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词汇(7上Unit 1)


S1 Unit1词汇分类讲解及回顾 名词(n.)

title, greeting, address, signature, street, magazine, hobby, restaurant, accountant, rugby, badminton, tennis, engineer, middle, age, table tennis, left, information, grade, captain, future, handwriting, sky 动词(v.)

stand, complete, reply, choose 形容词(adj.)

dear, keen, primary, difficult, small

介词(prep)as, around 1.hobby c.n.e.g.My hobby is playing computer games.My hobbies are______________________________________________.2.in the middle 在中间 in the middle of…在……中间 e.g.in the middle of the classroom 3.on the left/right 4.information 信息u.n

message 消息,信息c.n 5.I’m in Class Two Grade Three./ Class 2 Grade 3.6.in future和in the future的区别

in future =from now on:今后,从此以后;指从说话是开始的全部将来时间. e.g.1)Please be more careful in future.今后小心点。

2)In future, make sure the door is never left unlocked.今后一定要注意把门锁上。in the future:将来,未来;指的是将来某一时间,但是不一定是从现在就立即开始 e.g.No one can foresee what will happen in the future.没人能预见将来会发生什么事。7.complete vt.a.填写

Complete the sentences in the exercise by filling in the blanks.在空白处填充使练习中各句成为完整句。


By the end of August we had completed the work.我们到八月底就完成了这项工作。


a.vi.回答,答复[(+to)] They did not reply to our new proposal.他们对我们的新建议没有作出答复。

He has not yet replied to my question.他还没有回答我的问题。

b.vt.答复[+(that)] She replied that she was happy to accept our invitation.她回复说她很高兴接受我们的邀请。

I did not know what to reply.我不知道怎么回答好。

9.be keen on+ n./doing sth 热衷于…… The boy is keen on playing computer games.10.difficult adj.difficulty n.11.as

副词 ad.1.跟...一样地,同样地

Sam is as rich as Alexander.山姆像亚历山大一样富有。


Such animals as foxes and squirrels have bushy tails.有些动物,如狐和松鼠,有蓬松的尾巴。

介词 prep.1.作为,以...的身份

She works as an interpreter in that company.她在该公司里担任翻译员。


She didn't think much of him as a painter.她对他作为一位画家评价不高。


The old woman was dressed as a young lady.这位老妇人打扮得像一位年轻人。

连接词 conj.1.像...一样;依照;像

You ought to do as Paul tells you.你应按照保罗吩咐的做。

The work is not so difficult as you imagine.这工作不像你想像的那么困难。


As she left the room she remembered that book.她离开房间时想起了那本书。


As the sun rose the fog dispersed.太阳一出来,雾随之消失。


We didn't know what to do as we were just visiting there.我们不知道该怎么办,因为当时我们仅仅在那里作访问。


Tired as he was, he sat up late.他虽然疲倦,可仍然很晚才睡。

代词 pron.1.(与such,the same,as等连用,引导关系从句)与...相同的事物(或人)He has earned as much money as I have.他赚的钱和我赚的一样多。

She felt just the same as he did.她和他的感受相同。

There is a general rise in prices such as occurred in the late 60's.物价普遍上涨,跟六十年代末一样。


She has married again, as was expected.她已再婚,这是意料中的事。

We are tired, as anyone can see.我们累了,这是有目共睹的。

e.g.As a student, I must study hard.be famous as + 称号/职位 作为……而著名=be known as be famous for… 因……而著名=be known for 12.around 副词 ad.1.到处,四处

Just drive me around.开车带我四处走走就行了。


Let me see if he is around.我看看他是否在附近。


She turned around to see who was calling her.她转身看谁在叫她。


The windmill kept turning around.风车不停地转动着。


The journey will take around ten days.这次旅行大约要用十天时间。

介词 prep.4 1.围绕,环绕

They sat around the table.他们围桌而坐。


Ann travelled around Europe for a few months.安妮在欧洲各地旅游了数月。


She liked to work around her own home.她喜爱在她自己家的附近工作。


They went around the town, not through it.他们没有穿过而是绕过该镇而行。


He went to the United States around 1987.他大约是在一九八七年去美国的

S2 ☆ ☆课堂速记(7分钟)→Dictation S3 Exercise 1.The old man is very rich.He o________ many supermarkets and factories.2.I can’t send letters to her because I don’t have her a________.3.My two brothers study physics best.They want to be an e________.4.The girl often borrows books and m________ from the library.5.Alice is a shy girl and her h________ is reading books at home.6.I have a p________.He often writes to me.7.The math question is too d________.Let’s ask our math teacher for help.8.We had dinner in an Italian r________.The food is very special there.9.What do you want to do in the f________.10.We can get some i________ about the school from the Internet.Phrases 1.Your name and address are in penfriends magazine.2.I would like to be your penfriend.would like to do sth = want to do sth= feel like doing sth 想做某事

