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仁爱英语七年级(下)Unit5 Topic2 Section A



①通过学习,掌握有关学校各种建筑物的生词和其他一些生词:playground, gym, dormitory, lab, computer room, dining hall, classroom building, swimming pool, make, card, soon, dance, sleep, clean, run ②学习现在进行时态的含义和基本用法(2)能力目标:

①提高学生听说读写的能力 ②培养学生主动参与学习活动、善于和他人合作的能力。③培养学生学以致用的能力(3)情感目标:








Step 1 Review:提问两三个同学,复习巩固上次课的内容,即一般现在时态的含义及用法。

T(teacher): How do you usually go to school?

S(student): I often go to school by bus.T: What do you often do on Sunday? S: I often play basketball.Step 2 Presentation:播放能引起学生注意力的动态图片,先让学生齐声回答所表示的短语怎么说,并把相应的短语写在黑板上,带动整个课堂氛围。然后Repeat the questions in step 1,and ask: Where do you often play basketball? And where do you usually swim? Help the Ss answer and write down: on the playground, in the swimming pool.Present the other new words in 3 of Page 10 in the same way.Step 3 Presentation 再次播放Step 2 的动态图片。导出What do you do? I am playing basketball.给学生直观讲解现在进行时态的基本结构是be+v-ing。

Step 4 Drill(操练):锻炼学生的合作与语言表达能力。

Work in pairs.A: What are you doing? B: I’m riding a bike/playing basketball/swimming.A: Are you swimming? B: Yes, I am./No, I’m not.Step 5 Listening and practice(听与练):提高学生的听说综合能力。

Page 9 1a Show a picture and play the tape for the Ss to find the answer Qs: What is the girl doing? What is the boy doing? Then practice the conversation in pairs.Ask several pairs to act it out.Step 6 Review and Consolidation(巩固)

Page 10 Ask the students to close books and show them pictures one by one, point to the girl and ask: Where is she? Is she singing? What is she doing? All the Ss answer.Step 7 Summary(小结)Ask: What do we learn in this class? 现在进行时态: be+v-ing 含义:表示说话时正在进行的动作或发生的事情。


Step 8 Homework(作业)(1)、Ask the Ss to remember the new words.(2)、做练习册上相应的现在进行时态的练习题。



Unit3 Is this your skirt?

Teaching Plan: PEP4 Unit3 Is this your skirt? Topic: Is this your skirt? Aim: By the end of the whole unit, the students should be able to

(1)Understand the passage(to get the main idea of the whole unit and use them in our daily life.(2)To master the target language  New

Words:jacket,shirt,skirt,dress,sweater,jeans,pants,socks,shoes,shorts. New Phrase: Put on…, Hang up…, Take off…, Put away…, etc. New sentences: I like the…and…/Is this your …? Yes, it is./No, it is not./Whose is this? It is…/What color is it? It is…  Pronunciation:i(3)Language

skills:listening,speaking,reading, writing,understanding.Difficult Point: Let the students know and understand the

target language well.Methodology: Communicative Approach

Aural-oral Method

Situational Approach Task-based Method

Audio-Visual Method

Student-Centred Method

Aids: recorder picture tape

There are four period in this Unit

Period one: Learn some new words, play games, use the sentence.And phrase.Period two: Review the target.Languages and consolidate the sentences and words, at the same time, Prepare the new lesson and proactive.Period three: Learn some new words and sentence, teach how to chant.Period four: Pronoun citation, listening /task and spend a lot of time on storytelling to make students.Understand the target languages and learning skills.Content The first lesson

(叶斯斯)Part A Let’s learn, let’s do.Teaching plan

Topic: Is this your skirt?

Aims: By the end of this period, students are able to

A: Learn the key vocabularies of this Unit.B: Use the sentence “What color is it? What is it?”

“I like… with…”, and make dialogue

C: Improve the ability of reading, speaking and writing.Emphasis and Difficulty: New words and how to use the sentence.Teaching Preparation: Pictures, different colors, words card,radio.Teaching Procedure Warm-up(approx 5 min)Sing a song “Color Song”, students say the color they have heard

Show color cards to students and they read them.Presentation Let’s learn, let’s do

Step 1(approx 5 min)A: Teacher is wearing a T-shirt, and tells the students that she is wearing a T-shirt today.B: Teacher show pictures to the students, leading in –What is this?-It is a…

Use the same sentence to teach others new words.C: Write the new words on the blackboard: yellow T-shirt, red shirt, white sweater, brown jacket, green skirt, blue dress.D: Teach the new words and sentences.Step 2 :(approx 10 min)A: Teacher shows a picture, a clothes shop on the blackboard and say that she want to go shopping, then she go shopping with a student and leading in “I like…with…”

