Address by Ms Bernadette Artivor, Executive Director of the Namibia Investment Center on the occasion of the 9 th China International Fair for Investment and Trade in Xiamen, Fujian
Province, China
Namibia has a wealth of investment opportunities, and I take this opportunity to share some of them with you.KEY FACTS ABOUT NAMIBIA、纳米比亚国家简介
Namibia is located in the south western part of Africa, bordering Angola, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, and South Africa.It is a large country compared to its population with an ar ea of 824,116 square kilometres and a p opulation(2001)of close to 2 million people.Our population growth rate is at only 3.7%.纳米比亚位于非洲西南部,与安哥拉、赞比亚、津巴布韦、博茨瓦纳和南非毗邻。我国幅员辽阔,国土面积达到 824,116平方公里;人口接近200 万(2001 年数据),年增长率仅为 3.7%。
The Namibian s ystem of government is a multi-party democracy with checks and balances exercised through the State organs of the executive, legislative and the judiciary.General, presidential, regional and local elections are held every five years.纳米比亚实行三权分立和多党制的政治制度,全国大选、总统选举及其他地方各级选举皆为每五年一次。English is the official language and it is a secular state but over 90% of population is Christian.英语是纳米比亚的官方语言。我国政教分离,但 90% 人口为基督教徒。
Namibia's main exports for 2003-2004 were diamonds at 41%, other minerals like uranium, zinc and copper at 14.6%, food and live animals at 15.2% and manufactured goods at 28.3%.2003 至 2004 年间,纳米比亚的主要出口商品为钻石,占出口总量的 41% ;另外,铀、锌、铜等金属矿石占出口总量的 14.6%,食品及畜牧业出口商品占总量的 15.2%,制造业商品占 28.3%。
Our main export destinations are the United Kingdom, South Africa, Spain, Germany, Italy, France, Japan, Switzerland, United States, Angola and the Netherlands
Our main sources of imports are from South A frica, Germany, France, Italy, Japan, UK and USA.The Namibian currency the Namibian Dollar(N$)is pegged 1:1 to the South African Rand.The Namibian Dollar converts to US$1 = N$ 6,2.目前,纳米比亚的货币为纳元,与南非货币“兰特”等值,与美元的汇率为 1 美元兑换 6.2 纳米比亚元。
Namibia has extensive mineral deposits.Its diamonds and uranium are world-class so are its gold, copper, lead, zinc and other base metals, a wide variety of semi-precious stones and many types of dimension stone are also found in abundance.纳米比亚矿藏丰富。我国的钻石和铀矿石储量均居世界前列。另外,境内蕴藏丰富的金、铜、铅、锌等贱金属矿藏,和多种宝石、规格石料等。
Value-addition is encouraged in refining of base metals and other minerals, like manganese, processing of marble and granite, and cutting and polishing of precious and semi-precious stones.Good prospects for development of the jewellery industry exist and are encouraged.矿藏、矿石的增值加工冶炼业前景广阔,如:锰提炼、大理石和花岗石加工、宝石及次宝石的切割和打磨等。尤其是宝石加工业,它受到各地方政府的重视和鼓励。
Geophysical studies indicate good prospects for oil and gas exploration.另外,相关的地质研究证明,我国的石油、天然气勘探同样有不错的前景。
Namibia's marine resources are among the richest in the world.Our fishing grounds are unpolluted.The nutrient rich Benguela current produces numerous commercially important species of fish and shellfish.纳米比亚海产资源丰富,居世界前列,更加难能可贵的是捕捞水域清洁无污染。例如本格拉港,那里盛产多种出口商业价值极高的鱼类和贝类海产品。
Many opportunities exist in value addition activities and mariculture.Mariculture potential exists to develop kob, blacktail, turbot, cod and halibut as well as crustaceans, molluscs and seaweed.Freshwater(aquaculture)potential exists for tilapia, catfish and tigerfish.因此,我国的海产品增值加工业和海水养殖业均蕴藏大量投资良机。海水养殖上,非洲水羚、幼年鲑鱼、大比目鱼、鳕鱼、贝类、软体类以及海藻等都有不错的养殖前景。淡水养殖则可关注罗非鱼、鲶鱼、虎鱼等鱼种。AGRO INDUSTRY农业
Investment opportunities exist in value-added local processing of livestock, ostrich farming, crop production and food processing.Good prospects also exist for extensive horticulture, such as, olive oil, jojoba and cut flowers.Cotton production and establishment of a cotton ginnery are proposed by government as investment opportunities.畜牧、鸵鸟饲养、农作物生产、食品加工等农产品增值加工业为投资者提供了丰富的机遇。橄榄油、加州希蒙得木、花卉等广义上的园艺行业也有诱人的投资前景。另外,棉花生产及轧棉厂兴建项目也得到了我国政府的重视和鼓励。TOURISM旅游业
Spectacular scenery and wildlife makes Namibia a tourist haven.Leading to the lodges and resorts are excellent road and accommodation infrastructure.A warm climate and friendly atmosphere of Namibians provide I great ingredients for a burgeoning tourism industry.美丽的自然风光和独特的野生动物使纳米比亚成为旅游胜地。国内良好的公路交通和基础设施条件都给酒店和旅游区的建设带来了便利。另外,纳米比亚温暖的气候和宜人的空气也为旅游业提供了得天独厚的条件。
There is an exceptional scope for manufacturing investment and value addition to our local natural resources for domestic, regional and international export markets.The following areas are promoted for the manufacturing sector: 我国制造业的投资前景尤其广阔,我国有丰富的自然资源可供增值制造加工业利用,而国内、地区和国际三个层次的市场更能解决投资者的后顾之忧。具体来说,以下行业尤其值得关注:
•Cement production水泥生产
•Textiles and garments 纺织服装
•Finished leather goods 皮革制品
•Glassware and ceramics玻璃及陶瓷制品
•Steel manufacturing钢铁制造
•Electronic assembly家电装配
•Automotive components汽车零配件制造
1.Foreign Investment Act, No.24 of 1993 外国投资法,第24条(1993年)
The main provisions of the Foreign Investment Act are:外国投资法的主要内容为:
•Promotion of free market economy in Namibia发展纳米比亚的自由市场经济
•Equal treatment of national and foreign investors给予国外投资者国民待遇
•Full protection of investments保护投资
•No prescription and or requirement of local participation投资项目无需当地资本参与
•Repatriation of profits利润汇回投资商所在国
•Certificate of Status Investment 认证投资地位
Responsible Authority:主管部门:
•Namibia Investment Centre, Ministry of Trade and Industry纳米比亚贸易工业部 投资促进中心
2.Export Processing Zone(EPZ)Act, No.9 of 1995出口加工区法,第9条(1995年)
The Namibian EPZ Regime has the following salient features: 纳米比亚“出口加工区”内的企业可享受如下优惠政策: •Vehicle for attracting export-oriented domestic and FDI into the manufacturing sector“出口加工区”旨在为以出口导向的制造业吸引国内和国外直接投资
•Tax free environment免税
•Free industrial location免土地使用税
•Manufacturing/value addition oriented以制造业或增值行业为导向
•Export oriented(outside SACU)以出口为导向(出口至南部非洲关税联盟区域之外)
•Conditional and dutiable local sales出口加工区内企业产品在当地市场的销售有条件限制,且需征税
•Free dealing in foreign currency自由兑换外汇
•Free repatriation of capital and profits资金和利润可自由汇出
Responsible Authority主管部门:
The Offshore Development Company is the EPZ Management Authority, under the supervision of an EPZ Ministerial Committee(MTI, MOF and BON).沿海发展公司,该公司接受出口加工区部级委员会(由贸易工业部、外交部和国有资产局共同组成)的监督鼓励政策 INCENTIVES
Namibia has a highly competitive incentive and fiscal regime.纳米比亚对外商投资实施多种鼓励机制,使其在市场上具有极高的竞争力。
Export processing zone incentives provide a zero tax haven, exempting enterprises engaged in manufacturing,assembly, packaging or break-bulk exporting mainly to outside of SACU markets from corporate tax, VAT, stamp and transfer duties.Special incentive packages are also available for exporters and registered manufacturers targeting the Southern African Customs Union(SACU)market.出口加工区内企业享受零关税待遇。此外,产品主要出口至“南部非洲关税联盟”区域之外的制造、装配、包装、杂货企业,可免缴企业所得税、增值税、生产资料和中间产品进口关税。产品主要针对南部非洲关税联盟区内市场的出口企业和制造业企业也享受特殊优惠政策。
TRADE ARRANGEMENTS 加入区域组织和优惠贸易安排情况:
Duty and quota-free access to the US market for over 7,000 products under the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act.签署(美国)《非洲增长与机遇法案》,超过 7000种商品在进入美国市场时享有零关税和无配额限制的优惠待遇。Namibia has been granted LDC status(less stringent rules of origin).纳米比亚享受不发达国家待遇(出口限制比最初规定还要低)
Cotonou Agreement :(欧盟)《科托努协定》:
This agreement allows for duty-free access to the European Union for a wide range of manufactured goods and agricultural products.多种制造业产品和农产品在进入欧盟市场时享有零关税待遇。
SADC: 南部非洲发展共同体:
As one of 13 member states of the Southern African Development Community, Namibia has preferential trade links to the 190 million+ inhabitants of the sub-region.南部非洲发展共同体包括 13个成员国,共有超过1.9亿居民。作为共同体一员,纳米比亚在该区域内拥有优先贸易权。
SACU : 南部非洲关税同盟
The Southern Africa Customs Union is the oldest such trade arrangement in the world.Membership affords duty and quota-free access to markets in Botswana, Lesotho, South Africa and Swaziland.南部非洲关税同盟在世界上众多类似的贸易安排中历史最为悠久。由于加入该组织,我国商品可零关税、无配额限制地自由进入博茨瓦纳、莱索托、南非和斯威士兰四国市场。
Generalised System of Preferences(GSP)普遍优惠制
This system allows for the following:该体系制定如下政策:
Non-reciprocal preferential tariff treatment for trade in goods商品贸易非互惠关税优惠待遇
Unilaterally extended by Australia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Canada, the Czech Republic, the European Community,Hungary, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, the Russian Federation, the Slovak Republic, Switzerland, Turkey and the United States of America单边扩展至:澳大利亚、白俄罗斯、保加利亚、加拿大、捷克、欧盟、匈牙利、日本、新西兰、挪威、波兰、俄罗斯、斯洛伐克、瑞士、土耳其和美国。
Namibia is beneficiary to almost all of the existing GSPs.在如今的普惠制中,纳米比亚基本都处受优惠地位 SACU-USA Free Trade Agreement :南部非洲关税同盟-美国 贸易自由协定
Expanded and long-term trade and market access opportunities and relationships.建立长期的、不断发展的贸易关系和市场准入关系。
SACU-Mercosur PTA:南部非洲关税同盟- 统一南方共同市场 优惠贸易协定
Reciprocal granting of preferential tariff 相互享有优惠关税政策
Namibia-Zimbabwe PTA: 纳米比亚-津巴布韦 优惠贸易协定
Duty free market access for goods produced in Namibia纳米比亚境内生产的商品可零关税进入津巴布韦市场 Other Bilateral Trade Arrangements:其他双边贸易协定
Namibia has Most Favoured Nation trade agreements with Angola, DRC, Ghana, Tunisia, Cuba, India, People's Republic of China, DPR Korea, Malaysia, Romania and Russia 纳米比亚同以下国家签有最惠国待遇贸易协定:安哥拉、刚果民主共和国、加纳、突尼斯、古巴、印度、中华人民共和国、韩国、马来西亚、罗马尼亚、俄罗斯。
The following make Namibia a very attractive investment location and a place to live: 纳米比亚拥有良好的投资、生活环境
•Peace, stability and good governance和平、稳定、良好的政府管理
•Excellent road, rail and air infrastructure公路、铁路、民航等交通条件便利
•Excellent telecommunications network发达的通讯网络
•Wide inter-continental market access宽泛的内陆市场准入
•Liberal investment regime自由投资机制
•Stable labour environment良好的劳作环境
•Generous investment regimes优惠的鼓励投资政策
•Fast, efficient and transparent bureaucracy简捷、高效、透明的管理机构
•Low inflation低通货膨胀率
•Stable foreign exchange reserves充足的外汇储备
•Strategically located, low cost and efficient port位置关键、低成本、高效率的港口
•Young and trainable labour force年轻且受过良好培训的劳动力资源
•Good housing and recreational facilities良好的居住、休闲设施
