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尽管罗切斯特的表白和求婚让简感到非常高兴,但也不免忧虑和担心。因为她一直渴望自由自在的生活,婚姻就意味着束缚和屈服,意味着她要对他负责、受他的控制。当罗切斯特挥金如土,为她添购丝绸、珠宝的时候,她变得更加敏 感,觉得自己就像是一个被苏丹宠爱的奴隶。她说:“他越是给我买东西,我的脸越是发烧,有一种烦恼和低人一等的感觉。”她反对罗切斯特称她为“天使”,也不喜欢他像打扮一个玩偶一样打扮她。她说:“我是一个有思想、有感觉的人。” 为了保持自己的独立,她决定继续做阿戴尔的家庭教师。这一切都清楚地表明简具有很强的独立自主意识。然而在得知伯莎的存在以后,简·爱对罗切斯特尽管依依不舍却又坚决选择了离开。就在婚礼举行的当天,罗切斯特的疯妻的弟弟出现了,他知道罗切斯特另娶了新妻,便出来强行干涉。这让简不禁想起了那可怕的笑声、那场神秘的大火、那撕破了婚纱的陌生人„„发生在桑菲尔德有如此多 的奇怪的事情!她告诉自己必须要离开。


久的爱情,桑菲尔德是她第一个真正的家,离开了它仿佛就是离开了自己。但是,作为罗切斯特的情妇跟他生活在一起,却又意味着自我妥协,那是她最不想要的。甚至在知道伯莎的存在以前,她就觉得嫁给罗切斯特是一种冒险,他们压根儿就不会平等,她害怕罗切斯特把她当玩物一样对待,更要命的是,嫁给一个地位比 她高的人,让她有负债感。简清楚地看到了她与罗切斯特的这种关系意味着自尊的丧失、意味着他对她的控制。她认为这是道德上的过错,她无法接受自己去做这样的事情。尽管桑菲尔德是她唯一的家,罗切斯特的求婚又让她有了幸福感和归属感,但是她知道,留在这儿也就意味着一种自我禁锢。因此,在能够离开的时候她还是坚决选择了离开。

在桑菲尔德遭遇大火之后,简和罗切斯特重归于好,找到了幸福的归宿。离开了桑菲尔德以后,简在莫尔顿过着简朴的生活,给一群穷孩子们做老师。她在经济上是独立的,并且担当了一个重要的角色。她对待传教士圣·约翰的态度也充分地证明了她的独立自主性。当她要答应嫁给他的时候,简听到了罗切斯特的呼喊。她便拒绝了他,再次来到了桑菲尔德。到那儿才发现桑菲尔德已经被烧成了平地,罗切斯特也变成了残疾,他失明了,一条手臂也没有了。他要靠她才能走路、才能看书,罗切斯特身体上的残疾需要简成为他的主人。大火烧掉了罗切斯特的庄园,还让他失去了双眼,让他顷刻间变得一贫如洗。简却截然相反,就在那个时候,她从叔叔那儿接过一大笔遗产。他们的经济地位已经发生了逆转。她完全可以放弃爱情、放弃现有的贫穷而孤独的生活。然而,她却采取了一种相 反的举动—结束了尊严与爱之间的徘徊,决定嫁给他。因为只有在能够自给自足的情况下,她才肯跟罗切斯特结婚。她说:“在爱情和尊严之间,她只想求得内心的平静,一颗不被过多的恩赐压碎的心。”她不愿成为依附他的主人。只有在平等的情况下,婚姻才能够成立。




罗切斯特从自己的妻子那儿得不到爱情的安慰,但心里又渴望着爱情,但他的爱情观依然停留在感性层面。首先,罗切斯特已经结了婚,不管他的妻子是不是疯了,是不是能够履行夫妻义务,在法律上他已经是一个女人的丈夫了,就不 能和其他女子再组成家庭,但罗切斯特认为他“应该有自由去爱和被爱”,在他心目中,爱情已经凌驾于道德法律之上。其次,为了试探简的内心想法,罗切斯 特特地邀请了英格拉姆小姐一干人等到桑菲尔德庄园做客,并且刻意地讨好英格拉姆小姐,造成他似乎要向她求婚的假象,以此想使简产生妒忌的心理。他还假扮吉普赛人,假装给未婚女子们算命,想进一步地窥视简的情感世界。这样的做法其实至少伤害了两个人,一个是英格拉姆小姐,另一个是简·爱。罗切斯特利用自己手中的权势地位财富玩着爱情游戏,口口声声说着爱,但其行为又是何等的冷酷。再次,当和简·爱的结婚计划被粉碎时,罗切斯特竟提议到法国去过同居生活,幻想着和简·爱“厮守在一块儿”,“过着幸福、安全、无忧无虑的生活”,“相伴到老”。罗切斯特给读者描绘了一副温暖美丽的图画,只考虑到自己的精神需求,却没有想到这样做会给他人带来怎样的后果。










业:英语 考生姓名: 考生所在单位: 准考证号: 导师姓名: 联系电话:



An Analysis of Jane Eyre’s Love Value

——On Jane Eyre




Submitted to the B.A.Committee in Partial Fulfillment for the requirements of the degree of Bachelor of Arts in the English Department of Hebei Teachers University

February 14, 2012

Contents 摘 要„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ III Abstract „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„IV Introduction „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„1 Chapter I Jane Eyre’s Love Value„„„„„„„„ 4

A.Her Rebellion and Love Value„„„„„„„„„„„„ 4 B.Her Attitude Towards Men„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 5 C.Her Female Consciousness 6

Chapter II The Formation of Jane Eyre’s Love Value „8

A.The Background of the Society„„„„„„„„„„„„8 B.The Formulation of Her Character „„„„„„„„„„9 C.The Love of Jane Eyre and Rochester „„„„„„„„„10

Chapter III The Significance of Jane Eyre’s Love Value „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 16

