新目标七年级下Unit 3全教案

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第一篇:新目标七年级下Unit 3全教案

Unit 3 Why do you like koalas ? 第一课时(1a-1c)知识要点:

词汇:zoo, koalas, tiger, elephant, dolphin, panda, lion, penguin, giraffe,cute, smart 重点句型:Why do you like koala bears? Because they are very cute.Let’s see the lions.教学程序:

step 1创设情景,导入新课

教师出示动物园的图片,由what’s in the zoo? 引入Thre are many animals in it.,再教学animal这个单词,引入本节课教学。Step2


koalas, tiger, elephant, dolphin, panda, lion, penguin, giraffe Step3 Practice the new words(1a)Match the words with the pictures Step4 Listening

Listen and check the animals in 1a.Step 5 Pair work

Show the students different animals.Students ask and answer inpairs: “Why do you wants to see the---?

Because they are----” Step6 Homework

1.Copy the new words 5 times.2.Read the text 3 times.And make questions about animals 3.Finish the exercises in Book1 and Book 2.巩固练习:

一、根据句子意思写出单词。 are very c__________.2.Look, a koala is on a tree.That’s i__________.That little monkey is on his mother’s back.It’s f________.I like dolphins.They are f___________ to people.I think pandas are l_______.Because they like to sleep.Tigers and lions are s__________.They like to eat small animals.Koalas come from A___________.8.Pandas come from C___________.W_____ do you want to see the monkeys?

10.P_______ like snow and ice.二、单项选择。

1.Lions are from ___.A.Australia B.North Pole


D.Africa 2.Koalas like to sleep ___.A.at night

B.during the day

C.in the evening

D.in the morning 3.Elephants like to eat ___.A.grass



D.bamboo 4.Let’s ___ this picture.A.see



D.looks 5.___ do you like dogs? Because they’re friendly.A.Where B.What


D.Who 6.My sister often ___ his friends.A.play with


C.plays with


第二课时(Section A 2a--4)

词汇:Box, south, Africa, kind of , South Africa, see the koalas.重点句子: Why does he like koalas? Because they’re kind of interesting.Where are lions from?

They are from South Africa.What other animals do you like?

I like dogs, too.Why?

Because they’re friendly and clever.教学程序:

step 1创设情景,导入新课

出示动物玩具或图片:a panda,a lion,a koala bear,请学生表达对这些动物的好恶。复并介绍国名China, Australia, South Africa。句型结构Where are pandas from? Pandas are from China.(注意另一种表达,Where do pandas come from? Pandas come from China.)可以对这些动物的习性等做简单介绍,将Section B中的部分词汇和表达在此处介绍,如:eat grass, sleep during the day, at night, eat leaves,lazy, meat等。(3a)

step 2 学生练习谈论对上述三种动物的喜好,产地及简单习性。(3b)What animals do you like?

I like pandas.Where are pandas from? They are from China.They are lazy.They like eating bamboos.Etc.step 3 出示另外几种动物,如:an elephant, a giraffe, a kangaroo等,要求学生对这几种动物开展谈论,包括喜好、产地、习性等信息。step 4 对话表演

step 5 游戏: Bingo。要求学生从所给的词语中随机选择九个填入旁边的格子中。放录音,让学生听到自己所选的词时,在该词上划叉,最先连成三个一排者为胜者。

Step6 Homework

Finish the exercises in Book1 and Book 2.练


1.Is there a p ______ office near here ? Yes, there is.3.My home is a ______ from the library.7.Go down and turn l______ , you can find a white building.8.I’m very b ______.I can not have a rest(休息).10.Tom sits n _____ to me in the classroom.11.I like walking in the s _______.13.Sam comes from Canada.He speaks F______ and English.14.The kids often helps the o______ people in our neighborhood.15.If you want to have fun, you will go to a v_____.16.If you want to borrow(借)a book, you will go to a l_ 根据中文填单词

1.There is a big ________(超市)in front of our school.2.Is there a park in your _______(附近)? 3.I like to keep ______(忙碌)every day.4.You can see three big _______(饭店)in this district.5.Let’s enjoy the _______(城市)beautiful avenues.6.____(哪儿)is the post office? 7.Go ______(一直)and turn left, you will see the bookshop in front of you.7.This is a good place to live in.It’s _______(安静).8.______(如果)you are hungry , you can buy some food there.9.Where is the ______(旅馆)? It’s on _______(桥)Street.第三课时(Section B 1-3)知识要点:

词汇:ugly,clever,friendly,beautiful,small,cute,scarry,what other animals ,What other animals.重点句子:What other animals do you like?

I like dogs,too.Why?

Because they are friendly and clever.step 1 出示图片或玩具模型,对所出示图片中的动物进行描述,要求学生用别的形容词对所见到的动物进行描述,接受学生所给出的各种不同答案。共出示八幅图片。介绍形容词:ugly, friendly, small, shy, intelligent ,beautiful, cut, scary等。

用句型:What do you think of the tiger? It’s scary.Etc.(1)

step 2 活动:对步骤1中的图片进行谈论。(3)

完成任务所需要的句型结构:What animals do you like?

I like elephants.Why do you like elephants?

Because they are cute.What other animals do you like?

I like …, too.Why? Because ….step 3 学生练习并表演对话。

step 4 听录音(3遍),完成练习(2a,2b)。

step 5 活动:采访你的伙伴,他/她的父母/老师喜欢什么动物。

What animals does your father/mother like?

He/She likes …

Why does he/she like …?

Because they are ….step 6 选择部分同学在全班汇报采访结果。

1.A g _______ has a very long neck(脖子).It’s a beautiful animal.2.A dolphin is very i________ because it can act(表演)as people do.4.The panda is very shy, so please be very q_______.在下列横线上填上正确的单词

1.Why ______ he ______(like)koalas? ______ they’re ______ ______ ______(有几分有趣).2.Where ______ lions _______(来自于……)? They _____ _____ ______.(来自于南非)3.What ______ ______(其他的动物)do you like ? I like _____(狗).________?(为什么)Because they’re _______ ______ ________(友好而且聪明).4.Molly likes to _____ ______ _______(和朋友玩)and _______ _______(吃草).5.She’s ______ _______(很害羞).6.He ______ ______ _______(来自澳大利亚).He ______ ______ ______ _____(白天睡觉), but ______ ______(在晚上),he ______ ______ ______ _____ _____(起来吃叶子).7.He usually ________(睡觉)and _____ _____ _______ _______ _______(每天休息20个小时).连词成句: 1.like, you, why , koalas, do 2.the, lions , us, let, see 3.are, they , because, interesting 4.to, why, you, want, do, see, the, panda 句型转换: 1.They are shy and quiet.(改否定句)2.He likes koalas very much.(改一般疑问句)3.I want to see lions because they are very cute.(划线提问)They are from China.(划线提 第四课时(Section B 3a—self check)知识要点:

词汇:grass,sleep,during,leaf,lazy,meat,relax,at night,twelve years old,from Africa, play with sb., be quiet,during the day.重要句子:She likes to play with her friends and eat grass.She is very shy, so please be quiet.He usuallysleeps and relaxes 20 hoursevery day.step 1 展示四幅图片,就图片提出问题,要求学生进行回答。教师可采用先通过提问进行引导的方式 过度到让学生自由谈论。

What animal is this?

Where is it from? What is the …eating/doing?

Do you like it?

How much do you know about it? 在此步骤中,将3a、3b语篇中的词汇进行教学。教学grass, sleep, during, at night, leaf, meat, relax, lazy等词汇。

step 2 初读。回答问题:(3a)

Who is Molly? Who is Ling Ling? Who is Bill? 学生阅读语篇,并将图片与相应的语篇匹配。step 3 细节阅读,回答问题。

How old is Molly?

Where is she from? What does she like to do?

