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Book 4 Unit 4 Reading-------A STUDENT OF AFRICAN WILDLIFE

教 学 设 计



Teaching Aims(学习目标): Knowledge Aims(知识目标):

1.To learn some useful words, expressions and patterns.(1)Words: behave, shade, worthwhile, observe, respect, argue, entertainment, crowd, inspire(2)Expressions: move off, lead a … life, crowd in(3)Pattern: It is unusual for sb.to do sth.Ability Aims(能力目标):

1.To summarize and remember the main idea of the passage.2.To speak out the detailed information of the passage.3.To master some reading skills.Emotion Aims(情感目标):

1.To learn some good qualities from Jane Goodall.2.Learn to understand and respect wildlife.Teaching Important Points(学习重点):

1.Help the students to master some useful reading skills.2.Encourage the students to respect and protect the wildlife.3.Try to understand how Jane Goodall succeeded.Teaching Difficult Points(学习难点):

1.How to get some key information fast to finish the comprehending exercise.2.How to improve the reading ability effectively.Teaching Procedures(教学步骤):

Step I: Review some important words before the reading.Part I.Pronounce the new words correctly and speak out the Chinese meaning.1.achievement_____________



























14、童年。)Part II: Match 1.move off


2.lead a … life

b.离开、起程、出发 3.crowd in


4.come across

e.过着……的生活 5.by chance


(Keys: 1-b,2-e,3-f,4-a,5-c。)

Step I: Lead-in.Show some pictures about wild animals being killed to guide the students to think “What should we do or what can we do?”(Possible answers): • We should protect the wildlife.• We shouldn’t eat wild animals.• We should call on other people to protect wild animals.T:(引用成龙的公益广告词:没有买卖就没有杀戮。No trade, no killing.)T: Ok.This class we’ll learn about a great woman----Jane Goodall who devoted her life to observe and protect chimps.And we should know the importance of protecting wildlife;we also should learn how to be a successful man or woman.Com on, let’s go.Step III: 阅读理解练习

Part I:Fast-reading(Skimming for general idea)1.Main idea of the passage.The passage is mainly about how Jane Goodall worked with _______in their environment and help people _______ and ________ the life of these animals.(Keys: Chimps, understand, respect)2.Match the main ideas and the paragraphs.Paragraph 1:

Paragraph 2: Paragraph 3:

1.What Jane is doing now to help chimps.2.Jane’s achievements.3.How our group studied chimps in the wild.4.What Jane discovered about chimps.Paragraph 4:





Part II: Careful-reading(Scanning for specific information)1.True or False question.(1)The bond between members of a chimp family is not as strong as in a human family.()(2)Jane believed that wild animals should be left in the wild.()(3)People had fully understood chimp behavior before Jane.()(4)Jane’s work changed the way people think about chimps.()(5)Jane Goodall called on people to understand and respect chimps.()(Keys: F T F T T)2.Choose the best answer.(1)What did the group do first in the morning? They _______.A.went into the forest slowly B.left the chimp family sleeping in a tree C.observed the family of chimps wake up D.helped people understand the behaviour of the chimps(2)How do the chimps show their love to each other most of the time?__.A.They run after each other.B.They play tricks on each other.C.They either feed or clean each other.D.They shout at each other.(3)From the first paragraph, we can see that _______.A.the group happened to see a family of chimps wake up.B.it must be a tiring job to follow and watch chimp families.C.chimps are friendly to humans.D.Chimps of a family are used to sleeping separately.(4)The purpose of her study was to _______.A.watch the wild chimps in cages

B.gain a doctor’s degree

C.understand and respect the lives of chimps D.live in the forest as men can(5)From what Jane says, it can be inferred that_______.A.Jane thinks it right for humans to protect chimps in cages.B.Jane feels it right to let chimps live in their own environment.C.Jane likes to watch chimps in cages.D.Jane thinks it dangerous to use chimps for entertainment.(Keys: C C B C B)3.Think or Discussion(Group work).1.What are the good qualities we can learn from Jane Goodall?(Possible answers)wisdom and courage;deeply love to the animals;

her consideration;

her hard work …

Step IV: Consolidation(随堂巩固测试)

We set out at 5:45 a.m.to _____ the chimps in Gombe ________ Park.We watched a ______ of chimps wake up in the morning and followed them wandering _____ the forest.Jane had been there ______and recording chimps’ daily _______.For _____ years, she had been helping the world to understand and _______ the life of these animals.Jane is indeed a woman of ________ and a good example for us all.She________those who want to______the achievements of women.(Keys: visit, national, family, into, observing, activities, forty, respect, achievement, inspires, cheer.)

