝排泌功能 试验)ICS:immotile cilia syndrome 纤毛不动综合症ICU:intensive care unit 监护中心Id:idiotype 独特型ID:intradermal 皮内IDDM:insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus 胰岛素 依赖性糖尿病IDL:intermediate-density lipoprotein 中等密度脂
蛋白IDU:idoxuridine 碘苷,疱疹净(抗病毒药)IE:infective endocarditis 感染性心膜炎IEC:invasive E.coli 侵袭性大肠杆菌IEP:immunoelectrophoresis 免疫电泳IF:inhibiting factor 抑制因子IFA:immune fluorescence antibody 免疫荧光抗体IFA:indirect fluorescent antibody 间接荧光抗体IGF-1:insulin-like growth factor I 胰岛素样生长
因子I(即SMC)IgG:immunoglobin G G型免疫球蛋白IGT:impaired glucose tolerance 糖耐量低减IHA:indirect hemagglatination 间接血凝(试验)IL:interleukin 白细胞介素ILD:interstitial lung disease 肺间质病Ile:isoleucine 异亮氨酸IM:infectious mononucleosis 传染性单核细胞增多症IM:intramuscular 肌内IMD:immunologically mediated diseases 免疫机制介 导疾病INH:isonicotinic acid hydrazide(isoniazid)异烟
肼INQ:index of nutritional quality 营养质量指标IPD:inflammatory pelvic disease 盆腔炎IPF:idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis 特发性肺间质纤
维化IPH:idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis 特发性肺 含铁血黄素沉着症IPPV:intermittent positive pressure ventilation 间歇正压通气给氧IQ:intelligence quotient 智商Ir:immune response 免疫应答(基因)IRD:immune renal disease 免疫性肾病iRNA:informational RNA 信息核糖核酸IRV:inspiratory reserve volume 补吸气容积Is:immune suppressor 免疫抑制(基因)ISG:immune serum globulin 免疫血清球蛋白ITP:idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura 特发性血
小板减少性紫癜ITP:inosine triphosphate 三磷酸肌苷IU:international unit 国际单位IUD:intra-uterine device 宫内节育器IUI:intra-uterine insemination 宫腔内人工授精IV:intravenous 静脉内IVF:in vitro fertilization 体外受精IVP:intravenous pyelogram 静脉肾盂造影JCA:juvenile chronic arthritis 青年慢性关节炎JE:Japanese encephalitis 日本脑炎JEV:Japanese encephalitis vaccine 日本脑炎疫苗JGA:juxtaglomerular apparatus近血管球复合体K cells:killer cells 杀伤细胞Kb:kilobase 纤碱基Km:Michaelis constant 米氏常数17-KS:17-ketosteroid 17-酮类固醇17-KGS:17-ketogenic steroid 17-生酮类固醇KS:Kaposi's hemorrhagic sarcoma 卡波济氏出血性肉 瘤KUB:kidney,ureter,bladder 肾、输尿管及膀胱(平片)LABD:linear IgA bullous dermatosus 线状免疫球蛋
白A大疱性皮肤病LAH:left anterior hemiblock 左前分支阻滞LAK cell:lymphokine activated killer cell 淋巴因 子活化杀伤细胞LAT:latex agglutination test 乳胶凝集试验LATS:long-acting thyroid stimulator 长效甲状腺刺
激素LAV:lymphadenopathy-associated virus 淋巴结病相
关病毒(同HIV)LBM:lean body mass 不计脂肪体重LBW:low birth weight 低体重(儿)LC:Langerhan's cell 郎格汉斯氏细胞(皮肤免疫细胞),郎格汉斯氏细胞(妊娠滋养细胞)LC:Langhans'cell 郎汉斯氏细胞多核巨细胞LCAR:late cutaneous allergic reactions 晚期变态
反应性皮肤反应LCAT:lecithin cholesterol acyltransferase 卵磷