3.work as + 职业

e.g.My father works as a doctor.4.enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事 e.g.I enjoy seeing films.5.be in glasses= wear glasses 6.one of +c.n.(复数)其中……之一 e.g.She is one of my friends.one of +最高级+ c.n.(复数)其中最……之一 e.g.He is one of the tallest boys in our class.7.do exercise 锻炼身体 8.last v.持续

e.g.The rain lasts for 3 days.9.at the beginning of +时间/空间

at the end of +时间/空间 10.be friendly/kind/polite/rude to sb 6


Unit 1 My name’s Gina 本单元的主要内容是学习介绍自己、问候他人、询问和告知电话号码的句型以及相关的单词。1.打开书本P87,跟读单词两遍。打开典中点第二页做一、二两题。

2.Section A 1)Nice to meet you.很高兴见到你!

A)Nice to meet you,too.见到你我也很高兴。

初次见面用语,是固定句式。常常是在第三个人介绍后,表示客气的用语。也可以是自己互相介绍。书本 P1图片中可知。

初次见面的寒暄语另有:Nice/Glad/Pleased to meet you!初次见面将要结束谈话时,Nice meeting you!见到你很高兴



He likes to play soccer very much.I like it,too.“ 太”修饰形容词或副词的原级。It’s too hot today.2)What’s your name?你叫什么名字?

A)询问对方姓名的特殊疑问句。结构:what+be+主语?回答:My name’s…/I’m../I am +姓名


B)your:形容词性物主代词,“你的;你们的”在句子中做定语。This is your book.Your和yours区别:your做形容词性物主代词,相当于形容词,放在名词前;


This is your apple.=This apple is yours.这是你的苹果。3)Hello,Alan.I’m Ms.Brown.Ms.做名词,意为“女士”,不指明婚否。引申:Mr.先生



Miss 小姐 4)Good morning!I’m Cindy.Good morning 用于比较正式的场合,在非正式场合下,可以用Morning.即可。其回答语仍然用 Good morning.5)I’m=I am 我是

我是某某。I am XX。

注意:在一般疑问句回答中,I am 不能缩写。

Hello=hi 随便的,不分场合的一种问候语,其回答语也是hello/hi


6)what’s his name? 询问他人姓名的句型。

His 形容词性物主代词,意为“他的”

This is his hat.这是他的帽子。His与he’s的区别


2、His:他的 e.g.His eraser is green.He’s:他是

e.g.He’s a student in Class 4.6)And what’s her name?


e.g.What’s is it? It’s an apple.And what is that? It’s an orange.And还可在句中连接并列的主语、宾语等。E.g.Tom and Lucy go to school at 8:00.This is Susan and that is John.6)Her :形容词性物主代词,“她的” her也可做宾格代词,放在动词后做宾语

e.g.Her mother is at home.Her brother asks her to go home with him.物主代词归纳:



第三人称 形容词性物主代词



his her its 名词性物主代词



his hers its 含义

我的 你的 他的 她的 它的

7)Are you Helen? 你是海伦吗?

Yes, I am.是的,我是。

一般疑问句时疑问句的一种,可以用Yes/No回答。含有be动词的一般疑问句的结构: Be(am is are)+主语+其他?

Is this your book?



e.g.Can you sing?No,I can’t.二、助动词+主语+谓语+其他?

e.g.Do you like Chinese? No, I don’t.4.section B 1)zero:零。为数词。

复数为zeros e.g.冬天温度低于0度。In winter,the temperature is below zero.One:做数词,表示“一;一个”

I have one book.做代词,“一个人或(物)”I like this one.Zero~nine 基数词:表示数目的词语

A)表示数字、年龄、日期等。He is five years old.B)表示编号。Look at Page Two.C)表示电话号码,按单个基数词读出。My telephone number is … D)表示时刻。It’s 9:00.引申:表示顺序的词叫序数词,“第几”

2)what’s your telephone number, Li Xin?

what’s … telephone number?为询问别人电话号码的句型。电话号码是一个整体,因此可以看做是一个单数。回答的时候用It’s 123456.Telephone 作名词,意为:电话;电话机 其缩写为phone

作动词,意为:打电话,直接接sb。Telephone sb

Number 做名词,意为“号码;数字”,可数名词。

Telephone number电话号码

QQ number QQ号码

ID number 身份证号码

3)What’s your first name?你叫什么名字?