Step V: Conclusion(情感升华)

Now we have finished the reading passage, let’s have a conclusion.First, we should protect animals because protecting animals is protecting ourselves.Animals are our friends.Second, if we want to be successful man or woman, let’s study hard now.We must believe that study hard for senor three years and we will get our happiness.Homework——认真分析下列句型结构.1.Following Jane’s way of studying chimps, our group are all going to visit them in the forest.2.Watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activity of the day.3.Only after her mother came to help her for the first few months was she allowed to begin her project.很多年以前,我还是一个顽童。在一个炎炎夏日,我曾经不止一次一丝不挂地跳进这池塘,追逐过游鱼,捉过青蛙,逮过蝴蝶,摘过莲蓬,挖过莲藕,也掐过荷叶,采过荷花。那时候仿佛爱什么就追什么,喜欢什么就要什么,心里要求不高,没有那么多的欲望,也没有那么多顾虑,似乎与世无争,仿佛无欲无求,心里纯洁得像白云,感情简单得如白纸,天真无邪得好像我就是一个主宰者,而池塘就是整个世界。这里是那么神秘,又是那么神奇,这里既有幽静的诗情画意,又有热闹非凡的花鸟虫鱼。水是流动的诗,鱼是水中的鸟,荷是纯情的少女,蝶是多情的公子,黄鹂和燕子是行吟诗人,青蛙和知了是不倦的歌手。我曾经在水里静静地观看那柔若无骨的荷花,也曾经把莲蓬里的莲子想象成一位位神童,曾经趴在岸边对着泥洞里的青蛙默默地观望,也曾经把莲叶当遮阳伞顶在头上观察那飞来飞去欲停未停的美丽蜻蜓。我曾经把荷花当成天上的仙女,也曾经把荷叶上的水珠当成未经定型的珍珠




—高二英语组 张帆

book 5 unit 4 grammar: inversion


(一)教学目标 1.知识与技能

















(四).教学策略 1.教学设计思路





创设情景 导入新课






篇二:文言特殊句式之倒装句 教学案



1. 了解高考对文言句式的要求。

2. 理解和掌握四种倒装句的特点,了解其翻译方法。

3. 通过相关练习加以巩固和提高。



教学方法: 教师讲授,学生讨论归纳,做练习题。











主谓宾,是主干,定语藏在主宾前,谓语一看着了急,前状后补巧打扮。(定语)主语 +〔状语〕谓语〈补语〉+(定语)宾语














a 其中 和 是在疑问句中,疑问代 词做宾语,宾语前置。类似的疑问代词还有谁、奚、胡、何、曷、安、恶、焉等。b 和 是在否定句中,代 词做宾语,宾语前置。类似的否定词还有不、未、无、莫、毋、弗等,类似的代词还有余、吾、尔、自、之、是等。c 和 是用“ 之 ”字和“ 是 ” 字以突出强调宾语。这两个字只是宾语前置的标志,没有什么实在意义。d 和 是在介宾短语中,宾语放在介词之前了。











④事急矣,请奉命求救于孙将军。a 和 是将介词结构“ 于?? ”放在谓语后面做补语,类似的例子还有。b 和 是将介词结构“ 以?? ”放在谓语后面做补语,这种现象在文言文中并不多见。




a 蚓无爪牙之利,筋骨之强。(《劝学》)(中+之+定)












宾语前置______________________介词结构后置_______________________ 定语后置______________________谓语前置_______________________ 2.(2008广东)下列各句中的“之”,属于代词作前置宾语的一项是(b)