脂胆固醇乙酰基转移酶(催化胆固醇脂化)LCM:lymphocytic choriomeningitis 淋巴脉络丛脑膜 炎LD:Lyme disease 莱姆病LD body:Leishman-Donovan body 利士曼-多诺万二氏
小体LD:median lethal dose 半数致死量LDCF:lymphocyte-derived chemotactic factor 淋巴 细胞趋化因子LDH:lactate dehydrogenase 乳酸脱氢酶LDL:low-density lipoprotein 低密度脂蛋白LE:lupus erythematosus 红斑狼疮Leu:leucine 亮氨酸LGA:large-for-gestational-age 大于胎龄(儿)LGV:lymphogranuloma venerum 性病性淋巴肉芽肿LH:leuteinizing hormone 黄体生成素LL:lepromatous leprosy 瘤型麻风LP:lumbar puncture 腰椎穿刺LPAM:1-phenylalanine mustard 左旋苯丙氨酸氮芥LPH:left posterior hemiblock 左后分支阻滞β-LPH:β-lipotropic hormone β-促脂素LPL:lipoprotein lipase 脂蛋白脂酶LPS:lipopolysaccharide 脂多糖LRI:lower respiratory illness 下呼吸道病LS:life support 生命支持LSD:lysergic aciddiethylamide 赖瑟酸二乙胺(致
幻剂)LT:leukotriene 白细胞三烯LT:lymphotoxin 淋巴毒素LUF syndrome:luteinized-unruptured follicle syndrome 黄体化卵巢未破综合征LVSW:left ventricular stroke work 左心室每搏功Lyb:lymphocyte antigen on B cells B淋巴细胞表面
抗原(鼠)Lys:lysine 赖氨酸Lyt:lymphocyte antigen on T cells T淋巴细胞表面 抗原(鼠)βM:βmicroglobulin β微球蛋白MAC:membrane attack complex 膜攻击复合物(补体活 化产物)MAF:macrophage arming(activating)factor 巨噬细胞 武装(活化)因子MAI:Mycobcterium vium-intrcellulre 鸟-胞内
分支杆菌MAMA:midarm muscle area 中臂肌肉面积MAO:monoamine oxidase 单胺氧化酶MAOI:monoamine oxidase inhibitor 单胺氧化酶抑制 药MBC:minimal bactericidal concentration 最低杀菌 浓度MBC:maximal breathing capacity(MVV)最大换气量(同MVV)MBD:minimal brain damage 轻微脑损伤(即多动综合
征)MBF:myocardial blood flow 心肌血流量MBP:myelin basic protein 髓鞘碱性蛋白MIP:maximal inspiratory pressure 最大吸气压力MCGN:mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis 系膜毛 细血管性肾小球肾炎(同MPGN)MCH:mean corpuscular hemoglobin平均红细胞血红蛋 白含量MCHC:mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration平均红细胞血红蛋白浓度MCLS:mucocutaneons lymph node syndrome 皮肤粘膜 淋巴结综合征(即川崎氏病)MCNS:minimal change nephrotic syndrome 微小病变 性肾病综合征MCP:metacarpophalangeal 掌指(关节)MCTD:mixed connective tissue disease 混合结缔组 织病MCV:mean corpuscular volume平均红细胞体积MD:muscular dystrophy 肌肉营养不良MDS:myelodysplastic syndrome 骨髓异常增生综合征MEA:multiple endocrine adenomatosis 多发性内分泌
腺瘤(同MEN)MEFV:maximal expiratory flow volume 最大呼气流量MEN:multiple endocrine neoplasia 多发性内分泌腺 瘤(同MEA)MET:metabolic equivalent 梅脱(代谢当量)Met:methione 甲硫氨酸,蛋氨酸MetHb:methemoglobin 高铁血红蛋白MF:myelofibrosis 骨髓纤维化MF:mycosis fungoides 蕈样霉菌病(即蕈样肉芽肿)MG:myasthenia gravis 重症肌无力MGN:membranous glomerulonephritis 膜性肾小球肾炎MHC:major histocompatibility complex 主要组织相
