
  • 新东方必背30篇

    时间:2019-05-14 01:33:36 作者:会员上传

    第一篇:Youth 青春
    YouthYouth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees; i

  • 新东方 王江涛 四级写作笔记&十大必背

    时间:2019-05-14 07:16:37 作者:会员上传

    新东方·王江涛·四级写作笔记&十大必背范文 新东方·王江涛 四级写作笔记&十大必背范文 王江涛四级写作笔记 ********************************** 第一原则:书写工整,卷面

  • 【免费】新东方强力推荐十大必背[合集]

    时间:2019-05-15 09:01:08 作者:会员上传

    新东方强力推荐十大必背范文,抓紧啦,时间不多哦 2008-06-24 00:11 1、致辞:Directions: Write a speech on the opening of a conference of no less than 120 words. In your

  • 作文必背50-100句

    时间:2019-05-12 11:13:02 作者:会员上传

    51. There is a general debate on the campus today over the phenomenon of college or high school students' doing a part-time job.

  • 英语四级作文必背

    时间:2019-05-14 10:47:32 作者:会员上传

    英语四级作文必背范文网络 In recent years, people are developing an inseparable relationship with Internet. As is known to all, it is convenient for us to click

  • 小学四级必背诗词

    时间:2019-05-12 11:51:17 作者:会员上传

    小学4级 必背古诗篇目(15首)
    1.渔歌子① 唐 张志和
    西塞山前白鹭飞,② 桃花流水鳜鱼肥。③ 青箬笠,④绿蓑衣, 斜风细雨不须归。 2.石灰吟于谦
    千锤万凿出深山, 烈火焚烧若等闲。 粉

  • 英语四级作文必背[模版]

    时间:2019-05-15 06:34:01 作者:会员上传

    英语四级作文必背范文 1、北京奥运 The Beijing 2008 Summer Olympics logo has a single Chinese character on a traditional red Chinese seal. The English words "Beij

  • 英语四级写作必背

    时间:2019-05-15 08:09:21 作者:会员上传

    大学英语四级写作十大必背范文 1、致辞: Directions: Write a speech on the opening of a conference of no less than 120 words. In your speech, you should:1、进行自我

  • 英语四级作文必背

    时间:2019-05-12 12:26:07 作者:会员上传

    The Beijing 2008 Summer Olympics logo has a single Chinese character on a traditional red Chinese seal. The English words "Beij

  • _14C2_新东方英语六级必背词组

    时间:2019-05-12 14:02:01 作者:会员上传

    考博英语词组, a matter of 几(分钟,里路,块钱等)的事;大约,左右;是个…问题,事关… about of 即将;打算 absent from 不在;缺席 absorbed in 吸引;专心于… account for 说明(原因)

  • 新东方六级写作最新十大必背!

    时间:2019-05-14 19:13:58 作者:会员上传

    英语六级写作十大必背范文 1. 图画作文:传统文化/外来文化/文化交流 Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay based on the picture

  • 新东方强力推荐十大必背1

    时间:2019-05-15 03:35:22 作者:会员上传

    新东方强力推荐十大必背范文,抓紧啦,时间不多哦 1、致辞: Directions: Write a speech on the opening of a conference of no less than 120 words. In your speech, you

  • 中考英语作文必背万能句.

    时间:2019-05-14 01:57:01 作者:会员上传

    中考英语作文必背万能句 回信类作文句型汇总 1. It is my great pleasure to hear from you (万能回信开头句) 2. 表建议句型 It is highly suggested that you should(not)

  • 2014中考英语作文必背万能句

    时间:2019-05-15 13:01:46 作者:会员上传

    1. It is my great pleasure to hear from you (万能回信开头句)2. 表建议句型 It is highly suggested that you should(not)… In a

  • 高考英语作文必背句

    时间:2019-05-14 12:48:42 作者:会员上传

    1. It goes without saying that ...不用说……
    It goes without saying that it pays to keep early hours. 不用说, 早睡早起是值得的。
    2. Th

  • 2014中考英语作文必背万能句

    时间:2019-05-14 18:50:44 作者:会员上传

    2014中考英语作文必背万能句 回信类作文句型汇总 1. It is my great pleasure to hear from you (万能回信开头句) 2. 表建议句型 It is highly suggested that you should(

  • 小升初必背古诗词及重点句

    时间:2019-05-14 15:24:10 作者:会员上传

    乌衣巷 作者:刘禹锡 朱雀桥边野草花,乌衣巷口夕阳斜。 旧时王谢堂前燕,飞入寻常百姓家。 菩萨蛮·书江西造口壁作者:辛弃疾 郁孤台下清江水,中间多少行人泪? 西北望长安,可怜无数

  • 英语口语日常口语必背句

    时间:2019-05-15 05:59:07 作者:会员上传

    免费体验史上最牛英语口语学习,太平洋英语Does it serve your purpose? 对你