a、除郎中、上甲令,皆不之官 b、而自归于帝,帝不之罪

c、访率军追之,获鞍马铠杖不可胜数 d、将士用命,访何功之有


a 君何以知燕王 b 夫子何哂由也

c 夫晋,何厌之有 d 何故而至此



_________________________________________________________________ 甚矣,汝之不惠。

_________________________________________________________________ 躬耕于南阳,苟全性命于乱世,不求闻达于诸侯

_________________________________________________________________ 尝贻余核舟一

_________________________________________________________________ 人马烧溺死者甚众

_________________________________________________________________ 母归,但见女抱庭树眠,亦不之虑(2010 天津)




2、文言文中常见的倒装句 疑问句中,疑问代词做宾语前置







“中+之/而+定+者” +数量词” 谓语前置 篇三:倒装句教案


学生姓名: 祁羚 授课教师: 彭飞 班主任: 张茜 科目: 英语

上课时间: 2014 年 月 日 时— 时



学生姓名: 祁羚 授课教师: 彭飞 班主任: 张茜 科目: 英语

上课时间: 2014 年 月 日 时— 时


必修5 unit4 grammar 倒装(inversion)observe the following sentences: photography, but i took„ know.dos and don’ts.___________________________________________________________________________



倒装可分为: a.完全倒装(全部谓语放在主语之前)b.部分倒装(只把谓语的一部分,即助动词或be动词或情态动词放在主语之前)





1.以 here ,there, now, then引导的句子。

? there goes the bell.? for a moment nothing happened, then came voices all shouting together.the children rushed out.out ______________________________.the boy went away.________________________________.the rain poured down._____________________________________ 3.表示地点的介词短语放在句首,谓语为vi.要用完全倒装。

a little boy stands under the tree.under the tree________________________.a picture hangs on the wall.on the wall _______________________________ 注意以上完全倒装中:



at the foot of the mountain________________.a.a village lie b.lies a village c.does a village lie d.is lying a village 4.为强调表语而把表语放在句首

many famous people were present at the conference.present at the conference were many famous people.hundreds of students are seated in the lecture hall.___________________________________________________________________ the days when the chinese people used foreign oil are gone.______________________________________________________________________


各种时态怎样进行部分倒装? 将来时

„he will write„ „______________________...现在时

„he writes„ „______________________...过去时

„he wrote„ „______________________...进行时

„ he is/was writing„ ______________________...完成时

„he has/had written„ „______________________...情态动词 „he can write„ „______________________...1.用于only+状语开头的句子,状语可为副词、介词短语或状语从句


___________________________________________________________________ 只有用这种方法我们才能学好英语。_______________________________________ 只有在他回来之后他妈妈才去睡觉。

_______________________________________________________________________ 2.表示否定意义的副词或介词短语never, seldom ,hardly, rarely, little, nowhere ,nor , at no time, in no way, by no means, in no case, under no circumstances等开头的句子。我再也不会这样做了。never ______________________________ 我很少乘出租车上学。seldom______________________________ 在别的任何地方你都看不到如此漂亮的街道。

nowhere else _______________________________________________________.我不知道,我也不在乎。___________________________________________ 训练黑猩猩做事情对它们来说并不是自然的,对这些动物来说,做事情并没有多大意义。what the chimpanzees are trained to do is not natural to them, ___________________ _________________________ 3.用于not until„(直到„才„)的主句中。


_______________________________________________________________________ 4.not only 置于句首,not only„ but also„(不但„而且„)结构中not only后倒装,but also后不倒装。


________________________________________________________________________ 5.no sooner„ than„(一„就„), hardly/scarcely„when„(一„就„),的句型中。注意:no sooner/hardly/scarcely后倒装,than/when后不倒装。此外,no sooner/hardly/scarcely后常用过去完成时had done,而than/when后常用一般过去时。他刚冲进教室课就开始了。

________________________________________________________________________ 6.在 so/such „that(如此„以致„)的结构中,若so/such 置于句首,则主句部分倒装。

1)it is such an interesting book that john has read it twice.2)it is so interesting a book that john has read it twice._________________________________________________________________________ 3)he was so proud that he never listened to any advice._________________________________________________________________________ 7.用于 so, nor, neither 开头的句子, 表示前面的情况也适用于另一人或事物。此倒装句谓语应与前句谓语的时态形式一致。

jack can not answer the question._______________________________(我也不能)he has been to beijing._____________________________(我也去过)i don’t know the answer._____________________________(她也不知道)注意:1)当 so引出的句子用以对上文内容加以证实或肯定,意为“的确如此”时,不可用倒装结构。---it’s raining hard.---so it is.2)如果上文所述两件事也适合另一个人或物,用so it is /was with sb.或it is/was the same with sb.marx was born in germany and german was his native language.so it was with engels.8.由as(尽管)引导的让步状语从句用倒装句,即把表语或部分谓语提前。用though时可倒可不倒。倒装结构:表语十as+主语十系动词be;动词原形+as+主语十助动词