容性复合物MI:mitral insufficiency 二尖瓣关闭不全MI:myooardial infarction 心肌梗死MIC:minimum inhibitory concentration 最低抑制浓 度MIF:migration inhibitory factor(单核-巨噬细胞)移动抑制因子MIF:Mllerian inhibitory factor 米勒氏管抑制因子MIG:measles immune globulin 麻疹免疫球蛋白MIT:monoiodotyrosine 一碘酪氨酸MLD:minimum lethal dose 最小致死量MLR:mixed lymphocyte response 混合淋巴细胞反应MM:myeloid metaplasia 骨髓外化生MMEF:maximum mid-expiratory flow 最大呼气中期流 量MMM:myelofibrosis with myeloid metaplasia 骨髓纤
维化伴髓外化生MoAb:monoclonal antibody 单克隆抗体6-MP:mercaptopurine 6-巯基嘌呤(抗癌药)MPGN:membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis 膜
增殖性肾炎(同MCGN)MPO:myeloperoxidase 髓过氧化物酶MPS:mononuclear phagocyte system 单核吞噬细胞系
统MPS:mucopolysaccharidoses 粘多糖病MR:mental retardation 精神发育迟滞MR:mitral regurgitation 二尖瓣反流MR:myelography 脊髓造影MRI:magnetic resonance imaging 磁共振成像MS:mitral stenosis 二尖瓣狭窄MS:multiple sclerosis 多发性硬化MSH:melanocyte-stimulating hormone 促黑素细胞激 素,促黑素MSOF:multiple system organ failure 多发性系统器
官衰竭MTP:metatarsophalangeal 跖趾(关节)MTX:methotrexate 氨甲蝶呤MVA:mevalonic acid 甲羟戊酸(合成胆固醇的中间代
谢物)MVV:maximal voluntary ventilation 最大通气量(同 MBC)m :macrophage 巨噬细胞N:neuraminidase 神经氨酸酶NA:noradrenaline 去甲肾上腺素NA:neutralizing antibody 中和抗体NAD:nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide(oxidized)烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸(同DPN,即辅酶)NADP:nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide(oxidized)烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸磷酸(同TPN,即辅酶)NARES:non-allergic rhinitis with eosinophilia 嗜
酸细胞增多性非变应性鼻炎NBT:nitroblue tetrazolium 亚硝基蓝四氮唑NCF-A:neutrophil chemotactic factor of anaphylaxis 过敏反应嗜中性细胞趋化因子NDI:nephrogenic diabetes insipidus 肾源性尿崩症NE:norepinephrine 去甲肾上腺素NEC:nerotizing enterocolitis 坏死性小肠结肠炎NGU:nongonococcal urethritis 非淋病性尿道炎NIDDM:noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus 非
胰岛素依赖性糖尿病NIH:U.S.National Institutes of Health 美国国立卫
生研究所NK cell:natural killer cells 天然杀伤细胞NMR:nuclear magnetic resonance 核磁共振(同MRI)NPN:nonprotein nitrogen 非蛋白氮NPT:nocturnal penile tumescence 夜间阴茎勃起NREM:nonrapid-eye-movement 非快眼动(睡眠)NS:nephrotic syndrome 肾变综合征NSAID:nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug 非甾体
抗炎药OA:osteoarthritis 骨性关节炎OA:orotic acid 乳清酸(合成嘧啶的中间产物)OAF:osteoclast activating factor 破骨细胞活化因
子OC:oral contraceptive 口服避孕药OCG:oral cholecystography 口服造影剂胆囊造影OGTT:oral glucose tolerance test 口服糖耐量试验17-OH CS:17-hydroxycorticosteroid 17-羟皮质类固 醇OLD:obstructive lung disease 阻塞性肺疾病OPV:oral(live attenuated virus)polio vaccine(Sabin)口服脊髓灰质炎减毒活疫苗(萨宾氏)ORS:oral rehydration solution 口服补水溶液OS:opening snap 开瓣音OT:old tuberculin 旧结核菌素OTC:over-the-counter 非处方(药),柜台(药)P:atrial deploration(ECG wave)心房除极波(心电