A.Showing Her Unique Character „„„„„„„„„„ 16 B.Awakening Her Feminist Consciousness„„„„„„„„ 17 C.The Growth of A New Woman „„„„„„„„„„„„„„19

Conclusion „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 20 Notes „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„22 Bibliography „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„23

摘 要


关键词 :反抗,性格,爱情观,女性意识



Jane Eyre is a piece of autobiographical fiction, which is British woman novelist Charlotte Bronte’s first novel published in 1849.Creating a female image who is against social pressure with rebellion and independence.The novel is filled with love, passion and reason, and maintains its unique artistic charm.This thesis analyzes some major characters in the novel and takes a lot of examples to show the author’s intention and reflect the love theme.Bringing character to life also suggests the author’s resistant spirit.The heroine of Jane Eyre, a plain and little girl, lives under traditional pressure to pursue independence and love loyalty.This thesis aims at her sense of love.Under her rebellion and self-respect, she literally has got a fiery heart for her love.Key Words: Resistance, character, love value, female consciousness


Introduction This thesis discusses the love value of Jane Eyre.Jane Eyre is Charlotte’s best literary production.In writing it, the author drew a great deal from her own life-experience.The novel shows us a new woman on 19th century in England.Jane Eyre is one with a long history of literary works.It has a history of 152 years, it successfully portrays a women image who is dare to struggle, to fight for freedom and equality of status of the society.It is Charlotte Bronte’s best literary production.Bronte uses her experience as teacher and governess to address certain social ambiguities common in the 1800s.Though often better educated than their employers, governesses were socially far below them, not quite servant but definitely not equal.Morally, our heroine is several notches above the man she refers to as Master.Jane’s assertion to Rochester on more than one occasion that she is his equal is especially poignant.She declines to become his mistress, preferring to choose a path that leaves her penniless but not morally bankrupt.She declares, “The more solitary, the more friendless, the more unsustained I am, the more I will respect myself.”【1】

Erik Knies’ introduction of his edition is rich with insight about Bronte’s life and the creation of this classic novel.This is a great book to visit for the first time during the long cold winter, or revisit for those of us who haven’t picked it up in a decade or so.Beautiful language never goes out of style.Erik Knies said in his essay: “Goodness, of all virtues and dignities of the mind, is the greatest, being the character of the Deity, and without it, man is a busy, mischievous, wretched thing, no better than a kind of vermin.”【2】

That is to say a person without goodness is destined to lose everything.In the novel some people seem to doubt the existence of the goodness in humanity.They attach importance to money and benefit.But in Jane’s opinion, money is not the only real object while emotions and morality are more important.She pays attention to honesty and kindness of people.And in this novel, the heroine’s adamancy, independent, rebellion fully displays her intense female consciousness.Female consciousness is woman’s self-consciousness of status in the objective world.It is a personal motive to stimulate women’s pursuit for independence, freedom, initiative, creativity.Concretely speaking, female consciousness means women wake up and fulfill her historical mission, social responsibility, personal obligation, meanwhile they know their self-feature well and take part in social activities in their own ways.This thesis aims at Jane Eyre’s sense of love.Under her rebellion 2 and self-respect, she literally has got a fiery heart for her love.3 Chapter I Jane Eyre’s Love Value

Love is the most beautiful characteristic of human beings’ life.And love cannot be measured by status, power or property.To most people, they like to seek a meaningful, romantic relationship resulting in love, commitment, companionship and happiness.For people, it is most important that a man and a woman have heart and feelings that find a perfect response, and also have mutual affinity.Jane and Rochester get true love after a lot of sufferings.After acquaintance, then attracting each other, and falling in love deeply, they meet many obstacles.A.Her Rebellion and Love Value Jane is poor, plain and diminutive, but in front of love, she displayed the unusual courage and astonishing bold.She expressed her love to her lover bravely instead of licking her shoes and currying favoring with him.On the contrary, she expressed in just and severe terms that should maintain independence and keep initiative as well as the equality of the sexes.Rochester has fallen in love with her special personality.Just like Rochester said:“but regarding limpid vision, fluent enunciation, regarding that enthusiasm like fire mind, both full of affection and steady, also docile firm prefers death to humiliation the disposition, I am actually gentle and faithful forever”.【3】 What an exquisite summary, Rochester loves Jane Eyre’s character with kind, wise, self—respect and firm.She announced that the true basis of marriage could not be other, except love.A true love dose not depend on external conditions, it is based only on the mutual understanding, respect and attraction.This reflected her views about the value of human, she believed that the value of a person was not relied on the property, status and qualification as well as other external factors but on the internal factors such as thought, moral character, and intelligence and so on.Jane Eyre resolutely proved that true love could break through the gap between age, and background experience of the different natural or man-made barriers, so long as men and women could achieve the spiritual conjunction, mind communication.Marriage without love is not only painful but also pitiful.True love is mutual communication between hearts as well as mutual contribution.When Jane Eyre knew that Rochester was ready to marry pretty and young lady but still wanted Jane Eyre to stay with him, she got greatly hurt.Therefore, she announced loudly to Rochester: “Is it only because I am penniless, have an ordinary look and can not attract public attention that I have no soul and heart? I have the same rich heart as yours.I’m not speaking to you according to the conventions and customs nor with my flesh body.It is my soul that is pouring out to your soul, as if we two are passing through the tombs standing under the feet of God, absolutely equal to each other.” [4] This is not only the love mainfesto of seeking freedom and equality.B.Her Attitude Towards Men Jane Eyre left when she found the secret of Rochester’s mad wife.Rochester’s mad wife became the main hindrance between Jane and Rochester.Bertha Mason.Obviously, the plot is the criticism on English marriage system.However, Jane refused to cohabit with Rochester after their marriage was disclosed.She would rather get a marriage which is permitted and admired by other members in the society than be a mistress, which is looked down upon according to the leading trend of thought.Love is importantto Jane Eyre, but character and esteem is more important.“The more I am single, alone and no one to depend on, the more I respect myself”[5] what Jane Eyre wants is the love with respect.So she, refusing herself as Rochester’s lover and defending for her own dignity, has chosen the latter.It is known that men are superior to women.They go to good school;they can be officer;they can be businessmen as well;and they also have right to do everything.Women are only the affiliate of men.Women have no status.The reason why Jane Eyre gets highly apprises is that it portrays an image out of ordinariness.Jane Eyre is not reconciled to play the role that the society appointed.She maintains her respect by her hard working, wisdom, and the strong individualism.She believes that human is equal at God’s feet.The relationship between Jane Eyre and Rochester changes from host and servant to equal couple.Jane Eyre struggles continually to achieve equality and to overcome oppression.In addition to class hierarchy, she must fight against those who believe women are inferior to men.Three central male figures threaten her desire for equality and dignity: Mr.Brocklehurst, Edward Rochester, and St.John Rivers, each try to keep Jane in a submissive position, where she is unable to express her own thoughts and feelings.In her quest for independence and self—knowledge, she must escape from Brocklehurst, reject St.John and come to Rochester only after ensuring that they may get married equally.She will not rely solely on Rochester for love and she can be financially independent.Jane rejects marriages to Rochester and St.John because she understands she will have to forfeit her independence in the unions, and marry Rochester only when she has attained the financial independence and self-respect to maintain a marriage of equality.Jane Eyre’s rejection to John’s propose has further indicate her love view: a genuine love is equal, a marriage with love is happy.C.Her Female Consciousness Jane Eyre’s women consciousness is far beyond Victorian times.In 19th century, women did not have any status.They were discriminated against and conceived of as a people inferior to men.That was why Jane Eyre was criticized by some people.Lionel Stevenson said, “Jane Eyre was an intolerable renegade from all the standards of behavior expected of respectable girls.”[6]