____________________________________(他虽有耐心),he was unwilling to wait three hours.他虽然是个孩子,但已经熟知英语。

(当单数名词位于句首时,名词前无冠词)try as i might, i could not lift the stone.9.用于某些祝愿的句子。

1)may you succeed!2)long live china!把下面的句子改成倒装句。

1.he could begin to work again only when the war was over.2.i seldom go to work by bus.3.her father is a doctor.her mother is a doctor ,too.4.my teacher didn’t agree with him.i didn’t agree with him, either.5.he was so badly injured in the accident that he was sent to the hospital for treatment.6.he works so hard that he has no time to spare for traveling.7.though he is a child ,he is very brave.改正下面句子中的错误。

1.not only can mp3s provide us with fun, but also can they help us learn english well.2.under a tree was sitting two old men.3.often travel we to those places.6.long live does the people’s republic of china!7.rarely was a debate attracted so much media attention.篇五:倒装句教学案


英语最基本的语序是主语在前,谓语动词在后。但有时由于句子结构的需要或表示强调,就要采用倒装形式。将谓语动词完全移到主语之前称为完全倒装,只将助动词或情态动词放到主语之前称为部分倒装。强调性倒装和以so, neither, nor开头的句子是高考例题的热点。



was the people’s liberation army founded in 1927?


e.g.never have i been late for school this term.(二)倒装的使用情况

1、在 “there be” 结构里,there是引导词,主语在be后。

e.g.there is a box on the table.2、在疑问句中。e.g.is she singing in the classroom? what does your mother do?

3、在here, there等副词开头的某些句子里(要用一般现在时态)。如果主语是人称代词,主语和主要动词的词序不变。(完全倒装)

e.g.there goes the bell.here is an apple for you.4、重复倒装句型,用在以so, nor, neither开头,表示谓语所述的情况也适用于另一个人或一事物的肯定或否定句中。so用于肯定句,表示“也一样”、“也这样”;nor, neither用于否定句,表示“同样也不,也不这样”。

e.g.i am watching tv.so is she.my parents didn’t watch tv last night.neither(nor)did i.5、直接引语的全部或一部分放在句首时,主句中的主谓也常直接倒装。(完全倒装)e.g.“very well,” said the french student.“bring me two eggs and a cup of tea, please.” said he.6、在以never, little, hardly, not only, few, not, seldom等否定副词开头的句子中,采用部分倒装。如不放在句首就不要倒装。

e.g.little did he say at the meeting.never shall i forget the day when i joined the army.比较:i shall never forget the day when i joined the army.7、用于以only所修饰的副词、介词短语或状语从句的句子中。

e.g.only when the war was over in 1918 was he able to get happily back to wrk.only in this way can we learn english well.注意:如果only后的词组不是状语,不需倒装。

e.g.only wang lili knows this.8、为了表达生动,有时把表地点、方位的副词,如 up, down, out, away, in等放在句首,同时把谓语动词放在主语之前。若主语为人称代词,主语和谓语动词的位置不变,只将副词放在句


e.g.away hurried the boy.out rushed the girl.9、在虚拟结构中,条件从句的谓语含有were, had 和should这三个词是,可省去if,将这些词移至主语之前。e.g.had i time(= if i had time), i would go and help you.were i you(= if i were you), i would go abroad.10、as引导让步状语从句时要倒装(形容词/ 副词/ 名词/ 动词 + as + 主语 + 谓语)。e.g.proud as they are, they are afraid to see me.child as he is, he seems to know everything.(child前不加冠词)

hard as he worded, he made little progress.11、用于某些表示祝愿的句子里。

e.g.may you succeed!long live the people’s republic of china!