图)P:proline 脯氨酸-p:short arm of chromosome 染色体短臂P:properdin 备解素(补体活化旁路途径)P:pulmonic second sound 肺动脉瓣第二音PA:pernicous anemia 恶性贫血PCO:arterial carbon dioxide pressure 动脉血三 氧化碳分压PAF:platelet-activating factor 血小板活化因子PAH:para-aminohippurate 对氨基马尿酸(肾血浆流量
测定)PAM:pyridine aldoxime methiodide 解磷定(有机磷 解毒药)PAM:primary amebic meningoencephalitis 原发性阿
米巴脑膜脑炎PAM:pulmonary alveolar macrophage 肺泡巨噬细胞PAN:polyarteritis nodosa 结节性多动脉炎PCO:arterial oxygen pressure 动脉血氧分压PO:alveolar oxygen pressure 肺泡氧分压PAP:prostatic acid phosphatase 前列腺酸性磷酸酶Pap:Papanicolaou 巴氏(染色)(找瘤细胞)PAS:para-aminosalicylic acid 对位氨基水杨酸PAS:periodic acid-Schiff(reaction)过碘酸希夫氏(反应)PAWP:pulmonary arterial wedge pressure 肺小动脉
嵌顿压PBC:primary biliary cirrhosis 原发性胆汁性肝硬变PBG:porphobilinogen 卟吩胆色素原PBI:protein-bound iodine 蛋白结合碘PC:phosphatidylcholine 磷脂酰胆碱PCA:passive cutaneous anaphylaxis 被动皮肤过敏反 应PCD:plasma cell dyscrasia 浆细胞病PCG:phonocardiography 心音图PCH:paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria 阵发性寒冷性
血红蛋白尿PCM:protein-calorie malnutrition 蛋白质能量营养 不良PCO syndrome:polycystic ovarian syndrome 多囊卵 巢综合征PCP:Pneumocystis crinii pneumonia 卡氏肺孢子虫
肺炎,卡氏肺囊虫肺炎PCR:polymerase chain reaction 聚合酶链锁反应PCV:packed cell volume 血细胞压积(同HCT)PD:peritoneal dialysis 腹腔透析PDA:patent ductus arteriosus 动脉导管未闭PDGF:platelet-derived growth factor 血小板源生 长因子PDT:photodynamic therapy 光动力学治疗PE:physical examination 体格检查,体检PECT:positron emission computed tomography 正电
子发射计算机断层成像PEEP:positive end-expiratory pressure 呼气终末
正压给氧PEFR:peak expiratory flow rate 呼气高峰流量PEG:pneumoencephalography 气脑造影PET:positron emission tomography 正电子发射断层 成像PFNA:percutaneons fine needle aspiration 经皮细
针抽吸PG:prostaglandin 前列腺素PGI:prostacyclin 前列腺环素PGL:persistent generalized lymphadenopathy 持续
性全身淋巴腺病(艾滋病)PGN:proliferative glomerulonephritis 增殖性肾小
球肾炎PH:portal hypertension 门静脉高压PHA:passive hemagglutination 被动血细胞凝集作用PHC:primary health care 初级卫生保健Phe:phenylalanine 苯丙氨酸PI:phosphatidylinositol 磷脂酰肌醇PI:protective isolation(reverse isolation)保护
性隔离(反向隔离)PID:pelvic inflammatory disease 盆腔炎PIE:pulmonary infiltration with eosinophilia 嗜 酸细胞增多性肺浸润PIF:prolactin inhibiting factor 泌乳素抑制因子PIH:pregnancy-induced hypertension 妊娠高血压PIP:proximal interphalangeal近端指(趾)间(关
节)PIT:plasma iron transport rate 血浆铁周转率PKD:polycystic kidney disease 多囊性肾病PK reaction:Prausnitz-Kstner reaction 普库二氏