B: Let the students practice the dialogue with their partners.Step 3(approx 15 min)A: Listen to the radio, teacher do the action put on… take off…hand up…wash…, etc, and students follow.B: Teacher says, students do the action, a student say, other students and the teacher do the action.C: Groups Competition: every member in the group do the action one by one according to the in struction, which group is correct and quick, they will be the winner.Step 4: Homework

A: Write the new words in the notebook, 5 times a word B: Remember the phrases and do the correct action.Blackboard layout Unit 3 Is this your skirt? Yellow T-shirt

what’s this? Red shirt

It is a … White sweater

I like …with… Brown jacket Green skirt Blue dress Content

The second Lesson

(叶榕榕)Part A let’s talk /Let’s play/ Read and write

Teaching plan Topic: Is this your shirt? Aims: a.To teach students the target languages.b.To let students know how to use the target language well.c.To develop students’ abilities of listening, speaking and understanding.Emphasis and Difficulty: Let students learn the target language well.Sentence: 1 –Is this your skirt?-No, it is not/Yes, it is.–Whose is this?

-It is ….’S

Teaching procedure

Stage1 Revision(approx 5 min)a.Revision the words we have learned last lesson, present the pictures of the cloths, students say the words.b.Teacher say the actions, students do them.(set up a funny atmosphere)Stage2 Presentation(approx 30 min)

A:a.Teacher comes to a student and pick up her picture, which she had drawled before class.Teacher ask her” Is this your…?” student answer: “Yes, it is”

b.Teacher repeats the sentences, students follow.c.Teacher writes the sentences on the blackboard and teaches students.B:a.Teacher point to the picture, which is sticker on the wall before class and ask one student “Is that your…?” but that isn’t hers.So she answers: “No, it is not.”

b.Teacher asks another two students, they answer: “No, it is not.”

c.Teacher repeats the sentence, students follow.d.Teacher writes the sentences on the blackboard and teaches students

C: a.Teacher collects pictures from students, and leading in “Whose is this?” and students can guess like: “Is that…’s?” who is being guessed, should answer: “Yes, it is/No, it is not.” Student who guesses the right person will get the reward.(a red star)

b.asks a student to be the little teacher, Practice the above sentences, and write the sentence on the blackboard.c.have a challenge: ask a student come to the platform and face the blackboard.All the students ask her “Whose is this?” she can guess like: “Is that…s?” However, we will give her three chances, if she can’t get the right person.Then teacher tell her, she can ask her classmate “whose is this?” They will answer: “It is …’s.”

d.Teacher teaches “Whose is this? It is …’s.”

D: a.Teacher comes to a student and pick up her picture, ask her: “Is this your…?” student answer: “Yes, It is.”

Teacher asks: “Whose is this?” answer: It is …’s.b.Make a dialogue with the above sentences.E: Listen to the tape and answer the question.1.What color is Alice’s skirt? 2.Whose is the T-shirt?(Approx 3 min)3.Sing a song: Is this your shirt? Is this your shirt? Is this your shirt? No, it is not.No, it is not.Whose is this? Whose is this? It is Tom’s.It is Tom’s.Stage4 Assignment a.Practice the dialogue with others.Blackboard layout Unit 3 Is this your skirt? — Is this your…?

— Yes,it is.— Is that your…?

— No,it is not.— Whose is this?

— It is _____′s

Content The third lesson


Part B Let′s learn.Let′s chant.Let′s talk.Let′s find out.Topic: Is this your skirt? Aims : By the end of this period, children are able to a.learn and master the key words and sentence in development.b.Use the sentence “Where are my…?” skillfully.c.Improve the ability of listening,speaking,reading and writing.Emphasis and Difficutty:How to use复数and the use of be动词.Teaching Procedure.A.Warming up(approx 3 min)Revision: Teaching→students — What is this ?

— It is a______.— What colour is it ?

— It is________.— Is this your…?

— Yes, it is/No, it is not.B.Presentation 1.New words a.①Teaching point to her own shoes and say: “Look at my

shoes,my shoes is black.”