In Jane’s life, she never stops struggling against miserable life and misfortune.She has not noble position, an illustrious background, wealth or a beautiful appearance.The only proud thing for her is her self-respect which is supported by her self-confidence and her staunch independence.She never expects that Rochester can love her because she thinks there is a big gap between them forever.When they fall in love, Jane has to keep her self-respect and impendence in case of losing herself.What she can give to Rochester is only her love, her infatuation, her spiritual support and nothing else.However, what Rochester gives her is more than hers.He can also improve Jane Eyre’s social status and increase her wealth.This situation makes her feel that they are not quite equal and her independence is also threatened.Jane’s women consciousness and her struggling experience set a brilliant example for the female worldwide.Her spirit encourages women to fight for liberation.Jane Eyre tells not only what an independent woman is like but also what a successful woman should do.7 Chapter II The Formation of Jane Eyre’s

Love Value The most distinctive character of Jane is the resistance, the continuous resistance.As a young girl, she is ill treated by her aunt, however, Jane Eyre finds her boundless confidence and tough spirit, and a kind of inner power cannot be defeated.Her resistance is related to her life environment.She is poor but aspiring, small in body but huge in soul.In her opinion, everyone is the same at God’s feet.A.The Background of the Society In the nineteenth century, Britain was full of male hegemony, the whole social ideology was at the centre of the male position to maintain social order, the power system and the mainstream group of male interests, so that women are in the edge of society, in terms of ideology dominated by male gender in the mainstream society.It will violate the order of Nature and religious tradition if a woman trys to cultivate her intellect.Jane Eyre fails to escape from the trend of thought, which is illustrated by a lot of factors.The work initiated the spirit of women seeking self-autonomy, at the same time, it still has a profound impact of contemporary society, the spirit does not yield to pressure, courage to challenge setbacks, seem commendable today.During the period from 1830s to 1840s, the labor movement was vigorously forging ahead in the Northern Industry Zone.There appeared gatherings and demonstrations with numerous participants who yelled the revolutionary slogans in Manchester and its neighboring factories and urban areas;then England practiced the reform of the bourgeois democracy under which the government departments seemingly carried out a series of measures for democratic reform.For instance passed the bill, the females worked to ten hours.However, it was far from the acquisition of the so-called right of equality even if the chartist movement didn’t come up with the proposal for equality of the opposite sexes.So then in the England, it was impossible for females to find a niche in the society, particularly the women falling within the category of the petty bourgeoisie though they were educated, yet they had no proprieties, so they lacked the very competitiveness in the marriage market and tended to suffer from snubs and poverty, having depended on other persons for support and being left stranded penniless.For those female of upper society, the marriage or life-long accompanied the parents became their finally choice.For the poor female in the society, no matter married or unmarried, all must in the farm, the inn, store and so on.After the industrial development initially, they can work in the factory.The description is a cruel picture of the reality of the 19th century in England.B.The Formulation of Her Character Jane was extremely firm and unyielding in character, when she held the wedding ceremony with Rochester in church, the identity of Rochester’s crazy wife was exposed, Jane suffered a severe test, she realized: wedding can not carry on, leaving in secret as what Rochester required was immoral, leaving him such a painful choice, but there was only one answer—leave him “I care about myself.”[7]