反应(同PCA)PKU:phenylketonuria 苯丙酮尿症PM:polymyositis 多发性肌炎PMA:progressive mucular atrophy 进行性肌萎缩PML:progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy 进行性多灶性脑白质病PMN:polymorphonuclear neutrophilic leukocyte 多
形核嗜中性白细胞PMR:polymyalgia rheumatica 多发性风湿性肌痛PMS:premenstrual syndrome 经前综合征PMT:premenstrual tension 经前紧张症PMV:prolapse of mitral valve 二尖瓣脱垂PN:polyarteritis nodosa 结节性多动脉炎PNH:paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria 阵发性夜 间血红蛋白尿PNS:partial nonprogressing stroke 非进行性部分中
风PNS:peripheral nervous system 周围神经系统PNT:papulonecrotic tuberculid 丘疹坏死性结核疹P.O.:per os 经口POMC:pro-opiomelanocortin 内啡肽-促黑素-促皮质 素前体POMR:problem-oriented medical record 以问题为中 心的医案记录PP:pellagra preventive 抗糙皮病(因子)(即烟酰 胺和烟酸)PP:periodic paralyses 周期性麻痹PP:pancreatic polypeptide 胰多肽PPD:purified protein derivative 纯蛋白衍化物(精
制结核菌素)PPLO:pleuropneumonia-like organism 类胸膜肺炎微
生物PR interval:PR间期(心电图)PRA:plasma renin activity 血浆肾素活性(同PRC)PRC:plasma renin concentration 血浆肾素浓度(同 PRA)PRF:prolactin releasing factor 泌乳素释放因子PRIH:prolactin release-inhibiting hormone 泌乳素 释放抑制激素PRIST:paper radio-immuno-sorbent test 试纸放射免 疫吸附试验PRL:prolactin 泌乳素Pro:proline 脯氨酸PROM:premature rupture of the membrane 胎膜早破PRP:progesterone receptor protein 孕酮受体蛋白PRPP:phosphoribosy1 pyrophosphate 焦磷酸磷酸核 糖(合成嘌呤、嘧啶和辅酶& 的前体)PSA:psoriatic arthritis 银屑病关节炎PSE:portal-systemic enceph alopathy 门-体循环性
脑病PSGN:poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis 链球菌
感染后肾小球肾炎PSP:phenolsulfonphthalein 酚磺肽,酚红PSS:progressive systemic sclerosis 进行性系统性
硬化症PST:phthalylsulfathiazole 酞磺噻唑PS(V)T:paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia 阵发性室上性心动过速PT:prothrombin time 凝血酶原时间PTA:plasma thromboplastin antecedent(factorⅪ)血浆凝血活酶前体(凝血因子Ⅺ)PTC:plasma thromboplastin component(factorⅨ)血浆凝血活酶组分(凝血因子Ⅸ)PTC:percutaneous transhepatic cholangiogram 经 皮肝穿刺胆道造影PTCA:percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty 经皮穿刺冠状动脉管腔内成形术PTH:parathyroid hormone 甲状旁腺素PTT:partial thromboplastin time 部分凝血活酶时间PTU:propylthiouracil 丙基硫氧嘧啶PV:plasma volume 血浆容积PV:polycythemia vera 真性红细胞增多症PVR:peripheral vascular resistance 周围血管阻力PWM:pokeweed mitogen 美洲商陆有丝分裂原PXE:pseudoxanthoma elasticum 弹性假黄瘤PZA:pyrazinamide 吡嗪酰胺(抗结核药)PZI:protamine zine insulin 鱼精蛋白锌胰岛素-q:long arm of chromosome 染色体长臂:perfusion rate 肺血流灌注率Q fever:query fever 疑向热,Q热QRS complex:ventricular depolarization(ECG waves)心室除极波(心电图)QT interval: QT间期(心电图)R:roentgen 伦琴(放射剂量单位):rate of drug elimination 药物排泄率RA:rheumatoid arthritis 类风湿性关节炎RA:refractory anemia 难治性贫血rad:radiation absorbed dose 拉德(放射吸收剂量)RAI:radioactive iodine uptake test 放射性碘摄取 试验RANA:rheumatoid arthritis nuclear antigen 类风湿