How old is Ling Ling? Where is she from? What does she look like?How old is Bill? Where does he come from? When does he sleep and when does he eat his meals?

在订正答案时,讲解涉及到的语言知识。step4 观察图片a, 完成3b。订正答案。

step5 活动(表演):动物的自述。要求学生从教材中的四种动物中选择一种进行扮演,以独白的方式 其他同学介绍自己。

step6 写作练习(3c), 描写自己家养的宠物或想要养的宠物。

step 7(选择性活动)活动:猜猜我的宠物是什么。让部分学生描述自己养的宠物或理想中的宠物,其他同学边听边寻找线索并进行猜测。要求描述出产地、颜色、习性等基本特点。练习I、选择填空。 kind of animals have long legs and neck? A.Pandas B.Penguins C.Giraffes –Why do you like koala bears?--_____ they are cute and smart.______ is the biggest animal on the earth? _____ pandas from China?



C.Do Students ______ nine hours a day.A.sleeps


C.are sleep People usually think lions are _____ scary.A.kinds of


C.kind of favorite,do,are,does,animals,let,let’s,come 1.--What kind of ____ do you think are the biggest on the earth?---Elephants.2.______ go to see the new teacher in our school.3.Why _____ Maria like small animals? 4.Is your _____ pet panda? 5.Where do lions _____ from? A.And


C.Because A.An elephant

B.A koala bear

C.A giraffe II、选择正确的词填空。




1、掌握表示动物的名词和具有动物特征的形容词,例如:koala bear(树袋熊),tiger(老虎),elephant(大象),dolphin(海豚),panda(熊猫),Lion(狮),penguin(企鹅),giraffe(长颈鹿);cute(逗人喜爱的),smart(聪明的),exciting(令人激动的),friendly(友好的),interesting(有趣的),fun(供人娱乐的),scary(可怕的)。

2、用英语谈论、描述动物(describe animals)并表达对动物各自的喜爱(express preferences),例如: Elephants are friendly.Tigers are kind of scary.Why do you like pandas? Because they’re very cute.Why does he like koala bears? Because they’re kind of interesting.二、教学活动过程 活动目的:学习和巩固表示动物和具有动物特征的单词,掌握用英语表达对动物及其它事物的喜好。教学过程和步骤:


2、组织教学,师生互相问候。例如:Good morning!Nice to see you!How are you? What’s the weather like today? 等等。

3、出示教学挂图和图片,向学生呈现表示动物的单词:koala bear, tiger, elephant, dolphin, panda, lion, penguin, giraffe等。要求学生能看到图片立即说出单词。


活动1 要求全班同学每人跟自己的同伴结对,用所学的表示动物及动物特征的单词编一组对话,并谈论各自对动物的喜好,然后请部分同学到黑板前面当众表演。





kind of


②每个同学就表格中填写的内容跟各自的搭档进行对话。例如: A:Let,s see the pandas.B:Why do you like pandas? A: Because they are cute.B: Well,I like elephants.A: Why do you like elephants? B:Because they are kind of interesting.活动2 将全班分为5-6组,以小组为单位,每个小组挑选一个所学内容的话题(如animal动物、food食物、color颜色、city城市、subject科目、sport运动项目等)。例如:

What’s your favorite animal? My favorite animal is pandas.Why do you like pandas? Because they’re cute.Why does he like …? Because… 最后,比比看,哪一组说得最好?


Why do you like pandas? Because they’re very cute.Why does he like koala bears? Because they’re kind of interesting.


Unit 3 How do you get to school?

Section A(1a-2d)


1.语言知识目标: 1)能掌握以下单词:

train, bus, subway, ride, bike, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, hundred, far, minute, kilometer, new, every, every day 2)能掌握以下句型:

—How do you get to school?

—I ride my bike.②

—How does Mary get to school?

—She takes the subway.2.Talk about how to get to places(谈论出行方式)take the bus /subway /train /taxi , ride a bike /walk.3.how引导的特殊疑问句,表示乘坐何种交通工具的方式。how far, how long 引导的特殊疑问句。



让学生感受到他们学习英语是为了在现实生活中进行交流,而不单纯是为了英语课和应付考试而学习,了解东西方国家出行方式的不同,以及不同的交通规则,教育学生注意交通安全, 加深对交通知识的了解。倡导自觉遵守交通法规及礼貌,构建和谐的人际关系。了解交通的发展,培养创新精神。

二、教学重难点 1.教学重点:

1)how /how far /how long 引导的特殊疑问句.2)乘坐交通工具的表示方法.3)It takes / sb some time to do sth.2.教学难点:

—How do you get to school?

—How does Mary get to school? —How long does it take?

—I take the …/ride …/ walk… —She takes the subway.—It takes forty minutes.—How far is it from… to…

—It's… kilometers.三、教学过程

Ⅰ.Warming-up and Lead in


Ss : Good morning , teacher.T: Good morning , class T: Look at the picture.What can you see? Do you like your school? I usually get to school by bike, but sometimes on foot.How do you get to school? Ss 按实际情况作答

Ⅱ.Presentation 1.T: If you are here, but your school is in Shanghai.How do you get to school? Ss: I take the bus /plane/ boat / ship / car / taxi I ride a bike / motorbike T: Do you know any other way? 2.Teacher shows pictures on the big screen.归纳出行方式和常用短语.Ask some questions about how you get to…?

(让学生积极主动的思考想象总结,多媒体增加趣味性,加强直观性,效果事半功倍)3.Show a picture about Part 1, on the screen.Point at girls or boys in the picture.Ask students to answer and write in the blanks.S1 : How does he / she go to school? S2 : He / She … … Ⅲ.1a

T: Look at the picture on your book.Match the words with the picture.(学生们完成1a的学习任务,然后校对答案)Ⅳ.Listening

1.Make sure the Ss know what to do.Give them an example orally if possible.2.Read the names in the box.3.Play the tape and check the answers.Ⅴ.Pair work

Ask two students to read the dialogue in the speech bubbles to the class.Then ask students to work in pairs.Ask and answer how students get to school in the picture.Finally ask some pairs of students to present their conversations to the class.Ⅵ.Listening

1.Revise the numbers, first, zero~nine, next, ten~nineteen, then, twenty, thirty, forty…finally, twenty-one, twenty-two… Teach the new word “hundred”.2.Play the tape for the students to finish 2a.Then play again and check the answers Ⅶ.Presentation

Show a picture on the TV and explain these are your home and school.Teach: home----school How long minutes

How far two kilometers Then make up a dialogue to practice.A: How do you get to school? B: I usually take the bus.A: How far is it from your home to school? B: It's about two kilometers.A: How long does it take? B: It takes 30 minutes by bus Ⅷ.Listening

1.Tell Ss the following recording is about how Tom and Jane go to school.2.First, listen to the recording fill in the first column.3.Then, play the recording for the Ss again.Ss listen and complete the rest of the chart.4.Check the answers.Ⅸ.Role-play

1.Read the dialogue and find the answer to these questions:

① How does Jane get to school? ② How far is it from home to school? ③ How long does it take to get to school from her home?

2.Ss read the conversations and then find the answers to the questions.3.Check the answers with the class.4.Play the recording for the Ss to listen and repeat.5.Ss read the conversation then role-play the conversation.6.Let some pairs act out the conversation.Homework 1.Remember the new words and expressions in this period.2.Role-play the conversation after class.板书设计:

Section A(1a-2d)1.—How do you get to school?

—I ride my bike?