In spite of Rochester’s retaining repeatedly, she insisted on leaving, having nobody to turn to or for help all the way, even to the point of begging for food, she did not return.Having experienced so many hardships and sufferings, she never changed ,the natural characters of honesty in her, when her aunt, Mrs Read, who had mistreated her and left a severe wound in her childhood heart, was badly ill and dying.Jane returned to Gateshead Palace, expressed her sympathy for the helpless old woman, she learned to forgive her enemy.When confronted with a huge legacy inherited from her overseas uncle, Jane came up with a very wise solution which was neither greedy nor out of just, she divided the legacy equally with her cousins.After returning to St.Field, faced with the ruins burnt by a big fire and the former lover who had become a blind man, Jane didn’t show any disappointment and sadness at all, she was loyal to her love, she married Rochester determinedly in adversity.The belief and action of seeking for freedom and equality showed in Jane reflected, in effect, the requests of the newly rising bourgeoisie after the Industry Revolution.Though, as industry was developing very quickly, the whole England was at the transition from an agricultural country to an industrious one, the position of noble class was in imminent danger.The noble were still maintaining their social position with the class idea.The bourgeoisie who became increasingly stronger in economy had to break the old class idea in order to establish its corresponding political position and to prove that “everyone is equal before God”[8].The heroin, Jane Eyre who saw the freedom and equality as her own life, was completely different from the traditional women who were mild, submitted and dependent on men in economy.Her most distinctive character was rebellion, her resistance and rebellion were challenges against the traditional ideas, taking a rather complicated love story as the holder, Jane Eyre presents us a woman figure that embodied some requests of the newly born bourgeoisie, portrayed the spirit of the Industry Revolution Age, the purpose of this book was not simply calling for the compassion of the readers, but expressing her thoughts and emotions.C.The Love of Jane Eyre and Rochester Love is the most beautiful characteristic of human beings’ life.And love cannot be measured by status, power or property.To most people, they like to seek a meaningful, romantic relationship resulting in love, commitment, companionship and happiness.For people, it is most important that a man and a woman have heart and feelings that find a perfect response, and also have mutual affinity.Jane and Rochester get true love after a lot of sufferings.After acquaintance, then attracting each other, and falling in love deeply, they meet many obstacles.The environment of which Jane Eyre worked as a governess makes her the only subject for the master — Rochester to communicate with.As we know, Jane was sent to a charity school and stayed there for eight years.During the period, Jane suffered a lot, but at the same time she gained a lot, especially enriched and accumulated her knowledge and it’s the knowledge and experience which she learnt at Lowood laid her good foundation for the future work.And at Thornfield, Jane is the only intelligent person for Rochester to talk to although he didn’t want very much to talk with her.However, Rochester is a communicative person, he needs a person to be his listener.In Rochester’s opinion, it’s not impossible for Jane to know many things and learn a lot at the limited place—Lowood , however, he is learned, old enough to be her father and much experienced.So he can order her to do everything he likes, and when he talks with her, the superiority and condescension expresses thoroughly.And Rochester himself felt strange that he said “ should choose you(refer to Jane)for the confidant of all this, young lady: passing strange that you should listen to me quietly, as if it were the most usual thing in the world for a man like me to tell stories of his operamistresses to a quaint, inexperienced girl like you!” “you, with your gravity, considerateness, and caution were made to be the recipient of secrets.”[9]

But Jane can understand Rochester, so he wants to communicate with her because they can share the common language.Although Ingram is 11 attractive, accomplished and has a honourable family, she is apathetic, lofty and looks down upon others including the governess — Jane Eyre.And Ingram “used to repeat sounding phrases from books;she never offered, nor had, an opinion of her own.She advocate a high tone of sentiment;but she did not know the sensations of sympathy and pity: tenderness and truth were not in her.”[10]

After she observed her master attentively, Jane thought that: “ he is not of their(refer to Ingram and other rich people around Rochester)kind.I believe he is of mine;I am sure he is, I feel akin to him, I understand the language of his countenance and movements: though rank and wealth sever us widely, I have something in my brain and heart, in my blood and nerves, that assimilates me mentally to him.” [11]

From the passage above, we can see that Mr.Rochester is not easy to approach, and looks down upon others, especially persons ignorant of knowledge.If she has not studied six years and taught two years at Lowood School.Jane can’t advertise in the newspaper and get the job as the governess and she has no chance to communicate with her master in Rochester’s home if she hasn’t studied so much knowledge at Lowood.If they can’t communicate with each, they can’t know each other and it’s impossible for them to understand each other and even love each other.So we can’t imagine the linking up and understanding without knowledge.We always say that bad luck is precious property to a person.And there is a very famous saying: No pains, no gains.I think that Jane can get her job and love because of the severe management and her own hard-working at Lowood.And it’s her knowledge and experience learnt and accumulated at Lowood that makes our heroin Jane get her seeking justice and independence and in the end the love she is long for.From the first meeting with Rochester, we can see Jane’s position as a helper in Mr.Rochester’s mind.When one afternoon she is on her 12 way to the post office, Jane meets with Mr.Rochester unexpectedly.And after, she offers him help several times since he falls from his horse;Mr.Rochester still “had hardly turned his eyes in Jane’s direction before”[12].From this sentence we can see that Mr.Rochester is very haughty, he is not a man who is amiable and easy to approach.As an ordinary person, we should express our good manners to a stranger if others offers us help, but Mr.Rochester shows his ideas quite different.From their first meeting unexpectedly, Mr.Rochester knows the girl who helps him out of the trouble on his way to his home Thornfield is his governess.However, let’s see how our hero-Rochester’s attitude to Jane at his own home as a master.One evening when she is told at last by Mrs.Fairfax to have tea with Mr.Rochester in the drawing-room, Jane regards his first invitation as a ceremony and prepares it stately.From these statements above, it’s not difficult to see Mr.Rochester is a haughty and indifferent man either to his servant or to a person,he does not know much perhaps as far as he is concerned, he has nothing to say to his employees except giving them orders because he does not think his employees have the same languages to talk with.As we know, he is a bachelor and he has traveled many nations of the world.Not only the knowledge but also the experiences can make him superior to them.So he seems to look down upon any persons in his home.Mr.Rochester and Jane fall in love concerns and have revealed a lot of problem of United Kingdom society and tell to reader: What is the amatory basis? How to gain happy marriage? What position should the woman have in the family? That is to say, it is most important that a man and a woman have heart and feelings that find a perfect response, and also have mutual affinity.Shakespeare says: “the course of true love never runs smooth.” Jane and Rochester get true love after a lot of sufferings.Jane loves Rochester 13 deeply always-from the beginning to the end.There should be no distinction of property, rank or age in true love.Jane falls in love with Mr.Rochester.He who has rich experience and wisdom is softhearted, wealthy and in high rank as well as having pride and rudeness.Jane loves him, but not for his wealth and high rank, because he treats her equally and in a friendly manner, although she is poor and in low position.She is such an excellent girl, good, intelligent, considerate that Rochester is attracted to her.It is Jane not someone else Rochester loves.In order to lead a life of independence, Jane works as a governess at Thornfield Hall.She is looked down upon by the rich ladies of the fashionable society, but she never despises herself, she never feels herself inferior.She is satisfied with, and even proud of her honest, independence work.Rochester is attracted to her qualification of mind, courage, independence, and strong personality, and falls in love with her.But it is Jane Eyre who declares her love to Rochester before he makes his sentiment clear to her: “Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless?” she cries, “You think wrong!-I have as much soul as you,-and full as much heart!And if god had gifted me with some beauty, and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you.I am not talking to you through the medium of custom, conversation, nor even of mortal flesh;it is my spirit that addresses your spirit;just as if both had passed though the grave, and we stood at God’s feet, equal, as we are!”