②Teach them read new word:shoes↑shoes↓.and write it on the blackboard.③Teacher ask“Look at your shoes,what color are your shoes?” Student answer“My shoes are___.”At the same time, teacher ask“Where is my shoes?” and she answer“Look, there are my shoes.”

b.Socks.Teacher present a pair of old socks and say:“My socks are white.My socks are old.Then present a pair of new socks and say:“My socks are new.”

c.Short/pants.Teacher present the pictures of shorts and pants and say:“They are shorts/pants.”

d.Jeans.Teacher present the picture and ask:“What are they?” students answer:“They are jeans.” 2.Practice a.According to teachers′口形and guess what is the word.b.Look at the picture and put the correct words there.c.What is missing? P111.Let′s find out.拍起来.3.Listen to the tape and read together.4.Let′s chant.a.show the new chant on the small blackboard to the students.My socks are white,My shoes are too, My pants are old, My short are new.b.Teach the chant step by step.c.All students chant together.5.Homework:Let′s find out.P32 拍起来 a.Choose what do you want to wear and colour.b.Make a diologue with your partner.Blackboard layout Unit 3 Is this your skirt? Words:

Sentences: shoes

— Where are my socks? socks

— There are_____________.pants

— What color are they? shorts

— They are_____________.Jeans


(黄雅欣)The fourth lesson.Part C.Pronunciation/Let′s check/Let′s sing/Story time Topic: Is this your skirt? Aims: A.To teach students how to pronun the words with

I.b.To develop students abilities of listening, speaking and understanding.Emphasis and Difficulty: How to pronun I in a correct way.Pronunciation Teaching Procedure.(approx 10 min)

Step1.a.Read the words on the book groups by groups, and ask student listen to them carefully and find the common points.b.Tell the student how to pronun I.c.Practice it by yourself.Step2.Let′s check.(approx 8 min)

a.Tell the student what they should do in this part and ask them listen to the tape carefully.Listening two times.b.Let students choose the best answer.c.Tell them the correct answer by listening the third time and analyze the sentences.Step3.Let′s sing : My clothes

(approx 10 min)a.Listen to the tapes first.b.Follow the tape sentence by sentence.c.Sing the song together.Step4.Story time

(approx 12 min)a.Tell the story with the action.b.Learn some new words and sentences in the story.c.Listen to the tapes and follow.d.Role play.



Background information Teaching objectives Teaching contents Teaching important points Teaching different points Teaching aids

Teaching procedures:

Step One: Leading-in

Step Two: Association method Step Three: Homophonic method Step Four: Etymology

Step Five: Practice

Step Six : Home work

Step Seven: Reflection


Background information: 1.Students: junior 2.Lesson duration:15mins Teaching objectives: By the end of the lesson,students should be able to 1.Using association method to remember new words.2.Using homophonic method to remember new words.3.Using etymology to remember new words.Teaching contents:vocabulary Teaching aids: PPT, blackboard,chalk.Teaching important points: Remember new words with special skills.Teaching difficult points: Using etymology to remember new words.Teaching procedures: Step One: Leading-in

a)Showing a picture and let students using one word to describe it.b)Ask students to guess something that is related to this word.C)Introduce one method to remember this new word.Step Two: Association method

Courage(勇气)联想C 长得像一轮弯弯的明月,our 是我们的意思,age 是年龄的意思,在一轮弯弯的明月下,我们这个年龄的人,你牵着我的小手,我牵着你的小手,你一个眼神的肯定我的爱就有了意义,原来爱真的需要勇气。Chill

(寒冷)联想 C 长得像是一轮弯弯的明月,一轮弯弯的明月下,有一座孤零零的小山,你孤身一人站在山上,明月孤悬,感觉很冷。

Step Three:Homophonic method














ail 疼痛(哎哟);coffin 棺材(靠坟);

appall惊骇(我跑);Step Four: Etymology

1、a-加在单词或词根前面,表示“不,无,非” acentric 无中心的(a+centric 中心的)

amoral 非道德性的(a+moral 道德的;注意:immoral 不道德的)

apolitical.不关政治的(a+political 政治的)

2、be-表示“使…成为” befriend 友好对待(be+friend 朋友)

befool 欺骗(be+fool 笨蛋→使人成笨蛋→欺骗别人)

belittle 小看(be+little 小→小看人)


Cooperation 合作(co+operation 操作→共同操作→合作)Coexist 共存(co+exist 存在)

Cohere 附着;粘着(co+here 粘→粘在一起)


contrary 相反的(contra+ary→相反的)

contradict 反驳;矛盾(contra+dict 说→反着说→反驳)

contravene 违反,违背(contra+vene 走→反着走→违反)


dichromatic 两色的(di+chrom 颜色+atic→两色的)

dioxide 二氧化物(di+ox 氧+ide→二氧化物)

dilemma 进退两难(di+lemma 争论→二种争论→进退两难)

6、em-,en-表示“进入…之中,包围” embrace 拥抱(em+brace 胳膊→进入怀抱)

empathy 感情相融的(em+pathy 感情→进入感情)

embarrass 使难堪(em+barrass 套子→进入套子→难堪)

Step Five:Practice Guess the meaning : Chill , pest , ambition ,agony,ambulance ,bale,hermit , abyss

contradict , dichromatic, empathy

Cohere,belittle, befool , Step Six:Homework

Review the words that we have learned today.Step Seven:Reflection(to be written immediately after the lesson).



