think 短语 总结

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第一篇:think 短语 总结

(1)v.想, 思索, 认为(2)vt.认为, 以为, 预料(3)n.想;思考;思考

think about [of] 思索, 考虑;回顾, 想起;想到(某人, 某事);[常用于否定句, 与could, should, would连用]有...想法[念头] 想起, 记得 想出(主意), 提出(建议);[和副词连用]认为(某事或某人)是...think a lot of 喜欢;尊敬 think aloud 自言自语 think and think 细想 think away 想开了, 想得忘了 think back to 回忆起

think better of 改变看法;(对某人)有较高的评价 think for 认为, 预料

think highly[much, no end, well]of...评价极高;重视, 赞美;器重, 看得起 think little [nothing] of 轻视, 满不在乎;对...毫不考虑, 毫不踌躇 think long(for, after)渴望, 切望

think(sth.)out 仔细考虑;想出, 想透;设计出 think over仔细考虑一下(指想过了, 再想)think to 认为

think to oneself 心中想, 盘算, 自思自忖 think twice 再三考虑;踌躇

think up 想出, 想起;捏造, 虚构;设计出, 发明 think with 和...意见相同 have a think想一想

think out想出;想通;想透;仔细考虑(= think over)to think aloud 自言自语 think twice 再三考虑,三思 not think much of 看轻

think better of sb.对某人印象好;看重某人 think better of sth.改变…念头;打消主意 think highly of 看重;器重 think well of 重视 think little of 看轻;看不起 think poorly of 不放在眼里;轻视

think nothing of 轻视;认为无所谓;认为没什么了不起


think :(1)v.想, 思索, 认为(2)vt.认为, 以为, 预料(3)n.想;思考;思考

think about、思索, 考虑;回顾, 想起;想到(某人, 某事);[常用于否定句, 与could, should, would连用]有...想法[念头] 想起, 记得 想出(主意), 提出(建议);[和副词连用]认为(某事或某人)是...think and think 细想 think twice 再三考虑,三思 think back to 回忆起

think better of 改变看法;(对某人)有较高的评价 think for 认为, 预料

think(sth.)out 仔细考虑;想出, 想透;设计出 think over仔细考虑一下(指想过了, 再想)have a think想一想

think up 想出, 想起;捏造, 虚构;设计出, 发明 think out想出;想通;想透;仔细考虑(= think over)speak highly[much,well]of...think highly[much,well]of...评价极高;重视, 赞美;器重, 看得起 think badly/ill of认为不好

think little [nothing] of 轻视, 满不在乎;对...毫不考虑, 毫不踌躇 think poorly of 不放在眼里;轻视 long for渴望, 切望

think better of sb.对某人印象好;看重某人 think better of sth.改变…念头;打消主意 think to 认为 think to oneself 心中想, 盘算, 自思自忖 to think aloud 自言自语 think aloud 自言自语 think with 和...意见相同 think a lot of 喜欢;尊敬 think away 想开了, 想得忘了

第三篇:Unit2 I think that mooncakes are delicious.重点短语

九Unit2 I think that mooncakes are delicious.1.the Lantern Festival 元宵节 2.that interesting= so interesting 如此有趣

3.sweet rice dumplings 粽子

4.a little crowded 有点拥挤 在五月的第二个星期日 39.Mother’s Day 母亲节

39.more and more popular越来越受欢迎

Section B

40.a haunted house 鬼屋

41.dress up 装扮,穿上盛装 42.dress up as + 职业/身份 fun to do sth.做某事有趣

6.go to…for a/one’s vacation去度假 7.on one’s/ a vacation在度假 out 外出吃饭

9.put on 1)穿上2)增加体重

10.put on five pounds 增加5磅 two weeks 两周后

12.the hottest month of the year 一年中最热的月份 similar to…与…相似

14.throw water at each other互相泼水 15.wash away bad things洗掉不好的东西 16.celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival


17.for centuries 几个世纪

18.the shape of… …的形状 19.a full moon 满月

20.on mid-autumn night 在中秋之夜 21.carry people’s wishes to…


22.traditional folk stories传统的民间故事 23.the most touching 最令人感动的 24.shoot down 射下,击落 forever 长生不老

26.refuse to do sth 拒绝做某事 up to… 飞向… out one’s name大声呼喊…的名字 29.lay out 摆开,布置 30.the tradition of… …的传统 31.admire the moon 赏月 32.share…with… 和…分享… 33.steal…from… 从…偷

34.lay eggs 下蛋

35.admire sb.for…因…而佩服某人 36.tie …to… 把…绑/系在…上 a result 结果

38.on the second Sunday of May

43.dress up in + 衣服/颜色 44 trick or treat 不请吃就捣蛋 45.light candles 点蜡烛

46.cartoon characters 卡通角色

47.take…around…=show … around


48.ask for treats 要求请客 a trick on 捉弄某人 50.give sb a treat 招待某人 51.treat sb to sth.请某人吃… 52.treat…as… 把…当做…

53.the true meaning 真谛,真正的含义 54.the spirit of … …的精神 55.the best example 最好的例子

56.a novel written by… 由…写的小说 57.treat sb.nicely/well/badly 对某人好/好/坏 about 关心,在乎 59.make money 挣钱

60.Christmas Eve 圣诞前夕 61.his dead business partner

他死去的生意伙伴 punished 被惩罚

63.punish sb.for sth/doing sth


64.warn sb to sth.告诫/警告某人做某事 65.end up 结束,告终 66.end up with 以…结束 67.end up doing 结束做某事 68.give birth to 生(孩子),生育,产生