First name :名字

相当于given name His first name is Tom。注意:英语国家人们的姓名由两部分或三部分组成:第一部分是名,第二部分是中间名,第三部分是姓。

First是“第一”的意思,是序数词,表示顺序,和one相对应。E.g This is my first time to school.I have one book at home.Last name 意为“姓氏”,相当于family name

e.g My family/last name is Liu.中国人名姓在前,名在后。姓和名的首字母都要大写,且中间空一格; e.g.Zhang Ling 张玲

last:adj最后的;末尾的Don’t be the last one.v 持续 How long does the meeting last? 4)friend:名词,“朋友”;

Friendly:adj,友好的 be friendly to

He is friendly to everyone.5)My friend is in China.“In+国家” 在…里。


china小写的时候意思为“瓷器” Chinese:名词:中国人;汉语

I can speak Chinese.形容词,中国人的,中国的Chinese history 专有名词首字母 大写的

专有名词是表示人、地方、事物等特有的名词,它的第一个字母要大写。人名:Tom。Peter 地名:New York, 节日,月份,星期:Christams,February, Monday 5)做一个简短的总结今天所讲得内容







一、单词: 1.a:/2.be born : was/were 12.I was born in Nanjing but now I live with

3.everyone: 动词用单数,each + n(单)+动词单数my family in Beijing.(everything/someone)


4.reading: in the Reading Club(Swimming,Simple Present Tense

Dancing)1.be : am/is/are+介词/名词/形容词

5.hard: work hard, study(ies)hard 2.do/does/don’t/doesn’6.swimming: go swimming, be good at swimming,eg.1._____ you good at football?

swim(动词),swimmer(名词)2._____ you like playing football?

7.enjoy:3.______ she a good student?

8.4.______ he at home?

9.5.______ they swim in the swimming pool?

10.walk: walk sb, take sb for a walk6.____Kate and Tom in the Reading Club?

11.news: 不可数,12.player(n): play(v),play football 练习:

13.1.Do you like playing ______(网球)at school?

14.borrow: borrow…2.Drawing is one of my_______(hobby).15.say: say sth in English(speak/tell/talk)3.Amy is her _______(good)friend of all.16.sound: sound(s)great/wonderful/nice 4.I’d like ________(be)your friend.二、短语 5.His idea________(听起来)very great.1.come from/be from(Do/Does, Is/Are)6.My father reads________(报纸)after supper.2.listen to music/ the radio 7.We_______(should)talk in class.8.The book is very_____(help)to us.4.walk home/ to school 9.My sister ______(not watch)TV every day.5.go running/swimming/fishing/boating 10.There____(be)a man and two women there.11.Tom and his father______(live)in Beijing.12.He scores 10______(goal)in 5 ______(比赛).’s team 13.He’s good at_____.He’s a good____(swim).9.play with sb 14.It__________(snow)in winter in China.15.He________(not be)good at drawing.16.He often ____(carry)water for the old man

12.have lots of friends 17._____ he _____(do)his homework at home?

13.know …18.I don’t know the_____(答案)to his questions

14.take the dog for a walk/walk the dog 19.Are there any________(图书馆)in the city?

20.We are the_______(主人)of our country.三、重要句子 21.Is he the______(new)student in your class?

22.One of the________(选手)is from Beijing.23.Our teacher often________(步行)to school.24.Do you know _______(who)bike it is?

25.Who_____(like)football in your class?

5.I usually go half an hour in the 26.Can she_______(understand)your words?

morning.27.She often______(wash)clothes on Sundays.28.______(be)everyone at home now?

7.He is my favourite football player the school 29.There_________(有)two books on the desk.football team.30.He enjoys_________(chat)with his friends.31.Her father______(make)a kite now.Unit1重要知识点

第四篇:七下词汇句型 unit1


Unit 1

1.弹奏乐器/吉他/钢琴/小提琴/鼓 2.下棋/打牌

3.打(踢)篮球/足球/排球/羽毛球/网球 4.唱歌


7.我既不会唱歌也不会跳舞。8.我喜欢我能随之舞蹈的音乐。(定从,dance to)

9.我喜欢我能哼唱的音乐。(定从,sing along with)



12.我是名教师,我教书教得好(3)。我有丰富的英语教学经验。(have rich/much experience in…;an experienced …)