Here, “equal” is the word, she loves Rochester just because he regards her as a human being, or more importantly, as an equal person.Equality is what she strives for, and in him she finds what she strives for.It shows that Jane is not very mature in mind.Without Rochester, her material life can’t be affected, but she can’t part from Rochester 14 in spirit and emotion.Rochester wins Jane’s heart, because she feels they are kindred spirits, and because he is the first person in the novel to offer Jane lasting love and a real home.Jane is honest, noble, pure, intelligent not to accept contaminating of common customs society, she has accepted his love just now, and has agreed to get married with Rochester.15 Chapter III The Significance of Jane Eyre’s

Love Value

A.Showing Jane Eyre is important history of English classical literature, and it successfully created the first female image who can take the aggressive attitude for the love and life, social and religious.At the same time, she also dares to fight for freedom and equality for the women status.A.Showing Her Unique Character Jane Eyre is Charlotte’s best literary production.In writing it, the author drew a great deal from her own life-experience.Jane Eyre, the daughter of a poor parson.She loses her parents shortly after her birth and the poor girl has to live in her aunt’s home.Her aunt, Mrs.Reed, is a very unsympathetic woman and treats her very badly.One day, unable to bear the maltreatment any longer, Jane tells straight to her what she thinks of her.Mrs.Reed is so angry that she gets rid of Jane by sending her to a charity school which is just for poor girls in Lowood.Maltreatmented again by the cruel masters there, Jane stays there for eight long years, six in studies, and two in the capacity of a teacher.Then she gets the position of governess for the daughter of Mr.Rochester, a rich squire.Mr.Rochester falls in love with Jane and she also loves him so much.They are about to get married when Jane gets to know that Mr.Rochester has a mad wife who is secretly kept under lock and key in the attic of the house.Jane is shocked by this and she finds she can not persuade herself to stay.So she goes through many hardships.Nearly dying on the moors, she is taken in and saved by the Reverend St.John Rivers who also helps her to get the job as a teacher in a village school.Meanwhile, a great misfortune befalls upon Mr.Rochester : he loses his sight during a fire which destroys the house, set by his mad wife who dies tragically by jumping off the roof in spite of his attempt to save her.Hearing that Mr.Rochester is penniless and disabled, Jane Eyre hurries back to him and becomes his wife eventually.As an orphan ,since her early childhood, Jane feels exiled and ostracized at the beginning of the novel, and the cruel treatment she receives from her aunt Reed and her cousins only exacerbates her feeling of alienation.Afraid that she will never find a true sense of home or community, Jane feels the need to belong somewhere, to find “kin,” or at least “kindred spirits.”

In her search for freedom, Jane also struggles with the question what type of freedom she wants.While Rochester initially offers Jane a chance to liberate her passions, Jane comes to realize that such freedom could also mean enslavement—by living as Rochester’s mistress, she would be sacrificing her dignity and integrity for the sake of her feelings.St.John Rivers offers Jane another kind of freedom: the freedom to act unreservedly on her principles.He opens to Jane the possibility of exercising her talents fully by working and living with him in India.Jane eventually realizes that this freedom would also constitute a form of imprisonment, because she would be forced to keep her true feelings and her true passions always in check.Charlotte Bronte may have created the character of Jane Eyre as a means of coming to terms with elements of her own life.Much evidence suggests that Bronte, who also struggled to find a balance between love and freedom and to find others who understood her.At many points in the book, Jane shows the author’s opinions on religion, social class, and gender.B.Awakening Her Feminist Consciousness The unyielding pursuit, self-confidence based on knowledge and conscience, and the capacity of criticizing the reality from Jane Eyre, are the rational severeign spirit of “I think therefore I am” from Cartesian.It is with wisdom, courage and knowledge to build a newly-free social relation that Jane opposed initially, was dignified and gained approval and respect later.And with her hard-working devoting of self-proved spirit since childhood, she actively fought for the basic severeign right for love and marriage while obeying the golden moral rule of “has the earnest and on others”.From Jane, we can't see the charming and sensuous qualities of women in Turgenev's book;we can't see the hesitated and submissive qualities in Zola's and Maupasant's book;we also can't see the slavery destiny in Hardy's book.“Passive, dedication, gentle, elegant,” which was strongly described by the writers in the old days to educate and mold their generation and beyond, but was not allowed to be appeared in modern women.Experienced the long-term excercise in public and society, the unstable situation can't make the modern women complain and the teasing of fate can't make them surrender.Jane owns what these modern women should have.In this period that men's leading culture exists in every corner of women's life, Jane sternly removed the great and the strong of men.She deeply revealed that the men's power was built beyond women's ignorance and submissive, and she clearly understood that it's impossible for men to be women's rescuer because in contrast, sometimes men are in more need of being rescured by women.It is because of her strong will and always-sensible mind as well as her patience and calmness, Rochester trusts her more than anyone.Every time faced with danger, he instinctively turns to Jane and tells her “I need you” to gain the power to live again.We can say that in the association with Jane, Rochester is totally attracted by Jane's noble characteristic that he entirely relies on Jane mentally and lively.18 C.The Growth of A New Woman As a foreign literature, most of women who have read Charlotte's Jane like it so much.If we think Charlotte's just to write this touching love and write Jane Eyre.We are wrong.The author is also a woman living in the UK fluctuation change in the middle of the 19th century, when thoughts have a brand new start.While in Jane Eyre ,the most important is the thought of women’s independent consciousness.Let us imagine, if Jane's independence, have been killed in her miserable childhood, If she didn't have the independence and live together with those terrible relatives , Rochester, who has much money to start a new life of status, If she wasn’t that pure, now we only have moving tears for this.Conclusion From the paper it is seen that Jane Eyre is worthy to love and to be loved.Her love is based on equality and independence, having nothing to do with status, power or property.She is not tempted with money and doesn’t want to be mistress of Rochester for money.Her love is loyal and steadfast.Jane Eye needs true love, and she overcomes the obstacles in the process of pursing true love.At last, she succeeds and lives a happy life with her lover.Through the detailed analysis of Jane Eyre’s character, it is known that whatever difficulties one encounters in his life, facing them bravely is the only way that one can do.Everybody has the rights to pursue happiness, to pursue the true spirit of life, which can be seen from Jane Eyre’s independence and toughness.So there is a independent woman who pursues true love and equality, and is a good example of all women.Jane Eyre is an orphan, and was ill-treated as a little girl.She strives for her life, which makes her tough character and strong self-respect.Because of her childhood’s life environment, she learns how to live.Also just for her growing experiences, it creates her strong personality, beautiful ideal and wisdom.Jane Eyre is a special image out of ordinary.She makes a life by herself, dares to express her own idea.Under the pressure of life, she always maintains her self-respect by hard work, intelligence and her tough individualism.She never gives in on her way.Though she has little figure, Jane Eyre is huge in soul.She pursues true love and is loyal and steadfast to her beloved man.Her kindness, intelligence, and independence attract the hero.At last she gets a perfect love.We can also say that Jane written by Charlotte is not flawed, but she conforms with human feelings, she is a woman rather than an angel, 20 a soul with and blood of the soul, With all kinds of human weaknesses and the advantages of a woman rather than a model.This is her psychological choice, her values, and she is actively to the struggle to fight, to fight for their own happiness, which is her right, as everyone should be allowed to own better.21