12、so + 形容词、副词及such 置于句首时要倒装。


Inversions Teaching Plan

I Teaching Aims Knowledge aims

1.Students can recognize the inversion patterns, and get to know of its grammar meaning of emphasizing.2.Students can identify different situations where inversions need to be adopted.Ability aims 1.Students will be able to use inversions in their own spoken English to make their ideas much clearer.2.Students will be able to write their own articles with inversions to make their work more diversified in expressions.Emotional aim 1.Students will see group work means efficiency after the brainstorm activity.2.Students will get satisfaction by their practice to apply the new knowledge and form a stronger interest in English learning.II Teaching Key &Difficult Points Key point:

situations, such as expressions with not, negative adverbs, here and there, and so on.Difficult point: The difficult point is to use inversions in their own speeches and writings.III Teaching procedures: Step 1: Warming up Set up a competition among them and ask them working in groups of 4 to write down all the negative adverbs and phrases that they can ever think of in two minutes.They should come out of different answers as many as possible.Then check their answers(never,seldom,few,little, barely,hardly,scarcely,rarely, nowhere, by no means, under no circumstances, in no way, at no time, in no case, in vain, not until)and decide which group is doing the best job and give compliments accordingly.(Justification: Brain storming is the best way to get the students into thinking by themselves, as they are supposed to learn actively other than passively.And this also serves as a good foundation for the further study of inversions.)Step 2 : Presentation Ask them to observe the sentences showing on the PPT and to tell the class what can they find is same between these sentences.Never have we witnessed such cruel behaviour by one child to another.Seldom does one hear a politician say ‘sorry’.Under no circumstances shall I betray my country.Then make a conclusion that in formal styles, when we use an adverb or a phrase with negative meaning in front position for emphasis, we invert the subject and auxiliary/modal verb.Show them another two sentences, and ask them to tell the difference between them and the sentences showed on the last PPT.Here comes the bus!I opened the door and there stood Michael, all covered in mud.Then make a conclusion that inversion can also happen after here, and after there when it is as an adverb of place.After here and there, we can use a main verb without an auxiliary verb or modal verb.(Justification: Leading the students to find out the rules by giving related examples makes sure that the students keep focusing on the grammar class, which will make the class more productive.)Step 3: Practice Ask them to finish the exercise I have prepared for them.Then they will be asked to deal with a task which is a little bit harder----to rewrite the sentences using the inversions.And invite some of them to share their answers.to use inversions.And the second task is to help students understand that sometimes it is better to adopt inversion in our expressions.)Step 4: Production Play a game named “Speaking No Truth”.Explain the rules: Inversions are needed.Things stated can not be true.Example: Never have I visited Beijing in my life.(Justification: The game can make the grammar class more interesting for the students.Also it provides them the chances to speak with inversions.).Step 5: Summary and homework Invite 1 student to summarize what we have learned today, and another one to add up.Ask students to write down a short paragraph under any topics(3 sentences at least)with inversions.(Justification: This is to help my students have a bigger picture of what have learned today and help them to write with inversions purposely.)IV Blackboard design

V Teaching Reflection

第四篇:so, neithernor引导的倒装句教学设计

so, neither/nor引导的倒装句教学设计




一、“so, neither”开头的倒装句的基本含义

上句话提到的情况同样适合下文的人或物, 为了避免和上文的内容重复,英语习惯用so, neither/nor引导的倒装句。so引导的倒装句表示肯定,neither/nor引导的倒装句表示否定,其时态与前一句时态保持一致,上下文陈述的不是同一人或事物。

1.—Belle has just bought some foreign stamps.Belle刚买了一些外国邮票。

—So has Winnie.=Winnie has bought some foreign stamps, too.Winnie也买了一些外国邮票。

2.—What bad weather!The wind is blowing strongly with lots of sand.I don’t like such weather.多么坏的天气!风挟带沙子猛烈地吹。我不喜欢这样的天气。

—Neither does Mary.= Mary doesn't like such weather, either.Mary也不喜欢这样的天气。

3.—Victor‘s been travelling around the world.He has been to Austria.Victor一直在环球旅行,他已去过奥地利。

—So have I(=Me, too=I have been to Austria, too).I'm considering going there a second time.我也去过奥地利。我正考虑再一次去那儿。

4.—Sam can't see the paintings clearly from here.Sam从这儿看不清那些画。

—Neither can I.=Me, neither.=I can't see the paintings clearly from here, either.我从这儿也看不清那些画。