—How does Mary get to school? —She takes the subway.2.表达“几十” 个位数字+ty twenty, thirty,表达“几十几” 一定要用连字符

twenty-five, sixty-nine


one hundred, two hundred 3.① How does Jane get to school? ② How far is it from home to school? ③ How long does it take to get to school from her home? 教学反思

Section A(Grammar Focus-3c)



1)继续练习谈论出行方式take the bus /subway /train /taxi, ride a bike /walk.2)用不同方式练习how引导的特殊疑问句,表示乘坐何种交通工具的方式。how far, how long 引导的特殊疑问句。3)复习基数词及时间的表示方法。2.情感态度价值观目标:

了解东西方国家出行方式的不同,以及不同的交通规则,教育学生注意交通安全, 加深对交通知识的了解。倡导自觉遵守交通法规及礼貌,构建和谐的人际关系。了解交通的发展,培养创新精神。

二、教学重难点 1.教学重点:

1)how /how far /how long 引导的特殊疑问句.2)乘坐交通工具的表示方法.3)It takes sb some time to do sth.2.教学难点:

—How do you get to school?

—How does Mary get to school? —How long does it take?

—I take the …/ride …/ walk… —She takes the subway.—It takes forty minutes.—How far is it from… to…

—It's… kilometers.三、教学过程

Ⅰ.Warming-up and revision 1.Greet the Ss as usual.Then check the homework.2.Go over the conversation in 2e.Ⅱ.Grammar Focus.1.学生阅读Grammar Focus中的句子,然后做填空练习。① 你如何到达学校? _______________________

我骑自行车。____________________ ② 她如何到达学校? ___________________

她乘公共汽车。____________________ ③ 到达学校要花多长时间?____________________

大约花费15分钟。___________________ ④ 从你有到学校有多远?____________________



⑤ 简步行去上学吗?_______________________

不,她骑自行车。____________________ ⑥ 他们乘公共汽车去上学吗?_________________


____________________ 2.Ss check the answer with their partners.3.Give Ss six more minutes to try to remember the sentences.Ⅲ.Practice

1.Look at 3a.Tell Ss to match the sentences with the answers.2.方法指导: 首先,应重点读左面的五个疑问句,分清它们是特殊疑问句还是一般疑问句;其次,要明确特殊疑问词的用法:how是对出行方式提问;how long是对行程所用的时间提问;how far是对距离提问。然后,再读答语。依次给每个问句找到正确的答语。

3.学生们按教师说的方法,认真阅读找答语,提高阅读理解的能力。4.Check the answers with the class.Ⅳ.Practice

1.Look at 3b.Tell Ss to use these words below to make questions.Then answer them.2.方法指导: 首先,应分清它们是特殊疑问句还是一般疑问句,看所给的词汇,如果含有特殊疑问词应是特殊疑问句,如果没有则应是一般疑问句;其次,要明确特殊疑问词的句式结构:特殊疑问词+ 一般疑问句。然后,再根据自己的实际情况,回答这些问题。最后,再通读一遍自己造的问句与答语,确保没有语法上的错误。

3.学生们按教师说的方法,分析每句话中所给的提示词,并造成一个正确的问句,然后给出一个合理的答语。4.Check the answers with the partners.For example:

How do you get to school? I take a bus to school.Ⅴ.Game(Find someone who…)1.Now, look at the chart below.Can you tell the meaning of each sentence? 2.Let some Ss say the meaning of the sentences.3.Make sure Ss know how to do this game.4.Ss ask and answer these questions with their classmates:

S1: How far is it from your home to school, S2?

S2: It's about ten kilometers.S1: Oh, no.How far is it from your home to school, S3?

S3: It's about five kilometers.S1: Oh, yeah.…

5.提示:对部分能力的较差的学生,可以给他们下列问题提示: ① How far is it from your home to school? ② How do you get to school?

③ How long does it take you to get to school?


1.If time is enough, do more exercises on the screen.Homework

1.Read the sentences in Grammar Focus.2.Make a survey.How does your father get to work?


Section A Grammar Focus-3c

一、1.How(出行方式)2.How long(行程时间)3.How far(距离)

二、3a: 1.c 2.e 3.d 4.a 5.b

三、1.How do you get to school?

2.How long does it take to get to school?

3.How far is it from your home to school?

4.Do you walk to school? 5.Do your friends ride their bikes to school?


Section B 1a-2c


1.语言知识目标: 1)能掌握以下单词:

drive, live, stop, think of, cross, river, many, village, villager, between, between…and…, bridge, boat, ropeway, year, afraid, like, dream, come true


Well, I ride my bike to the subway station.Then I take the subway.3)阅读短文,获取相关信息的能力。2.情感态度价值观目标:

了解东西方国家出行方式的不同,以及不同的交通规则,教育学生注意交通安全, 加深对交通知识的了解。倡导自觉遵守交通法规及礼貌,构建和谐的人际关系。了解交通的发展,培养创新精神。

二、教学重难点 1.教学重点:




Ⅰ.Warming-up and revision 1.Greet Ss as usual.2.Check the homework.Ⅱ.Presentation 1.我们来认识几个新单词。I'll show you some pictures on the screen.Let's learn some new words.(在屏幕上展示p16页的图片)2.Ss read and try to remember the new words and expressions.Ⅲ.Match

T: 1.Let's open our books at page 16, point out the blank line in front of each numbered phrase.Ask Ss to match each phrase with a picture by writing the letter of the picture in the bank in front of the correct word.One has done for students.2.Check the answers.Ⅳ.Pairwork

1.First ask two students to read the dialogue to the class.Sa: How do you get to school? Sb: Well, I ride my bike to the subway station.Then I take the subway.2.Suppose you use two kinds of transportation to get to school.Tell your partner how you get ot school.3.Ss practice the conversations in pairs.4.Let some pairs to act out their conversations.Ⅴ.Listening


1.Ask different Ss to read each line to the class

2.Play the tape for the Ss to listen and check the things Mary wants to know.3.Get Ss finish the listening task then check the answers.1d:

1.Listen again.How does Bob get to his grandparents' home? Check 1 or 2.2.Play the tape twice for the Ss to listen and check.3.Check the answers.Ⅵ.Talking

1.Let students tell how Bob gets to his grandparents' home.Ask students to use the pictures in 1d.And write these sentences on the blackboard.First he … Next he… Then he…


2.Ss work with their partners.Try to say how Bob get to his grandparent's home.3.Check the answers: Ⅶ.Guess

1.Look at the picture and title below.Guess what the passage is about.T: I think it's about how some students get to school.What do you think? S1: I think it's about how some students in the village get to school.S2: I think it's about how some students in the mountain get to school.Ⅷ.Reading

1.Fast reading Read the passage and find the answer to this question:

What's the students' and the villagers' dream in this village?

Ss read the passage quickly and find the answer to this question:

Their dream is to build a bridge.2.Careful reading

Read the passage again and find the answers to the questions below: 1.How do the students in the village go to school? 2.Why do they go to school like this? 3.Does the boy like his school? Why? 4.What is the villager's dream? Do you think their dream can come true? 阅读指导: 首先,读这四个问题,记住这四个问题。其次,带着问题去仔细读短文,并在短文中寻找相关问题的回答依据。然后,根据相关依据,写出问题的答案。

Ss read the passage again and try to find the answers to the questions.Check the answers with the class.Ⅸ.Reading

1.Let's work on 2c.Let's read the passage again and complete the sentences with the words from the passage.2.阅读指导:


2)其次,带着这五个句子,在短文去寻找与这五个句子相关的依据。在相关的句子中寻找空格处所缺的单词。比如:第一句应是在短文中的第五句中“But for the students in a village in Yunnan, it is difficult.”,可知本空格处应为difficult一词。其他几个也按这样的方法来做。

3)最后,再读一遍这些句子,看有不有不恰当的地方。3.Check the answers: difficult, big, quickly, afraid, true


1.Remember the new words and expressions in this period.2.Ask Ss try to retell the passage after class.板书设计:

Section B 1a-2c 1.bus stop(站点), bus station(综合车站)2.What's the students' and the villagers' dream? 3.2b: They go on a ropeway to school.Because there's not a bridge on the river.Yes, he does.Because He loves his teacher and his classmates.It's to have a bridge on the river.Yes, I think so.Let more people know about it.And let more people help them build the bridge.2c: difficult, big, quickly, afraid, true 教学反思

Section B 3a-Self Check




2)能正确运用take + 出行方式;ride…及by… 来表达自己的出行方式。


了解东西方国家出行方式的不同,以及不同的交通规则,教育学生注意交通安全, 加深对交通知识的了解。倡导自觉遵守交通法规及礼貌,构建和谐的人际关系。了解交通的发展,培养创新精神。

二、教学重难点 1.教学重点:

1)能恰当运用take + 出行方式;ride…及by… 来表达出行方式 2)练习运用所学的知识来表达某人的出行方式。2.教学难点:



Ⅰ.Warming-up and revision 1.Greet the Ss as usual.2.Check the homework and have a dictation of the new words and expressions.3.Let some Ss retell the passage in 2b.Ⅱ.Presentation 1.Using some pictures to show some ways of transportation:

walk, take the bus/train/subway/plane/boat;ride the bike/horse;go/get to sp by bus/train/subway…


2.Make some sentences using these phrases.3.Give some examples of the sentences.Ⅲ.Reading

1.Read the e-mail from your pen pal Tom in the US.Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.阅读指导:首先,明白方框里单词的意思;




2.学生们按老师所指导的方法,认真阅读短文,并用正确的单词填空。3.Check the answers.Ⅳ.Writing In this task, it's our turn to write an e-mail to Tom and tell him how you get to school.1.First, let's look at these questions below:

(Let one student read the questions aloud.Make sure all the students know the meaning of the questions.)

2.Work in pairs ask and answer the questions.And write them down on your workbook.3.Try to write a short e-mail with the help of the sentences you wrote.4.Check the e-mails with your partners.5.Let some Ss read their e-mail to the class as a model.Ⅴ.Self Check 1

1.We've learned many ways of transportations.Now let's have a short review.Look at the words in the boxes below to form as many expressions as possible.2.Ss work in groups and try to write as many expressions as possible:

take a bus, by bus, take a train, by train, take a subway, by subway, ride a bike, by bike….3.Let some Ss read their answers.Let other students add more phrases.Note: by + 出行方式(不加the);take(ride)+ a(the)出行方式

Ⅵ.Self Check 2

1.Look at the chart below.Write at least five questions.Then answer the questions with the information in the chart.2.写作提示:根据表格提示,应有三种类型的问题:出行方式(How);距离(How far);所用的时间(How long);对每个人都问这三个问题一次。然后根据表格中的提示来回答。

例如:—How does Tony get to school from home?

—He gets to school by bike.3.同学们根据老师的指导进行问答。将问题与答案写在练习本。然后在小内交换检查。Homework

1.Review all the dialogues and passages in Section B.2.Write a short e-mail to your pen friend to tell your ways to get to school.板书设计:

Section B 3a-Self Check 3a: go, leave, walk, boring

3b: 1.When do you leave home?

2.How do you get to school?

3.How far is it from your home to school?

4.How long does it take you to get to school?

5.Do you like your trip to school?




Unit 3: What were you doing when the UFO arrived?

I.Analysis of the Teaching Material 1.Teaching Aims and Demands(1)Knowledge Objects: In this unit students learn to talk about past events and to tell a story.(2)Ability Objects: To train the students’ ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing.(3)Moral Objects: To be virtuous is to do good.Virtue is fairer than beauty.2.Teaching Key Points: Introducing the key vocabulary and target language.3.Teaching Difficulties: New language • I was standing in front of the library when the UFO landed.While the alien was buying a key ring, I called the police.• UFO, alien, took off, landed, arrived, bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, barber's chair, barber shop, standing, studying, cleaning, talking, cutting, cooking, eating, getting out, bought, got out, making, sleeping, buying, while, when II.Teaching Time: Six periods Section AAdditional materials to bring to class

• paints or markers and large paper for a class mural Language goal • Ask one student to leave the room and wait outside the door.Then ask different students to start doing different things.One student can walk around the room.Another can look out of the window.A third can stand on his or her chair.Ask all three students to continue doing what they are doing without stopping and then ask the student outside the door to come in.• Ask the student outside the door to come in and sit down.Then ask the three students who were walking around the room, looking out the window, and standing on a chair to sit down.• Ask the first student who was doing an action, What were you doing when(student A)walked in? Help him or her to answer(supplying the whole answer if necessary), / was walking around the room when(student A)walked in.Ask die class to repeat, He(She)was walking around the room when(student A)walked in.• Repeat this with the second and third students who were doing actions: / was looking out the window when(student A)walked in.Ask the class to repeat, He(She)was looking out the window when(student A)walked in.The third student says, 1 was standing on a chair when(student A)walked in.Ask the class to repeat, He(She)was standing on a chair when(student A)walked in.• Ask some other students the question.What were you doing when(student A)walked in? They may answer.-/ was sitting here when(Student A)walked in or/ was talking to Carlos when(Student A)walked in.1 a This activity introduces some key vocabulary.• Point to the sentences.Say each sentence to the class and ask the students to repeat it-Ask-students to explain what each one means.They can use actions and simple explanations.For example, for in the bathroom, a student can pretend to he brushing his or her teeth or taking a shower and say, 1 was in the bathroom.I was brushing my teeth or I was in the bathroom.I was taking a shower.For barber shop and barber's chair, you may want to draw simple pictures on the


hoard showing two barber chairs in a barber shop with a barber cutting a boy's hair.• Point out the six people and read the letter next to each one.Then ask students to write the letter of each person in the write-on line in front of each sentence.• Point out the sample answer.• Correct the answers.b This activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.• Read the instructions.• Point to the people in the picture in activity la.Say, You will hear a recording of a reporter talking to the people in this picture.• Point to the two phrases after each letter in this activity.Say, There are two phrases after each letter.Listen carefully and circle the phrase that tells what each person was doing.Point out the sample answer.• Play the recording the first time.Students only listen

• Point to the people in the picture as you hear about that person on the recording.• Play the recording a second time.This time ask students to circle the correct phrases.• Correct the answers.c This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.• Read the instructions.• Point out the example in the sample dialogue.Ask two students to read it to the class.• Say, Now work with your partner.Start by reading the conversation in the box with your partner.The look at the other people in the picture and have conversations about these people.You can use words and phrases from activity 1b.• As they talk, move around the room checking their work.Offer language support as needed.• Ask several pairs of students to say their conversations to the class.2a This activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.• Read the instructions.• Point to the sentences with write-on lines.Say, You will hear a recording of a reporter talking to several people.Please put a number I in front of the thing that happened first, a number 2 in front of the thing that happened second, and so forth.• Play the recording the first time.Students only listen.Point to the sentences.• Play the recording a second time.This time ask students to write the numbers in front of the correct phrases.• Correct the answers.2b This activity provides listening and writing practice using the target language.• Read the instructions.Point to the write-on lines in each sentence.• Play the recording.Ask students to write the word when or while on each line.• Play the recording again.Ask students to correct their answers.Grammar note Point out that the abbreviation UFO means Unidentified Flying Object—something that is flying through the air that is unknown(unidentified)here on earth.Say Many abbreviations using two or three letters have a period after each letter For example, N.Y means New York and M.D.means Medical Doctor.But some abbreviations do not use periods.We usually write the abbreviation UPO without periods.2c This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.• Point out the picture.Ask students to say what each person is doing.• Read the instructions.Then point 10 the example in the sample dialogue-Ask three students to