Notes [1] Bronet Charlotte, Jane Eyre(Oxford University ,1990),17-19 [2]Erik Knies,The Art of Charlotte Bronte,(Athens:Universty,1987),29-46 [3] Harris,Laurie Lanzen, Jane Eyre Nineteenth-Century Literary Criticism,(Detroit: Gale Research Company,1982),42-43.[4] Harris,Laurie Lanzen, Jane Eyre Nineteenth-Century Literary Criticism,(Detroit: Gale Research Company,1982),52.[5] Bronet, Charlotte, Jane Eyre(Oxford University ,1990),20-25 [6]Martin,Robert

Bernard,Charlotte Bronte’s Novels,(London:Faber,1966),23-24 [7] Bronet, Charlotte, Jane Eyre(Oxford University ,1990),35-37 [8] Martin,Robert

Bernard,Charlotte Bronte’s Novels,(London:Faber,1966),66 [9] Eagleton,Terry, Modern Critical Interpretation: Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre,(Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishers, 1987),50-56.[10]Martin,Robert

Bernard,Charlotte Bronte’s Novels,(London:Faber,1966),30-34.[11] Martin,Robert Bernard,Charlotte Bronte’s Novels,(London:Faber,1966),41-44.[12] Bronet Charlotte, Jane Eyre(Oxford University ,1990),54-62 [13]Martin,Robert

Bernard,Charlotte Bronte’s Novels,(London:Faber,1966),53-57.Bibliography Bronte, Charlotte.Jane Eyre.Oxford University Press 1990.Eagleton, Terry.Modern Critical Interpretations: Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre.Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishers,1987.Erik Knies.The Art of Charlotte Bronte.Athens:University,1969.Harris, Laurie Lanzen.Jane Eyre Nineteenth-Century Literary Criticism.Detroit: Gale Research Company, 1982.Martin, Robert Bernard.Charlotte Bronte’s Novels.London:Faber, 1966.Oates, Joyce Carol.Introduction of Jane Eyre By Charlotte Bronte.New York: Bantam Books,1987.Patrica Thompson.The Noble Body of Governesses.London:Oxford University Press,1956.Williams M.Women in the English Novel.Macmillan Press Ltd,1984.陈圆圆,论《简·爱》中的女性意识。湖北经济学院学校报,2007,(1)杜荣芳,从《简·爱》中的爱情与婚姻看两性关系中女性的屈从地位。重庆工学院学报,2006,(10)田兆耀,《西方文学鉴赏》。北京:中国广播电视出版社,2002 陶德臻,《世界文学名著选读》。北京:高等教育出版社,2002 王守仁,《英国文学选读》。北京:高等教育出版社,2005 杨正和,《外国文学名作欣赏》。北京:科学出版社,1999


一、叛逆与追求 简·爱和孙柔嘉她们都以大胆叛逆精神勇敢地冲破封建禁锢,大胆地追求真爱,寻找自己的幸福。





四、迥异的归宿 虽然简·爱与孙柔嘉都是勇敢地冲破封建禁锢,大胆地追求真爱,开始走的道路是相似的,但是她们寻求真爱的结局却是截然相反的:简·爱守住了爱情,最终得到了幸福,而孙柔嘉却是由幸福走进了无尽的痛苦之中。



简·爱主要是反对男权主义,孙柔嘉主要是反对封建家庭的束缚。简·爱与孙柔嘉反抗的本质也是不同的。简·爱是发自内心自觉的反抗,而孙柔嘉是被迫的反抗。简·爱的反抗心里是与生俱来的,年幼的简·爱就和她的表哥约翰发生了冲突,骄横残暴的约翰把表妹简· 简·爱独立自主的爱情观