69.Not only…but also 不仅…而且… 68.often—more often—most often 69.promise to do sth.承诺/答应做某事 70.a mean person 一个吝啬的人

71.treat sb with kindness and warmth 用善良和热情待人 72.tell a lie 撒谎

第四篇:2014秋九年级英语Unit 2I think that mooncakes are delicious.短语集锦

Unit 2I think that mooncakes are delicious.1.Chinese Spring Festival中国春节

2.a little 一点儿;有点

3.put on增加(体重);发胖 two weeks 两周后

5.sound like听起来像 similar to与......相似

7.each other相互;彼此 the shape of...呈......的形式

9.on Mid-Autumn night在中秋之夜

10.shoot down射下 up to...飞上 out 叫喊;大声说出

13.lay out摆开;布置

14.a good time to do...做......的好时候

15.Mother’s Day母亲节

16.Father’s Day父亲节

17.dress up 装扮,乔装打扮

18.think of 认为;想起 a trick on...开......的玩笑

20.the spirit of.........的精神

21.the importance of.........的重要性 about关心;在意

23.make money挣钱

24.used to do sth过去常常做某事

25.end up 最终成为;最后处于

26.remind sb.of...使某人想起

27.wake up 醒来 need 需要中,困难中的29.the beginning of..........的开始


31.give out发送;分发

32.not only...but also...不但......而且......

第五篇:think 用法小结

Suppose 的用法


1.“suppose +(that)从句”,表示“猜测;认为”,若从句是否定形式,用法同guess,think,believe,应将否定前移至主句。如:

I suppose(that)you are right.我想你是对的。

I don't suppose my friend can finish this work.我猜想我的朋友不能完成这项工作。

2.“suppose +名词/代词+介词短语”表示“猜测某人/某物在……”。如:

I supposed him in the classroom.我猜想他在教室里。

3.“suppose +名词/代词+动词不定式”表示“猜想某人做某事”。如: I supposed her to be in the reading-room.我猜想她在阅览室。

All his neighbours supposed him to be a doctor.他的邻居都猜他是医生。


You don't mind my smoking,I suppose.我想,您不会介意我吸烟吧。

Who do you suppose telephoned today?你猜今天谁打过电话? supposed to do sth.表示“应该”、“应当”,是指根据规定或按照法律,人们不得不做的事,或期待将要发生的事。如:

You're supposed to start work at 8 o'clock every morning.你理应每天早晨8点开始工作。

You aren't supposed to take the books out of the reading-room.你不该把这些书拿出阅览室。


Let us suppose his answer is right.假定他的答案是正确的。

I haven't got a table-cloth. Suppose we use a sheet.我没有桌布,我们用一条床单怎么样?

7.口语中,常用I suppose so.(我认为是这样。)和I don't suppose so.(我认为不是这样。)




当主语是第一人称(I, we),think表示“看法”,其后接宾语从名时,若宾语从名要表示否定意义,在形式上应该否定前面的主名。如:

1.I don't think you've met my daughter.我想你大概没有见过我的女儿吧。

2.We don't think you have to worry about your parents.我们认为你不必为你父母亲担忧。


1.当有情态助动词与think连用。如:I can't think what you mean.2.当think 前有副词修饰时。如:I really think the job isn't fit for you at all.3.在think 后所接的宾语从句中,如有no,nothing,never等否定词时。如:I think Jenny is never late for school.二、复合句的反意疑问句的主语


1).I think he is right , isn't he ? 2).We don't think you can do these exercises alone ,can you ?

2.但如主句的主语是第二或第三人称时,反意疑问句的主语则与主句的主语保持一致。1).They don't think I'm right , do they ? 2).You think we can win the football match, don't you ?


在由do you think 构成插入语的特殊疑问句中,do you think应作为独立成份看,表示说话人的态度、语气等。插入语do you think是采用一般疑问句语序,放在主句特殊疑问词之后,而主句的特殊疑问句就不用倒装了。

1.What do you think the weather is like in Australia? 2.Which of them do you think is the most useful invention?

四、在think后接宾语+形容词作实践补足语时,往往用“it”作形式宾语,真正的宾语(从句或动词不定式)移至句末 Think +it(形式宾语)+形容词(宾补)+(for sb.)to do sth../that clause.1.I thought it important for us to learn english well.2.I think it strange that she hasn't written the composition.五、think 一般不与动词不定式结构连用

I'm thinking of studying medicine.我正考虑学医。(一般不说 study...)但在被动结构中,可用动词不定式。

e.g.:Tom was thought to be a thief.汤姆被认为是一个贼。

Activity : talk about things in the future

1.At this time tomorrow evening, you will….(date with your boy/girlfriends/wife, enjoy dinner with your family member, listen to the latest music, play computer games, tell story with your lovely kid...)

2.Talk about the future or your dream.I believe everyone has a dream.When we were young, usually boys dreamed to be a policemen, generals or scientists;while girls dreamed to be teachers, singers or painters.We take our dreams to live in the world.And as time goes by, have you still remembered the initial dreams, or have you changed your dreams? Let’s talk about our dreams.You can describe your dreams like this: my dream, my mother and brother have a happy life……(描述你梦寐的生活,)2.I hope I can be a electronic engineer, so I can have a high salary to support my family… a word , my dream is make our family easy and happy…

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