To be a catalyst for the rapid, equitable and sustainable economic growth, through investment, industrialisation and trade.作为催化剂,通过吸引投资、促进工业化和贸易往来保证纳米比亚经济快速、均衡、可持续性的发展。SUPPORT SERVICES职责:
The Ministry of Trade and Industry offers the following services to investors: 贸易工业部履行如下职责
•Facilitation of entry visas, work and resident permits 发放签证、工作证和居住证
•Company registration企业登记
•Registration of trademarks, designs and patents商标、设计、专利登记
•Investor aftercare services为投资者提供医疗卫生服务
•Issuance of import/export permits进、出口许可批准
•Organisation of in/outward investment missions负责组织境内、外投资代表团
•Organisation of trade fairs(in-& outward)负责组织贸易展览会(境内和境外)
While Namibia offers these and many other opportunities, investors are welcome to approach our delegation for any other ideas they may have.At this year's CIFIT we also showcase some of Namibia's products which you may be interest in for trading purposes.Thus I invite you to visit the Namibian stand and also to get in touch with our delegation so that we can be of assistance to you.I thank you.1综上所述,纳米比亚充满着投资机遇。如果您有其他想法,我们欢迎您与我们的代表团联系。在这次的中国国际投资贸易洽谈会上,我们还带来一些纳米比亚商品,以用于贸易洽谈。值此,我们诚挚地邀请各位参观纳米比亚的展台,并且与我们的代表团联系,以便我们能够向您提供帮助。谢谢大家。
乔布斯在斯坦福大学的演讲稿[中英]苹果计算机公司CEO史蒂夫•乔布斯6.14在斯坦福大学对即将毕业的大学生们进行演讲时说,从大学里辍学是他这一生做出的最为明智的一个选择,因为它逼迫他学会了创新。乔布斯对操场上挤的满满的毕业生、校友和家长们说:―你的时间有限,所以最好别把它浪费在模仿别人这种事上。‖ --同样地,如果还在学校的话,似乎不应该去模仿退学的牛人们。
in China On November 4,2009, Shanghai Government announced: Shanghai Disneyland project application report has been approved by the relevant state departments,estimating [ˈestimeit] 估计total investment is about 24 billion RMB. Hong Kong Disneyland Hong Kong Disneyland opened to visitors on September 12, 2005, but its influence is not good.香港迪士尼乐园向游客开放于2005年9月12日,但是它所产生的影响并不好。
Hong Kong Disneyland has never achieve their goals, and it has been at a loss.香港迪斯尼从未实现其目标的客流量,并一直在亏损。
After entering Hong Kong Disneyland has brought a number of pollution affecting the daily lives of local residents [ˈrezidənt].迪士尼乐园进入香港后带来了一些污染,影响了当地居民的日常生活。
Facing “unequal treaties of the trap” criticism [ ˈkritisizəm] 批评, 批判, 指责, the government will have to fall into the trap to go further and increase land supply and capital investment.面对“不平等条约的陷阱”批评,港府将不得不进一步陷进去,加大土地供给和资金的投入。
Shanghai Disneyland’s beneficial effects and adverse effects The beneficial effects of Shanghai Disneyland 1.It can drive Shanghai's economic development,because people in the Disneyland will buy many things.So the local light industry will develop.拉动上海经济发展,因为人们在迪士尼乐园游玩时要消费,从而带动当地的轻工业发展。
2.We needn’t travel to Hong Kong with a visa and we can go to shanghai instead.It is more convenient.我们不必要带着签证去香港,只要去上海就可以了,这样比较方便。
3.At present, the trend has obvious global economic recession [riˈseʃən,rɪˈseʃn] 经济衰退, So China needs some measures to stimulate [ˈstimjuleit] 刺激investment.It’s a good thing to spend some money building recreational [ˌrekriˈeiʃənəl] 娱乐的 facilities.It can not increase the number of job opportunities, but enhance the international image of Shanghai.目前,全球经济衰退趋势日前明显,中国需要一些措施来刺激投资.花点钱建造娱乐设施是件好事,还能增加很多就业机会,也能提升上海的国际形象
4.Nowadays, we become more and more busy.Many people feel tired and bear much more pressure.So they would like to find a place to relax.I believe that we can have a good time there.当今社会,我们的工作越来越忙碌。它可以给我们提供放松的场所。
5.Compared with others,Disney's facilities are more complete.Many people can also make dreams such as driving cycle racing come true.So many people think that nothing is more attractive to them than Disney.与其他的乐园相比,迪士尼设施更齐全。甚至很多人可以实现他们的梦想,像赛车。很多人认为没有什么地方比迪士尼更有吸引力。
6.China’s economic growth rate overtook that of many developed countries.China’s huge population can be opened up two Disney’s market.中国经济增长速度超过了许多发达国家.中国庞大的人口足以打开两个迪斯尼的市场。
The adverse effects of Shanghai Disney 1.The first is the invasion of the economy.As everyone knows, the first purpose of Disney coming is for the money.At the same time, entertainment is one of the most profitable industry.首先是经济的入侵。众所周知,迪士尼进入中国的第一目的就是为了钱。同时,娱乐是个最赚钱的行业之一。
2.It will pollute the surrounding environment.China's per capita [pə:ˈkæpitə] 人均share of arable
[ˈærəbəl] 适于耕种的 land has always been low。In Shanghai coming up with so much land at once is very hard.It has a certain influence environmental capacity.它有可能破坏环境。中国的可耕地面积的人均占有率本来就是很低.在寸土寸金的上海一下子要拿出这么多土地是很难得的,它对环境容量有一定影响。
3.Hong Kong Disneyland has never achieve their goals, and it has been at a loss.We should learn more from Hong Kong Disneyland for its economic losses.香港迪斯尼从未实现其目标的客流量,并一直在亏损,我们要引以为戒。4.Hong Kong Disneyland will affect Shanghai Disney’s development.Hong Kong already has an oriental [ˌɔ:riˈentəl] 东方的flavor
[ˈflevɚ] 味 of the Disney.We will find the Disney will compete with Hong Kong’s for market share.在上海建迪斯尼将会受到香港迪士尼的影响,香港已经有了具有东方文化特色的迪士尼乐园。我们会发现迪斯尼与香港将竞争市场份额。
5.Shanghai Disney is always the size of a small boy.What’s more,the heavy cost of Disney's intellectual property rights will be a burden.上海迪斯尼的规模永远是迪斯尼的小伙计。根本无法出人头地。而且,迪斯尼知识产权的沉重代价将是一个负担。
Although I found many adverse effects ,I think the construction of Disneyland in Shanghai still has many benefits.The most important thing is improving our economy.what’s more , if we want to go there ,it will be more convenient.So construction Disneyland.I support the of Shanghai
美国总统奥巴马在上海演讲(中英对照全文)2009年11月21日 星期六 09:22 2009年11月16日, 首次访华的美国总统奥巴马在上海科技博物馆与数百名中国学生对话,在对话前,奥巴马发表了演讲。以下为奥巴马演讲的中英文对照全文。
PRESIDENT OBAMA: Good afternoon.It is a great honor for me to be here in Shanghai, and to have this opportunity to speak with all of you.I'd like to thank Fudan University's President Yang for his hospitality and his gracious welcome.I'd also like to thank our outstanding Ambassador, Jon Huntsman, who exemplifies the deep ties and respect between our nations.I don't know what he said, but I hope it was good.(Laughter.)
What I'd like to do is to make some opening comments, and then what I'm really looking forward to doing is taking questions, not only from students who are in the audience, but also we've received questions online, which will be asked by some of the students who are here in the audience, as well as by Ambassador Huntsman.And I am very sorry that my Chinese is not as good as your English, but I am looking forward to this chance to have a dialogue.我今天准备先做一个开场白,但我真正希望做的是回答问题,不但回答在座的学生提出的问题,同时也回答从网上提出的一些问题,这些问题由在座的一些学生和洪博培大使代为提出。很抱歉,我的中文不如你们的英文,但我期待着这个和你们对话的机会。
This is my first time traveling to China, and I'm excited to see this majestic country.Here, in Shanghai, we see the growth that has caught the attention of the world--the soaring skyscrapers, the bustling streets and entrepreneurial activity.And just as I'm impressed by these signs of China's journey to the 21st century, I'm eager to see those ancient places that speak to us from China's distant past.Tomorrow and the next day I hope to have a chance when I'm in Beijing to see the majesty of the Forbidden City and the wonder of the Great Wall.Truly, this is a nation that encompasses both a rich history and a belief in the promise of the future.这是我首次访问中国,看到你们壮丽的国家,我感到很兴奋。在上海,我们看到了全球瞩目的发展——高耸的大厦、繁忙的街道、创业的动态。这些都是中国步入21世纪的迹象,让我感到赞叹。同时,我也期盼看到向我们展现中国悠久历史的古迹。明天和后天我会在北京,希望有机会看到壮观的故宫和奇迹般的长城。的确,这是一个既有丰富的历史,又对未来的希望充满信心的国家。
The same can be said of the relationship between our two countries.Shanghai, of course, is a city that has great meaning in the history of the relationship between the United States and China.It was here, 37 years ago, that the Shanghai Communique opened the door to a new chapter of engagement between our governments and among our people.However, America's ties to this city--and to this country--stretch back further, to the earliest days of America's independence.我们两国的关系也是如此。毫无疑问,上海在美中关系史上是一个具有重大意义的城市。正是在这里,37年前发布的《上海公报》(Shanghai Communique)开启了我们两国政府和两国人民接触交往的新篇章。然而,美国与这个城市以及这个国家的纽带可以追溯到更久远的过去,直至美国独立初期。
In 1784, our founding father, George Washington, commissioned the Empress of China, a ship that set sail for these shores so that it could pursue trade with the Qing Dynasty.Washington wanted to see the ship carry the flag around the globe, and to forge new ties with nations like China.This is a common American impulse--the desire to reach for new horizons, and to forge new partnerships that are mutually beneficial.1784年,我们的建国之父乔治·华盛顿主持了“中国女皇号”(Empress of China)的下水仪式。这条船前往中国海岸,寻求与清朝通商。华盛顿希望看到这条悬挂美国国旗的船前往世界各地,与像中国这样的国家缔结新的纽带。这是通常的美国人的愿望——希望达到新的地平线,建立新的、互利的伙伴关系。
Over the two centuries that have followed, the currents of history have steered the relationship between our countries in many directions.And even in the midst of tumultuous winds, our people had opportunities to forge deep and even dramatic ties.For instance, Americans will never forget the hospitality shown to our pilots who were shot down over your soil during World War II, and cared for by Chinese civilians who risked all that they had by doing so.And Chinese veterans of that war still warmly greet those American veterans who return to the sites where they fought to help liberate China from occupation.在此后的两个世纪中,历史洪流使我们两国关系向许多不同的方向发展,但即使在动荡的岁月中,两国人民也抓住机会发展了深入的、甚至极不平凡的关系。例如,美国人民永远不会忘记,二战期间,美国飞行员在中国上空被击落后,中国公民冒着失去一切的危险护理他们。参加过二战的中国老兵仍然热情欢迎故地重游的美国老兵,他们曾经在那里作战,帮助中国从占领下获得解放。
A different kind of connection was made nearly 40 years ago when the frost between our countries began to thaw through the simple game of table tennis.The very unlikely nature of this engagement contributed to its success--because for all our differences, both our common humanity and our shared curiosity were revealed.As one American player described his visit to China--“[The]people are just like us…The country is very similar to America, but still very different.”