5.—Jane is drinking soybean milk.Jane在喝豆奶。

—So am I.=Me, too.=I am drinking soybean milk, too.我也在喝豆奶。


1.Ross is a top student in our school.Jenny is a top student in our school, too.Ross is a top student in our class, _____ ____ Jenny.2.Carol visited the aquarium yesterday.Maria visited the aquarium, too.Carol visited the aquarium yesterday, ______ _____ Maria.3.Mary isn't good at rowing.I am not good at rowing, either.Mary isn't good at rowing._______ _____ I.4.Betty can speak French and her husband can speak French, too.Betty can speak French and ______ ______ her husband.5.Nowadays many adults don't smoke.I don't smoke, either.Nowadays many adults don't smoke, ______ ______ I.二、走近so+动词+主语


1.—Bob could ride a bike when he was 3 years old.Bob3岁时就会骑自行车。—So could I.=I could ride a bike when I was 3 years old, too.我3岁时也会骑自行车了。

2.—Ken and Mark lead a busy and colorful life on the campus.Ken和Mark在大学里过着忙碌而丰富多彩的生活。

—So does Gene.=Gene leads a busy and colorful life on the campus, too.Gene也是这样。

3.—June likes collecting stamps.June爱好搜集邮票。

—So does Linda.=Linda likes collecting stamps, too.Linda也喜欢搜集邮票。

4.Carl is a top engineer, so is his wife.= Carl is a top engineer and his wife is a top engineer, too.Carl是出色的工程师, 他的妻子也是出色的工程师。


Ellen will go to Peter's birthday party.So will I.2.现在许多青少年讨厌吃早饭。Kevin也讨厌吃早饭。

Nowadays quite a few teenagers hate to eat breakfast.So does Kevin.3.Jerry会唱歌跳舞。Kate也会唱歌跳舞。

Jerry can sing and dance.So can Kate.4.每天Ward在学校吃午饭,我也是。

Ward has lunch at school every day.So do I.5.不久Barry要动身去俄罗斯。我也要去俄罗斯。

Barry is leaving for Russia soon.So am I.6.今天早上Maria在校园里读地理了。今天早上Doris也在校园里读地理了。



1.—My parents never stop going on about how I should study hard.我的父母从没停止唠叨我应该怎样努力学习。—Neither do my parents.=My parents never stop going on about how I should study hard, either.我的父母也从没停止唠叨我该怎样努力学习。

2.—Everybody shouldn't spit anywhere in public.I won't do such a thing.每个人都不应该随地吐痰。我可不做这样的事。

—Neither will we.=We won't do such a thing, either.我们也不会做这样的事。3.—They don't know what has happened to Danny.What about you?

他们不知道丹尼发生什么事了。你呢? —Neither do I.=I don't know what has happened to Danny, either.我也不知道丹尼发生什么事了。

4.—Mark wasn’t invited to the party yesterday.马克昨天没被邀请参加宴会。—Neither was Bruce.=Bruce wasn't invited to the party, either.布鲁斯昨天也没有被邀请参加宴会。

5.If you don't go shopping tomorrow, neither will I.= If you don't go shopping tomorrow, I won't, either.如果你明天不去购物, 我也不去。



Mary isn't good at singing, neither/ nor am I.2.Rose对现代音乐不感兴趣,Kate对现代音乐也不感兴趣。

Rose isn’t interested in modern music, neither/ nor is Kate.3.Kumiko从没去过俄罗斯,我也从没去过俄罗斯。

Kumiko has never been to Russia, neither/ nor have I.4.我不喜欢弹钢琴,也不喜欢计算机。

I don’t enjoy playing the piano,nor/neither do I like computers.四、特别提示 前句表述的人或物情况复杂,无法使用so, neither/nor引导的倒装句型表达另一人或物情况相同,英语则用It is/was the same with sb.或So it is /was with sb.1.—Tom likes playing basketball but he can’t play well.汤姆喜欢打篮球,但他打得不好。

—So it is with me.(=I like playing basketball, too, but I can’t play well, either.)