read it to the class.Say, Make conversations like this about the people in the picture.• Ask students to work in small groups.Move around the room checking the progress of the groups and offering help as needed.• Ask a group to say its conversation to the class.Grammar focus • Review the grammar box.Ask students to say the two forms of each statement.• Repeat the activities from the Language Goal section at the beginning of this unit using different students and different actions.For example, have a different student wait outside the door.Have three students in the classroom read a book, sit on the floor, and draw a picture on the board.• Ask the student outside the door to come in and sit down.Then ask the three students who were reading a hook, sitting on the floor, and drawing a picture to sit in their chairs.• Ask the first student who was doing an action, What were you doing when(student A)walked in? Guide him or her to answer, 1 was reading a book when(student A)walked in.Ask the class to repeat.He(She)was reading a book when(student A)walked in.• Repeat this with the second and third students who were doing actions.• Draw a long horizontal line across the board.Write the words / was drawing a picture on the line.Then make a star in the middle of the line and write the word's when(student A)walked in below the star.Point to the straight line and say This action continued for a long time.Then point to the star and say, This action happened quickly.Run your finger along the line as you say the words, I was drawing a picture.Then slap your hand on the board at the star as you say the words, when(student A)walked in.• Point out that the word when comes before a quick action that happens only once.The word while comes before an action that continues for some time.• Ask students to say other sentences with when and while from this unit(or from their own lives).Optional activity Describe an action that you did earlier in the day and that took only a moment to do and tell what time it happened.For example,/ ate and listened to the news at 7:00 this miming, Then ask students to tell what they were doing at that time using the words when and while.Help the students make the first few students make sentences like these: / was sleeping when he/she listened to the news.or When he/she was listening to the radio, I was eating breakfast.Then describe similar actions at different times and ask students to make sentences using when and while.3a This activity provides reading and grammar practice using the target language.• Read the instructions.• Look at the pictures with the students.Ask them to describe what is happening in each one.• Ask students to complete the work on their own.• Correct the answers.3b This activity presents an opportunity for students to measure their vocabulary production against their comprehension.Students may understand what they read, but it is also important that they be able to tell others what they understand.• Read the instructions.• Ask one or two students to epxiain what is happening in one of the pictures.为您提供初中英语教学资源

Encourage them with additional vocabulary they may have forgotten.• Ask students to complete the work in pairs.Remind them to use as many details as possible in their stories.Students may also add new details.• Ask a few students to tell their stories to the class.Encourage students to add details.4

This activity encourages students to use times to discuss their own experiences.• Read the instructions.• Ask two students to read the sample dialogue.• Ask another one or two students to talk about what they did at different times.You may use times and days other than the ones listed in the exercise.• Ask students to complete the work in groups.Students list and discuss their different activities.• Ask a few students to share their lists.Ask a few students to talk about their day in a conversation.Homework: Review Section A.Recite the words in this unit.Preview Section B.Finish Exx.Section A.Section B New language • shouted, shouting, took a photo, scared, police officer, call the police, newspaper reporter, climbed, climbing, jump down, couldn't, another, station, crowded, found, happened, ran away 1 This activity introduces some key vocabulary.• Point to the pictures and ask students to say what they see.Provide key vocabulary words as needed.Repeat incomplete or incorrect sentences in full,correct form.[T = Teacher, S = student] T: What is the cat doing? Sl: Going up the tree.T: That's correct.The cat is climbing the tree.It's climbing the tree.Class repeat.It's climbing the tree.SS: It's climbing the tree.• Read the instructions, say, Write the letter of each picture in front of the correct sentence.• Point out the sample answer.Ask students to finish the work on their own.• Correct the answers.2a This activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.• Read the instructions.• Point to the phrases in the chart.Say, You will hear a recording of two people talking.They will talk about some of these things.They will not talk about two of these things.Check the things they talk about.Point out the sample answer.• Play the recording the first time.Students only listen.• Play the recording a second time.This time ask students to check the phrases they hear on the recording.• Correct the answers.2b This activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.• Read the instructions.Say, This time you will be listening only for who did each thing.• Point to the third column in activity 2a.Point out the sample answer.Ask students what that answer means(It means that item 1 in activity la [saw a cat in a tree] matches with item e in activity 2a []ohn1.)Say, John saw a cat in a tree.为您提供初中英语教学资源

• Play the recording.Ask students to write the correct fetter after the actions they checked in activity 2a.• Play the recording a second time, if necessary.• Correct the answers.2c This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.• Read the instructions.Say, One student will start the sentence and the other student will finish it.• Point to the example in the sample dialogue.Ask two students to read it to the class.• Ask students to work in pairs.Move around the room checking progress and offering help as needed.• Ask several pairs to say some of their sentences to the class.Optional activity

Some students may be ready to do a more advanced form of this activity.Ask these pairs of students to make up true sentences about their lives starting with the word while.For example, they can talk about what they were doing yesterday afternoon.One might say, While I was walking home yesterday afternoon...The other could say, While I was walking home yesterday afternoon, I saw a big dog.3 This activity provides reading and writing practice using the target language.• Read the instructions, pointing to the article and the list of questions.• Ask students to say what they see in the picture.Accept any reasonable answers.Rephrase any incomplete answers or answers with incorrect language as complete.correct sentences.For example: T: what do you see in the picture?S1: Suitcase.T: That's correct.There's a suitcase in the picture.What else is in the picture?S2: A woman.T: Correct.There's a woman.Where is she?S3: Train station? T: Yes, there's a woman at a train station.• Ask students to read the article to themselves, circling any words or phrases they don't understand.Explain these words or phrases or ask other students to do this.• Read the article to the class.Answer any other questions students may have.• Point to the list of five questions.Ask students to write tile answers.• Correct the answers.4a This activity presents an opportunity for students to engage in open-ended writing.• Read the instructions.• Ask one or two students to explain what is happening in one of the pictures.Be careful not to ask for too many descriptions or the other students will not have to think about their answers.• Ask students to complete the work on their own.Remind them to use times in their stories.• Ask a few students to read their stories.Ask if some students have different stories.If not, suggest different endings.For example, The girl's brother found her bike and thought she had forgotten it there.4b This activity lets students practice their speaking an listening skills in role plays.• Read the instructions.Students work in pairs with two students at a time playing the role of police officer and bicycle thief.• Ask students to complete the work on their own.• Ask a few students to show their role plays to the class.Ask the students to vote on the best role play.Homework: Review this unit.Finish Exx.Section B.Recite 3a Writing: Predicting your future, including your future job, the city you will live, etc.Preview the next unit.


Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?

一、教学目标: 1.语言知识目标

基本词汇:restroom, stamp, bookstore, postcard, pardon, washroom, bathroom, normal, rush, suggest, staff, grape, central, mail, east, fascinating, convenient, mall, clerk, corner, polite, politely, speaker, request, direction, correct, direct, whom, address, underground 基本句型:Excuse me, do you know where I can buy some medicine? Sure.There’s a supermarket down the street.Could you please tell me how to get to the post office? Sorry, I’m not sure how to get there.I wonder where we should go next.Could you tell us when the band starts playing this evening? You should try that new ride over there.2.技能目标:(1)能用宾语从句礼貌的寻求帮助。(2)能用正确的方法指路。