近40年前,简单的乒乓球比赛带来了两国关系的解冻,使我们两国建立起另一种联系。这种接触令人意外,但却恰恰促成了其成功,因为尽管我们之间存在许多分歧,但是我们共同的人性和共同的好奇心得以从中显现。正如一位美国乒乓球队员在回忆对中国的访问时所说:“那里的人民和我们一样„„这个国家和美国有许多相似之处,也有很大区别。” Of course this small opening was followed by the achievement of the Shanghai Communique, and the eventual establishment of formal relations between the United States and China in 1979.And in three decades, just look at how far we have come.无须赘言,这个小小的契机带来了《上海公报》的问世,并最终促使美中两国在1979年建立正式外交关系。请看在此后的30年,我们取得了多么长足的进展。
In 1979, trade between the United States and China stood at roughly $5 billion--today it tops over $400 billion each year.The commerce affects our people's lives in so many ways.America imports from China many of the computer parts we use, the clothes we wear;and we export to China machinery that helps power your industry.This trade could create even more jobs on both sides of the Pacific, while allowing our people to enjoy a better quality of life.And as demand becomes more balanced, it can lead to even broader prosperity.1979年,美中贸易额约为50亿美元,今天,贸易额已经超过4000亿美元。贸易在许多方面影响着两国人民的生活,美国电脑中的许多元件以及我们身穿的服装都是从中国进口的,我们向中国出口你们的工业需要的机器。这种贸易可以在太平洋两岸创造更多的就业机会,让我们的人民过上质量更高的生活。随着需求趋于平衡,繁荣的范围将进一步扩大。
In 1979, the political cooperation between the United States and China was rooted largely in our shared rivalry with the Soviet Union.Today, we have a positive, constructive and comprehensive relationship that opens the door to partnership on the key global issues of our time--economic recovery and the development of clean energy;stopping the spread of nuclear weapons and the scourge of climate change;the promotion of peace and security in Asia and around the globe.All of these issues will be on the agenda tomorrow when I meet with President Hu.1979年,美中之间的政治合作主要立足于双方共同面对的竞争对手苏联。如今我们享有积极的、建设性的、全面的关系,为我们在当今时代的关键性全球问题上建立伙伴关系打开了大门,这些问题包括:经济复苏和清洁能源开发、制止核武器扩散和气候变化的影响、在亚洲及全球各地促进和平与安全。所有这些问题都是我明天与胡主席会谈的内容。
And in 1979, the connections among our people were limited.Today, we see the curiosity of those ping-pong players manifested in the ties that are being forged across many sectors.The second highest number of foreign students in the United States come from China, and we've seen a 50 percent increase in the study of Chinese among our own students.There are nearly 200 “friendship cities” drawing our communities together.American and Chinese scientists cooperate on new research and discovery.And of course, Yao Ming is just one signal of our shared love of basketball--I'm only sorry that I won't be able to see a Shanghai Sharks game while I'm visiting.1979年,我们两国人民的联系十分有限。今天,我们看到当年乒乓球队员的好奇心已经化为许多领域的纽带,中国留学生在美国的人数名列第二,而在美国学生中,学中文的人数增加了50%。我们两国有近200个友好城市,把我们的社区连接在一起。美中科学家合作进行新的研究与发现。而姚明是我们两国人民都热爱篮球的仅仅一个标志而已——令我遗憾的是,此行中我不能观看上海大鲨鱼队的比赛。
It is no coincidence that the relationship between our countries has accompanied a period of positive change.China has lifted hundreds of millions of people out of poverty--an accomplishment unparalleled in human history--while playing a larger role in global events.And the United States has seen our economy grow along with the standard of living enjoyed by our people, while bringing the Cold War to a successful conclusion.我们两国之间的关系相伴着一个积极变化的时期,这不是偶然的。中国实现了亿万人民脱贫,这一成就史无前例,同时,中国在全球问题中也在发挥更大的作用。美国在促使冷战顺利结束的同时,经济也取得了增长,人民的生活水平提高。
There is a Chinese proverb: “Consider the past, and you shall know the future.” Surely, we have known setbacks and challenges over the last 30 years.Our relationship has not been without disagreement and difficulty.But the notion that we must be adversaries is not predestined--not when we consider the past.Indeed, because of our cooperation, both the United States and China are more prosperous and more secure.We have seen what is possible when we build upon our mutual interests, and engage on the basis of mutual respect.中国有句名言:“温故而知新。”当然,过去30年中我们也曾遇到挫折和挑战,我们的关系不是没有分歧和困难。但是,“我们必然是对手”的概念并非是注定不变的——回顾过去不会是这样。由于我们的合作,美中两国都更加繁荣、更加安全。我们已经看到我们本着共同的利益和相互的尊重去努力所能取得的成果。
And yet the success of that engagement depends upon understanding--on sustaining an open dialogue, and learning about one another and from one another.For just as that American table tennis player pointed out--we share much in common as human beings, but our countries are different in certain ways.可是,这种接触的成功取决于理解,取决于继续进行开诚布公的对话,相互了解,相互学习。正如前面提到的那位美国乒乓球队员所说——作为人,我们有着许多共同之处,但是我们两国在某些方面存在着差别。
I believe that each country must chart its own course.China is an ancient nation, with a deeply rooted culture.The United States, by comparison, is a young nation, whose culture is determined by the many different immigrants who have come to our shores, and by the founding documents that guide our democracy.Those documents put forward a simple vision of human affairs, and they enshrine several core principles--that all men and women are created equal, and possess certain fundamental rights;that government should reflect the will of the people and respond to their wishes;that commerce should be open, information freely accessible;and that laws, and not simply men, should guarantee the administration of justice.我认为每个国家都必须规划自己的前进方向。中国是一个文明古国,文化深远。而美国相对而言是一个年轻的国家,它的文化由来自许多不同国家的移民以及指导我国民主制度的建国纲领所形成。这些纲领中提出了对人类事务的简单明了的瞩望,并包含了一些核心原则——不论男女人人生而平等,都享有某些基本权利;政府应当反映民意,并对人民的愿望作出回应;商贸应该是开放的,信息应该自由流通;司法保障应该来自法治而不是人治。
Of course, the story of our nation is not without its difficult chapters.In many ways--over many years--we have struggled to advance the promise of these principles to all of our people, and to forge a more perfect union.We fought a very painful civil war, and freed a portion of our population from slavery.It took time for women to be extended the right to vote, workers to win the right to organize, and for immigrants from different corners of the globe to be fully embraced.Even after they were freed, African Americans persevered through conditions that were separate and not equal, before winning full and equal rights.当然,我国的历史也并非没有困难的篇章。在很多方面,在很长的时间里,我们要通过斗争去实现这些原则对全体人民的承诺,缔造一个更趋完善的联邦。我们曾打过一场很痛苦的南北战争,将我国的一部分人口从奴役下解放出来。妇女获得投票权、劳工赢得组织权、来自世界各地的移民得到完全的接纳——这些都是经过了一段时间才实现的。非洲裔美国人即使在获得自由后依然生活在被隔离和不平等的条件下,他们经过不懈努力才最终赢得全面、平等的权利。
None of this was easy.But we made progress because of our belief in those core principles, which have served as our compass through the darkest of storms.That is why Lincoln could stand up in the midst of civil war and declare it a struggle to see whether any nation, conceived in liberty, and “dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal” could long endure.That is why Dr.Martin Luther King could stand on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial and ask that our nation live out the true meaning of its creed.That's why immigrants from China to Kenya could find a home on our shores;why opportunity is available to all who would work for it;and why someone like me, who less than 50 years ago would have had trouble voting in some parts of America, is now able to serve as its President.所有这些都不曾轻而易举。但是,由于我们对这些核心原则的坚定信念,我们取得了进步,这些原则指引我们冲过了最黑暗的风暴。这就是为什么林肯能在南北战争中挺身而出并宣布,这是一场考验一个孕育于自由之中、“忠实于人人生而平等这一原则”的国家能否永存的斗争。这也就是为什么马丁·路德·金博士能够站立在林肯纪念堂的台阶上,要求我们的国家实践自身信仰的真正含义。这也就是为什么来自从中国到肯尼亚的各国移民能够在我国的土地上安家;为什么所有努力寻求机会的人都能获得机会;为什么像我这种在不到50年前在美国的某些地方连投票都遇到困难的人,现在能够出任这个国家的总统。
And that is why America will always speak out for these core principles around the world.We do not seek to impose any system of government on any other nation, but we also don't believe that the principles that we stand for are unique to our nation.These freedoms of expression_r_r_r and worship--of access to information and political participation--we believe are universal rights.They should be available to all people, including ethnic and religious minorities--whether they are in the United States, China, or any nation.Indeed, it is that respect for universal rights that guides America's openness to other countries;our respect for different cultures;our commitment to international law;and our faith in the future.这就是为什么美国一直在全世界为这些核心原则而大声疾呼。我们不寻求把任何政治体制强加给任何别的国家,但是我们也不认为我们主张的这些原则是我们国家所独有的。表达自由和宗教信仰自由——获得信息和政治参与的自由——我们认为这些自由都是普世的权利,所有人都应当享有,包括少数民族和宗教少数派,不管是在美国、中国还是在任何其他国家。正是对普世权利的尊重指导着美国向其他国家开放,尊重各种不同的文化,致力于遵守国际法,并对未来抱有信念。
These are all things that you should know about America.I also know that we have much to learn about China.Looking around at this magnificent city--and looking around this room--I do believe that our nations hold something important in common, and that is a belief in the future.Neither the United States nor China is content to rest on our achievements.For while China is an ancient nation, you are also clearly looking ahead with confidence, ambition, and a commitment to see that tomorrow's generation can do better than today's.这些都是你们应当了解的美国的情况。我也知道中国有很多有待我们了解的情况。环顾一下这座伟大的城市——环顾一下这个大厅——我确信我们两个国家有一个很重要的共同点,那就是我们对未来的信念。美国和中国都不想满足于已取得的成就,止步不前。虽然中国是一个古老的国家,但你们显然也对未来满怀信心、雄心和使年轻一代能比这一代人更有作为的决心。
In addition to your growing economy, we admire China's extraordinary commitment to science and research--a commitment borne out in everything from the infrastructure you build to the technology you use.China is now the world's largest Internet user--which is why we were so pleased to include the Internet as a part of today's event.This country now has the world's largest mobile phone network, and it is investing in the new forms of energy that can both sustain growth and combat climate change--and I'm looking forward to deepening the partnership between the United States and China in this critical area tomorrow.But above all, I see China's future in you--young people whose talent and dedication and dreams will do so much to help shape the 21st century.我们不但钦佩中国日益增长的经济,还赞赏你们在科学研究方面极不平凡的努力——从你们建设的基础设施到你们使用的技术,均体现出这种努力。中国现在是世界上最大的互联网使用国——这也是我们今天很高兴能把互联网作为此次活动的一部分的原因。这个国家目前拥有世界上最大的移动电话网络,它正在投资发展既能维持可持续增长,又能应对气候变化的新型能源——我期待着明天在这个至关重要的领域中深化两国的合作关系。然而,最重要的是,我在你们身上看到了中国的未来——年轻一代的聪明才智、献身精神和梦想将为塑造21世纪发挥巨大作用。
I've said many times that I believe that our world is now fundamentally interconnected.The jobs we do, the prosperity we build, the environment we protect, the security that we seek--all of these things are shared.And given that interconnection, power in the 21st century is no longer a zero-sum game;one country's success need not come at the expense of another.And that is why the United States insists we do not seek to contain China's rise.On the contrary, we welcome China as a strong and prosperous and successful member of the community of nations--a China that draws on the rights, strengths, and creativity of individual Chinese like you.我已说过多次,我相信我们现在的世界是紧密相连的。我们所做的工作,我们所建设的繁荣,我们所保护的环境,以及我们所寻求的安全——所有这一切都是共有的。鉴于这种相互联系,在21世纪,权力不应再成为一场零和游戏;一国的成功发展不应以他国为代价。这也就是为什么美国坚决表示我们不谋求遏制中国的崛起。恰恰相反,我们欢迎中国成为国际社会中一个强大、繁荣、成功的成员——一个从你们这样的每个中国人的权利、实力和创造力中获得力量的中国。
To return to the proverb--consider the past.We know that more is to be gained when great powers cooperate than when they collide.That is a lesson that human beings have learned time and again, and that is the example of the history between our nations.And I believe strongly that cooperation must go beyond our government.It must be rooted in our people--in the studies we share, the business that we do, the knowledge that we gain, and even in the sports that we play.And these bridges must be built by young men and women just like you and your counterparts in America.回到前面提到的那句古语——回顾过去。我们知道,大国之间选择合作而非对抗会带来更大的惠益。这是人类不断汲取的一个教训,我们两国的关系史中也不乏其例。我深信,合作必须不止于政府间的合作。合作必须植根于我们的人民——植根于我们共同进行的研究,我们的商贸活动,我们所学到的知识,乃至我们的体育运动。这些桥梁必须由你们这样的年轻人和美国的年轻人共同构筑。
That's why I'm pleased to announce that the United States will dramatically expand the number of our students who study in China to 100,000.And these exchanges mark a clear commitment to build ties among our people, as surely as you will help determine the destiny of the 21st century.And I'm absolutelyconfident that America has no better ambassadors to offer than our young people.For they, just like you, are filled with talent and energy and optimism about the history that is yet to be written.因此,我高兴地宣布,美国准备将在中国留学的美国学生人数大幅度增加到10万人。这种交流是对在我们两国人民之间建立联系的明确承诺,毫无疑问,你们将帮助决定21世纪的命运。我完全相信,对美·来说,再好的使者莫过于我们的年轻人。因为他们和你们一样,才华横溢,充满活力,对有待书写的历史篇章充满乐观。
So let this be the next step in the steady pursuit of cooperation that will serve our nations, and the world.And if there's one thing that we can take from today's dialogue, I hope that it is a commitment to continue this dialogue going forward.那么,就让这个举措成为我们稳步寻求合作的下一个步骤,这种合作有利于我们两国乃至整个世界。如果能从今天的对话中得到一点启示的话,我希望那就是致力于今后继续进行这种对话。
So thank you very much.And I look forward now to taking some questions from all of you.Thank you very much.(Applause.)