关节炎核抗原RAS:reticular activating system 网状激活系统RAS:renin-angiotensin system 肾素-血管紧张素系
统RAS:renal artery stenosis 肾动脉狭窄RAST:radio-allergo-sorbent test 放射-变应-吸
附试验RAW:airway resistance 气道阻力RBC:red blood cell 红细胞RBF:renal blood flow 肾血流量RCC:renal cell carcinoma 肾细胞癌RDA:recommended daily allowance 推荐膳食需要量RDS:respiratory distress syndrome 呼吸窘迫综合征RE system:reticulo-endothelial system 网状内皮系 统REF:renal erythropoietic factor 肾生血因子(即
EPO)REM:rapid eye movement 快眼动(睡眠)rem:roentgen equivalent of man 雷姆,人体伦琴当 量(放射剂量当量)RF:rheumatic fever 风湿热RF:rheumatoid factor 类风湿因子RF:releasing factor 释放因子RFLP:restriction fragment length polymorphism 限 制性内切片断长度多样性Rh:Rhesus group of red cell agglutinogen 猕猴血
型RH:releasing hormone 释放激素RI:respiratory isolation 呼吸道隔离RIA:radioimmunoassay 放射免疫分析RIF:release inhibiting factor 释放抑制因子RIH:release inhibiting hormone 释放抑制因子RIND:reversible ischemic neurologic disability 可逆性缺血性神经系统病RIP:radioimmunoprecipitation 放射免疫沉淀RIST:radioimmunosorbent test 放射免疫吸附试验RLD:restrictive lung disease 限制性肺疾病RMP:rifampin 利福平(抗结核及抗麻风药)RNA:ribonucleic acid 核糖核酸RNP:ribonucleoprotein 核蛋白RPGN:rapidly progressive glomerulonephripis 急进性肾小球肾炎RPHA:revevse passive hemagglutination assay 反向 被动血细胞凝集试验RPR:rapid plasma reagin 梅毒血浆反应素快速试验RQ:respiratory quotient 呼吸商RSV:respiratory syncytial virus 呼吸道合胞病毒RTA:renal tubular acidosis 肾小管性酸中毒RV:residual volume 残气容积RVT:renal vein thrombosis 肾静脉血栓形成S:serine 丝氨酸SA:sulfacetamide 磺胺醋酰SA node:sinoatrial node 窦房结SAH:subarachnoid hemorrhage 蜘蛛膜下腔出血SaO:arterial oxygen saturation 动脉血氧饱和度SAS:sleep apnea syndrome 睡眠呼吸暂停综合征SBE:subacute bacterial endocarditis 亚急性细菌
性心内膜炎SBT:serum bactericidal titer 血清杀菌滴度SC:subcutaneons 皮下SCC:spinal cord compression 脊髓压迫症SCD:sudden cardiac death 心源猝死SCID:severe combined immunodeficiency disease 严重联合免疫缺陷病SD:sulfadiazine 磺胺嘧啶SD:streptodornase 链道酶SDA:specific dynamic action 特殊动力作用SD-Ag:sulfadiazine silver 磺胺嘧啶银SDM:sulfadimoxine 磺胺二甲氧嘧啶SEP:somatosensory evoked potential 躯体感觉诱发
电位Ser:serine 丝氨酸Sf:Svedberg unit of flotation 漂浮单位(超离心)SGA:small-for-gestational-age 小于胎龄(儿)SGOT:serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase 血 清谷草转氨酶(同AST)SGPT:serum glutamic-pyruvic transaminase 血清谷
丙转氨酶(同ALT)SHb:sulfhemoglobin 硫化血红蛋白SHBG:sex hormone binding globulin 性激素结合球蛋