尽管罗切斯特的表白和求婚让简感到非常高兴,但也不免忧虑和担心。因为她一直渴望自由自在的生活,婚姻就意味着束缚和屈服,意味着她要对他负责、受他的控制。当罗切斯特挥金如土,为她添购丝绸、珠宝的时候,她变得更加敏 感,觉得自己就像是一个被苏丹宠爱的奴隶。

离开桑菲尔德是简作出的最大的决定。从罗切斯特那里,她找到了渴望已久的爱情,桑菲尔德是她第一个真正的家,离开了它仿佛就是离开了自己。但是,作为罗切斯特的情妇跟他生活在一起,却又意味着自我妥协,那是她最不想要的。甚至在知道伯莎的存在以前,她就觉得嫁给罗切斯特是一种冒险,他们压根儿就不会平等,她害怕罗切斯特把她当玩物一样对待,更要命的是,嫁给一个地位比 她高的人,让她有负债感。





与罗切斯特的感性至上的爱情观形成鲜明对比的是圣约翰理性至上的爱情观。在圣约翰身上,理智战胜情感,为主工作的精神压制了人类的正常感情,甚至可以拿圣洁的爱情来为之殉道。第二个体现就是圣约翰对伴侣的选择。他承认自己“发疯似地爱着罗莎蒙德·奥利弗”,可是同时“却冷静而清醒地意识到,她不会成为他的好妻子,她不是那种适合于他的伴侣”。对他来说,结婚不过是手段,是实现自己传教理想的工具。在日常的相处中,圣约翰看到了简·爱身上的“温顺、勤奋、无私、忠实、坚贞、勇敢,非常文雅,又颇具英雄气概”等品质。夏洛蒂通过刻画这样一个独立自主的文学形象,并注入一些自己的亲身经历以及宗教观念,既表达了她对男性压迫者的强烈抗议,又表达了她追求独立自主、自由平等的女权主义思想。简·爱作为一个以“独立自主”而著称的文学形象,吸引并激励着越来越多的女性去效仿.一)研究的现状综述 简·爱已成为唯美爱情的一个典型,是世界文学研究领域方面一个引人注目的方面。

(二)研究的理论价值 夏洛蒂·勃朗特是英国文学史上第一个表现女性追求独立、自由主题的人,她的作品被视为“现代女性小说”的楷模。她的代表作《简·爱》塑造了一个出身寒微,长相平庸的、矮小的简爱,但她却是一个有着强烈自尊个性魅力的女性,她的魅力在于个性的力量,她善于思考,捍卫人格独立,敢于表达自己的爱憎。简·爱用自尊、自爱与自强的内在美好人性唤醒了另一颗懂得珍惜女性的心灵,简·爱的出现标志着欧洲文学史上新女性的诞生。简·爱这一形象一直被人们视为不甘屈辱、追求平等、为维护女性的人格尊严而勇于抗争的精神典范,她虽然矮小,贫寒,长得又不美,但却直爽,单纯,倔强,自尊自立,敢于追求真正意义上的爱情。这种性格特征不知吸引了多少人,打动了了多少读者的心。许多女权主义者都以简爱为模范榜样。

(三)研究的现实意义 而今社会中的“快餐爱情”,越来越让人们瞠目结舌。爱情在本质上没有贵贱之分,也没有贫富之差,更没有地域之别。可在现实生活中自古以来就存在着“门当户对”、“砖门对砖门、土门对土门”的不良习俗,爱情在金钱与权势面前出现的悲剧司空见惯。




(四)创作意识角度,黄兴军《<简·爱>中的永恒魅力 ——解析小说<简·爱>中女性反抗性格的形成》,是从简·爱的思想意识方面写的。







摘要:《简爱》是英国文学史上一步惊世之作,自1847年发表以来一直保持着经久不衰的魅力,深受各国读者的喜爱。其中主人公简爱自由平等的爱情观,成为了当时女性的先导,影响了许许多多的女性追求独立自主的人格和自身价值,受到世人的歌颂。她的爱情观从她与罗切斯特和圣•约翰的交往过程中得到体现。从这个追求自由平等爱情的过程中,我们也不应该忽视简爱的自私和固执。关键词: 独立平等 叛逆


一 简爱与罗切斯特




罗切斯特为了考验简爱对他的爱情,引来了英格拉姆小姐。罗切斯特对英格拉姆的假装亲密、甚至是即将结婚的假消息对初涉爱河,也是深涉爱河的简爱来说,是一个多么沉重的打击。但她仍极力地保持自已的自尊。她把爱深深地埋藏在心底。在喝茶吃午餐和傍晚的散步,她尽可能地若无其事、平静处之,尽管她内心正处妒忌与绝望的煎熬之中。当罗切斯特要求她留下来时,就有了下面一段经典的对白:“你以为我会留下来,做一个对你来说无足轻重的人吗?你以为我是个机器人?━━━是一架没有感情的机器?能受得了别人把我仅有的一小口面包从我嘴里抢走,把仅有的一滴活命水从我的杯子里泼掉吗?你以为,就因为我贫穷、低微、不美、矮小,我就既没有灵魂,也没有心吗?你想错了!我跟你一样有灵魂,——也完全一样有一颗心!要是上帝曾赋予我一点美貌,大量财富的话,我也会让你难以离开我,就像现在我难以离开你一样。我现在不是凭习俗、常规,甚至也不是凭着血肉之躯跟你讲话,这是我的心灵在跟你的心灵说话,就仿佛我们都已经离开了人世,两人一同站在上帝的跟前,彼此平等,——就像我们本来就是的那样”。简爱贫穷、低微、不美、矮小,但在爱情面前,她表现出了超凡的勇气,惊人的大胆——她勇敢地向爱人表达爱意,但并不卑躬乞怜、阿谀献媚。相反的,她义正辞严地表达了主张婚姻独立自主以及男女平等的想法。正像罗切斯特所说的:“可是对于清澈的目光,流利的口齿,对于那种热情如火的心灵,既多情又稳重,既温顺又坚定的宁折不弯的性格,——我却永远温柔而忠实的。”多么精妙的概括。罗切斯特正是深爱着简爱那善良聪慧自尊坚定的性格。简爱与罗切斯特要结婚了。罗切斯特带着简爱逛绸缎店、首饰铺。“他给我买得越多,一种烦恼和屈辱的感觉就越使我脸上发热。” “我不愿做你的赛莉纳•瓦伦。我要继续作为阿黛尔的家庭教师,我要凭这个来挣我的食宿,外加一年三十磅薪水。我要从这笔钱里开支我的衣着,你什么也不用给我,除了„„” “你的敬重,而且反过来我也用我的敬重来回报你,要能这样,这笔债就算两抵了。”热恋中的简爱并没有被爱情冲昏了头脑,她时刻保持着清醒的头脑,矜持的自尊,罗切斯特那“土耳其皇帝的全部后宫嫔妃”的比喻刺痛着她,她是有自尊有智慧而且有自知之明的简爱,不是男人的玩物。在嫁给罗切斯特之前,甚至是结婚后,她始终是自尊独立的简爱,她不要那些一向用来讨好女人的珠宝绸缎,她不是玩偶,所以那些东西给了她烦恼屈辱的感觉。她坚持不做赛莉纳•瓦伦那一类的轻浮拜金的女人。在嫁给罗切斯特之前,她还要做自食其力的家庭教师。她是多么地希望获得平等、获得尊重,她也一定要罗切斯特对她尊重,这比什么珠宝都重要。