(一)2009-11-20 09:42 President Obama Holds Town Hall with Chinese Youth ·The White House President Barack Obama listens to a question at the town hall meeting with future Chinese leaders at the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum in Shanghai, China, Nov.16, 2009.(Official White House Photo by Lawrence Jackson)Posters commemorating President Barack Obama's appearance at the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum are handed out following his town hall meeting there in Shanghai, China, Nov.16, 2009.(Official White House Photo by Lawrence Jackson)[奥巴马] 你好。诸位下午好。我感到很荣幸能够有机会到上海跟你们交谈,我要感谢复旦大学的杨校长,感谢他的款待和热情的欢迎。我还想感谢我们出色的大使洪博培,他是我们两国间深厚的纽带。我不知道他刚才说什么,但是希望他说得很好。[13:17:39] PRESIDENT OBAMA: Good afternoon.It is a great honor for me to be here in Shanghai, and to have this opportunity to speak with all of you.I'd like to thank Fudan University's President Yang for his hospitality and his gracious welcome.I'd also like to thank our outstanding Ambassador, Jon Huntsman, who exemplifies the deep ties and respect between our nations.I don't know what he said, but I hope it was good.(Laughter.)[奥巴马] 我今天准备这样,先做一个开场白,我真正希望做的是回答在座的问题,不但回答在座的学生问题,同时还可以从网上得到一些问题,由在座的一些学生和洪博培大使代为提问。很抱歉,我的中文远不如你们的英文,所以我期待和你们的对话。这是我首次访问中国,我看到你们博大的国家,感到很兴奋。在上海这里,我们看到了瞩目的增长,高耸的塔楼,繁忙的街道,还有企业家的精神。这些都是中国步入21世纪的迹象,让我感到赞叹。同时我也急切的要看到向我们展现中国古老的古迹,明天和后天我要到北京去看雄伟壮丽的故宫和令人叹为观止的长城,这个国度既有丰富的历史,又有对未来憧憬的信念。[13:17:47] What I'd like to do is to make some opening comments, and then what I'm really looking forward to doing is taking questions, not only from students who are in the audience, but also we've received questions online, which will be asked by some of the students who are here in the audience, as well as by Ambassador Huntsman.And I am very sorry that my Chinese is not as good as your English, but I am looking forward to this chance to have a dialogue.This is my first time traveling to China, and I'm excited to see this majestic country.Here, in Shanghai, we see the growth that has caught the attention of the world--the soaring skyscrapers, the bustling streets and entrepreneurial activity.And just as I'm impressed by these signs of China's journey to the 21st century, I'm eager to see those ancient places that speak to us from China's distant past.Tomorrow and the next day I hope to have a chance when I'm in Beijing to see the majesty of the Forbidden City and the wonder of the Great Wall.Truly, this is a nation that encompasses both a rich history and a belief in the promise of the future.[奥巴马] 而我们两国的关系也是如此,上海在美中关系的历史中是个具有意义的重大城市,在30年前,《上海公报》打开了我们两国政府和两国人民接触交往的新的篇章。[13:17:54] The same can be said of the relationship between our two countries.Shanghai, of course, is a city that has great meaning in the history of the relationship between the United States and China.It was here, 37 years ago, that the Shanghai Communique opened the door to a new chapter of engagement between our governments and among our people.[奥巴马] 不过美国与这个国家的纽带可以追溯更久远的过去,追溯到美国独立的初期,乔治·华盛顿组织了皇后号的下水仪式,这个船成功前往大清王朝,华盛顿希望看到这艘船前往各地,与中国结成新的纽带。希望中国开辟新的地平线,建立新的伙伴关系。在其后的两个世纪中,历史洪流使我们两国关系向许多不同的方向发展,而即使在最动荡的方向中,我们的两国人民打造深的,甚至有戏剧性的纽带,比如美国人永远不会忘记,在二战期间,美国飞行员在中国上空被击落后,当地人民对他们的款待,中国公民冒着失去一切的危险罩着他们。[13:18:01]
However, America's ties to this city--and to this country--stretch back further, to the earliest days of America's independence.In 1784, our founding father, George Washington, commissioned the Empress of China, a ship that set sail for these shores so that it could pursue trade with the Qing Dynasty.Washington wanted to see the ship carry the flag around the globe, and to forge new ties with nations like China.This is a common American impulse--the desire to reach for new horizons, and to forge new partnerships that are mutually beneficial.Over the two centuries that have followed, the currents of history have steered the relationship between our countries in many directions.And even in the midst of tumultuous winds, our people had opportunities to forge deep and even dramatic ties.For instance, Americans will never forget the hospitality shown to our pilots who were shot down over your soil during World War II, and cared for by Chinese civilians who risked all that they had by doing so.And Chinese veterans of that war still warmly greet those American veterans who return to the sites where they fought to help liberate China from occupation.[奥巴马] 而参加二战的老兵仍然欢迎故地重游的美国老兵,他们在那里参战。40年前,我们两国间开启了又一种联系,两国关系开始解冻,通过乒乓球的比赛解冻关系。我们两国之间有着分歧,但是我们也有着共同的人性及有着共同的好奇,就像一位乒乓球人员一样,那的国家就是一样,但是这个小小的开头带来了《上海公报》的问世,最终还带来了美中在1979年建交。在其后的30年我们又取得了长足的进展,1979年美中贸易只有50亿美元,现在已经超过了4000亿美元。[13:18:10] A different kind of connection was made nearly 40 years ago when the frost between our countries began to thaw through the simple game of table tennis.The very unlikely nature of this engagement contributed to its success--because for all our differences, both our common humanity and our shared curiosity were revealed.As one American player described his visit to China--“[The]people are just like us…The country is very similar to America, but still very different.” Of course this small opening was followed by the achievement of the Shanghai Communique, and the eventual establishment of formal relations between the United States and China in 1979.And in three decades, just look at how far we have come.In 1979, trade between the United States and China stood at roughly $5 billion--today it tops over $400 billion each year.[奥巴马] 贸易在许多方面影响人民的生活,比如美国电脑中许多部件,还有穿的衣服都是从中国进口的,我们向中国出口中国工业要使用的机器,这种贸易可以在太平洋两岸创造更多的就业机会,让我们的人民过上质量更高的生活。[13:22:50] The commerce affects our people's lives in so many ways.America imports from China many of the computer parts we use, the clothes we wear;and we export to China machinery that helps power your industry.This trade could create even more jobs on both sides of the Pacific, while allowing our people to enjoy a better quality of life.[奥巴马] 在需求趋于平衡的过程中,这种贸易可以是更广阔的贸易。如今我们有着积极合作和全面的关系,为我们在当前重大的全球问题上建立伙伴关系打开了大门,这些问题包括经济复苏、洁净能源的开发、制止核武器扩散以及应对气候变化。还有在亚洲及全球各地促进和平和稳定,所有这些问题我明天与胡主席会谈时都会谈到。1979年的时候,我们两国人民的联系十分有限,如今当年乒乓球运动员的好奇可以在许多领域建立的联系中都可以看到,在美国数量最多的留学生都来自中国。而在美国的学生中,学中文的人数增加了50%。我们两国有近200个友好城市,美中科学家在许多新的研究领域和发现领域进行合作,而我们两国人民都热爱篮球,姚明就是个例子。不过,此行中我不能观看上海鲨鱼队的比赛,有点遗憾。[13:23:12] And as demand becomes more balanced, it can lead to even broader prosperity.In 1979, the political cooperation between the United States and China was rooted largely in our shared rivalry with the Soviet Union.Today, we have a positive, constructive and comprehensive relationship that opens the door to partnership on the key global issues of our time--economic recovery and the development of clean energy;stopping the spread of nuclear weapons and the scourge of climate change;the promotion of peace and security in Asia and around the globe.All of these issues will be on the agenda tomorrow when I meet with President Hu.And in 1979, the connections among our people were limited.Today, we see the curiosity of those ping-pong players manifested in the ties that are being forged across many sectors.The second highest number of foreign students in the United States come from China, and we've seen a 50 percent increase in the study of Chinese among our own students.There are nearly 200 “friendship cities” drawing our communities together.American and Chinese scientists cooperate on new research and discovery.And of course, Yao Ming is just one signal of our shared love of basketball--I'm only sorry that I won't be able to see a Shanghai Sharks game while I'm visiting.[奥巴马] 那么我们两国之间的这种关系给我们带来了积极的变化,这并不是偶然的,中国使得亿万人民脱贫,而这种成就是人类历史上史无前例的。而中国在全球问题中也发挥更大的作用,美国也目睹了我们经济的成长。中国有句古言,温故而知新。当然,我们过去30年中也遇到了挫折和挑战,我们的关系并不是没有困难的,没有分歧的。但是我们必须一定是对手这种想法不应该是一成不变的。由于我们两国的合作,美中两国都变得更加繁荣、更加安全。我们基于相互的利益、相互的尊重就能有成就。[13:23:27] It is no coincidence that the relationship between our countries has accompanied a period of positive change.China has lifted hundreds of millions of people out of poverty--an accomplishment unparalleled in human history--while playing a larger role in global events.And the United States has seen our economy grow along with the standard of living enjoyed by our people, while bringing the Cold War to a successful conclusion.There is a Chinese proverb: “Consider the past, and you shall know the future.” Surely, we have known setbacks and challenges over the last 30 years.Our relationship has not been without disagreement and difficulty.But the notion that we must be adversaries is not predestined--not when we consider the past.Indeed, because of our cooperation, both the United States and China are more prosperous and more secure.We have seen what is possible when we build upon our mutual interests, and engage on the basis of mutual respect.2009.11.16奥巴马上海对话中国青年中英对照(二)2009-11-20 09:44 [奥巴马] 不过,这种接触的成功要取决于我们要彼此了解,要能够进行开诚布公的对话,彼此进行了解。就像当年美国乒乓球运动员所说的,我们作为人有着共同的向往,但是我们两国又不同。我认为我们两国每个国家都应该勾画出自己要走的路,中国是一个文明古国,它有着博大精深的文化。相对而言,美国是一个年轻的国家,它的文化受到来自许多不同国家移民的影响,而指导我们民主制度文件的影响,我有一个非常简单的向往,代表了一些核心的原则,就是所有的人生来平等,都有着基本的权利,而政府应当反映人们的意志,贸易应该是开放的,信息流通应当是自由的,而法律要保证这个公平。[13:23:38] And yet the success of that engagement depends upon understanding--on sustaining an open dialogue, and learning about one another and from one another.For just as that American table tennis player pointed out--we share much in common as human beings, but our countries are different in certain ways.I believe that each country must chart its own course.China is an ancient nation, with a deeply rooted culture.The United States, by comparison, is a young nation, whose culture is determined by the many different immigrants who have come to our shores, and by the founding documents that guide our democracy.Those documents put forward a simple vision of human affairs, and they enshrine several core principles--that all men and women are created equal, and possess certain fundamental rights;that government should reflect the will of the people and respond to their wishes;that commerce should be open, information freely accessible;and that laws, and not simply men, should guarantee the administration of justice.[奥巴马] 当然,我们的国家历史也不是没有过困难的地方,从很多方面来讲,很多年以来,我们是通过斗争来促进这些原则或者是所有的人民能够享受到,为了缔造一个更完美的联合,我们也打过一个很痛苦的内战,把一部分我们被奴役的人口释放出来,经过一段时间才能使妇女有投票权,劳工有组织权,包括来自各地的移民能够全部不接受。即使他们被解放以后,非洲与美国人也和美国人经过一些分开的、不平等的条件,经过一段时间才争取到全面的平等权利,所有这些是不容易的。但是我们对这些核心原则的信念我们取得的进展,在最黑暗的风暴当中是作为我们的指南针。[13:25:18] Of course, the story of our nation is not without its difficult chapters.In many ways--over many years--we have struggled to advance the promise of these principles to all of our people, and to forge a more perfect union.We fought a very painful civil war, and freed a portion of our population from slavery.It took time for women to be extended the right to vote, workers to win the right to organize, and for immigrants from different corners of the globe to be fully embraced.Even after they were freed, African Americans persevered through conditions that were separate and not equal, before winning full and equal rights.None of this was easy.But we made progress because of our belief in those core principles, which have served as our compass through the darkest of storms.[奥巴马] 这是为什么林肯在内战期间站起来说过,任何一个国家以自由、以所有人类平等的原则能够长久的存在,也就是为什么金博士在林肯纪念馆的前台站起来,说我们国家要必须真正的实现我们的信念。也就是为什么来自中国或者肯尼亚的移民能够到我们的家,也是为什么一个不到50年前以前在某些地方连投票都遇到困难的人,现在就能够做到那个国家的总统。[13:25:30] That is why Lincoln could stand up in the midst of civil war and declare it a struggle to see whether any nation, conceived in liberty, and “dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal” could long endure.That is why Dr.Martin Luther King could stand on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial and ask that our nation live out the true meaning of its creed.That's why immigrants from China to Kenya could find a home on our shores;why opportunity is available to all who would work for it;and why someone like me, who less than 50 years ago would have had trouble voting in some parts of America, is now able to serve as its President.[奥巴马] 这就是为什么美国永远为了全世界各地的核心原则说话,我们不寻求把任何政治体制强制给任何国家,但是我们也不认为我们所支持的这些原则是我们国家所独有的,这些表达自由、宗教崇拜自由、接触信息的机会、政治的参与,我们认为这些是普世的权利,应该是所有人民能够享受到,包括少数民族和宗教的族群,不管是在中国、美国和任何国家,对于普遍权利的尊敬,作为美国对其他国家的开放态度的指导原则,我们对其他文化的尊重,我们对国际法的承诺和对未来的信念的原则。[13:29:42] And that is why America will always speak out for these core principles around the world.We do not seek to impose any system of government on any other nation, but we also don't believe that the principles that we stand for are unique to our nation.These freedoms of expression and worship--of access to information and political participation--we believe are universal rights.They should be available to all people, including ethnic and religious minorities--whether they are in the United States, China, or any nation.Indeed, it is that respect for universal rights that guides America's openness to other countries;our respect for different cultures;our commitment to international law;and our faith in the future.[奥巴马] 所有这些都是你们知道关于美国的一些情况,我们有很多要从中国学习。我们看看这个伟大城市的各地,也看看这个房间,我就相信我们两国有很重要的共同点,也就是对未来的信念,不管是美国还是中国,对现在的成就不能感到自满。虽然中国是一个古老的国家,你们也是充满信心展望未来,致力于下一代能够比这一代做的更好,除了你们不断增长的经济之外,我们很配合中国在科学和研究方面所投入的力量,包括建设的基础设施和使用的技术,中国是世界上使用互联网技术最多的国家,这就是我们很高兴互联网是今天活动的一部分,这个国家也拥有最大的机动电话网络,对新的投资保持继续增长,和应对气候变化方面有新的投资,我也希望两国加强这方面的合作。