13.一个运动俱乐部/ 一次运动会/运动用品/一双运动鞋(名词作定语的一般情况:单数;名词作定语的特殊情况:woman/man, sports)


15.加入俱乐部/入团(the Youth League)/参军/入党

16.我能加入(跟)你们一起(活动)吗? 17.欢迎你加入到我们当中来。

18.和我一起去游泳吗?join sb.in(doing)sth.19.他们同她一起参观了伦敦。(a visit to London)20.参加、加入(竞赛、娱乐、游戏等活动)(2)


22.越来越多的国家(more and more)参加了奥运会。(The Olympic Games)


24.瑞士(Switzerland, the Swiss)没有参加两次世界大战。(the world wars)

25.We are going to visit the flower show tomorrow.Will you ______ us?

The children _________ the English Evening and had a good time.26.一则招聘广告

27.We want students for the school show.= Students _______ ______for the school show.(被动语态)

28.一个谈话类节目/电视节目 29.给某人展示、看(2)



我正带我的父母参观我的新学校。31.also, too, as well也,还


She sings, and also paints sometimes.John is also coming to the party.I can also speak English.I’m cold and I’m also hungry and tired.They know him and I know him also.as well一般放在句末,强调它所修饰的部分。I like John and I like his wife ___________.Does the price include breakfast only, or dinner _____ _____ ?这个价格只包括早餐,还是也包括晚餐? not only ….but(also)…

1)not only所连接的成分和but(also)所连接的成分要对等,即名词对名词,动词对动词,介词短语对介词短语等。


不仅我,而且Tom和Mary都喜欢看电视。英国人和美国人(the British and the Americans)不但说相同的语言,而且有很多相同的风俗习惯(customs)。

浅的和鲜艳的颜色(light and bright colors)不但使人看了高兴,也会使人更加活泼。2)当not only… but(also)…连接主语时,谓语动词的数应服从就近原则:but also 后面的名词或代词决定谓语的数。

Not only the teacher but also the students _____ invited.(is,are)

不仅仅你,而且我也应受到责备。(be to blame)

Not only I but also Jane and Mary ______ tired of having one test after another.A.is B.are C.am D.be 32.在敬老院

33.你七月有空吗?/ 你放学后忙吗? 34.你周末有时间吗?

35.我们需要你在运动方面给予那些说英语的学生们帮助。(2)help with/ help(to)do 36.教某人……/ 教某人做……

Ms Wei 教我们英语。她教我们如何把英语学好。




U2 复习

一,单项选择题–Excuse me, where is Jim?-Oh, he ______ dumplings in the kitchen.A makesB will makeC is makingD made–Hurry up!It’s time to leave.-Ok, _______

A I comeB I’ve comeC I’ll comeD I’m coming–Who _____ cover there now?A dancingB is dancingC are danceD dance 4 It’s 8o’clock.The students _____ an English class.A haveB havingC is havingD are havingDon’t turn on the TV.Grandma _____ now.A is sleepingB will sleepC sleptD sleeps 6 Look!The children ____ their mother do the housework.A wantB helpC are helpingD are lookingMy mother _____ TV.A looking atB is seeingC watchingD is watching-______ you ____ a book?-Yes, I am.A Do;readB Are;readC Are;readingD Are;lookingKate _____, the others ______.A sing;listenB is singing;is listeningC sing;are listeningD is singing;are listening 10 Tom _____ the piano in the room.Please ask him to come here.A playB playsC playedD is playing

二,单词拼写题At last, her hair grew into a n__________ gray.Deaf people c__________ with each other in sign language.An earthquake sometimes can d_______ the whole city.We can make useful materials out of r________.She d________ and was never heard of again.三,完成句子你有患感冒的危险。You are _____________ of catching cold.年轻人应该关心老人。The young people should _______________ the old.总而言之,我们必须尽力去做这项工作。

In one word, we must ______ our _______ to do the job.警卫不让他通过大门。The guard ______ him ______ going through the gate.在我看来,有志者事竟成。

In _______________ , where there is a will, there is a way.6她可以照顾好自己的,别担心。She can ______ good ____________ herself.Don’t worry.7 因为病了,所以他没有上学。He didn’t go to school ___________ his illness yesterday.8 从现在起,我们应该停止砍伐树木了。

We should stop _______________ the trees from now on.这段时间琳达一直在努力学习中文。

These days, Linda ________________ Chinese hard.生物需要新鲜空气。Living things need ________________.那个记者正在会议室采访那个科学家。

That reporter ______________ that scientist in the meeting room.这是地球上最古老的树木吗?Is this the ______ tree _____________ ?



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