The Lesson Planning of a Text




Singapore may be small, but packs in quite a punch.Only about 655 square kilometers in area, it is one of the most densely populated cities in the world, with about 6430 people per square kilometer.Although it is one of the 20 smallest countries in the world, its economy is a world leader, and has the world's busiest port in terms of tonnage handled.Today the financial and technological hub of South East Asia, Singapore was once a sleepy Malay fishing village, which came into its own as a British trading colony in the 1800's.The population is a mix of Malays, Chinese and Indians with a smattering of other ethnic nationalities.There are four official languages in Singapore-Mandarin, Tamil, Malay and English.The Chinese ethnic population is originally from South-east China from the provinces of Fukian and Guangdong.Immigrants from the Malaysian peninsula, Sumatra, Java and other islands of the Malay Archipelago have thronged the state.About two-thirds of the Indians are Tamil, with a smattering of Malayalis, Punjabis and Gujratis.Singapore consists of one main island, and 58 smaller ones.The terrain is flat lowland, the highest point being Bukit Tima Hills, standing at 164 meters.Its climate is hot(ranging between 22 and 30 degrees centigrade)and muggy(humidity remains at 75%).The rainy season is from November to January, although being near the equator, intermittent rains occur throughout the year.Although about 50% of the land is occupied by vertical urban settlements in modern skyscrapers, Singapore has a thriving agricultural economy specializing in rubber, copra, fruit, orchids, vegetables, poultry, eggs and fish.It is the world's largest exporter of ornamental fish.It has thriving industries of electronics, chemicals, financial services, oil drilling equipment, rubber processing, food processing, ship repair and other industries, with the economy heavily dependant on its electronics and manufacturing exports.With typical Singapore control and determination, the government has made up for its lack of natural flora and fauna by building gardens and zoos, waterfalls and underwater parks.Singapore has one of the best zoos in the world, and has the world's highest man made waterfall in Jurong Park, standing at 30 meters.The Bird sanctuary in Jurong even has simulated tropical thunderstorms。

Background information Students: 3 Junior High School students, Grade 3

Lesson duration: 45 minutes

Teaching objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1 the reason for the development of.Singapore.2 know about the basical condition of Singapore.3 memorize the words and sentence pattern of describing a country.4 try to write an article of China.Teaching content: the basical condition of Singapore

Teaching aids: blackboard, chalk, PPT, pictures Type of the lesson: vocabulary, sentence pattern, culture.Teaching procedures: Step1 Review(5 minutes)a)Warm up: a short TV clips of Singapore(with flash)b)Look at some pictures of the changes of Singapore.c)Students use their own words to describe the change in different aspects.d)Teacher summarizes the main aspects of Singapore, and writes some words on board.Step2 Learn the new words(10 minutes)a)Use the pictures and actions to introduce the new words.b)Students learn to speak the words with the record.c)Teacher teaches them to say and the use of words.d)Teacher let the students to make sentences with the main words and find the mistakes to correct them.Step3 Learn the text.(25 minutes)a)Students listen to the tape and read following it.b)Students read the geographic name after the teacher.b)Teacher lets some students read the text.c)Students find the difficult sentences and words to ask the teacher to answer.d)Teacher sums up the important points, and then analyzes the structure of the text.e)Teacher finds the differences of the condition with the former one, which students answered.Step4 More understanding(5minutes)a)Teacher ask for the students to memorize the writing structure of describing Singapore b)Students think about how to write the condition of China.Optional activity and homework: Optional activity: students retell the part of the text they are interested in.with their own words Homework: write a short paragraph to introduce one aspect of China.Introspection after class Through the lesson, I know about much knowledge of Singapore.Students should memorize many words and sentence patterns.And they should know the method of describing a country.So in the class I learn a lot.And I get much experience.I believe I will do better in the future study.


II.Language points and difficulties: 1)the use of "There be…"sentence pattern 2)how to ask other people to do sth politely 3)The use of key words...fewer, less, etc.…

III.Teaching methods and aids: 1)pairwork to practise speaking and then make a role play within the pairs 2)play games to consolidate new words and expressions 3)multimedia classroom, slides, recorder, tape, etc.…

IV.Teaching procedures: Step 1 Lead-in

Step 2:pre-

Step 3 While-

Step 4 Post-

Step 5 Summary …

Step X Homework …

(Reflections, if there are):

This lesson aims at drilling students' ability to use the key words…, and sentence pattern….Students at this stage may have difficulties in learning them, so they have to do more practice to consolidate.To avoid dullness, students are required to take part in well-designed games, which may stimulate their interests to learn…

Design of the backboard writing



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