白SI:strict isolation 严密隔离SIADH:syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion 抗利尿激素分泌异常综合征SIDS:sudden infant death syndrome 婴儿猝死综合征SIG:specific immune serum globulin 特异性免疫血 清球蛋白SIZ:sulfisoxazole 磺胺异 唑SK:streptokinase 链激酶SL:sublingual 舌下SLE:systemic lupus er ythromatosus 系统性红斑狼疮SM:streptomycin 链霉素SM:sulfadimidine 磺胺二甲嘧啶SMD:sulfamethoxydiazine 磺胺甲氧嘧啶SML:sulfamylon 甲磺灭脓SMC:somatomedin C 生长介素CSMC:smooth muscle cell平滑肌细胞SMZ:sulfamethoxazole 磺胺甲基异
唑SOD:superoxide dismutase 超氧化物歧化酶SP: systolic pressure 收缩压SPCA:serum prothrombin conversion accelerator 血清凝血酶原转化加速因子(凝血因子)SPECT:single photon emission computed tomography 单光子发射计算机断层成像SRIF:somatotropin release inhibiting factor 生 长激素释放抑制因子(同SS)SRS-A:slow-reacting substance of anaphylaxis 过
敏反应慢反应物质(即LT-C、D&E)SRT:speech reception theshold 言语接受阈SS Somatostatin 生长抑素(同SRIF)SS:sickle cell anemia 镰状细胞贫血SS:Sjgren's syndrome 舍格伦氏综合征SS:systemic sclerosis 系统性硬皮病SSPE:subacute sclerosing panencephalitis 亚急性
硬化性全脑炎SSS:sick sinus syndrome 病态窦房结综合征SSSS:staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome 葡萄球
菌性烫伤样皮肤综合征STD:sexually transmitted disease 性传播疾病STS:serologic test(s)for syphilis 梅毒血清试验SV:stroke volume 每搏输出量Sv:sievert 希沃特(放射剂量当量)SVC syndrome:superior vena cava syndrome 上腔静
脉综合征SW:stroke work 每搏功T:tetanus toxoid 破伤风类毒素T:ventricular repolarizatioe(ECG wave)心室复极 波(心电图)T3:triiodothyronine 三碘甲腺原氨酸T4:thyroxine,tetraiodothyronine 甲状腺素,四碘 甲腺原氨酸TA:stansplantation antigen 移植抗原TAA:tumor-associated antigen 肿瘤相关抗原TB:tuberculosis 结核病TBE:tick-borne encephalitis 蜱传脑炎TBG:thyroxine-binding globulin 甲状腺素结合球蛋 白TBI:total body irradiation 全身照射TBM:tubular basement membrane 肾小管基底膜TBPA:thyroxine-binding prealbumin 甲状腺素结合前
白蛋白TC:total cholesterol 总胆固醇TCA cycle:tricarboxylic acid cycle 三羧酸循环TCA:tricyclic antidepressant 三环类抗抑郁药TCC:transitional cell cencer 移行细胞癌T cell:thymus-derived lymphocyte 胸腺源淋巴细胞TCGF:T cell growth factor T细胞生长因子TEF:thermic effect of food 食物热效应TF:transfer factor 转移因子TG:triglyceride 甘油三酯Tg:thyroglobulin 甲腺球蛋白6-TG:6-thioguanine 6-硫鸟嘌呤(抗癌药)T:helper T cell 辅助性T细胞Thr:threonine 苏氨酸TIA:transient ischemic attack 短暂性脑缺血发作TIBC:total iron binding capacity 总铁结合力TIN:tubulointerstitial nephritis 肾小管间质性肾 炎TK:thymidine kinase 胸腺嘧啶核苷激酶TL:tuberculoid leprosy 结核样型麻风TLC:total lung capacity 肺总量TLI:total lymphoid irradiation 全身淋巴照射TMJ:temporomandibular joint disorders 颞下颌关节 紊乱TMP:trimethoprim 甲氧苄氨嘧啶(抗菌增效剂)TMS:TMP/SMZ 复方新诺明TMF-:tumor necrosis factor 肿瘤坏死因子TNM:tumor,node,metastasis “肿瘤-淋巴结-转移” 癌症分期系统TPA:tissue plasminogen activator 组织型纤溶酶原 激活剂TPHA:Treponem pllidum hemagglutination assay 梅毒螺旋体血细胞凝集测验TPI:Treponem pllidum immobilization 梅毒螺旋 体制动反应TPN:total parenteral nutrition 完全肠道外营养TPN:triphosphopyridine nucleotide 三磷酸吡啶核苷