3.情感目标: 培养学生尊重他人,对人有礼貌,热爱生活。

二、教学重难点: 1.教学重点:(1)礼貌的向他人寻求帮助。(2)正确使用宾语从句。


三、教学步骤: 第一课时Section A 1(1a-2d)Step 1 Warming –up Greeting Step 2 Presentation(1)Guessing game Show pictures to the whole class, one student explains the places in English and another one who doesn’t look at the blackboard guesses what place it is.For example, one student say: We can save money or exchange money in this place, another one guess it is a bank.Get students to guess the places like bank, post office, bookstore, museum, bathroom, washroom, mall and so on.(2)Show some stamps to students and present the new sentences: Could you tell me where I can buy some stamps? Could you please tell me where I can get a dictionary? Do you know where I can get some magazines? Step 3 Practice 1)Match each thing with a place in the picture in 1a.2)Read the phrases.___ get some money ___ get some magazines ___ have dinner ___ get a dictionary ___ get some information about the town ___ buy a newspaper ___ buy some stamps ___ get a pair of shoes Step 4 Listening Listen and complete the conversations in the picture in 1a.Then check the answers with the whole class.Step 5 Practice Make conversations using the information in 1a.Then talk about your own city.For example: A: Excuse me, could you please tell me how to get to the bookstore? B: Sure, just go along Main Street until you pass Center Street.The bookstore is on your right, beside the bank.A: Thanks.Do you know when the bookstore closes today? B: It closes at 7:00 p.m.today.A: Thank you!B: You’re welcome.Step 6 Listening 1.Listen and number the directions in the order that you hear them.2a You will hear some of the directions below.Number the directions in the order you hear them.___ Go to the bird floor.___ Turn left.___ Go to the second floor.___ Turn right.___ The supermarket is between the flower store and the bookstore.___ Go past the bookstore.2.Listen again.Show how the boy walks to the supermarket.Draw a line in the picture in 2a.Then get one student draw the line on the blackboard.3.Listen the third time and answer the questions.1)Excuse me, can you tell me where I can buy some medicine? 2)Do you know how to go there? 3)Ok, great.Oh, and one more thing.Do you know when this shopping center closes tonight? 4)Ok, thanks a lot.Step 7 Pairwork Make conversations about the other places in the picture in 2a.A: Excuse me.Can you tell me where I can buy some stamps? B: Yes, there’s a post office in this shopping center.A: Do you know how to go there? B: Yes.Go to the third floor and turn right.Then go past the bank.The post office is between museum and library.You should be able to get stamps.A: Ok, great.Oh, and one more thing.Do you know … B: I’m not sure, but you … A: Ok, thanks a lot.B: You’re welcome.Step 8 Reading 1.Read the conversation in 2d and answer the questions.2.Role – play the conversation.3.Explain the language pints in 2d.(1)Go along Main Street until you pass Center Street.1)until和 till同义为―直到……‖,till多用于口语,until可以放在句首,till则不能放在句首。2)not...until―直到……才‖,表示直到某一时间, 某一行为才发生, 之前该行为并没有发生。e.g.I did not study English until 9 o'clock last night.(2)Pardon? Restroom? You already want to rest? But we haven’t even started yet!

1)pardon用作动词,后面既可以跟宾语,也可以跟双宾语;pardon sb.for doing sth.意为―原谅/宽恕某人做某事‖

e.g.Can you pardon me for not passing the exam, Mom? 2)在没有听懂对方的话,请对方重复一 下时也可说 pardon。e.g.Pardon? I’m sorry I can’t follow you.(3)I’m excited to try the rides!

excited和 exciting的区别: 1)excited意为―激动的;兴奋的‖,作表语时,主语通常是人;作定语时,常用来修饰人,说明激动的表情。

e.g.All of us were excited when we heard the good news.The excited child opened his present quickly.2)exciting意为―激动人心的‖,作表语时,主语通常是物;作定语时,常用来修饰物。e.g.The movie is very exciting.My father told me an exciting story.(4)I mean … you know, a washroom or bathroom.mean作动词有以下含义:

1)有……的意思,指(多作及物动词),其后可跟名词或代词,也可跟从句。e.g.What does this word mean? 2)意味(着)(及物动词),常跟名词,有时可跟动词-ing形式或从句。e.g.Carl really could not do that — it would mean the end of his career.3)有……意图,打算,想,常跟名词、代词或动词不定式。跟带不定式 的复合结构时,还可用于被动语态。e.g.I never meant to hurt you.(5)We normally say ―toilets‖ or ―washrooms‖.normally adv.正常地;通常地,一般地 e.g.August is normally a slow month.(6)Nine thirty, so you don’t need to rush!

rush v.仓促;匆忙 n.仓促;匆忙

e.g.Then three policemen rushed at him.(rush v.)They made a rush for the door.(rush n.)Step 9 Summary 1)Excuse me.Where is Qiaotou Middle School? 2)Excuse me.Could you tell me where Qiaotou Middle School is? 3)Excuse me.Do you know how I can get to Qiaotou Middle School?=Do you know how to get to Qiaotou Middle School? 4)Excuse me.Which is the way to Qiaotou Middle School? Step 10 Homework Make conversations about your own town/city.第二课时Section A 2(3a-3b)Step 1 Revision 1)Translate the sentences into English.① 请你告诉我,怎样去书店好吗?

② 打扰了,你知道我在哪能买到一些邮票吗? ③ 我想知道公园今天什么时候关门。④ 银行和超市之间有一个餐馆。2)Role-play the conversation in 2d.Step 2 Presentation 1)Show a picture of fun park.Ask students: Are you excited to try these in the fun park? 2)Show a ride to them and say: How do you think the ride? Is it fun or scary? Do you want to have a try? Step 3 Reading 1)Read the conversation in 3a quickly and true or false the sentences.① Alice and He Wei are in Water World.② The new ride looks scary.③ Alice was scary at first.④ Alice thinks the new ride is actually fun.⑤ He Wei thinks Fun Times Park restaurant severs delicious food.⑥ A rock band plays in Water World Restaurant every evening.⑦ Alice and He Wei can go later to the restaurant.2)Read the conversation again and answer the questions in 3a.1.Why did Alice not want to go on the new ride? How did she feel after the ride? 2.What is special about Uncle Bob’s restaurant?

3.Should Alice and He Wei get there early for dinner? Why? Step 4 Practice Rewrite them in a different way.e.g.I wonder where we should go next.Could you tell me where we could go next? Check the answers with the whole class.Step 6 Language points 1.I was scared at first, but shouting did help.此句相当于I was scared at first, but shouting really helped.原句是一种表现强调的句式,英语中,可用助动词do对谓语动词进行强调,构成强调句。e.g.Please do be careful.请一定小心。I do agree with you.我完全同意你的意见。

He did warn you other day, remember? 他前两天就告诫过你,还记得吗? 2.You never know until you try something.try的用法

1)做名词 have a try 试一试

e.g.Why not have a try? 为什么不试一试? 2)做动词

(1)try to do sth.努力做某事 e.g.Well, we’ll try to finish the homework in time.那好。我们争取及时完成作业。

(2)try doing sth.表示尝试着去做某事

e.g.--I usually go there by train.我通常乘火车去那儿。

--Why not try going by boat for a change? 为什么不换乘船呢?(3)try one’s best 尽某人最大的努力 e.g.Thank you.I will try my best.谢谢你。我会尽力而为的。

3.I suggest Water City Restaurant in Water World.suggest作动词,可意为―显示;间接表明‖,后可接宾语从句。e.g.His behavior suggested(that)he was a kind man.他的行为显示他是个好人。

suggest作―建议‖讲时,应注意以下两点: 1)suggest doing sth.建议做某事 e.g.I suggested going home.我建议回家。

2)suggest后接从句时,从句常用虚拟语气,谓语由―should +动词原形‖构成,should可以省略。

e.g.I suggested that we should go home.我建议我们回家。另外,suggestion是suggest的名词形式,作―建议‖讲时,是可数名词。e.g.Do you have any suggestions? 你有什么建议吗?