[13:29:55] These are all things that you should know about America.I also know that we have much to learn about China.Looking around at this magnificent city--and looking around this room--I do believe that our nations hold something important in common, and that is a belief in the future.Neither the United States nor China is content to rest on our achievements.For while China is an ancient nation, you are also clearly looking ahead with confidence, ambition, and a commitment to see that tomorrow's generation can do better than today's.In addition to your growing economy, we admire China's extraordinary commitment to science and research--a commitment borne out in everything from the infrastructure you build to the technology you use.China is now the world's largest Internet user--which is why we were so pleased to include the Internet as a part of today's event.This country now has the world's largest mobile phone network, and it is investing in the new forms of energy that can both sustain growth and combat climate change--and I'm looking forward to deepening the partnership between the United States and China in this critical area tomorrow.[奥巴马] 但是更重要是看到年轻人你们的才能、你们的献身精神、你们的梦想在21世纪实现方面会发挥很大的作用。我说过很多次,我认为世界是互相连接的,我们所做的工作,我们所建立的繁荣,我们所保护的环境,我们所追求的安全,所有这些都是共同的,而且是互相连接的,所以21世纪的实力不在零和游戏,一个国家成功不应该以另外一个国家的牺牲作为代价。这就是我们为什么不寻求遏制中国的崛起。相反,我们欢迎中国作为一个国际社会的强的、繁荣的、成功的成员。[13:30:05] But above all, I see China's future in you--young people whose talent and dedication and dreams will do so much to help shape the 21st century.I've said many times that I believe that our world is now fundamentally interconnected.The jobs we do, the prosperity we build, the environment we protect, the security that we seek--all of these things are shared.And given that interconnection, power in the 21st century is no longer a zero-sum game;one country's success need not come at the expense of another.And that is why the United States insists we do not seek to contain China's rise.On the contrary, we welcome China as a strong and prosperous and successful member of the community of nations--a China that draws on the rights, strengths, and creativity of individual Chinese like you.[奥巴马] 再回到刚才的谚语,我们应该考虑过去。在大的国家合作的时候,就比互相碰撞会取得更多得好处,这就是人类在历史上不断吸取的教训。我认为我们合作应该是超越政府间的合作,应该是以人民为基础,我们所研究的内容,我们所从事的生意,我们送获得的知识,我们所进行的体育比赛,所有这些桥梁必须是年轻人共同合作建立起来,这就是我为什么非常高兴我们要大大的宣布我们到中国学习的留学生人数,要增加到10万人。这样交流就会表现出我们是愿意致力于加强两国人民的联系,而且我是绝对有信心。对美国来说,最好的大使、最好的使者就是年轻人,他们和你们一样,很有才能,充满活力,对未来的历史还是很乐观的,这是我们合作的下一步,惠及两国和全世界。[13:30:13] To return to the proverb--consider the past.We know that more is to be gained when great powers cooperate than when they collide.That is a lesson that human beings have learned time and again, and that is the example of the history between our nations.And I believe strongly that cooperation must go beyond our government.It must be rooted in our people--in the studies we share, the business that we do, the knowledge that we gain, and even in the sports that we play.And these bridges must be built by young men and women just like you and your counterparts in America.That's why I'm pleased to announce that the United States will dramatically expand the number of our students who study in China to 100,000.And these exchanges mark a clear commitment to build ties among our people, as surely as you will help determine the destiny of the 21st century.And I'm absolutely confident that America has no better ambassadors to offer than our young people.For they, just like you, are filled with talent and energy and optimism about the history that is yet to be written.So let this be the next step in the steady pursuit of cooperation that will serve our nations, and the world.[奥巴马] 今天可以吸收的一个最重要的内容就是我们不断的向前推进。非常感谢。现在欢迎各位提问题。[13:30:22] And if there's one thing that we can take from today's dialogue, I hope that it is a commitment to continue this dialogue going forward.So thank you very much.And I look forward now to taking some questions from all of you.Thank you very much.(Applause.)[奥巴马] 顺便说一句,这在美国是非常常见的传统——举行这种市政会议,我现在要做的就是如果你有兴趣提问的话请举手,我会说请你提问。我会从在座的观众中问一个问题,然后再让这些学生代表以及洪大使从网上代为提问。我先找个男生再找一个女生,来回这么找,让大家知道我是公平的。[13:30:31] So--I just want to make sure this works.This is a tradition, by the way, that is very common in the United States at these town hall meetings.And what we're going to do is I will just--if you are interested in asking a question, you can raise your hands.I will call on you.And then I will alternate between a question from the audience and an Internet question from one of the students who prepared the questions, as well as I think Ambassador Huntsman may have a question that we were able to obtain from the Web site of our embassy.So let me begin, though, by seeing--and then what I'll do is I'll call on a boy and then a girl and then--so we'll go back and forth, so that you know it's fair.奥巴马] 这位小女孩你来开始吧。请等一下我给你话筒。[13:30:38] All right? So I'll start with this young lady right in the front.Why don't we wait for this microphone so everyone can hear you.And what's your name? [现场提问] 我叫程熙,我是复旦大学的学生,上海和芝加哥从1985年开始就是姐妹城市,这两个城市进行过各种经贸、文化、政治交流,你现在在采取什么措施来加深美国和中国城市之间的关系。世博会明年将在上海举行,你是否准备参加世博会呢? [13:30:56] Q
My name is(inaudible)and I am a student from Fudan University.Shanghai and Chicago have been sister cities since 1985, and these two cities have conduct a wide range of economic, political, and cultural exchanges.So what measures will you take to deepen this close relationship between cities of the United States and China? And Shanghai will hold the World Exposition next year.Will you bring your family to visit the Expo? Thank you.[奥巴马] 非常感谢你的问题,我在来之前和上海的市长共进午餐,他和我说他跟芝加哥,也就是我的家乡有着很好的关系,他两度访问芝加哥,我认为城市间有这种交流非常非常好,我刚才和韩市长谈的问题之一就是我们这些城市如何可以彼此进行交流,比如就洁净能源的策略进行交流。因为美中两国共同面对的问题就是我们如何在人口增长的过程中,又解决气候变化的问题,同时减少我们二氧化碳的排放。[13:31:14] PRESIDENT OBAMA: Well, thank you very much for the question.I was just having lunch before I came here with the Mayor of Shanghai, and he told me that he has had an excellent relationship with the city of Chicago--my home town--that he's visited there twice.And I think it's wonderful to have these exchanges between cities.One of the things that I discussed with the Mayor is how both cities can learn from each other on strategies around clean energy, because one of the issues that ties China and America together is how, with an expanding population and a concern for climate change, that we're able to reduce our carbon footprint.[奥巴马] 很显然,在美国以及在很多发达国家,人均能耗量都比中国的人均能耗量大,不过在中国成长的过程中,能耗量会增加,因此,我们找到新的战略,这符合我们两国的利益。我们刚才谈了大众捷运,我知道上海和其他城市之间就有这种快轨,我相信美国以及芝加哥可以在这种快轨方面向中国学习。而在美国我们也在学习如何建造这种绿色建筑,当然,在上海我看到有很多的吊车,很多的建筑在盖起来。因此在这些新的技术上我们进行合作是非常非常重要的,使得我们每一个建筑在采光、取暖等等方面都能减少能耗,使能源效率更高,这方面是我们两国可以相互学习的。[13:35:20] And obviously in the United States and many developed countries, per capita, per individual, they are already using much more energy than each individual here in China.But as China grows and expands, it's going to be using more energy as well.So both countries have a great interest in finding new strategies.We talked about mass transit and the excellent rail lines that are being developed in Shanghai.I think we can learn in Chicago and the United States some of the fine work that's being done on high-speed rail.In the United States, I think we are learning how to develop buildings that use much less energy, that are much more energy-efficient.And I know that with Shanghai, as I traveled and I saw all the cranes and all the new buildings that are going up, it's very important for us to start incorporating these new technologies so that each building is energy-efficient when it comes to lighting, when it comes to heating.And so it's a terrific opportunity I think for us to learn from each other.[奥巴马] 我知道上海世博会的焦点之一就是提高能效的问题,刚才韩市长跟我讲了这个问题,我将非常乐于参加上海世博会,当然,我现在不知道那时候我的时间安排怎么样,不过我感到非常高兴上海世博会将有我们的美国馆,我们知道现在参观世博会的人会有七千万人。芝加哥已经举办过两次世博会,这两次世博会都给我们芝加哥带来了巨大的好处,我希望上海情况也是如此,谢谢。[13:35:32] I know this is going to be a major focus of the Shanghai World Expo, is the issue of clean energy, as I learned from the Mayor.And so I would love to attend.I'm not sure yet what my schedule is going to be, but I'm very pleased that we're going to have an excellent U.S.pavilion at the Expo, and I understand that we expect as many as 70 million visitors here.So it's going to be very crowded and it's going to be very exciting.Chicago has had two world expos in its history, and both of those expos ended up being tremendous boosts for the city.So I'm sure the same thing will happen here in Shanghai.Thank you.(Applause.)Why don't we get one of the questions from the Internet? And introduce yourself, in case –
2009.11.16奥巴马上海对话中国青年中英对照(三)2009-11-20 09:46 [现场提问] 总统先生,我是上海交通大学的学生。我的问题是,您来中国的第一印象是什么?你给中国带来什么?又想从中国带走什么? [13:35:41] Q
First shall I say it in Chinese, and then the English, okay? PRESIDENT OBAMA: Yes.Q
I want to pose a question from the Internet.I want to thank you, Mr.President, for visiting China in your first year in office, and exchange views with us in China.I want to know what are you bringing to China, your visit to China this time, and what will you bring back to the United States?(Applause.)[奥巴马] 好。这次访问的主要目的就是加深我对中国和中国对未来的愿景的理解,我已经和胡主席进行了几次会晤,我们一起参加20国峰会,就是应对金融危机,另外,我们就范围广泛的问题也进行磋商。但是我认为很重要的是美国要继续不断的加深对中国的了解,同样中国要不断加深对美国的了解也是重要的。至于我这次会晤希望有什么成果或者访问的成果,除了能够看紫禁城和长城这么伟大的好的机会,还有会见各位,所有这些都是我的一些高潮和亮点。[13:35:51] PRESIDENT OBAMA: The main purpose of my trip is to deepen my understanding of China and its vision for the future.I have had several meetings now with President Hu.We participated together in the G20 that was dealing with the economic financial crisis.We have had consultations about a wide range of issues.But I think it's very important for the United States to continually deepen its understanding of China, just as it's important for China to continually deepen its understanding of the United States.In terms of what I'd like to get out of this meeting, or this visit, in addition to having the wonderful opportunity to see the Forbidden City and the Great Wall, and to meet with all of you--these are all highlights –
[奥巴马] 除此以外,我打算和胡主席谈到一些问题,也就是洪大使提到的一点,世界上除非美中两国一致,不然能够解决全球的挑战是极少的。我举个例子来说,刚才谈到的气候变化这个问题,美国和中国是世界上最大的两个温室气体的排放者,也就是造成全球变暖的因素。那么美国作为一个高度发达国家,就像刚才说的,从人均来讲,人均消耗的能源多得多,排放的温室气体按人均来算比中国多得多,但是中国增长速度快得多,人口多得多,所以除非我们两个国家都愿意采取一些关键的步骤来应对这个问题,我们就无法解决这个问题。[13:35:59] but in addition to that, the discussions that I intend to have with President Hu speak to the point that Ambassador Huntsman made earlier, which is there are very few global challenges that can be solved unless the United States and China agree.So let me give you a specific example, and that is the issue we were just discussing of climate change.The United States and China are the world's two largest emitters of greenhouse gases, of carbon that is causing the planet to warm.Now, the United States, as a highly developed country, as I said before, per capita, consumes much more energy and emits much more greenhouse gases for each individual than does China.On the other hand, China is growing at a much faster pace and it has a much larger population.So unless both of our countries are willing to take critical steps in dealing with this issue, we will not be able to resolve it.[奥巴马] 那么12月份举行哥本哈根会议,世界的领导人正在努力找到一个方案,能够使我们大家都作出承诺,是有区别的,不会说每个国家承担的义务一样,显然中国贫穷的人数多得多,所以他不需要跟美国做的一样。但是各方都应该承担一些具体的义务,就是有关我们打算做些什么来减少温室气体。这只是一个例子,我希望会晤的成果,就是我和胡主席能够就美中两国怎么共同发挥领导作用而达成一致。因为我可以告诉各位,甚至很多其他国家他们将等着我们,他们要看我们做什么,他们要说,“你看美国、中国他们对这个并不认真,那他们也不会认真”。[13:39:24] There's going to be a Copenhagen conference in December in which world leaders are trying to find a recipe so that we can all make commitments that are differentiated so each country would not have the same obligations--obviously China, which has much more poverty, should not have to do exactly the same thing as the United States--but all of us should have these certain obligations in terms of what our plan will be to reduce these greenhouse gases.So that's an example of what I hope to get out of this meeting--a meeting of the minds between myself and President Hu about how together the United States and China can show leadership.Because I will tell you, other countries around the world will be waiting for us.They will watch to see what we do.And if they say, ah, you know, the United States and China, they're not serious about this, then they won't be serious either.[奥巴马] 那两个国家就要承担做领导的责任。所以我们越是能够讨论这个问题,越是能够向全世界展现在这些问题上的领导作用。好吧,我想现在轮到男士。[13:39:30] That is the burden of leadership that both of our countries now carry.And my hope is, is that the more discussion and dialogue that we have, the more we are able to show this leadership to the world on these many critical issues.Okay?(Applause.)All right, it's a--I think it must be a boy's turn now.Right? So I'll call on this young man right here.[现场提问] 我是同济大学黄立赫(音)。首先我想引用“有朋自远方来不亦乐乎”这句话来欢迎您,在《论语·子路》中有一句话叫和而不同,我们中国人民的理想就是在世界构建一个文化多元化的和谐世界。我们知道美国文化本身是在历史沉淀当中由不同的文化元素所积淀而成的多元混合型文化,请问在您的这届政府中会采取哪些措施来共同构建这个世界向着文化多元化发展?在您的外交政策中会有哪些措施去尊重各国的不同的历史文化?我们中美两国在此方面会有哪些合作?谢谢您。[13:39:39] Q