在离开很久之后,简爱知道罗切斯特先生深陷困境,双目失明,几乎残废。在所有人离他而去,漠视他,抛弃他的时候,她却主动回到他的身边,担负起照料他的重则,并义无反顾的嫁给他。这时的简爱认为他们是平等的,没有财富和地位的差距,她不会成为他的附庸,所以她坚定地站在他的身边。这种不离不弃的爱情值得我们感动,这样纯洁而真挚的爱情更是很多人无法企及的高度。这更是表达了她对于独立平等爱情的追求。与金钱财富地位无关,只是心灵与心灵的碰撞和交流。二 简爱与圣•约翰

简爱离开了罗切斯特,她身无分文地飘到了荒原庄。在她几乎被冻死饿死的时候,她被表兄圣•约翰救活了。圣•约翰把她当亲妹子看待,并为她找了一份乡村教师的工作。论人品,圣•约翰比罗切斯特漂亮,他身材修长、相貌堂堂,象尊大理石雕像。虽然简爱对圣•约翰献身宗教的精神表示敬佩,并对他的关怀与照顾时时怀着浓厚的情谊,但她并不爱圣•约翰,圣•约翰也不爱她。但圣•约翰却向简爱求婚,他说“上帝和大自然是打算让你做传教士的妻子的。他们给予你的不是外貌是而精神上的禀赋,你生来就是为了工作,而不是为了爱情的。你必须——你一定要成为我的,我要你,——并不是为了使我自已愉快,而是为了我主的事业。”。圣•约翰,一个英国殖民主义的忠实奴仆,他完全可以把自已的爱情欢乐献给上帝,但简爱怎么肯当一个“生来就是只为了工作”的传教士的妻子呢?是的,她不美、矮小、低微,但这并不能泯灭她对平等自由美好的爱情的向往和追求。她有她的原则,她有她的尊严,她怎么能苟同圣•约翰“你生来就是为了工作,而不是为了爱情”的断言呢?她是决不肯当圣•约翰完成他到印度传教使命的工具的。“被一辈子和一个男人拴在一起,而他只是把你当作一件有用的工具,这不奇怪吗?黛?” “明明知道他给予的每一个亲热表示都只是为了原则而作的一种牺牲,这我容忍得了吗?不,这样的殉道实在太可怕,我决不愿忍受。”简爱清楚地知道圣•约翰不爱她,她如果以殉道的精神一辈子守在他的身边,是永远得不到自由平等的,这是她最不可忍受的。当圣•约翰步步逼她就范的时候,愤怒屈辱的她终于爆发了:“我瞧不起你对爱情的看法„„我瞧不起你奉献的这种虚假感情,是的,你奉献它的时候我也瞧不起你。”。


三 简爱在追求自由平等爱情同时的自私和固执









四 结合作者夏洛蒂的人生经历谈简爱的爱情观 《简•爱》1847是一部自传成分很浓的小说,虽然书中的故事是虚构的,但是女主人公以及其他许多人物的生活、环境,甚至许多生活细节,都是取自作者及其周围人的真实经验。作者夏洛蒂•勃朗特1816年生于英国北部的一个牧师家庭。母亲早逝,八岁的夏洛蒂被送进一所寄宿学校。在那里生活条件极其恶劣,她的两个姐姐因染上肺病而先后死去。于是夏洛蒂和妹妹艾米利回到家乡,在荒凉的约克郡山区度过了童年。15岁时她进了伍勒小姐办的学校读书,几年后又在这个学校当教师。后来她曾作家庭教师,但因不能忍受贵妇人、阔小姐对家庭教师的歧视和刻薄,放弃了家庭教师的谋生之路。她曾打算自办学校,为此她在姨母的资助下与艾米利一起去意大利进修法语和德语。然而由于没有人来就读,学校没能办成。但是她在意大利学习的经历激发了她表现自我的强烈愿望,促使她投身于文学创作的道路。由此可以看出,作者的经历与简爱的经历是多么相似,甚至连她们的外貌也相差无几。作者是把自己的爱情理想投入在她所塑造的人物形象中去。简爱的历经坎坷,平凡,坚强,都是作者自己的真实写照。因此,这篇小说实际上是作者半真实半虚构的爱情故事。也是她在现实生活中无法达成的愿望,到小说中来了却吧!那么,简爱的爱情观,实际上也就是作者夏洛蒂的爱情观。

五 分析《简爱》对女性爱情观的反映和影响,以及其反叛意识在当时社会的先进性。















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