2.—Eastern men like docile women.But if an eastern man likes a woman, he will be docile to her unconsciously.东方男人喜欢听话的女人,但东方男人若是喜欢一个女人,就会不知不觉听她的话。

—It is the same with western men.西方男人也是这样的。

3.—He is an honest worker and works hard.他是一位诚实的工人,且工作卖力。

—So it is with you.你也是这样的。

4.—Now I am in senior high school.I have changed for the busier.现在我上高中了,我变得更忙了。—So it is with us.我们也一样。

课堂探究:知能互动:学明白,想明白,说明白,才能做明白!()1.—A fish needs water and without water it will die.—____________ a human being.A.So does

B.So will

C.So it is with

D.It was the same with()2.—I have learnt English for nearly 8 years.Thanks to my learning English, my life has changed for the more interesting.—________ me.A.So have

B.So has

C.So it is

D.It is the same with()3.—Jeremy Lin was not only a good player but also a very smart and diligent student.He did quite well in his studies.—_______________ Deng Yaping.A.So did

B.It was the same with

C.So was

D.So it was()4.—Marx was born in Germany and German was his native language.—____________ Engles.A.So it was with B.So it was

C.So was

D.So did()5.—Luoyang is developing quickly and people's living conditions are improving rapidly.—______________my hometown.A.So is

B.It is the same with

C.So does

D.So it was with

五、拓展链接 So+主语+动词


1.—Mike does well in chemistry.Mike化学学得好。

—So he does.He is the top student in our class.确实如此。他是我们班最好的学生。2.—Nick can speak both Russian and German.Nick既会讲俄语又会讲德语。

—So he can.=He can really speak both Russian and German.确实如此。(即:他确实既会讲俄语会讲德语。)3.—High-level Philippine housekeepers are diligent and obedient!高级菲律宾家政人员敬业,不摆谱。

—Well, so they are.=They are really diligent and obedient.啊,他们确实敬业,不摆谱。

4.—The May Day holiday is coming.Jenny will pay a visit to the West Lake.五一假期就要到了,Jenny将要游览西湖。

—So she will.确实如此。(即:她确实要游览西湖。)5.—You have an English class every day except Sunday.你们除星期天每天上一节英语课。

—So we do.确实如此。

6.—I can't find my cellphone.Have you seen it anywhere? 我找不到我的手机了。你见了吗?

—No, I haven't.It may be in your handbag.没有。它或许在你的手包里。—Oh, yes.So it is.=It is really in my handbag.啊,是的,确实在手包里。

课堂探究:培养能力:注重学习过程,探索解题技巧与方法!()1.—In modern times, girls like to wear fashionable clothes.—Yes, __________, and _________.After all, our life has greatly improved.A.So do they, so do boys

B.So they do, so boys do

C.So do they;so boys do

D.So they do;so do boys()2.—Henry has made so rapid progress in English recently.—_____, and _____.A.So he has, so you have

B.So has he, so have you

C.So he has, so have you

D.So has he, so have you()3.—Now China has changed for the richer and the stronger.—____________.A.So it is

B.So it was

C.So it does

D.So it has()4.—Betty is interested in doing taijiquan.—_____________, and ______________.A.So she does;so do I

B.So she is;so am I

C.So does she;so I do

D.So is she;so I am


1.—Did you enjoy that trip?

—I'm afraid not.And_________________.A.so did my classmates

B.my classmates don't too

C.neither do my classmates

D.neither did my classmates 简析: 本题中的第一个答句是省略句,完整句为I am afraid that I didn’t enjoy it.用过去时。第二个答句表示前句提到的否定情况也适合下句的人,完整句为my classmates didn’t enjoy it, either.表示上文提到的否定情况同样适合下文的人,为了避免和前一句话的内容重复, 英语习惯用neither引导的倒装句,故选D。

2.—Disneyland is enjoyed by millions of people from all over the world.—____________.I hope I can go there one day.A.So it does

B.Neither does it

C.So it is

D.Neither is it 简析: 本题答句表示对前句的认同,完整句为Disneyland is really enjoyed by millions of people from all over the world.表示对上句陈述的内容肯定、同意,为了避免重复,用So+主语+动词,故选C。

3.—How well Anna dances!I can't believe my eyes.—_______.A.So she does

B.Neither can she

C.So can I

D.So I do

简析: 本题答句表示对前句How well Anna dances!的认同,完整句为Anna dances really well.表示对上句陈述的内容肯定、同意,为了避免重复,用So+主语+动词,故选A。

4.—I don't think I can walk any further.—_______.Let’s stop here for a rest.A.Neither do I

B.Neither can I

C.I think so

D.I don't think so 简析: 从Let's stop here for a rest知,本题中的答句表示上文提到的否定情况同样适合下文的人,完整句为I can’t walk any further, either.表示上文提到的否定情况同样适合下文的人,为了避免和前一句话的内容重复, 英语习惯用neither引导的倒装句,故选B。