(As translated.)Mr.President, good afternoon.I'm from Tongji University.I want to cite a saying from Confucius: “It is always good to have a friend coming from afar.” In Confucius books, there is a great saying which says that harmony is good, but also we uphold differences.China advocates a harmonious world.We know that the United States develops a culture that features diversity.I want to know, what will your government do to build a diversified world with different cultures? What would you do to respect the different cultures and histories of other countries? And what kinds of cooperation we can conduct in the future? [奥巴马] 我认为这是非常好的一点,美国的优势之一就是我们是一个非常多元化的文化,我们那有来自世界各地的人,因此,这对于美国人长什么样,你确实不能一言以蔽之,比如像我家我父亲来自肯尼亚,我母亲来自中西部的堪萨斯州,我妹妹是半个印度尼西亚人,她又嫁了一位加拿大的华裔人。因此当你看到我们奥巴马全家聚会的时候我们就像联合国一样,什么人都有,而这就是我们美国的力量所在,因为它意味着我们从不同的文化、从不同的饮食,从不同的想法中相互学习,这使得我们社会变得更加富有活力。同时每个国家在你中有我我中有你的世界中,每个国家有着自己的历史传统和文化,因此我认为对于美国来讲重要的一点就是不能推断说,我们有好的做法适用到别人身上的时候也可以带来好处。实际上这方面我们要虚心一点才行,对别的国家这种态度要虚心一点才行。[13:40:04] PRESIDENT OBAMA: This is an excellent point.The United States, one of our strengths is that we are a very diverse culture.We have people coming from all around the world.And so there's no one definition of what an American looks like.In my own family, I have a father who was from Kenya;I have a mother who was from Kansas, in the Midwest of the United States;my sister is half-Indonesian;she's married to a Chinese person from Canada.So when you see family gatherings in the Obama household, it looks like the United Nations.(Laughter.)And that is a great strength of the United States, because it means that we learn from different cultures and different foods and different ideas, and that has made us a much more dynamic society.Now, what is also true is that each country in this interconnected world has its own culture and its own history and its own traditions.And I think it's very important for the United States not to assume that what is good for us is automatically good for somebody else.And we have to have some modesty about our attitudes towards other countries.[奥巴马] 如果要说正如我在开场白中所说的一样,我们确实认为一些基本的原则是所有人不管你是什么样的文化,对所有人都应该是共有的共性,比如在联合国我们非常活跃于联合国来努力确保世界各地的儿童都能够得到某些基本权利的待遇。当然,有些地方儿童受到剥削、压榨,强迫他们做童工,尽管以前不同的国家包括美国发生过这样的事情,但是世界上所有的国家都应当有一个共同的标准,就是要以比过去更好的方式来对待我们的儿童,这是一个普世的价值观。[13:42:54] I have to say, though, as I said in my opening remarks, that we do believe that there are certain fundamental principles that are common to all people, regardless of culture.So, for example, in the United Nations we are very active in trying to make sure that children all around the world are treated with certain basic rights--that if children are being exploited, if there's forced labor for children, that despite the fact that that may have taken place in the past in many different countries, including the United States, that all countries of the world now should have developed to the point where we are treating children better than we did in the past.That's a universal value.[奥巴马] 我相信对妇女的问题上情况也是如此,我跟上海的韩市长在吃午餐的时候进行了很有趣的讨论,他跟我说现在有很多专业人士,在中国的专业人士中,比如在大学生中女生比男生还多,而且她们的表现非常的好。我认为这是一个取得进展的很好的、很小的指标,因为你看看世界各地的发展,一个最好的指标就是一个国家是不是成就斐然的一个最好的指标就是他的教育以及妇女所受的教育。而那些能够发挥妇女的潜力的国家,那些做得好的国家他们得到好处就比那些不发挥妇女潜力的国家要大。当然,男女关系中不同的文化有不同的做法,不过我认为在美国,我们很重要的一点是要确认世界各地妇女的权利,当然,有些社会中妇女受到压迫,她们不能得到足够的机会,还有妇女受到暴力的影响等等,见到这些情况的时候我们都会直言不讳地提出来的。当然,有些人可能不同意我们的观点,我们可以就此展开对话,但是我们能够实现我们的理想才行。[13:43:08] I believe, for example, the same thing holds true when it comes to the treatment of women.I had a very interesting discussion with the Mayor of Shanghai during lunch right before I came, and he informed me that in many professions now here in China, there are actually more women enrolled in college than there are men, and that they are doing very well.I think that is an excellent indicator of progress, because it turns out that if you look at development around the world, one of the best indicators of whether or not a country does well is how well it educates its girls and how it treats its women.And countries that are tapping into the talents and the energy of women and giving them educations typically do better economically than countries that don't.So, now, obviously difficult cultures may have different attitudes about the relationship between men and women, but I think it is the view of the United States that it is important for us to affirm the rights of women all around the world.And if we see certain societies in which women are oppressed, or they are not getting opportunities, or there is violence towards women, we will speak out.Now, there may be some people who disagree with us, and we can have a dialogue about that.But we think it's important, nevertheless, to be true to our ideals and our values.[奥巴马] 当然,我们在做这个事情的过程中,我们要虚心,我们并不是十全十美的,我们在很多问题上也要取得进展,你跟美国的妇女讲的时候,她们会跟你说:很多男人对于妇女在社会中的地位还有一些成见。因此我们绝不声称我们解决了这些问题,但是我们认为就这些问题,普世的原则我们还是要谈的。下面听听网民的提问。[13:43:17] And we--and when we do so, though, we will always do so with the humility and understanding that we are not perfect and that we still have much progress to make.If you talk to women in America, they will tell you that there are still men who have a lot of old-fashioned ideas about the role of women in society.And so we don't claim that we have solved all these problems, but we do think that it's important for us to speak out on behalf of these universal ideals and these universal values.Okay? All right.We're going to take a question from the Internet.[现场提问] 总统先生,您好。我们非常荣幸来到这儿,我叫张新(音),来自于上海外国语大学。我想找一个网上的问题,这个问题是来自于台湾的一位同胞。他说我来自于台湾,现在我在大陆做生意,现在两岸关系在近年来不断地改善,我现在在大陆的生意做得很好。当有人在美国说,美国想向台湾售武的时候我们非常担心,因为这样的话会破坏两岸关系。总统先生,我想知道您是否支持改善两岸关系。当然,这个问题是来自于一位商人。但是其实对于所有的年轻中国人来说,其实都非常关心这个问题,所以我们特别希望听下您的看法。谢谢。[13:47:18] Q
Hello, Mr.President.It's a great honor to be here and meet you in person.PRESIDENT OBAMA: Thank you.Q
I will be reading a question selected on the Internet to you, and this question is from somebody from Taiwan.In his question, he said: I come from Taiwan.Now I am doing business on the mainland.And due to improved cross-straits relations in recent years, my business in China is doing quite well.So when I heard the news that some people in America would like to propose--continue selling arms and weapons to Taiwan, I begin to get pretty worried.I worry that this may make our cross-straits relations suffer.So I would like to know if, Mr.President, are you supportive of improved cross-straits relations? And although this question is from a businessman, actually, it's a question of keen concern to all of us young Chinese students, so we'd really like to know your position on this question.Thank you.(Applause.)[奥巴马] 我过去很明确,我的政府全面支持一个中国的政策,也就像三个联合公报所反映出的那样子,就是几十年前开始的关于针对与台湾的关系,也包括和中华人民共和国的关系在内。我们不愿意改变这个政策和这个态度。我非常高兴看到紧张局势的缓和和跨海峡两岸关系的改善。而且我非常希望我们继续看到两岸不断地改善关系,解决很多这样的问题。[13:47:30] PRESIDENT OBAMA: Thank you.Well, I have been clear in the past that my administration fully supports a one-China policy, as reflected in the three joint communiqués that date back several decades, in terms of our relations with Taiwan as well as our relations with the People's Republic of China.We don't want to change that policy and that approach.I am very pleased with the reduction of tensions and the improvement in cross-straits relations, and it is my deep desire and hope that we will continue to see great improvement between Taiwan and the rest of--and the People's Republic in resolving many of these issues.[奥巴马] 一个事情,美国在对外政策当中,也包括针对中国的政策,我们一直寻求的一件事情就是要通过对话和谈判问题能够得到解决,我们一直认为这是最好的途径。我认为这个地区正在发生着经济和商务的联系,正在帮助缓和很多在你们出生或者我还没有出生以前就已经产生的紧张局势,有些人还希望回顾过去来考虑问题,而不是展望未来,我还是希望能够展望未来。就像我刚才说的,现在建立的商务关系是有益的,有人认为做生意赚钱的话,他们会考虑得很清楚,而不会那么过分的担忧这些意识形态的问题,而且我认为这个地区已经看到这个现象,我们非常支持这样的进程。好吧。现在轮到女生。[13:47:41] One of the things that I think that the United States, in terms of its foreign policy and its policy with respect to China, is always seeking is ways that through dialogue and negotiations, problems can be solved.We always think that's the better course.And I think that economic ties and commercial ties that are taking place in this region are helping to lower a lot of the tensions that date back before you were born or even before I was born.Now, there are some people who still look towards the past when it comes to these issues, as opposed to looking towards the future.I prefer to look towards the future.And as I said, I think the commercial ties that are taking place--there's something about when people think that they can do business and make money that makes them think very clearly and not worry as much about ideology.And I think that that's starting to happen in this region, and we are very supportive of that process.Okay? Let's see, it's a girl's turn now, right? Yes, right there.Yes.Hold on, let's get--whoops, I'm sorry, they took the mic back here.I'll call on you next.Go ahead, and then I'll go up here later.Go ahead.009.11.16奥巴马上海对话中国青年中英对照(四)2009-11-20 09:46 [现场提问] 谢谢。总统先生,我是来自于上海交通大学的一位学生。我想问一个您得诺贝尔和平奖的一个问题。您是如何看待您得奖的?您得了奖对您来说是不是意味着更多的压力和责任?您有更多的责任去推动世界和平。同时,这会不会影响你解决世界问题的一些态度? [13:47:58] Q
Thank you.PRESIDENT OBAMA: I'll call on you later.But I'll on her first and then I'll call on you afterwards.Go ahead.Q
Okay, thank you.Mr.President, I'm a student from Shanghai Jiao Tong University.I have a question concerning the Nobel Prize for Peace.In your opinion, what's the main reason that you were honored the Nobel Prize for Peace? And will it give you more responsibility and pressure to--more pressure and the responsibility to promote world peace? And will it bring you--will it influence your ideas while dealing with the international affairs? Thank you very much.[奥巴马] 这个问题问得非常好,谢谢。正如我开始所说,关于我得到的和平奖这个问题最惊奇的就是我自己,当然,这是一个殊荣,不过我认为这个荣誉我有点不配。因为考虑到以前得奖的人所做的工作我有点不配,但是我希望做的工作就是以本着非常卑谦的态度来对待这个事情。那就是他们这个诺贝尔提名委员会对于美国所发生的变化以及美国对世界的态度所发生的变化受到了启发,所以他们把奖项颁发给了我,不过我只是对我们对世界态度的变化的一个象征而已。[13:54:13] PRESIDENT OBAMA: Thank you.That was an excellent question.I have to say that nobody was more surprised than me about winning the Nobel Prize for Peace.Obviously it's a great honor.I don't believe necessarily that it's an honor I deserve, given the extraordinary history of people who have won the prize.All I can do is to, with great humility, accept the fact that I think the committee was inspired by the American people and the possibilities of changing not only America but also America's approach to the world.And so in some ways I think they gave me the prize but I was more just a symbol of the shift in our approach to world affairs that we are trying to promote.[奥巴马] 我感到这是一种殊荣——能够成为美国总统。正如我夫人经常提醒我说的,有时候我抱怨工作太忙了,她经常提醒我说:你是自己找的这份工作。英文里说你自己铺了床你只好自己到里面去睡觉。这个意思就是说有时候你要想得到什么东西真要小心一点,你真有可能得到这份东西,我认为我们每个人要在世界上促进我们的和平,做到这一点并不容易。[13:54:21] In terms of the burden that I feel, I am extraordinarily honored to be put in the position of President.And as my wife always reminds me when I complain that I'm working too hard, she says, you volunteered for this job.(Laughter.)And so you--there's a saying--I don't know if there's a similar saying in China--we have a saying: “You made your bed, now you have to sleep in it.” And it basically means you have to be careful what you ask for because you might get it.I think that all of us have obligations for trying to promote peace in the world.It's not always easy to do.[奥巴马] 现在世界上有很多冲突,这些冲突有数百年的历史,比如你看看中东的情况,这些战争和冲突他们来源于一千年以前的斗争,比如在非洲有部落的冲突,这都很难得到解决,作为美国总统,我的工作之一是我们美国武装力量的总指挥,我的当务之急首先要做的就是保护美国人民,由于9?11发生的袭击事件,以及世界各地的恐怖事件造成无辜人的死亡,我有这样的任务就是要根除这些恐怖主义组织,要和很多国家进行合作来应付这种恐怖暴力。当然,我想我们不可能完全杜绝国与人以及国与国之间的暴力,但是我们可以大大减少这些暴力。这个做法就是通过交流、通过对话,通过加深人与人、文化与文化之间的理解来做到这一点。[13:54:27] There are still a lot of conflicts in the world that are--date back for centuries.If you look at the Middle East, there are wars and conflict that are rooted in arguments going back a thousand years.In many parts of the world--let's say, in the continent of Africa--there are ethnic and tribal conflicts that are very hard to resolve.And obviously, right now, as President of the United States, part of my job is to serve as Commander-in-Chief, and my first priority is to protect the American people.And because of the attacks on 9/11 and the terrorism that has been taking place around the world where innocent people are being killed, it is my obligation to make sure that we root out these terrorist organizations, and that we cooperate with other countries in terms of dealing with this kind of violence.Nevertheless, although I don't think that we can ever completely eliminate violence between nations or between peoples, I think that we can definitely reduce the violence between peoples--through dialogue, through the exchange of ideas, through greater understanding between peoples and between cultures.奥巴马] 此时此刻,一个人可以引爆炸弹,带来很大的破坏。因此,我们要实行这种和平的策略就变得更加重要了。技术可以造福于人,但是也可以使这些少数人造成巨大的破坏。正因如此,我希望在我跟胡主席的会谈中,以及今后进行的会谈中,美国和中国可以共同合作来共同减少我们在世界各地所看到的冲突。同时,我们还要牢记这样一个事实,当我们动用军事力量的时候,因为我们是大国、强国,我们自己要三思而行,我们要看看自己有什么动机,有什么利益来确保我们不仅仅由于别人管不了我们我们就动辄使用我们的军力,而这些大国要在世界之林中本着负责任的做法采取行动才行,我希望美国和中国能够共同地帮助建立国际事务准则以减少世界各地的冲突。[13:54:34] And particularly now when just one individual can detonate a bomb that causes so much destruction, it is more important than ever that we pursue these strategies for peace.Technology is a powerful instrument for good, but it has also given the possibility for just a few people to cause enormous damage.And that's why I'm hopeful that in my meetings with President Hu and on an ongoing basis, both the United States and China can work together to try to reduce conflicts that are taking place.We have to do so, though, also keeping in mind that when we use our military, because we're such big and strong countries, that we have to be self-reflective about what we do;that we have to examine our own motives and our own interests to make sure that we are not simply using our military forces because nobody can stop us.That's a burden that great countries, great powers, have, is to act responsibly in the community of nations.And my hope is, is that the United States and China together can help to create an international norms that reduce conflict around the world.(Applause.)[奥巴马] 好吧,我现在请我的洪大使,现在有一个网民通过我们使馆网站提了一个问题。[13:54:43] Okay.All right? Jon--I'm going to call on my Ambassador because I think he has a question that was generated through the Web site of our embassy.This was selected, though, by I think one of the members of our U.S.press corps so that –.
第五篇:口译 温家宝在剑桥大学的演讲 中英对照
See China in the Light of Her Development
Speech at the University of Cambridge 中华人民共和国国务院总理 温家宝 2009年2月2日
Wen Jiabao Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of
China, 2 February 2009
Vice Chancellor Alison Richard, Ladies and Gentlemen, 来到向往已久的剑桥大学,非常高兴。剑桥举世闻名,培养出牛顿、达尔文、培根等许多杰出的科学家、思想家,为人类文明进步作出了重要贡献。今年是剑桥建校800周年,我谨致以热烈祝贺!