4.The restaurant is always busy, at that time so come a little earlier to get a table.用于―就餐‖的语境时,形容词busy相当于―吃饭人多;餐厅拥挤‖的意思;动词短语to get a table类似于汉语―定餐桌;占位子‖等意思。Step 7 Homework 1.背诵3a。

2.用―Could you tell me … ?‖写三个问路的句子。

第三课时Section A 3(Grammar focus-4c)Step 1 Revision 1.How did Alice and He Wei think of the new ride?Students say the sentences together? Alice thought that it looked pretty scary.He Wei thought that it would be fun.2.After the ride, Alice and He Wei talked about their feeling.Alice thought that was fun!She was scared at first, but shouting really did help.He Wei told Alice that ―You never know until you try something.‖ 3.Alice and He Wei talked about Uncle Bob’s.Alice thought this restaurant looked interesting.It seemed a rock band plays there every evening.He Wei suggested that they could have dinner there.Step 2 Grammar Focus 1)Let students complete the sentences.1.打扰了,你知道我能在哪买到一些药? Excuse me, do you know where ____ _____ buy some medicine? 2.当然,顺着这条街有个超市。

Sure.There is a supermarket down the street.3.请你告诉我怎样到邮局好吗? Could you please tell me _____ ____ get to the post office? 4.对不起,我不确定怎样到那。

______, I am ______ ______ how to get there.5.你能告诉我们今晚乐队什么时候开始演奏吗?

Can you tell us ______ ____ ______ ______ playing this evening? 6.晚上8点开始。It starts at 8:00 p.m.7.我想知道接下来我们该去哪儿。I ______ where we ______ _____ _____.8.你应该试试那个新的乘骑设施。You should try that new ride over there.2)Objective clauses with wh-questions 上一个单元我们已经学习了由that和whether, if引导的宾语从句。这个单元我们继续学习由疑问词引导的宾语从句。疑问词:疑问代词(what、whom、who、whose、which)疑问副词(when、where、why、how)。

语序:无论主句是陈述句还是疑问句,也无论主从句间是什么引导词,宾语从句一律用陈述语序,即―引导词+主语+谓语+其它‖。如:Could you tell me where Wei Fang lives? 时态


Jenny knows the man was flying a kite at that time.You will understand why I did it one day.总有一天你会明白我为什么那样做。

2.如果主句是一般过去时,宾语从句用过去时态的某种形式。如: I thought he had gone to town that day.我以为他那天进城去了。

3.如果宾语从句叙述的是客观事实、自然现象或科学真理等,从句不受主句时态的限制,用一般现在时。如: He said time is money.他说时间就是金钱。3)Practice 1.He asked ________ for the computer.A.did I pay how much B.I paid how much C.how much did I pay D.how much I paid 2.―Have you seen the film?‖ he asked me.He asked me _______.A.had I seen the film B.have I seen the film C.if I have seen the film D.whether I had seen the film 3.―You’ve already got well, haven’t you?‖ she asked.She asked ______.A.if I have already got well, hadn’t you B.whether I had already got well C.have I already got well D.had I already got well.4.He asked, ―How are you getting along?‖ He asked _______.A.how am I getting along B.how are you getting along C.how I was getting along D.how was I getting along 5.He asked me _____ told me the accident.A.whom B.which C.who D.whose 6.She asked me if I knew ______.A.whose pen is it B.whose pen it was C.whose pen it is D.whose pen was it Keys: DDBCCB Step 3 Function: Ask for information politely and follow directions 1)问路时应注意

① 问路时应首先说一声:―Excuse me.‖这样可以引起对方的注意,又不失礼貌。

② 当你没听清时,你可以说一声―Excuse me, would you please say it again?‖(对不起,请您再说一遍好吗?)或―I beg your pardon?‖(对不起,请再说一遍好吗?)等,礼貌地要求对方重复一遍。

③ 问完路后,千万不要忘记向对方说句―Thank you for helping me.‖ 或―Thank you.‖

④ 问路时经常会用到―向左(右)拐‖这样的表达,英语对此有两种常见的说法,即turn left(right)或turn to the left(right)。表示 ―在左(右)边‖,英语用介词on或at均可。2)用英语问路及其回答

① Excuse me, can you tell me where the railway station is? 打扰一下,请问火车站在哪儿? ② Excuse me, but can you tell me the way to the train station?

劳驾,请问去火车站怎么走? ③ Excuse me, could you tell me which is the way to the nearest hospital? 劳驾,请问去最近的医院怎么走? ④ Excuse me, would you please show me the way to the post office? 请告诉我去邮局怎么走好吗? ⑤ Excuse me, would you mind telling me the way to the police station? 劳驾,请告诉我去警察局怎么走好吗?

⑥ Excuse me, how can I get to No.1 Middle School? 劳驾,请问去一中怎么走? ⑦ Excuse me, is this the right way to the People’s Park?

打扰了,请问去人民公园走这条路对吗? ⑧ Excuse me.Could you tell me if there is a Qiaotou Middle School near here? 打扰了,请问桥头中学是否在这附近? ⑨ Excuse me.Do you know how I can get to Qiaotou Middle School? = Excuse me.Do you know how to get to Qiaotou Middle School? 请问,你知道怎样去桥头中学吗? 3)指路的方法

① Take along with this street, and … is on you left.② Go down this way, and turn left at the first crossing, and you’ll find … is right there, on your left.③… is behind(near, next to, on the left of)…

④ You can just take NO.111 bus, and get off at the second station.And you’ll see it.⑤ Look!… is in front of us far away, right there!Step 4 Practice 1)Rewrite the questions in 4a to make them more polite.① Where can I buy some grapes or other fruit? ② How does this CD player work? ③ How do I get to the Central Library?

④ Is the Italian restaurant nearby open on Mondays? Get students write down their answers in their books.2)What should each person ask in the following situations? Let students write down their answers and them say their answers one by one.① Tim is very hungry.Could you tell me where I can get something to eat? Excuse me, would you mind telling me how I can get to a nearby restaurant? Pardon me, do you know if there’s a restaurant around here? ② Sally needs to mail a letter.③ Helen needs to know when the bike shop closes.④ Ben is wondering if there’s a bank in the shopping center.3)Ask students to write four questions that a tourist might ask about your city/ town.Then role-play conversations with your partner.Step 5 Exercises Translate the sentences into Chinese.① 请你到那后给我打个电话好吗? ② 请在这条路的尽头向右转。

③ 你能告诉我在哪里可以买到一些邮票吗? ④ 你可否告诉我火车什么时候到达武汉? Step 6 Homework 假如你到一个陌生的城市去旅游,你想向当地人了解一些关于那个城市的 东西,请编写一个你和当地人的小对话。

第四课时Section B1(1a-2d)Step 1 Revision You are a tourist in a city, you want to know something about the city.Make a conversation about asking information politely.A: Could you please tell me where the nearest bank is? B: Sure, go east along this street, then you’ll see it.A: Can you tell me if there is a delicious restaurant near here? B: Sure.Walk along this street, the restaurant is on you right.A: And do you know where the biggest hospital is? B: Go down this street, turn left at the first crossing, you will see it.A: After dinner, I want to buy a pair of shoes, would you mind telling me where the nearest supermarket is? B: It’s over there, just across from you.A: Haha!I see it.Thank you very much!B: You are welcome.Step 2 Lead in 1)Talk about places in your city.2)Show some pictures of places and discuss what qualities are important for each place.Step 3 1a & Pairwork 1a What qualities are important for each place? Write the words from the box next to each place below.Write the most important words first.Pair work 1b Talk about places in your city using the words in 1a.A: The Fun Arts Museum is really interesting.B: Yes, and it’s beautiful, too.A: ….Step 4 Listening(1c)1)Listen and check the sentences you hear.Conversation 1 ______ You can go to Green Land.Conversation 2 _____ Could you tell me where the bookstore is? 2)Listen to the conversations and complete the sentences.(1c)Conversation 1 The boy asks about ___________, and the clerk tells him to go to Green Land.Conversation 2 The girl asks about _________, and the clerk tells her to go to the corner of Market and Middle Streets.Conversation 3 The mother asks about ________.The father wants to go to a ________ museum.The younger girl wants to go to a _______ museum.The boy wants to go to a __________ museum.The older girl wants to go to an ______ museum.The clerk suggests they go to the _________ museum.3)Listen again and answer the questions(1d)Conversation 1 The boy asks about restaurants, the clerk suggests him go to Green Land, they have delicious salad.…