5.You say Henry works harder and practice more.__________, and__________.A.So he does;so you do

B.So he does;so do you

C.So does he;so do you

D.So does he;so you do

简析: 本题中的第一空表示对第一句话的认同,完整句为He works really harder and practice really more.表示对上句陈述的内容肯定、同意,为了避免重复,用So+主语+动词。第二空表示第一句话提到的肯定情况同样适合下文的人,完整句为you work harder and practice more, too.表示上文提到的肯定情况同样适合下文的人,为了避免和前一句话的内容重复, 英语习惯用so引导的倒装句,故选B。

6.—I will never come to this restaurant again.The food is terrible!

—_______.A.Nor am I

B.Neither will I

C.Same with me

D.So will I 简析: 前句既陈述不会再来这家饭馆又陈述不会再来的原因。表述的人或物情况复杂,无法使用so, neither/nor引导的倒装句型表达另一人或物情况相同,英语用It is/was the same with sb.或So it is /was with sb., 故选C。


()1.Mary never does any reading in the evening, _________.A.so does Joy

B.Joy does too

C.nor does Joy

D.so Joy does()2.—Well, I do think the rabbit is a beautiful, gentle animal which can run very fast.— ______.A.So it is

B.So is it

C.So it does

D.So does it

()3.— Ward and Joe have a lot of rules at their school.—Well, ______ we.A.so have

B.so do

C.neither do

D.it is the same with()4.—Many historical plays have been on TV recently.—So_______.I like watching historical TV plays because they make me relaxed and save much time.A.do they

B.they do

C.have they

D.they have

()5.—I hear that Betty made an English speech at the graduation ceremony yesterday.— __________, and _________.A.So did she, so I did

B.So she did, so did I

C.So did she, nor did I

D.Nor did she, so I did()6.If you don't go surfing tomorrow, neither_____.A.shall I

B.I shall

C.do I

D.I do()7.—Your father is very strict with you three.—______.He never lets off a single mistake of ours.A.So he does

B.So does he

C.So he is

D.So is he()8.—At present, Internet Slang is widely used in people’s daily life.—_______.Internet Slang is full of humor and intelligence.A.So it does

B.So does it

C.So it is

D.So is it


()1.—Father, you promised!

—Well, ______.But it was you who did not keep your words first.A.so was I

B.so did I

C.so I was

D.so I did()2.—I wonder if your wife will go to the ball this evening.—If your wife _____, so _____ mine.A.will, does

B.will, does

C.will, will

D.does, does()3.—I thought you women were present at the meeting.—_______.A.So we were

B.So we did

C.So were we

D.So did we()4.—Do you think we’ll need a coffee pot?

—I don’t drink coffee, and ___________.It’s not necessary.Why not a tea service?

A.so do you

B.neither do you

C.so you do

D.neither did you

()5.—I will never come to this restaurant again.The food is terrible!

—______.A.Nor am I

B.Neither will I

C.Same with me

D.So will I()6.People can't live healthily without clean water, ____ can animals.A.so




()7.—I don’t know why Jim quarreled with his friend.What about you?

—____.A.nor don’t I

B.neither do I

C.So do I

D.I don’t()8.—How well Juliet sings!I can't believe my ears.—________.A.So she does

B.Neither can she

C.So can I

D.So does I

第五篇:何永云 教学设计


阚疃中心校 何永云 教材分析:


第一课时 教学目标











⑶“我们”为什么要把老人喂海鸥的照片放大,带到翠湖边? 4.教师导读:同学们,你们提的问题很好。如果能够解答好这三个问题,课文的内容也就读懂了。现在,请大家以小组为单位,按老师的要求自读课文。

二、小组合作,自读课文 1.提出要求,学生自读。










⑵过了一会儿,海鸥纷纷落地,竟在老人遗像前后站成了两行。它们肃立不动,像是为老人守灵的白翼天使。⑶当我们不得不收起遗像的时候,海鸥们像炸了营似的朝遗像扑过来。它们大声鸣叫着,翅膀扑得那样近,我们好不容易才从这片飞动的白色旋涡中脱出身来„„ 3.指名朗读这些句子。4.全班朗读这些句子。



六、作业设计 1.朗读课文。2.比一比,组成词。




老人 爱 海鸥







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