It gives me great pleasure to come to Cambridge, a world-renowned university that I have long wanted to visit.Cambridge has produced many great scientists and thinkers Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin and Francis Bacon, to name but a few, and made important contribution to the progress of human civilization.This year marks the 800th anniversary of the university.Please accept my warm congratulations.这是我第四次访问英国。中英相距遥远,但两国人民的友好交往不断增多。香港问题的圆满解决,经贸、文教、科技等领域的有效合作,为发展中英全面战略伙伴关系奠定了坚实基础。在此,我向长期致力于中英友好的朋友们表示崇高的敬意!
This is my fourth visit to your country.Despite the great distance between China and Britain, the friendly exchanges between our peoples have been on the rise.The successful resolution of the question of Hong Kong and fruitful cooperation between our two countries in areas such as economy, trade, culture, education, science and technology have cemented the foundation of our comprehensive strategic partnership.Here, I wish to pay high tribute to all those who have been working tirelessly to promote friendly ties between our two countries.今天,我演讲的题目是:用发展的眼光看中国。
The title of my speech today is “See China in the Light of Her Development”.我深深爱着的祖国——古老而又年轻。
My beloved motherland is a country both old and young.说她古老,她是一个有着数千年文明史的东方大国。中华民族以自己的勤劳和智慧,创造了灿烂的古代文明,对人类发展作出过重大贡献。
She is old, because she is a big Oriental country with a civilization stretching back several thousand years.With diligence and wisdom, the Chinese nation created a splendid civilization and made significant contributions to the progress of humanity.说她年轻,新中国成立才60年,改革开放才30年。中国人民经过长期不懈的斗争建立了新中国,又经过艰苦的探索,终于找到了适合国情的发展道路——中国特色社会主义道路,文明古国焕发了青春活力。
She is young, because the People's Republic is just 60 years old, and the country began reform and opening-up only 30 years ago.The Chinese people established the New China after unremitting struggles and ultimately found a development path suited to China's national conditions through painstaking efforts.This is the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics.Following this path, our ancient civilization has been rejuvenated.中国改革开放,最重要的是解放思想,最根本、最具有长远意义的是体制创新。我们推进经济体制改革,建立了社会主义市场经济体制。在政府的宏观调控下,充分发挥市场对资源配置的基础性作用。我们深化政治体制改革,把发展民主和完善法制结合起来,实行人民当家作主,依法治国,建设社会主义法治国家。
The key element of China's reform and opening-up is to free people's mind and the most fundamental and significant component is institutional innovation.Through economic reform, we have built a socialist market economy, where the market plays a primary role in allocating resources under government macro-regulation.We have carried out political reform, promoted democracy and improved the legal system.People are the masters of the country.We run the country according to law and endeavor to build a socialist country under the rule of law.改革开放的实质,就是坚持以人为本,通过解放和发展生产力满足人们日益增长的物质文化需求,在公正的条件下促进人的全面发展;就是保障人民的民主权利,让国家政通人和、兴旺发达;就是维护人的尊严和自由,让每个人的智慧和力量得以迸发,成功地追求自己的幸福生活。
The essence of China's reform and opening-up is to put people first and meet their ever growing material and cultural needs through releasing and developing productive forces.It aims to give everyone equal opportunities for all-round development.It aims to protect the democratic rights of the people and promote stability, harmony and prosperity across the land.And it aims to safeguard the dignity and freedom of everyone so that he or she may pursue happiness with ingenuity and hard work.30年来,中国贫困人口减少了2亿多,人均寿命提高了5岁,8300万残疾人得到政府和社会的特殊关爱,这是中国保障人权的光辉业绩。九年免费义务教育的推行,农村合作医疗制度的建立,社会保障体系的完善,使学有所教、病有所医、老有所养的理想,正在变为现实。
Over the past three decades, more than 200 million Chinese have been lifted out of poverty, the average life expectancy has increased by 5 years, and the 83 million people with disabilities in China have received special care from the government and the society.All this points to the tremendous efforts China has made to protect human rights.We have introduced free nine-year compulsory education throughout the country, established the cooperative medical system in the rural areas and improved the social safety net.The age-old dream of the Chinese nation is being turned into reality a dream to see the young educated, the sick treated and the old cared for.我愿借用两句唐诗形容中国的现状:“潮平两岸阔,风正一帆悬。”中国人正在努力实现现代化,这是一个古而又新的发展中大国进行的一场伟大实践。掌握了自己命运的中国人民,对未来充满信心!
I want to quote from a Tang Dynasty poem to describe what is happening in China, “From shore to shore it is wide at high tide, and before fair wind a sail is lifting.” The Chinese people are working hard to modernize their country.This is a great practice in a large developing country both ancient and new.The Chinese people, with destiny in their own hands, are full of confidence in their future.我深深爱着的祖国——历经磨难而又自强不息。
My beloved motherland is a country that stood numerous vicissitudes but never gave up.我年轻时曾长期工作在中国的西北地区。在那浩瀚的沙漠中,生长着一种稀有的树种,叫胡杨。它扎根地下50多米,抗干旱、斗风沙、耐盐碱,生命力极其顽强。它“生而一千年不死,死而一千年不倒,倒而一千年不朽”,世人称为英雄树。我非常喜欢胡杨,它是中华民族坚韧不拔精神的象征。
Earlier in my career, I worked in northwest China for many years.There, in the boundless desert, grows a rare variety of tree called euphrates poplar.Rooted over 50 meters down the ground, they thrive in hostile environments, defying droughts, sandstorms and salinization.They are known as the “hero tree”, because a euphrates poplar can live for a thousand years.Even after it dies, it stands upright for a thousand years, and even after it falls, it stays intact for another thousand years.I like euphrates poplar because they symbolize the resilience of the Chinese nation.千百年来,中华民族一次次战胜了天灾人祸,渡过了急流险滩,昂首挺胸地走到今天。深重的灾难,铸就了她百折不挠、自强不息的品格。中华民族的历史证明了一个真理:一个民族在灾难中失去的,必将从民族的进步中得到补偿。
Over the millennia, the Chinese nation has weathered numerous disasters, both natural and man-made, surmounted all kinds of difficulties and challenges, and made her way to where she proudly stands today.The long sufferings have only made her a nation of fortitude and perseverance.The experience of the Chinese nation attests to a truth: what a nation loses in times of disaster will be made up for by her progress.此时此刻,我不禁想起在汶川地震灾区的亲身经历。去年5月,四川汶川发生震惊世界的特大地震,北川中学被夷为平地,孩子伤亡惨重。可是,时隔10天,当我第二次来到这里时,乡亲们已在废墟上搭起了板房教室,校园里又回荡着孩子们朗朗的读书声。当时我在黑板上,给同学们写下了“多难兴邦”几个字。地震发生以来,我7次到汶川灾区,碰到这样感人的事迹不胜枚举。我为我们中华民族这种愈挫愈奋的精神深深感动。这种伟大的精神,正是我们的民族饱经忧患而愈益坚强、生生不息的力量源泉。
I am reminded of the experience that I had in Wenchuan, Sichuan Province after the devastating earthquake there last May.That earthquake shocked the whole world.It flattened Beichuan Middle School and claimed many young lives.But only 10 days after the earthquake, when I went there for the second time, I had before my eyes new classrooms built on debris by local villagers with planks.Once again, the campus echoed with the sound of students reading aloud.I wrote down 4 Chinese characters on the blackboard, meaning “A country will emerge stronger from adversities.” I have been to Wenchuan seven times since the earthquake and witnessed countless touching scenes like this.I am deeply moved by the unyielding spirit of my people.This great national spirit is the source of strength which has enabled the Chinese nation to emerge from all the hardships stronger than before.学口译,做金领!迎战3月口译考试
温家宝在剑桥大学的演讲(中英文对照+视频)温家宝在2009博鳌亚洲论坛开幕式上的演讲 视频:温家宝剑桥大学发表深情演讲(文本+翻译)温家宝在世界经济论坛2009年年会上的讲话(双语)中国总理温家宝在剑桥大学演讲侧记(中日)有网校相助,一定拿下明年3月口译!
With hard work over the past half century and more, China has achieved great progress.Its total economic output is now one of the largest in the world.However, we remain a developing country and we are keenly aware of the big gap that we have with the developed countries.There has been no fundamental change in our basic national condition: a big population, weak economic foundation and uneven development.China's per capita GDP ranks behind 100 countries in the world and is only about 1/18 that of Britain.Those of you who have been to China as tourists must have seen the modern cities, but our rural areas are still quite backward.到本世纪中叶,中国要基本实现现代化,面临三大历史任务:既要努力实现欧洲早已完成的工业化,又要追赶新科技革命的浪潮;既要不断提高经济发展水平,又要实现社会公平正义;既要实现国内的可持续发展,又要承担相应的国际责任。中国要赶上发达国家水平,还有很长很长的路要走,还会遇到许多艰难险阻。但是,任何困难都阻挡不住中国人民前进的步伐,只要我们坚持不懈地努力奋斗,中国现代化的目标就一定能够实现。
To basically achieve modernization by the middle of this century, we must accomplish three major tasks: first, achieve industrialization, which Europe has long completed, while keeping abreast of the latest trends of the scientific and technological revolution;second, promote economic growth while ensuring social equity and justice;and third, pursue sustainable development at home while accepting our share of international responsibilities.The journey ahead will be long and arduous, but no amount of difficulty will stop the Chinese people from marching forward.Through persistent efforts, we will reach our goal.我深深爱着的祖国——珍视传统而又开放兼容。
My beloved motherland is a country that values her traditions while opening her arms to the outside world.中华传统文化底蕴深厚、博大精深。“和”在中国古代历史上被奉为最高价值,是中华文化的精髓。中国古老的经典——《尚书》就提出“百姓昭明,协和万邦”的理想,主张人民和睦相处,国家友好往来。
The traditional Chinese culture is rich, extensive and profound.Harmony, the supreme value cherished in ancient China, lies at the heart of the Chinese culture.The Book of History, an ancient classic in China for example, advocates amity among people and friendly exchanges among nations.“和为贵”的文化传统,哺育了中华民族宽广博大的胸怀。我们的民族,既能像大地承载万物一样,宽厚包容;又能像苍天刚健运行一样,彰显正义。
The Chinese cultural tradition values peace as the most precious.This has nurtured the broad mind of the Chinese nation.The Chinese nation is generous and tolerant, just as Mother Earth cares for all living things.She is in constant pursuit of justice, just as the eternal movement of the Universe.15世纪,中国着名航海家郑和七下西洋,到过三十几个国家。他带去了中国的茶叶、丝绸、瓷器,还帮助沿途有的国家剿灭海盗,真正做到了播仁爱于友邦。In the 15th century, the famous Chinese navigator Zheng He led seven maritime expeditions to the Western Seas and reached over 30countries.He took with him Chinese tea, silk and porcelain and helped local people fight pirates as he sailed along.He was truly a messenger of love and friendship.国强必霸,不适合中国。称霸,既有悖于我们的文化传统,也违背中国人民意志。中国的发展不损害任何人,也不威胁任何人。中国要做和平的大国、学习的大国、合作的大国,致力于建设一个和谐的世界。
The argument that a big power is bound to seek hegemony does not apply to China.Seeking hegemony goes against China's cultural tradition as well as the will of the Chinese people.China's development harms no one and threatens no one.We shall be a peace-loving country, a country that is eager to learn from and cooperate with others.We are committed to building a harmonious world.不同国家、不同民族的文化,需要相互尊重、相互包容和相互学习。今天的中国,有3亿人在学英语,有100多万青年人在国外留学。我们的电视、广播、出版等新闻传媒,天天都在介绍世界各地的文化艺术。正因为我们善于在交流中学习,在借鉴中收获,才有今天中国的繁荣和进步。
Different countries and nations need to respect, tolerate and learn from each other's culture.Today, 300 million Chinese are learning English and over one million of our young people are studying abroad.The cultures and arts of various parts of the world are featured daily on China's television, radio and print media.Had we not learned from others through exchanges and enriched ourselves by drawing on others' experience, we would not have enjoyed today's prosperity and progress.进入21世纪,经济全球化、信息网络化,已经把世界连成一体,文化的发展将不再是各自封闭的,而是在相互影响中多元共存。一个国家、一个民族对人类文化贡献的大小,越来越取决于她吸收外来文化的能力和自我更新的能力。中国将永远坚持开放兼容的方针,既珍视传统,又博采众长,用文明的方式、和谐的方式实现经济繁荣和社会进步。
In the 21st century, economic globalization and the information network have linked us all together.Different cultures live together and influence each other.No culture can flourish in isolation.How much a country or a nation contributes to the culture of humanity is increasingly determined by her ability to absorb foreign cultures and renew herself.That is why China will remain open and receptive, value her own traditions while drawing on others' successful experience, and achieve economic prosperity and social progress in a civilized and harmonious way.女士们,先生们!Ladies and Gentlemen, 我之所以强调用发展的眼光看中国,就是因为世界在变,中国也在变。如今的中国,早已不是一百年前封闭落后的旧中国,也不是30年前贫穷僵化的中国。经过改革开放,中国的面貌已焕然一新。北京奥运会向世界展示的,就是这样一个古老、多彩和现代的中国。我希望朋友们,多到中国走一走、看一看,了解今天的中国人究竟在想什么、做什么、关心什么。这样,有助于你们认识一个真实的、不断发展变化着的中国,也有助于你们了解中国是如何应对当前这场全球性金融危机的。
I stress the importance of seeing China in the light of her development, because the world is changing and China is changing.China is no longer the closed and backward society it was 100 years ago, or the poor and ossified society 30 years ago.Thanks to reform and opening-up, China has taken on a new look.What the Beijing Olympic Games showcased is a colorful China, both ancient and modern.I therefore encourage you to visit China more often and see more places there.This way, you will better understand what the Chinese people are thinking and doing, and what they are interested in.You will get to know the true China, a country constantly developing and changing.You will also better appreciate how China has been tackling the ongoing global financial crisis.在这场前所未有的世界金融危机中,中国和包括英国在内的欧洲都受到严重冲击。现在危机尚未见底,由此可能带来的各种严重后果还难以预料。合作应对、共渡难关,是我们的首要任务。