Step 5 Practice Role-play the conversations between the clerk and the tourist.A: Can you tell me where there’s good place to eat? B: Of course.What kind of food do you like? A: I’d like fresh vegetables.B: You can go to Green Land, they have delicious salad.A: ….Step 6 Presentation 2a Where do you need to make polite requests? Think of some possible situations.Discuss them with your partner.1)If you need help with your homework, what would you ask.① Your mother or father

Mom, Can you help me with my homework? ② Your best friend

Can you help me with my homework? ③ A teacher.Excuse me, Sir? Could you please help me with my homework? 2)Zhang Ming is traveling in the USA.He wants to go to a small town but he doesn't know the way now.What should he do? Step 7 Discussion Discuss the language you used to make this request(要求,请求).Was it the same each time? If not, discuss why not.Step 8 Reading 1)Read the article and match paragraph with its main idea.Paragraph 1(adv.礼貌地)….Paragraph 2.… Paragraph 3 2)Read the article again and answer the questions.Read paragraph 1 and answer the question.What else do we need to learn besides asking a question correctly when you ask for help? We need to learn how to be polite when we ask for help.Read paragraph 2 and answer the question.What do we need to think about when you talk to different people? We need to think about whom we speak to or how well we know them.Read paragraph 3 and answer the question.What can lead in to a request with a stranger on the street? ―Excuse me, I wonder if you can help me‖ or ―I’m sorry to trouble you, but …‖ before asking for help.2c Find all the direct questions and polite requests from the passage.1.2d Read the requests below.In the second column, write A if you would say it to someone you know and B if you would say it to a stranger.In the last column, write where you think these people are.Step 9 Language points 1.Both are correct, but the first one sounds less polite.less + 形容词或副词,构成降级比较形式,相当于中文―不那么;稍许不……‖之意。e.g.His second movie is less interesting.他的第二部电影就没那么有趣。

2.It might seem more difficult to speak politely than directly.情态动词might 表达一种可能性及推测的不确定性,意思与表达可能性的may相当,表示―有可能,也许会‖,但语气更加委婉,更不确定。e.g.He might come, but it’s very unlikely.他也许会来,但非常靠不住。

3.However, it is important to learn how to use the right language in different situations.it作形式主语 【梳理】 在英语中,如果主语是较长的动词不定式或一个句子,为了保持句子结构的平衡,避免头重脚轻,通常用it作形式主语放在句首,而把真正的主语放在句尾。常见的句型有:

1)It is + adj.(+ for + sb.)+ to do sth.。常用于此句型的形容词有important, difficult, dangerous, necessary, useful, possible等,用来对to do sth.进行说明。如: It’s difficult for us to finish the work in an hour.2)It is + adj.+ of + sb.+ to do sth.。常用于此句型的形容词有good, kind, nice, clever, wise等,用来对sb.的性格、品质等进行说明。如:It’s kind of you to say so.Step 10 Exercises 请根据汉语意思完成下列英语句子(每空一词)。1.对他来说,回答那个问题是十分困难的。It’s very hard ____ him ____ _______ that question.2.你这样说真是太好了。

It’s very kind ____ you ____ ____ so.3.我们在阅览室里保持安静是十分必要的。

It’s necessary ______ ______(should)keep quiet in the reading room.It’s necessary for us _______ ______ ______ in the reading room.Keys: 1.for;to answer 2.of, to say 3.that we, to keep quiet Step 11 Homework Write a guide to a place that you know well.第五课时Section B 2(3a—Self check)Step 1 Revision 1)Write down the phrases ① 提出礼貌的要求 ② 听起来更礼貌 ③ 一个很直接的问题 ④ 请求帮助 ⑤ 在不同的情形下 ⑥ 取决于 ⑦ 你所用的表达方式 ⑧ 比如 ⑨ 花时间导入 ⑩ 变得更擅长 2)Fill in the blanks according to 2b.When you visit a _______ country, it is _________ to know how to ask for help ______.For example, ―Where are the restrooms?‖ or ―Could you _____ tell me where the ________ ___?‖ these are similar ________ for _________ you may ask.Both are _______ English, but the first one sounds _____ polite.That is because it is a very ______ question.It is not enough to just ask a question ________.We also need to learn how to be polite — when we ask for _____.In English, ___ in Chinese, we change the way we ______ in different _________.The expressions you use might _______ ___ whom you are speaking to ___ how well you know them.If you say to your teacher, ―When is the school trip?‖ this might sound ________.But if you say, ―Excuse me, Mr.West, do you know when the school trip ___?‖, this will sound _____ more polite.However, it is all right to ask direct questions to your classmates because you know them ____.It might seem more _______ to speak politely than _______.It is important to learn how to use _____ ________ in different situations.This will also help you ___________ better with other people.Step 2 Presentation Imagine you are going on a short study vacation at a school in an English-speaking country.What would you like to know before you go? Write some polite, indirect questions about the following topics.The topics are: ① The course you will study ② The time of the course ③ Where and what you can eat ④ Where you will stay ⑤ What activities you can do ⑥ Travel to the school

Keys: 1.Q: Excuse me, can you tell me what course I will study? 2.Q: Pardon me, could you please tell me when the course will start? 3.Q: Excuse me, would you mind telling me where and what I can eat? 4.Q: Excuse me, do you know where I will stay? 5.Q: Excuse me, can you tell me what activities I can do? 6.Q: Pardon me, could you please tell me how to get to school? Step 3 Practice Make conversations according to the information in 3a.Step 4 Writing 1)Write a polite letter to the school asking for the information you want to know.Use your notes in 3a.In your letter, you should: introduce yourself say when you are coming politely ask for information thank the person for helping you 2)Use the following expressions to help you: My name is … and I’m from … I’ll be coming to your school for … I’d like to know about …

I would like to thank you for… I’m looking forward to your reply.3)写作指导:本次写作内容是一封书信,信的开头和结尾已经给出。但我 们还是要记住书信的格式,便于今后自己运用。信中首先要介绍自己,然后告诉你去他们学校的时间,然后同学们可根据在3a环节中所问到的 问题来礼貌的询问你想知道的信息。One possible version: Dear Sir or Madam, I’ll be coming to your school soon for a short study vacation.I will leave your school on July 10th.I am a boy from China.I am in Grade Nine.I like English, I also like doing sports.I am glad that I can study in your school.I’d like to know more information about the school.Could you tell me what course I will study in your school? And I also want to know when the course will start.I want to know where I will stay.Can you tell me? Would you mind telling me where and what I can eat in your school? I like all kinds of activities.Could you please tell me what activities I can do in your school? The last question, can you tell me how I can get to your school? I would like to thank you for helping me and I look forward to your reply.Yours faithfully student He Wei Step 5 Self Check 1)Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.2)Write questions and answers using the words given.Step 6 Language points 1.I’m looking forward to your reply.look forward to期待,盼望。后面接名词或者动名词。e.g.I look forward to your good news.我等待你的好消息。Look forward to hearing from you.期待你的来信。2.I would like to thank you for…

thanks for―因……而感谢‖,是客套用语,thanks相当于thank you,for强调为何而感谢,其后可接名词或V-ing。

e.g.Thanks for lending me the money.多谢您借钱给我。

Thanks for reminding.I’d forgotten all about his coming this afternoon.谢谢你提醒我,我完全忘了他今天下午要来。

3.I need to plan my time better.1)plan sth.计划某事,后接名词。

e.g.I want to plan my summer vacation.我想要计划我的暑假。2)plan to do sth.计划去做某事,to是动词不定式。

e.g.They plan to have a sports meeting.他们计划开运动会。3)plan for sth.关于……的计划,plan是名词。Step 7 Homework 根据3b的内容写一封回信。

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