酸(同NADP,即辅酶)TPP:thiamine pyrophosphate 焦磷酸硫胺TRH:thyrotropin-releasing hormone 促甲状腺激素释 放激素TrIC:trachoma inclusion conjuntivitis 沙眼包涵体
结合膜炎(因子)tRNA:transfer RNA 转移核糖核酸Trp(Try):tryptophan 色氨酸Ts:suppressor T cells 抑制性T细胞TSA:tumor-specific antigens 肿瘤特异性抗原TSF thickness:triceps skinfold thickness 三头肌 皮褶厚度TSH:thyroid-stimulating hormone 促甲状腺激素TSI:thyoid-stimulating immunoglobulin 促甲状腺免
疫球蛋白TSS:toxic shock syndrome 中毒性休克综合征TT:thrombin time 凝血酶时间TTT:thymol turbidity test 麝香草酚浊度试验TTP:thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura 血栓性血
小板减少性紫癜TU:tuberculin unit 结核菌素单位TURP:transurethral resection of prostate 经尿道 前列腺切除TV:tidal volume 潮气容积TX:thromboxane 血栓素,凝血烷TA:thromboxaneA 血栓素ATyr;tyrosine 酪氨酸UAO:upper airway obstructin 上呼吸道阻塞UC:ulcerative colitis 溃疡性结肠炎UCTS:undifferentiated connective tissue syndrome 未分化结缔组织综合征URI:upper respiratory infection 上呼吸道感染US:ultrasonography 超声检查US:ultrasound 超声 UTI:urinary tract infection 泌尿道感染UTO:urinary tract obstruction 泌尿道梗阻V:unipolar chest electrocardiographic lead 单极 胸前导联:ventilation rate 肺通气量 :alveolar ventilation 肺泡通气量Val:valine 缬氨酸VC:vital capacit y 肺活量VCA:viral capsid antigen 病毒衣壳抗原VCG:vector cardiogram 向量心电图VD:venereal disease 性病,花柳病Vd:apparent volume 表观分布容积VDRL test:Venereal Disease Research Laboratory test 性病研究室玻片试验VE:venereal exposure 冶游史VEP:visual evoked potential 视觉诱发电位V:variable domain of heavy chain 重链可变区(免 疫球蛋白)VIP:vasoactive intestinal peptide 舒血管肠肽VIPoma: 舒血管肠肽瘤Vit:vitamine 维生素V:variable domain of light chain 轻链可变区(免 疫球蛋白)VICD:very low calorie diet 极低热量膳食VLDL:very low density lipoprotein 极低密度脂蛋白VLM:visceral larva migrans 内脏虫蚴移行症VMA:vanillylmandelic acid 香草扁桃酸(肾上腺素代
谢产物)O:Ocomsumption 氧消耗量VOD:veno-occlusive disease 静脉阻塞性疾病VPB:ventricular premature beat 室性早搏VSD:ventricular septal defect 室间隔缺损VT:ventricular tachycardia 室性心动过速VWD:von Willebrand disease 冯?维勒布兰德氏病VWF:von Willebrand factor 冯?维勒布兰德氏因子(凝血因子
相关蛋白)VZV:varicella-zoster virus 水痘-带状疱疹病毒/:mismatch 通气/血流比例失调 /scan:ventilation-perfusion lung scan 肺通气-
灌注功能显像WB:whole blood 全血WBC:white blood cell 白细胞WDHA:watery diarrhea,hypokalemia,achlohydric 水泻-低血钾-无胃酸(综合征)W/H:weight for height 身高相关体重WHO:World Health Organization 世界卫生组织 AT:-抗胰蛋白酶(error):type 1 error(false-positive conclusion)一型错误(假阳性结论)β(error):type 2 error(false-negative conclusion)二型错误(假阴性结论)