This unprecedented financial crisis has inflicted a severe impact on both China and Britain as well as other European countries.The crisis has not yet hit the bottom, and it is hard to predict what further damage it may cause.To work together and tide over the difficulties has become our top priority.我认为,应对全球性危机,需要增进合作。有多大程度的相互信任,就可能有多大程度的合作。中国政府主张:第一,要首先办好各国自己的事情,不把麻烦推给别人;第二,要精诚合作,不搞以邻为壑;第三,要标本兼治,不能头疼医头、脚疼医脚。我在达沃斯会议上已重申,应该对国际货币金融体系进行必要的改革,建立公平、公正、包容、有序的国际金融新秩序,努力营造有利于全球经济发展的制度环境。
I believe that closer cooperation is needed to meet the global crisis, and the level of cooperation hinges upon the level of mutual trust.The Chinese Government maintains that countries should: first and foremost, run their own affairs well and refrain from shifting troubles onto others;second, carry out cooperation with full sincerity and avoid pursuing one's own interests at the expense of others;and third, address both the symptoms and the root cause of the problem.A palliative approach will not work.We should not treat only the head when the head aches, and the foot when the foot hurts.As I reiterated at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos, necessary reform of the international monetary and financial systems should be carried out to establish a new international financial order that is fair, equitable, inclusive and well-managed.We should create an institutional environment conducive to global economic growth.这里我想谈一谈中国是如何应对这场金融危机的。
Let me talk briefly about how China has been responding to the crisis.金融危机对中国实体经济的影响日益显现。从去年第三季度以来,出口大幅下滑,经济增速放缓,就业压力加大。中国经济面临着严峻的局面。面对危机,我们果断决策,及时调整宏观经济政策取向,迅速出台扩大国内需求的十项措施,陆续制定了一系列政策,形成了系统完整的促进经济平稳较快发展的一揽子计划。主要包括以下几个方面:
The fallout of the financial crisis on China's real economy is becoming more evident.Since the third quarter of last year, our exports have declined sharply, economic growth has slowed down, and the pressure on employment has been rising.In the face of the grim situation, we have acted decisively.We have made timely adjustment to the direction of our macroeconomic policy, promptly introduced ten measures to expand domestic demand, and formulated a series of related policies.Together, they make up a systematic and comprehensive package plan aimed at promoting steady and relatively fast economic growth.Its main contents are: 一是大规模增加政府支出扩大内需。中国政府推出了以财政支出带动社会投资,总额达4万亿元的两年计划,规模相当于2007年中国GDP的16%。主要投向保障性安居工程、农村民生工程、铁路交通等基础设施、社会事业、生态环保建设和地震灾后恢复重建。中国政府还推出了大规模的减税计划,一年可减轻企业和居民负担约5000亿元。我们还大幅度降息和增加银行体系流动性,出台了一系列金融措施。
First, substantially increase government spending to boost domestic demand.The Chinese Government has announced a two-year investment program that will generate, through fiscal spending, a total investment of RMB 4 trillion nationwide, equivalent to 16% of China's GDP in 2007.The money will mainly go into government-subsidized housing, projects related to the well-being of rural residents, the construction of railway and other infrastructural projects, social development programs, environmental protection and post-earthquake recovery and reconstruction.The Chinese Government has introduced a massive tax-cut program, which will reduce the tax burdens on businesses and individuals by about RMB 500 billion each year.We have also cut interest rates by a large margin, increased liquidity in the banking system and adopted a range of financial measures.二是大范围实施产业调整振兴计划。我们全面推进产业结构调整和优化升级,制定汽车、钢铁等十个重点产业的调整和振兴规划。我们采取经济和技术的措施,大力推进节能减排,推进企业兼并重组,提高产业集中度和资源配置效率。我们鼓励和支持企业广泛应用新技术、新工艺、新设备、新材料,开发适销对路产品。
Second, implement a large-scale industrial restructuring and rejuvenation program.We are pushing forward industrial restructuring and upgrading across the board and formulating plans for the restructuring and revitalization of ten key industries, including automobiles and iron and steel.We will take economic and technological measures to boost energy conservation and reduce emissions, and promote merger and reorganization of enterprises to raise the level of industry concentration and the efficiency of resource allocation.We encourage and support the extensive application of new technologies, techniques, equipment and materials and the development of marketable products by enterprises.三是大力推进科技进步和创新。科技是克服金融危机的根本力量。每一场大的危机常常伴随一场新的科技革命;每一次经济的复苏,都离不开技术创新。我们加快实施国家中长期科学和技术发展规划,特别是核心电子器件、核能开发利用、高档数控机床等16个重大专项,突破一批核心技术和关键共性技术,为中国经济在更高水平上实现可持续发展提供科技支撑。推动发展高新技术产业群,培育新的经济增长点。我们就是要依靠科学技术的重大突破,创造新的社会需求,催生新一轮的经济繁荣。
Third, make energetic efforts for progress and innovation in science and technology.Science and technology are of fundamental importance in overcoming the financial crisis.A major crisis is usually followed by a revolution in science and technology, and no economic recovery is possible without technological innovation.We are stepping up the implementation of the National Program for Medium-and Long-Term Scientific and Technological Development, with special emphasis on 16 major projects including core electronic devices, development and use of nuclear energy and advanced numerically controlled machine tools.We will strive to make breakthroughs in a host of core technologies and key generic technologies to support sustainable economic growth at a higher level.We will promote the development of high-tech industrial clusters and cultivate new economic growth areas.All in all, we will rely on major breakthroughs in science and technology to foster new social demand and bring about a new round of economic boom.学口译,做金领!迎战3月口译考试
温家宝在剑桥大学的演讲(中英文对照+视频)温家宝在2009博鳌亚洲论坛开幕式上的演讲 视频:温家宝剑桥大学发表深情演讲(文本+翻译)温家宝在世界经济论坛2009年年会上的讲话(双语)中国总理温家宝在剑桥大学演讲侧记(中日)有网校相助,一定拿下明年3月口译!
四是大幅度提高社会保障水平。继续提高企业退休人员基本养老金,提高失业保险金和工伤保险金标准,提高城乡低保、农村五保等保障水平。积极推进医药卫生体制改革,力争用三年时间基本建成覆盖全国城乡的基本医疗卫生制度,初步实现人人享有基本医疗卫生服务。我们坚持优先发展教育,正在制定《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要》。我们实施更加积极的就业政策,重点解决高校毕业生和农民工就业问题。开辟就业岗位,缓解就业压力。我们采取这些措施,把扩大国内需求、调整振兴产业、加强科技支撑、强化社会保障结合起来,把拉动经济增长和改善民生、增加就业结合起来,把克服当前困难和促进长远发展结合起来。这样做,有利于中国的发展,也将给包括英国在内的世界各国企业带来巨大的商机。Fourth, significantly raise the level of social security.We will continue to increase basic pension for enterprise retirees and upgrade the standard of unemployment insurance and workers' compensation.We will raise the level of basic cost of living allowances in both urban and rural areas and welfare allowances for those rural residents without family support.We are advancing the reform of the medical and health system and working to put in place a nationwide basic medical and health system covering both urban and rural areas within three years and achieve the goal of everyone having access to basic medical and health service.We give priority to education and are now working on the Guidelines of the National Program for Medium-and Long-Term Educational Reform and Development.We are following a more active employment policy with special emphasis on helping college graduates and migrant workers find jobs.We are endeavoring to create more jobs and lessen the impact of the financial crisis on employment.The aforementioned measures will help us boost domestic demand, readjust and reinvigorate industries, enhance the support of science and technology and strengthen social security all at the same time.They will stimulate consumption through increased investment, drive economic growth while improving people's livelihood and creating more jobs, and see us through current difficulties while also improving the long-term prospect of the Chinese economy.They will not only benefit China's development, but also bring enormous business opportunities to other countries, Britain included.这场百年一遇的金融危机,留给世人的思考是沉重的。它警示人们,对现行的经济体制和经济理论,应该进行深刻的反思。
This once-in-a-century financial crisis is truly thought-provoking.It reminds us of the need to have serious reflections on the existing economic systems and theories.中国曾长期实行高度集中的计划经济,把计划看成是绝对的,束缚了生产力的发展。这场金融危机使我们看到,市场也不是万能的,一味放任自由,势必引起经济秩序的混乱和社会分配的不公,最终受到惩罚。真正的市场化改革,决不会把市场机制与国家宏观调控对立起来。既要发挥市场这只看不见的手的作用,又要发挥政府和社会监管这只看得见的手的作用。两手都要硬,两手同时发挥作用,才能实现按照市场规律配置资源,也才能使资源配置合理、协调、平衡、可持续。
For many years in the past, China practiced a highly centralized planned economy and regarded planning as being absolute.This hampered the development of productivity.The ongoing financial crisis has made it clear to us, however, that the market is not a cure-all, either.A totally laissez-faire approach will inevitably lead to economic disorder and unfair social distribution, and will eventually take its toll.A credible market-oriented reform should never set the market against government macro-regulation.The invisible hand of the market and the visible hand of government and social supervision should both act, and act vigorously.Only in this way can resources be distributed according to market rules and distributed in a reasonable, coordinated, balanced and sustainable manner.国际金融危机再次告诉人们,不受监管的市场经济是多么可怕。从上世纪90年代以来,一些经济体疏于监管,一些金融机构受利益驱动,利用数十倍的金融杠杆进行超额融资,在获取高额利润的同时,把巨大的风险留给整个世界。这充分说明,不受管理的市场经济是注定行不通的。因此,必须处理好金融创新与金融监管的关系、虚拟经济与实体经济的关系、储蓄与消费的关系。
The international financial crisis once again shows how dangerous a market economy without regulation can be.Since the 1990s, some profit-driven financial institutions in economies lacking effective regulation have raised massive capital with a leverage of dozens of times.While they reaped huge profits, the world was exposed to enormous risks.This fully demonstrates that a totally unregulated market economy cannot work.We must strike a balance between financial innovation and regulation, between the financial sector and real economy, and between savings and consumption.有效应对这场危机,还必须高度重视道德的作用。道德是世界上最伟大的,道德的光芒甚至比阳光还要灿烂。真正的经济学理论,决不会同最高的伦理道德准则产生冲突。经济学说应该代表公正和诚信,平等地促进所有人,包括最弱势人群的福祉。被誉为现代经济学之父的亚当·斯密在《道德情操论》中指出:“如果一个社会的经济发展成果不能真正分流到大众手中,那么它在道义上将是不得人心的,而且是有风险的,因为它注定要威胁社会稳定。”道德缺失是导致这次金融危机的一个深层次原因。一些人见利忘义,损害公众利益,丧失了道德底线。我们应该倡导:企业要承担社会责任,企业家身上要流淌着道德的血液。To effectively meet the crisis, we must fully recognize the role of morality.Nothing is greater than morality.It shines even more brightly than the sun.True economic theories will never come into conflict with the highest moral and ethical standards.Instead, they should stand for justice and integrity, and contribute in an equal way to the well-being of all people, including the most vulnerable ones.Adam Smith, known as the father of modern economics, held the view in The Theory of Moral Sentiments that if the fruits of a society's economic development cannot be shared by all, it is morally unsound and risky, as it is bound to jeopardize social stability.The loss of morality is an underlying cause for the current crisis.Some people have sacrificed principle and sought profits at the expense of public interests.They have crossed the moral baseline.We should call on all enterprises to take up their social responsibilities.Within the body of every businessman should flow the blood of morality.女士们,先生们!Ladies and Gentlemen, 英国是我这次欧洲之行的最后一站。这次访问,加深了我对欧洲的了解。中欧合作已经站在一个新的历史起点上。我对中欧发展全面战略伙伴关系更加充满信心。我们之间不存在历史遗留问题,也不存在根本利害冲突。中欧合作基础坚实,前景光明。英国是最早进入现代化的国家,你们在发展经济、保护环境等方面,都有许多成功的经验。我们愿意向你们学习,加强交流与合作。
Britain is the last leg of my European trip.I have gained a deeper understanding of Europe through this visit.China-EU cooperation is now standing at a new historical starting point and I am all the more confident about the China-EU comprehensive strategic partnership.There are no outstanding issues left over from history or conflict of fundamental interests between the two sides.What we have is a solid foundation and a bright future for cooperation.As the first industrialized country, Britain has accumulated rich experience in economic development and environmental protection.We hope to learn from your experience and strengthen exchanges and cooperation with you.未来属于青年一代。中英关系的美好前景要靠青年去开拓。抚今追昔,我想起对中英文化交流作出重要贡献的剑桥校友李约瑟博士。他的鸿篇巨着《中国科学技术史》,在东西方两大文明之间架起了一座桥梁。继承传统、勇于创新,是剑桥大学的优秀品格。希望更多的剑桥人关注中国,用发展的眼光看中国,做中英交流的友好使者。我相信,只要中英两国青年相互学习,携手共进,一定会谱写出中英关系的崭新篇章。
The future belongs to the younger generation.It is incumbent upon you to build an even more splendid future of China-Britain relations.Here and now, I cannot but mention Dr.Joseph Needham, a Cambridge alumnus who made important contribution to cultural exchanges between China and Britain.With his monumental masterpiece, Science and Civilization in China, he built a bridge between the two great civilizations of East and West.To honor tradition and innovation is the outstanding character of Cambridge.I hope more of you will turn your eyes to China, see my country in the light of her development, and act as ambassadors of China-Britain friendship.I believe that as long as you, the young people of China and Britain learn from each other and strive for progress hand in hand, you will add a brilliant new chapter to the annals of our relations.谢谢大家!Thank you!