课本讲到“无论是新教师还是有经验的教师,在实际工作中,都应该有学习和发展的空间。从某种意义上说,他们的工作会有明显的缺陷,而这些缺陷正是开放给他们学习的空间,是继续教育的前提条件,是她们将来事业走向辉煌、接受更好教育的基础。”先不讲老师自身的发展,就对学生来说,老师的学习是非常重要的。老师先学一步再教导学生,“New teacher is a learner first.” 在学习中会碰到学生也将会碰到的难题疑惑,从而可以先解决再教导学生,这样就更加高效。新任的教师们要面对各种紧张关系,在处理这些关系的时候老师们也在学习;在教学中也同样会碰到各种各样的难题,例如课程对学生的学习作用不大,学生出现注意力不集中、不听讲、甚至是逃课的现象,从而新教师要一步一步地去学习如何调整解决并从中创新。
After reading chapter 2 and chapter 4 of that blue book, I have thought a lot because it reminded me of the terrible experience of managing the class during my voluntary teaching in last summer vocation and it also gives me lots of guidance.Managing the class may be one of the most basic and important skill of a teacher.Whether your students can get involved in your class is a very essential standard to measure your teaching ability.But what can be really regarded as a successful class? I think the key must be students’ reaction and involvement.In the last summer vocation, I taught a class of primary school students from grade four to grade six.Honestly speaking, it was so difficult to manage the class because those students were from different grades.And while being gathering in the same class, they had a lot of problems—some were talking;some were playing and some were even fighting.Moreover, they knowledge background varied from each other and while facing with the same problem, some students react quickly but others seemed to confusing.Consequently, these English classes were not so good.But after reading these two chapters, I am suddenly aware that what my problems are.In this book, it said, a basic skill in teaching English as a foreign language is to be able to prepare, set up and run a single classroom activity, like a game or a discussion.Rethinking those English classes, the reason why I failed to attract students’ attention was the lacking of interesting and attractive classroom activities.During those classes, I just taught them how to remember those difficult words and carried out several rounds of competition.At the very beginning, I took it for granted that all students were interested in competition and rewards but when I actually carried out this activity, I found that most of participants were top year students and those younger kids seemed to lack interest in this game.And later, I realized that they could not understand what I had taught them during the class.On this point, I realized that I have failed to take the whole class into consideration and if I could consider more thoroughly and arranged the classroom activities more reasonably, more students could engage in my class.Besides, the preparation of this activity was not so enough.I began this competition after several times’ repeating of those new words and did not make sure whether all students have understood.And in this process, I kept talking on my own.The interaction was just between teacher and students and not between learners and learners.This may be another problem of my class.From learning this class, I find that as a new teacher, I still have a lot of knowledge to learn.While you standing on the platform, you should be responsible for your students and make sure that your students can really learn something from your class.But that seemed to be not so easy.We still have to study, to rethink and to research because only in this way can we really gain something.
世上有很多东西,给予他人时,往往是越分越少,而有一样东西却是越分越多:那就是爱!要把学生教育成为一个爱他人,爱社会的人,是不是让学生背背日常行为规范?或者多上几节思想品德课?孔子曾说:“其身正,不令而行;其身不正,虽令不从”。作为教师的我们,一言一行都对学生起着潜移默化的作用。我们只有平等对待每一位学生,尊重学生的人格,做一个有爱心的人,用自身的榜样作用和人格魅力,让学生佩服,从而仿效。“桃李不言,下自成蹊”,只有有爱心的教师,才能培养出有爱心的学生。关爱学生,做到诲人不倦。“亲其师、信其道”。爱是教育的灵魂,爱学生是师德的核心,教师对学生的爱是一种特殊的情感,是一种无私的爱。教师要对学生一生负责,全面关心学生成长,热爱学生,尊重学生,公平公正对待学生,给他们应得的信任和教诲。严格要求学生,因材施教,循循善诱,形成相互激励、教学相长的师生关系,促进学生全面发展。高尔基说“谁爱孩子,孩子就爱他;只有爱孩子的人,他才可以教育孩子。” 不管你是教哪门课的老师,还是哪一类型的老师,始终要求教师首先必须要爱学生,热爱学生是对教师职业道德起码的要求。
Actually after reading chapter 4 on the book Learning Teaching,I benefited a lot from it.Chapter 4 is mainly about activities and lesson.Concerning activities in classroom, teacher should choose the activities depending on what you want your students to learn from it and I think this idea is of significance because if your activities are not related to the course, then the activities are totally wastes of time.The sentence “ As well as working on language, the activity involves students in talking and listening to one another on a personal level.This may well help to build good relationships within the class and help create a good working atmosphere” mainly impresses us with the importance of getting students involved at the class.Just like the teaching videos Judy showed us, many teachers in the videos came up with various activities in a bid to make students active and think in the courses.Moreover, in the book, the author also points out that before the activities prepared for the kids, a teacher should give them really clear instruction so that students can totally understand what they should do next, thus increasing their confidence and their enthusiasm during the process of the activities.In the book, the author also introduces four typical arrangements common in English language teaching classrooms: whole class, small groups, pairs and individual work.And the activities in the classroom are very important because they will provide students a chance to use the language in the way they like instead of being told to do by the teachers, which increase the flexibility of their language use.And activities in the classroom actually comprise several small activities within.Hence, in the book, the author divides them into five parts: lead in, set up, run, close and post activity.I benefited a lot from the chapter and hope I will exert what I learned into my future classes.
潜江中学 游承凯